Spurs for the title?'" /> Spurs for the title?'" /> A Spurs fan writes…

A Spurs fan writes…

…in response to 'Spurs for the title?'

A Spurs fan writes…

Harry: What do you expect him to say?

I’m a Spurs fan. There, I said it. Hope you’re still reading. One (amongst many!) things Spurs have lacked for years is belief. I’ve been puzzled by this for years as no matter how many managers we’ve had and how many players we’ve recycled, at the end of the day, the Club has always behaved in the same way – bottling it. Our away record (until last week, thank you) against the traditional Top 4 reflects this. The number of 3-0 leads we’ve thrown away (against 10-men City, at home, wtf!) is further evidence. The number of games we’ve lost in the last minute, the missed penalties (ok, still working on that one), the lack of our own last minute winners all speak volumes to the fact that we clearly have a confidence problem that is deeply engrained in the club culture.

Harry is trying to fix that.

We *could* go on to win the league. Probable, no; possible, absolutely. Do we really believe it ourselves, not really. What it’s doing is building belief within the club. Belief that we can go to The E******s and take all three points. Belief that we could take on Manure at home and take all three points. Stamford Bridge, bring it on.

So, if we don’t win the league, we won’t look like mugs at all by talking about winning the league. We’ll have moved a step closer to rebuilding the belief system within the club that we can go on and achieve great things.

I’d also like to point out that in any of the interviews, Harry never starts off by saying “We can win the league.” The media always kicks it off. What do you want Harry to do? Say “No”? Say “I don’t have the belief that this team can win things”? Of course not.

So you can carry on in your little bubble of stupidity thinking that we truly believe that we can win the title this year and call us mugs at the end of the season when we don’t, but qualify for Champions League for the second year running when previously the closest we’ve come to Barcelona is supporting them against yourselves. What we’re clearly doing is making progress and trying to build belief within the squad that we can compete.

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  1. Trennon

    Dec 08, 2010, 5:28 #140

    Who Cares??? Spurs can believe all they want but the fact is that they will have no choice but to continue spending huge amounts of money to stay in touch each and every year. They have ZERO development programme. If they're lucky they may produce a player good enough every 5 years or so. They have crap reserves and no youth team worth talking about. Do you really think Spurs are going to hang on to those players if they fail to make the CL again? I doubt it very much. Good luck anyway, you'll need it.

  2. Trennon

    Dec 06, 2010, 12:02 #120

    Who Cares??? Spurs can believe all they want but the fact is that they will have no choice but to continue spending huge amounts of money to stay in touch each and every year. They have ZERO development programme. If they're lucky they may produce a player good enough every 5 years or so. They have crap reserves and no youth team worth talking about. Do you really think Spurs are going to hang on to those players if they fail to make the CL again? I doubt it very much. Good luck anyway, you'll need it.

  3. Pete

    Dec 03, 2010, 13:17 #98

    I have a mate who's a Totts season ticket holder and he spouts exactly the same clap trap as this twit does! Everyone's entitled to their opinion I suppose, even thou they are delusional!

  4. Trennon

    Dec 03, 2010, 13:04 #96

    Who Cares??? Spurs can believe all they want but the fact is that they will have no choice but to continue spending huge amounts of money to stay in touch each and every year. They have ZERO development programme. If they're lucky they may produce a player good enough every 5 years or so. They have crap reserves and no youth team worth talking about. Do you really think Spurs are going to hang on to those players if they fail to make the CL again? I doubt it very much. Good luck anyway, you'll need it.

  5. Viking Gooner

    Dec 03, 2010, 8:47 #66

    Why is this doing on OUR website???? Please remove it!

  6. Tom D

    Dec 02, 2010, 21:29 #62

    Why has such an article found itself on here? Its as ridiculous and boring as the idea of the North London "balance of power" shifting(apparently). Oh dear. Why is it on here? I've come close to submitting my own articles to this site/publication many times.....Maybe its not so hard to get one published after all. This should be fucked off out of it we dont care, be it a response or whatever- its simply irritating, reading the gooner has never been irritating.

  7. Rob

    Dec 02, 2010, 19:11 #57

    Alan- "Arsenal fans are so pathetic that they ambition is to win the most profitable club award and the carling cup. Brilliant" This isnt the ambition of any gooners I know. Serious lack of any understanding there.

  8. Utkarsh

    Dec 02, 2010, 17:55 #52

    @ Website Editor this is a gooner forum and hence the onlinegooner.com if u want to run pieces from losers quit your job

  9. Website Editor

    Dec 02, 2010, 13:58 #44

    Paul D - open church here. if a submission is lucid and relevant, then i will post offerings from opposition supporters. it was a response to a piece written by a gooner, and we are not going to censor just because the writer does not support arsenal. i would not have posted it if it had not been a reaction piece, because then it would not have been relevant.

