The Phil Dowd Show

Online Ed: Is there an unspoken agenda against Arsenal?

The Phil Dowd Show

Who’s the w***er in the black?

There were a number of factors in Arsenal’s shocking concession of a 4-0 lead away to Newcastle. Some Arsene Wenger can take responsibility for, some were simply outside of his control. Ultimately, a shocking refereeing performance by Phil Dowd, arguably the worst ever witnessed in the history of the Premier League, enabled Newcastle to equalize, but the Gunners allowed the game to reach the point where his poor officiating made a difference.

The first half was perfection. This was the stuff of champions in the making, reminiscent of the great team of 2001-05 at their best. Allowed time and space by Newcastle, they ruthlessly took advantage and sent a message out to Manchester United, kicking off after 5pm. However, the one thing that was totally predictable was that Alan Pardew would tell his players to start making some challenges that would shake up the visitors after the interval. Let them know you are there, rattle them, upset them, see if they can handle it etc etc. Joey Barton was anonymous in the first half, but made his impact in the second. Yet, Arsenal made it easy for him.

The visitors were evidently not prepared for this by the coaching staff at half time. So when, all too predictably, a bad challenge from Barton came on Abou Diaby, the Arsenal midfielder rose to the bait and was duly red carded. Hell, if you are going to suffer an early bath at Barton’s expense, the least you should do is break the bastard’s nose. Make it worth it. Diaby meekly pushed him over by the neck and for Barton, it was job done.

A man down, it prevented Arsenal controlling the game and allowed Newcastle encouragement to have a go, which they duly did. Wenger cannot be blamed for the injury to Johan Djourou. Where he can be blamed is the fact that, instead of a January transfer window centre back purchase, he had to replace him with the hapless Squillaci. The manager gambled by not addressing this weakness with the £40 million he has in the bank. Today, he started paying the price of losing that bet. How much longer he continues to suffer as a result depends on the length of Djourou’s absence. Suffice it to say, should Squillaci need to start the game against Barcelona on February 16, I shall be placing a seriously large amount of money on an away win.

The manager can also be blamed for putting Tomas Rosicky onto the field. This player is history. He contributes nothing and has become pointless. He is past it and will never recapture the form he once possessed. A waste of space. One would like to have thought that a bit of experience might add composure to the side, but it simply did not happen. Regarding Eboue for Walcott, Arsenal would have been better to leave Theo on just to give Newcastle something to think about at the back, given their only chance of attack was on the counter.

Now for Phil Dowd. If the first penalty was pretty soft, then I will have to find a new adjective for the second. Szczesny was manhandled to the floor after the first spot kick had been converted in a manner not dissimilar to that of Diaby’s dismissal, and yet it was the keeper who received a caution. Dowd was happy enough waving yellow cards liberally as long as they were to Arsenal players, his inconsistency absolutely stank. By the end of the game, I was remembering all those decisions that seemed to go Manchester United’s way when it comes to the award (or non award against) of penalties, and wondered if there was an agenda against Arsenal amongst the game’s authorities in this country. Could Arsenal ever win the league with handicaps such as Dowd’s display and the leniency shown to United (such as the penalty not given at Blackpool when they were 2-0 down)? Regular contributor Ian Tanner has built up a wealth of evidence about how United are favoured by referees and Dowd seemed to be single-handedly trying to hand them the title in the style of Mike Riley in 2003.

However, if Djourou had not been taken off injured (or someone other than Squillaci had entered the fray), I believe that the ball would have been won in the situations that led to the two penalties. If Arsenal had eleven players on the field, they would have found it easier to keep possession and take the sting out of Newcastle’s attempted recovery. The Gunners played enough of a part in their own downfall for Dowd’s incompetence or plain bias to matter.

The feeling at the end of the game was ‘There goes the title’. And yet, ultimately it was a case of there goes the opportunity to make up two further points on United’s lead. The result at Molineux meant that Arsenal were a point better off in their attempt to catch United than they were this morning. And critically, the feat of the ‘Invincibles’ will remain a unique one in modern times for a while longer yet.

Ultimately, the conclusion of today, in spite of United’s defeat, is that Arsenal are not resilient enough, and do not have the strength in depth to win the title. I sincerely hope I am wrong in that opinion.

The current issue of The Gooner will be available from sellers outside the stadium next Saturday at the game against Wolves. For those who cannot make it along to the match, it can be bought online here.

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  1. Razvan

    Feb 26, 2011, 13:23 #2648


  2. Peter Becton

    Feb 11, 2011, 21:11 #2292

    I think we are getting ahead of ourselves, We have just the right amount of players, and players are always going to have bad days ie Rosicky and Squillaci, but our defence is better than last year and squillaci hasn't done too badly this year that is the reason we are where we are. He has played in a lot of games this year and we need to have faith in him other wise we will be the losers for it. This game was not won by Newcastle as by Phil Dowd It made betting sense. The odds of New castle drawing or winning was too great to miss, the same with the the tottenham game. If you take into considration the free kicks given the sending off penalties in which newcastle players jump on the shoulders of arsenal players. If I was an Arsenal player I would be scared stiff of what the ref would do next, you can see that it put our players off their game and they were scared. (check the strange betting paterns in the far east) Football games are not won on just good players these days especially when your league is as powerful as the prem league

  3. Feb 10, 2011, 11:10 #2239

    klllll;plp m;l;ll;l;l;;l;;;;; ;k[;[ ;k;l[;[l[o[ [ [k]o[p] k.;;o kl;lpipilpil[ipipippip

  4. James Donovan

    Feb 09, 2011, 20:46 #2217

    Excellent exposition. I agree totally. The only thing consistent about Dowd's officiating is his brazen arrogance.

  5. keith read

    Feb 08, 2011, 20:22 #2166

    Talk about sour grapes. Phil dowd was spot on with the decisions, the second pen was soft, but this was given by the assistant referee, who chalked off a perfectly good goal when best was clearly onside. Barton's challenge was hard but perfectly fair if Diaby had not pussy footed his challenge then we would not be discussing it.

  6. Smudger

    Feb 08, 2011, 18:50 #2162

    An excellent review of the game. Notwithstanding Phil Dowd's 'park football' performance though, the ultimate responsibility for this embarrassing debacle rests soley with Arsen Wenger. It is him who signs the players,it is him who coaches them in his methods, it is him who selects the team, it is him who decides the tactics and it is him who is responsible for the team's discipline. Enough said!

