Nightmare performances all round

Not one to watch again and again

Nightmare performances all round

13 unforced errors and 31 back passes

I have just returned home still in rage mode following today’s lunchtime game. I have not looked at any match reports which could have possibly clouded my judgment. Let’s not hide behind the pleasant result. The performance was awful as we scraped home with an own goal and a dodgy penalty.

There was so much that went wrong today. Wenger has 33 hours left to bring in a quality centre half because watching Squillaci was not a pleasant experience. He could and should have done far better on the build up to the red card incident, giving the team a lot to do in the second half. However, he obviously wasn’t helped with The Dwarf losing the ball and a powder puff challenge from Deckchair. More about them later.

I tried to keep a log of the good and bad points during the game but in the end I was scribbling so furiously I was missing yet another unforced error or ridiculous back pass.

The Spanish Waiter hardly inspired confidence in his defenders, especially as we had the full array of the usual suspects on display.

Ebouseless was at his imperious worst with 12 unforced errors. Yet again he threw himself on to the ground in the second half feigning injury only to be seen sprinting down the wing with the ball (only to lose it) seconds later. I hate that.

Koscielny was one of the few players to come out of the game with any credit. He kept his head in a sea of sh*te.

Gibbs had one of his poorest games in a red shirt. I appreciate that he was hardly helped our by The Dwarf, but his positional sense was all over the place and was outplayed by a “good honest pro” from the lower divisions.

Diaby returned to the team and yet again flattered to deceive. His game was littered with seven unforced errors, and although he did his best to protect the back four, he was culpable for failing to pick up his man when they equalised from a corner – a goal which you could see coming throughout the second half.

Nasri’s hamstring injury is a blow. Could all this have been avoided by resting him and playing Rosicky from the start? Poor tactics, Mr Wenger. Rosicky hardly covered himself with glory, but did improve when the game got stretched in the second half.

Bringing on One Song at the start of the second half was the right decision. However, it did my blood pressure no good to see him racing through the midfield in the second half, once again thinking that he was Pele.

The Dwarf keeps trying but nothing is coming off for him. You would have thought that against this lot he would have achieved something, but alas, his current displays are simply not good enough. He did make me happy in the second half by running back and putting in a stupendous tackle just as one of their “good honest pros” was about to pull the trigger.

Why did Chamakh get subbed at half time? Surely the whole world could see that Barry was having one of his usual games, missing seven goalscoring opportunities and displaying a first touch reminiscent of The Beast. How he had the cheek to claim the first goal was anyone’s guess, and I hope he hangs his head in shame at conning the abject ref for the penalty decision.

Which brings me on to Cesc. Thank goodness we have still got him on board, but he was very lucky not to have been sent off. I thought he was booked for arguing that the yellow card in the penalty incident should have been red, and my heart was in my mouth when he had a yellow shown at him for kicking the ball away a few minutes later.

I have saved Deckchair until last. Never have I seen such a wretched performance from anyone wearing a red shirt. A total of 13 unforced errors and a personal best 31 ridiculous back passes, every one breaking up any forward momentum which we badly needed all afternoon. One back pass in the first half was so bad that it created a good goal scoring opportunity. His tackling was ineffective, he was ambling around all day and surely a half fit Aaron Ramsey must be a better option at this time. I have had more than enough of watching this complete cock.

Finally, you Mr Wenger. It can’t have given you any pleasure from watching this lot. The clock is ticking. Please act fast before yet another season falls to pieces. I’m just glad that I am not a Totterington Neanderthal, having to watch similar nightmare performances like this every week.

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  1. watty

    Feb 02, 2011, 9:47 #1444

    Denny's game has been developed to sit between the creative midfielder (Fab) and the holding player (Song), balance is very important for any successful side, that is how Thierry Henry and Martin Keown got to play in the same team.

  2. Goonerwin

    Feb 01, 2011, 7:47 #1383

    Fozzy, you must be so much fun to have a drink with. anyone got any razors handy?

  3. nugs

    Jan 31, 2011, 20:08 #1382

    goonerRon as far as bendtner, diaby, vela and one or to others go i might see your point but i cant agree where denilson and eboue are concerned, if they gave 100 % when they played they would get backed by the majority there effort would counter there ability, unfortunately they do not. look at the likes of perry groves as a prime example. at the end of the day fans are not gonna get behind players who dont give a fuck let alone sub standard ones who dont give a fuck!

