Ranting Morons

Can we please have some perspective

Ranting Morons

Wilshere – Did not deserve stick on Tuesday night

With knee jerk reactions from fans like Elliot Segal - who needs Scum, Chavs or Manure fans?

QUOTE - Enough is enough now. Wenger has to go. He has quite clearly lost the dressing room in the same way that George Graham did 15 years ago. What he has done to the club is shameful and embarrassing. I don’t know how the board have got the gall to charge us the prices we pay to watch what I can only describe as utter c**p........ there’s talking up your team and then there’s talking bollocks. This really is the nadir for him. He has destroyed everything he ever built and it is a sad end to what has been a brilliant time for him at Arsenal. - UNQUOTE

Everyone is entitled to an opinion - but what a totally childish rant. Yes we all know we're playing very moderately and yes the team are not giving their best either performance-wise or with regards to the sometimes pitiful application they've show recently. But in case you hadn't noticed we are still only two points off the top of the Premiership and one win away from the knock-out stages of the Champions League. So I fail to see how that can be described as AW 'destroying everything he ever built'. Comments, such as those above, can only have been written by someone with no appreciation of reality, which is sadly the case with many Gooners of late. Shameful and embarrassing is being in the Shammer's position - miles adrift at the bottom. Shameful and embarrassing is our p*ss-poor home support when the team are doing anything other than winning. Does Elliott expect Wenger to talk his team down or what? Let's face it, every manager, at every press conference talks out of their arse, but then what do you expect?

Most Arsenal fans, I imagine, thought that the teams Wenger put out against WBA, Newcastle, Tottenham, Shakhtar and Braga were all good enough to win those particular matches and that indeed they both could and should have won all those games. It wasn't Wenger out there on the pitch f**king it up - it was the players. If you insist upon joining all the sheep currently indulging in demented rants have a go at the players not the man who has been so badly let down by them.

Like many Arsenal fans right now Elliott is reacting like a typical spoilt brat who screams his head off because he doesn't get his own way and thinks a temper tantrum is the obvious answer. If you think the prices are too high then f**k off somewhere else or don't go to games. Simples. And if you absolutely feel you must partake of the pathetic blame culture then slag the players off, or at least those who deserve it. Typically Jack was about the only player who went across to applaud our away fans in Braga. This in itself took bottle from an eighteen-year-old, despite being one of the few to have given his all. Many fans responded that night by abusing him. What a bunch of f**kwits! That for me just about sums up the gross ignorance of many Arsenal fans right now.

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