Why Theo was wrong

Walcott should have kept his counsel on penalty not given

Why Theo was wrong

Walcott: Too honest for his own good

Theo Walcott caused a stir on Saturday after owning up to diving in Arsenal’s 1-1 draw to Leeds. Theo said ‘I own up and apologise’ and claimed ‘it is something I don't want to see in my game.’ Whilst it’s refreshing to see a player admit to his wrong-doings, unfortunately I think in this case Theo was actually right to ‘dive’ and wrong to own up to it afterwards!

Firstly I’d argue the incident that Theo refers to on Saturday was not an outright dive as such. In my books an outright dive (which is wrong ) would be to go down when the defender makes no contact with you whatsoever. But Theo in his explanation says “I’ve heard some people say 'if there is a slight touch, go down'.” That, for me, would be a better description of what really occurred: Paul Connolly made a slight contact on Theo’s foot (and not the ball) and Theo went to ground easily, and so he should I say.

As we were reminded by the Manchester United / Liverpool FA cup clash on Sunday, games (and titles for that matter) are so often decided on such small margins.

I’m sure today Dimitar Berbatov has few regrets over his eagerness to go to ground, especially considering that; whilst his team are now safely through, Arsenal and City (United’s closest title rivals) must now both face gruelling replays in an already congested period of the season.

Arsenal had 63% of the possession. 22 shots to Leeds’ 6. Arsenal won 11 corners: Leeds just 2. Arsenal were clearly the better side on Saturday, but the result shows honours even. Where Arsenal came unstuck on Saturday (and probably on a few other occasions this year) is that they didn’t make the most of the chances offered to them. Football, as they say, is a game of probabilities not certainties.

So not only must Arsenal strive to find the cutting edge and coolness of thought in the attacking third to make more of their attacks, but they should also load the dice in their favour whenever the opportunity presents itself too: if that means making sure the referee notices a contact made in the box by going down easy, then so be it!

But by admitting to ‘diving’ afterwards - when almost every week we see penalties given for similar incidents - Theo has only succeded in bringing unwanted attention to an incident that, had he not spoken out on, was never likely to have been a major talking point, or certainly not a lasting one by any means.

Now that attention has been brought to it though, I shouldn’t be too surprised to see Theo encounter a similar backlash to that suffered by Eduardo after his dive (now that was a dive!) in the Celtic Champions League clash. Not only did Eduardo suffer a 3 match suspension, but for months afterwards it seemed like he’d have to get his other leg snapped before he’d be awarded another penalty.

Which brings me to my last point, all the ‘outrage’ in the press over Theo’s dive would be far better directed at what I hear was a very reckless two-footed challenge from Steven Gerrard. Worryingly, these sorts of tackles are becoming more and more commonplace in English football. Perhaps then if strikers are a bit quicker to go down when touched, we might see more caution from players when tackling and fewer serious injuries of the likes that Diaby, Eduardo and Ramsey have suffered.

Twitter: benvenceremos

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  1. lufc0751

    Jan 13, 2011, 18:03 #883

    I have to admit it would have been unjust to have come away with the win. I admire Arsenal as a club and arsene wenger as a manager. I think most leeds fans would have not been too upset had we lost as long as we gave a good account on the day. Overall 2 bumper pay days for the whites. I just hope the League form doesn't dip as happened last year and we manage to get back to the premier league. good luck in the carling semi second leg 4-0 to the gunners and I hope for a good game in the replay result is not important to me as it's not like we can go on and win the FA cup

  2. Pete

    Jan 13, 2011, 8:48 #863

    If there was contact then fair enough, go down - unlike a mr Rooney when Sol Campbell (who could have been in the other half) put his leg out and he won a penalty ending a great unbeaten run. To those who say it's cheating - that only counts if a) you admit it or b) get caught. Otherwise it's called gamesmanship.

  3. Q

    Jan 13, 2011, 1:38 #861

    There is no question that diving at a slight touch from a defender has become a mainstay of the game. How incredibly sad. Yet here we have an article berating a player for owing up to this filthy piece of play and apologising! I do not care if we are in the Champions league final at the 90th minute and then see Walcott go down in the box with a clear pen shout but have it not given because the ref has this recent incident in mind and we lose the game. Theo has integrity that players like C.Ronaldo or Rooney can never have. If all the Arsenal squad are like Theo then there not a bunch of kids. They truly have matured into men

  4. HowardL

    Jan 12, 2011, 19:30 #853

    Diving is cheating and I hate it. However, skillful players like Theo and Eddie sometimes need to dive to avoid potential bonebreakers like 'Stevie G'. It was remarkably naive to adwemit a dive when no-one suggested that possibility. Every time Theo goes down, even legally, he will now get the very publicity he sought to avoid as a result. Honest but totally naive. He's obviously been reading Dostoevsky's Crime & Punishment and taken it to heart. Silly boy Pike!

