‘One Song, we’ve only got one Song!’

Arsenal have no back up for their number 17

‘One Song, we’ve only got one Song!’

Song: Integral

Amid all the clamour for a new centre back, Arsenal are in big danger of failing to address one of the major short-comings of their squad. Because although Vermaelen’s achilles setbacks and Squillaci’s slight hamstring injury leave Arsenal with just two regular first-team centre backs to manage the busy few weeks of fixtures ahead. The fact remains that if those injury problems are overcome, Arsenal have within their ranks five strong contenders for this position: Vermaelen, Djourou, Koscielny, Squillaci and Song (probably in that hierarchical order ). Not to mention the two promising youngsters on their books: Kyle Bartley (who’s on loan at Sheffield Utd) and Ignasi Miquel.

However in the squad’s linchpin position - the main defensive midfield role - there is an unfortunate irony in the lyrics to the Arsenal fans’ favourite - ‘One Song, we’ve only got one Song’. Because, for all their wealth of talented young players, Arsenal still have not acquired a player who can fulfill the defensive duties that Song can and does so well. That is not meant as a criticism of Denilson or Wilshire, nor of the extremely promising young defensive midfielder Emannuel Frimpong (who it seems has more in common with Michael Essien than just his Ghanaian heritage). But for me, although those players can all play effectively alongside Song in the ‘double pivot’ system. They cannot yet replace Song satisfactorily.

Song is able to act in a similar way to that which Sergio Busquets does for Barcelona as Jonathan Wilson recently explained in an article for Guardian Football: “Barcelona often have both full-backs pushed high, a risky strategy necessitated by how frequently they come up against sides who sit deep against them. With width on both sides they can switch the play quickly from one flank to the other, and turn even a massed defence. They still, though, need cover in case the opponent breaks, and so Sergio Busquets sits in, becoming in effect a third centre-back”

But to play that role well a player normally needs the height, athletic ability and positional awareness that Song and Busquets both possess. Yet within the Arsenal squad, none of the aforementioned ‘Song substitutes’ stand taller than 5ft 11, and for all their excellent technical abilities, neither Wilshere nor Denilson are blessed with excellent pace or defensive positional awareness. And whilst Frimpong does offer more athleticism, aggression and natural disposition to the role: it is probably Abou Diaby who comes closest to fitting the mold , at least physically anyway.

But unfortunately for Wenger there are serious doubts not only over Diaby’s injury worries, but also as to whether he has the defensive mindset to play the role consistently well, despite some encouraging showings playing there for France and Arsenal towards the end of last summer. Those who are not quite convinced of the ‘irreplaceableness’ of Song in the Arsenal squad might be more convinced by looking at Arsenal’s record without him. In the eight games in which Song has not played at all this season, Arsenal have won 3, lost 3 and drawn 2. Of course Arsenal also suffered a late equaliser at Sunderland after Song was sent off.

It should be pointed out too, that not only did the three wins come against under-strength Newcastle, Wigan and Tottenham sides in the Carling Cup (with the latter requiring extra time to ensure progression). But the three losses and two draws were hardly all against major opposition either: Arsenal lost to Shakhtar, Braga and Ipswich and drew with Wigan (all sides you would normally expect Arsenal to beat) and although they managed a more respectable draw with Liverpool, it must be said that Diaby also feature in that game.

Arsene Wenger had suggested in his comments regarding bringing in some defensive reinforcements in January, that he’d prefer to bring in someone with Premiership experience, who could hit the ground running, so to speak.

I don’t pretend to be an expert on defensive midfielders, but I can think of only three players currently playing in the Premiership who could possibly do the Song/Busquets thing.

Those would be Vincent Kompany, who Arsenal could never realistically target. Jack Rodwell of Everton, who would be my favourite (but again he has shown a lot of resistance to leave Everton in the past and would look to be a difficult transfer to land) and lastly Jordan Henderson: who isn’t exactly an ‘out an out’ defensive midfielder (although neither is Song when you study his distribution carefully - as the Arsenal Column did here) but does have the passing ability, stature and athleticism for the role and has played there on occasion for Sunderland as well as in his recent England debut, albeit rather disappointingly. Of course Alex Ferguson is also reported to have first option on Henderson too, which might all mean Wenger would have to look further afield if Arsenal are to find another Song.

But I’d suggest they do, and quickly. Because, if Alex Song were to get injured anytime soon then I don’t think Arsenal fans will have anything to sing about: especially a trophy.

Twitter: benvenceremos

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  1. MINSK

    Jan 18, 2011, 10:21 #1106


  2. Jason

    Jan 17, 2011, 15:22 #1103

    There is one Marc Van Bommel available. He'd be the best defensive midfielder available now, even at 33. Problem is, can Arsene handle him? This would mean the end of Denilson and Diaby as you know it. He's got some history against us too. The classic hatchet man before you can even spell De Jong. He'd put the fear in Fergie, Mancini and Ancelotti. Plus Wes Brown, they'd complete the jigsaw.

