Wenger Hare Today - Here Forever??

Words not minced in this contribution

Wenger Hare Today - Here Forever??

Having just witnessed the game against Leeds, the only words I can are truly disgraceful.

If Wenger cannot see that Denilson, Eboue, Bendtner, Squillaci, Rosicky and Arshavin are simply not good enough to be in a team that aspires to win the Prem, the FA Cup and the CL, then he truly is blind.

After Leeds scored AW stood there like a rabbit caught in the headlights. He did not have a f***ing clue what to do to change it! Okay so he threw on Cesc and Theo, but we should NEVER have been in such a position where he has to take such measures. We started so sloppily - I've seen young kids play with more cohesion, passion, precision... AND GUTS!!!!

Footie fans often call Liverpool a one or two man team (Gerrard & Torres) - well it looked to me today like we suffer from something similar.

Cesc and Theo changed the game - without their 'up for it attitude' we would have lost (and I have yet to be wholly convinced by Theo yet, so that makes us a one man team).

I'm not just ANGRY beyond words... I am greatly saddened that my beloved Arsenal have become such an average team - save for a few players! In Saturday's game Djourou played well, as did Szchezny and Gibbs - but as for the rest…
Eboue reverted back to type (diving)
Denilson should never wear the Arsenal shirt again
Arshavin - maybe I'm mistaken but every time a substitution is made he automatically runs to the touchline (runs being an exaggeration). 'Lazy' is the word that comes to mind when I think of Arshavin
Bendtner!? - How long have we been waiting for him to be the player his father thinks he is!? His ego is bigger than his bank balance
Squillaci is an accident waiting to happen - he is Wenger's latest Cygan project
Rosicky has lost whatever it was he was supposed to have... it's not just a matter of lack of games, he's simply not up to it.

Cesc has just been interviewed and said of the Leeds pen - a professional player at this stage should not give away such a penalty.

Let's hope he can hasten Denilson's departure. We all want Cesc to stay, but who could blame him if he looks around him and sees such poor standards and uselss c***s like Denilson, Eboue and Bendtner - and the lazy pudding that is Arshavin. Time for Wenger to WAKE UP!!! or f*** off!

(Ed’s note – As stated occasionally there is no editorial policy here at onlinegooner and we run what is submitted. We are an open platform for Arsenal fans’ views. If you want to see more positive articles on the website, please feel free to submit something by emailing to the editorial contact address. Try and make it a minimum of 300 words.)

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  1. Tony Roberts

    Jan 12, 2011, 11:15 #815

    Manager of the Decade. Just Saying.

  2. Den

    Jan 11, 2011, 21:43 #810

    I like your passion one bard gooner as evidenced by you reply to Howard but you are mistaken if you think your type of thinking and actions help the team we all love. People read this type of crap and actually are influenced as can be seen at the emirates. One whinging moaning prat can spread like a cancer. Lay off the team we are very close to achieving something. Oh I suppose I ought to mention I've supported The Arsenal since 1958 and have a season ticket as well as travelling to most away games Europe included. I watched and supported when we were real crap in the 60's We are privileged to have a man with vision as our managers so try some positive thinking if we all did that and got behind the team who knows what might happen.

  3. HowardL

    Jan 11, 2011, 19:41 #805

    'Howard' - not to be confused with me - dot com

  4. One Bard Gooner

    Jan 11, 2011, 19:04 #802

    (Howard) "Not getting involved in a slanging match" - No it seems like you are the kind of person who hurls insults then shuts up shop... I asked that you give reasoned argument/polemic...you've still not produced any evidence in opposition to my initial post...and btw my second post wasn't a 'Rant' - it was simply meeting your insults with an equal but less insultive energy... Glad you DO support - as do I...we just have different views on how we think some of the players perform and what they are willing to do... If you look around you'll see that whilst we ALL support the team - the club, the manager - there are enough Gooners (life long) who feel cheated by the way some players perform/act (in Eboue's case literally)...so are you saying we should all just shut up and not offer any kind of criticism ??? "you think you are more of a fan..." Not at all I have been following Arsenal long enough to know some fans are more vocal than others - at matches and on forum's - however the fact that you think anyone with a different opinion, and means of expression different from yours - = a 'Moron' - simply shows you to be somewhat narrow minded and lacking. Peace Out! and May we ALL enjoy a Trophy this Season... ps: and may AW please get shot of Denilson, Eboue, Squillaci, Bendner and Almunia - at a decent profit, so as to make room in the 25 limit squad for better players.

