East End is Eden

Online Ed: Hammers nailed

East End is Eden

Van Persie: Key man

This was effectively the Arsenal team that beat Chelsea and Birmingham, whilst being unfortunate to gain only a point against Manchester City. It is the team that will determine whether or not Arsene Wenger is able to lift the Premier League trophy for the first time in seven years at the end of this season. It is certainly not the team that failed to win matches against Wigan, Leeds and Ipswich.

There were fresh calls for the manager’s head from some quarters after the performance at Portman Road. Undoubtedly it was disappointing, but in fairness to Wenger, he should be judged on what his first eleven do. Yes, West Ham were very much there for the taking, but there have been occasions in the past when the Gunners have made exceedingly hard work of relegation candidates, and often seem to labour against West Ham, as the reverse fixture this season proved (remember Alex Song’s late, late winner).

I received an email after the game from Gooner contributor Howard Lamb, very much a glass half full merchant. He enthused, “One of the most complete performances since the Invincibles.” Unfortunately, the memory of certain crosses from our full backs prevents my own enthusiasm from reaching these heights, but it was certainly a dominating performance that gives cause for genuine optimism for the remainder of the campaign. I don’t think we can dream of beating Barcelona just yet, but given that Manchester United do not look like the team of two seasons ago, there is certainly a title there for the taking if Arsenal can develop some consistency, and crucially win all the points they should be expected to. Howard continued, “After Wednesday - Jekyll and Hyde. Can RVP stay fit? If only? Szez looks the business – maybe that’s what was missing.” Certainly Van Persie’s return to form is timely and critical if the team is to play at its optimum. His intelligent movement around the opposition half is something no other player in the current squad can provide. If he is injured again, the fear is that the season will go to pot.

As for the keeper, many Gooners would pick him over Fabianski and my own view is that the manager should stick with the man in form once the more senior player is fit again. He’s young, but his confidence is both laudable and justified.

One suspects that both the Leeds and Ipswich cup games in the next two midweeks will see mix and match selections, with certain players rested. It’s a gamble, but one the manager is going to take ignoring the clamour from the fans. The two competitions he prioritizes have not changed, and right or wrong, he will not field a full strength line-up for any domestic cup match. If Ipswich are eliminated, as they should be in spite of their first leg lead, then I hope an exception is made for the Wembley final, regardless of which players have appeared in the competition up to now.

Arsenal need to keep winning to develop some momentum. It will be interesting to see if cup exits with weakened teams have a detrimental effect on the league performances. They seem to have had in the past, but let’s hope that’s a question we don’t get an answer to and that the club remain in both cups. As for the Premier League, Wigan visit next week, followed by a series of very winnable matches. Injuries could do for Arsenal’s season, especially to defenders where numbers are getting very low. It happened in 2008 and it happened in 2010, both seasons when the Gunners had a great chance of winning the title. Those losses exposed the squad as not deep enough, a phenomenon we are already seeing this time around.

My own feeling is that the key men will not be able to complete the campaign unscathed, going on experience if nothing else. However, if they can, the performance at Upton Park demonstrates that Arsenal, once again, have an opportunity to lose the nearly men tag.

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  1. Ian McCarthy

    Jan 17, 2011, 15:18 #1102

    Cesc, RVP, Nasri and Song have to play for us to win. Any one of those missing and we will struggle as the squad players that replace them are nowhere near as good. Sagna returning at RB will obviously strengthen that position. Chesney should stay in goal but unfortunately we have no choice at the centre of defence which is a massive weakness as was witnessed once again at Upton Park, major worry against any team.

  2. Jon

    Jan 17, 2011, 11:51 #1098

    Fred you must be an armchair fan coz if you gave the club over a grand up front every year in season ticket money just to see the same old problems unaddressed you'd be frustrated too. All a Carling Cup win will mean is a nice day out for the fans, and third place will just mean a guaranteed extra £10m next season that Wenger won't spend. How many more years of treading water?

  3. chris dee

    Jan 17, 2011, 9:04 #1086

    A good result,but we've had good results during this season. Let's hope that this time we can push on, because after previous good results this team have regulary kicked us in the nuts with shocking displays and that is why there was so much anger and 'over reaction' with the Leeds and Ipswich results.Let's hope our nuts are safe after the next three games Leeds,Wigan and Ipswich Bt the way, United are top playing what the United friendly media,both in the newspapers and Sky United Sports, call pragmatic, efficient and well organised teamwork. Nothing wrong with that,but when we played the same way under Georgie Graham we were called boring,just shows the medias anti Arsenal bias. Or is it they are just scared of Ferguson? Probably both.

  4. QuartzGooner

    Jan 17, 2011, 0:47 #1082

    It is not just the failure to buy a centre back that can scupper us. What about defensive midfield. Song- Wilshere is fine, but beyond that who do we have? Denilson - poor. Diaby - usually injured and poor. Ramsey - not yet match fit. Frimpong - injured. Coquelin - on loan. Lansbury - on loan.

