Arsene: Your time is up

Defeat at Ipswich was the final straw for some

Arsene: Your time is up

Wenger: Have you had enough?

I've tried to stay loyal to Wenger but Wednesday night for me was the final straw. There have just been too many performances like this over the last few years.

2010-11 : Ipswich, Leeds, Wigan, Tottenham, WBA, Newcastle, Braga, Shakhtar
2009-10 : Blackburn, Wigan, Birmingham
2008-09 : Hull, Burnley, Stoke
2007-08 : Birmingham (A) - The Eduardo game
...and these are just the ones I can remember.

The players have no motivation, no game plan.
The defensive deficiencies have been there for at least four years and he has done nothing about them.
There are too many sub-standard players in the squad and a growing sense of apathy.
They get told they are great so they believe it, so they go out and play with this complacent feeling that they are better than everyone else.
And what happens? They get rewarded with big fat contracts. What for? They have won nothing.
Wenger himself has a new four year contract. Why? What has he done to deserve it.
Even the reserve team has this malaise. No professional team should lose 10-1, I don't care who they are.

All these problems lay at the feet of Wenger.
This is his team, they are the players he picked.

The club needs change.

So now my attitude is this ....

Arsene Wenger has to leave Arsenal Football Club.
There .... I've said it.
It will be a very sad day when he does but it seems to me that he just will not change his way of thinking.
No-one is bigger than the club.

The Board must realise that there are more important things than balance sheets.
Gazidis has to make the decision because Wenger won’t.

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  1. Jan 17, 2011, 9:31 #1087

    All you Wenger lovers really make me laugh. Your all in denial. This squad is the worst I have seen in 40 years. They are lazy mediocre players who half of do not deserve to wear this shirt. Don't come the same old who would you replace him with. Come on be honest who heard of Wenger pre Arsenal eh. I remember all the moaning then about who's this bloke. What's he ever done. Japan manager bla bla bla. What will it take for you lot to wake up and smell the coffee. We have a few half decent players most of which would never got a look in back in 2003. Wengers too hung upon finances now. He should move up to accounts. Yes I am proud of our financial status. No I don't want us broke to buy 80 million quid players. Yes I do want to see players replaced when sold. Quality players that is. Not bought via the Wenger/Rice top trumps cards where cost beats quality. Wenger thinks himself bigger than Arsenal FC now. He is pig headed and stubborn. In the real world as management I know only too well that I am responsible for my shifts performances. Shit rolls down hill. He should be kicking arses. Preferably at half time (as per liverpool 09/10). Sick of the "we were poor in defence" and all the other same old post match comments. Sort it out during the game for gods sake. You come out with the same old comments when someone dares to speak out. Spuds fan, none fan, armchair fan blardy bla. Which tells me we are dealing with childish teenagers who think you can go through life attacking people with different views than they. Grow up. I myself pay for both sons and myself to watch lazy talentless players with the obvious exceptions. Wenger asked for 5 years then to be judged. Well times up and things are no better. Except hey, we may turn Ipswich over and get to a cup final as all the big scalps have gone. Your all living in the past. He will go down as a legend but his time is up I believe. He squabbled over a million with Schwarzer. Pathetic. It showed how searious he was regarding title from the start. He expects players for free or these "bargain buys" of his. Being in the top 4 will not come so easy in future. City on the up and like it or not spuds are improving and Harry Doing good job heading in the rightvdirection. There's ammo for you but I'm not a blinkered fan. Creditcwhere it's due. Now I have given my opinions so let's have serious debates. You tell me where you see us going and how long I must wait till I am seeing a team that are serious and hunger success. Go out every game and give 200%. Become a side that lower clubs fear again. Not view us as the easiest big scalp (Liverpool apart). I'm an Arsenal supporter. Not Arsene Wenger supporter. Success pre Wenger success post Wenger.

  2. Joel

    Jan 17, 2011, 0:21 #1081

    I'm so glad you don't make any decisions for Arsenal Football Club

  3. Wombledin

    Jan 16, 2011, 19:56 #1079

    My heart agrees with you but my brain disagrees. Why should he go now when we have a good shot of winning the premiership this season, with one of the 'easiest' run-ins for years. But he should go if we fail to get past Ipswich and make it to Wembley, and if we finish no higher than 4th. If he can't even win us the Worthless Cup and can't finish higher than 4th then he should go.

