So what is required of a full back at Arsenal these days?

Not defending, going by the Ipswich game

So what is required of a full back at Arsenal these days?

Eboue: Positioning not a strong point

Anyone remember that scene in ‘Fever Pitch’ where Colin Firth is trying to instill in his schoolkids the mysteries of the Arsenal offside trap? If you recall, he got them to stand in a straight line and step up as one with their arms in the air. I wonder if Mr Firth fancies a coaching job at the club in between acting work.

I've just finished watching the Ipswich game and was staggered at some of the defending. We don't play with a back four, we play with a back two. The full backs don't join in. Is it any wonder we let in soft goals?

In the good old days, when Arsenal had a reputation for knowing a thing or two about defending, should the ball ever get the other side of Bould and Adams you would always see this red blur appear from either side of the pitch. Winterburn or Dixon covering across. It worked like clockwork and made us almost impossible to score against.

For the Ipswich goal, my first instinct was to think, "Where the f**k is Eboue?" Watching the re-run, he was standing about 5-10 yards in front of the defence, putting himself totally out of the game. He then did what all stranded footballers do, he put his arm up, which is as convenient a cop out as exists. To compound the problem he then jogged (!) back goalwards. Inference being that this defending malarkey was nothing to do with him. Scandalous. In short he was doing a "Denilson", and for that he deserved to be taken outside and shot.

A short while later, we had exactly the same situation on the other side of the pitch. "Where the f**k is Gibbs?". Their right winger was in so much space it was almost embarrassing. To be fair to Keiran, he did at least have the good grace to make a recovery run of sorts, but being about 20 yards out of position meant it was left to Djourou to make the last ditch tackle. We were very lucky not to be out of this tie, even assuming we aren't already.

I'm sorry, but can you imagine that sort of negligence being tolerated, even in the local park? Incredible, that at a club like Arsenal it almost feels like it's condoned.

How did things fare at the other end of the pitch? The short and long of it was we never looked like scoring. How come we had most of the possession and yet still managed to have less attempts on goal? Bendtner and Arshavin offered nothing. Legends in their own lunchtime, and nothing else.

Good luck to Ipswich. I have to say I was quite impressed with them. They played with discipline, determination and no little flair. The return match is going to be 'interesting'. If you've got a skiing holiday booked for the end of Feb, I wouldn't look to cancel just yet.

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  1. Stevesam

    Jan 16, 2011, 11:57 #1068

    It is not difficult to explain why Eboue always comes off the pitch at the end of the game with a spotless kit. Can anyone remember a great Eboue tackle. He is clueless when it comes to the art of defending but what is worse he does not have the bottle for it! If he still cannot defend after all the time he has spent at Arsenal then you must blame the coaching staff ( including Pat Rice )Being everybody's friend is not what we want from an Arsenal full back. I hate his attitude, we have too many nice players, Denilson,Walcott, Clichy, Arshavin, Diaby, we need more players with Wilshere's desire.

  2. nugs

    Jan 15, 2011, 9:32 #981

    as well as falling to the ground at every oppotunity the other part of this wasters game that really pisses me off is his lack of bottle he constantly pulls out of challanges even ones more in his favour! anyone remember the 5-2 at fenerbache whwn he cleared a shot off the line even tho he was trying to avoid the ball and ends up getting praised for it! he would rather give a goal away then risk getting hurt by the ball and for all this he gets an extra 4 yrs unbelievable. as ive said in previous posts wengers decision making over certain players over the last few years has been more then questionable

  3. Shropshire Lad

    Jan 15, 2011, 7:05 #979

    Excellent! Bentner v potential an interesting conundrum. How long should we wait for him to at least hit the target or control the ball first touch - this is not Sunday morning football this is Premiership for f****ck sake! I notice the gathering criticism of arsshavin but at least when he bothers he makes a real difference e.g. ball over the top to the headless chicken Walcott against Leeds.

