Another rant at the Doomers

Wenger’s critics are spoilt brats who believe they are owed a trophy

Another rant at the Doomers

Arsene: Courage

What a rare and refreshing point of view from Pete Clark with his Gooners Doomers article.

I agreed totally with Pete. It seems like every Arsenal forum you visit is full of doomers spouting the Arsene's tight, Arsene's lost it and therefore Arsene's a failure mantra. All summer long we were drip fed the perpetual moaning as if somehow spending £20 million here and £20 million there was all that was standing between us and world domination. Spending money: the cure-all of all evils. Going shopping: the modern answer to short-term boredom and our current culture's alternative to growing your own, crafting your own, making it yourself and developing your own style simply because that style suits us, looks good and feels right. It takes courage to buck a trend, it takes courage to stand alone - right or wrong. Arsene has that courage, it's just that many of the Club's followers who can't hack it. I say 'followers' because we seemingly have fewer and fewer real supporters these days.

Gimme, gimme, gimme. I want, I want, I want. He/she/they've got one of them so I want one. Ours is not instantly perfect so throw it away and get a new one, never repair it, never develop it, never re-design it just ditch it and get a new one. Remember when ecologists were first laughed at for going against the grain? Remember when a few individuals dared to stand out against the common herd with a sensible, sustainable game plan for the planet. They were derided as loonies. They couldn't win against the loud steamroller self-interest of the mega-corporates but they hung in there. Because eventually even a self-interested idiot would see that they had the correct perspective even if they hadn't quite got the perfect game plan.

Do you recall an ex-Totts manager said something along the lines of 'there use to be a football club over there'. Well at Arsenal it's almost as if the situation is reversed and 'there used to be supporters over there'. Right now all I see or hear are a bunch of ungrateful whinging pricks together with the demanding spoilt brats who actually believe they are owed a trophy. They believe this because they've been given them so often before. So now it is their right to have one every other year. These spoilt deluded twats have currently drowned out the sound of real support for our Club and team. These crass 'I want that ones' now abuse any fans who dare to back Wenger and our Club. For them seeing the light at the end of this short tunnel isn't enough because they didn't even notice the tunnel. I support Wenger because someone has to save football from itself and his way makes good sense. It might not be perfect, nothing ever is, but he's heading the right way and it'll leave a legacy for my grandkids to enjoy.

F*** the Doomers, I want beautiful football, let's roll our own because you get a better smoke and let’s lie back and smell the home-grown flowers rather than just buy plastic ones.

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