  4. GoonerS

    Jan 16, 2011, 13:17 #1072

    I despair at some Arsenal supporters. So, in your view, he must go! Replace him with who? The last time I looked at the league table we were doing quite alright.

  5. Andy sharma

    Jan 15, 2011, 17:06 #1038

    yeah rite...if we sack him...well be worse than liverpool now... Changing stadiums and having no money to buy players is no joke...and he has done amazingly in those circustances And he created d invicibles and i have no doubt the next series of trophies is just around the corner P.s-half the players sign to arsenal due to wenger

  6. Munitionsman

    Jan 15, 2011, 4:28 #978

    But who could replace Arsene? Who else could has a degree in welding to allow him to single handedly build the emirates? Who else has a degree in economics to allow him to tie us into one of the worst shirt deals known to man. Who else has a real estate sales diploma to manage the highbury flats debelopment? Who who I ask? Who can pay the wages and development costs of hundreds of kids and not produce a current first team star? (wilshere is not a star, and cesc isn't his work). You guys need to stop focussing on football, then you will realize how wonderful the professor truly is.

  7. Angry Fan

    Jan 14, 2011, 20:25 #975

    Totally agree with everything you say.

  8. Pier

    Jan 14, 2011, 19:15 #972

    Couldn't agree more Andy. Wenger out! All you tarts who love to cup wenger's balls can fuck off too.

  9. Redwith Whitesleeves

    Jan 14, 2011, 17:43 #970

    Andy, I agree with you 100%. Wenger is a strategic thinker, not a tactical thinker. In his early years his strategic thinking was helpful because the entire club needed an overhaul and - like you - I appreciate what he's done for the club. But now the strategic changes to infrastrucure are firmly established, we need more of a tactical thinker. Other clubs have caught us up. The same old, same old, just won't hack it anymore - no matter how much AW "believes". His ego is in the way now. He simply sees what he's looking for. It's time to step aside while there is still some dignity left. Think about the way Bob Paisley built (and won things) on Bill Shankly's foundations. The future after AW could be very bright indeed.

  10. Hill

    Jan 14, 2011, 17:38 #969

    What are the chances of Wenger changing when he's surrounded by yes men on the coaching side and a board that are quite happy with his obsession with youth and doing things on the cheap because the value of their shares keeps climbing higher and higher? We all love Wenger for what he's done for the club but the Invincibles were nearly seven years ago and the Champions League Final five, and we're not skint anymore. It's just a question of how long you wait.

  11. Angelo

    Jan 14, 2011, 17:34 #968

    @ Ikechukwu Spot on mate. After the Ipswich match I lost my (unconditional) faith in Wenger. I'm staggering. I'm not 100% against Wenger, but I already see your point. Rijkaard was fired at Barca after winning the championship only. They brought Pep Guardiola and they also won the champions league. It is a joke how the AKB fans resign from trophies for the club talking about financial stability. Buying very good players at reasonable price never ever drove any club bankrupt. Even Spuds could buy van der Vaart for cheap. We just had Shitachi players instead of that. If u want to run a business only the we say off to Chavsky. We want trophies AND financial stability. Wenger can provide the latter only. I personally give the falling hero a last chance. Arsene buy at least a fucking excellent defender, if your not you're a dead man for me too.

  12. Angelo

    Jan 14, 2011, 17:06 #967

    Wenger starts dividing the fans. In my opinion he should change instead of going. By the way to those idiots, who praise him as if he was a God. Yes Wenger has lots of merit, but he has lost it somewhere along the road. He's not willing to recognise his faults (e.g. he kept playing Squilacci & Koscielny = when they played together we lost most of our matches, many of us recognised long ago that their [lack of] partnership is a disaster, poor defense for years, we could go on like that). By the way he bought these players who are not willing to play for the club. The shit/lazy attitude of Arshavin and the losers shites like Bendtner, Denilson affect the whole team, Wenger's "it's not the boys' fault", "no problem we lost, but we are developing" attitude won't help either. AFC became Absurdistan FC, where everybody knows what the problem is but everybody denies it. Sel 3-4 wankers and bring in 3-4 good ones. We could be everybody's nightmare, but no. Wenger wants to prove he can win with the Bendtners and that will not work. With some luck we can still win something, but Barca will slaughter us.