  3. QuartzGooner

    Jan 17, 2011, 14:38 #1101

    We do not have a back up for him, I agree. Coquelin - loan. Frimpong - injured. Denilson - not good enough. Wilshere - plays alongside with good positional sense but not as dominant a tackler. Ramsey - possibly, but not played for us in a year and looks more of an attacking midfielder with bite than a defensive midfielder. Djourou/Koscielny - possibly worth a try in midfield when Vermaelen returns.

  4. Jan 17, 2011, 13:03 #1099

    well wenger has used eastmond as cover in the past but for me he looks totally out of his depth or denilson who we know cannot play in that position. got to say that in my opinion wilshire could actually do a better job then song in that position.

  5. oliver

    Jan 17, 2011, 10:59 #1097

    nice opservation, i agree. parker from west ham should be fine sub if we can afford him.

  6. Vikram Singh Negi.

    Jan 17, 2011, 10:40 #1095

    Phil Jones of Blackburn (currently out injured) and Johny Hietinga also can be counted in that category. Yaya Toure again is one other player to fill that role(s) but he is way to expensive.

  7. David Walter

    Jan 17, 2011, 10:27 #1094

    I'm glad this article is here, because I clicked onto the Gooner this morning to email in exactly the same point. The win against Chelsea showed that the team had finally understood that the pressing in numbers game translates into victories, but subsequent games suggested it was almost just those 11 players that worked it out, given the limp performances displayed against Leeds and Ipswich. If Arsenal sign another defensive midfielder to challenge Song and also provide proper cover in the rest of the season when Wenger wants to play a Leeds/Ipswich line-up, they'll gather so many more points. In terms of the defence, if Vermaelen is back at full strength next season then we really do only need cover for the next 6 months - might as well do that with existing squad players rather than deliberately placing themselves in a situation where a defender has to be sold despite only being at Arsenal for a maximum of a year.

  8. kassahun

    Jan 17, 2011, 10:19 #1093

    I is really known arsenal has no bench that substitute a.song.So it is time for arsenal to think over it.

  9. The Happening

    Jan 17, 2011, 9:54 #1092

    Highly relevant article! It confirms how well the lad has done and grown to be an integral part of our team and also the great fact that we nurture talent, credit to Wenger for that! Yet I can't agree more that we need cover in this area too, which also highlights the Denilson debate, a la unbalanced squad! Frimpong looked full of power pre-season, shame about the injury! Diaby? Immense talent, however, no steel and too injury prone! We've got alot of games comming through now, it would be daft not to strengthen the squad? Wouldn't it?

  10. Nick TG

    Jan 17, 2011, 9:54 #1091

    So so true.i have been saying this for 2 years.Although i still think we need a new CB quick (Upson,Cahill or Mertersaker would be great Samba ok) cover for DM is crucial too.Not sure about the names you mention as they are either too difficult to buy or too good to sit on the bench.eg i would love Parker but cant see it happening.So more realistically tDM is 1 position i would settle for a typical Wenger unknown french/african signing (who comes in as cover - eg Sissoko, Cisse...). I thought we should have taken Scharner in summer on a free as cover for CB and DM...

  11. Debislyv

    Jan 17, 2011, 9:52 #1090

    Yeah song is very essential AFC,he is the best in EPL

  12. titan49

    Jan 17, 2011, 9:41 #1089

    at last! I have been begging for someone to write an article on this as I consider it of the utmost importance! excellent article. I like the fact that you bring Busquets into the equation as I consider him the most complete holding midfielder in the world. It seems there are two 'schools' of defensive midfielders. The 'Makelele School' is that to which Michael Essien and in the future Emanuel Frimpong belong to. Short, stocky, always snapping at peoples' heels and full of energy. The other school I call the 'van Bommel School'. Honourable graduates are Gilberto Silva and Busquets. Tall, strong, calm, not as much running as the others but no real need due to excellent positioning, composure on the ball, technically excellent. I mention this because in my eyes Arsenal have Song who is somewhere in between the two schools, Frimpong who is clearly of the Makelele School, but no real graduate of the Van Bommel School. Also, do not discount the importance of Mark Van Bommel's presence at Barca as contributing to the player Busquets is today. Busquets is basically a younger, more refined Van Bommel, no doubt benefiting from training with the master in his youth. So here is my suggestion: Mark Van Bommel is a free agent in the summer and I think we should sign him up. He is 34 so not really getting any younger, but if he is good enough to start for Bayern, he is good enough to be backup to Song for us. He would see out his career with us (1 or 2 years) during which period you expect somebody to step up in his shoes. Now my favoured candidate for this role would be Henri Lansbury. The kid is talented, composed, technically excellent, and crucially, he is Arsenal through and through. In fairness, with Ramsey, Wilshere, Fabregas and Nasri all near his age, it would be difficult for Lansbury to step up in an attacking midfield role, so he should pursue a defensive midfielder role in the mould described above. By signiing Van Bommel, we would be giving players like Lansbury the chance to become our very own Busquets.

  13. Westy

    Jan 17, 2011, 9:31 #1088

    Scott Parker? He fullfils a lot of requirements plus has the bonus of being hard working and loud on the pitch. Speculation is generally pointless with Wenger though, I don't think he is willing to sign players people expect him to so if we do sign anyone no doubt none of us will have seen him coming.. let it be Vidic!