Fair play to Mikael Silvestre…

…for stumping up £1000 for a wheelchair Gooner’s fundraising efforts

Fair play to Mikael Silvestre…

Paul's Wheelchair, back view: Get those wheels greased

Ed’s note – Charity plug for an Arsenal fan Paul who will do 51 laps of Arsenal’s stadium in his wheelchair this Saturday. Mikael Silvestre has donated £1,000 to Paul’s fundraising efforts, and I’ve mentioned that in the title to get a few more people reading this than might otherwise. More details can be found here on the onlinegooner forum, but here’s the initial message about Paul’s efforts for Great Ormond Street posted earlier this season…

Hi Fellow Gooners! We are writing to you all to ask if you would be able to help Paul raise £20,000 for Great Ormond Street?

Paul is a Gooner on wheels, he is 51 yrs old and ex-Royal Navy. Paul has a head injury and a number of physical injuries, which he sustained in a Road Traffic Accident in 1991. Paul started to communicate again just six years ago, however he lives 24/7 with pressure on his brain but he never allows this to get in his way.

Despite being in tremendous pain from his head injury and physical injuries he has managed to fundraise for children and children's charities! This year it's Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity, his target is £20,000 and to reach this target he needs your help please!

Paul will complete 51 laps of the Emirates Stadium (approx 20 miles) on the 17th April 2010. That’s a long, long way for anyone let alone someone in Paul's position! Paul wants you to know that this is not about him or his wheelchair, it's about the kids who are suffering and urgently need the help of Great Ormond Street, it's about you, the potential sponsors because without you the target is unachievable!

If you feel you are able to help Paul please visit www.justgiving.com/paulforgosh and give as much or as little as you can afford! Paul has been around the stadium on home match days since the Bolton game with a sign attached to his wheelchair, so you may have already seen him if you have been near the north bridge up to 45 minutes before kick off and at Block 98, Orange Quadrant throughout the match as this is where his wheelchair position is!

Thank you for reading this and thanks for your support!

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