  13. Bauge14

    Jan 14, 2011, 16:40 #964

    Hopefully the "Horror show" on wednesday will wake up the players..At least show that they care.

  14. Ikechukwu

    Jan 14, 2011, 16:15 #963

    HALLELUJAH! Well said Mr Clarke. As a season ticket holding Gooner, don't let the foolish comments of the AKB mugs fool you. MANY many Arsenal fans feel exactly the same way you do. I've supported the club over 35 years so I know where I'm coming from, and I want Wenger gone. 100% definitely. The only people who think there would be no club without this overpaid, under-achieving joker are AKB idiots who think our club started in 1997. Message: Wenger is NOT Arsenal. We were a big club before him, we will be a big club after him. 'World class players'? LOL We have a demotivated Cesc who is desperate to leave, and he is our only world class player. Nasri is on the way there but the minute he hits peak for, like Henry before him, he will get fed up of playing next to dross and leave. The lack of defensive skill and useless tactics is nigh on an unfunny joke now. It makes me laugh to hear AKBs talk about our 'amazing footbal'. Guess they never watched us conjur up ONE shot on target in 90 minutes at Old trafford, ONE shot on target in 90 minutes at home to Newcastle, TWO shots on target at home to the worst team in the PL West Ham, not to mention the inability to win the easiest CL group in history. Barca are going to destroy Arsenal THEN you will see what a proper team looks like playing great football. Not tippy tappy imitation shite with the likes of Denilson, Bendtner, Diaby, Eboue and Song. There are NO MORE EXCUSES. I also love the AKBs cannot actually disagree with your point Andy Clark using FACTS. All they can use is 'fuck off and go support bla bla'. It proves you have won the argument overwhelmingly! Wenger MUST GO. Wenger OUT please. I can't stand to see my great club turned into some French mediocre out fit with clowns like Shitachi and Kockielny and Eboue and Flappyhandski stinking out the joint. And this pathetic 'who would you replace him with' is a joke argument.... So even though Wenger has now proved for SIX years he is not up to the job of managing a big club like Arsenal, better to keep someone who is kinda useless to us in a job, simply because a bunch of clowns are too unimaginative to think of alternatives...yeah? Because when George Graham left I used to hear 'who would you replace him with' and then the board found AW. How are these AKB idiots to know there isn't a manager out there who could come in and improve this club? There are, many. And I trust the board to appoint one and sack this parody of a world class manager. Manager of the Decade? ROFL. Try beating Ipswich or Leeds first!

  15. northern bof

    Jan 14, 2011, 15:44 #962

    I love the title given to AW loyalists on one of the sites..AKB twats!Any justifiable criticism of washed out Wenger and they rush into abusive print.Yeah he was great a long time ago .

  16. nin

    Jan 14, 2011, 15:44 #961

    Thank god, there are sane bloggers left on the planet. well done mr Clarke a brilliant post highlighting what most sane fans think about the demise of our club who once had a reputation for being fighters, for being proud. we are a laughing stock. ipswich FFS!!

  17. Carlito

    Jan 14, 2011, 15:33 #960

    Wow, there are some really constructive comments from the AKB's on here. The only reason we are are in such a good league position is because Man U & Chelski have dropped back. We don't seem to be improving, and Wenger keeps making the same mistakes over & over. It's ok blaming the players, but who keeps picking them when they let him down time & time again? Are they supposed to turn around and say "sorry boss I'm not good enough for the mighty Arsenal. I think you should buy someone who deserves to wear the shirt"?

