Could fan be banned for daring to speak to Arsene Wenger?

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Could fan be banned for daring to speak to Arsene Wenger?

Wenger: Don’t have the temerity to express an opinion to him

I was one of the fools who had the misfortune to travel up to Wigan on Sunday and witness the shambles that is our team. We all know the problems with it so I wont go into it.

What I will say is that after the game while waiting for my train back to Liverpool (as I was staying there with the wife and family as she is from that neck of the woods), the Arsenal team coach turned up for their train back to London. I waited for the team to step off along with a spattering of Arsenal fans and police.

Off stepped Pat Rice and I told him that the performance wasn’t acceptable. He replied, “ No it wasn’t”. I then said that to be 2-0 up against a team fifth from bottom and lose was just not good enough. He again replied by saying “ I agree with you, it’s not” and off he went to get on the train. A minute late off stepped out great leader. I repeated what I said to Pat Rice but did not get a word from him or even an acknowledgment and off he went to board his train.

At this point as I went to walk off to catch mine, I was stopped by a copper from the Met Police. He asked me my name to which I replied “Why?” He continued by asking me what gave me the right to abuse Arsene Wenger. “Sorry” I replied.

“What gives you the right to abuse Arsene Wenger?”
“Abuse him”, I said. I told him a fact. I didn’t swear or make any abusive remark, just stated a fact.
He asked me if I had been to the game. Yes.
Where’s your ticket.? I gave it to him. ID? Gave him my bank card. He continued to press me telling me that I had abused Wenger and that I had no right to do so, with me arguing the toss.

He then pushed his face up to mine and told me that “People like you make me sick. You come up here expecting to win and when you don’t you start complaining”. I told him it was a free country and I was within my rights to say what I wanted and as I hadn’t sworn or abused anyone, what was the problem?

This continued for a good 15 minutes. I asked why I was being arrested. He told me I wasn’t but that my details would be passed on to the club and it would be up to them whether my membership would be revoked. REVOKED!!

The fact that two Manchester coppers were stood next to us underlined the fact that I had not actually done anything wrong as if I had I would have been nicked.

Was he trying to provoke me into a reaction? Are we now not allowed to question anything that goes on at that club or in anyway criticize Wenger? How much bloody money do I spend following the bloody team and I can’t even express an opinion, one that most Arsenal fans would agree with.

Was he one of Wenger’s Gestapo?

My anger has subsided enough after a couple of days to the point where if they were to take away my season ticket I don’t think I would really put up much of a fight as if this is what it has come to they can shove it. I’ll save myself a couple of thousand pounds a season and another supporter of 30 years will be lost.

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