Boring, Boring Arsenal

You don’t need to be an expert pundit to predict what will happen at Arsenal these days

Boring, Boring Arsenal

Rosicky: No title with him in team

Well hands up who was surprised by anything other than Rooney’s missed penalty on Monday night? I thought about the game a few hours before and I pretty much wrote the script to a tee. I predicted in my mind that Cesc would be on the bench and come on during the second half with RVP and Theo doing the same. I predicted the three players to come off would be Wilshire (even though he would be one of our better players), Arshavin and Rosicky. I also predicted a 1 or 2-0 defeat with us having a fair portion of the possession with the United keeper having hardly anything to do for the 90 minutes.

All in all pretty predictable stuff. The sad thing is we all know when we play Chelsea on the 27th it will be more of the same. I can safely predict an away win for the Blues right here and now. I can also predict that come the end of the season we will not finish above either Man United or Chelsea even though neither of those clubs is anywhere near their old levels and at best we will finish third which would be deemed a very good season by all at the top end of the club. Mission accomplished for another season.

I can also predict that we will not spend any worthwhile cash on new players either in January or throughout the summer. I will also predict that everyone will still be queuing up to part with £1200+ for a season ticket come next season and a fair portion of them will not attend more than 80% of the matches and that the atmosphere inside our stadium will remain like that of a library.

Why has it all become so predictable? The answer for me lies in the simple fact that our club as a whole has become so Europeanised since Wenger took over. The Englishness of the team has been ripped apart and ever since the final few left the club that had real balls and wanted to win at all costs (Keown, Campbell and Cole) we have not got any of that kind of spirit back with the players that have been brought in. We are so far to the side of technical ability rather than grit and balls that we have forgot how to win the major trophies in our own country.

I am bored of looking at 65% possession stats every game with only one or two shots on target over the 90 minutes. Edwin Van Der Saar could not have had an easier game than against Arsenal all season, he had one shot to save and fumbled that when Chamakh should have scored the rebound. Other than that all of our efforts were a waste of time as they came to zero. Chelsea away this season, how many worthwhile saves did Cech make? Answer was just the once again (a first half Arshavin shot). How can anyone say we were unlucky in either game if the opposing keeper has only ever had to make one worthwhile save?

Our keeper on the other hand must have made a minimum of three or four very decent stops and Rooney missed a penalty so all in all the best team won and should have won by a bigger margin. What do we get after the game from Wenger? A moan about the state of the Old Trafford pitch. Now let us look at that without the tinted glasses. If that was any other manager we would be calling him a mug and telling him to get real.

I feel it is time for us all to wake up and smell the coffee. We as a club are second rate as we buy second rate players on the cheap that wouldn’t make the top teams’ bench. We have to admit that Evra’s comments in the run up to the game where factually correct and for me it is also time we admitted that even though he does seem to be a bit of a di*k Ashley Cole was right to leave the club and force a move to the Bridge. He has earned more money since leaving us and won trophies that he would not have won if he had stayed, that is fact. After the Spurs game on Sunday I saw John Terry run over to the Chelsea fans and point repeatedly to the club badge on his chest, whilst he was doing this he was mouthing the word trophies to the onlooking Chelsea supporters in a clear p**s taking exercise aimed at the Spurs supporters. That is the attitude and the spirit that as a side we are completely lacking and that in a nutshell is why we will always come up short against the Uniteds and the Chelseas of this world.

Rosicky in a Premier League winning team will not happen as long as I am alive and the level of effort that players like Clichy and Arshavin put in is simply not good enough to win major trophies. All we are left with as fans every season is the hope that the other top teams drop a lot of points against the other sides in the league as we as a team are not good enough to stop them off our own backs. We lose every time we play United or Chelsea not because of bad luck or bad pitches but because of our complete lack of steel/balls/winning mentality and that will not change any time soon, you can be sure of that.

Whilst Wenger remains in charge this will always be the case as he has got so one dimensional and fixated in his own delusions of grandeur that he will not even think about being wrong even when all around him can see the failings a mile off. If Wenger honestly feels he can win the league and beat teams like United with the likes of Rosicky in the side then he should be sacked with immediate effect and if he doesn’t feel that level is good enough why the f*** do we as fans have to put up with it year in year out whilst paying top money for the privilege of seeing it go pear-shaped every season?