  18. Harold

    Jan 14, 2011, 15:17 #959

    It's scary how many fans are willing to accept Wenger making the same mistakes year after year. Must be JGs or armchair fans. Even scarier that jamiethegooner can't spell the names of three of our players. Knob

  19. realist

    Jan 14, 2011, 14:37 #958

    Oh hum ho so lets sack the manager like liverpool do and that will mean it'll be all right - muppet

  20. nugs

    Jan 14, 2011, 13:14 #954

    jotski would rather you f****d off to support chelsea and took all the akb mongs with you

  21. Asmo

    Jan 14, 2011, 12:51 #950

    Andy Clarke, your time is up. Did you have any in the first place? This site is a laughing stock.

  22. Hans

    Jan 14, 2011, 12:32 #949

    AC it seems more like it is you time that is up - you won't be missed...

  23. Jotski

    Jan 14, 2011, 12:26 #947

    RETARD ANDY CLARKE!!! Go support Chelsea.

  24. gonner pretty by arsene

    Jan 14, 2011, 12:23 #946

    losing by such team disappointed but mr clarke know nothing!! Shut ur big mouse . Time is up for clarke, not arsene. We love him. Ass hole

  25. robin

    Jan 14, 2011, 12:22 #945

    AW is so f-g full of himself, he will give his lovebabies even better contracts, look at Eboue, what a f-g disgrace, no Arsenalplayer have ever lived up to the rant, ´Same old Arsenal, always cheating´, better......the player is utter shit and he gets a new contract?????? He probable believes that he´s just as good as players from 2002 and 2004! Wenger out.....and that´s even if we win the Shit Cup!

  26. Neil

    Jan 14, 2011, 12:21 #944

    Arsene Wenger told us this past summer no team could hope to win the Premiership conceeding as many goals as we did last year and that he had to address that. Action taken? Signing the hopeless and hapless Koscielny and Squillaci. No sign of a goalkeeper which Wenger has had 4+ years to address. No strong centre half we have been crying out for since Sol Campbell left the first time. Wenger has also said the past 2 years that this team must deliver now, with a credible and ultimately fruitful title challenge, no more excuses they are no longer a young team. Well you can see the results for yourself. The likes of Denilson, Diaby, Arshavin and Bendtner are on huge amounts yet they never apply themselves, and put in a full shift. What is the consequence? there is none. I hate them but Mourinho and Ferguson demand work ethic and application. If they are not present you get dropped and don't come back. Joe Cole ignored tactics and was dropped like a bad habit. Again where is Wenger's tactical acumen? Before the recent Chelsea win (against the worst Chelsea team in 5+ years), we had a record of 1 draw and 9 defeats, including some losses by wide margins. The following needs to happen: 1) Wenger is replaced and hopefully would accept a position as a sporting director who has the final say on talented youngsters scouted and acts as a mentor to the youth players at the club 2) Someone has the balls to sack Pat Rice and bring in a strong number 2 who has a strong tactical background. 3) Hire a defensive coach to sort out the shambles that we are at the back. One of these needs to happen. We are living groundhog day. Nothing will change if we maintain our current coaching structure. The problem is it's been like this for 4 years and the board and Wenger seem quite content to throw away games due to the lack of defensive stability.

  27. billboy

    Jan 14, 2011, 12:21 #943

    You voice a lot of my concerns. I am surprised there is so much antipathy to your view. A lot of comments say we should blame the players not AW. BUT they are HIS players. Players don't pick the side. Players don't turn up at the gate and say I'm going to play for Arsenal and you are going to pay me x. Players don't determinewhat tactics they are going to use. That's Le Boss's job. OK they will let him down now and again but if they do it too often it's his job to sort it and he plainly isn't. OK, it is difficult to determine when things are not going to come right. You see good things and think it's working, eg Chelsea, Birmingham. But honestly, how many more of the Leeds, Ipswich, WBA etc are going to happen before change at the helm is necessary? This is not a rhetorical question. Can those people who are happy with the current arrangements tell me what has to happen before they start to lose their blind faith?

  28. LOLZ

    Jan 14, 2011, 12:19 #942

    Are you posting this from an internet cafe in Paris? :suspicious:

  29. j

    Jan 14, 2011, 12:18 #941

    Shut up you moron.

  30. giri

    Jan 14, 2011, 12:11 #940

    wenger shouldnt be proud of his current team.. bendtner pathetic gunner.. i like 2 slap his face, moron..