  4. Mick Brad

    Jan 14, 2011, 23:08 #977

    thank f.... I thought it was just me that thought arsenal defenders were all shit, aw has never been able to spot a good defender aka cygan, stepanov, senderos etc. its not good enough to say we will score more than the opposition or we will defend by keeping the ball and thats how we will win, because its obviously not working, yes we have seen some fantastic football but this has to be balanced off by winning silverware, also I think people have missed the point that aw was very lucky to inherit his back 5 (6) DS, LD, NW, TA, SB & MK who gave him a defensive platform to play off, TH & DB wouldnt have been nowhere near as successful without those players behind them, fact of the matter is people at arsenal need to wake up to the fact that aw aint so great and isnt such a fantastic coach .... my opinion is that he should asap before supporters start hating him for being so stubborn

  5. Gordon

    Jan 14, 2011, 14:28 #957

    As others have said seeing Eboue given a 4 year contract really makes you wont what Wenger is playing at.Surely with Sagna as our number one full back(although shamefully some on the forum were calling for Eboue to replace Sagna earkier this season) we should get in a young full back as cover.And not give us another four years of Cheating from this clown.As has been said we are stuck with him as who would be mad enough to buy him and pay him what we are paying him.

  6. Long time fan

    Jan 14, 2011, 11:47 #936

    I feel sick every time I see Eboue's name on the team sheet. i just hate seeing him wear the Arsenal shirt. I had hoped his contract would not be renewed but the worst thing now is that he is staying for another 4 years....or until a new manager is appointed whichever is the sooner. No other club would buy him and pay his high wages. Btw perhaps Mark Vallis should excuse Eboue from defensive criticism. He is after all a midfielder (as per the Arsenal FC site).

  7. Jan 14, 2011, 11:26 #933

    It's bordering on the criminal that barring Sagna, we have no full backs at the club that know how to defend properly. The fact that we don't have a better right-back in the rserves/youths tells me the youth squad is as unbalanced as the the first team one is. By the way, didn't Craig Eastmond use to be a right-back before Wenger deemed he would be better as a DCM cover rather than spend some money? That's worked out well, hasn't it?

  8. chris dee

    Jan 14, 2011, 11:23 #931

    What is required of our full backs? An ability to be second rate wingers. But under no circumstances must they take their defensive duties seriously,they must at all times allow the attacker to get a cross in,they must always decline to tackle,and always, but always,lose any 50 -50 challenge and get pushed of the ball, and importantly, never clear the ball in and around our penalty area when under pressure. This of course applies to our centre backs as well.

  9. The Happening

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:49 #921

    I'll tell you what isn't required, a manager that hasn't got a clue how to coach defensive tactics, or spot potential! Upson 2 return 2 AFC? I remember watching him break into the 1st team @ Highbury so long ago, AKB? Pascal Cygan, Giles Grimandai, Igor Stepanovs? The most obvious weakness in AW reign as manager will haunt him until he gets a defensive coach, 'cos the bloke ain't gonna buy unless a gun is 2 his head!

  10. Tony

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:11 #906

    When i heard this usless pile if shite was given a 4 year contract my mind went back to when Robert Pires one of the greats wanted a two year contract and Wenger offered him a one year contract.It just somes up everything that is wrong about our club.The same goes for giving long term contract to Denilson and Big head Bendtner.We have now started to reward shit players who have achieved nothing.The Eboue deal is the same as giving Silvetre a 2 year deal.What next Squillaci and Vela 5 year contracts!!!!

  11. Colin

    Jan 14, 2011, 9:53 #892

    Eboue sums up everything that is wrong about the modern Arsenal.He's a shit player who is kept at the club because he is joker in the dressing room.On the pitch all he does is dive and cheat.But Wenger loves him thats why he gave the clown a new 4 year contract (Why???).So as long as Wenger is at the club get used to this diving cheating clown being here.