Arshavin a laugh?

Some squad players are simply not up to scratch

Arshavin a laugh?

Denilson: Anemic Song?

After the disappointing draw away at Wigan, AW defended his selection by insisting that the ‘second-string’ players who drew that game could easily have all started against Chelsea. As uneasy a declaration as that was then, after the Leeds game it now appears to be verging on the deranged. The emotional attachment that AW has for several of the players in the squad has inflicted upon him a blind spot which against Leeds was on full display for the crowd to see. I am forever the Arsenal optimist and Wenger apologist... but in the case of Saturday some crucial questions need to be asked of the quality of some of those players in the 25 (one fifth to be precise).

Denilson seems to be a pointless detraction in a midfield that normally sweeps from one end of the pitch to the other. His naivety and blatant stupidity for giving away the penalty is a reflection of his overall contribution to the Arsenal, neither able to defend or attack, he is an anemic Song and a watered down diet ‘talent free’ Cesc Fabregas.

Bendtner, the self-proclaimed boy wonder, follows up his high endeavour and work rate with the ability to mislead people into thinking he is a striker. I can only think he is actually a centre half and at some point there was a breakdown in communication. Why else would everything he touch seem to go effortlessly away from goal?

Squillaci appears to be having an incredible tough time in his first season and for someone with so much experience you would expect better. His decision making is precarious and he looks generally awkward most of the time on or near the ball. Thank god that Djourou is starting to look like a world beater.

I include myself among those who have flip-flopped in their opinions on Eboue and after the disaster that was Wigan at home, I had written of the Ivorian as a goner. His revival in form along with the emergence of the ‘cult of Eboue’ seems to be a delirium that after Saturday needs curing. He is simply not good enough. Henry used to bemoan his inability to cross but it’s his entire game that comes into question, a joker on and off the pitch it seems.

And then there was Arshavin, whose descent from world class starter to fringe player / bench warmer has us all asking what exactly went wrong? Apart from the trip to Villa Park this season, Arshavin has been a failure in most of the other games he has played in, and his dire performance and lack of desire at Old Trafford verged on the unforgivable. It speaks volumes for AW’s perception of his players that it apparently took Cesc to question him over his continual use of the lazy meerkat just for him to get dropped. Against Leeds he was incredibly disappointing and by far the worst player on the pitch.

Anyway, these five players aside the squad is looking fairly strong and considering the performance against City last week there are far more positives than negatives at the moment. So fingers crossed these five can at least deliver us a Carling Cup final and our first trophy of the season.

Oh wait, I forgot about Rosicky... did he play on Saturday?

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  1. Alexsander

    Jan 16, 2011, 10:22 #1062

    I do not understand your desire for praise of certain players on the team. For example, Fabregas, Walcot and Van Persie or something to not show in the first half of the Premier League. The first was a few months injured and replaced Rosicky and while I can say that Fabregas will leave the club this summer as soon as the contract. About the second one can say that it is more a sprinter than a football player rushes from one end of the field to another prerogotiva him for a lifetime. And the dubious penalty to Leeds where he specifically fell, language does not turn him to call a star team, just a good player and no more. Van Persie "Crystal" boy. Any clash for him is like death. How long will it treated? Since last season (if lying throw a stone at me). Nasri about only one thing - this team's future without Fabregas, not Uollkot and Van Persie. And the same Arshavin enough that pulled the team up the standings, and even helped her out in the next stage of the Champions League. And with this game as being the best raspasovschikom League along with Nani ... You think and you decide but his players should be respected and valued, and not to divide into those who are out of garbage can and those who are paving the way for foreign forces.

