Arsene’s faith repaid

Tuesday evening proved Arsene knows best

Arsene’s faith repaid

Arshavin – Changed the game v Everton

I have witnessed first hand the abuse that has been dished out to Andrey Arshavin over the past few months. We all like to moan and whinge when a footballer paid £50-£100k a week misplaces a simple five yard pass to a team mate, but some of the things said about our little Russian were simply shocking.

As always though, Arsene knows.

Our 5 foot 4 Gooner, did the biz on Tuesday night. Searching for inspiration, Andrey and to be fair to him, Bendtner, changed the game in our favour thankfully, because defeat would have left us trailing too far to claw back.

But again thanks to the obviously growing team spirit, we kept plugging away and got our rewards, especially following the shameful display from the ref and linesman which allowed Everton a half time lead. Hopefully Andrey will now find his touch again. I don’t believe he has ever lost confidence, because he has never tried to change the way he plays to compensate for a loss of confidence. And he will continue to run straight into players, he will continue to give the ball away, he will continue to give away silly fouls. Just as long as he keeps providing ammo to RVP, Nas, and Fab, the boy’s fine by me.

Once again I overheard many a Gooner at the Everton game slagging Arsene for not spending in January again. Why should he exactly? The transfer market is a joke at the moment. £35m for Carroll? ‘Nuff said.

Five points off the top of the Premiership, Carling Cup final, 5th round in the FA Cup, and a Champions League tie v Barca to come… some fans I truly believe will never be happy with anything the gaffer does. If you are one of these, then maybe you should p*** off down Tottingham High St. There is a certain rumbling of discontent there, which should keep you moaning well into the summer.

Some of us still believe in Arsene. I hope by May’s end we all will again.

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  1. Mike Winton

    Feb 04, 2011, 10:17 #1508

    Good Thoughts but we still need a top class centre half

  2. Yanto

    Feb 04, 2011, 9:37 #1506

    I was genuinely pleased that Arshavin got a goal, as it will hopefully help in him regaining his confidence...we all know he IS Class and can produce moments of Genius...he has been accused (by many including myself)of not trying, of being lazy - but I have notice on the past 3 games that he's played he HAS picked up his work rate, tackling, chasing back - making raids down the left flank....which is a relief as I thought he had given maybe he can come to good form just when we need him to be at his for AW's lack of spending in the transfer window/s - well he says there are simply not good players out there for the right price - and I would agree with that - when you see an untried player going for £35 surely is a sign that the football world HAS gone Yumpy!had we not lost TV5 - due to international duty injury btw - I'm sure we would be at least 9 points better off than our present standing.... still think eboue/denilson/diaby/almunia/rosicky should be shown the door asap! We all

  3. Fd

    Feb 03, 2011, 20:53 #1502

    What amazes me on here is the fact that the spend more clowns seem sure there is a huge reserve of cash to spend. There was no cash until the Highbury flats sold. Even now the most we can spend in a year is probably 30m. You want to blow most of that on an average CB. If you had a clue, you would realise we are where we are when Sqillaci has started more matches than Djourou. He's made one big mistake - Almunia made far more to cost points this season. The doctors say Vermaelen is coming back. That means in a month we would have 5 specialist CBs and 15m in cash gone if Wenger listened to you clowns. Switch to supporting Man City - oh wait, they are below us in the league, drew with Notts County and aren't in the CL.

  4. nugs

    Feb 03, 2011, 17:44 #1501

    jj bergkamp how wrong you are i know plenty of fans who have been going since the 70's myself included who agree with most on here, yes wenger moved this club forward but football in general has moved forward, gg done great things for our club if i remember there was not to much opposition when he went. and whats the obsession with us not spending a bit of money in case we end up like chelski?????? how anyone can compare one of the richest clubs in the world spending 15 to 20 mill to chelskis spending policy is beyond me just shows how naive sections of our support are. WE HAVE SEEN THIS SAME SCENERIO EVERY SEASON FOR THE PAST FIVE YEARS

  5. AugustusCaesar

    Feb 03, 2011, 16:00 #1499

    No, the jury is not out on Wenger. I’m not about to backtrack on Wenger’s achievements (ok I might) and how integral he is to how this football team plays and how this exemplary club is run but those who bemoan FIVE seasons without a trophy make my blood boil. They really do. You’ve never had it so good you miserable bunch of whining f*ckers. Do you realise that!? Do you know Arsenal went SEVENTEEN years without winning a trophy between 1953 and 1970?? And won only ONE further trophy between 1972 and 1987. That’s FIFTEEN years. And yes I will keep repeating this until those shouting for Wenger’s head shut the fu*king fu*k up. We won precisely SIX trophies in 34 years. It took Wenger NINE years to surpass that haul. Not to mention the Champions League and UEFA cup finals. Jesus, the guy’s worked miracles with this club. Do the honour of letting our greatest manager ever at least see out his fu*king contract. We could still win trophies this season and even if we don’t and you may find this hard to believe…IT’S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD IF WE DON’T. We go again next season, and the season after that if we don’t win anything next season. We support the club THROUGH THICK AND THIN and don’t fu*king moan because we haven’t won a trophy (of which there are only four to go for each season I might add). Do you think Wenger is deliberately trying to hinder the club’s chances of not winning a trophy by not buying a centre back in January or not buying a goalkeeper in January?!? Come on, wake up. And stop calling our players by childish, silly names, it’s fu*king pathetic! COME ON ARSENAL!!!

