In Defence of Arshavin

Form is temporary, class is permanent

In Defence of Arshavin

Bergkamp: Had off days too

He's not the only player ever to have a dip in form...

It seems to be a human nature to build up an individual and then to tear them down when they display human imperfections. When I was in California back in '09, I walked past a shop which had an Obama t-shirt on display which illustrated this statement perfectly. The picture of Obama was depicting him ripping open his shirt Superman-style, revealing a big 'O' on his chest, as opposed to the iconic 'S' and my first thought was 'how much higher can they get that pedestal without him going into orbit?' Since then, Obama been unable to sort out every problem instantly and now the whole of America is on his back. The fickle American voting public turned on him big-time during the mid-term elections, voting in the party that spent eight years getting them into this mess in the first place. When I saw this t-shirt, I immediately knew that eventually people were going to be disappointed and agitated one way or another when something doesn't go right.

Like Obama, Arshavin's arrivial at the time was greeted with similar optimism and hope for the future which all lay within this one person. And also like Obama, the recent form of Arshavin has been a talking point for a while now. Whilst he has a fair amount of assists to his name and a few goals so far, it's fair to say he's had a dip in form. I accept that he's playing below-par, even the man himself accepts that he's playing below-par. That, however, is not the issue. The issue is with some of the fickle/hysterical reactions to his dip in form, as if he is the only player ever to suffer this.

Arshavin's talent is undoubtable and we have all seen what he is capable of. When fired up and full of confidence, he can be unstoppable and he has shown glimpses of that this season, admittedly not on a consistent basis. But as we know what he can do, it would be reasonable to assume that his recent form is obviously not normal. That Anfield game was not the only game where he made an impact and I personally believe that he can reach his best again.

He was close to being booed by so-called 'fans' recently (I'm sure I heard a few jeers when he came on against Wigan) and I hope I'm not the only one who finds this a bit disturbing. After the morons booed Eboue to the brink of a nervous breakdown, the man himself has since acknowledged that having the support of fans (as well as God, Mrs Eboue and the little Eboues) helped him redeem himself, evolving into a cult hero and useful squad player. And this is what we need to do with Arshavin, get behind him again, not condemn him.

Now I admit that I have been known to criticise players and certain ones I never warmed to, the two most recent ones being Gallas and Silvestre. Whilst Gallas did at times show why he's seen as a good defender, Silvestre showed why United fans were glad to see the back of him. In fact, it's safe to say that I found Silvestre to be the most insulting signing ever made. He wasn't the first slow, gormless defender Wenger had signed (Cygan, Stepanovs, etc) but neither Pascal nor Igor had spent a decade being not very good at one of our bitter rivals. Even so, I never booed him. Against Ipswich the other night, whilst Arshavin was not back to top form by any means, he did nevertheless set up two of the goals which is basically what he is getting paid to do - contribute in an attacking way with solid results.

He currently stands at 14 assists this season, the grand total of Hleb's assists in his entire Arsenal career and we've barely finished January. Whilst he could do with a few more goals, they should come eventually but that will come again with confidence. If anything, his recent form is the polar opposite of Hleb - not much in the way of build-up but a fair bit of end product.

History has a way sometimes of showing certain people's career through rose-tinted glasses. Winston Churchill is a prime example of this - for all the iconic quotes and speeches (which he undeniably had a knack for) attributed to him, the winning of the '100 Greatest Britons' polls and the association of him with greatness and glory, he was also someone who had the same success rate in General Elections as the not-so-covered-in-glory John Major, as both stand at won one, lost one with both losses coming from a landslide. He also held similar attitudes towards gassing Kurds as Saddam Hussein, loathed Ghandi, opposed the notion of the NHS and was only marginally less sexist than John McCririck. But ultimately, he is always remembered for his role in WWII and is therefore thought of in high esteem.