  5. nugs

    Jan 11, 2011, 0:12 #749

    totally agree with the rant, the likes of howard are entitled to their opinions and in my opinion he and fans like him are the clowns, why should we back players who clearly cant be arsed squad players or not, im not overly angry at this result i can remember similar results down the years but the continual lazy arrogant performances of overpaid players such as bendtner, denilson, eboue and arshavin should not be tolerated, what has eboue done to deserve a contract extension? ive followed the arse since the late 70's so i know how bad we were at times be 4 gg and aw came along but as much as i respect aw the same way i do gg for what they did for club aw has made some big big mistakes over the last 5 yrs regarding players and selection and that cant be dismissed.

  6. Kats dad

    Jan 10, 2011, 22:21 #747

    Negativity does nothing but undermine the team. Sure our team is not as strong as the unbeatable's, but who's is? Can man u say they have replaced Ronaldo? Is Chelsea's squad as strong as previous years? No. Our squad is good enough to win trophies this year, the first team is as good as any in the league. They just need us to stop moaning and start giving them the support that they need. Come on arsenal.

  7. Den

    Jan 10, 2011, 20:59 #745

    I like your passion one bard gooner as evidenced by you reply to Howard but you are mistaken if you think your type of thinking and actions help the team we all love. People read this type of crap and actually are influenced as can be seen at the emirates. One whinging moaning prat can spread like a cancer. Lay off the team we are very close to achieving something. Oh I suppose I ought to mention I've supported The Arsenal since 1958 and have a season ticket as well as travelling to most away games Europe included. I watched and supported when we were real crap in the 60's We are privileged to have a man with vision as our managers so try some positive thinking if we all did that and got behind the team who knows what might happen.

  8. Steve

    Jan 10, 2011, 20:36 #744

    How can Arsenal fans sing the name of Eboue who is nothing other than a diving cheat.I hate him.Rolling around holding his head pretending to be injured.Wonder what Ramsey who suffered a career threatening injury thinks of his antics?

  9. chrisy boy

    Jan 10, 2011, 20:09 #743

    mr wenger. On wednesday afternoon i will be traveling up to ipswich for our semi final 1st leg, i will be lucky enough to be in a box with all the comforts that come with it. I should get home around midnight then i will get up at 3 am to drive to work and do a 10 hour shift as a london bus driver, if it is not to much trouble could u please play nasri, cesc, rvp, theo, jack, alex etc, just to make me believe it was all worth while. Any gooners that come accross a bus thurs morning with the driver slumped accross the wheel asleep in bishopsgate please bring me a black coffee and a can of red bull. Any chelski or spuds fan who want a ride, sorry im not in service !

  10. Howard

    Jan 10, 2011, 20:06 #742

    Obviously touched a nerve before, quite a rant. Not getting involved in a slanging match - I go home and away, not watching from the comfort of the sofa. Obviously the basis of your argument is that you think you are more of a fan... As someone else has said, the other article today is far more accurate

  11. aabbs

    Jan 10, 2011, 19:28 #741

    every1 needs 2 chill out, 1-1 against leeds, we'r still in the cup and if anything we underestmated them, we'll go through, trust me, leeds will get wacked.arshavins not a shit player, he just doesnt look motivated at the mo 4 sum reason, alot of these boys havent been playing regularly, give them a break, they didnt play well, shit happens.