  4. GoonerRon

    Jan 31, 2011, 19:25 #1381

    Rob England - I support the players who pull on the shirt as my main ****ive is to see Arsenal win the game. You say these players are 'useless' which is ridiculous. Bendtner has better than 1 goal in every 2 starts and one in 3.5 if you include sub appearances. That is comparable to the £35m Andy Carroll (and Bendtner's goals were predominantly scored at at a higher level). Now I'm not saying the players you list are world beaters - far from it - but they are mostly bit part players and coming in for a game here and a game there doesn't lend itself to top, coherent form. Squad players are typically not at the level of the players ahead of them in the pecking order and its unrealistic to carry 25 world class players in the squad. The fact is we have played 34 games across 4 competitions already this season (with 12 in the last 35 days) so inevitably we have to rotate to the point where 7 or 8 of the fringe players play in the same line up - in these games winning is what its all about and so far we've negotiated our passage through 2 knockout competitions. It's not all rosy but our progress has been encouraging, irrespective of the perceived weakness of our squad.

  5. nugs

    Jan 31, 2011, 19:22 #1380

    if they had a 100% pass completion rate all being assists we would still find fault? the point is thats never gonna happen a)they aint commited enough b)they aint very good , but hey there SQUAD PLAYERS so it does not matter if they cannot be arsed or that there not very good we should back em and say well done give em a big contract! fuck me thankfully its only a handful of fans with there heads up there arses

  6. Pete Clarke

    Jan 31, 2011, 19:20 #1379

    Do us all a favour, and keep your pathetic and patronising views to yourself. Call yourself a fan? Moron.

  7. Rob England

    Jan 31, 2011, 17:40 #1378

    Some of the comments on here are unbelievable. Obviously by people who dont understand football or have only just started supporting the Arsenal. Since when do you just accept having useless players because "theyre only squad players". If you look at the top teams they can bring on players to change the game. Top quality talent. Promising youngsters eager to impress. Give these talentless mugs half a chance and they cant be arsed. I would rather have some young english talent come in and learn his trade and actually look interested, like jack wilshere last season and now look at him. Denilson, Diaby, Eboue, Bendtner, Squillaci etc are just an insult to the money i fork out for their wages. We need strength in depth. God forbid we get a couple injuries this season and we will fall apart again. Happens every season and will happen this season unless wenger open his eyes and gets shot of these muppets.

  8. John Evans

    Jan 31, 2011, 17:39 #1377

    If we manage to win the FA Cup this season it wont have an asterix next to the win in the history books that reads 'but we were crap against huddersfield' the result is all that counts in these type of games. On to the next round and a possible quarter final looks the likely outcome to me! Can't be that bad can it?

  9. Fozzy

    Jan 31, 2011, 17:32 #1376

    Thanks for all the feedback, guys. Rest assured, I will be there again tomorrow night giving it large. Lack of wonga dictates a "cheap" seat up with the gods in block 104. Being at the Wigan game was wonderful. Yesterday wasn't.

  10. Bauge14

    Jan 31, 2011, 16:36 #1375

    Denilson is probably the first player Wenger puts on the team sheet for the Carling Cup Final.

  11. Joppa

    Jan 31, 2011, 15:55 #1374

    Best review I have read (along with my own). Excellent.

  12. GoonerRon

    Jan 31, 2011, 15:45 #1373

    Chrisy Boy - my sentiments exactly. Denilson, Eboue and Bendtner could score a hat trick each in every game, have 100% pass completion rate (with every pass being an assist), give their wages to charity for 10 years and stop the polar ice caps from melting and people would still find fault with them. They are SQUAD PLAYERS and consequently won't be as good as the players ahead of them in their respective positions. Yes, it was a poor performance but we won and are still competing in 4 competitions. Let's move on.

  13. chrisy boy

    Jan 31, 2011, 14:07 #1372

    whats up with you lot, cast your minds back to man ure away and the scum at home and how we all felt then. Since then we have been unbeaten apart from the 1st leg of a semi final, which we put right in the 2nd leg, we played the richest team in the world off the park, not conceeded a goal this year in the league and have a 5th round tie away to leyton orient in the f.a cup. Yes i know some players are off there game or not good enough and yes ive had a go at wenger in these blogs this season, but why dont we all just get behind the team, give support and encouragement to those players who clearly need it and see what happens. Keep the faith, it could be worse you could be a scum fan !

  14. nugs

    Jan 31, 2011, 13:35 #1370

    well according to some of the mugs on this site denilson should be handed a long term contract! problem is wenger proberbly will just like he did for epoue, why lansbury and jet have not been given a chance instead of being shipped out on loan is beyond me. no wonder the likes of denilshit and epoue love playing for us, they know no other manager of a top club would entertain them.

