Mickey Mouser crowds

You get a very different bunch on these Carling Cup nights

Mickey Mouser crowds

Arsene Wenger meets his public…

The usual Mickey Mousers crowd were in for our match with Wigan and many had made valiant efforts to get there, with some still arriving as late as half time. There were lots of youngsters in the ground, which is always good. But clearly they don't get educated in the ways of football crowds nowadays presumably because their opportunity to visit the stadium is so rare.

First off the Mickey Mouse crowd which includes all too few season ticket holders always come out with far too many 'Stand up if you hate Tottenham' chants. It's boring and the only real point of this chant is to annoy stewards away from home. Despising those scumbags at the wrong end of Seven Sisters Road is no reason to stand up. Likewise vain attempts, as was the case at the Wigan game thankfully, to start a Mexican wave also get right up my nose. Mexican waves are for those who have a 30 second attention span or who don't want to watch the football. Mexican waves are an irritant and a distraction I can live without, as I'm quite sure can the players.

Amusingly, and I've no idea quite why it's amusing, there were two nutters in block 12 who were bare-chested for most of the second half. Showing off I understand, self-inflicted pneumonia I don't comprehend. Were they Geordie Gooners?

Far too many part timers stand up when there is absolutely no need. But it’s not the standing up that annoys me, or the fact that quite often they're doing so in front of small children at League Cup games, although it’s certainly not very considerate. No standing up is fine, and the kids can stand on the seats for all I care, just so long as they all know when to sit down again - i.e. as soon as is practically possible. As always at the Mickey Mousers there were plenty of people standing up when there was no reason or need, other than to stamp their feet for warmth of course.

All trivial stuff but sadly near the end of the game there was one young fan who ran down the pitch-side to shake Wenger's hand. Unlike some, I can relate to shaking Wenger's hand but any sort of pitch invasion, even if not quite on the pitch is a major no-no. Shortly after this incident another two young idiots thought it would be fun to run on the pitch and act like the arseholes they so clearly were. They then showboated for what can only be for the benefit of their mates. Very annoying because Arsenal fans usually know better. Way back when they would have been jumped on from a great height and got a good battering from the Old Bill to boot. Now they are just gently led away. I hope the silly little fools get a lifetime ban, or at least a ban until such time as they actually grow up.

An Arsenal spokeswoman said: "Regardless of age it is a criminal offence to encroach on the pitch, and as a consequence we will be actively pursuing a banning order for those involved in last night’s pitch invasions." Good.

One mystery, at least to me: what was that waterfall running off the North Bank roof all about?

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  1. BudaGooner

    Dec 07, 2010, 13:32 #132

    I've pretty much stopped reading Arsenal sites now, due to this sort of pathetic bickering and the divisive attitude of some fans towards others whose main crimes seem to be standing up and not having been born on the North Bank during an FA Cup 3rd round 4th replay against Walsall on a rainy Tuesday night. I end up at a lot of CC games and meaningless CL group games and picking up tickets that mysteriously end up on Ticket Exchange at the end of the season when there's nothing to play for 'cos they're all I can get to due to money and availability (I'll be red til I'm 40 at this rate) and I'm done being told I'm not a proper fan by miserable old gits who think I and the tens of thousands like me are taking their club away or whatever. If you'd rather watch the game in peace with a blanket and a nice cuppa, piss off home. We are all - literally - on the same team...aren't we?

  2. Danadona (Clock End Legend)

    Dec 04, 2010, 21:26 #113

    A rather derogatory piece from what i can only presume is from one of the many 50 somethings from Milton Keynes, who started going to games circa 1999. That, or one of the old upper East brigade, who claim to have been going since the days when Herbert Chapman was manager. Either way you sound old and very very dull. I agree with Wing, a lot of these people will be locals from the Islington area who can't afford to go to normal games. At the end of the day we all support The Arsenal, if you want to sit down so much why dont you watch games at home? The atmosphere at the E*****s is so bad because of people like you, people feel guilty from really getting behind the team as they are scared stiff they will upset people like you, who would be better off spending your vast riches watching the RSC @ the barbican that at football. Frightened that you will set the nazis in Orange on them, and they will lose their much coveted membership card. I agree that mexican waves are naff and should not happen, but seriously get a life, your going to get piles all that sitting down you do!