  5. brap

    Jan 12, 2011, 16:33 #849

    can we please have a person who isnt biased writing an article on this website. haha on this occasion i think its ok to dive.. what a clown

  6. Theoptimist

    Jan 12, 2011, 15:15 #840

    I didn't even think he had dived, you're right he should have kept quiet to that one, it wasn't obvious, and he also joined the other players who made the headlines when they shouldn't have (Johnson & Babel)

  7. the bear

    Jan 12, 2011, 15:06 #838

    He Dived therefore he cheated. Typical greedy corporate league player. I have a lot of time for the way Arsenal play the game and run the club but there are no excuses for diving. NONE. Berbatov did it but that's what you'd expect from players at that club. You can't excuse Walcott because Berbatov is a cheat. I hope Arsenal win ( not buy ) the title but please spare us the Arsene Whinger one eyed bullshit.

  8. SKS

    Jan 12, 2011, 15:00 #837

    Was Eduardo's really so obviously a dive? I've seen it a hundred times and I'm still not so sure. Would it been such an issue were it Steven Gerard? I know it wouldn't because he's done it many times and barely a word is said about it. As for Walcott, he was hugely naive to say what he did. Does he expect that level of honesty from his opponents? No chance. To all those who are telling you what an outrage it is that Theo dived, and that it shouldn't be tolerated, I'd say next time you watch your team keep an eye on your own players. If you can show me anyone who says that their team didn't have a single player that dived, or even stayed down when not injured to waste time or halt an attack, (cheating is cheating after all), then I'll show a deluded, one eyed fan. I couldn't care less if Theo dived or not, and until the authorities bring in rules to charge ANY player that cheats, retrospectively, then it's all a big fuss over nothing, (as Berbatov proved the very next day.)

  9. GunnertilIdie

    Jan 12, 2011, 14:42 #834

    What absolute nonsense. Your views are utter rubbish and really show what a dire state todays game is if you feel a little dive is acceptable. It ruins the game. End of! And as for saying Arsenal were clearly the better team.. well in fairness clearly they weren't as Leeds could have won. Whilst I am bloody dleighted they didn't I think it is arrogant to say iot was right for him to dive cos we should have won and were the better team.. that isn't how football or sport in general works... Shame on you!

  10. Passing Leeds fan

    Jan 12, 2011, 13:58 #825

    It was wrong. Diving is cheating. Cheating is wrong. Simples. That said, I'm really not excised by it. I was in the Leeds end on Saturday, and from that distance I really couldn't tell what it was all about, by the time I saw it on the tele later I already knew that Theo had admitted diving, and so it never looked like a pen to me. But since it wasn't given, so what? Move on. Perhaps, just perhaps, one could claim that the dive helped sway the ref with the subsequent penalty that WAS given, certainly it was a bit soft, and plenty of refs may have let it go.... but there was certainly a tug, and so I've no complaints about that either. I can't say I've seen all this 'outrage' in the press that you refer to. Or indeed ANY. And I've no desire to see the FA issue retrospective sanction for it.... Perhaps a statement that reiterated that diving isn't to be accepted might have been nice, but I never for one moment imagined that they would - (you'd be amazed what you can get away with it you're doing it to Leeds). It was a good game, we were under the cosh but gave good account of ourselves, without being defensive and negative. Its a pity to come so close to another giant killing but fall short, but a draw was a fair result on the day, and I'm eagerly looking forward to the replay..... and then crucially getting this FA Cup distraction out of the way so we can get on with the real business on getting ourselves back to the level where we can play clubs like yourselves, and Man Utd, and Liverpool and Tottenham week in and week out. MOT

  11. GRex

    Jan 12, 2011, 13:53 #823

    Looking forward to the article when Berbatov next dives in the box at the Emirates...

  12. Rowley Birkin QC

    Jan 12, 2011, 13:43 #822

    Unbelievable what rubbish some people write. Are you in all honesty saying it was ok because it wasn't a Klinsmanesque dive but just a little one? Just to clarify, if there was a touch between the respective boots of Connoley and Walcott it would be when Walcott stood on Conneley's boot. Even the FA are as deluded as the author as they too seem to believe that it's a much bigger offence to post a humourous picture of a referee on Twitter than it is to cheat. One final question. Did anyone see Walcott run to the referee when he first awarded the penalty to explain this 'minor' error of judgemnet on his part? No..neither did anyone else. He cheated therefore he's a cheat. He should be given a 3 match ban.

  13. Independent popa

    Jan 12, 2011, 13:36 #821

    To say that you feel he was right to take a dive shows how far the game has gone down hill over the past few years. In my humble opinion there is no justification for cheating in any form, no matter what the sport or result. If you cant win by fair means you should not be taking part.

  14. ANON

    Jan 12, 2011, 13:33 #820

    So you are saying Football is a non contact sport?

  15. nugs

    Jan 12, 2011, 13:24 #818

    how dare you say that we should have won on sat, what arrogance! expect to be called a twat quite a few times which is clearly a popular word in leeds.

  16. vonMelonkampf

    Jan 12, 2011, 13:24 #817

    I thought Eduardo's ban was rescinded by UEFA. Although he was the only player in football history who has actually dived!