  10. Website Editor

    Dec 02, 2010, 13:47 #42

    Paul D - open church here. if a submission is lucid and relevant, then i will post offerings from opposition supporters. it was a response to a piece written by a gooner, and we are not going to censor just because the writer does not support arsenal. i would not have posted it if it had not been a reaction piece, because then it would not have been relevant.

  11. dodgy

    Dec 02, 2010, 13:29 #41

    can you come back at the end of the season and write about not finishing in the top 4 and how your 3 decent players want away please, either that or stick with writing in spuds blogs.

  12. Sam

    Dec 02, 2010, 13:14 #39

    Qualify for CL next season????.....it's not gonna happen again.

  13. harry potter

    Dec 02, 2010, 13:09 #38

    "but qualify for Champions League for the second year running when previously the closest we’ve come to Barcelona is supporting them against yourselves"...just to claify, if the top 4 includes man city instead of spurs in may, are spuds fans mugs?

  14. CrouchEndGooner

    Dec 02, 2010, 12:33 #35

    What the f*** is this doing here?

  15. Paul D

    Dec 02, 2010, 12:23 #34

    Ed - Particular reason you're giving Sp**s fans space on this site?

  16. PG

    Dec 02, 2010, 11:50 #30

    Ho hum !! So you are making progress - great. But why come and tell us that ? Is that not the inferiority complex you are fighting against ? One of the first principles of winning is to ignore the haters whoever they might be.

  17. Website Editor

    Dec 02, 2010, 11:31 #29

    Dan. Re: "I stopped reading when you replaced letters for ****** Infantile and stupid!" - In fairness to the author, it was me who replaced Emirates with E******s. Call it house style. We tend to avoid giving airlines free advertising. At least Arsenal have been paid for selling their soul. Give us £100m too and we'll gladly do the same on this here website!

  18. younkq

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:42 #27

    What the...F

  19. Dan

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:41 #22

    I stopped reading when you replaced letters for ****** Infantile and stupid!

  20. Alan

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:37 #26

    Arsenal fans have been starved of ambition for so long that they find it amusing when other clubs exhibit any. The comment I really love is the one about Harry spending money as if it is something to be ashamed of. Wanting to re-invest money back into the team. I'd much rather my season ticket money gone on players than boosting the balance sheet. Arsenal fans are so pathetic that they ambition is to win the most profitable club award and the carling cup. Brilliant. Rather than signing a goalkeeper or a decent centre half, Arsene is too busy in France with some cheap hooker. Real class.

  21. Alan

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:35 #25

    Spurs will fail to qualify for the CL next season and the bes tteam they've had gfor years will be broken up and sold off. Simple. This is what happens when you don't have a long term plan.

  22. Dominic Cassidy

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:31 #21

    Don't forget to looming curse of the Keane departure. After leaving Coventry, Wolves and Leeds they all were relegated. Spurs fortunes revived after he rejoined them from Liverpool who promptly dropped out of the Champions' League positions.

  23. shooy

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:27 #19

    I'm sure he coukld be right, but point is I really don't care.

  24. PG

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:20 #18

    Ho hum !! So you are making progress - great. But why come and tell us that ? Is that not the inferiority complex you are fighting against ? One of the first principles of winning is to ignore the haters whoever they might be.

  25. Trennon

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:14 #15

    Who Cares??? Spurs can believe all they want but the fact is that they will have no choice but to continue spending huge amounts of money to stay in touch each and every year. They have ZERO development programme. If they're lucky they may produce a player good enough every 5 years or so. They have crap reserves and no youth team worth talking about. Do you really think Spurs are going to hang on to those players if they fail to make the CL again? I doubt it very much. Good luck anyway, you'll need it.

  26. PGroves

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:13 #13

    Cogent thoughts but no Spurs fans seem to be aware that Harry has 1 rule of management. Spend. I guarantee he'll buy in January & his past clubs (Soton, Pompey) are examples of what happens when a manager is irresponsible with money. The Top 4 has now become a Top 3, and Liverpool, Spurs & Man City will fight it out for the remaining Champs league place

  27. JSP

    Dec 02, 2010, 10:07 #12

    Scum, plain and simple. Defo on the SIMPLE!!!

  28. dan

    Dec 02, 2010, 9:55 #8


  29. BJ

    Dec 02, 2010, 9:55 #7

    Sounds reasonable.