Maybe that Patrice Evra bloke had a point

Online Ed: Arsenal second best at Old Trafford

Maybe that Patrice Evra bloke had a point

Another long trip home awaits…

I sometimes start with the texts I receive during and after a game. And here are those that came through last night…

From Pete Mountford (towards the end of the game) – ‘Don’t know what is worse. CL first leg or this’ (referring to the 1-0 defeat in 2009)

From Adam Velasco – ‘Koscielny with Rooney’s shirt on at the end… pathetic loser and sums up the attitude… Evra was spot on about Arsenal.’

From Ian Henry – ‘Another big game when the ‘big’ players fail to live up to Wenger’s blind faith

From Telboy – ‘Evra may be a c*** but he was on the money. Predictable or what! When was the last time we beat Chelsea or the Mancs in a meaningful game? Any worthwhile board would look at that. Too many players on big wages with some past their best, some with no desire or hunger = losers all day long. Nothing’s changed since 2005. Why I get excited and hopeful is beyond me when all logic tells me it will always be the same under Wenger. Enjoy the League cup chaps, that’s our level. Thank God for pubs, mates and lager on a Saturday.’

From the Highbury Spy – ‘Total sh*t. Where was Song, Van Persie, Arshaving, Nasri, Rosicky, Sagna? Clichy an absolute disaster waiting to happen. Never a pen but why does it always happen to him? And as for the goal, why is he showing Nani inside? Worst thing about tonight is that ALL the attacking players failed to show up. One shining light is that Szczesny looked the business. So much less worried with him in goal.'

I am not going to write too many words about yesterday’s encounter. But in brief, United were better in defence and in attack. Simples, as our number 23 might say. I haven’t caught anything Arsene Wenger said since the end of the match and I am not in the mood for it this morning. Arsenal, somewhat artificially topping the table due to the lack of an outstanding team in the division this season, had a chance to make a statement.

During the second half, after the first two subs, the side had Arshavin, Fabregas, Van Persie, Chamakh and Nasri on the pitch at the same time. Certainly as strong offensively as this team can be. They created very little, much like the first hour of so of the match. That United created far more chances shows you the current gap between the two sides. If you accept Wojciech Szczesny is the best keeper at the club (and many did before last night) then only Vermaelen was unavailable to Wenger last night. I won’t speak of Abou Diaby as a first choice player as that notion is too depressing this morning.

So, selection-wise, Arsenal had enough about them to be able to compete with United if they were up to the task. They were not. The only real highpoint of the match, aside from the keeper’s display and Jack Wilshere’s demonstration that he can perform at this level without any qualms, was Rooney’s spot kick. The award was a classic Old Trafford penalty that would never have been given at the other end, but at least justice was somewhat amusingly done.

I feared the worst when Koscielny was named as a starter in preference to Djourou. Significantly, United won a good many headers from long balls, including one that Koscielny failed to get to in the build-up to the goal. But Arsene knows, and is determined to be proved right over the purchase of this player. Looks to me like he is costing us points, but what do I know?

The team didn’t turn up. Pure and simple. They are still in the hunt for the title by dent of sheer maths. But in real terms, last night we witnessed the difference between title pretenders and contenders. The January transfer window is looming. Arsenal are sitting on a pile of cash. The team need strengthening in certain areas. United have beaten Arsenal. We’ve been here before haven’t we?

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  1. Steven

    Dec 19, 2010, 22:33 #394

    Fellow Gooners! This is just Wenger's stubborness at show. After our 2005 season Wenger is too busy being a economist rather than a winner. Isee his view play beautiful football to win but barca do the SAME difference is Barca players go nuts to get the ball back not to mention they have class CB's and fantastic CDM. For Wenger he simply has to get rid of Van persie his JUST DISAPOINting he only loves arsenal cause there the only team that will not off load him sititng on the bench no wonder her jumped to sign a new contract. He should have been swapped for Chiellini ages ago when Juventus wanted a replacement for Del Piero, but wengers wage structure is only ever going to get arsenal the carling cup. Henry was 27 when he left eto was 26 eto wanted to come to arsenal (falling out with ronaldinho) wengers wage structure once again made him turn away, then we have yaya toure people he wanted to come to arsenal (wenger once again bulked at his wages) l'm sure yaya would be in a arsenal shirt if wenger agreed the 100k he was asking for man city only offered him more so he went. Put that into perspective people we would have had vermalean and chiellini as CB's and yaya toure as our CDM with eto upfront. NOW THATS a team that can match the invincibles. Instead i see average players bought on promise rather then proven ability. I was disgusted to see van persie in a arsenal shirt, if he cant handle a few knocks he should get out of the EPL and play in the asian league.

