In Defence of Denilson

Criticism of number 15 is over the top

In Defence of Denilson

‘Deni’ – Different role

Whipping boys are not a new phenomena amongst football supporters. Some are deserving - or more accurately can be understood, some are misjudged or just plain old mean, some can be attributed to a kind of pack mentality - an unsavoury cultish bandwagon. I think the abuse of Denilson falls in the latter camp.

Give the guy a break. I genuinely feel Denilson loves playing for Arsenal and plays his heart out when he’s on the pitch. He does try his best and I always think it’s hard to be critical of someone who tries his best. Whether he’s up to the job or not isn’t really his fault. Just because he is not slaloming through challenges or hammering forty yard shots in the top corner doesn’t mean he’s a ‘f***ing waste of space’ or a ‘useless Brazilian c***’.

His role in the team is different to Fabregas, Van Persie, Walcott et al. Come on, this doesn’t need pointing out. He’s clearly a squad man who when all our midfield players are fit, and this includes Ramsay and Diaby, would probably struggle to get a place on the bench. You can say that illustrates a lack of depth in our squad but if he is effectively our sixth midfielder with only three places up for grabs you wouldn’t expect him to have the same quality as those higher up the pecking order.

I don’t like saying it but maybe our chagrin should be directed more at Diaby, a supposedly influential player who - because he is either injured or erratic with his performances - has probably had no more than ten decent games for Arsenal in his five year or so career with the club.

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  1. StuartL

    Jan 30, 2011, 21:08 #1340

    After several inafective seasons with us it is surely time for Denilson to jog on.......... which is what he is best at afterall.

  2. nugs

    Jan 30, 2011, 10:43 #1336

    goonerron i read it alright and as i said i would rather have lansbury, jet etc as cover than denilson in fact id rather have any of the four players you mentioned!

  3. GoonerRon

    Jan 29, 2011, 20:45 #1330

    Nugs, presumably you decided not to read any of the rationale behind why it might be beneficial to give him a long term contract?

  4. nugs

    Jan 29, 2011, 9:55 #1318

    gooner ron give players like denilson long term contracts!!!!!! just about sums up some of our support these days dear oh dear. yeah lets lumber ourselves with lazy 2nd rate players like denilson, eboue, bendtner etc. How aboput giving games to the likes of lansbury, jet etc

  5. SUGA3

    Jan 28, 2011, 22:24 #1316

    dude, what are you on about? one of the things Denilson does not bring to the table is commitment! he used to have it, but it's no longer the case... him and Diaby are complete waste of space, IMO...

  6. GoonerRon

    Jan 28, 2011, 14:59 #1310

    I hear 'he can't run, can't pass' and it's ridiculous as he clearly can do both. No, he isn't fast but I'd bet he is in the top 3 players in the squad for stamina levels, therefore in the latter part of games he has an edge over opponents in that respect. No, he isn't the most creative or the most aggressive player we've got - far from it - but that isn't really his job. He knits things together and keeps things simple (probably because that's his limitation) - but when we play Wilshere and Cesc or Song we have other players who are better in those areas. I'd imagine his pass completed stats are right up there and, yes, some (or perhaps even the majority) of these go backwards or sideways, but as long as we keep possession surely that is the main ****ive of our passing game? For me he gets lambasted because he isn't exceptional in any department and consequently will never win individual awards for his performances (or support from a section of our supporters it seems) but he does a job for the team. If we are fully fit, he is 6th choice CM in our squad and to be in that position naturally means he won't be as good as choices 1 to 5. What are the options? 1) Have world class players in 1st to 6th choice? Huge wage bill and players not getting game time which increases the chances of unrest and churn in the squad. 2) Give players like Denilson long term contracts? He has grown up at the club, accepts his position in the pecking order but has relative experience to make him a reliable option when needed. No he can't pass like Cesc, or run as quickly as Theo, or has the poise of Van Persie - we all know that and should judge him accordingly. A squad player whose peers in the league are Darron Gibson, Josh McCecaran, Jamie o'Hara or Jonjo Shelvey - and at this moment I'd take him over all of them. Give the lad a break and get behind him.

