Time to End Corruption at FIFA

England and other nations should withdraw from football’s governing body

Time to End Corruption at FIFA

For the good of someone’s wallet too…

I’ve never liked FIFA. I’ve always taken a very simplistic view of it, largely disregarding the good it might do for football in developing nations. I don’t like FIFA simply because I don’t like the idea of any organisation that owns something that I consider unownable. Football is something that nobody should control.

I know that sounds naïve, and I’m fully aware that there needs to be a body in a position to ensure consistency in the way the game is played around the world. It’s a global sport and as long as two teams in different parts of the globe wish to play each other, be they clubs or national representations, they need to play to the same laws.

That doesn’t stop me resenting the tinkering with the game. In my world they don’t have the right to tinker. The game is the game and I wish Sepp Blatter and his cronies weren’t able fanny around with it in order to make it more appealing to rich Americans who don’t get low scoring sports.

And then the Panorama programme came out. Corruption at FIFA HQ is an old story, and yet another reason for my disliking it, ‘though for some reason that never affected me quite as much as the tinkering with the laws, so I wasn’t that interested in what the media told me the programme was going to dramatically reveal. If anything I was irritated that the BBC was prepared to put a fly in England’s bid ointment in order to garner maximum publicity for the show. I’m not that excited by international football, it’s Arsenal and only Arsenal for me, but as long as we’re going for it, I’ll support the bid. I think this country is great at putting on big events and they’re a source of national pride and feel-good that is worth much more than any profits that may be generated.

Then I actually watched the programme and I was incensed by the brazen corruption that is clearly endemic throughout the organisation. I was even more enraged by the arrogance of the extortionate demands made by FIFA upon prospective World Cup host nations that were revealed by the investigation, and I was embarrassed by the England bid team’s compliance with it all.

For possibly the first time in my life I agreed with David Mellor. England’s role should not be to go along with this sickening nonsense but, as the mother of the game, to do something to restore its reputation.

Quite seriously, I’d like to see England pull out of FIFA for a start, and to campaign for a complete overhaul to make it clean and transparent. To get rid of this cabal of crooks that run my favourite sport and replace them with honest people who are there for the development and promotion of the game, not people like Jack Warner who is there to line his very large pockets.

England may not win tournaments but we are important to FIFA. If we pull out of the World Cup the competition and the organisation will be seriously undermined. Such action would encourage other nations to follow suit, nations like Holland where there is already a groundswell of dissatisfaction with FIFA.

I don’t think it is beyond the realms of possibility that FIFA can be brought down and then the clean-up can begin.

So I applaud Panorama and the BBC for broadcasting their programme. It’s time the rot at FIFA was stopped, and this week is no better time to start that process.

(Ed’s note – For those that were at the Carling Cup game on Tuesday evening, the programme can be watched on the BBC iPlayer here)

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  1. Dec 04, 2010, 20:07 #112

    Let's make our own World Cup without the FIFA crooks

  2. Ian

    Dec 03, 2010, 17:43 #103

    Get the Aussies and the Yanks to agree and set up a transparent organisation with oversight and see how quickly FIFA change. Of course Sepp and the older boys won't be around in a few years, hence the unprecidente step of picking two future finals in one go - it was about comfy retirement funds for rthe FIFA old boys.

  3. John Coxon

    Dec 03, 2010, 16:39 #102

    Maybe a petition outside grounds round the country on a match day , loads of fans would sign it , its time something was done about these corrupt jokers at FIFA.

  4. Tony Reed

    Dec 03, 2010, 12:36 #93

    I agree to... it is time for action.. See www.pulloutoffifa.com Lets get some momentum gong.. and make a difference!

  5. Strawhat

    Dec 02, 2010, 23:36 #64

    Agreed as an Australian I would have rather seen USA, Japan or Korea get it before Qatar. I cant believe that fans would rather travel to 50 degree heat Qatar then to Australia's (or the USA)shores for the cup. FIFA needs the UK and the English FA more than the English FA needs FIFA. Its clubs like Man U and the mighty gunners that make the game great and I can easily see at least the USA, Australia & Ireland following the UK's exit from FIFA and that most of the English speaking world.

  6. Dec 02, 2010, 20:19 #59

    a fantastic article, i am a spurs fan but any spurs/arsenal stuff pales into insignificance when we see our game being run by incompetent fraudsters. for russia and qatar read cheslki and man sheikhy, oil, dollars, rich fifa executives and swiss bank accounts. we won on all criteria and they award it to a country with one decent plastic pitch and a country where it will be 45%, i think i would rather watch football in the silence at the emirates

  7. Ricardo Wensleydale

    Dec 02, 2010, 18:19 #54

    I also agree with this article. After the crooked, corrupt and distastful announcement of Russia nd Qatar as world cup venues England, Australia and the US at the very least should withdraw from FIFA and form a transparent organistaion to run footbal in the 21st century. I suspect many other top nations would follow in moments.

  8. sepp blatter

    Dec 02, 2010, 18:14 #53


  9. JD

    Dec 02, 2010, 17:01 #49

    Not suggesting for a moment that our refs in the prem are in any way corrupt, but I've always had the nagging feeling that FIFA's unwillingness to embrace technology certainly leaves the door open for illegal betting rings to exploit individuals in the game, you only have to look at the pressure applied on cricketers recently.

  10. michael keane

    Dec 02, 2010, 16:55 #48

    I couldn't agree more with this article. FIFA and UEFA having been bullying national associations for years. Their only interest is money. I want to watch great football and couldn't give a toss how much money it makes for Mr publicity Blatter!