Lots of neutrals say watching Arsenal is the most enjoyable experience they get from any team in the league. They purr over every sideways pass as though we are artists at the top of our trade. Why is it then that as an Arsenal fan I find most of the matches I see to be the most frustrating part of my week? I see us as the most predictable side I have ever seen right now and that is a pretty depressing admission to make. We are totally one dimensional which in turn makes us completely predictable and very rarely do the fancy flicks and tricks ever come off. How many times does Arshavin try and flick the ball through his own legs to a member of the Arsenal side only for it to result in a loss of possession. When has he ever managed to pass to an Arsenal player whilst trying to perform this circus act?

I will be in attendance for the Stoke game on Saturday where we can return to the top of league with a win but I for one will not be getting too excited if we manage the three points as I know come May we will realistically be looking at a top four finish at best and yet another pointless stab at winning the Champions League next season. All Champions League qualification means to the club is another £20-30m in the kitty and as a fan I couldn’t give two hoots about that unless that money is used to increase the quality of the playing squad which it never is. So overall if you are not going to re-invest or win the Champions League the following season what is the point of being in it every year? Maybe we could benefit from the slap in the face that a season in the Europa League would give us and maybe, just maybe that would make the top people at our club wake up and smell the coffee and who knows even consider spending a few quid on some new blood and trying to bring in a fresh attitude, one that is more akin to winning trophies at all cost rather than looking pretty on the eye and delivering f*** all.

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  1. Murphyr

    Dec 20, 2010, 2:28 #397

    I completely share your frustration. It is unarguable that we lack at least 4-5 proper world class players in the squad. Wenger's inability to go and get the defenders we need is costing us big time. There is also a real abscence of leadership on the pitch and they are related issues in my opinion. The fact is that most of these players have grown up NEVER having beaten the likes of Chelsea and Utd and they carry this inferiority with them out onto the pitch. Wenger's albeit honourable attempt to mould a team of youngsters into title contenders is just backfiring. However, i can't agree with this whole 'we need more English players' line of argument. English players are probably the most one dimensional on the planet. Rewatch the World Cup if you need evidence. A team full of English players would have got torn a new one against Utd regardless of how much 'balls' they would have shown. Our problems can't be remedied with Churchillian patriotism. We need Wenger to part with that Dragon hoard he is sitting on and get some experience and leadership in the team. Feck where they come from - just get the best!!!!

  2. Graham Yates

    Dec 17, 2010, 14:49 #354

    Poor Hans, he likes mediocrity and pretty football and a lovely stadium with an empty trophy cabinet. It is the very people who were supporters in the 70 & 80's who agree with this blog and most importantly how John is saying it. It's the emotion & passion which he writes with which Arsenal FC has lost, not to mention any sort of organisation, preparedness & team work which is bereft. It is wholly irresponsible for a manager to experiment with his own personal philosophy and pass thus off as the "Arsenal Way." None of these supporters who have replied are glory hunters oe will ever support & love any other club than Arsenal. They just know what Wenger has been capable of in the past and now he is not meeting his own high standards. I would argue he isn't even our greatest leader after all George won 2 league titles Wenger has only won 3!

  3. nugs

    Dec 17, 2010, 13:19 #350

    hans in the 80's we were not one of the richest clubs in world football charging the highest ticket prices! you totally miss the point!

  4. The Happening

    Dec 17, 2010, 9:50 #345

    It definetly is time for a change! I had to stop going to the E*******, I just couldn't afford it anymore, I lasted 1 season after the move, even back then I could see AW was losing it regarding 1st team affairs, Gilberto, Flamini and the drawn out Henry saga, I noticed, back then, AW ruled unchallenged! For many a season now our game has been 1 dimensional, and we have an indefensible record against the teams who finish above us, what really grates me though is that we've been told that 'this is the best squad of players' by a manager who should know better! I remember a game at Highbury where I heard TA scream 'am I the only one f****** working or what?' to the team as he cleared the ball. This team and manager are flattering to decieve, I made my decision on AW a long long time ago!