  3. nugs

    Dec 04, 2010, 0:25 #105

    i and many i know were regulars at highbury through out the 80's and most of the 90's as well as attending a fair few away games but dont go at all now mainly down to the piss take prices but we dont miss it mainly because of the plums like yourself that fill the bowl every other week, at the end of the day football was a working class game so attracted working class people. its more like a trip to the theatre these days, fair play to those at villa and wigan who ran on the pitch!

  4. Sean

    Dec 03, 2010, 12:55 #95

    What a pointless negative article. No wonder the atmosphere at most home games is dire with so-called fans like you in attendance. Micky mouse article.

  5. Dave Gooner

    Dec 03, 2010, 9:09 #68

    @StuartL: fanstastic mate, well said. The fans who did make an effort on tuesday are the true gooners.

  6. goonerNorthLDN

    Dec 03, 2010, 2:15 #65

    luckily them kids only got a two month ban

  7. adam evenden

    Dec 02, 2010, 21:33 #63

    are you a steward in disguise?

  8. Loop

    Dec 02, 2010, 21:04 #61

    Should we make it to the Mickey Mouse final at Wembley I'm sure all the season ticket holders absent on Tuesday will be pushing their way to the front of the queue, especially if the weather warms up a bit. Maybe a few of them will bring their crosswords too.

  9. StuartL

    Dec 02, 2010, 20:27 #60

    You're right it is a very different crowd - one that is enthusiastic, glad to be witnessing an Arsenal team in the flesh and enjoying themselves during the process. What a change to the silent,groaning moaners who sit with their arms folded waiting to be entertained on a league matchday. Yes the mexican wave, or stand up if you hate Tottenham are a bit tedious, but so what, at least it gets a reaction from the crowd to some degree. Over the last few seasons I have come to several of the Carling Cup ties and watched as our teams comprised of kids / reserves / regulars have put in some great performances and served up some special goals too - all watched by a near sell out crowd that most other prem teams could only dream of getting when "its only the Carling Cup" Anyone who ventured out to watch on Tuesday night in the cold and snow deserves first dabs on the semi final tickets - but as we all know the season ticket holders who look down their nose at the early rounds will all suddenly be interested again when it comes to a sniff of glory.

  10. Royston

    Dec 02, 2010, 19:15 #58

    Concentrate on the match let everybody enjoy themselves and shut the fuck up its people like you that dour the atmospehere in the stadium you pompous prick.

  11. Dec 02, 2010, 18:57 #56

    Where I was sat there was only 1 fellow season ticket holder and I had to endure the countless "stand up if......" pathetic chant, NO singing unless I started it and some tosser behind me saying he thinks we should get Adebaywhore back!

  12. Dave Gooner

    Dec 02, 2010, 18:39 #55

    The sub-heading of this blog is "You get a very different bunch on these Carling Cup nights" and i think your right! the fans there on tuesday night where the real Arsenal fans the what i would call the die-hards, they may not have a season ticket but on the off chance like my self they can afford to get to a game they take the chance, no matter what the weather, in this case snow, and lots of it dangerous conditions on the roads but that didn't worry the 59,000 fans at the Emirates on tuesday. And these fans are what i call die-hard Arsenal fans. When in this article you call the season ticket holders the die-hards!, well where were they then?

  13. Shropshire Lad

    Dec 02, 2010, 17:29 #51

    How about Pat Rice standing up and shouting or even unfolding his arms that would be novel. But wait a minute did anyone else notice him waving his arms sbout in animated fashion at the Villa game? Wouldn't be because he has come under the spotlight recently questioning his contribution. I'm just an old cynic I guess!