  7. Feb 08, 2011, 16:49 #2156

    GoonerN5, what do you mean Wengers fault and strengthen the team? How could a buy in this transfer period have helped the team? If there is one place you dont want unfamiliarity is in the defence. These players really need to be comfortable, in that there is no way Wenger was going to Buy a defender and throw him in a PL match as soon as he is signed. The man signed two blinkin new defenders along with Djourou coming back and TV. How the heck was he to know that TV would be out for so long. Also Squillachi was not to be blamed for what happened. If he is point out his mistakes that cost all four goals, please. Wenger should be blamed for keeping this team at the top without a whole heap of money and having the team in all competitions. Come on man, stop being ungrateful! It is you I find to be spineless for all you can do is point out faults. When Arsenal win, I hope you beat out the same tired arguements!

  8. NorwegianFootballFan

    Feb 08, 2011, 16:24 #2152

    This is the worst article I've read in years. Keep up the good work!

  9. Newcastle fan

    Feb 08, 2011, 16:11 #2150

    Blaming it all on the referee? Classy. Want to get your facts sorted first. Nolan got booked as well for that incident, on the advice of the ASSISTANT, who also gave the second penalty. There's nothing Dowd could do but agree with his assistant. The first penalty was a tackle from behind in which the player was taken before the ball. The sending off was malicious play from Diaby whilst Nolan's 'headlock' was simply sloppy play. Face facts, you let a four goal lead slip. As soon as the first goal went in, your heads dropped and we were always going to get back into it. So stop moaning about referees and biased play and Joey Barton, and start moaning about the fact that you threw away three valuable points at a newly promoted side.

  10. Feb 08, 2011, 13:36 #2140

    Phil Dowd...f**k you...! Newcastle spent 35mil of carroll on this worst ever referee in PL... B***h

  11. GoonerN5

    Feb 07, 2011, 20:27 #2048

    There is no agenda against Arsenal, the blame lies entirely at Wengers door as yet again he fails to strengthen when thousands of others can see what is necessary, but because Wenger is so spineless and arrogant he is always blaming others when its his own fault, Wenger has had numerous chances but will never learn

  12. Stevesam

    Feb 07, 2011, 19:59 #2044

    The worst insult you can give to a referee is to call him a cheat - Phil Dowd you are a cheat of the worst kind !

  13. Rickthegooner

    Feb 07, 2011, 19:10 #2039

    I couldn't agree more, even if I think betting against your team might be a step too far. LOL !!. I must admit. I have not watched the game on T.V. I saw it from up in the gods at St James Park. I probably will never find the inner strength to watch it. It still makes me feel sick thinking about it. You cannot have four major decisions go against you in a match and not feel bitter. We were breathtaking in the first half. The same players came out in the second. What conspired against us, was not just bad play, it was bad decisions, and a bit of bad luck with Johan getting injured. If one of those four decisions had gone for us, then perhaps things would have been as difficult. Two soft penalties, a sending off, that if it was correct, should have been mirrored, for the assault on our keeper and then a disallowed goal from RVP, because his kneecap had gained a slight advantage. One, maybe two, of these decisions going against you, at four nil up, would be hard to take. All of them and panic sets in. You are not just playing against 11 men, fate itself seems against you. Yes there were disappointments. Rosicky giving away free kicks like sweets in the playground. Diaby being drawn in, by that evil little dwarf Bartons, dirty antics. Rising to his oh so obvious bait. Szczesny kicking every ball long, straight back to Newcastle, rather than trying to play it out like we normally do. Wenger bringing on Rosicky when Bendtner's height would have proved invaluable, in winning headers in our box. Wolves saved our bacon !!! We are a top four side, who is in this title race, partly due to our class, but mostly because the stronger teams in the league have not always taken advantage of their superiority. Wenger is deluded. Our squad is strong, but can and should ALWAYS improved. Herbert Chapman said "it was a mangers duty to always seek better players to his squad" Our squad has failings. These failings will come back to haunt us. You cannot believe blindly in a group of players. Until he invests in new players to replace the likes of Denilson, Rosicky and Squillaci we will be a top four side, with a small chance of winning the league. Spurs, Liverpool, and Man City are all improving their squads season after season. We are static. Snooze and loose !!!!! There will be players in our squad tempted to leave in the summer. We have suffered from, one step forward two back since 2005. I pray this summer is not a step back again. I fully understand and applaude the financial philosophy of the club. I am not asking the manager to bankrupt us. Just re-invest the money available to him. !!! Any business will suffer without proper re-investment. Wenger blindly hadicapping the club with moral ****ions to market values is pathetic to say the least. It is simular to me making my family live on the streets, although I can afford the rent, but just disagree that it is too much !!!!!! February 7, 2011 | Rickthegooner

  14. Adam

    Feb 07, 2011, 18:40 #2034

    At the start of Saturday I expected us to still be 5 points behind Man utd. We are now 4. Lets look at the positives! Yes we threw it away but its now ok to put a player in a head lock and throw him to floor with out be punished. It should have been 10 v 10. Another positive is that Utd could not go unbeaten, our record still stands! In Wenger I trust!

  15. Ruedi

    Feb 07, 2011, 16:11 #2013

    Being Swiss and Arsenal follower for over 50 years, I never thought this kind of whistleing would be possible in England. If Dowd wears a FIFA emblem on his shirt, you might think that he has bought it at a nearby tobacco shop!

  16. Rockyrocastle07

    Feb 07, 2011, 15:59 #2010

    To those who said we don't need a new CB in Juanuary... you are clearly absolute clowns. We desperately needed a new centre back in the transfer window. That much is evident. Squillaci isn't good enough and has been exposed time and time again. I'm dreading watching Messi tear him a new one next week. What's the point in having, as "Johnny" put it, "4 CB's on long term contracts" when 2 of them are always crocked (Verm and Djourou), one is total dogshit (Squillaci), and the other (Kozzer) is, although trying his absolute best - which no-one can deny - currently out of his depth in the Premier League. Wenger's stubbornness and slight regard for anyone's opinion other than his own, will be our downfall. And as the article stated, the copitulation has begun. We CANNOT continue to ship goals the way we are. Teams know that the game is never over now, even if we are a few goals up on them. That should never be the case. Look at the Arsenal of old.. The Chelsea's and Man Utds. If they go 2 goals up, do you find yourself saying "We can still win this" or, more than likely.. "Well that's that then". Saturday was ridiculous. We cannot afford for a repeat. Yes, Dowd is awful. But the bottom line is that we shouldn't have been anywhere near the position we allowed to get ourselves into.

