Enough's Enough

A former AKB crosses over to the dark side

Enough's Enough

Fabianski – Like a moth to a bulb at set pieces

I have always been an AKB merchant but Wednesday night was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Did AW think we were playing Wigan at home in the Carling Cup 3rd round? If he didn't then he cannot justify 8 changes. 3 or 4 would have been acceptable, Fabregas would have been rested even if he wasn't suspended & I understand the caution with RVP but how can the rest of them have been tired?

How can you explain playing a half decent right back at left back, it defies belief. What is wrong with Arshavin? I am uninterested in the fact that he scored & set up the 2nd for the baby giraffe Bendtner, what I am interested in is his apathy & general lacklustre displays throughout this season.

When I find myself shouting at my computer for Wenger to wake up & put Theo on (who I do not fully trust either) you know I'm at the end of my tether. I was hoping that someone might have bought Diaby some urgency & Denilson a forward pass for Christmas but I have been thwarted again and both should be making for the exit this summer. I actually cheered when Diaby went off & wished he'd take AA & Denilson with him, there was an instant change of attitude when Wilshere came on.

I think that AW should retire immediately if he cannot see that Squillaci & Koscielny cannot play together. Wigan could have had 2 goals before they actually scored due to defensive mistakes & this cannot continue if we hope to win something this season. Imagine what Messi will do to us if we play the hapless combo against Barca. It will be truly embarrassing.

Blame for the equaliser was shared equally by Squillaci & Fabianski, you cannot fail to have your heart rate increase every time a set piece is played into our box when Fabianski is attracted to it like a moth to a bulb. What was he doing running beyond his post after a ball he had no chance of getting? It just shows he cannot be trusted. Every good save he makes is cancelled out by him making a magical mystery tour into no man’s land for us to concede another soft goal.

Squillaci made a schoolboy error in being the wrong side and that is always going to be a recipe for disaster. This league could be won comfortably if we had Shea Given but will it will never be won when your keeper costs you 15 points a year. Zigic will be relishing the game if the undynamic duo & Fabianski are playing. Alex McLeish will be Bomber Harris for the day & will bombard us with long balls all game.

It was a very strange feeling this morning, I find myself more sad than usual. When we drop points I'm always a bit down, but today is different, I feel like I've woken up in a loveless marriage & that I can no longer suffer AW’s antics just for the sake of the kids. It's no longer better to have loved & lost, I'd rather hate & win.

No longer keeping the faith.

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  1. Highbury Spy

    Jan 01, 2011, 10:34 #597

    Well said mate. Welcome to the dark side. I hope and pray Wenger sees sense and plays Szczesny today otherwise I fear for us big time. If you, me and every other Gooner can see it, why can't he? Fabianski is even more of a liability than Almunia!!!!

  2. Dan

    Jan 01, 2011, 4:18 #588

    Well said best post on here for ages.

  3. selsdon

    Dec 31, 2010, 17:46 #569

    Tony and Colonoscopic's replys are typical of the current Arsenal fan base. 'If you don't like it, support Tottenham', very mature. 'Knee-jerk'? Lol, do me a favour, five years now we've been making the same old mistakes time and time again. Wenger is too stubborn and arrogant to address them. His time is up.

  4. nugs

    Dec 31, 2010, 13:55 #567

    agreed m8 , cant believe some of the responses to this! keep the faith???????? b******s ive bee n keeping the faith for long enough, ive followed the arsenal since the late 70's and always will but wenger is taking the piss enough is enough, if the mugs on this site want to keep backing aw thats down to them but printing s**t like u should follow the tots is laughable.

  5. Fanfor60years

    Dec 31, 2010, 13:20 #566

    Good post.The sad thing for Wenger is that his reputation as Arsenal's greatest manager (rivalling Herbert Chapman) is slipping away. He is no longer David Dein's "MiracleMan". I and many others used to give him great credit for not only keeping the famous back 5 but extending their careers. Now the more I think of it Wenger would not have signed "boring,workman-like"defenders such as Bould,Dixon and Winterburn. He would not have spent hour after hour on the training pitch with rope tied to them to ensure they were co-ordinated when catching opponents off-side. He would not have taught them how to close out a game when leading 1 nil. These players were the basis of his original success.He would NEVER spend big money on a gk like Seaman and it shows with only Lehmann for a couple of seasons being the only decent gk he has signed. He would NEVER have bought a non-flying non French non-young player like Bergkamp.I am afraid that the longer Wenger goes on without success and being arrogant in his team selection and transfers his reputation will suffer and that's a shame for him as well as us.

  6. Graham

    Dec 31, 2010, 12:55 #565

    Being an Arsenal fan right now must be infuriating. Their victory over Chelsea was richly deserved and should have given them a real boost of confidence for the rest of the season. In the next game they go to Wigan and draw. I know they made eight changes to the team but was their really a need for so many swaps? One thing for sure, fans will be asking serious questions of Arsene Wenger if he doesn't deliver a trophy this season. The Frenchman is under no pressure from the clubs shareholders and directors who believe he is a near perfect manager. Wenger's masters degree in economics means he is adept at balancing the books and delivering a profit for Arsenal each year. He fills the stadium most weeks and his team plays a superb style of football. Canny Arsene is also very shrewd at selling players at the right time and the right price for Arsenal. For the people at the top at Arsenal winning trophies is secondary. It is a bonus to them. Running the club on a sound and viable football and financial footing is the main priority. This mentality has manifested itself throughout the club and is responsible, in part, to the lack of trophies over the last five years. Take a look at the odds for Wenger to be still in charge of Arsenal on 31st December 2011, he is 1/16 with some bookmakers. It's a joke.