  5. nugs

    Jan 16, 2011, 18:29 #1078

    it seems that wenger himself is posting on this site under the name of fred!

  6. Theopants Superstar

    Jan 16, 2011, 13:16 #1071

    Oh dear Fred. 'Complete over-reaction'? If you think that beating the poorest West Ham team in years,who were sitting bottom and missing their best player, whilst having to substitute their second best one - and yet still managed to look defensively vulnerable, then the only one over-reacting is you!! Seems you've conveniently forgotten all the embarrassing things that have happened this season. Arsene would be proud.

  7. Kevin

    Jan 16, 2011, 12:42 #1070

    Job done.West Ham were shite but our attitude was good unlike Leeds and Ipswich.The defence was shaky in the first half especially Djourou.But Szczesny continues to impress.I see no reason to bring back Flappy as Szczesny is performing well.A new CB signing is crucial though and should be made this week Samba or Cahill but we all know Wenger he wont buy anyone till the last 10 mins of deadline to try and save a couple of million

  8. Jan 16, 2011, 12:19 #1069

    nothing knee jerky or fair weather about moaning when we lose 3 home games against inferior opposition, or the peformances against braga, shakthar,leeds and ipswich just because we beat a poor west ham side! at the end of the day im chuffed with yesterdays result but considering that the last five seasons have been like a repeat you cannot blame fans for expecting the wheels to fall off at any time and the odd good peformances does not erase the poor peformances we have seen this season, ive seen us involved in some shocking upsets down the years, york, walsall, and wrexham to name a few but are you telling me that no one kicked off over these peformances!

  9. The Happening

    Jan 16, 2011, 11:19 #1066

    I don't care if they are 1st IX, 2nd team, 3rd team or 50th team! As a professional footballer, when a player pulls on the AFC shirt on and walks onto the pitch (as a supporter who pays thier wages)I expect nothing less than 100%! Democratic society lends itself to the freedom of debate, the flipside to this controversial topics, our managers tenure, may well be a case of the blind leading the blind? There's no over-reaction, just an analysis which needs to be voiced as us fans are obliged to so! I'll continue

  10. Gooner 48

    Jan 16, 2011, 10:15 #1060

    Arsenal fans have never been known to keep a balanced view any more than fans of any other team. Why does everything have to be either black or white when football is so very obviously a million shades of grey. Wenger will quite rightly play the B teams in domestic competitions - to do otherwise is dumb if we wish to finish ahead of the top teams

  11. Ray

    Jan 16, 2011, 9:51 #1059

    The moral of the last week is if we had played a strong team v Leeds and Ipswich we would have won both.We wouldnt have had a replay and the second leg v Ipswich wouldnt have mattered and we could have played the dross.No more chopping and changing the team.Both Cesc and Walcott played at Ipswich and they didnt look tired yesterday.Just keep picking the first 11 Wenger with Szczesny in goal.No more Denilshit or Nicholas Bullshit

  12. Jason

    Jan 16, 2011, 9:33 #1058

    Wes Brown for Arsenal!

  13. Harry

    Jan 16, 2011, 9:20 #1057

    Fred, you omitted the home defeats to WBA, Newcastle and Tottenham. You also omitted the defeats to Braga and Shakter which ultimtately led us to facing to Barcelona this early. You appear to have forgotten the capitulations to Wigan and Blackburn at the backend of last season. In fact you appear to have forgotten the last five seasons altogether. Knee-jerk my Arse.

  14. Terry

    Jan 16, 2011, 8:24 #1054

    Bit too optimistic Kev.Have the problems really gone away after us beating the worse team in the prem.As we keep saying there are massive problems at CB.Djourou as at Ipswich had a stinker.He made two awful mistakes which against a better striker than Cole would have cost us goals.The weak back pass which Szczesny made a terrific save and then losing Cole when he missed a free header from 6 yards.And Djourou has to cut out that habit of letting the ball drop when its played over the top.Put it in row z.The failure to sign a CB now will ultimately cost us in the long run.Cesc and Nasri were superb.Arsenal are a much better team when Cesc is on his game.RVP did well.Is there anyone other than Wenger who doesnt think Szczesny is our number 1 keeper.Not since Lehmaan have i felt confident about one of our keepers.But as soon as Fabianski is fit he will return.Play the man in form

  15. dan

    Jan 16, 2011, 1:36 #1046

    It will all end in ears as it usually does with this lot,wenger plays the same team against leeds as he did in the first game we will lose.The only real chance of a trophy for this lot is the carling cup,we certainly will not win the league and we definitely will not beat barca.

  16. Fred

    Jan 16, 2011, 1:26 #1045

    The complete over reactions to the results against Wigna, Leeds and Ipswich were so embarassing, but indicative of a section of our support - whiny, knee jerky, bi-polar fair weather supporters. Shameful really. There was an excellent article on vital Arsenal about a shock cup defeat by the great Herbert Chapman's team in the 1930s that put it all into perpsective. Ta