Bergkamp, whilst I assume doesn't have similarly outdated views to that of our erstwhile PM, is another good example of this. Whilst he is rightly thought of as one of the greatest players in Arsenal's history, it is not as if every single game he had was a classic and he was just as prone to the occasional dip in form as anyone. Come to think of it, from around 1999 to 2001 I can't seem to remember him doing a great deal compared to the years before and after. He missed an important penalty against United that shaped our season and was so scarred he didn't take one again. I remember many times in that period where people did begin to think his best days were behind him but ultimately, his true class was never in doubt and he eventually went on to regain his form in the second Double-winning season.

And the same could well happen with Arshavin. I am not saying 'give him two years' to find his form again but if he is still racking up the assists whilst he's off-the-boil then he may well run into some good form soon. But nevertheless, we need to start backing him again, encouraging him and not jeer him for every misplaced pass. The more we do that, the more likely he is to find his confidence again and maybe then his career in North London will be seen in a more decorated light in years to come.

As for the fickle morons who jeered him, there is a line from the movie 'Crash' which summarises how I feel about you -

'You embarrass me. You embarrass yourself.'

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  1. Feb 02, 2011, 17:00 #1474

    'Amazing'? Heh! It was an obvious pass. Not even in his current malaise could he mess that up. Yes, he is off form.

  2. Tom Martin

    Feb 02, 2011, 16:51 #1473

    I am not saying Eboue is now awesome and I'm more than aware of his limitations and that Sagna is the superior right-back. Nevertheless, Eboue does have his moments and is a useful player to have in the squad as backup. All successful sides have squad players of limited abilities, look at how many medals Phil Neville has won in his career for crying out loud. The '02 Double winning side and Invincibles had the likes of Parlour, Edu, Cygan, etc. Not every single member of the squad can be World Class. As for AA, his best position is down the middle and whilst off-form he has been playing out of position. I am not saying Bergkamp wasn't one of the greatest players in our history, I'm just saying he had the odd loss of form and would had probably had more off days if AW played him on the wing.

  3. Feb 02, 2011, 15:38 #1472

    I remember Bergkamps dip in form, he had a massive world cup hangover, upset Holland didnt win it in 1998. Oh and Arshavin's assist V Ipswich for Fabragas was amazing, he didnt even look where Fabragas was, and this is a man off form

  4. Brigham

    Feb 02, 2011, 15:24 #1471

    Booing or jeering your own teams players is always counter productive and always will be. I do not subscribe to the "I pay my money, I am entitled to boo them" crew. Yes, you pay your money, but if all you wish to do is boo or abuse one of our own, go elsewhere. To me, booing or jeering an Arsenal player is like constantly telling one of your own children they are an idiot, in that they will eventually think that is all they are and then totally switch off. Form is temporary, class is permanent.

  5. cimo

    Feb 02, 2011, 0:24 #1440

    I am a Chinese.I can‘t understand it……but i love AA,oh yeah~

  6. Say Yes To AV!

    Feb 01, 2011, 23:35 #1438

    In support of Tom's point on Winston Churchill - the one election (1951) he won he got less votes than Clement Atlee's Labour Party, who got more votes than anyone had ever achieved in a general election but under the discredited first past the system got more seats

  7. Feb 01, 2011, 22:48 #1437

    The point was that they were jeering him before he'd even had the opporunity to do anything. As for Eboue, I know he divides opinion but on his day he is not a bad player and is a handy squad player to have around. He has his limitations but then so do most squad players, hence they are not regular starters.

  8. NUGS

    Feb 01, 2011, 20:46 #1435

    billbones you were obviously off your nut when you wrote that reply

  9. EborGooner

    Feb 01, 2011, 17:12 #1431

    Good article. I agree AA has class and ability and is suffering a dip in form he will get out off. I was very frustrated by his apparent lack of effort, defensive duties, and fitness but he seems to be addressing these. Mark my words he will have another day like that at Anfield when he makes the opposition look like statues. We should be supporting him as much as possible and encouraging him to return to something like his best form!

  10. gooner Erol

    Feb 01, 2011, 16:03 #1428

    I fully agree too, great article. At times like this, is when a player needs the full support of the crowd to help him get over he's poor(ish) present form. How great must it be to have the full support of the fans behind you. Like you said form can be temporary, class is permanent. But Silvestre, well you could support him all you like it would be no help!