  15. Yanto

    Jan 31, 2011, 13:01 #1369

    Well Said. Not one of the following should ever be allowed to wear an Arsenal shirt again: Denilson Eboue Squillaci Bendtner Almunia They are simply NOT GOOD ENOUGH - Nor will they ever be. I really do not know anymore whether Wenger kknows they're shyte, but can't do anything about it because of the (lack of) finanaces, or if he really is blind and has indeed lost the plot! As for Arshavin!? - Well we all know he IS 'Class' but seems to be suffering from a total lack of confidence and form - at least he did get his (usually) lazy butt in gear against Huddersfield - which at least shows he does care and is trying to exorcise whatever demons are plagueing him. Anyone willing to have a bet against L.Orient - If the same Arsenal starting 11 are put out against them!??...Not me.

  16. Theopants Superstar

    Jan 31, 2011, 12:51 #1368

    I honestly can't remember a worse midfield player than Denilson in my 40 plus years of following Arsenal. And yes, I do include the likes of Jensen, Hillier, McGoldrick in that. I won't go into all his deficiencies as they're to numerous. The exact same thing can be said of Eboue. In all seriousness, putting aside for a moment the fact that he's a cheating crunt that embarrasses the great name of Arsenal and shouldn't be playing for that reason alone, can any of you remember an Arsenal right back that was less able to defend properly? I certainly can't going all the way back to the 60's. Although apparently he is funny around the dressing room and thus in the minds of the powers that be, worthy of his contract extension and pay rise.

  17. Des

    Jan 31, 2011, 12:20 #1367

    Not since Stephonavs at Old Trafford in 2001 admitedly against a very good Utd team have i seen as bad a performance that Denilshit turned in yesterday.Remember we were playing a 1st division team.He was followed not far behind by Billy Bender.This guy really does take the biscuit,after missing two sitters he then claims a goal that was going two yards wide without the deflection.What makes it worse is he starts laughing after every miss.Wanker.Eboue was his normal shite self and Gibbs was given a roasting.I have been a critic of Clichy but Gibbs is not ready to take his place.Squillaci proved even against poor opposition he is still the same poor defender.At the end of the day we had to thank Cesc for saving us again which is becoming a habit.What will we do next season when he will be plying his trade in the Nou Camp?

  18. WillyG

    Jan 31, 2011, 11:56 #1366

    Wenger says we are fighting in four fronts and yet we are equipped for one front only!! Apart from the first 11, how many can we replace with the existing second stringers and still maintain the form and class? Probably less than 5!!! Oh well, he has met his target this year, i.e. getting us to Wembley, he will get his bonus, to hell with the rest.

  19. Ian McCarthy

    Jan 31, 2011, 11:20 #1365

    Agree entirely although Almunia's save in 2nd half was out of this world and I must give him credit for keeping it at 1 nil.We were a shambles for a while and Huddersfield should have won, they had by far the best chances. We must win Carling Cup, can't see us winning anthing else

  20. Mike Stride

    Jan 31, 2011, 10:52 #1364

    Whilst I agree with some of the comments. Calling Arshavin a dwarf is pathetic and insulting and just makes you look a moron. Denilson, Bendtner, Eboue etc may not be as good as our excellent first team players but they've still made it as professionals through dedication and commitment. All you seem to have achieved is to write articles slagging people off

  21. king gooner

    Jan 31, 2011, 10:39 #1363

    yep'watching "deckchair"makes you weep.surely,there must be an fight,joggs about the pitch,bottles 50-50,endless back passes-yet there are some who will show you his stats & say he's good.???

  22. Stop your crying

    Jan 31, 2011, 10:25 #1362

    The guy pushes Cesc to the ground and you think its Cesc who should get a card? Seems to me you're letting the pundit class, who are stuck in pre-1990 footballing mentality, form your opinions. How about the player Squillaci fouled. He didn't waive an imaginary card, but he was waiving his arms at the ref. You suppose he was calling for him to be sent off? From your post, what you seem to want is for Arsenal to overpay for established players. Then play those players in a rigid system that allows for no interplay. I think I've found a team that plays like that for you to support. They are called Tottenham Hotspur. You won't have to move very far and you'll be very happy together.