  14. Shropshire lad

    Dec 02, 2010, 17:17 #50

    Bah Humbug! Better hope we continue to not win trophies then. Wouldn't want you upset by circa 6000 fans on the pitch celebrating and God forbid that any one should invade Wenger's personal space. Is that another step to him becoming a Deity? Get a life and ponder whilst meditating in front of an image of the Deity, on the conundrum of why an Arsenal defender cannot head the ball!

  15. Goonerman

    Dec 02, 2010, 16:41 #47

    Go and support another team - hopefully Tottenham.

  16. Dave Gooner

    Dec 02, 2010, 16:27 #46

    @Topgunpires & @Chris Dee: Well said mate, some of the suposed season ticket gooners, didn't even make an effort on tuesday night, where as there where about (59,000) other gooners who did make an effort(like my self)and the majority of us were up and chanting, and braved the weather.And for many young gooners it was there first time (not mine though) and i am pleased for them gooners who are not lucky enough to own a season ticket that Arsenal won.

  17. Fred

    Dec 02, 2010, 14:06 #45

    Surely any chanting is better then no chanting? I see you want to watch games in a deathly silence, but some fans want to stand up and chant. Even if their song list is pretty limited, its the volume that counts!

  18. Joe

    Dec 02, 2010, 13:56 #43

    These sneering, derogatory comments about fellow supporters are childish and pathetic. This writer shows up everything wrong with Arsenal and the Emirates

  19. Leeds Gooner

    Dec 02, 2010, 13:23 #40

    As my name suggests I live in Leeds and usually manage to make around 10 games per season (which costs a fat wedge after travel costs are factored in). Does that make me a lesser fan in your eyes, and do I have no right to be there? The thing I hate most about our fanbase is this core of snobby season ticket holders who think they have some sort of divine right to claim The Arsenal as their own, and generally look down upon those of us who havent quite made it up from red membership yet(2001 and still waiting). To call anyone who attends a game a plastic or a mickey mouse etc is a bit of a joke in itself, and just plain rude in my eyes. Football is really expensive now and anyone who spends circa £50 on a ticket and all the rest thats involved (£9 fish n chips etc) have exactly the same right as anyone else to be there. Arsenal FC the only EPL club with a class system est 2006.

  20. Topgunpires

    Dec 02, 2010, 12:51 #37

    It says a lot that these supposedly superior season ticket holders dont even bother turning up. The kids that turn up at these matches and chant relentlessly are the future of the club, you should embrace them or move over a let a younger more enthusiastic person take your place.

  21. TA6

    Dec 02, 2010, 12:44 #36

    Take your head out your arse man...corporate wanker...no wonder we have a bad reputation for being quiet

  22. Dave Gooner

    Dec 02, 2010, 12:17 #32

    I'm a 14 year old from essex, and i was there on tuesday night, and i am pleased with the result, But i feel that this blog was rather harsh on the gooners who made the effort on tuesday night (like my self.)and i also feel that it is harsh to judge all the gooners their on tuesday night as "Mickey Mourser" fans/crowd. Some if not most of the gooners their like my self made the effort to take part in all the songs etc. So overall i felt that this blog is a rare blip from a ussaly fantastic blog. (p.s. Neville i agrre with you 100%)

  23. Joppa

    Dec 02, 2010, 12:02 #31

    I shall now apologise for that first rant. Kind of annoyed me at first. What can I say - I'm a dick sometimes.

  24. James

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:46 #28

    Unfortunately the grove tends to be knob city no matter what game it is and Tuesday's lot were marginally worse than normal highlighted by the chap sat by me in block 19 who on finding out the spammers were beating MU he started singing I'm forever blowing bubbles #*$^

  25. Neville

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:35 #24

    Im disappointed to read stufflike this . Is a good blog this. But how can you be so arrogant ???? .at least the part timers try and make noise notlike us the seasonticket holders who are so quiet and timed.

  26. Joppa

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:35 #23

    What kind of reaction did you honestly expect? Terrible post from a normally very good blog.

  27. Engin

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:27 #20

    I really don't see the problem of a couple of kids running on the pitch. It's a laugh. The sad thing is, they probably will get banned. Yet the Brummies that ran on the pitch last night and started throwing flares will probably get off without so much as a warning. Which is worse, having a run around and a slaide across the pitch, or charging on a field throwing flares in to a crowd that may contain women and children?