  17. Goolam Rawat

    Feb 07, 2011, 15:44 #2008

    Great article!You know the idiot well. He also gave Man U the Carling Cup by not sending Vidic off. I bet he phone his bookie at half time and had a wager on the draw. He is certain to hand Man U a ten point start every year.

  18. Paul N

    Feb 07, 2011, 14:26 #1998

    I dont see how Squillachi is being blamed and also are we saying that someone who we bought in the Jan Transfer Windown wouldve been ready to play in this match? Thats no reasonable at all and Squillachi wasnt even at fault for the goals. We really need to stop lambasting our unjustly. I dont know what is up with Rosicky, he was actually playing well at the beginning of the season what Cesc was out. I dont think Arsenal were as big as part in the draw as you do. The ref was so one sided that is was very hard for the players to play. If we are watching it and feel like we are in the twilight zone can you imagine what was going on if you breathe on a Newcastle and its a foul and a yellow and they can plough through you and not even a warning. If we can all agree that we have never witnessed such an inept reffed match then we must be able to agree that he was the biggest part of the demise. Yes we were under pressure but being under pressure does not automatically result in 4 goals scored. If that was the case we would score 10 in most matches.

  19. Gary Harewood

    Feb 07, 2011, 12:54 #1975

    I am upset that Barton's tackle is being called robust, if Diaby's leg had broken would he Barton have been red carded then. I thought that the intent of the tackle made it a bad one or not and to me he meant to do a number on Diaby. I have watched Barton for years and you will not find a more malicious little weasel in football at the top level. As for Nolan, he got involved in the Diaby incident when it was not required and he should have been booked for pushing Diaby, he should also have been sent off for grabbing the keeper neck and throwing him to the ground because if u raise your hands to another player it is a red card. I felt the the two penalties were won by over simulation as little or no contact was made in both and the second one was a complete farce. I would also like to raise the possibilty of Arsenal being punished for what supposedly happened in the tunnel against Everton as David Moyes should have kept his mouth shut as no other manager in the Prem gets involved in a he said she said scenario as it helps no one. The fact that Fabregas is supposed to have questioned the integrity of the referee makes it seem a bit of a coincedence that Arsenal's next match would have such a one sided display from the Ref in the other teams favour.

  20. SimplestheMeerkat

    Feb 07, 2011, 11:46 #1951

    An accurate assessment in many areas from Mr Whitcher, some more points also worth mentioning: 1. The result shows how important Alex Song is to this team, he holds the middle together. I had a feeling we would slip up with Song being injured - if he had played, he would have played at the back instead of Squillaci when Djourou had got a knock and the defence would have been more solid as a result. 2. All 3 of Arsenal's defensive midfielders (Song, Denilson, Frimpong) are/were injured and it showed after the red card as we had nobody on the bench to replace Diaby. 3. For all the criticism of Abou Diaby's reaction, no-one has mentioned that as he was the victim of a very similar challenge from Dan Smith 5 years ago which put him out of the game for over 12 months, Diaby's reaction was understandable. Those who mitigate the challenge by saying Barton got the ball miss the point - it was high, he jumped in and could have done serious damage had he connected. 4. A referee-inspired loss of points and/or win has been coming for 3 matches - first we have the inconsistency of the interpretation of the professional foul in the Huddersfield FA Cup tie (Squillaci's offence was no worse than what Mills did for Reading against QPR last Friday and he only got booked), then the ridiculous call for Louis Saha's goal for Everton, and now Mr Dowd's madness where he made 5 or 6 massive howlers in one game! 5. Phil Dowd has refereed 3 Arsenal matches recently and we have not won any of them, coincidence?? 6. I wasn't expecting us to win the title this season myself, but at least United can't win it unbeaten now!

  21. 枪手小将

    Feb 07, 2011, 7:51 #1825

    Obviously the match has been ruined by the "referee" again,and also by the so-called fair FA.This match,last one against Everton and many other games,we all know that.If we are Man.Utd ,things would be different.Footbal is never a fair game,damn it,just because we are Arsenal.

  22. arpit singh

    Feb 07, 2011, 2:02 #1787

    phil dowd biased decisions cost arsnl 2pts in critical stage of epl Arsne sucks in transfer market he is only thnk about french football all he want to made himself a french god with players like konescly & squilachi he prov himself not a gooner bt a french.

  23. Geordie Joe

    Feb 06, 2011, 22:51 #1785

    Just a couple of points from a toon fan who was at the game: 1) The ref was awful but for some strange reason nobody has commented on how Newcastle also had a perfectly good goal disallowed for "offside" (Leon Best at 1-4). 2) There's loads of comments about thugs and getting kicked off the pitch, etc. Does it not strike you that all great teams have somebody who can put their foot in when needed? Viera, Petit, etc. weren't exactly saints. Instead of moaning about it you'd be better off actually buying a player who can stop the opposition. Four - nil and you fucked it up ..........

  24. Danish Gooner

    Feb 06, 2011, 21:32 #1780

    Well written and I fear your conclusion is correct. But still, the guy (ref.) is incompitent.

  25. Surajudeen

    Feb 06, 2011, 21:27 #1779

    I want us to understand that this is not the first term this kindy stupid performanc use too hapen.against tottehanm,lie that i think what apen is that lak of commincatio,,and over confident.surajudeen logere.

  26. Ex pat Clock-ender

    Feb 06, 2011, 21:02 #1777

    Just about recovered from yesterday and have been giving it some thought. My view is, after the media coverage of 'Cesc's foul mouth tirade' (where he didn't swear)against Mason, Dowd and probably every other ref on the books has closed ranks and will do everything they can to hinder any progress towards the title. Yes, the team is likely to come up short, but there will be no protection from thugs like Barton and no justice in terms of 50/50 decisions - make that 100% decisions. Dowd's 'performance' yesterday was a disgrace and should be investigated in the same rigorous way they are going to investigate Wilshere's post on twitter. Up the Arsenal!, and the up the rest of them.

  27. simon

    Feb 06, 2011, 19:58 #1771

    have just heard,Joey Barton is Phil Dowd's love child!

  28. Johnny Hoy

    Feb 06, 2011, 19:36 #1769

    If we aren't good enough to win the lge with an away draw, why are United, who lost? I know losing a four goal advantage is bad but the fact is we blitzed them in the first half and though the second was a litany of disasters we still came away with a point - we could win the title - by a point. Dowd, like a lot of refs, a complete tosspot. If you took away the two pens and the non free kick that led to a goal, gave NUFC the goal they had disallowed, then allowed our one at the end - all of which could have happened with a decent set of officials - it would have been - NUFC 3 ARSENAL 5... but then again if my aunt had bollocks she'd be my uncle.