  2. aabbs

    Dec 16, 2010, 19:08 #334

    The problem is every decent side knows how 2 play us, its way 2 predictable, we need some world class experiance in there, to guide the youngsters, unfortunately im not available LOL jokes, naa, we need a strong defnsive midfielder like Mascherano, solid and simple, until we get some world class experiance in there, it looks like we not going 2 do alot apart from qualifying for the champs league and maybe winning the league cup, glad i dont go games anymore, waste of money.

  3. Steven

    Dec 15, 2010, 2:31 #243

    Fellow Gooners! This is just Wenger's stubborness at show. After our 2005 season Wenger is too busy being a economist rather than a winner. Isee his view play beautiful football to win but barca do the SAME difference is Barca players go nuts to get the ball back not to mention they have class CB's and fantastic CDM. For Wenger he simply has to get rid of Van persie his JUST DISAPOINting he only loves arsenal cause there the only team that will not off load him sititng on the bench no wonder her jumped to sign a new contract. He should have been swapped for Chiellini ages ago when Juventus wanted a replacement for Del Piero, but wengers wage structure is only ever going to get arsenal the carling cup. Henry was 27 when he left eto was 26 eto wanted to come to arsenal (falling out with ronaldinho) wengers wage structure once again made him turn away, then we have yaya toure people he wanted to come to arsenal (wenger once again bulked at his wages) l'm sure yaya would be in a arsenal shirt if wenger agreed the 100k he was asking for man city only offered him more so he went. Put that into perspective people we would have had vermalean and chiellini as CB's and yaya toure as our CDM with eto upfront. NOW THATS a team that can match the invincibles. Instead i see average players bought on promise rather then proven ability. I was disgusted to see van persie in a arsenal shirt, if he cant handle a few knocks he should get out of the EPL and play in the asian league.

  4. Shropshire Lad

    Dec 14, 2010, 21:55 #241

    All true and his French stubborness will not allow him to back peddle and sign anyone in Jan. Like most gooners I remember winning the league at Old Trafford. Wonderful but then we fielded men not boys. Oh and we took the piss out the Spuds for valuing the League Cup. What a difference several years makes! All so the more depressing when with a little bit of humble pie and an ounce of pragmatism from Wenger we could still win the title this sason

  5. rob

    Dec 14, 2010, 19:19 #240

    bloody repeats on the TV over Christmas because i have seen that game about 12 times over the last 4 years. really dont know whether to feel sorry for arsene, as deep down he must know the team cant cut it at the very top level despite him talking them up. but on the other hand, apart from cesc we have got weaker in every position over the last 5 years. 2-3 positions being worse can happen, but 10 out of 11?? to me that is a sign of a manager not doing his job. how many more years do you let arsene carry on with such obvious faults with the team, before we end up talking about past glorys like the scum from shite hart lane????

  6. ebrahim

    Dec 14, 2010, 15:30 #238

    The last man to challenge Wenger, football wise, was David Dein. This nutter is power crazy, he rules like Stalin, with any challenge to him leading to a swift exit. It is rotten, we as fans are also to blame, cos we cannot send a message by hitting them where it hurts, MONEY! Boycott for a while and they will hit the panic button.

  7. Bo

    Dec 14, 2010, 15:04 #237

    What a load of crap! How many teams go to OT and come back from 1-0 down when United have their most defensive, hard working team out??

  8. Matt

    Dec 14, 2010, 13:25 #232

    Lack of genuine creativity at home and against the big boys is a real worry. Defence continues to look shaky, but Szczesny looked the business.