  11. John

    Feb 01, 2011, 15:47 #1427

    As Arshavin is clearly now in Wengers second choice eleven, I would personally move Arshavin into the centre where he could play behind the striker with minimal defensive responsibilty, and shift Rosicky to the left as he's forgot how to attack however still has the ability to run.

  12. WVGooner

    Feb 01, 2011, 15:34 #1426

    Arshavin at least looks like he's trying to play himself into form. How is booing him going to help him? Let's not forget how many times a certain Ian Wright gave the ball away!

  13. AA is a disgrace

    Feb 01, 2011, 15:21 #1424

    how many times does arshavin misplace a pass in a match... ...he is too lazy to even take a touch and see the options...he just gifts is no coincidence that clichy has done better without arshavin in the team.....I think some of the players are sick of him too....and what is even more irritating is that coasters like him ....denilson eboue bendtner get rewarded with lucrative contracts. The least you can expect from a player is effort...clichy despite his many flaws runs his socks off. There aren't many players in the premier league who care as little as AA. Anelka comes close at times and hleb for birmingham..wjo gets slagged by their fans and rightly so.

  14. Dave

    Feb 01, 2011, 14:10 #1419

    I agree about Arshavin but your analysis of the American public and Obama is off base. He lied constantly, Gitmo is still open, troops still fighting illegal wars for opium and oil in the mid East, he filled the senate with cronies from wall St. he is still using presidential signing orders to get around congress after he promised not to. They didn't just build him up them knock him down, there was real hope that he would be a genuine agent for change, unfortunately he has shown himself to be another puppet of the Wall St gang that has plunged most of the world into financial ruin while they count huge stacks of cash. And to blame either side, red or blue for the problems is ridiculous, politicians generally are the problem and until we realise they are there for their own gain and for the prosperity of corporations nothing will change. I do agree though that anyone booing any of our players is a complete muppet, if I can sit through watching David Hillier in Arsenal's midfield and not complaining then those idiots should be able to wait for Arshavin's form to come back.

  15. nugs

    Feb 01, 2011, 13:34 #1416

    eboue is only a cult hero amongst the mongs who clearly do not know much about the game, not only is he a poor player he is a cheat. sort of agree on arshavin i dont think anyone has ever doubted his ability more his effort and his desire but to compare him to bergkamp(the best player to ever play in england imo) is to much lets not forget the players bergkamp had around him when he first signed and one think bergkamp never lacked wether he was having an off day or not was effort and desire, and to be honest arshavins had more off days this season than the iceman had in his whole arsenal career

  16. danluvsafc

    Feb 01, 2011, 13:05 #1412

    Eboue is an absolute disgrace to Arsenal Football Club.I am a season ticket holder at the Emirates and i for one hate it every time i see him lining up in the famous red and white shirt.Not only does he persist in cheating and feigning injury at every possible moment,he shirks out of tackles and gets caught out of position on numerous occasions.It seems like the players and wenger seem to like him for his reputation for being the club joker but all he is to me and many others is literally a complete joke!!!

  17. AugustusCaesar

    Feb 01, 2011, 13:00 #1410

    Agree about the formation not quite suiting him yeah. I think Arshavin rose to prominence playing behind Pavyluchenko for Russia in the classic number 10 position. Not sure where he played for Zenit but I don't imagine it was in a wide position. I think he's always had a 'free role'. So yeah, he is playing 'out of position'. Because he's a quality player he adapted quite quickly to playing wide and has enough trickery, and just enough speed, to be cutting edge in a wide position. But because he does play wide there are defensive duties to consider. Which he doesn't seem especially keen on carrying out. Again, the fitness issue raises its head. Can we afford to technically 'carry' Arshavin?