  29. Ars fan

    Feb 06, 2011, 19:26 #1765

    It is a fact that after djourou went off and squillaci came in. Newcastle start to win all the headers coming into the box. Squilaci's positioning must be horriby wrong or newcastle must have been super efficient in winning the ball suddenly. 4 cb is not enough for 4 competition. Especially with the fragile cb arsenal have. Djourou and tv is prone to injury. Now that this 2 is injured. We are left with 2 cb and song also injured. If either of the cb get a red card or injured again, we will be short. This game has shown to arsene that, ars need world class cb to win any trophy. Winning cc is not a trophy to any arsenal supporter. I fear that if newcastle can score 4 past arsenal, barca can score at least 5 past our defence. So the competion will effectively be over after the first leg.

  30. Prince Charles

    Feb 06, 2011, 19:16 #1763

    Our entire season rests on the severity of Johan Djourou's knee injury.

  31. GoonerRon

    Feb 06, 2011, 17:24 #1755

    I'm not being wise after the event but with all the media and Moyes hype in the week about what Cesc said or didn't say about the ref I did worry it would backfire on us. Refs think he questionned their integrity and they are bound to be pissed off (even if there is no proof he said was has been reported). The result of a pissed off ref is to give us nothing and the opposition everything. Just a thought.

  32. DaNos98

    Feb 06, 2011, 15:55 #1748

    Although Dowd helped Newcastle back into the game, Arsene didn't seem to react to Diaby red card. He left Cesc and Jack to be overrun in midfield. Tiote, Nolan and Barton vs Cesc and Jack is no competition. For his part if Diaby can't take a tackle because of his ankle injury then he may well have to consider his career options. Champions don't let 4 goal leads disappear.

  33. Yanto

    Feb 06, 2011, 15:55 #1747

    ps: Dowd is CUNT of the highest order, and his bank balance is probably looking a lot healthier this morning...Oooops now where's the tunnel so the media can have a go....feckin' tossers the lot of em No One Likes Us And We Don't Care!!!!

  34. jeff

    Feb 06, 2011, 15:47 #1745

    surely what i discovered last night is that most english refs they hate arsenal so muchand they only give away titles to man united

  35. Herbert

    Feb 06, 2011, 14:42 #1738

    Arsenal lost a 4-0 lead. They can blame themselves. HOWEVER it would not have happened without Phil Dowd. The fans should be relentless against him if he ever referees at Emirates. It should get to the point where the FA are reluctant to let him ref there. Spread the word because that was shameful refereeing and he should be made to pay for it. Supporters should show their voice against bad reffing and this is the time.

  36. wado

    Feb 06, 2011, 14:36 #1736

    I would like to share same view with the author. It look as if a conspiracy to ensure Arsenal will never grab the EPL cup. It happen many cases referee is biased for the games involved Arsenal. On my opinion it caused of many things i.e. Gunners are build up with low cost budget as well as nurturing world class player from kids while making profit at the same time. Something cannot be achieved by any manager in EPL. Many cups for the Gunners may embarrass other managers who spend much money and lead the club to a huge debt but earn nothing at the end. One more thing maybe because Arsenal manager is French.

  37. Erol

    Feb 06, 2011, 14:09 #1734

    You guys are much too harsh. Yes, we had some out of form players on the pitch – Rosicky and Squillaci, and Clichey and Koscienly made some daft challenges, but the anger should focus on the refereeing. Dowd gave the game to Newcastle – key decisions allowed them to come back, while no calls were made for Arsenal that should have been called. This is a billion pound league that has inconsistent refereeing – the referees of the Premiership are more suited for Championship football or lower leagues. Week in week out, they’re calls are becoming too focused on the game. When a game is played, the players should be talked about, not the referees. The Premiership one of a few leagues that does not regularly test its lineman and referees every month. Also, to me, there’s no accountability – it seems the old boys club (RFA and FA) would rather protect them from criticism, then to try and improve their decision making. Also, there must be a scoring system on referees where the scoring criteria is open and transparent. Just as a team must help train out of form players to play consistently of what they’re expected, out of form referees must be kept off the field until they can prove they have the knowledge to get back on the field and perform consistently.

  38. Jonnie, Toon fan

    Feb 06, 2011, 13:30 #1728

    It is always constructive reading 'the other side' but what a load of tosh. You lot are as disillutioned as your manager (I know it is miles up in the away fans and all the action was at the other end)but the facts are in front of you 1. Linesmen made two bad errors - 2nd penalty was not, the Best goal was 2. Barton made a perfectly good non dangerous tackle. Fact. 3. The one decision I did wonder on was Van Persie 'offside' goal at the end. Borderline. Dowd did nothing wrong and I assure you he is no friend of ours. You lot imploded and that is the end of it - weak keeper, weak defence, fantastic team to watch when all going well One other thing - I hopr Wilshere is not learning too much from el winger and his captain - that would be a shame for England.

  39. Hill

    Feb 06, 2011, 13:23 #1725

    Does he even know what foul means

  40. EborGooner

    Feb 06, 2011, 13:10 #1722

    Yes it's true the referee was appalling and inconsistent but it still beggers belief that any side, let alone one with ideas of winning the Premiership, can concede a 4 goal lead. Even if we allow that 1 (and possibly both penalties) were travesties of justice we let a mediocre team claw back a 4 goal defecit. How can that possibly happen? Even with 10 men a professional side should have enough ability and footballing brains to see out the game. With the greatest of respect I cannot conceive of sides such as West Ham, Wigan, or Blackpool conceding a 4 goal lead. Whilst having players who can only dream of the skills that the Arsenal side have they have professionals who know how to organise and defend as a unit. We quite simply don't. It's not just this game. Anyone remember Wigan last season, 3 goals conceded in 10 minutes to lose, against Spurs, 2-0 up and cruising and we all know what happened. Much as I love the Arsenal, and our attacking brilliance, we will win nothing until a proper defensive coach is employed (Is Keown available? or Dixon? or Winterburn?) or Steve Bould is upgraded from the U18's we will not get any better. My concern now is that EVERY side knows we are weak defensively and more importantly, our players know we are likely to concede at any moment. No lead is safe, the opposition will always believe they can get something and we will be put under pressure. And when that happens we buckle. It gives me no pleasure to say it but I feel the title is now ManUres!