  28. wing

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:15 #17

    @Chris Dee, I noticed the same thing, our Carling Cup crowds are far more vocal than those more "educated" season ticket holders. The atmosphere is excellent. No more Emirates the Library. I'm also pleased the club did the sensible thing by cutting the ticket price for Carling Cup home ties, giving the old diehards, and more important, the kids a chance to watch the game LIVE. Kids are the future. if they don't get to watch Arsenal LIVE, and don't enjoy the match day experience, Emirates will literally become the library in the future. Had my old man never took me to the game, I would not have fallen for football myself.

  29. Joppa

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:14 #16

    What an absoute pompous self centred wanker you are. All that is wrong with the club these days. C**T. JR

  30. TPJ

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:14 #14

    "Far too many part timers stand up when there is absolutely no need.".."just so long as they all know when to sit down again" What are you banging on about? It was minus 2 degrees, a relatively boring match and less than 1000 away supporters. You don't need a degree in Cryology to know that there should have been nobody sitting down at any stage during the match. Is this what supporters of Arsenal FC have become?

  31. Nick

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:06 #11

    Carling cup, premiership, champions league, home fans are all crap. Its all about the away boys, proper fans.

  32. Jacob

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:04 #10

    This article illustrates why we've lost 3 games at home this season while losing only once away from home. The Emirates on ordinary match days is stuffed full of pompous, souless, humourless gits with no passion for the club, muppets who believe the club owe them something and have the knackers to mock those who actually care enough to stand up and show passion. But in a way the club has brought it on themselves by making the tickets so expensive and by making such a high percentage season tickets. I onl;y wish the writer of this article would hand his ticket back. On the other hand it's good for the blogging business... go to the satdium and sit on your hands and then write a load of rubbish when the team loses... you're always a winner even if Arsenal lose. Bravo mate your own article mocks you. Genius.

  33. clockend

    Dec 02, 2010, 9:57 #9

    Couldn't agree more. I'm all for fans who don't get the chance very often to come along, but around me I only recognised 4 people. All the other season ticket holders just didn't bother. And as you say, the imbecilic behaviour of a few, one bloke in paricular on his once every 5 years trip to the Arsenal, was unbeleivable. The bloke was acting like a complete cock all the way back to Finsbury Park. I just hope the regulars come back for the semi. And as for that Mexican wave, we were getting ready to walk out.

  34. wing

    Dec 02, 2010, 9:53 #6

    You do understand that these so-called "Mickey Mouser" crowd to you are those die hard Arsenal fans who used to be the core of our old Highbury stadium, and nowadays due to the constant rising of ticket prices and no longer be able to attend the match? Football used to be a "working class" game. They might not be as well-educated, well-mannered as the phawnsandwiched generation football clubs tend to attract these days, but those guys would sing regardless if we are winning or losing. Not like the more "well-educated" fans who only sing when we are winning, boo when we are losing. So give them a break.

  35. bill

    Dec 02, 2010, 9:45 #5

    did u ever stand on the north bank or clock end...??... ..the best bit of the game were the kids running on...the club banning kids for this is pathetic and is the reason for the sterile atmospehere at the new ground cause it is made up by people like u...

  36. Big Jim of N5

    Dec 02, 2010, 9:36 #4

    Give us a smile you moaning old goat for fucks sake. Oooooh they are standing up! It's souless flanges like you that have made match day's such an awful place to be. Dont like it? Well do everyone a favour and stay away.

  37. Chris Dee

    Dec 02, 2010, 9:31 #3

    Mickey Mousers? What,in comparison to our usual loud,enthusiastic,partisan,fans who make the Emirates so daunting to other teams? Other fans can't believe the lame tepid 'support' our usual crowd give the team. I have found the Carling Cup crowds much more vocal than the usual fans who stare at the pitch with not so much of a whisper. In fact you get a better atmosphere at Underhill when the reserves are playing.