Thoughts on Project Wenger

Braga performance was not acceptable

Thoughts on Project Wenger

This pair would not have allowed last two games

I love Wenger, I love what he's done for us and the great times we have had under him but his long winded and stubborn fueled project has become so infuriating to me that for the first time I am beginning to think a change may be for the best...

Breaking even in the transfer market is remarkable and overseeing the transition of moving stadiums and maintaining our top four place is also an incredible feat but what now? Wenger has had a platform to build upon for the past two summers and hasn't strengthened. He is the only person in the world who didn't think that we needed a goalkeeper and the only person in the world who didn't think we could have benefited from having a big horrible and world class holding midfielder. Whether it’s stubbornness or his steadfast and unfortunately inaccurate belief in his squad I am not sure but he really can’t convince me anymore and I am offended he is still trying.

Arsene's famous and overused phrases "This team has great mental strength", "This team is maturing", "This team is growing every match", however much I want to believe them, are becoming diluted, boring and inaccurate. I pay a fortune to watch Arsenal, I travel far and wide to watch them. I analyse every game and watch every match without fail. No one, not even Wenger, can still convince me that this team doesn't need strengthening. He the only person who can’t see it.

Tuesday night was an opportunity to grab a bad situation by the bollocks, restore some pride and passion and some faith. We could have reacted to Saturday or we could have been treated to a disinterested and toothless performance. We had the latter. When the camera focused on our substitutes bench, the lack of interest was so apparent, it was embarrassing. Boredom smacked across the faces of them all. If I was Wenger I would have given them all a good bollocking and sent them down the touchline to get the blood flowing.

What the hell is going on???? What the hell does Pat Rice do? Has Wenger got everyone so brainwashed that no one will stand up to him? Is there no one there who has their fists clenched like us supporters ready to battle and go again??? I couldn't wait for the Braga game. I was humiliated on Saturday and wanted the players to care as much as me but they didn't. For the fans who went out there I really feel for you. I hope the local Portuguese refreshments were enough to blank that sh*t from the memory. Yes Editor, a typical end of the group stage performance but not one that is acceptable.

There are too many players in their comfort zones and too many players who just don’t want it enough and that's not acceptable. That complacency has trickled from the top. No one seems to want to push it to the next stage. Can you imagine Adams, Keown, Lehmann or Vieira accepting the last two performances? It’s not the referee's fault, it’s not anyone else's fault but the players’ fault and until Wenger starts speaking some harsh words we will continue to gift our technically inferior opponents who simply see us a soft touch.

For example, If Bendtner is complaining he is not playing enough and wants to leave, Wenger should come out and say, "Every time you have played Nic, you have been average and you need to improve. Then you will play." Instead we get "Nicklas is misunderstood and I have known him since he was 16..." So what Wenger... kick the arrogant sod up the arse, tell him how it is and stop massaging his ego. "Arshavin creates more chances than anyone in the Premier League"... You ain’t fooling anyone Wenger. Why don’t you just come out and say he isn’t putting it in and hasn't been good enough? He seems to think he is good enough for Barcelona according to his quotes. He has been rubbish all season for us. Put him in his place.

The one thing that concerns me more than anything else is that "Project Wenger" has gone against everything he apparently believes in. He claims to be "physically sick" after defeats. If that's the case then why is happy to tick along and be worse than second best? New signings would have just helped us step up that notch we needed too. He needs to get ruthless, oust the average and heartless overpaid stars he has accumulated and get some people in who clench the fist and pull that horrible face that Adams used to pull to gee everyone up. If Arsene wants us to win, he has to get ruthless and prove it because it seems to me he is happy to keep the money coming in and settle for the odd good win here and there, good football and a place in the top four. Unless he sorts it, I fear we will be in for more humiliating days like last Saturday. Man up and sort it out Wenger.

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