  18. Mark Mywords

    Feb 01, 2011, 12:39 #1405

    I completely take your points, however he's been at the club quite some time and he still doesn't even look match fit. He's not slow, but I'm still not sure he's quick enough to really worry a good defence. After a forward run, it's quite clear that he's red faced and 'blowing'. The other point is he is played completely out of position, which should be more or less where Fabregas plays when he is pushed up. At the end of the day he is an average left winger when played there. Nasri will always get in above him, as will Cesc, so what exactly is the point? With the notable exception of his last ditch tackle at the weekend, he doesn't fancy tracking back. He's no good as an impact sub, because he struggles to get into the game quickly once brought on. You're right he has got class, but when is he going to make a real difference to the team? There are lies, damned lies and statistics.

  19. AugustusCaesar

    Feb 01, 2011, 12:17 #1403

    With regards to Arshavin, I'm not sure. Clearly he's technically an excellent footballer. Does he have fitness issues? I don't mean in terms of injuries, I mean fitness, endurance etc. Why is it that Walcott, Fabregas or Nasri can go on a long run and recover pretty much instantly to get back in position whereas Arshavin spends the next five minutes getting his breath back? If you look at his physique - while I wouldn't call him fat he does a have a rotund, shall we say, feel about him. Another thing that troubles me is how often you see him sprawled on the deck when he's either stretched for a pass or had a bad touch and has to slide to make a pass. Having played a lot of football this is a characteristic of someone who is tired when he receives a pass and tired when he makes a pass. His passing, it's fair to say, can be sloppy and untidy at times. Just a theory.

  20. AugustusCaesar

    Feb 01, 2011, 12:06 #1402

    Re: Eboue "evolving into a cult hero and useful squad player." I think this is cadswallop. I'd even go as far as saying since the booing episode and the subsequent cult-isation (if such a word exists) of Eboue has seen him get worse rather than better. No one ever really fancied him as a wide midfielder but as a defender I always thought he was a reasonable back-up to Sagna. Now I wince when he steps on to the pitch. I think his qualities as a defender have diminished and I also think the singing of his name, ironic or otherwise, has gone to his head to some extent. He seems to play with a more lackadaisical attitude these days - his place in Arsenal folklore secured. I think I preferred him when he was crap but at least tried harder.

  21. Sheriffatu

    Feb 01, 2011, 11:42 #1401

    I agree..Form is temporary, class is permanent..Even my gf who doesnt know about/hates football even know that without Arshavin's signing few seasons ago, we wouldnt have held on to top 4 and she continually asks why Arsene never signs more players like Arshavin rather than the rubbish ones he keeps signing...I'll hate to see Arshavin sold becus ask any oppositions defence would they rather be lining up against Eboue, Denilson, Bendtner, Diaby and Im sure 99.1% of them would prefer not to be playing against arshavin

  22. tom

    Feb 01, 2011, 11:35 #1400

    Arshavin is a top player. We need to get behind him or he'll be off. The stats onfield while off-form speak volumes and just look at the goal saving tackle against huddersfield from a player thats supposed to be lazy and uncommitted.

  23. billbones

    Feb 01, 2011, 11:21 #1399

    well said Arshavin is my hero forget gilberto forget vieira forget bergkamp this mans got it all i love him he's the best up there with messi in my opinion

  24. Hboy

    Feb 01, 2011, 11:09 #1398

    Agree with the majority of what you say, the player deserves sympathy rather than spite. Every player should be allowed a drop in confidence. A lot of our fans seem to misunderstand effort for confidence / form - if you don't play like Pele, you're not trying hard enough. On that basis, you'll see a remarkable lack of effort on every sunday league pitch in this country, and in a similar vein, the only thing stopping Denilson from being as good as Ronaldo is the amount of effort he's putting in ... if you could just ... try ... harder Denilson! Where your article falls down is in playing on previous fan's hatred to justify your point, I'd like to know where you came up with that Hleb statistic, my memory is of a player that created a bucket load of chances, chances that were never taken. The only thing sitting between Hleb and a bucket load of assists were players capable of converting chances into goals. The fans hated Hleb because he couldn't shoot, ignoring every other useful facet of his game - now Arshavin is having his own difficulties in front of goal, he's getting the same amount of flack.

  25. NBN

    Feb 01, 2011, 11:02 #1397

    To compare Arshavin and Bergkamp is absolutely laughable. One is a fat, lazy little showpony the other is the greatest player to have ever worn the shirt. You embarrass yourself with this article.