  31. gonner pretty by arsene

    Jan 14, 2011, 12:10 #939

    losing by such team disappointed but mr clarke know nothing!! Shut ur big mouse . Time is up for clarke, not arsene. We love him. Ass hole

  32. Spectrum

    Jan 14, 2011, 11:49 #938

    Well said, Andy Clarke. I support everything you said. Pity the Wenger devotees don't see it yet. Perhaps one day they will. "In Arsene we rust."

  33. Terry

    Jan 14, 2011, 11:47 #937

    To all those saying he knows what he's doing.Why are deadwood like Eboue Bendtner Diaby and Denilson at the club.Why are we looking at signing Upson.Wenger hasnt got a clue

  34. Mo

    Jan 14, 2011, 11:41 #935

    The Board will not let wenger go when they are making so much money from us. What wenger and the players need to do is remember it is our club we are paying their wages all we ask in return is days at wembley

  35. goonerbegood

    Jan 14, 2011, 11:28 #934

    It is pathetic fans like you that worry me . suddenly we loose at ipswich ,it's doom and gloom. If wenger leaves who are you going to replace him with..e.g george graham,PAUL MERSON,martin oneil, we have played up to 7 matches and lost 1 in a cup game,which there is still the second half to go,you are here crying .. Pathetic fans,we havent won anythin for 5 years,so what how many trophy's has liverpool won,chelsea won,totenham,black pool,fulham,west ham,manchester city,everton,.... But when we beat chelsea some 15 days ago am sure you were here shouting for joy ,how the kids have come of age. PATHETIC FAN, NO HEART , I BELIEVE IN THIS TEAM,AND AM POSITIVE THEY WILL COME GOOD AT THE END.YOU WRITE A BLOG,YOU OF ALL PEOPLE SHOULD BE MORE POSITIVE THAN ANY BODY ELSE. Ys they get paid a lot, so what, do you know how much the foot ball clubs and the FA are making from these so called players.THE CLUBS ARE MAKING MILLIONS EVERYDAY,SO IT IS ONLY FAIR THE PLAYERS GET PAID WELL. It is their hard work and consistency that has gotten them this far to be able to be making a lot of money,they deserve it ,cos they play for it. LONG LIVE THE MIGHTY ARSENAL

  36. SV

    Jan 14, 2011, 11:25 #932

    As someone said, Arsenal win 60% of their games. You have to be mature and sensible enough to deal with the remaining 40%. That’s what being a football fan is about. Everyone is frustrated, but seriously, this defeat may still become the most meaningless result of the season. To use this result as a last straw is childish. Let’s wait until the end of the season to make judgement.

  37. Red Ed

    Jan 14, 2011, 11:22 #930

    And who will replace him? Its the easiest thing in the world to say get rid of Wenger, but I don't see too many suggestions about who will be better. The real problem isn't that Wenger is a bad manager, its that he does not have the right coaching staff around him. He needs to overhaul his defensive coaching system and bring in more motivated players. He needs to replace Pat Rice with a Ray Wilkins type and spend a little money on one or two English players who understand the importance of domestic football.

  38. PJGooner

    Jan 14, 2011, 11:11 #928

    The Ipswich and Leeds game shows that our second string are no where near good enough. Let's look at the players: Up front - Bendnter - he is just not good enough, Vela - just not top 4 premiership standard, Walcott - playing as a winger!, even our first team choices RVP - always injured and not an out and out striker, Chamkh - good al round player - RESULT we need a top top class striker in the mould of Torres, Villa, or... there are many Midfield - we are OK in this area, but without Song we struggle.... Denilson is poor and should be released, Diabi - well Im not sure where he is meant to play and is always injured, Arshavin - what a waste of money, the guy is painful!! - RESULT we need 1 more touch tackling leader in the middle Defence - Now come on, have we ever had a worse bunch? With teh exception of Vermealan and Sagna we have problems. Cliche is not teh defender we had hoped he would be, he has never really filled Coles boots, hopefully Gibbs will. The Center Backs, O my GOD........ how the hell do we think we will win anything with this crop!! Slow, not great in the air, and dont read the game in teh way Adams and Campbell used too. No cover at right back at all. - RESULT - we need at least one Centre back, and one good right back to cover for Sagna, and swap Cliche for Gibbs. Im not even going to mention goalkeepers.... So at minimum we need at least 4 new players. Will Wenger do anything, NO, he is to long in the tooth and also need to consider his position or his assistance (Pat Rice etc)... it isnt working!!!!