  9. gooner86

    Dec 14, 2010, 12:00 #231

    wenger is a shareholder. the finances are great. the company is making money. the board is happy. its not about trophies and glory anymore. i miss highbury and i miss arsenal teams that had some fight in them. current squad is too much lightweight ballet hence we get massive injuries every year. wenger doesnt like thoroughbreds

  10. chrisy boy

    Dec 14, 2010, 11:19 #230

    wenger has had hes day, other managers and teams have caught up with him and in some cases overtaking him, but what will our board do, nothing ! Come on stan show us the money and lets get some winners and fighters at our great club.

  11. GoonerRon

    Dec 14, 2010, 10:27 #228

    I don't understand the negativity towards Koscielny - I thought we defended really well last night. The goal was from a defelcted cross and without the spin from the deflection Park would never have got on the end of it, let alone scored. Other than the goal Man U had 2 or 3 chances which you expect when they play at home. I don't think we can fault the players desire last night at all. Tactically, we didn't mix it up enough towards the end of the game which was my main frustration.

  12. Rob

    Dec 14, 2010, 9:26 #224

    I thought Wenger commended they way United defended rather than blaming the pitch. Let's cut to the chase, United are a poor shadow of their great sides from recent years playing effective but dour football. Arsenal play pretty football, are tactically niave with no plan B.

  13. Danny Salford Red

    Dec 14, 2010, 9:14 #222

    Its alright mate Arsene has cleared the whole thing up. You only lost because of the pitch................that we both played on........................ :-)

  14. chris dee

    Dec 14, 2010, 9:14 #221

    Before the match we hoped we could do some damage at Old Traford,but deep down we knew didn't we? We've seen this movie so many times we know every scene and every line. It's all very well Arsene getting miffed at journalists questioning our appalling record in big games ,Premiership and Champions league,but the questioner was only asking for answers that we, the mugs who pay the wages and get depressed over results,wanted to know. Arsene's credit with the fans is slowly slipping into the red after our fifth,yes fifth, defeat of the season before half the season has gone. Fortunately the Carling Cup has given us a great chance to get the 'no trophies in five years ' monkey off our back.It would be unforgivable if we blow that chance. Another thing that would be even more unforgivable would be if Spurs or Chelsea won the Champions League before we did. We have been London's top club for decades and it would be to the managers and the boards eternal shame if another London club won the trophy before we did. Are you listening,Gazidis,Hill Wood,Kroenke,the Russian bloke,Wenger? It would be unforgivable.

  15. Am

    Dec 14, 2010, 9:05 #220

    Evra also said that even if we beat them, they would still finish ahead of us. I still believe man utd are not all that good. We will still finish above them if we buy a top commanding centre back.

  16. gooner86

    Dec 14, 2010, 8:48 #219

    as a gooner from the george graham era - remember him ? the guy that passed on to wenger a great back 5 - i was dismayed by last night - arsenal dont have enough fight and in the end we will be left behind by man u and chelsea again and poss city if they keep tevez and god forbid a rampant spurs under rednapp

  17. GunnerB

    Dec 14, 2010, 8:28 #217

    Simple. Arsenal need a manager who has focus nd hunger. Bring Cahil, M'bila, Baines.

  18. will

    Dec 14, 2010, 8:27 #216

    you fickel idiots. i guess if we beat chelsea we will win the league. have some vision and overview not to get caught up

  19. Arni

    Dec 14, 2010, 8:08 #215

    "The award was a classic Old Trafford penalty that would never have been given at the other end, but at least justice was somewhat amusingly done." Actually justice was done when the penalty was given, as Chamackh clearly handballed in the first half and knew he got away with it. So a pen should've been coming either way. But yeah Clichy's was harsh. But it all evened out.

  20. craig chisholm

    Dec 14, 2010, 8:06 #213

    i dont agree with any of the comments tbh. i am a newcastle fan and geordie and from a footballing point of view...both man utd and your lot are great to watch. i dont think i hardly saw any hoof it up the pitch stuff and both teams play great, easy on the eye attacking footy in the true spirt of the game. last night i think that both teams were fairly equal and indeed your lot did have some great chances. The only thing you are missing is a natural born prolific striker. AKA henry, bergkamp etc. chin up lads.... at least you are still at the summit of the league and infront of chelski and spurs.

