I got a letter

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I got a letter

Wenger: Let’s put it all together? (Those born after the mid-60s can ignore this rather poor caption)

‘I got a letter’ - A title of old Stylistics song back in the Seventies when men were men, coal was still mined and Health & Safety was a spawning quango and not the force it is today.

Anyway this letter (Ed’s note – reproduced at the bottom of this article for those who do not subscribe to the Wenger’s View email from Arsenal) told me that as a supporter of Arsenal your manager was very disappointed with Sunday's result and that the 0-3 scoreline was an unfair reflection of the game.

Well I thought it could not have been the game I watched because 0-3 was a very fair reflection of the game I saw. Indeed I am just glad Chelsea got bored with the ease in which they were winning the game and started to rest players halfway through the second half. However, I did think it was a nice touch to leave the one man demolition squad called Drogba on, because according to the man who signed the letter - he does not do a lot and does not touch the ball very often. Well thank f**k for that say I, because if he had touched it a lot we would have lost 0 – 6.

Anyway, this guy who does not touch the ball a lot did a few things that made me think he does do a lot. First he took a ball on his chest and spun past a couple of kids trying to jump up and grab his collar as he strode of towards our goal - bowling over our midfield enforcer in the process, next he got between our two centre backs to score the first goal, then in the second half a young lad fancying his chances shoulder charged him. This poor lad with a load of tattoos was hit so hard he was last seen cartwheeling out of ‘The E******s’.

This big bully of a player was then offered the opportunity to clear the mighty height of our Russian forward as he faced him in the wall - a bit unscrupulous of him not to tell our ‘goal minder’ where he was going to put the ball because our Spanish lad was not ready - well not ready for the ball to be hit so hard or in such a difficult spot to get his athletic frame across the goal and make a save.

Anyway the letter was a weekly view from our manager and it was an official Arsenal e – mail. I felt like a Russian housewife in a bread queue after reading that the wheat harvest was 50% up on last year and that tractor production was on the increase. Now the thing with propaganda is that you must not let the people you are trying to kid see with their own eyes what really has happened and as one of 60,000 who really did see what happened last Sunday, can I just ask Arsenal FC not to send me any more ‘Wenger's View’ weekly e-mails.

It is bad enough with our own government lying to us everyday about the state of the economy but when the club you love and support starts to do it that hurts deeply, in future I shall only read "Gooner" magazine based editorials and articles on my team because if I wanted delusion I would have supported the mob near Northumberland Park station not the great institution called Arsenal after all we do have standards.

Wenger's View - The Official Manager's Email - 29 November 2009

I do not think title race is over

Dear Supporter,

We are all very disappointed with the result on Sunday, but I feel the 3-0 scoreline against Chelsea was a very unfair reflection of the game, but we cannot change it now.

I believe that Chelsea had absolutely everything going for them on Sunday and we can only respond in our next game. With their first shot on goal, they scored. With their second cross, they scored. And after it was difficult.

The turning point was when the referee disallowed Arshavin's 'goal' early in the second half. I feel it was a very unfair decision. That was a very important goal in this kind of game, and I feel it was a mistake by the referee.

Of course, Chelsea are in a very strong position now, but this team, for me, they can drop points. I'm convinced of that. That's an impression I have. Before we speak about the title, we now have to get back to winning games.

Also when you look back at the game, I think Carlos Vela could have had a penalty. I think it was at least a foul on the edge of the box. If the referee gives a foul when Drogba scored from his free-kick, he cannot say it was not a foul on Vela. But I do not want to talk too much about the referee. I think we make mistakes; we need to look at ourselves and ask why we conceded the goals.

Drogba is a good player. It's funny because he doesn't do a lot, but he's efficient in what he does. You would be surprised by the number of balls he touched on Sunday. But Drogba is a great player, nobody can deny that. He's very efficient. I think as well, at the moment he's in a period where he kicks the ball and it goes in. On the first goal, at the moment he has complete confidence and he doesn't wonder 'will I score or not?'. He just goes for it and he did very well. It's a great goal, the first one, but it's a goal of a striker in complete confidence.

I do not think the title race is over. I think we are fighters and we have to show that in the next game. The problem we have at the moment is that people will not believe in us, so we have to make sure that lack of belief does not diminish our belief.

That's where we have to be mentally stronger than we were until now. Because until now, we had some credit that we earned at the start of the season from the 'specialists', and then we a lose a game. And now it will be harder for us.

Thanks for your continued support.

Arsène Wenger

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