  2. aldo

    Jan 13, 2011, 19:45 #884

    arshavin is a passenger he's either brilliant or bullshit,we're not good enough to carry passengers. denilson is a good useful squad player for now he may break through with more games. diaby annoys me he never nows when to pass or shoot and always trys to take on 1 more man,and him and hes constantly injured sooner ramseys back the beter. does any 1 else think when aw makes subs we totaly lose our shape cause i dont no whos playin where when we've got 4 forwards on and 2 or 3 defensive midfielders on in a game. come on u gooners

  3. Griff

    Jan 13, 2011, 10:37 #871

    Grant I can't agree more mate. I too am sick of seeing any fans whom criticise a player being classed as a non supporter or a spuds fan etc. No I am not a season ticket holder but I pay a lot of money a season to take my 2 kids to matches and therefore I have a right to criticise and put my opinion forward.this squad will never win the PL nor CL.give it a few seasons and I can see us out of the top 4 if we do not bring a couple/few world class players in.clubs don't fear us anymore.they see us as one of the top 4 who are beatable.poor defence,average midfield and average forwards.Wenger has had the 5years requested.I have lost faith in him and certain players.yes he has been one of the greatest managers but we can't live in the past.I believe he thinks himself bigger than the club and has become more an accountant than manager.if only he could see the lack of effort (that we hear after many matches)by half time and do a bit more shouting as he did uncaracteristicly v things for sure there needs to be changes.

  4. Patrick

    Jan 13, 2011, 6:57 #862

    I tried to think what Eboue did at Ipawich other than dive and cheat.I couldnt.Bendtner is just a 6ft 5in lump of shite he's last two performance brought back memories of Lee Chapman in an Arsenal shirt.Remember he was playing against championship CB's FFS.Arshavin just doesnt want to be there quality player whose attitude stinks.

  5. Jon English

    Jan 13, 2011, 1:09 #860

    How is there still so many muppets who think Wenger can do no wrong??? What will it take before you question his decision making?? If anyone thinks this squad is anywhere near the quality we had 5 years ago you are as delusional as wenger. We have gone so far backward its laughable and Wenger has the tactical nouse of my 6 year old son. When will the 'Arsene Knows' JCL brigade wake up. Arsenal before Wenger, Arsenal After.

  6. Joshua Clements

    Jan 12, 2011, 23:20 #859

    Arshavin a laugh?- I’m a little surprised with how much this article has split opinion. I rebuke the notion that in order to support your team you cannot criticise them. How are these mutually exclusive? We pay a lot of money going to support the arsenal every week and we should be quite allowed to do both. As for those who bemoaned the supporters for not getting behind the team on Saturday it’s not our job to get our players up for a game, this is what they are paid to do! Fans support is very important but it’s a give and take relationship and if the players are just not showing the effort then we have every right to criticise. Perhaps not as vocally as some do in the stands but outside we have every right to ask questions of players who are not up to scratch. I admit I waited till after the Ipswich game to write this, just in case the Great Dane banged in a hat trick, sadly this was not the case. And my greatest sympathies go out to those who travelled to the game. Arsenal perhaps may be the only team in the world who can successfully turn corners, like that of beating Chelsea, and then reverse straight back round them. The criticism is perhaps harsh but when the premier league and carling cup are there for the taking and Arsenal continually fail against lesser teams then questions do need to be asked. Simply because people may wish to live in a fantasy land where players are on the ‘cusp’ of becoming world class is ridiculous. Where is the evidence to prove that these fringe players are on some precipice of greatness ready to soar into the sky? Really they are being held together by the endeavours of better players in the squad. Wilshire and Ramsey are on the cusp of becoming great - Denilson and Eboue are nothing but divet’s on Arsenals pristine pitch.

  7. James

    Jan 12, 2011, 23:17 #858

    Totally outplayed by a team at the bottom of the championship.A disgraceful shameful performance.Ipswich dominated us.And to all those who were defending Bender Eboue Denilson and Arshavin on earlier posts i hope you were watching the game

  8. Fozzy

    Jan 12, 2011, 23:04 #857

    Great piece, Joshua. To the commenter that called you a "twat" (post 1063), how to do feel now after watching the usual suspects turn in a totally inept performance in this evening's Worthless first leg? To those of you who defended Barry, how long are you going to be deluded? He is clearly not good enough. To those of you who think that Ebouseless offers us something, you must be having a laugh. And last but not least, the only time this evening that Deckchair managed a forward pass, more often or not it went to a blue shirt. Yesterday I spent a king's ransom on a ticket for the Barcelona match. I reckon it's me who's a twat.