  12. One Bard Gooner unlike you I actually go to games and not watch them from the cuddly wuddly comfort

    Jan 10, 2011, 17:58 #737

    Howard has said "This article is clearly written by the type of complete clown who goes to the games hoping we perform poorly." Actually I Always Hope my team play to their very best and always give 100% 'Positive' vocal support without exception, but it seems that the likes of you who support Arsenal from the cuddly wuddly comfort of your armchair, feel it disloyal if I voice an opinion that doesn't go along with the Arsene knows best (rosetinters) brigade... "Get some perspective and be careful what you wish for" I think it is the likes of you who needs 'perspective' rather than blindly and mindlessly just go along with whatever AW thinks and the substandard level of players that now infect our chances of success. How many times (especially in the past 4 seasons) have we been a hairs breadth from winning a trophy, only for us to fall at the last hurdle because of a lack of experience/decent squad players and a leader in the team!?(Goalie/C.Backs/Holding Mid fielder??). Anyone who could even concieve that Denilson, Eboue or Squillaci are good enough to play for Arsenal obviously has no idea what makes a Decent player. "Does anyone really think that this kind of 'supporter' does anything to help the team or the club." Well having been a Gooner for more than 40 years, (not that that means anything,) and having seen the bad times and the ecstatic times...I have always given my full support, but at least I know the difference between a player who is trying, and a player who is not willing to give his all, AND a player who has the potential to become good enough and one who simply doesn't have the 'quality'. "I would imagine you were one of the morons who abused Song at Fulham, and said Nasri was not up to it last year." WRONNNGG ! - interesting how you feel able to call me a 'moron' when you seem incapable of reasoned polemic - and cannot form an opinion without resorting to insults...I for the record I have NEVER Booed any Arsenal player..- I prefer to raise my points via means of either websites - such as Onlinegooner or write to AW....mind you it takes one's time and energy to do that - and I do so because I 'Care'...and have a mind of my own ..unlike you I'm willing to present my own views and vent (what i believe) is my justified anger and dismay at those who have failed time and time again... How long have we been waiting for Bendtner to step up to the plate!? How long have we been waiting for Denilson - to show the fruits of AW's long belief in his 'potential'(how long before he passes the ball forwards instead to backwards or sideways!?) How much longer do we have to suffer the embarrassment of having a player (Eboue) who dives at (almost) every opportunity? Arshavin IS a genius - a rare breed of player that I was Delighted to welcome to Arsenal... a player with the ability to change any game at any moment - and yet his lack of 'effort' demonstrates anything but committment... I would suggest you take those AW Blinkers off now - and get yourself along to live game...rather than fantasise and procrastinate from your armchair..

  13. Howard

    Jan 10, 2011, 17:00 #734

    This article is clearly written by the type of complete clown who goes to the games hoping we perform poorly. Get some perspective and be careful what you wish for. Does anyone really think that this kind of 'supporter' does anything to help the team or the club. I would imagine you were one of the morons who abused Song at Fulham, and said Nasri was not up to it last year. Arshavin ran no more 2 years ago then he does now, and people clearly remember him as giving more then he did in what was a considerably worse team 2 years ago. At the moment it is the players mentioned above - if these are sold in the summer you will find new victims, Arsenal's home fans always do. Now get a grip and get behind your team

  14. Mark Burnett

    Jan 10, 2011, 16:53 #733

    More cohesion, passion, precision and guts from a young kids team ? Where do they play, Wenger could get down there and sign them up. The team we had out was the second string, up against the underdog that beat Manchester United last season. When the anger subsides you will see things aren't that bad.

  15. Ian McCarthy

    Jan 10, 2011, 15:26 #731

    We have a bit more than cesc and Theo. we also rely on cameos from Nasri and RVP, they all need to stay fit.

  16. Seven Kings Gunner

    Jan 10, 2011, 15:10 #729

    For me we must play our strongest available teams this Wednesday and on Saturday - if we can win those two matches we can draw breath and who knows maybe make a couple of signings! It is unlikely that we will spend big money but the squad needs an injection of real pace and of course a W/C centre back - no please not Sol Campbell again!

  17. Clive

    Jan 10, 2011, 13:57 #725

    Why not play FIFA11? Then every player can do what you want, you can even choose them all. Otherwise why not recognise this is real life, things don't happen just as you wish. Most times we would have won this game, Leeds offered little than hard running. We had the vast majority of the possession and chances. Support the players (rather than sigh/boo), they may even get better because of it.

  18. LA gooner

    Jan 10, 2011, 13:41 #719

    IMHO i don't think they r that bad. in fact, they r pretty good squad players.. but u can't put all of them in a team to play togehter.. u hav to mix them up with first team players.. i totally blame arsene for putting them together. when denilson and rosicky play together in the middle of the park, who is going to provide those killer passes.. u know they can steady the ship but they lack creativity. when u put bendtner in right wing, who is going to put in crosses for chamakh or torture opposition left back. u can already see that the team is disjointed.. our only hope was that arshavin would some how give us goals single-handedly. but sadly, he had an off day.. i think he knew that and he gave up b4 he was sub. so the team is totally off balance and no teeth..that is arsene's fault.. if he put either one of wilshire or cesc or nasri in the middle of the park with rosicky and theo or nasri on right wing, things would hav been much different.

  19. Pete

    Jan 10, 2011, 13:39 #717

    Ouch! Deafened by the sound of toys being hurled out of the pram... Saturday's team was essentially a second string. Is it honestly realistic to expect them to be at the same level as the first team? A little disappointing, but they made more than enough chances to win comfortably and would have done had it not been for Leeds' keeper and centre backs having their games of the season. Suggest you try to find some balance and concentrate on supporting the team for what looks like it could be a very exciting second half of the season. Today's other article is the one on the money.