  7. watty

    Jan 28, 2011, 13:15 #1306

    good call, much better to encourage and let us not forget he is only 22 - abd too be honest some players don'r get any stick when they have stinkers (VP & FAb) where as all the frustration of a bad team performance gets put on the fringe players...

  8. tpm

    Jan 28, 2011, 13:02 #1304

    ignore anything sammy mooner says, his articles are dire, according to him everyhting is rosey and has been for 5 years and the club are doing everything WITHIN THERE MEANS to succeed (like signing decent CB's or GK's) rather than wasting money on massive contracts on unproven or undeserving players. the ref incident isnt a one off, its every game he plays, he justs jogs back as the oppo break, he never has any urgency in getting back even when hes playing as the holding midfielder. in a very poor current crop of brazialian footballers hes never been called up to the senior squad. that says it all really as they are always trying out different players. comparisons with diaby are not fair. diaby has loads of talent, but is usually too slow witted to use it, plus he had a serious injury. denilson just lacks ability full stop, but could make up for it with effort, but doesnt. i guess we should be angrier at diaby as he hasnt yet made the most of his ability, but he does contribute on occasion. denilson brings more negatives.

  9. AugustusCaesar

    Jan 28, 2011, 12:40 #1303

    Do I honestly believe he’s better than Diaby? That’s almost a bit like asking if Sagna is better than Walcott. Ok, I’m exaggerating but the two players do have subtly different roles in the team don’t they. Diaby has traditionally played further forward in the team, often in a wide position so you could argue his contemporaries in the squad are Nasri, Walcott, Arshavin, Rosicky. Currently you don’t see Diaby playing the same role as Denilson do you. i.e. a disciplined link player who quite rigidly sits almost alongside Song (when Wilshere isn’t playing). Could you see Diaby play that role as well as Denilson does? I’m not sure. If Song, Diaby and Fabregas all play in a midfield does this weaken us slightly defensively? Are we slightly stronger in midfield from a defensive point of you this season (which I think we are) for Denilson’s, rather than Diaby’s, continuing presence, in midfield? Maybe so. In terms of pure ability of course Diaby is better but football is seldom this straightforward.

  10. djhdjh

    Jan 28, 2011, 8:32 #1299

    I loved the comment about believing he loves playing for Arsenal. The only thing he loves about it are his ridiculous wages. I really feel the love as he gets overtaken by the referee when supposed to be tracking back to prevent an opposition break. Lazy and lacking the talent to play at this level. He has a nice long shot, that's about it.

  11. Angelo

    Jan 28, 2011, 7:39 #1298

    Dear Sammy Mooner, Defending poor players like Denilson. A's opinion is spot on: "Well, stop defending him, really! I have nothing personal against him, I don't think anyone does. I don't think people criticize him for the kind of guy he is. But put simply, he just isn't good enough to play for us. He loses the ball everytime under pressure, can only pass sideways and rarely gets a through ball or a incisive pass forward right. He is bullied off the ball easily, and has no pace to catch up with anyone when tracking back. I don't blame him, he just isn't that good. I blame Wenger for it. But that doesn't mean I want Denilson to play! He should be sold to a club in Spain, where he would be much more effective. - Post No. 1506" Mate this is not a charity ball and players are not judged on the basis of being a good person. Also we have not won anything, beacause of guys like him. I would rather give a chance to Eastmond or any one of the youngsters.

  12. Sammy Mooner

    Jan 27, 2011, 23:50 #1296

    Alleged Arsenal supporting 'fans' have been slagging their own players forever and a day. It's never assisted the team in winning a game and the 'fans' are very often proved wrong. From Armstrong and Radford right through to Song and Walcott via Parlour, Gilberto et al. Not every player can be world class but there are too many who fail to understand this simple fact.

  13. A J

    Jan 27, 2011, 22:23 #1293

    You are having a laugh Ted. I hate criticism of Arsenal players......BUT Denilson is one of the worst players in the premiership. Cant run cant pass cant tackle. I have evidence on my sky box how bad he is. Replay against Leeds he let Sagna run past him to chase 2 leeds players while he jogged back, discracefull.