  26. EssexGooner

    Feb 01, 2011, 10:40 #1396

    These idiots who get on players backs straight away (5 mins into a match? Please.)do my head in.

  27. Pure

    Feb 01, 2011, 10:40 #1395

    Now and again he does try crazy things but his assist ratio is amazing. Nasri has only 1 assist the whole season in the premier league and Arshavin has 9. Its abit like the Adebayor situation when all the Arsenal fans were letting out there frustration at bad defending at Adebayor. Our style of play puts alot of pressure on the attacking players to do amazing things all the time and so when mistakes are made you will hear reactions from the crowd etc but how come when fabregas makes a mistake nothing is said? He came on against huddesfield and made 3/4 mistakes straight away but nothing from the crowd. When Arshavin makes a mistake everyone goes mental. Why? Very strange. Arshavin has more assists then cesc by the way also lol

  28. stuksta

    Feb 01, 2011, 10:37 #1394

    BANG ON THE MONEY!!! Arshavin is world class, maybe a little bit out of form, but world class all the same. As soon as he scores, the flood gates will open. I'm loving all of his assists, and he's really been working hard lately. Get off his back and support him, or go away (you mugs)!

  29. Shaam

    Feb 01, 2011, 10:13 #1393

    This is exactly what I would've written. The only thing lacking in Arshavin at times is tracking back. Yet he has shown the willingness to do so in recent games. He's a class operator and an honest guy. Sometimes we all forget that he's a human being as well. We all suffer confidence issues many times over our lives and this is only natural.

  30. aa

    Feb 01, 2011, 10:12 #1392

    well sed he is a very good player who i think needs a hug from the crowd a big cheer 2 get him on a high then watch him go must we forgey that nas is out for 3 weeks so we need him very much

  31. Aslak

    Feb 01, 2011, 10:08 #1391

    Bloody well written!

  32. James Peacock

    Feb 01, 2011, 10:02 #1390

    Excellent piece, absolutely spot on with the Bergkamp comparison. I think Arshavin has showed in recent weeks that he is wiling to work a little bit harder and as you say, with 14 assists this season he is having more of an impact than people think. There are a lot of Arsenal fans who should be ashamed of themselves, you don't hear the Man Utd fans get on Rooney's back do you? - and he hasn't scored a goal in Open play for nearly a year! For all the Boo-ers out there - Look up the word "Supporters" in the dictionary, and see what you find. If you really want us to win the title this year, get behind your players and let them get on with it.

  33. The Happening

    Feb 01, 2011, 10:01 #1389

    Thanks for pointing this out Tom, I do remember many a game where His Majesty, DB10, looked all forlorn, it's good 2 know that someone has noticed that even the real classy players have dips in form, yet still manage to make other players look SHITE whilst doing this! Arshavin will hit form again!

  34. in my heart

    Feb 01, 2011, 9:59 #1388

    Good article, well written. I agree with your point regarding arshavin and respect your opinions, equally you have to accept the opinions of others and how they react. To compare eboue in this article in my opinion does little to strengthen your case. Eboue never has or ever will be good enough against a fast or skillful opponent, yes you have to admire his determination but to be a cult hero does not mean you have improved as a player.

  35. Arse Fan

    Feb 01, 2011, 9:52 #1387

    Well said. Lets get behind the team and see what they can do. With a bit of luck we can look back on these players with 'rose tinted glasses' once we achieve some trophies. I'm sure booing has never helped a player or the team! Come on Arsenal!

  36. Phillip

    Feb 01, 2011, 9:51 #1386

    Hear! Hear!

  37. joni goonah

    Feb 01, 2011, 9:46 #1385

    i agree.. Arshavin do not need defending.. every single time i hear the moans of the fckng morons whenever he makes a 'mistake'.. my blood boils! every single one of you retards in emirates shld go support the spurts.. ungrateful mofos.. u hit the nail.. its all juz freakin embarrasing.. call yourselves arsenal fans.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr