Put the champagne on ice…

Online Ed: Chances of going to Wembley twice still alive

Put the champagne on ice…

Nasri: Top marks

Regular contributor Ian Henry emailed me after the game and although I try to avoid reading the views of others’ until I have typed out my own, it’s a decent summary of the win at Leeds.

He wrote – ‘Denilson’s sloppy passes apart, that was a very, very good performance indeed. I thought Arshavin and Bendtner actually worked their socks off; AA23 will come good again. Djourou immense, Koscielny calmness personified. Great performances by Nasri and Sagna. Just makes you wonder why they can’t do that every week!’

What I did notice about the replay performance, in contrast to the previous game against Leeds and the visit to Ipswich, was that the players seemed to work that little bit harder to ensure they were in space to receive a pass. The end effect was that Leeds found it that much harder to get the ball. And if the opposition do not have the ball, it becomes very difficult for them to score.

At times the first half was exhibition stuff, but the game was always going to be kept alive as long as the margin wasn’t conclusive, and although Arsenal came close to being about six up before Leeds scored, it’s goals that count. Arshavin may have been fouled in the build up to the home side’s goal, but it’s difficult to find fault with the defence aside from a belief that maybe the Russian should have battled a bit harder as the referee was obviously allowing a physical game.

Even if Arsenal’s dominance did drop a little after the interval, they restricted Leeds to very few chances, and controlled the game against technically inferior opposition through a mix of skill, concentration and effort. Characteristics that should have been more evident in the first match. It was doubtless significant that Samir Nasri started in the hole behind Chamakh instead of Tomas Rosicky. If Cesc Fabregas does depart in the summer, the manager will feel he already has his replacement on the books. It was interesting to see Nasri given the captain’s armband too, given that there were longer serving players in the line-up. Certainly, he led by example.

When I first saw Kasper Schmeichel play for Manchester City, I thought there was a keeper that would be worth investing in. I was surprised City let him go, but his display last night – both in terms of his saving ability and commitment – definitely kept his team in the game. He might have felt he could have saved Sagna’s goal, but the speed of the ball was astonishing. I’m not sure any keeper could have got more on it than he managed, as he did well just to reach it. Mind you in the keeping department, although Szczesny did not have as much to do, the way he dominated his area had me hoping that he keeps his place once Fabianski recovers. The guy is simply not afraid of clattering into a thicket of players in his determination to get a clearing fist on the ball and it’s something we’ve not seen at the club for too long, as even Mad Jens never seemed keen on the physical stuff at times.

So an excellent performance at a difficult venue. Momentum from last weekend maintained and a series of winnable matches on the immediate horizon. Let’s hope that complacency does not set in and that the team continue to work hard for each other. That is a recipe for success as the football ability is there, at least if we can keep enough key players fit. How the team perform against Wigan this weekend will tell us a lot about whether the fans are going to enjoy the latter stages of the season. Come on Arsenal!

* In the sub-head, I posit the possibility of going to Wembley twice. I haven’t forgotten about the Champions League Final, I am just being realistic! More chance of making it in the two domestic cups as things stand really. Let’s not contemplate going to Wembley thrice until after the visit to the Nou Camp, eh? By the way, Gooner issue 211 with a free 2011 ‘cult kits’ calendar can be bought online here.

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  1. Battersea

    Jan 21, 2011, 8:15 #1158

    As the Semi-Finals are at Wembley it would be thrice for the two domestic cups anyway!

  2. Fozzy

    Jan 21, 2011, 8:10 #1157

    How can any of you guys think that Deckchair Denilson had anything like a reasonable game. He was once again the root cause of our swift flowing moves breaking down with either a back pass or a sloppy kick to the opposition. Aaron, please come back soon as this bloke is driving me mad.

  3. Jack

    Jan 20, 2011, 22:06 #1155

    I hold my hands up and admit to slating Denilson replay, but he turned up last night and played well, I still dont believe he is that technically gifted but the will to win was there and sometimes thats what you need on a Wednesday night at Elland Road... The only lazy thing about AA23 was his finishing and as ever, the cross aside, Bendtner didnt look comfortable at RW... promising nonetheless from Arsenal, consolidate this momentum with 3 wins in 3 different competitions now

  4. The Happening

    Jan 20, 2011, 18:40 #1152

    I don't believe Denilson has always been shit, a couple of seasons ago he was the invisible shield, covered alot of ground and his stats (?huh) were pretty good, maybe the guy needs to move? He's trying to do a job that not really anyone else does in our squad, I'll welcome back RAMBO as his replacement, sorely missed! Arshavin? My guess is that he is dying to play in a central role, but like everthing in life u gotta earn it, until then he'll just have to plough away in the formation we play, which I don't think brings the best out of alot of our players anyway, it's the squad based system, bad for the nerves, I know!

  5. Nekuhan

    Jan 20, 2011, 16:10 #1150

    We are an amazing team! To win in a convincing way at Leeds with only 9 and half players i.e. minus Denils**t and minus sloppy, out of form Arshavin is encouraging. We shall be unbeatable when playing with full 11 players squad (;-)). LoL!! Totally agree with Theopants Superstar. On my video, watched again the match, kept focus on Denils**t and the verdict is the same as all these last years. Denils**t is walking (??) on the pitch, never close to the opponent, passing backwards or short distance sideways, slowing the game down, etc. No tackles, no long space opening passes forward. He is continuously marking the air while his team mates must work for him as well. Just watch how many times he gives the ball to 3-5m distant Arsenal player who continues the action like if Denils**t is not the member of the same team. Totally dead wood + lost in space and time on the pitch. Lazy, idle and overpaid. Theopants Superstar = spot on! Finally, the performance yesterday was great. As Kevin pointed out so rightly: the team should continue to work hard for each other ... but with all 11 players in the squad. P.S. One victory does not mean that the problems were addressed (see my Post No. 1096, 13.01.2011, 10:17am). Come on ARSENAL !! Come on Gooner and Online Gooner!!