  14. Yanto

    Jan 27, 2011, 22:13 #1292

    Whilst I agree that 'some' players are made the whipping boys when a team perform badly, I think Denilson's performances speak for themselves, considering he i playing for a Top Prem Team - he gives the ball away far too often, his tackling ability is 'poor' at best - Yes, he makes the occasional important challenge, but is guilty of giving away needless free kicks in the vcinity of our penalty area, and we all know our vulnerability from set pieces. He passes the ball either back or sideways - when there is often no need - slowing up counter attacks, and simply not tracking back when he should. Yes, he seems like an affable, happy young man - Mind you if I was earning £30k a week for not being very good at what I do, then I'd probably smile a lot too - there again I think the guilt would begin to show atme stage. And of course it is AW's fault because he keeps playing him, when he should have brought in a replacement - either from the ranks or from outside long ago. I remember seeing denilson play in the reserves and he was "Good" and showed great promise, but alas he never came to fruition as a 1st squad player...AW has been going on about how he can only have 35 players in the squad, but the sooner he gets shot of the likes of Denilson, Eboue, Bendtner and Diaby the better...btw: Diaby has never been the same since his injury, so perhaps he has an excuse..the others have none.

  15. nugs

    Jan 27, 2011, 21:50 #1291

    yes he is a better footballer than the likes of ian selley, mcgoldrick and gus ceaser were, and if he could go back in time and play in there eras he would be a top player, but in todays game (which is far more advanced then when the above played) he is no better (apart from maybe gus ceaser). diaby worse than denilson? you really believe this? if you had said eboue i might have agreed with you

  16. stevedagooner

    Jan 27, 2011, 20:32 #1289

    good call, he is an honest player who plays his heart out for the team. in my mind a good squad player, unlike one or two i could mention.

  17. stop slaggin

    Jan 27, 2011, 20:31 #1288

    at last some sense,just get off the players back's

  18. A.K.

    Jan 27, 2011, 19:15 #1287

    I agree that Arsenal fans shouldn't get on the backs of our players but I'm afraid there are certain players in this Arsenal team that do not fill you with confidence when they play and I'm sorry to say that Denilson is one of them. I think what irks most fans is that Denilson amongst some other mediocre players at Arsenal are on long term contracts and you find it hard to justify why. There are teams where you have to prove yourself before you get rewarded for your efforts. I seriously doubt Denilson would receive the same kind of treatment elsewhere and that itself is telling. PS I remember the jog back when Rooney passed him last season. If you are an Arsenal fan, you cannot accept such a pitiful effort of tracking back. We Gooners will never complain if you put in a decent shift!

  19. Cloxdale

    Jan 27, 2011, 19:00 #1286

    Whether he's a bad player or not isn't the main issue. I happen to believe he's more consistent than Diaby and would have fallen behind Ramsey if Shawcross hadn't happened. The issue is that we get behind him. I was sat next to someone at the Ipswich game, who chanted all the player names back to the announcer at the start, and when it came to Denilson he stood up and raised his middle finger. Well done mate. He's playing for the Arsenal. I'm sure he will take your middle finger into account when he tries to improve his all round game.

  20. Hendrix

    Jan 27, 2011, 18:41 #1285

    In Brasil, he would be considered top player.

  21. geoff

    Jan 27, 2011, 17:49 #1284

    you've got a short memory. it was denilson who trotted back down the field as rooney raced past him to score last year at ashburton. i could name many more times when his willingness to get stuck in has been apparent. ability you're born with, effort you choose ( or not)

  22. Gibbo England's No.3

    Jan 27, 2011, 15:37 #1283

    Defending the indefensible 'plays his heart out when he’s on the pitch' - Ref runs past him, whole of Man Utd squad run past him, never seen him sprint. Enough said!