  9. Mick Brad

    Jan 12, 2011, 22:34 #856

    I'm sick and tired of wenger trying to kid me that some of these players are good enough, they are not, and I'm fed up paying me hard earned and seeing it go into the pockets of players who seem to have no clue and/or be remotely interested in putting in any graft, wenger its time to go and put the rubbish out when you leave!!

  10. The Happening

    Jan 12, 2011, 21:37 #854

    Just finished watching the Ipswich game. Oufought, outplayed, well done Ipswich!

  11. Eddie

    Jan 12, 2011, 18:52 #852

    Us Arsenal fans should be demanding perfection not excepting mediocrity.All this lets get behind Wenger and the boys and bury our heads in the sand to the deficiencies in our squad is madness.Would you buy a car without an engine? We lack strength in major areas CB and DM and what is Wenger doing about it?Sweet FA.

  12. Tom

    Jan 12, 2011, 17:06 #851

    We criticize these bunch of over-paid players because they are not good enough.How can anyone defend Sideways Denilson.Its alright saying get off these players backs but they are on massive wages for what?Did you see Bendtner on saturday he was fucking pathetic.If i performed like he does i would be sacked from my job.Dont forget WE pay these players their wages through our sky high ticket prices.Anyone who says i cant have a go at them can f**k off.Its called freedom of speech

  13. like a g6

    Jan 12, 2011, 16:42 #850

    well said MyArse (sounds weird). We all need to get behind the team and support them no matter how good or bad they are if you are an asrenal fan you should support not criticise the team. Danny you are not an arsenal fan if you are saying that WENGER should go, the manager of the decade, the pioneer of the invincibles, the player developer and finally the brain and beating heart of Arsenal.

  14. geoffreid

    Jan 12, 2011, 16:25 #848

    I absolutely agree bedner denilson should never wear a arsenal shirt again--jet and vela should be way ahead in the pecking order--blame wegner--we will lose these players --the exodus has already started--no one wants to come here--why have we not signed SAMBA?-

  15. Oliver

    Jan 12, 2011, 16:21 #847

    Joshua, your lack of understanding when it comes to football is shocking. You also don't have the foresight or vision to see when a player is on the cusp. I am not an Arsene knows man at all but here is my opinion for what it's worth. You cannot have a squad of 25 world beaters. You can never keep them all happy and their egos create a poisoness atmosphere. Denilson is unfairly scapegoated. He is a very good squad player - committed and talented. He could yet become a genuinely cracking performer. Fans don't see his worth because he is neither a flair attacking midfielder or a defensive hard man. However, he moves the ball quicker than any other Arsenal player (look at his stats and watch him carefully next time he plays). He rarely takes more than two touches. The boy is 22 and committed to the cause. Keep him and we will be rewarded. Eboue is a positive character around the team and dressing room. Yes his play can infuriate but he has talent and is as good a utility player/back-up fullback you will find. He is experienced and doesn't make trouble. Rosicky is a sad case. We should definitely have let him go. Not only is he incredibly injury prone but he is ineffective. He slows down our game due to the number of touches he takes, unwillingness to use his left foot, inability to either assist or score. Imagine if we'd sold him and brought in Van Der Vaart. The only reason why he remains is that he is Fabregas' best mate. Squillaci has actually had a fairly impressive start to his Arsenal career. Yes he has dipped lately due to fatigue but has been more dependable than Koser. He is a useful squad player. Djourou and Vermaalen will be the first choice pairing eventually. Arshavin is a disease on our club. We have the Adebayor chant. you know what, I'd take the Togo striker over him any day. Adebayor gave far more in effort and end product to Arsenal than Andre has or ever will. Andre has all the talent in the world but is a lazy moaner. If he worked hard he would be unplayable. Andre not only fails to do the unnecessary team work but he neither scores or makes enough goals - particularly in important games. His output for Arsenal has been overhyped but that's what happens when you freakishly score four goals in a game. When has he won us a really pivotal match? Never. Bendtner is not an Arsenal player. He is certainly not a winger. He would do brilliantly at Bayern Munich. Wenger does not know how to get the best out of him. Nik should be an irritating out and out striker who scores 20+ goals a year. Sadly our style will not allow him to do this. What's certain is Nik doesn't help himself. So we should let Rosicky, Bendtner and Andre go this summer. Rosicky we can replace internally through the upcoming youngsters and returning Ramsey. Arshavin should be replaced by a proper winger who gets goals. What I wouldn't give for a Arjen Robben style player. And Bendtner and Vela should be replaced by a proper striker - quick, who garauntees goals. Gibbs should take Clichy's place providing he stays fit. Chesney should take over from Fabianski in the summer and we will be well set.