  39. Sean

    Jan 14, 2011, 11:04 #927

    You must be joking, everything good about Arsenal is down to Wenger, the fantastic football we play, the stadium, the world class players we have, losing against Ipswich did leave a bitter taste in my mouth but don't pont the finger at Wenger, the players are to blame they didnt show Ipswich any respect and got what they deserved, they looked at the result from the weekend ( losing 7-0 to Chelsea )and thought it was a full gone conclusion. I bet you wasn't saying he should when we rolled Man City 3-0 away or Chelsea 3-1 at home, just because we drew against Leeds and lost to Ipswich doesn't mean we should get rid of him. He is by far the best thing to happen to us get behind not get on his back, he has the media and pundit's on his back week in week out, "Arsenal haven't won a trophy in 6 years", the last thing Wenger or the team needs right now is us fans on his back.Back the team and Wenger. CALL YOURSELF GOONERS IT'S A DISGRACE WHERE WOULD WE BE TODAY WITHOUT HIS INFLUENCE AND GUIDENCE.

  40. Tom

    Jan 14, 2011, 11:04 #926

    Utter rubbish. How can you write such utter drivel? I will say no more

  41. king gooner

    Jan 14, 2011, 11:00 #925

    er,where's my comment dude?

  42. Surrey Gunner

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:59 #924

    Look we are all frustrated and angry, we have a very special club and team which has the potential to be great (yes great). At the moment we are putting a lot of psychology pressure on ourselves, we have certain shortcomings which are obvious and need to be addressed. Wenger is not the issue, so lets focus on the real issues.

  43. dave

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:55 #923

    you are a first rate fool, you will be crying in your beer in a few years from now, longing for the days of arsene wenger. When you've been through the massive upheavel our club has in the last few years (stadium,training ground,acadamy ect.)you have no right to be competing at the top year in.year out, but thanks to the genius at the helm we do.

  44. v

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:55 #922

    very fickle!! 3 weeks ago everybody was praising him! and now the online gooner are publishing articles calling for Wengers head?? Grow up. What type of messiah would you bring in??

  45. king gooner

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:47 #920

    if he doesn't pull a trophy out of the hat this year or come mighty close to winning prem or cl-i think the "taxi"will be called.a sad day.but he is his own worst enemy-clearly he has given the duds more than enough have they repaid his taking the piss.he is a an extremely intelligent man & surely he realises this.NOW is the time to invest,whether he wants to or not.the ball is in his court & the clock is most definitly ticking but can he hear it?

  46. night fung

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:46 #919

    You‘ve got it wrong

  47. ArsenalEyes

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:37 #918

    Keown needs to come in and coach the defence, That's all!

  48. Jan 14, 2011, 10:37 #917

    In Arsene we rust

  49. Nora

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:35 #916

    Your despicable.

  50. wuletaw wondmagegn

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:24 #915

    yes indeed,it is the right time to think about wenger,but at the same time it is difficult to separate and think arsenal with out wenger.there is no one who create teams like wenger spending a little money.who else jose,alex,gardiola....all of them need large sum of money to create teams like let us believe and see what will happen at the end of the year.let us support arsene!!

  51. Arselicked

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:23 #914

    What should the next man do? sell the whole team and replace them with a new team? Save for 3 or 4 players that was the team that beat Chelsea 3-1. Andf they looked very good. Every Arsenal attack had 3 or 5 players in the box. All that he needs to do is to sell some of the players were praising when we were busy flogging Adebayor. Bendtner, Arshavin and maybe Denilson. If you look at our past successful teams you will see that they had players who were not afraid to make runs into the box, Thierry Henry, Freddy, Pires, Bergkamp: they would crowd the box and would try to penetrate defences with passing and movement that gave our midfield outlets to play. Bendtner passes backwards and stands still, Arshavin seems like he is lost, Denilson can't pass forward successfully so he passes sideways.