  23. Clark

    Jan 27, 2011, 15:11 #1282

    Great article. No one in our current squad should be the target of boo boys. This was summed up on Wednesday when in one breath Nicky B was being slagged off as a Danish c*** and in the next being haield as a hero. Even in the days of Hillier, Morrow, Jensen (and many others far too numerous to mention)there was no justification for booing and those players were not in the same league as any of our current squad.

  24. Jan 27, 2011, 14:19 #1281

    "So the question is, what is his purpose in the team or squad?? ANd what does he contribute to the football club?" As I tried to stress in the article the guy is a back up player. He's only played this many games because of injuries to Fabregas, Diaby and Ramsey. I cannot stress that enough. We are not Man City and cannot have two or three superstars for every position. This is simply not sustainable. As a reserve central midfielder I think he's pretty good. His passing, whilst lacking in ambition, is controlled and accurate and quietly progressive. We can't all be Cesc Fabregas.


    Jan 27, 2011, 14:18 #1280

    I think denilson is a tidy footballer, but not good enough for arsenal football club. I dont mind seeing him when were playing so called weaker opposition, esp at home, but to put him in the side at old trafford or the bridge, is just asking for trouble. Id love to see denilson in a sprint, cause hed probably finish last, as he only has one pace, and thats a gentle jog. The only thing he is willing to do, that a lot of our players dont do, and that is shoot. Decent squad player, but no more. If offered anything over £5m for him, we should take it.

  26. slj

    Jan 27, 2011, 14:03 #1279

    some players get grief from the "sheep" in the crowd after one bad pass, others can do no wrong in their eyes, no matter how bad they play, its never been any different,Herbert Chapman used to hate the crowd slagging players off including Alex James,we're watching the best football we'll ever see, but some are never happy,no doubt idiots were gutted it was N.B.who scored the crucial goal v Ips.

  27. AugustusCaesar

    Jan 27, 2011, 13:52 #1278

    'Shit' - he's not shit. I'm not having that. You don't play this many games for Arsenal and be shit. Maybe in the 50s, perhaps even the 80s you could be 'shit' and play for Arsenal but not now, not in this era. Is Denilson worse than Ian Selley or Eddie McGoldrick, or Gus Caesar, or Gordon Nutt? Of course not. Even Remi Garde wasn't 'shit'. A sideways passer yes but 'shit'. I would even say Denilson is as technically sound as any in the squad. His first touch is great. It has to be if you play in midfield for Arsenal, it's that simple. You cannot be be 'bad at passing' or the propensity to 'not track back' if you play for Arsenal or even in the Premier league. I seriously doubt there are any central midfielders playing in the Premier league who don't 'track back'. There is an incredible amount of boll0cks being spouted here.

  28. Theopants Superstar

    Jan 27, 2011, 13:48 #1277

    It's okay 'playing to your limitations'. But unfortunately, when those limitations are many, you don't really have too much to offer, do you?

  29. AugustusCaesar

    Jan 27, 2011, 13:29 #1276

    What is this obsession with the 'referee running past him' thing? Yes it happened, but let's move on. We remember that but we don't remember Denilson replacing an out of sorts Wilshere at Everton and immediately injecting some impetus to create that second and crucial goal. I don't think he's a world beater but an 'awful player' and 'cannot pass'. Come on folks. Surprised to see the (general) support of Diaby. To me Diaby is nothing much more than a playground player. At least Denilson plays to his limitations. How many times do we see Diaby just try and beat one more player instead of laying off a simple pass? Decision making - that's another key area for all players. Diaby has barely developed in this aspect.

  30. Marsupial

    Jan 27, 2011, 13:16 #1275

    Denilson deserves credit for standing around in midfield as it gives our opponents a sense of hope so they would not park the bus. It is a brilliant strategy by Wenger. Diaby on the other hand keeps our physios on their toes so that when important players get injured the physios know exactly what to do. He also provides Wenger with tons of "What not to do" video replays to educate the other footballers. Another master stroke by Wenger. Having said that playing them together would be suicidal. So as long as headless chicken (Diaby) & legless chicken (Denilson) do not play at the same time we have a fair shot of winning.