  41. John Evans

    Feb 06, 2011, 13:05 #1721

    At what moment in history have Arsenal had a fourth choice centre back that was top quality? The answer is never. Why would a fourth choice be top quality as if he was top quality he would surely not be fourth choice? Squillaci is fourth choice centre back at the club behind Djourou, Vermaellan and Koscielny so who should be surpirsed that he isnt as good as the three players infront of him in the pecking order? This would be the same at every club on the planet. Who is Chelsea's fourth choice? Whos fourth in line for United? City? People need to get real and accept that not every player in the squad in going to be a world beater. I got slaughtered a few months ago for suggesting Rosicky was passed it, who would argue with that fact now? Were a point closer to the top of the table today than we were yesterday and United have got one of their easier matches out the way, City and Liverpool next for them so we could be even closer in a fortnight and have a few players nearing full fitness by then as well.

  42. Corny

    Feb 06, 2011, 13:05 #1720

    Good piece, few points: 1) Abou Diaby is a liability. Stupidity in the extreme, regardless of end result he's not played much this season and instead of helping the squad he puts more load of those played plenty to date. Idiot. 2) Squillaci's record on the pitch is abysmal. Every time he plays we seem to ship goals and points. (4-0 when Djourou came off). 3) Wenger's substitutions were poor. Rosicky legs have gone long ago, Eboue hardly the player to stabilize things. We took of Theo the one man who could keep Newcastle occupied on a break. 4) Phil Dowd was a joke, Arsenal as bad as they were second half only lost 2 points because of his ineptness.

  43. sg

    Feb 06, 2011, 13:02 #1718

    Squillaci was at fault for giving the hospital pass which caused the red card

  44. Edge

    Feb 06, 2011, 12:54 #1716

    Reading this from a Newcastle fans perspective, the stuff about Dowd gobshite. Did Barton get the ball, yes. Was Nolan booked for his part after the penalty, yes. Were they penalties, yes.

  45. finsburyfry

    Feb 06, 2011, 12:41 #1714

    newcastle must have spent some of the 35 million they got for andy carroll on phil dowd

  46. Northbanksy

    Feb 06, 2011, 12:35 #1713

    Yes, there were some dodgy decisions but the bottom line is that Diaby put the team in a position where poor decisions could make a difference. With 11 on the pitch we would have won this game. Given that we had no defensive midfield cover on the bench Pardews half time talk to Joey Barton would have been simple..."Diaby is a bit fragile..give give him a few kicks & try to wind him up". At 4 nil down & 11 on the pitch for Arsenal they were were facing a landslide.If Diaby went off the mid field would belong to Newcastle & they'd atleast prevent a complete hammering.Lord it was so obvious! Not surprisingly Abou has a short fuse when it comes to crunching tackles, but surely, no one thinks Joey is going to be handing out flowers & chocolates.

  47. king gooner

    Feb 06, 2011, 12:35 #1712

    dowd is a disgrace-shameful-he has history with arsenal & it shows-for the life of me i don't know why wenger isn't screaming blue murder about these refs-had it been ferguson or a few others you could mention they would be demanding a public enquiry into corruption!there are at least 5/6 who clearly have it in for us & are pro MANURE-i'm 100% on this.sites such as untold arsenal arsenal will give you stats on certain refs that will make your curl!!!!

  48. guest

    Feb 06, 2011, 12:29 #1710

    A very detailed and close to the bones summary,great analysis. There the cause lays bare on AW's obstinacy,even a little change would compliment his vision would not sway him. By the stroke of good fortune,he won trophies based on Graham's superb defensive legacy,but it would take miracles or another piece of luck for him to win anything meaningful other than some minor cups. He has vision,but leaky and full of holes,that is why a lot of his statements relate to HOPES,not planning. Because he can not,will not see beyond his own obstinacy.

  49. Feb 06, 2011, 11:22 #1696

    Agreed Benji - VAN PERSIE'S GOAL WAS NOT OFFSIDE. THE BLINKERED TOON ARMY AND MEDIA HAVE CONVENIENTLY IGNORED THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  50. Ian McCarthy

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:56 #1691

    Some of what you say Kev is correct but what about a Leon Best goal given offside that was on. Koscielny was naive for 1st pen giving Dowd a decision to make. Simple lessons haven't been learnt. Poor temperament, ill discipline, no leadership on or off field, disorganised and losing our heads when wise ones were needed. Cesc seemed to man mark Dowd rather than continue playing and concentrate on the team. We were a shambles once we conceded, same old same old. Once a decision goes against us we self destruct, remember Braga away. The red card count is the equal highest in the League and another of many under Wenger. You were right in that our coaching staff would not have prepared the team for the Barton incident as they should have done. Our manager seems to neglect these issues and thinks it's all about playing.

  51. Aziz, KL-Malaysia

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:26 #1682

    The English referees are an absolute shame, disgrace and embarassment. I never came across such biased, incompetent and ridiculously one-sided refereeing. Don’t they have any conscience to sleep after such horrific impartiality ? Or is conscience wiped out by certain contribution ($$) ? Barton with a potential leg-breaking challenge, free, the fouled player gets sent off – no warning no yellow for Barton ?!?

  52. Alf

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:01 #1661

    Great Article !!

  53. Marshy

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:42 #1641

    Excellent article. After witnessing Barton's horror tackle on Diaby, you can clearly see Abou's leg buckle reminiscent of when he suffered a break and long term injury in the past. You can’t justify his reactions, but after the terrible injuries he has suffered it would have taken an exceptional human being not to seek retribution. I agree with your views on Rosicky, nevertheless he was made to look more of liability owing to the incompetenace of Dowd. I agree also that if Djourou had stayed on the pitch we would have won. As optimist I will put yesterday down to a point gained over United.

  54. HowardL

    Feb 06, 2011, 8:55 #1611

    Excellent, logical and well-balanced editorial. If ManUre had not inexplicably lost at Wolves Mason and Dowd would have effectively eliminated Arsenal this week from the title race, regardless of new Wenger signings or poor substitutions. They may have done so anyway with red and yellow cards and injuries. On Tuesday Mason gave the worst offside decision I can ever recall seeing - even Moyes admitted it was wrong and that in itself is unusual. Yesterday Dowd gave the most inexplicable penalty I have ever seen. Maybe our first half perfection was just too much for Dowd to bear, but on the basis of these two facts I think there may well be a conspiracy against Arsenal, Wenger or maybe both. Is the refusal to use video technology linked to this as it could have revealed them at a time when they could have been reversed?

  55. Ddt

    Feb 06, 2011, 8:50 #1610

    Wenger will have to prepare the team for future games ref'd by . Good article. All players should know what to expect from the likes of Barton.

