A Change Is Gonna Come

If Wenger doesn’t push for changes he may not be in control much longer

A Change Is Gonna Come

Third Kit – Are we Tottenham in a not very good disguise?

Watching Arsene Wenger's AGM speech online at the AGM filled me with pride that a such a well respected manager was at our club and making the statements he was about our side. In particular his philosophy about bring the players in at a young age so that they will love the club and how he feels he has to follow through this long term project at the expense of leaving for clubs like Real Madrid.

It was the speech of a very intelligent person clearly relishing his role as manager and loving being part of such an historic football club with Corinthian values that make it more an institution than a business, and it nearly brought tears to my eyes. Fast forward 48 hours and tears did come to my eyes, tears of absolute frustration that another team had been allowed not just to get up off the floor after being hopelessly outclassed but that my team should be turned out looking like "The Spuds"

If a team turns up for a game dressed up like the Spuds sooner or later they are going to end up playing like "The Spuds". Seeing the blue shorts and white tops in the flesh for the first time made me cringe - I hate my team turned out like our biggest rivals whose fans repeatedly make our manager the butt of the most vile abuse imaginable - whose crazy idea was this and why don't REDAction or AISA get the board to promise we will never wear those colours in that combination again.

However I think the shirts just added to my realization that despite AW’s great presentation to the shareholders just days later his words melted away in a battle against the second from bottom team - we are the same fragile outfit as last season. In a nutshell we think that playing brilliant football is enough and teams will fold under the weight of our sublime football skills. (Read Simon Rose's blog on 27th Oct)

However the recent news that Stan Kroenke has purchased more shares taking him very close to the tipping point of 29.9% brings us closer to change, while the board had no overall leader the pressure on Arsene was light - Fourth spot will do nicely as it means no financial shocks throughout the year and income and expenditure can be fully planned. Kroenke did not become a billionaire by finishing as an also ran, once either he or (God forbid) Usmanov win control, money will be found and Arsene will be given some of the funds needed to compete with Man U and the Chavs.

Arsene's line that the squad does not need improving will not do, the testing point will be when the new owner goes to AW and says we need better players to win the Premiership. That is when Arsene will feel he no longer has the same level of control over the team - the new owner will interfere because he will want to win the top prizes- that moment could signal the beginning of the end of Arsene's stay at our great club.

So please Arsene start asking for the money and have a list of players ready for the January window (I am not going to list what we need because every Gooner knows that). I want you to push for funds now and start thinking about hurting a few of our players as a bit of "hard love" is what 's needed now. If you don't I fear we will lose you, because once the real boss interferes, you, our greatest asset, a person who is not just a very intelligent man but a brilliant coach and a thoroughly decent human being, will wake up and realize that you are no longer the decision maker regarding who plays for our club.

A change is gonna come Arsene - please be the one who makes those changes.

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