  31. nugs

    Jan 27, 2011, 13:06 #1274

    id love playing for the arsenal, does not make me a good player tho does it? and even tho i wouldnt lose to much sleep if we lost diaby he has done far more than denilshit has ever done, your argument is flawed m8 we should give him a break because he loves playing for us and in your opinion 1 of our players is just as bad. hes shit and your talking bollocks

  32. BBB

    Jan 27, 2011, 12:57 #1273

    Our squad has some absolute horrors in it, some that you can't believe are playing for The Arsenal. Namely Denilson, Diaby, Bendter, Eboue (just because he runs around doesn't mean he's any good), most of our defence and the two village idiots in goal Alumnia and Flappyanski. We also have some footballers that are a delight to watch. Our points tally compared to other years would suggest that the league leaders have come back to us rather than us catching them.

  33. AugustusCaesar

    Jan 27, 2011, 12:49 #1272

    I think one of the key lines of the article is: "Whether he’s up to the job or not isn’t really his fault.", so the author (that's me basically) isn't suggesting Denilson should be first on the team sheet, or even should play for Arsenal at all. But because he does, why get on his back? You cannot help but let out a groan when someone misplaces a pass or maybe goes sideways when we hoped he'd have gone forwards but to verbally abuse someone just doesn't help anyones cause. Yeah, I trip myself up at the end saying maybe we should give Diaby some stick - I don't mean it really. But I certainly get more exasperated with Abou than I do with Deni. To me, if you compare the two players in terms of heart and desire then Denilson wins hands down. Maybe Diaby's languid style belies any determination he has but for a player with obvious talent I rarely see him 'take the game by the scruff of the neck', especially in games where we've lacked other creators. Blackburn away last season as just one example.

  34. tpm

    Jan 27, 2011, 12:31 #1271

    you cant defend a player who simply can't be bothered to track back when thats his job. the clip of the ref overtaking him when the oppo are atacking says it all, and is the end of the discussion. that proves he doesnt try his best even if he has no talent. any further comments are obsolete just watch that clip and it sums him up. those defending him, try to defend the tracking back issue.

  35. Hendrix

    Jan 27, 2011, 12:15 #1270

    What's the real propose with this post? I'm brazilian and I don't like Denilson, he's not even our sixth midfielder, he's our 90th midfilder. No way to defend the guy.

  36. John Evand

    Jan 27, 2011, 11:07 #1269

    With some of the qouted figures in the press being close to £10m for Denilson why not make a move that sees Denilson going out the door and the 'Zidane of Blackpool' Charlie Adam coming in the door as I would imagine we could get him for around £6m and he looks to be a far better prospect than our brazilian wizard to me, he can even make a forward pass!

  37. Hollway Gooner

    Jan 27, 2011, 10:36 #1268

    Tries his best? Have you not been watching any of the games he plays in? Fair enough, players that give it their all needn't be lambasted but unfortunately Deni isn't one of those 'never say die' players. If you think that jogging back when we are on the defensive or hanging out a leg in the hope to get the ball is demonstrating that mentality then my friend, you need to attend a few more games. He has a lazy attitude on the pitch, something which has been highlighted since Jack and his worker mentality has arrived. The same goes for Diaby and Shavva however, these two on their day can devastate a team given their sheer natural ability, even when they're having their off days. Denilson doesn't have enough talent to change a game like this. He isn't great at passing (unless it's sideways), he's poor at reading the game, poor at tackling (far too lightweight) and he's clearly creating waves in the dressing room so what good is he to a team challenging for top honours? He's had a good run in the side and can count himself lucky in my opinion. Especially when you compare him to the obvious talents of Vela and Chezzer who both have deserved more games than they have been given. When Lansbury, Ramsey, Wilshere and Song are all back in North London, I feel Deni will be leaving for pastures new.