  56. AvenellRd

    Feb 06, 2011, 8:08 #1609

    Lets be fair here, they disallowed perfectly good goal by Newcastle, for all our hatred of Barton, he actually got the ball, first penalty was a penalty, second one not in a million years. To blame it on referee is to become part of Wenger's anyone but me or my players blame culture. And all this crap started when Squillaci and Diaby could not pass ball to each other properly, 5 yards from each other.

  57. Gonnerwin

    Feb 06, 2011, 7:50 #1608

    It's quite simple. Diaby should not have risen to the challenge from that low life specimen Barton. Barton this morning will be having a wry little smile to himself. When will we learn?

  58. Tony Waters

    Feb 06, 2011, 7:06 #1607

    BOB wrote: "And Wenger will carry on fucking up while there is nn one at the club telling him he is wrong - Post No. 1867" Bob you hit the nail on the head. After all those years as top man, he could use a fresh eye to come in and tell him how he can improve things. The new person would report only to him, and ideally would be someone he knows and respects. And recognizes the club's need to sign a top-flight 'keeper.

  59. Tony Waters

    Feb 06, 2011, 6:50 #1606

    I am not generally a ref-blamer, and I realize that even good refs have bad days. But what is especially irksome about today's performance by Phil Dowd could not have been more biased toward the home team if he had been bribed. I am not suggesting that he had been, or even that was biased. But every one of his close calls went Newcastle's way (the "offside" goal was not his call), and two of them changed the outcome of the match. If Diaby was to go, Barton should surely have gone as well. What Diaby did to Barton could not possibly have done him the kind of damage that Barton's two-footed challenge could easily have inflicted. As for the second penalty, I couldn't even see the pretext for it, let alone the foul, and Dowd was not well position to see the ball. Jack Wilshere may be wrong to resort to Twitter, but what he said was right. Inconsistent refereeing is ruining the game. It was always did, but the difference is that now we have the technology to compensate for the severe limitations created by having one referee. Over the course of the season, it evens out. But the root of the problem is that Newcastle are willing to field as well established a thug (with the criminal record to prove it) as may be found in the game today. Most clubs, I believe, wouldn't take Joey Barton on a free transfer, despite his great skill and energy, because his brand of thuggery is not acceptable to most managers. It was his dangerous challenge which got Diaby dismissed, and that's when things started to go bad. Mr. Dowd, like a diligent midwife, delivered the result.

  60. Prezzo

    Feb 06, 2011, 6:13 #1605

    Phil is a bustard

  61. Mohammed

    Feb 06, 2011, 5:55 #1604

    You are right with your remarks on the Ref, and I want to add more, that the foul made before the second penalty was a clear dive as wel as the foul for the fourth goal, and also the second goal was a clear handball.

  62. Rocky Jay

    Feb 06, 2011, 5:50 #1603

    sooo...We lost coz we got a player sent off??? whose fault is that??? Isn't a manager supposed to make the required changes and adjust his team appropriately to mitigate the effects of the sending off?? We have seen teams, crap teams including Liverpool when under The Great Rafa Benitez go down to 9 men and yet come back from behind to win a match!! And our holy Wenger cannot do that?? All Wenger is good at is spotting an upcoming talent!! He then just asks his players to go play! his on-field tactics are worse than even Steve Bruce!!! His substitutions don't make any sense!! And now JD is out!! I am already dreading the Squizzer Kozzer partnership, but am just imagining one of them gets injured! Then Hail Wenger: We gonna see Miquel make his professional debut in the champions League 2nd round match against Lionel Messi, David Villa and their likes!! Imagine the backline against Barca in the home leg: Eboue, Miquel, Squillaci, Clichy!!! Messi, Villa et al gonna get massive hard-ons seeing that!! And God forbid, but what if Song fails to recover! Then we get to see the MIGHT of Denilson protecting them!!! And who should we blame for that?? Chelski and Liverfools who destroyed the market with their over spending?? Some defender who disagreed to join us because we refused to pay an extra 500,000 pounds for him?? No... the only one to blame is Wenger!! and the guys from AKB...go screw yourselves!!

  63. Ashley

    Feb 06, 2011, 4:25 #1602

    After watching some of those decisions again, they are just unbelievable,though not just from Dowd but the linesman as well.Ridiculous decision to give the second penalty, which the linesman should definately have seen, as well as Leon Best's goal which was onside and how Dowd didn't send Nolan off for assaulting Szczesny I will never know, considering he sent off Diaby for the same type of 'foul'. Where's the consistency there? Disgraceful. Doesn't really excuse Arsenal's bad defending, but it doesn't help when you have to deal with refereeing like that.

  64. kamal

    Feb 06, 2011, 3:35 #1601

    moron and 3rd class referee...out there to much hate arsenal coz little english....they just want MU ar chelsea, Tot or Liverpool

  65. hatman

    Feb 06, 2011, 1:20 #1600

    It's amazing - you scroll all the sites and rarely a mention of the poor refereeing by Dowd from the media. This guy should be banished to the lower leagues. There is definately an agenda against Arsenal. They simply do not want to see us win anything.

  66. olly rafferty

    Feb 06, 2011, 1:10 #1599

    well written,the newcastle result was hard to take i smashed my phone off the ground when the fourth went in but if you asked me this morning if i would take a point at newcastle and utd to lose i would of bite your hand off. my theory on arsenal man utd is as follows man utd = money spent,refs,luck where as arsenal =no money spent,no ref decisions,no luck please god let us win the carling cup just to give the lads something to build on and play without fear for the rest of the season,,good luck to the next team who makes a laughable attempt to going the season unbeaten,ha ha(thanks wolves),,up the gunners!!!!

  67. Hari

    Feb 06, 2011, 0:44 #1598

    Now all there is left for the media to once again reiterate how Arsenal need a 'good old fashioned English Centre arf' whoes not afraid to lump it up field, so why dont wenger buy cahill for 20mill, or alternatively zat knight for 15? That would really sort out our problems wouldnt it? Complete xenophobia from the media and ref's towards Arsenal's prodominately foriegn (yet amazingly talented) contingent. Truth is, we drew, man united lost, the gap is four points and with the Manc Derby next week and a home game v wolves for us, its quite possible we will close the gap further next week. We're the only side still in four competitions and the only club that seems to be planning for the future and not shitting debt out from everywhere like united. As for the 'Arsene needs to be sacked' brigade, "We've/You've never had it so good" quote seems to come to mind!