  16. Ibrahim

    Jan 12, 2011, 16:15 #846

    It is the same old story. I heard these stories before. It was Song, Djourou, Nasri, Wallcott, Clichy are not good enough. It is always talking about players who did not take their run of games. If Weneger listen to these voices, we would have only Fabrigas now.

  17. Euclides

    Jan 12, 2011, 16:12 #845

    Yeah, I agree, I think it's time to make some money with arshavin while we still can 10-15M at least. And give vela a chance to shine, he's got a lot of potential, I still think he's the new Reyes!! We also need to buy Gary Cahill.

  18. Grant

    Jan 12, 2011, 16:07 #844

    Does the writer of this drivel ever even watch a game? He may look but doesn't see. Just another armchair coach who thinks he knows more than the professionals and thinks insults are an adequate alternative to rational analysis. A pointless detraction from those willing to give careful thought and an anemic pundit niether able to think or inform.

  19. Graham

    Jan 12, 2011, 16:07 #843

    My Arse The old get behind them beacause they are wearing an Arsenal shirt bollocks.Stephanovs,Cygan and Silveste wore an Arsenal shirt am i supposed to shout and cheer their names.If a player is shit we should say so.If Wenger cant see it we should comment about it.Thats what this forum is all about if you dont like it go to where there are plenty like you who think the sun shines out of Wengers arse

  20. BusterGonads

    Jan 12, 2011, 15:55 #842

    get behind your team you twat, you clearly do not have a shows how much of a fan you are with this ludicrous article. If you was that good an analyst, how about coaching your team to the title? you so called fans who boo your own players need to take a good look at the mancs, getting behind Nani even when he was you wasn't complaining when Asharvin banged in 4 goals and anfield...wankers

  21. P-McG

    Jan 12, 2011, 15:24 #841

    How bloody tiring and frankly embarrassing from an Arsenal or football fan. Bendtner was the main one dragging Arsenal to a title push last season, his quality is clear to see for a player still very young. He needs a few games as always to get some form, remember his howler last season, followed by a great run of goalscoring? Sick of muppets who have so little patience and no memory. Yes he can look akward at times but for God sake if you haven't seen his quality by now maybe you should just forget about talking about the game of football. Ballotelli looks retarded 50% of the time, he's shite too is he? As for Denilson, he's a quality squad player, who has a lot of experience, he does have some bad games but for Christ sake Wenger made 8 & 9 changes, that does none of them any favours. Arshavin has however been so bad in general play for so long, he seems to be finished as a top player. The stats don't mask his awful demeanour, passing and shooting. Himself and Clichy are the only two players who deserve to dropped for a long spell.

  22. Nick

    Jan 12, 2011, 15:09 #839

    Can we get new supporters to replace you? You are turning the Emirates into a toxic waste dump for the players. Your post is crap. you should be sold. Maybe you wrote one or two good ones in the past, but you haven't had an original thought for a long time. Your writing is lazy, careless, and stupid, yet you continue to have a high opinion of yourself. In all fairness, you are not worthy or up to the quality of an Arsenal blogger.