  5. Nick T

    Dec 17, 2010, 1:23 #343

    Completely agree with every word that you wrote, Arsenal are a business first and a football club second now - the performance at old trafford was completely gutless, reminded me of the first leg in the champions league 2 years ago, even if we had lost I would have taken something more from it if I genuinely believed we were unlucky to lose but we wern't....and the killer is that this is the worst united team in 20 years!!!! I never believed I would say this but Im now firmly of the belief that The Arsenal, the club I love, will win no more major trophies with Wenger in charge....he is a very different person to the assured, confident, witty genius that turned our club around 13 years ago. I will always thank him for those golden years but his time is up! Gutted

  6. Brigham

    Dec 16, 2010, 22:17 #340

    A good article and one with which I agree on most points, although I do think you have been a bit harsh on Rosicky. @ Hans - You said that Arsene "runs the club like a clever bank manager" Well mate, I would rather he ran the club like a flamming football manager as that is what he is paid to do. Also, our ground is not in Central London, its NORTH LONDON. Some Gooner you are.

  7. Ando

    Dec 16, 2010, 19:03 #333

    its about time someone kicked wengers arse im sure david dean would have, he seems untouchable and surrounded by a load of sycophants. even i have had enough of his bullshit embarrassing rhetoric, he protects average players like their his lovechilds its about time we saw some anger, perhaps we will see it against the chavs, but i dont think so, do you?

  8. Ian McCarthy

    Dec 16, 2010, 16:26 #326

    We have been predictable for a long time now. I find myself able to correctly predict where the next pass is going. If I can I'm sure the opposition players and manager can. I was fuming with Arshavin the other night, back heels when we are 1 nil down and they never come off. The words Groundhog day spring to mind every game.

  9. Mark

    Dec 16, 2010, 16:23 #325

    You want world class players and not French dross! When we signed him, Tomas Rosicky was the captain of the Czech team and a world class midfielder. If you stopped being such a short sighted xenophobe, you would remember that. Yes Arsene has fucked it up in the last 5 seasons. But to call our club dross when we have some of the best attacking players in the world is plain stupid. There is an arsenal way of playing. Every expert recognizes that. Is there a Man U way? Is there a Chelsea way?

  10. nugs

    Dec 16, 2010, 13:46 #322

    totally agree with post 468 we have to stop lining these c**ts pockets because as long as we do nothing will change its that simple and the best way to start would be boycotting games at the bowl.

  11. bunch

    Dec 16, 2010, 12:50 #318

    I would say the main disappintment for me is that once again Wenger has been exposed as a tactical pigmy. Like I posted on forum after the Chelsea defeat, doing the same thing time after time and expecting a different result is a defintion of madness. And we don't have anyone with anywhere near the connection with the fans that John Terry has with the Chelsea mob. Maybe Jack will grow into that role, but the rest don't understand and so aren't willing to fight. Losing to Spurs at home... those fuckers owe us big time. To say that Cashley did the right thing (for him at least) sticks inthe throat but 3 FA Cups, a League Cup and a Premier League versus zip tells its own story. It is very depressing if you think about it too much.

  12. Hattori Hanzo

    Dec 16, 2010, 11:21 #313

    Top stuff. But you know....sorry to say but if you want improvements then you are part of the problem: stop paying £1200 a season to watch dross. The less money they make, the mroe they will notice. Stop buying merchandise, hot dogs and cheap tat. If you are happy paying for AW to get £6 mil a year, and new contracts for Clichy, Denilson, Diaby and Flapianski; then feel free. If you want improvements and better strikers than the rubbish Chamakh (he is awful), if you want better than a 'defensive midfielder' like Alex Thong who makes ONE successful tackle in 90 minutes at OT, if you want better than pathetic Denilson, if you want better than the ridiculous French Chuckle brothers of Kos and Shitachi... Then stop endorsing it. It's funny cos the board expect the fans to show faith in the club by investing silly money in tickets. But when it comes to them repaying the fans by investing money in a quality team, they don't give a shit! If you are paying mroe than a Barca, Real, Bayern, Chelsea, Man United or AC Milan fan; then you should be seeing the BEST. Full stop. Not this shite that loses at home to Spuds. We need to force change. Wenger needs to be made to spend money. In fact, seeing as all his summer signings were so incredibly shit, I would get someone else in to do the transfers and take them outta his hands. He is the cancer at this club he and the baord are taking the piss in unison. Force change. Stop lining their pockets.