  68. Bob

    Feb 06, 2011, 0:15 #1597

    A history making performance.No team ever in premiership history has ever thrown away a 4 goal lead.That is how bad the collapse was.To concede 4 goals against a team without a recognised striker is unforgivable 4 goals in 20 mins..Wenger really is a prize dick.If he cant see we desperatley needed a CB he should go now.Squillaci joins a list of crap CB's brought by Wenger Stephanovs Cygan Silvestre and now that walking disaster Squillaci.His substitutions stank the house out.Rosicky who is a busted flush and the Joker Eboue were never going to do nothing to stop the tide of Newcastle attacks.This season will be a repeat of 2008 and 2010.Close but no cigar.And Wenger will carry on fucking up while there is nn one at the club telling him he is wrong

  69. crazychester

    Feb 05, 2011, 23:21 #1596

    Wenger stated the other day that he watched the transfer deadline activity unfold with 'satisfaction', happy in his approach of hoarding profits and repeating season after groundhog season with handicaps like Eboue, Denilson, Squillvestre, Diaby and the now useless Rosicky. A pragmatic, ambitious manager would work the transfer market and ditch those guys. It looks like the penny is never going to drop with him or the club. As long as Wenger is manager, the real trophies will never return to AFC.

  70. JJ

    Feb 05, 2011, 23:17 #1595

    I am not an Arsenal Fan but the tackle on Diarby was over the top by Barton is n't there a rule about dangerous play and going in harder then needed which could cause injury to yourself or the opponent?

  71. 6ooner Pete

    Feb 05, 2011, 23:04 #1593

    Absolutely spot on Kevin. Watching the game today there was an inevitability about the final score once it got to 2-4. Just new,either by poor refereeing decisions or naive play from us,that we wouldn't be getting the three points. This one match seemed to sum up our season and the strengths and frailties of our team in one go.

  72. chris b

    Feb 05, 2011, 23:02 #1592

    I have sympathy for arsenal-witness dowds appalling prounited perfomance in last seasons league cup final when he inexplicably failed to send off or even book vidic for his last man assault of agbonlahor. The worst refereeing decision i have ever seen. But in all fairness He was crap for both sides-Leon best had a perfectly good goal ruled out.

  73. James

    Feb 05, 2011, 23:01 #1591

    Only 1 person to blame, Arsene Wenger. His team of feckless wankers. Dowd got 0 decisions wrong, the linesman got two wrong. The 2nd penalty was NOT a penalty and Newcastle had a goal incorrectly disallowed - both were linesman decisions, not referee. Dowd was consistent with the bookings, two yellows for Diaby for two pushes, one for Nolan for one push. The Barton tackle was not a red, it was a hard tackle but his feet never the left the floor and he won the ball - not dangerous. Wenger's team is a pile of hopeless wankers . Losers every one of them.

  74. SImon

    Feb 05, 2011, 22:58 #1590

    Well failed to mention the worst decision.....the free kick leading to their equaliser.

  75. Whinger_OUT-NOW

    Feb 05, 2011, 22:49 #1589

    Sorry Editor but we have NO CAUSE for complaint against offcials. During the early half of the season, Chamakh won plenty of dubious penalties and even Cesc dived a couple of times and was rewarded. We had opposition players sent off for soft fouls and benefitted vastly from them. These things even out over the course of a season, and since Whinger did NOT complain when he benefitted he now has NO reason to whine when it has cost him. There's ONLY one man to blame for all. ONLY one man. Arsene Whinger. They are ALL his players and as long as he keeps buying players on the basis of French passports, this is Arsenal's fate

  76. Tony B

    Feb 05, 2011, 22:40 #1588

    Last january when we had a striker shortage Wenger failed to sign Chamakh deciding to save £7m and get him for free in the summer and the title dream died.This year we are crying out for a quality CB.But Wenger again didnt spend.Why does he keep doing it.He did it in 2008 as well.Why does he fail to strength the team when it needs strengthing.The Man is crazy

  77. Danny

    Feb 05, 2011, 22:34 #1587

    I watched it with my toon fan mate. I said to him "f**k me, 10 men and squallaci is on, you've got a chance!"

  78. Paul Hughes

    Feb 05, 2011, 22:30 #1586

    That is a great article Kevin , I said almost every point after the game. The refereeing was sinister though. There is still no explanation for the second penalty. I have watched it numerous times on the television on slow motion, there is nothing there that even resembles a penalty. We MUST find out what he has given this for, to me , I hate to say looked like he awarded it for nothing to get Newcastle closer to a result. It is scandalous to say the least. If we had of won that game we would have went on to win the league, particularly if we had of carried on scoring I feel sympathy for Diaby, his lower leg was bent at right angles after that tackkle, Barton knew what he was doing with the follow through, he guided his body's momentum into Abou's standing leg. Yes, the sqeullaci is not good enough . End of. Wenger could have won this league by buying one good centre half only. It is inexcusable given thomas is out that he didnt. He always takes theo off ffs!! Eboue can NOT defend.He adds no stability to the defence.

  79. [email protected]

    Feb 05, 2011, 22:29 #1585

    If these are the type of refs that can oficiete the game,then am afraid England will never take WC.

  80. Rob

    Feb 05, 2011, 22:26 #1584

    Some of the collapse was down to school boy defending but that second penalty defies belief. Having watched it over and over again I cannot see why it was given. I can't see any infringement. One of the goals was top drawer - the rest sadly was our own doing and the dodgy ref.

  81. james

    Feb 05, 2011, 22:25 #1583

    I wonder whether there is a conspiracy against Arsenal because it is not perceived as English team. Phil Down was so blatantly pleased to give decisions against Arsenal that it makes you wonder. To make things worse, Jack Wilshere may be punished for a clearly valid opinion.

  82. Kofi

    Feb 05, 2011, 22:24 #1582

    Have you forgotten Phil was behind the infamous bottle sending off of Wenger at Old trafford

  83. MynicknameisKaka

    Feb 05, 2011, 22:18 #1581

    Where are those who said AW was right not to make signings in January? For the upteenth time nobody wanted or expected us to pay over the odds for CB but we needed somebody to be brought in as cover at least. I am so sick and tired of making this blindingly obvious point! As for Barton the mans a criminal, a thug and a barbaric brute. Football is galvanised by overpaid arrogant cocks who have not really achieved anything great. Maybe I'm in a bad mood cause of the result of the match. Or maybe it's because I'm an arrogant cock. It's probably both

  84. Gooner

    Feb 05, 2011, 22:18 #1580

    i bet Barclay's just wanna make the race more interesting. Phil Dowd is a c***.

