Warsaw Trip Report

Account of last weekend’s friendly from one who was there

Warsaw Trip Report

Eboue: Brace in Warsaw

Warsaw away. Once this friendly was announced we decided to make this our summer break and turn it into a road trip across Europe. Rolypoly said he would organise the tickets and even promised us a guided tour of his second home! This seemed very generous of a man who normally charges for everything and being a top notch lawyer he knows how to pad a bill, but that's a different story!

Well we set off on our adventure via Calais, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany before finally arriving in Warsaw. It was a grey morning which failed to show the inner beauty of the former communist stronghold. After freshening up in our hotel which included a well deserved massage after our epic drive over Europe, we stepped out on a balmy afternoon to explore the city. Warsaw is based on a grid system so the main sights were easily found and viewed.

The same could not be said for the Irish bar that Roly had arranged to meet us in, yes you did read right an Irish bar! Roly failed to mention it was in a shopping centre and not on a main road, however most of our group managed to find it before a downpour of mini monsoon proportion ensued and by the time the Belgium Gooner arrived there where suggestions that the opening of Legia’s new stadium might not happen, but after several litres of Zywtec were quaffed this was forgotten! In fairness to Roly the pub with no name was a little gem and a great time was had by all.

The next morning was spent exploring Warsaw old town, which I must add is an amazing sight with lots of little squares and cafes and bars (where more Zywtec was consumed!), we went to meet Roly back at the Irish bar. At around two we risked life and limb by getting a Polish taxi. I couldn't work out if the driver hated Arsenal or just life in general as he weaved in and out of traffic making his way at breakneck speed to the stadium.

Legia’s stadium was not quiet finished but the three sides were pretty impressive and beginning to fill with Legia fans for the first time. All home fans were members and where admitted for free. I'm not sure if seats were allocated but by 3.30 the stadium was full and the atmosphere was amazing, with the noise of the fans led by a guy on a PA deafening. Arsenal could learn a lot from Legia and hopefully benefit with a few extra home points.

Our small band of support could barely be heard but the Polish Arsenal Supporters Club sung their hearts out, so well done to them. If I could say an 11 goal match could be predictable and not very exciting nobody would believe me, but this was both, the only thing I was surprised about was that legia didn't grab a sixth! The players who stood out for me where Kieran Gibbs, Jack Wilshere and Emanuel Eboue, who took his goals really well. Shame he didn't bag a hat-trick but we can't have everything in life!

So a good result for us but I’m guessing still as many questions as answers about this team before the real adventure begins. It’s a shame there are not more trips like this to the smaller European locations, maybe UEFA could make the groups in the Champions League larger to include all champions, which means better travels for us! As a bit of gossip, top Arsenal scout Andy Platt was spotted in the directors’ box at Poznan’s recent qualifier against Sparta Prague. Was he checking out a new Polish keeper?

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