  13. John Evans

    Dec 16, 2010, 11:11 #312

    In answer to Hans response, I was born in 1981 and have been a regular at Arsenal games since 1987 as a seix year old with my dad. I completely disagree with a few points you made about my article. Is it a bad thing to have a mixture of European flair and technique along with some typical English fighting spirit? I feel that is what we as a team are sadly lacking and for me it is no coincedence that we have failed to lift major trophies after the last players left the club with that fighting spirit. I can only really understand why anybody would have Rosicky as their favourite player of they were from the Czech Rep and blinded by the faith of their own nationality as for anyone else he is a very average player indeed. I am not blaming him alone, but for me he typifies the predicatability of our side at the moment. Also to use the word zhenophobic in response to my article is a little on the embarrassing side to be fair. If anyone that watches Arsenal on a regular basis feels we have enough steel in the side then fair play to them for their own opinion but I would beg to differ.

  14. Josh

    Dec 16, 2010, 10:07 #303

    It pains me but you are so so right

  15. chris dee

    Dec 16, 2010, 10:04 #302

    Spot on article. One other point that iritate Arsenal fans. Are we the only ones who realise that Clichy is a massive liabilty and has no defensive atributes at all,a bit of disadvantage when you are a defender.Both the goal and the penalty against Utd were directly down to Clichy inabilty to either tackle,shadow or physically stand up to Nani.And how many times have we seen him carelessly give the ball away on the edge of our own area when all was needed was a long ball upfield to relieve the presure on our defence?Sadly this sort of basic defending seems to have been coached out of our players.So I wonder is it Clichy, the other defenders ,or Wengers coaching. The last few months of Sol Campbells time at Arsenal saw him turn from a rock solid defender into a nervous wreck as he looked to pass the ball at all times instead of doing his main job of clearing his lines first and football second.I's sure that's down to Wenger 'philosophy'. Just watch Vermaelon when he's back,after a cracking first season his last few games before his injury saw him become a non tackling non heading non physical powder puff.

  16. Hans

    Dec 16, 2010, 9:51 #301

    I understand your frustration, but where were you in the 80's? Why are so many Arsenal fans suddenly glory hunters? Supporting a club who expect to win trophies, preferrably two each that is boring! Arsene is not a pragmatic when it comes to winning when it counts. He runs the club like a clever bank manager (he's got a degree in economics), with a taste for running an art gallery on the side. Successful enough apparently according to season ticket holders who see 80% of home games and the board at the club. Perhaps because what Arsenal have today was simply inconceivable 20...years ago. With a brilliant stadium like that in Central London, half a mile from Highbury. What I find really, really boring are zhenophobic English fans complaining about how foreigners ruined your game. Because I'm one of them and have been since 1972. And yes, Thomas Rosicky is one of my favourite players. Go and support Stoke City..

  17. Billboy

    Dec 16, 2010, 9:36 #296

    I couldn't agree more. I also find myself wondering if a few more defeats might wake him up. But I really don't think he's going to take the team bus to the tip and dump most of them. They bloody deserve it.

  18. Mikl

    Dec 16, 2010, 9:28 #294

    What an absolute bullshit! I hate wenger more then everyone but you are to negative mate. Against chelsea we were by far the better side and our team is not that bad. If wenger plays the right players, then we have a hell of a team. The partnership of djourou-vermaelen looks to me a wonderfull pair, but wenger will always play his franch mates, what a facking cunt is that wenger. What i think we need, is a worldclass striker! Someone who can score against the likes of united and chelsea, benzema would be perfect, so swap him for clichy. I think that we miss to much chanes against the top teams, we don't score against the big boys, that's the problem, the defense is not that shit, vermaelen is worldclass and djourou can be worldclass but again wenger won't play them. That's just unbelievable. Everyone sees that we need to buy a top,top striker but there is only one man who can't see it, wenger. We have the money and we can buy the liks of hazard,benzema or cahill. But wenger is too stubborn with his policy, he must shut up. Wenger you are ruining our club!