  52. James

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:20 #913

    Agreed, we need a fresh start. We might not win anything for a while, but we're never going to win anything again with this nutter in charge.

  53. One since 81

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:19 #912

    OK if he goes who do we replace him with? Do we send the Enterprise out into deep space to search for a replacement? No one else on this Planet could have done the job that he has done for this club! New 60,000 seater Stadium and back in prophet already. 5 years without a trophy so what? It has given our younger followers a taste of what it is like to really support your Team through thick & thin. I loved it when I began following The Arsenal home and away in the Eighties. what's more we really loved it when we won the League in 89 for the 1st time in 18 years. These days younger fans seem to think that we have a God given right to win something every year. You have to have some lows to really apprieciate the highs. Get behind the Manager he knows what he is at and at this point in time we are still challanging for 4 trophies. We aren't out yet!!!

  54. PTangYangKipperBang

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:18 #911

    Great idea I hear Sam Allardice is available. Really - Don't be so PATHETIC!

  55. MD

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:17 #910

    So you want him fired at half time literally with the second leg still to come? We beat Chelsea with more or less the same cohort of players and that gave us a high and now you think Arsens job should be based on the last match they play. If they win handsomely tomorrow it will be OK. If we get beaten next week it will be he goes...Take a deep breath and swallow a chill pill till May then make your point

  56. Zizouisthebest Soiswenger

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:14 #909

    Hi Andy, I will be interested to read your article in two weeks time. My guess is it will have a different view. I see progress with the club altogether. Our club will not go bankrupt and we are still challenging on all fronts. In my humble view, I would suggest it could be wiser to wait at least the return leg of the Carling cup and the FA cup before requesting Wenger to leave. My own view is that the man is a genius and I would never ask a genius to leave. This is my own view however. I believe also we will win the premier league and the Champions league sooner rather than later with Wenger in charge.

  57. arsenalfa

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:13 #908

    stupid blogs from all of you fans, you think that the defeat was wengers fault, it was the player you idiot and you name some of the matches above as if we should go through the whole season unbeaten time after time get real we will abviously loose games u idiot. we drew against leeds when manu lost against them, we lost against ipswich but we return at the emirates!! were in all competitions stop talkin get supportin

  58. Jonathan E. N. TOE

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:11 #907


  59. peter gully

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:09 #905

    You're an idiot.

  60. jabroni

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:05 #904

    Spot on

  61. danny

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:02 #902

    so who would you have as our next manager then ??

  62. C HUDSON

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:00 #901


  63. Block 6 Gooner

    Jan 14, 2011, 10:00 #899

    .....and who would you like to see come in and replace one of the greatest managers of all time?? Arsenal wont pay Mourinho wages or you wanna go down the route of chopping and changing managers like the chelski, Sp*rs and scousers. I agree with some of the players dont deserve to wear the shirt. 'Wenger himself has a new four year contract. Why? What has he done to deserve it.' - wooooooooow Your not being serious??

  64. jamiethegooner

    Jan 14, 2011, 9:59 #898

    Yeah like that would help you knob. We cant keep blaming Wenger for under-par performances from our players. In my option, all the players, bar Walcott, JD and Jackie was shit against Inbredswich and thats not Wengers fault. Players like Dennison, Bentder and Arsvavin clearly dont have the heart to play for Arsenal, the sooner they are gone the better.

  65. Alex

    Jan 14, 2011, 9:59 #897

    When we beat West Ham we'll love him again. Football is a fickle game.

  66. kev

    Jan 14, 2011, 9:59 #896

    and on top of all that we haven't scored in open play for over 180 minutes ?

  67. Bob

    Jan 14, 2011, 9:58 #895

    Couldn't agree more.

  68. goonerista

    Jan 14, 2011, 9:56 #894


  69. Djofils

    Jan 14, 2011, 9:55 #893

    Good luck with you hospital appointment. I think you reLLY NEED some medical attention sooner rather than later lol.

  70. Jones Macdonald

    Jan 14, 2011, 9:52 #891

    Oh dear Andy Clarke you moron!