We have momentum

The musings of someone who has seen us win six league titles

We have momentum

Could we see it again in May?

I sense the feeling of momentum building. I also sense an improved concentration and determination, maybe not quite enough just yet but my gut tells me this is now picking up momentum at pace.

Right now Bacary is as good a right back as any in the Premiership and he's yet to peak. In Samir we have a potential Premiership player of the year. The man just oozes class, he's feisty at times but Joe Cool when he needs to be - in front of goal. Robin is revving up and becoming a very lean, mean machine. A real leader of the line. His chocolate peg is now also very dangerous. Plus he's not as greedy as Tevez.

Theo has some way to go but is really coming of age, he is becoming the player Wenger always knew he would. He will contribute goals and confound twats like Waddle. He's no longer just an impact player. Djourou is still at the rough diamond stage but we have a here a future rock on which to hang our defence.

Remember that kid who was slagged off the park at Fulham? Some are now talking about him in the same breath as Essien, he's up there with the big boys. And he's still getting stronger, wiser and more dominant. Elsewhere I feel Cesc has learned to become a captain on the job, he's a different type of leader. He's also getting to the stage where he's almost impossible to play against, a player who is really feared and one very few opponents can cope with. Jack is the future and the future is very bright indeed. He's under less pressure than Theo was at his age because he has more mature players around him.

We now have three players who can all take quality free kicks and set piece goals are important. Also very crucially we are scoring goals from all over the field. We're not reliant on a Henry or a Wrighty, although either would be nice. Players who score gain confidence and a lot of them have scored this season, I make it 15 different players thus far and that's excluding Mr Ohgee. We also have two and a half quality centre forwards. As back up to Robin we have Chamakh who has now had his little breather and will only get better again. He's plenty good enough to give Robin a break when he needs it. Our third choice may be much maligned but given a run he'd be well up there with the Crouch's, Bent's and Agbonlahor's of this world. Having a nearly but not quite as third choice can't be all bad.

What we have here is a runaway train. It's picking up momentum but is still unpredictable by nature. If it stays on track it will not only brown a lot of shorts as it steams ahead but it will also plough a lot of things down in its path. This has all the potential to be a very exciting second half of the season. There will still be blips because they're still coming of age as a unit. But they're getting there and they're getting better.

Unmentioned by many; we've also now got two guys at the back wearing different coloured jerseys who have shut up the clamour for a keeper to replace the 'alleged' clowns many 'fans' told us we had. It's all gone rather quiet on that front hasn't it?

We have a real team here that looks like they want it and knows how to go about getting it. Will this be a fast train to Winnersville or a train wreck? Who knows for sure, but I've got my ticket and I'm loving the ride more and more as we rattle on down the track.

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  1. Hendrix

    Jan 22, 2011, 12:18 #1178

    Hopeful post.

  2. Gooner Tom

    Jan 22, 2011, 10:22 #1177

    Two many Gooners going over the top after us beating West ham the worst team in the premiership and Leeds.I believe our confidence will be hit badly after we get beaten badly by Barca.Like it was last season.And we will all look back on how Wenger threw the CL group after we won our first 3 games.But we will win the Beer cup.Hooray!!!When's the parade

  3. HowardL

    Jan 22, 2011, 9:16 #1176

    I too liked the article and am very positive about our chances in 3 competitions. I think Szezesny should be our No 1 keeper and he will continue to improve. RVP also looks strong and motivated - let's hope he can stay injury free. One worry is Barca; I can't see us beating Messi, certainly not over 2 legs, and there is the danger that a heavy defeat now would seriously knock the confidence of a young team. The other is our patchy home form. The ride is great though, isn't it? All aboard for the Arsenal Express! Let's hope Wenger can keep it on the rails.

  4. Ian McCarthy

    Jan 22, 2011, 8:07 #1175

    Even G. Strachan said on Wed night that Song was the best holding midfielder in Prem at moment. High praise indeed from a non Arsenal man. Jack also doesn't have the added pressure of the high transfer fee of a 16 yr old like Theo. The main worry is that we can't expect these 2 CB's to keep playing 2 games a week at this intensity, it could all end in tears. An injury or suspension would cause problems and we can't just expect TV to be back in 6 weeks as it is possible for another setback. Remember we are still playing in 4 competitions.

  5. Qayum14

    Jan 21, 2011, 19:30 #1173

    Love it. Stay positive!!

  6. Theopants Superstar

    Jan 21, 2011, 17:53 #1172

    Yes Sammy Mooner, it was a 'dig' compared to, in your words, 'the vitriolic crap heard from the moaning disaster mongers'. However I think you'll find that the so-called vitriol crap has been more than matched by the sanctimony and piousness that's been displayed by some of the Arsene Knows brigade!!!