  19. GooneRon

    Dec 16, 2010, 9:19 #291

    I think the criticism of Rosicky is a bit over the top. Yes he was poor against Man U but he wouldn't have been in the first team if Cesc, Diaby or Ramsey were fit. On that basis I'd say Rosicky is a very good squad player and realistically 6th or 7th in the CM pecking order. I take your point about us being predictable and agree we need to mix it up in the final third and look to change things if Plan A isn't working. I'm not sure we can make such bold predictions about definitely finishing below Man U and Chelsea. After the first two games of the season Chelsea were going to be the next invincibles and then hit a major blip which no one expected. This season is very unpredictable and anything can happen between now and May.

  20. KeepItReal..

    Dec 16, 2010, 9:19 #290

    You are right....I am also tired of Arsenal for being trophyless team....we need a chnage and lets bring someone like obama in...

  21. david

    Dec 16, 2010, 9:19 #289

    perfect summary - so perfect it makes me sad!! our only hope for the rest of the season is Vermaelen and Ramsey coming back in as both are fighters and Ramsey is a high-tempo midfielder who can create a ense of urgency which we patently miss at the moment

  22. Mikl

    Dec 16, 2010, 9:09 #284

    What an absolute bullshit! I hate wenger more then everyone but you are to negative mate. Against chelsea we were by far the better side and our team is not that bad. If wenger plays the right players, then we have a hell of a team. The partnership of djourou-vermaelen looks to me a wonderfull pair, but wenger will always play his franch mates, what a facking cunt is that wenger. What i think we need, is a worldclass striker! Someone who can score against the likes of united and chelsea, benzema would be perfect, so swap him for clichy. I think that we miss to much chanes against the top teams, we don't score against the big boys, that's the problem, the defense is not that shit, vermaelen is worldclass and djourou can be worldclass but again wenger won't play them. That's just unbelievable. Everyone sees that we need to buy a top,top striker but there is only one man who can't see it, wenger. We have the money and we can buy the liks of hazard,benzema or cahill. But wenger is too stubborn with his policy, he must shut up. Wenger you are ruining our club!

  23. Vineet

    Dec 16, 2010, 9:00 #281

    If the money making shareholders of the Club are more interested in their returns off the pitch and rather than on it – we will continue like this. If every summer AW will announce to world to buy class players and end up with some French connection average player – we will continue like this. If nobody from the Club will question him – we will continue like this. If jokers on the pitch – Denilson, Song, Nick, Diaby, Vela, Clichy and many others – will be touted as part of the greatest sqaud – we will continue like this. If AW will continue his “know all” approach and refuse to listen – - we will continue like this. I am from India and there are times when we get up at unearthly hours to watch the Champions League matches and what we get in return is pathetic display. I can understand that I have no right to say this but the fans in London who buy the season tickets to watch the “sissies” in action should seriously consider boycotting 3-4 games at a stretch. Only then will the moneybag holders will take notice and question AW and make him see reason. It is a very non-violent and effective method of making them realise value of fans. Without the supporters Arsenal can never get sponsorship. They earn their bread because of us. (I though watch on TV) Even if you can make the stadium half empty – they will squirm and listen. Go and sit outside the stadium and refuse to enter it. It will help a lot.

  24. Surrey Gunner

    Dec 16, 2010, 8:54 #279

    Good article, with many valid points. I wish you werent right, but you are. Question: What would have Adams, Veira, McKeown, Mclintock or Story done to Evra? We simply have to remember we are a North London side which must have grit, determination and physical presense. Your exactly right about Chelsea, the will be very defensive then counter attack, then Chelsea change the formation after a goal so they play defensive and flood the mid field............................

  25. Lanesra

    Dec 16, 2010, 8:33 #271

    I think it would be good if we fail to make the Champions League next season. It we get into the Europa League, at least we will have a chance of winning the f*cking thing. Also, as I'm quite cynical: 1. how about the theory that the board doesn't actually want us to win the major trophies as that will mean big win bonuses to all the players? 2. how about the theory that the board actually wants us to finish 4th, as that will mean extra gate receipts from having to take part in a Champions League qualifying round? The gate receipts from the extra home match will be greater than the difference between finishing 3rd or 4th in terms of prize money.

  26. Danladi Omozokpia

    Dec 16, 2010, 8:27 #270

    Very factual commentary.