  38. Nugent

    Jan 27, 2011, 10:34 #1267

    Denilson, unlike diaby, does play his heart out when he plays for arsenal but unfortunately he is fairly limited in what he offers!his passing is unambitious ,he offers no real physical presence and his tackling isn't great and he often slows things down. I like his attitude but he's no more than a bench warmer if song gets injured and were dependent on him to play the holding role we are fucked

  39. Jan 27, 2011, 10:33 #1266

    If trying is dangling your foot in a tackle or missing a tackle by miles then Denislon is a really does try!! The man has no use at the level we play at and just looks out of place

  40. Joe_@**

    Jan 27, 2011, 10:31 #1265

    I remember he used to challenge Cesc in the more advanced role about 4 years ago. Then he has been scoring quite a handful of goals. His form slumped when Le Boss wanted him to play deeper to allow Cesc to roam. Thus he has not been playing his prefered position but he from what I saw, he always gave his best on the pitch

  41. Peter King Oloo

    Jan 27, 2011, 10:27 #1264

    I agree, certainly Denilson is betta than Diaby. Diaby rightly hardly ever looses the ball, except everytime he attempts to pass or dribble. He is the real waste of space on that team. He's as often injured as RVP. The difference is that RVP actually does some work of note every six games he is fit, while Diaby does exactly nill. His is a stunted growth, that's the game he shows now & that's how he will peak.

  42. Shheriff

    Jan 27, 2011, 9:54 #1263

    "Denilson loves playing for Arsenal and plays his heart out when he’s on the pitch?? Whether he’s up to the job or not isn’t really his fault." I have to say you just mentioned everything thats wrong with DEnilson...HE IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR ARSENAL...HE'S not big, strong and good enough to be a DMF, neither is he talented or gifted enough to create chances NOR is he pacey enough to be a box to box MF...So the question is, what is his purpose in the team or squad?? ANd what does he contribute to the football club?

  43. John

    Jan 27, 2011, 9:51 #1262

    He gets stick because he is shit simple as that.I expect a player who plays for Arsenal to do more than just pass 5 yard square ball.Arshavin gets stick for being lazy but he creates goals,he has the most assists at the club Denilson doesnt do that.In his Arsenal career when has Denilson ever played a killer ball than lead to a goal?.He is a poor player not good enough to play alongside the likes of Cesc and Nasri.The same goes for Diaby.Get shot.This myth about we should back them because thay wear an Arsenal shirt is bollox.

  44. Tommy

    Jan 27, 2011, 9:35 #1261

    He cant pass a ball forward,he cant tackle he gets outrun by referee, other than that he's average.Should be sold in the summer.Of course he loves playing for Arsenal wouldnt you on 50 grand a week?There is no defence for him


    Jan 27, 2011, 9:34 #1260

    denilson. not good enough. simple as that. every team has a couple of players were all the fans sit and wonder how he this player(denilson) in our case earning a living as a footballer at arsenal. we need to get rid and soon. nothing personal against the lad but sometimes you must know your limits.

  46. chris dee

    Jan 27, 2011, 9:28 #1259

    Understandably after a win that gets the club to Wembley everyone and everything thing looks rosy. But it is not,Denilson scarily, still continues to be pushed around in critical moments when physical contact and strength are required in midfield.In the Premiership a bit of 'stand up and be counted' is required. Denilson has been around the first team for a few years now and if the manager thought he was good enough he would be in the team every week.Instead Jack,at 19 years of age,is trusted with a regular spot,when he should be rested for some games. Diaby has been a disapointment with his constant injuries,but we must remember he was the victim of a tackle that was the most disgraceful assault I seen.This 'tackle 'in the game against Sunderland shattered his ankle and he has struggled with niggling injuries since.Eduardo was the same,he lost a couple of yards in pace and could not make an impact in the Premiership any more,which is why I fear for Aaron Ramsey the most talented young British player in a generation.

  47. Suhairin Hanapi

    Jan 27, 2011, 9:22 #1258

    He is a "side-way passer" midfielder and not up to Gunners' midfield criteria and dare to say Fab.not a leader..Who is he.