  23. EW

    Jan 12, 2011, 14:46 #836

    I am a Leeds fan who attended the game on Saturday and have been following a number of 'Gooner' blogs as they are popping up on our News Now site.I was really surprised how quickly the crowd were onto Arshavin and it must be really bad for his confidence. He was far from the worst player on the Arsenal side (Denilson, Chamakh, Rosicky and Bendtner all looked worse). I look at the absolutely wonderful football you guys play, semi final of the League Cup, still in the CL, good position in PL,favourites to progress now in the FA Cup, probably the best stadium in the PL and just wish we had that bag of riches to cheer on. All they need is an extra push from the huge crowds at the Emirates. You are probably the most entertaining team in the PL and the one mst other fans aspire to but maybe you are too close to see it.

  24. Dave

    Jan 12, 2011, 14:43 #835

    I completely agree.. however, consider our first team with none of the above on it. Now look at our bench with none of the above on it - all of a sudden we have a very week squad. All of them apart from Denilson are international players. Starting them all together is not the way to do it. Having Denilson play with Song/Cesc would work as they would carry him, but with a weaker midfield he has no chance. These are good squad players, just not first team players.. If they were all world class we would have trouble keeping them!

  25. RD

    Jan 12, 2011, 14:42 #833

    Is the author a schoolboy? Looks like it. Thanks God Wenger is much wiser than this... hm... analisys.

  26. GoonerEris

    Jan 12, 2011, 14:39 #832

    Rubbish article!

  27. ozrus

    Jan 12, 2011, 14:37 #831

    Joshua, do you have a reference to AW dropping Arshavin at Cesc's insistence?

  28. oldgooner

    Jan 12, 2011, 14:28 #830

    Arshavin, Bendtner & Denilson should never be Arsenal players. On the subject of our defence - come on Wenger, get a grip and bring in an experienced Premier League defender. How about Cahill or Samba. I bet their managers would love to do a swap deal for some of our fringe players.

  29. I want to live in a Perry Groves world

    Jan 12, 2011, 14:23 #829

    Arshavin by far the worst player against Leeds? Please, he would've had a fantastic assist if Theo finished his chance after being played in fantastically by the Russian. The crowd was booing him on 3 separate occasions for not retrieving passes that weren't even close to him! I agree he is frustrating to watch but simply put he is the plastic brigades new scapegoat. Get behind the team and support the players! We need to do exactly that if we want to win a trophy this year.

  30. John

    Jan 12, 2011, 14:18 #828

    Couldnt disagree with anything you wrote.Wenger is too loyal to these average players and you can add Diaby and Vela to that list.How the manager who brought us PV4 Petit and Cesc can see anything good in Denilshit is mind-boggling.He cant pass the ball forward,he slows the game down and as for pace i have seen milk tuen quicker.The Prince of Denmark ie the new Bergkamp can just fuck off.The only person who thinks he is any good is himself.To think he was saying if he doesnt get a start in the real 1st team soon he would want a move.Well Mr Bender we can grant your wish a move to Fulham.As for the Clown Eboue we all know he is shit.But the fans who chant his name should bow there head in shame.When i remember the great Invincible Gilberto never had a song and this talentless twat gets his name sung every time he does an outrageous dive trying to cheat the ref.But these three our Wengers love children who he gave long term over inflated contracts to.Bender is on £50k a week yes i did say it right £50k not 50p.

  31. danny

    Jan 12, 2011, 14:17 #827

    good article. unfortualtely we need wenger gone to get better. until then, there will be more of this sub par players

  32. Chris

    Jan 12, 2011, 14:01 #826

    Bendtner - Centre Half? I think you've hit on something there! He's just the man for the role - no need for an expensive purchase when you have someone who's that tall and capable of heading everything way over the bar...

  33. MyArse

    Jan 12, 2011, 13:53 #824

    Get behind the team! They are all Arsenal players. They all have their good days and they all have their bad days. NOBODY plays perfect football ALL the time. They will have to endure scorn and taunts from rival clubs and rival fans. They should at least be able to find refuge and SUPPORT from Arsenal SUPPORTers. Get it?