  7. Sammy Mooner

    Jan 21, 2011, 16:47 #1171

    Theopants wrote "Not sure the dig at the end was necessary though." Hardly a dig compared to some of the vitriolic crap we've heard from the moaning disater-mongers. As keepers go they're both fine and both doing a decent job. Not world class (yet) but we've had quite a few with League winners medals in the past who were not world class either.

  8. Eldridge

    Jan 21, 2011, 14:16 #1170

    Spot on item, made me smile - with optimism for a change. Even if this train's derailed, it must be worth being aboard just for the thrills and spills.

  9. Theopants Superstar

    Jan 21, 2011, 13:29 #1169

    Nice article and I'm sure that both rose-tinters and pessimists are hoping for the same outcome - that we successfully pull into the station. Not sure the dig at the end was necessary though. The complaints and fears about the goal-keeping department were real and justified. There can be no disputing that Almunia's absence gave Fabianski the long run in the time he required to gain confidence and losing his reputation for being a complete nervous wreck. Likewise, it has enabled more people to see the potentially brilliant Pole - that a few of us have been pushing - that we have as a back-up, and thus most gooners are more reassured. So in effect, some of those very same critics were right!! Now, if only we could get another quality Centre Half and DM...... lol

  10. Ian

    Jan 21, 2011, 13:01 #1168

    We all know when the going gets tough this team crumbles.We havent got the defence to nick one-nil wins like Man Utd.I think we will win the Beer cup but thats all.The title was there for the winning this season if only Wenger had bought the 3 quality players we were short of in the summer.The lack of a commanding CB the biggest mistake.Squillaci and Kos have been poor.Szczesny the best keeper at the club is only in the team because clown number 1 and 2 got injured.What fucking good is making £54m profit if none of it is ploughed back into strengthening the team

  11. nugs

    Jan 21, 2011, 13:00 #1167

    the reason some of us are not so optimistic is because our optimism and unwavered support has not been rewarded over the last 5 yrs when in similar positions you cannot blame fans for that, its becoming all to familiar. As in the last 5 seasons i hope im wrong in expecting the wheels to fall off this train at any time

  12. flegly

    Jan 21, 2011, 12:43 #1166

    Love the positivity, lets enjoy the ride whatever the outcome.....

  13. Obcesc

    Jan 21, 2011, 11:42 #1165

    Finally a piece of (deserved) optimism without the inevitable "but" that is a requirement of most articles published on the gooner. I can predict the type of article after every setback the arsenal have on this site calling for wenger's head etc etc....but why can't we just all realise that nothing's a given in football and bad results are part and parcel of supporting a team. What I'm saying is why can't we get behind the lads (like the away fans do, very much related to our away form btw) instead of moaning whenever bendtner skies a shot or clichy misplaces a cross? The Grove is in danger of becoming a fearful place for some of our own players due to fans getting on their backs (same "fans" who tell people to sit down)!! We're the Arsenal.....we're better than that, and come May our optimism and unwavered support may just be rewarded!!!

  14. Ralph du Plessis

    Jan 21, 2011, 10:08 #1164

    Great to read something positive for a change.

  15. Leebo

    Jan 21, 2011, 10:06 #1163

    History suggests a train wreck unfortunately. Re the keepers Fabianski still struggles to dominate his box and Szcensny's distribution is well below the rest of his qualities. The point here is that the disquiet around the GK was mainly focused on the lack of an experienced player with no flaws in his game, this being what we required to sustain a challenge

  16. Tony

    Jan 21, 2011, 10:02 #1162

    We had momentum in 2008 when we were 6 pts clear with 9 games to go.And we collapsed in the home straight as we did in 2003 and 2010 as well.The problem with this team as with the 2008 team is the back up players as was shown v Wigan away.And of course the CB situation which Wenger is walking a tightrope.Just go out and pay £15m for Cahill like we did for Arshavin when their was a big chance of us not finishing top 4.The big bonus though has been Szczesny a keeper we dont have to put our hands over our eyes when the opposition have a set piece.Dont ruin it Wenger by bringing Flappy back

  17. Gary

    Jan 21, 2011, 9:47 #1160

    Thank you - a positive voice in the wilderness of moans and whines.

  18. Steve

    Jan 21, 2011, 9:28 #1159

    Having also witnessed most of those title wins, I agree with the sentiment of this article - but there is one critical difference between "now" and "then". "then", if we struggled in a game, there was always the sense that with our defensive line-up of, for example, Dixon-Adams-Campbell-Cole, we could weather any storm "oop North" and maybe scrap away to an undeserved 1-0. With our current defensive abilities, no matter how brilliant we may be at the time, there is the feeling that for every Chelsea(H) there is a Wigan(A) waiting around the corner - and there are plenty of Wigan(A)'s to come on the fixture list.....