  6. Simon

    Jan 20, 2011, 16:10 #1149

    Important victory last night. With regards to AA23 why is his technique so hit and miss? He can execute a bicycle kick like the one at Wigan but blaze the ball well wide on the half volley so many times like last night!!

  7. Theopants Superstar

    Jan 20, 2011, 15:36 #1148

    Fair enough GoonerRon, if you want to believe that than do so - although I suggest that a trip to specsavers might be in order!! (lol). Seriously though, even putting personal bias aside, I'm more than certain that you'd still be in the minority view for believing Denilson 'played well' last night. Maybe he wasn't as shite as he normally is, but that's hardly a ringing endorsement and neither is it the same as 'playing well'. Believe it or not, most of the critics would prefer Denilson was the good player his few supporters claim him to be, rather than the below average one that he is. Alas, there's been little evidence thus far to support the case being made by the advocates of our Brazilian 'journeyman' - (journeyman - surely an oxymoron the way this guy moves? lol).

  8. Paul

    Jan 20, 2011, 14:39 #1145

    1st time poster, Daily reader. I'm amazed at how people's wies differ on a SINGLE thing. e.g. Denilsons performance LAST NIGHT. - misplaced PASSES??? how many did you guys see? how many did Song - yes Song misplaced. Deni had one of his calmer games. Please be realistic and avoid your feelings towards particular playes when you comment. You might just be no better than those at ITV or ESPN. It's insane realy - Denilson mention in everyone of some of you guys' comments.

  9. GoonerRon

    Jan 20, 2011, 13:33 #1140

    Theopants Superstar - if you take all preconceived views about Denilson out of the equation and judge him purely on last night's performance I just can't see how can you say he didn't play well. He wasn't amazing, outstanding or world class, but he did play well. I was at the game and rather sadly watched the game back on Sky+ too and I think my assessment is fair.

  10. Pete

    Jan 20, 2011, 13:26 #1139

    I saw on TV so may have missed stuff, but... it was Denilson's best game of the season (not saying a huge amount, but hopefully a springboard), Bendtner looked a little better as did Chamakh. People talked about Arshavin working hard - not obvious. Almost every significant Leeds attack came down our left with Arshavin frequently out of view. Especially in the 2nd half. Clearly the guy is quality - but going through a bad patch. When Nasri (never mind Clichy) played in front of Gibbs we immediately looked more secure. Everyone needs to remember that all players' form is uneven. We don't know what injuries they are carrying, issues in their personal life or just shortage of confidence!

  11. Gary

    Jan 20, 2011, 13:03 #1138

    So glad Sagna scored that goal because everytime you see it you will see Billy Benders first touch of a baby elephant.

  12. Gooner67

    Jan 20, 2011, 12:31 #1137

    Did we not buy Denilson as a defensive minded midfielder? If so he did ok last night.

  13. Theopants

    Jan 20, 2011, 12:18 #1135

    Sorry Drew - I meant no-one else except GoonerRon, it seems.

  14. SamiS

    Jan 20, 2011, 12:06 #1134

    Kevin it'll be four times you've missed out the FA Cup SEMI!!!!

  15. Theopants Superstar

    Jan 20, 2011, 11:20 #1131

    Denilson 'played well? Made tackles? Kept the game moving? Creates space for others'? Seriously Drew, I need to get the number of your drug supplier, man. Whatever you're taking obviously has powerful hallucinogenic properties that allows you to see stuff no-one else can!! lol.

  16. GoonerRon

    Jan 20, 2011, 10:29 #1128

    I've seen so many people say Arshavin, Bendtner and Denilson were crap last night. Unless there is another Elland Road in a parallel universe I thought they all played well, certainly an improvement on recent performances which is encouraging. Denilson was energetic, broke up play and linked our passing together nicely. I thought Bendtner and Arshavin looked shorn of confidence in the first half. That said, Arshavin was involved in a lot of link up play and kept moves flowing. He will always give the ball away at times - that is the type of player he is in terms of sublime and ridiculous. Bendtner grew in confidence in the second half, held the width well and showed some intelligent movement and decisive play culminating in his peach of cross to seal the tie. Only encouraging signs for the squad based on last night's performance.

  17. drew10

    Jan 20, 2011, 8:29 #1126

    I think this constant Denilson bashing is out of order. He played bloody well last night. Leave the guy alone, he isn't the only one who misplaced passes yet he is the one who is highlighted. He does something nobody else in the team does, gets in makes tackles then plays the simple ball to keep the game moving. He constantly changes the angle of attack creating space for the more creative players to do the damage.

  18. Ian McCarthy

    Jan 20, 2011, 7:41 #1125

    AA23 did work harder last night but what ever he seems to try doesn't seem to work for him. A great chance at the far post in the first half but he couldn't get anything on it, and the shot into row Z when in acres of space summed up his current form. A wry smile and another substitution, his confidence must be at an all time low.

  19. Dave

    Jan 20, 2011, 7:28 #1124

    Bendtner is useless.For the third game in a row against championship opponents he looked poor.Not one effort on target in all 3 games.Sanga was back to his best.Nasri great in the first half.Last night was a lesson to Wenger.If we had played a strong team at home we wouldnt have needed a replay.Leeds are a championship team and we dealt with them a as top 4 prem team should.