  23. browny

    Jan 31, 2011, 9:49 #1361

    It seems to be the combination of the back up players coming in that is the problem. For instance if we play our 1st 11 and sagna is injured Eboue can do a job but if it is Eboue, Squilacci, Denilson, Diaby, Bendtner e.t.c,e,t.c all playing together it all goes to pot. Bendtner should go at the end of the season because at Arsenal's level he is a last 10 minute "throw the big guy in the box" impact sub. He thinks he should be a 1st 11 player and will not accept this is not the case so will decide to go himself as he slips down the pecking order. Eboue I would keep as a squad back up which he seems happy with and at least appears to try and care. As long as when he is used he is coming into a strong 1st 11 side and not one with 6-7 changes he can do a job. I completely agree about Denilson. I made it a point to watch him a lot yesterday to get the kind of view that you only get watching live and not on MOTD where you only see the player when on the ball. For me he is an average player going forward and the first point I noted was that he does not appear good enough to bring the ball forward from deeper positions. This results in a lot of short sideways passes even to the defenders as he defers responsibility to them to play the ball out from deeper positions. Secondly he is poor as a defensive midfielder and fails to provides any protection or screening to his back 4. I would actually put most of the blame for Squilaccis red at his door. The attempted tackle was like a Sunday league one. It was half hearted and he commited himself to being skinned by a player who is hardly Messi. Most semi decent defensive midfielders would have done far better. My last point and the most worrying for me is that he actually doesn't seem to care. He has been around the 1st team for a while now and has had plenty of playing time. I would not call him a rookie or youngster anymore. He should be busting a gut to prove that he is the man to replace Song and at times play alongside him. Instead he actually looks like a man who recognises he has slipped down the pecking order and whose days are numbered. He strolls around like he is having a gentle jog down Copa Cabana beach admiring the ladies. His positioning is awful and tackling half hearted. I watched his movement when we were defending and he always, (not just once or twice), lets the running midfielders go past him while he gently jogs back. I didn't see him pick one up yesterday and he didn't once make the effort to get back and cover his defenders if they were going to the man with the ball. We cannot afford a passenger in the team like this even as back up. I would rather see a young Lansbury in there who may lack experience but will at least provide effort in an attempt to impress AW. I would rather he went now as he plays like a player who knows the writing is on the wall and has given up trying to impress the manager. He knows Wilshere has gone pst him and knows when Ramsey is fit again he is ahead of him also. He may even be thinking that in the next year the likes of Lansbury and Frimpong will be ahead of him.

  24. chris dee

    Jan 31, 2011, 9:43 #1360

    Yeh we were poor ,it seems to be a recurring theme,we play against 'inferior' opposition and a collective air of arrogance and lack of intensity takes over. W B A,Newcastle,Leeds and now Huddersfield. Regarding Denilson,he has had 5 years to establish himself and Wenger has shown a lot of faith him,but it hasn't happened. Lansbury,Eastmond and Emmanuelle Thomas are all at least as talented as Denilson was at their ages and I hope they all get as many chances as Denilson. I also hope Gibbs shows a bit more,he seems to be happy to be Clichys deputy and seems to lack that bit of 'oomph' that Jack and Cesc have.He is a bit to tippy tappy and lighweight for me and his positional sense and reading of the game are about as good as my mate who plays Sunday morning football in Donkey Lane Enfield. So come on Pat Rice you were a great full back,where's the coaching?

  25. Dial Square

    Jan 31, 2011, 9:39 #1359

    I made a decision for the first time ever,not to go to the game,justified i think.

  26. Jan 31, 2011, 9:21 #1358

    ( tried to keep a log of the good and bad points during the game but in the end I was scribbling so furiously I was missing yet another unforced error or ridiculous back pass.) Throw the note pad away and become a real football fan and watch the game. Who brings a note pad to a match? Anyone?

  27. London

    Jan 31, 2011, 9:12 #1357

    Why do you bother going to the games?

  28. The Happening

    Jan 31, 2011, 9:11 #1356

    Dear Fozzy, I've been there mate, where you are, it's frustrating I know, but take joy from the positives! I thought the Hudders did quite well against us, especially in the 2nd half, closed us down quickly! It's painful watching some of these guys wear an AFC shirt, I know, but they can be 'HEROES' a la BOWIE, just for one day! Let's hope that day comes in May!

  29. Adam

    Jan 31, 2011, 9:07 #1355

    If we could get Chamberlain I would play him in Denilson's place immediately. I hate slagging our players but I cannot remember a single game over the past years where Denilson has shone. Although perhaps he might have had a decent game in Europe a while back against a team we beat about 7 nil. Denilson in an Arsenal shirt remains , to me, one of the great enigmas of Wenger's reign. Personally, I just don't get all. Eboue? No, not really.

  30. Mark Mywords

    Jan 31, 2011, 9:02 #1354

    Pretty much sums it up. If I'm honest I preferred it when Wenger put out the youth team for cup games. At least you got a bit of honest endeavour. The thing I'm most disappointed about the 'stiffs' is the attitude. "I'm too good for this. Give me the wages and let me go home". If I was a 1st team regular, I wouldn't be losing any sleep.

  31. Sheriff

    Jan 31, 2011, 8:59 #1353

    Really Good Article..Its made my morning. But feel like you were a bit harsh on Arshavin, Yes hes having a dip in form, but he still continues to try and make those difficult passes rather than Deckchair who passes sideways and backwards