Fallen Hero

The decline of Arsene Wenger in the affections of many

Fallen Hero

Arsene: Stubborn, deluded ass?

No wants to see their heroes fall, but if they do fall we want it to be swift, not slow and painful. But that's what I'm enduring at the moment. I have loved and revered Arsene Wenger virtually since the first day he arrived at our club. He lifted the gloom of the post George Graham years and complete erased Bruce Rioch from our memories. He brought silverware and a brand of football unseen in this country that made us most people’s favourite team to watch and other teams’ most feared opponent.

We struck with lightning precision and many games were finished before they'd really got going. We had steel to match our silk, it was a thing of beauty and I loved it. Arsene would have been my hero just for wiping the smug grin off of Ferguson's face but he gave us so much more, which is what makes what is happening so harrowing.

All of the layers of vanish he so painstaking applied to our club are being stripped back one by one and it's almost to hard to bear. Gone is our invincibility, our free flowing incisive football, trophies and once again the Cheshire Cat has returned to Old Trafford. We have become laboured and predictable, so much so that even Leeds and Ipswich have worked out that if you let us have the ball we'll produce little and will offer you chances at the other end.

The early goals we were renowned for are a distant memory and we often have to wait until the final minutes of games before we score a winner. Either that or we have a one goal lead where you feel an equaliser could come at any moment. This keeps every game on a knife edge and is torture to watch. Under AW we had never lost a domestic cup game to a club from outside the top flight until we lost with a much weakened team at Burnley in 2008 but Wednesday night really felt like the first time as we lost with something resembling our first team. This could also be followed by the same fate in the FA Cup at Elland Road next week if a dramatic upturn is not achieved.

We cannot continue to start games with 10 men but with Arshavin's total lack of interest at the moment that's how it feels. We can also not afford to play a central striker who spends the whole game out on the wing or coming back into our own half to collect the ball. Thierry Henry could pull it off but Bendtner is not Thierry Henry. Walcott could be the best crosser in the world (he's definitely not) but what use would that be with no one to cross to. Chamakh was playing right up against the last defender earlier in the season but even he has abandoned that ship recently.

We must wake up to the fact that possession alone does not win football matches, passing for the sake of passing just isn't productive. We need to up the pace and when we can't go through the middle we must use plan B and go around the sides. This was illustrated perfectly on Saturday, once Theo came on we began to get behind Leeds, and chances and our penalty came this way. An occasional shot from outside the box would also be welcome. We had 63% possession at Portman Road but Ipswich had three times as many goal attempts, I think that tells it's own story.

I told anyone who would listen that drawing Ipswich with either West Ham or Birmingham to follow could be a poisoned chalice for Arsene as he would be in a no win situation. The least our fans will expect is to win the trophy and if we come up short it could be the last straw for them and the club where Arsene is concerned. If he values his job I'm sure he will have to play the first team in the return leg as if he doesn't it could spell the end for him as any excuse will fall on deaf ears.

As much as it saddens me my hero is very slowly becoming a zero and he's taking my beloved club with him and it's breaking my heart. One of my favourite comedians once said "someone should have gone up to Elvis Presley in 1958 and shot him in the head so that we would remember him at his peak, singing Heartbreak Hotel in his gold lame suit rather than dying on the toilet, a bloated, wash up shadow of his former self". Maybe the same fate should have befallen Arsene in 2005 while he was still an invincible lion, love and admired by all instead of fading away as the stubborn, deluded ass he has become.

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  1. keleon

    Jan 18, 2011, 22:53 #1111

    for sure Arshevin is playing with no interest,he should be rested or let go of him and let those with the clubs interest at heart play.The three Arshavin,Bendtner and Chamahk should not start on the same game,we have always drawn,lost or struggled to score.

  2. Reggaeton

    Jan 16, 2011, 17:53 #1077

    Great article, I completely agree with you. The AKB mupets can spew all the abuse they want, but fact is many many Arsenal fans feel the same way as this article does. AW is now a sad parody of a world class football manager! We'll never win anything with this past it overpaid man in charge, no chance. We need a fresh start, too many diabolical players (Diaby, Denilson, Chamakh, Flappyhandski, Eboue and the bpopular but average Alex Song!). We need someone who will make us feared and tough to beat again because tbh, we are a bit of a joke that stopped being funny a while ago. I want Wenger out, definitely do and want someone new like Van Gaal in.

  3. ppp

    Jan 16, 2011, 16:14 #1075

    why is the gooner constantly printing articles by spurs fans? it's a disgrace - send em packing!

  4. Jason

    Jan 15, 2011, 16:00 #1032

    Look what happened to Liverpool after Benitez left. He spend 200 million and still didnt win the league. Will this happen to us when Arsene goes? Not likely because he'd left us great youngsters, great academy and a shit load of money for the next manager. Remember that.

  5. The Happening

    Jan 15, 2011, 9:00 #980

    @Bob I think you've summed up AW tenure very well, whilst pointing out the role of our somewhat eccentric boardmembers too! I guess there is a whole lot going on behind the scenes regarding Usmanov and Kroenke and Bracewell-Smith and their shares, I though that last year we'd be taken over but it didn't transpire, either way, the financial/shares side of things has deffo had an effect on our expenditure, top players = top wages etc, stadium costs not withstanding. I've said it before, AW's greatest achievement is the Emirates stadium, I will always be greatful to him for that, the squad, our ability to just reach above and REALLY dominate, has been hampered by the purse strings I fear!! Thats the next phase, the takeover phase, I think, and how it will affect the football side of things, I don't know, whether the Le Boss is here to oversee the football, we'll never know, but at least the man has provided us with a footballing future, Wilshere, Ramsey, Gibbs, Frimpong, Emannuel-Thomas, Walcott, Wojciech! I get the feeling he knows something we don't and sense resignation somehow.