  48. GoonerSA

    Jan 27, 2011, 9:20 #1257

    Denilson is quite consistent actually. Consistently not good. His lack of pace and slow reaction to anything life throws at him actually counts against the Arsenal. He cant chase pacey midfielders or strikers and because he's so sluggish he always puts in a challenge that clips the heels of the player rather than the ball. Resulting in free-kicks in dangerous areas (our weakness), and sometimes goals. With Diaby, you can often see his potential, skill, flair and class - and feel hope that this lad will one day be great. But with Denilson... I see much the same in his future.

  49. Darren Clark

    Jan 27, 2011, 9:19 #1256

    Surely having the ability to pass the ball is a basic requirement of any professional footballer. Denilson doesnt have a pass in him, i can run around for 90 minutes for far less money and ive got my own shirt. He should be loaned out for at least half a season and play regularly and then judge him. Diaby has exceptional talent but fitness is a problem, and just where is his best position.

  50. Tony Lane

    Jan 27, 2011, 9:15 #1255

    He's an awful player, who rarely tackles, gives the ball away regularly, has poor positional sense and doesn't track back. What's not to like?

  51. walkpass

    Jan 27, 2011, 9:13 #1254

    what is the point of defending denilson yet diverting the guns to Diaby? Why not just hope, pray our players are all doing well especially during this crucial period? I hope all of them up their game!!!

  52. zaragooner

    Jan 27, 2011, 9:08 #1253

    Good one Ted, though I thought you want to explain deep down further about his role. Do u think people will stop abuse him after reading this article? I dare to swear they were not. Look at the article wrote up after the Carling Cup 2nd leg, where Denilson's brilliantly stolen the ball and finally Fabregas score our 3rd goal, no one praise Denilson for that as if they couldn’t see his contribution. I feel pity and at the same time funny with these peoples, they abuse adebayor, eduardo, gilberto, now denilson's turn. All of them are good player. It's just because they hate him, they simply abuse him without knowing and understand his role. Denilson is a holding midfielder, and of course his duty was different from Song, and you can’t compare him with Song. It’s not fair. I don’t want to produce the stat here because I know, when they hate, they refuse to read, but as a ‘f***ing waste of space’ or a ‘useless Brazilian c***’, do you know that 33% of Denilson's passes are forward compared to 29% for the average midfield player. Still people say he is useless???

  53. Karsenal89

    Jan 27, 2011, 9:04 #1252

    I've never liked Denilson. in fact hes my most hated player in the Arsenal team. you can say that he does his best when on the pitch, but if we were to buy a player from the 4th div. he would still do his best,even if he sucks..- but not good enough for Arsenal FC! He makes bad decisions, bad and dangerous passes, and stupid penalties.. nothing against him personally, but as an Arsenal player, he is just not good enough..

  54. ed enough

    Jan 27, 2011, 8:49 #1251

    You CANNOT defend a player who struggles to pass the ball to a member of the same team over a distance of 10 yards when under no pressure from an opposing player. END OF. HE IS CRAP!!!

  55. Simon King

    Jan 27, 2011, 8:49 #1250

    He is undefendable. Plays his heart out my arse, he strolls through games, backs out of most tackles, doesn't look up before he passes, often putting team mates in dangerous positions with his rubbish passing. If he gave 100% effort no fan would be on his back, but he is a lazy and complacent player who puts in the minimum required to get through games. Drinks are on me, the day he leaves our great club.

  56. scott

    Jan 27, 2011, 8:44 #1249

    One paced ie none Weak in the tackle Passing which always seems at wrong angle or wrong pace

  57. Dennis B

    Jan 27, 2011, 8:36 #1248

    Sorry but he is not good enough for arsenal

  58. Melvyn

    Jan 27, 2011, 8:35 #1247

    It seems quite a few of our goals against are down to him losing the ball or unable to track back.My real problem with him is his hospital balls he never ceases to provide game after game.We are taking too much of a chance with him on the pitch,nice guy or not.

  59. bunch

    Jan 27, 2011, 8:31 #1246

    I would agree with this post. He tries hard to do his job well. Won the ball well for Cesc's goal the other night. Compared with Arshavin's collapse in form, his play looked stellar. He's not a first choice but deserves support when he plays and congratulations when he does his job well, like on Tuesday.

