Sod off and don’t come back?

There are human beings at the heart of all the screamed for ins and outs

Sod off and don’t come back?

Song: Most would have had him shipped out a long time ago

“He's crap he must go. Sell the crap one and buy a good one to replace him. Simples. Just spend the money and do it.”

Why I wonder does no one mention the human aspects of transfer activity?

I would imagine that one of the hardest parts of being a Club manager or a member of the Club management team is to provide your players with absolute faith in their ability and to then loyally support them no matter what, only to see that faith in their ability go unfulfilled. Anyone with a soul must surely find it hard to ditch players they've nurtured for so long having believed in them from the outset. If you nurture a family it's got to be very hard to tell anyone within that family that they are no longer part of it. That they are about to be moved on to another family whether they want to or not. Keeping the family together can also be tough. Especially so when the fans are baying for a player's blood and ignorantly deriding them on a regular basis in their thousands at games or on the internet. Two simple examples of such a plight are obviously Song and Eboue. Very few in the Gooner Nation kept faith with either player but those few that did were ultimately proved to be correct.

And yet we the fans talk of buying and selling players as if they were no more important than choosing between various brands of canned beans at the supermarket. Yet in the next breath some of us will be baying ourselves hoarse about the lack of player loyalty shown to the Club. It's a very strange phenomena. How can a manager be expected to be both so compassionate and ruthless at the same time?

My apologies for being somewhat philosophical rather than just banging on about the obvious need for a new keeper or what Cesc will, should, could or might say about Barca, the world and everything today, tomorrow or whenever. But I just really wonder why we're so inconsiderate to the individuals involved in transfers.

As is the case in every pre-season these are 'interesting times' with the entire family nervously waiting to see which brother or cousin is gonna be ditched or get a reprieve at the last minute. Or which previously unimagined individual is coming into replace them and be welcomed as the new messiah. Then there's us lot screaming advice on the matter from the sidelines which we all know no one is going to listen to.

Weird really isn't it?

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