  6. Bob

    Jan 14, 2011, 20:25 #976

    Arsene Wenger was excactly the right man to take our Club forward 15 years ago. He inherited that fantastic defence of George Graham, but deserves much credit for extending their natural lifespan through the approaches to diet and lifestyle which his regime introduced. He had a real eye for young, unpolished talent, and - it must be said - he was willing to introduce enough class and experience into the mix where necessary in those early years. While he never bought the top-drawer finished articles (Bergkamp preceded him), it didn't matter then, as it so obviously matters now. Sadly, the game has become swamped with rich overseas owners. It is hardly Wenger's fault that the Club is not similarly financed. But he is culpable of allowing himself to be flattered into carrying on with a way of managing the Club that is never going to work but which provides the board with an excuse for stagnation - "it's the way our manager works...." I will always like and respect Arsene Wenger. He remains I believe a decent, intelligent and highly honourable man. But he is not the man to stand up to a board who frankly need to wake up to the reality that they need to provide funds to attract the very best to the Club, and find a manager who is very comfortable spending it.

  7. Ben

    Jan 14, 2011, 20:22 #974

    think you might have gone slightly over the top with the 'someone should have shot Wenger in the head ' bit

  8. NK

    Jan 14, 2011, 19:56 #973

    Wake up. The Arsene Wenger era is the golden age for our club. Results have not gone our way in the last 2 games, but we are STILL on for something special this year. All armchair supporters moaning should shut up. Get behind our team

  9. Angelo

    Jan 14, 2011, 18:13 #971

    Maybe the writer of this article seems tough to some, but I agree with nearly everything he wrote. I would not fire Wenger yet, but my love for him is declining. Apart from that I start hating the AKB idiots, who start bollocking all those (growing in number), who think Wenger is at fault. In Italy, Spain and even England with his achievement he's already fired. Tell any other big club's supporter and owner that u should give up winning anything for financial stability only. Bullcrap. U can be stable and buy proper players instead of Shitachi and co. Arshavin. If your not proud to wear our kit then f... off to Juve. And Wenger let him go, if he does not like us.

  10. The Happening

    Jan 14, 2011, 17:02 #966

    Faced with the serious competition from rival teams in the top 4, I'd like to know that our team is strengthening, we definetly need to defensively! I hope the aggregate of all our little 'blips' in form come May will not be missing out on the CL, our manager needs to be challenged, he has way too much power! If we, the fans, can see the shortcomings in the depth and tactics we employ, how can't he? It's infuriating when someone wields way too much power over something you have real passion for, I guess results will be the judge of all this come May, brace yourselves!

  11. JJBergkamp

    Jan 14, 2011, 16:45 #965

    Another anti-arsene article from the what is quickly being the most negative gooner blog on the web. For every point raise in this most gooners can give you an argument for the great man! 14 years of consecutive Champions league football a 60,000 seater stadium. All whilst trying to compete financially with the goliaths of Manure, Chelski, Liverpool and now City...... If this is the type of fan we have going to the Emirates then no wonder our home support is so poor

  12. Gooner 48

    Jan 14, 2011, 14:10 #956

    Yet another article full of the usual 'what if' negative rollocks and a glass half empty attitude. FFS look at all the positives we have - all the players you are whinging about are squad players at best. Any more negative and you'd be an x-ray.

  13. Monkey

    Jan 14, 2011, 13:24 #955

    I honestly cannot stand sight of this man and his non-existant footballing philosophy. We need a new dawn at Arsenal.

  14. gunnerbriggs

    Jan 14, 2011, 13:10 #953

    Elvis didn't wear a gold lame suit in 58. He wore that when he was near the end of his career and fairly fat, playing Las Vegas. I guess the equivalent with Arsene is him wearing that cross between a Micheline man and a tent.

  15. Billboy

    Jan 14, 2011, 12:55 #952

    This is just how I feel. I wish I had written it. But do you really think that not winning the Cardboard cup would be the final straw? I don't but I would kike to know what fans think would have to happen for it tot be the final straw for them? Answers please.

  16. Jon

    Jan 14, 2011, 12:54 #951

    What a load of bollocks. Talk about overreacting, christ almighty. Think you need to go have a lie down in a dark room mate. Biggest load of nonsense i've ever read on this website, and thats saying something.

  17. Squirrel

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:03 #903

    In contention for the league have played all the top teams bar the spuds away. A very winnable Second Leg against Ipswich for a final spot. Still in the FA Cup. And until February still in the Champs League. Hardly dead on the toilet stuff is it? The team are tired and leggy for sure. A couple of new faces would certainly help in January to liven things up. Plus our two players with the most cutting edge, Nasri and RVP have had a little breather this last week. If it upsets you so much you may want to stop blogging and take up a hobby. Cheer up!

  18. duduspace

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:00 #900

    Rubbish and not based in any sort of reality.

  19. James K

    Jan 14, 2011, 9:37 #890

    It is so damn obvious you are NOT an arsenal supporter but a spurs monkey moonlighting as a gooner. Just go away and never come back Mick Appleton you non believing arse!

  20. Dragooner

    Jan 14, 2011, 9:35 #889

    Dennis Leary was the comedian! And How right he was and is. Wednesday night was like an elderly family pet dieing...... The board need to step in and flog the dead wood! Arsh, Bendy and Denilson are at this current moment not good enough. Arsh might get back to his best? who knows. Denilson and Bendy never had a best.