  6. Feb 03, 2011, 15:26 #1498

    We haven't won anything yet - not even the Carling Cup. We should have sought to strengthen the squad in two key areas at least, centre-back and defensive midfield. In goal, Schezeny has the potential to be better than the other two clowns, but in this position especially you need experience.

  7. Spendit

    Feb 03, 2011, 15:18 #1497

    Rosetintedness gone mad.Yes praise Wenger when he wins a major trophy(The CL and prem)but we are at the start of february we have been in this position twice in the last 3 years and we all know what happened.If TV does not make it back we are stuck with two CB's plus Squillaci.That is madness.Never will we get a better chance to win the title but the clubs motto is "Profit before Trophies".Lets have a parade to the town hall when Denilshit and Comedy Eboue can show off a cheque for £56m

  8. JJBergkamp

    Feb 03, 2011, 13:43 #1496

    Great to see a positive and supportive article. Such a shame many of the responses are typical of the "fans" who joined in the early noughties! No idea where this club has come from in no small part to AW! When we fail to qualify for the Champs lge then maybe we can start to worry. You may hate his stubborness but its one of his most important managerial qualities for better or worse! Did we really need a CB or is it just the typical media fueled cravings of ignorant fans who need a gala signing to feel special! Grow up!

  9. ed enough

    Feb 03, 2011, 13:35 #1495

    Observer...there's only one wanker on these pages cocks like you

  10. Graham

    Feb 03, 2011, 12:59 #1494

    When did anyone say we needed to spend £35m?What every Gooner was saying we need to sign a quality CB.TV is injured Djourou has a history of injuries and quite frankly Squillaci is crap.We have been in this position before especially in 08 when the back up players were not good enough.For the case of saving £10-12m we may have gambled away the title.Its not as if we havent gotthe money.You can bet if we were struggling to fiish 4th like in 09 we would have spent more than £15m like we did on AA23.

  11. observer

    Feb 03, 2011, 12:40 #1493

    Richard you must be one the biggest wankers ever to write a blog ~uck off and support someone else you ambitionless PUSSY

  12. Nelse McStuff

    Feb 03, 2011, 12:30 #1492

    Terry, leaving aside your unfortunate turn of phrase, your premise that we somehow have some kind of 'right' to success is just plain wrong. Enjoy the football, see what happens.

  13. Sheriff

    Feb 03, 2011, 12:15 #1491

    Whats with Arsenal fans and their shortsightedness?? I dont know any fan who asked Wenger to spend £35M on players..I can say over the last 5years I cant remember any single Arsenal fan asking for the club to sign even a £30M player...But what I can hear from majority of Arsenal fans is that the manager should stop cutting corners as well as give up the stop gap signings we have been signing lately in Defence and invest in a Good solid premiership experienced defenders/Defensive Midfielder rather than buying inexperienced players, past it players or even his best signing NONE at all........

  14. Terry

    Feb 03, 2011, 12:03 #1490

    Hooraay lets have a street party, order the open top bus.Give Wenger a knighthood.We are 2nd 5pts behind Man Utd.In 2008 at this time we were 6pts clear and blew it.Barcelona will rape us.Eboue v Messi. We will win the Carling cup and thats all and for a club the size of Arsenal that is not good enough

  15. Dave

    Feb 03, 2011, 11:46 #1489

    Believe it or not thats why Wengers gets £6m a year.The jury is out on him.As he says himself judge him in May.Which we have done for the last 6 seasons.And he has been found guilty every year

  16. aj

    Feb 03, 2011, 11:05 #1488

    It's great to see The Gooner post a positive article on Arsenal, for a change.

  17. The Happening

    Feb 03, 2011, 10:09 #1487

    Nothing to do with AKB, just someone who has been given a speaking to by Fabregas!

  18. Fozzy

    Feb 03, 2011, 10:03 #1486

    Great shout, Richard. Come on The Dwarf!!! Life will be even better when Aaron returns fully fit meaning that Deckchair and Ebouseless will get pushed further back down the pecking order.

  19. Carlos

    Feb 03, 2011, 9:49 #1485

    Though I agree with 95% of what u wrote, I think u're a dumb guy. I still think that Arsene should have bought a central defender. Why? Because Squilacci is crap, Vermaelen is still injured, Koscielny is still developing and the only decent player is Djourou there. By the way. Every fan has the right to criticise, even if I personally don't like the extreme negativism of some of us there's still a lot of job to do. Do u think u're the supporter of the supporters to send people to Spuds Lane? You're narrow minded. "Five points off the top of the Premiership, Carling Cup final, 5th round in the FA Cup, and a Champions League tie v Barca to come…" It's gonna be very tough to maintain the fight for PL title, but it's possible (if we have a maximum of 1-2-3 fringe players in the pitch at the same time and the others compensate this), Carling Cup seems certain, FA cup a good chance and against Barca no chance if we don't have our best team (Nasri already out so we need an Arhavin in form and I pray for his consistent return). Still we will not win much, if we have Denilson, Diaby, Eboue, Rosicky and co in the pitch at the same time!!! These players are consistenly crap. Arshavin, Bendtner can add something to our game, but those above are CRAP. That's realistic, but u talk even about the Barca game as if it were an easy game and we were in the Champions League final already. You see everything easy and pink. Wake up.

  20. dave gooner

    Feb 03, 2011, 9:49 #1483

    You don't get it. The achievement is to still be in contention for trophies in April having suffered the usual spate of injuries in Feb/Mar. That is when it matters. Contending for trophies at the end of Jan, well, we've been there before!!!