Taxi for Wenger

Games v Utd and Chelsea show Arsenal are light years behind

Taxi for Wenger

Denilson – How badly must he play to get dropped?

Well that's it as far as I'm concerned. Enough is enough. Your time is up. Funny how Mr. Wenger came out all guns blazing after the match to deflect attention off himself and onto the team, blaming 'massive individual errors'. The most glaring individual errors are all his - persisting with a hapless goalkeeper, refusing to buy a proper centre forward, starting Denilson week in week out (how badly must he play to get dropped?). That must have been the weakest Man Utd team we have faced for some time, we had our first choice defence, and frankly the scoreline flattered us. That is the gulf between us and them right now.

I have resisted the growing feeling of discontent with our manager from those around me for some time now on the basis that we do not know all the facts about the mandate he has been given. Is there money to spend or not? Has he been asked to merely maintain top four status for a few years on the cheap while the new stadium starts to pay for itself and the Highbury development work is completed? It seems plausible and he seems the sort of bloke who would protect the board and take the flak himself, so if that is what I must judge him on then I applaud the man - but I need to know.

I can't recall exactly but I am sure among the reasons cited for the move from Highbury was a claim that this was needed if we were to be able to compete at the highest level of European competition. If this is what we have achieved then frankly I'd rather we moved back. It was more fun fighting for 4th spot in the old place and our expectations were realistic. In what respect have we moved forward other than increased gate receipts? Increasingly I get the feeling that when Wenger looks back on his time at Arsenal his proudest achievement will be the new ground and the financial security of the club during these troubled times rather than any accomplishments on the pitch. When The Sun recently ran a feature on the shocking financial state of English football teams they had the virtuous Mr Wenger as a guest commentator evangelizing on the importance of running the club as a business and not a hobby. Well done, but that shouldn't be the manager's job.

Too many times I've read how spoilt we've been in Wenger's era and that not winning every competition every year isn't something to complain about. This is true but I do want to feel that we are at least competing for them. Do we actually compete in the Carling Cup or FA Cup any more? No we don't. And don't get me started on this giving the youngsters a chance nonsense when it comes to the Carling Cup. How many decent first team players have actually been developed out of this mythical practice? Kieran Gibbs I think. Eastmond may become the second. Beyond this you have either Wilshere / Ramsey / Diaby who were effectively first team players already, or Vela / Merida who are simply not good enough, or Denilson / Walcott / Bendtner who were both first team players already AND not good enough.

A good run of results over Christmas plus points dropped by our 'rivals' in the same period conspired to put us in a position Wenger was able to proclaim as 'interesting' and that consequently we should 'go for it'. Great. So it's such a surprise that at this stage of the season we are not out of the title race already he is pleased to be able to report that this year we will now have a go at winning the title. Surely the same applied back in August. And in any case the fact is that while mathematically we were up there with Man Utd and Chelsea, when it comes to playing them we are light years behind. We are not competing with these teams because we simply do not match their ambition.

'In Arsene We Trust' goes the mantra. Well I trust him to turn a blind eye to Denilson's woeful defending and praise him for the occasional deflected goal. I trust him to ignore the obvious need for a new forward and keeper, and i trust him to ensure the club doesn't go bust, but that's about it. He's achieved enough to ensure his place in the club's history and if we never win anything again under him I'm still delighted for all the success he brought at Highbury, but carrying on as we are is not right. If this team he persists with is truly there out of choice rather than necessity then he is simply deluded and we deserve a change. Not just the fans but the players. Watching Fabregas, Vermaelen and Gallas yesterday was heartbreaking. They give so much for the cause but are surrounded by such mediocrity. If Cesc goes to Spain this summer then he goes with my blessing. Thank you for all your years of service, now go off and win something.

If Wenger is just protecting the board then I need to know because otherwise I can only hold him accountable. I can happily aim my protests in their direction, boycott all things I now associate with 'Arsenal plc' rather than 'The Arsenal' as we once were. No more merchandise bearing that Mickey Mouse cartoon crest that looks like it was designed by Tomy. Maybe a breakaway faction like the FC United brigade (My brother asked me yesterday 'Why are so many of the away fans wearing Norwich scarves?' Brilliant.) I will always support the club but will no longer blindly follow Wenger and the board. He needs to stand up for himself soon and return to the Wenger of old who I so admired or move aside and make way for someone who can take this team forward. I fear I know the answer already.

Wenger out.

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