  21. Martin Hemmings

    Dec 14, 2010, 8:05 #212

    I'd stopped buying your mag because the negative content depresses me. After last night though - there's no denying we are a lightweight outfit who continue to decieve and at the top level are second best. I think that we are all agreed that wenger has to buy, but he has the casting vote and has clearly made up his stubborn little french mind so forget it. What isost disappointing is that whilst every commentator agrees we play the best exhibition football we lack the strength and grit to beat the stronger teams. It's no good showboating the manageryst realise there's more to the game. The Manx winner came from a long punt downfield from the keeper a move to crude for the perfectionist Wenger but it's team grit spirit, group determination and improvisation that wins games like this and we simply don't have it. Wenger might convince himself we do but we know better. Let's face it the central defence is weak and jittery when it needs to be strong and confident. Pretty does not cut it in defence as everyone knows all the great teams are built on strong foundations, we are one of the poorest back 4s in the PL mainly down to the central 2 and the lack of a strong gk with the confidence to command the troops. Upfront Chamakt does not cut it either. I agree he's added something this term but there's no muscle, no grit therer either and a player who prefers to go down is not cleaver or pretty and not what I want to see. As for Arshavings can someone tell me what he brings to the party? For a player with undoubted ability he goes missing way too often he clearly doesn't care and needs to go. As the venerable Mr Whitcher rightly points out we had 10 of our strongest 11 out there last night and if were honest there didn't even worry the Manx with one single treatening moment in the entire 90 mins and I get the jitters every time a team heads towards our flimsy defense

  22. simon

    Dec 14, 2010, 8:02 #211

    i worry for wenger tactically, how many times does Fergie have to show him how to get a result,Fergie drops Berbetov, wenger throws-on a half fit out of form VP who ends up playing as part of a back 5.

  23. Will

    Dec 14, 2010, 7:57 #210

    Ad you don't think Webb had anything to do with this?

  24. Gooner4Ever

    Dec 14, 2010, 7:47 #209

    Clichy a perfect disaster,as usual,Walcott should be sent on-loan,and Ferguson a great tactitian....Nasri was blotted out of the game.Wilshire showed Evra what men are made of,when the young Jack made him nearly eat the grass. Wenger should but in the transfer window,if he realy want to challenge.He cannot cope with DM like Song

  25. kay

    Dec 14, 2010, 7:47 #208

    Man united were not fantastic either but they took their chance which was a fluke goal.I don't know why Arsene did not start Djourou in this game because he has been more consistent than the new boys.and Song keeps dropping his passes, rosicky was not in the game,Arshavin was wasteful in possession,Chamakh does not have killer instinct but the keeper was exceptional on his debut and i see him taking the first spot from fabianski soon.Let me say that Arsenal do not know how to defence high in opponents half, this was very evident in the first half.The problem i have with Nasri is that he slows down the game allowing the opponent to regroup thereby wasting numerous counter attacking opportunities.All the same i expect this team to bounce back against Stoke on Sat. Anyway, the title bids remains open and either one or both manu or chelsea will drop point at the weekend. Keep it Goonerish!

  26. Bergkamp

    Dec 14, 2010, 7:34 #207

    Obviously, last night showed what Arsenal can't achieve this season. There is no way they are going to win the premier league. All the players looked so scared of the Man U team. There was no desire to win or at-least draw the match. Even at 90 mins, the defenders showed no urgency at trying some long balls. They were more like strolling in a park. Again this season, they have lost against Man U & Chelsea. Is there any hope they will even reach the quarters or semis in Champions League?

  27. jeffers

    Dec 14, 2010, 7:27 #206

    Getting fed up of this team. For all the talk of technical brilliance and creativity they didnt create a single decent chance last night. I have no massive complaints with the goal, it was a fortunate deflection followed by a good header, but our inability to put any pressure on a bog average man u side is depressing. Our style of play is becoming boring.

  28. Firstbattalion

    Dec 14, 2010, 7:26 #205

    What is the point of fucking rivalry,if you go and ask for Rooney`s shirt ,what a fucking loser,i have got a suggestion for Wenger ,take the fucking french lot and start playing in the french league ,at least you will have a chance there.