  7. Hendrix

    Dec 31, 2010, 12:24 #564

    Great post, totally agreed

  8. Demijohn

    Dec 31, 2010, 11:50 #563

    Shay Given? What is it with the Irish and Shay Given?

  9. Don

    Dec 31, 2010, 11:50 #562

    Fabianski is shit at set pieces and does not dominate his box unlike Szczesny yet Wenger keeps persisting with Fabianski.The goal v Newcastle and the other night have cost us 5 points so far.And you just know there's another mistake around the corner.Szczesny proved at OT he is not fazzed by anything.Get him in the team now

  10. ClockendRob

    Dec 31, 2010, 11:49 #561

    Jeez, maybe its best that we drop down to mid table, to get rid of these idiots. I sit next to someone at the Grove who dosent even applaud when a goal is scored, just happy when we can concede so he can spout his anti wenger sentiment. Look in the dictionary of what supporter means, maybe we should run a premiership table on support. Guess what we'd be down the bottom. Yes there are improvements needed and I don’t agree with making 8 changes but F*ck it, lets support the team at home and not be so negative, you never know we might enjoy it! I cant wait for the comments to start arriving if (hopefully) we win the Carling Cup. "Micky Mouse Trophy blah blah blah..

  11. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Dec 31, 2010, 11:33 #560

    Welcome to the dark side old chap. It is a mystery why Arsene fails (or refuses) to address the obvious weaknesses in the squad as we are so close to being a winning team again. To make mistakes is part of being human - to keep making the same mistakes over and over and over again is part of being a deluded old fool. Never mind though - we could always f**k off and support Sp*rs after we get a grip!!

  12. simon

    Dec 31, 2010, 11:02 #559

    The Gooner has morphed into the worst kind of spoilt fan rubbish. Especially this guy, you clearly have no joy in your life mate

  13. Melvyn

    Dec 31, 2010, 10:58 #558

    I agree all your comments.To allow 6 players not fit by ability or desire to wear the Arsenal is either foolish or arogant.Either way if he doesn't change his ways perhaps the club needs to change its leader.I would rather take a risk with a new manager than year after year knowing I will be frustrated with this one.

  14. ando

    Dec 31, 2010, 10:38 #557

    How much longer are we to endure wenger's missplaced belief in players who clearly cannot do the business? How many chances do they need to have before moving them on/out? What a waste of time it was beating the chavs, this mearly gives AW more licence to bullshit us with futile optimism before putting some of the uselsss &%^£$ in the shop window the very next game I can see the end of season looming already just about finishing in a C/L spot and the board all patting the manager on the back for another season of sell out crowds at emirates and loads of our cash in the bank, but no sign of real ambition from the club outside of the finances.

  15. Paul Smith

    Dec 31, 2010, 10:26 #556

    From the BBC website: Meanwhile, Martinez insisted Wenger's decision to make so many changes had not aided Wigan. "Not at all - looking at them they are all full internationals with really good experience," the Latics boss explained. "I would have preferred to play against the team that played against Chelsea and it would have been practically impossible for them to have recovered."

  16. Colonoscopic

    Dec 31, 2010, 10:25 #555

    Good riddance. Knee-jerk dumbo

  17. Steve Palmer

    Dec 31, 2010, 10:18 #554

    Painful as it may be Wenger needs to step down, many times this year just as we have paved our way back up the league Wengers agenda hits us again, 8 changes to a winning side unbelievable, this man has cost us all season with his must rest players philosophy, what he should be saying is that the team are higher in the league than he wants them, so have some of that. My patience has finally been drained, players that have been injured for an age finally come back for one game and he needs a rest, from that assumption i estimate getting about six games out of Vermaelen about the same out of Gibbs i doubt we will see Diarby again this season and Frimpong may as well take a vacation till next season, this system that Wenger has brought to the club of bringing our own youngsters through has proved that they are not resilient unreliable and downright idle, we should have built a Hospital instead. Wenger has shown that his talent scouting and his budget buys are similar to a blind squirrel, where even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and again. Tactically he is inept or should i say incompetent, everybody in football has stated that we have a diabolical setup defensively and Wenger says they dont communicate, they dont head they dont tackle in other words they dont defend, Arsene do us a favour and Retire find a French hotel and take a break

  18. MO

    Dec 31, 2010, 10:15 #553

    I know some gooners wont agree with u, but i fully agree with almost everythin u said, 8 changes? Same mistakes every game? and yet arsene says there is no one to take responsibility at the back and shout, hell yeah there is no one, didnt he know this when he was buying those centrebacks? no chance we gona win the tittle this season with that kind of attittude and some personnel, hate me 4 this but thats the truth, i just feel will come short just as always, coz nothing has been rectified all along.

  19. Tony

    Dec 31, 2010, 10:11 #552

    Support the tots fellow..... Your faith is weak because you think you know best because of your fantasy football team. We are near the summit, we are challenging, and your world is loveless? Maybe you would prefer to focus on managers and spending like Liverpool get a grip. Arsenal until I die my support is unconditional. There where two clear penalties that should have been given. Onwards and forwards yes we should of could of but we did not lose.

  20. Jack

    Dec 31, 2010, 10:00 #551

    There should be a sign on all turnstiles... warning opposition set pieces can damage your health

  21. Peter

    Dec 31, 2010, 9:48 #550

    Here Here!