  60. GunnerBD

    Jan 27, 2011, 8:29 #1245

    I agree with the unjust criticism to Denilson, but I dont agree with Diaby's criticism. Injury can plague any player any time, he does provide height, and a silky touch which is almost mutually exclusive in a player. A regular run will give us more from Diaby then it is now

  61. Ronnie

    Jan 27, 2011, 8:22 #1244

    I some times feel for the guy. If only he could be more consistent in his performances and more careful when defending and pressing for the ball because he makes silly unnecessary mistakes which cost us dear some times. the same could be said about clichy.

  62. oldhasbeen

    Jan 27, 2011, 8:17 #1243

    Ted, What really p****es a lot of Gooners off about Denilson is his laziness, especially in tracking back. The fact that 90% of his passes seem to be sideways doesn't help either, he rather reminds me of the hugely over-capped "Right Angle Ray" Wilkins. Agree with your comments on Diaby. If Frimpong can get fully fit & Lansbury can continue improving, I'd be happy to see Arsene get shot of both Diaby and Denilson

  63. A

    Jan 27, 2011, 8:16 #1242

    Well, stop defending him, really! I have nothing personal against him, I don't think anyone does. I don't think people criticize him for the kind of guy he is. But put simply, he just isn't good enough to play for us. He loses the ball everytime under pressure, can only pass sideways and rarely gets a through ball or a incisive pass forward right. He is bullied off the ball easily, and has no pace to catch up with anyone when tracking back. I don't blame him, he just isn't that good. I blame Wenger for it. But that doesn't mean I want Denilson to play! He should be sold to a club in Spain, where he would be much more effective.

  64. Pras

    Jan 27, 2011, 8:15 #1241

    Hmm yeah fair enough, he is a reserve player whom Wenger calls upon during times the top players are injured. Having said that, I reckon he's not good enough to play with Arsenal. He has no creativity and cant pick out that 'Arsenal' pass and thus does not mould fairly well the team. Maybe a move to Stoke would do him good, he could work on some leg-breaking tackles and make himself useful lol

  65. Rocky Jay

    Jan 27, 2011, 8:12 #1240

    I read the heading; In defence of Denilson!! Quickly clicked on the link, expecting some sarcastic humor, then realise it is actually in defence of Denilson!!! i end up laughing more at the fact that somebody actually defends that useless Brazilian ***t whose a f***ing waste of space!!! :-D This is the guy who called Almunia the best keeper at Arsenal ffs!! The same guy who almost got us knocked out of the FA Cup by some 2nd division team (or 1st division, don't really care)!! The same guy who let Rooney and co go past him as he decided to take a jog back to Almunia some time last season! He may love wearing the Arsenal jersey, he may love the club, but so do i!! I should also be putting on the number 15 jersey of the red and white! Just my hard feelings, after all, we are all Gooners!! :-)

  66. yiannis_i

    Jan 27, 2011, 8:03 #1239

    well said!

  67. tt

    Jan 27, 2011, 7:57 #1238

    This article was excellent and spot on.....unti" don’t like saying it but maybe our chagrin should be directed more at Diaby, a supposedly influential player who - because he is either injured or erratic with his performances - has probably had no more than ten decent games for Arsenal in his five year or so career with the club." how on earth you can justify Denilson and almost in the same breath suggest a new wipping boy!! The truth is both players do their best once they take to the field and after years of underactiving, in some supporters opinion, those same said supporters are ignoring the elephant in the room I.E Wenger who insists on playing these "under performing" players. Would it not make more sense then to have a go at the manager instead of saied players?

  68. potter

    Jan 27, 2011, 7:41 #1237

    To me they are a double act ,neither are up to it. Diaby the epitome of unfulfilled potential and Denilson unable to find a positive bone in his body. He has one major deficiency , he doesn't look up and plays in his field of vision not seeing the runs of players in front of him.

  69. telboy

    Jan 27, 2011, 7:40 #1236

    agree about diaby he is no use at all