  20. Up North

    Jan 10, 2011, 13:17 #714

    You only went to watch the Leeds

  21. Jimmy

    Jan 10, 2011, 12:39 #711

    Are our second string really any worse than our rivals? I think they are actually quite a bit better which is probably because we have had to use them more frequently over the last couple of seasons due to injuries. Rosicky and Arshavin are world class players, who admittedly didn't perform like that on Saturday, but to have them as back-up is surely no bad thing.

  22. Theopants Superstar

    Jan 10, 2011, 12:36 #710

    S-Goon, The big difference being that any of Cesc's mistakes and poor games are usually an aberration, whereas with Denilson they are the norm!! The guy is so slow that I'm confident my 81 year old mother could out-run him in a race, and her range of passing would probably be better to boot!!

  23. kasuleonaire

    Jan 10, 2011, 12:35 #709

    Ed I agree with you on players like Bendtner and Denilson the y simply are not Arsenal material AW just cannot accept it tho.I also think we need a proven goal scorer like Falcao or Suarez because Chamakh is almost useless.Defensively AW gambled on Squillaci I just dont know why he cant spend money on Cahil??

  24. S-Goon

    Jan 10, 2011, 12:07 #707

    I think fabregas' handball the other week was a lot more stupidly given away than denilson's yesterday!

  25. bunch

    Jan 10, 2011, 12:03 #706

    Certainly clear that our second string is poor at the moment. Wenger's mistake was picking a team where all the creative players are struggling for form. At the moment I think at least two out of the quartet of Cesc, Theo, Sami and Jack need to play every game. As you say, Ches, Djourou, Gibbs were fine. I'd add Song to that list. Bendtner, Denilson, Eboue can do a job in these cup games if they have some form players around them. The starting 'front five' on Saturday lacked sharpness. Rosicky, Arshavin and Chamakh are first teamers who are just off form (Arsh markedly so) at the moment. We are gonna see these guys again over the next couple of weeks and hopefully they can build form. Last season on Saturday Bendtner couldn't have scored in a brothel with £50 notes pinned to underpants, on Wednesday he scored a hat-trick. Lets hope he can turn it around. Squillaci is a liability though. Underlines the fact that experience of the PL is key if you bring in experienced CBs. He is struggling to adapt to the pace of English football and some of his back passes to Ches were shocking. Luckily our younger Pole dealt with them.

  26. Junction 8

    Jan 10, 2011, 12:02 #705

    Djourou was outstanding and deserves a run in the team, as for the rest and Eboue they were a disgrace!!

  27. Long-time fan

    Jan 10, 2011, 11:13 #704

    Absolutely agree with everything you say. I too veer between being angry and sad. Wenger has shown such faith in players like Eboue (another long term contract handed out) Denilson and Bendtner over a number of years. They repay him with very poor performances yet again. An excellent performance though from Djourou, a promising return for Gibbs and yet another commanding display by the impressive young Szczesny who is by far the most confidence inspiring gk at the club. The rest of this second XI seem happy to collect their wages. I love Cesc but who can blame him for wanting to leave and join Barca. It's funny how Wenger has managed to tie Eboue down to a 4 year contract but it's not so easy to get Nasri to sign. Perhaps its something to do with in one case no-one else is interested in him whereas in the other all the top clubs would want him?

  28. Don

    Jan 10, 2011, 10:52 #703

    Wenger is a kind old soul any shite CB ie Cygan Senderos Silvestre and now Squillaci he finds a home for them in the Arsenal back 4.We have become a care home for usless CB's.Tom Daley the young diver has said the only man who can stop him winning gold in the London Olympics is Comedy Eboue.Denilson has been shit for the last 3 seasons yet Wenger cant see it.When a ref in his 40's outpaces you, you know you are slow.As for Billy Bender he can take his big head and pink boots to a team like Wolves or Blackburn were he would look good.If only he was a quarter of the player he thinks he is.All these players are on the Arsenal gravy train.Picking up huge wages for being average.We can shout as much as we like for them to be booted out.But it wont happen as long as Wenger is here these are the type of players Wenger loves. He has just given Comedy Eboue a new four year contrct FFS.Does anything sum up how much Wenger has lost the plot than this.I bet Cesc cant wait to get to Barcelona after carrying this team for the last 5 years.