  85. No Pink Jerseys

    Feb 05, 2011, 22:16 #1579

    Arsenal should manage to close a game leading four nil, even with a player sent off. That fact doesn't in any way explain the utterly poor standard of the refs. Isn't there anyone within the media who's willing to take a serious dig at the subject and start investigate "the eternal untouchable FA" ? I’m dead tired of headlines and articles focusing on the wrong issues, i.e. players/managers ranting about it, and making it into short and spectacular quotes. I'm not into "conspiracies", but I would not be at all surprised if things within The FA in England 2011 are run as badly as football in Italy back in 2005-06. Who'll be the one eager and skillful enough to really check deep into this matter?

  86. Danish Gooner

    Feb 05, 2011, 22:13 #1578

    Wenger failed to do spmething about the squad and pronto Djourou is out,when will he actually do something pro-active.

  87. KMtheGooner

    Feb 05, 2011, 22:11 #1577

    Great article Kevin. Joey Barton is a classless player (nothing shocking in that statement) and should have been sent off with Diaby. Diaby's reaction warranted a red but more so did Barton's challenge. Alou has suffered a broken leg before so his reaction was instantaneous. That's the same type of challenge that is keeping (arguably) their best player Ben-Arfa on the sidelines. I feel that these days the only culprits that go unpunished for that 'errors' are refs!

  88. Theinquirer

    Feb 05, 2011, 22:07 #1576

    After his impeccable performance, referee Phil Dowd will receive an "Excellence Award" from an unnamed football enthusiast & philanthropist, reported to be in the region of around 5 million. Another 30 million will be donated to the RA & FA respectively for their continuous efforts to raise the standard of the game. However a spokesman for the generous tycoon has pointed out that referee Michael Oliver will not receive any gratis payment for his recent shocking performance. In other news, it was revealed that Abou Diaby had in fact received his football education from the famous Clairefontaine Academy for Children with Very Special Needs. Apparently this minor detail was left out from his resume.

  89. Benji

    Feb 05, 2011, 22:01 #1575

    Would just like to say thankyou finally to someone who can actually see the awful performance of officials regularly throughout this season. Phil Dowd was awful, and if the FA do in anyway want to actually improve the game then surely they should fire or take some time to teach him the rules? I do disagree with the idea that Arsenal don't have enough strength to win the title however, its a one off game that was clearly spoiled by the official's performance... One more thing, you missed out Van persie's goal which was clearly level (advantage should lie with attacker) and even that was given offside... Shocking.

  90. DOSA

    Feb 05, 2011, 21:58 #1574

    It is difficult not to see concerted efforts by match official, and by extension FA officials, to frustrate Arsenal and Arsene. The officials are bent on destroying good football so long as it is not played or coached by British person. Barton on Diaby (french) Nolan on Sczenc (Pole). Dowdy on penalties against Kos/Ros. Dowdy with cards for Diaby, Sagna, Ebue, and by implication painted Arsene red for the day. Let FA send all nationals away from their football so that only british will play, coach, manage and officiate - that is the way they want to promote their soccer. GOOD LUCK but SHAME TO FOOTBALL!

  91. henryunderstudy

    Feb 05, 2011, 21:53 #1573

    Gutted when fourth went in and have to confess I was all for taking the draw at that point given they were more likely to score five than us. Come 7.30 though it had turned into a set of results I might have taken even when we were 4-0 up! Agree with pretty much all you said Kevin - editorial as usual spot on.

  92. Yanto

    Feb 05, 2011, 21:51 #1572

    Well done Kev you have managed to say exactly what I am thinking and "Feeling" , I am numb/angry/hurting/embarassed/raging/hacked off etc etc from what happened, to be 4 - Nil up at half-time, against a team with tried and (found Guilty) tested Thugs, surely Wenger and Rice knew what Pardew's instructions to his thugs would be for the second half - we can't compete so kick em at every opportunity - and IF AW & PR didn't warn the players - then they really are living in cloud cuckoo land........ This was an opportunity to gain points and put some pressure on manure - and what happens we blow it - how many times has that happened before!? What is also galling is Wenger's comments in the post match interview - or rather lack of them - If he wants us to continue to respect him, he needs to be up front and honest, not hide behind the usual plethora of soundbites.....he had the chance to strenghten the team in the Summer transfer window and again in January - he failed to heed the obvious signs that the world and his dog can see, we all know he is an erudite, articulate, very intelligent manager and individual - so why? oh! WHY!!!!??? does he not see the inadequacies and ineptitude of the likes of: Almunia, Denilson, Squillaci, Eboue,Diaby and Rosicky, how can he NOT see how 'Bad' they are when they turn in poor performances time and time again...He knew TV5 would be out for an extended period, yet he failed to shore up our back line with a decent defender.....He has only himself to blame, but if this continues - Will we also be complicent in not calling for him to leave - Something I thought I would never hear myself say. I think he should re-imburse every single Gooner who travelled to the newcastle game and Apologise!. Maybe all Gooners who are members of Onlinegooner should/could write and (politely, but firmly) tell him of our concerns and the need for him to take another look at the all too glaring weaknesses in the Arsenal squad...PLEASE Arsene Do "Something"...before it's too late , if it isn't already! :O(

  93. Byo

    Feb 05, 2011, 21:48 #1571

    There is at least an honest attempt at a proper analysis of the match here. But to blame this on Wenger not buying a CB in the last transfer window is preposterous.

  94. RedandDread

    Feb 05, 2011, 21:44 #1570

    Now that both results are sinking in, I am only marginally happier than I was 5 mins after the end of the game @ St. James Park. And I mean marginally! For sure Questions will be asked. What the team has to do now, is find the answers! The poetic sub plots to this unpredictable season conjure up the protagonists in this weekends biggest football stories in match at The Emirates that will highlight our strengths or expose our frailties. A win and we can be back on track. Anything else and the wheels might start to fall off. It is of utmost importance for the confidence of this team that they bounce 3 pts! I hope Arsene digests this defeat, sorry draw, and understand completely why his team capitulated in this manner. Assess the tactics, emotions, decisions fitness and all issues concerned and come to a conclusion and try and draw a line under this debacle! The team has now lost several BIG leads in recent years and I cannot help feeling that this must be a tactical & mental issue to be resolved. And resolved it must. This will always be alike a cancer eating at the HEART of this team if it keeps coughing up big leads late in games-it needs to be removed ASAP. It feels like GroundHog Day and that's not good!

  95. Anisa

    Feb 05, 2011, 21:38 #1569

    Do you also remember the decisions against tottenham when were 2-0 up. It was Phill Dowd. Can arsenal refused to referee our games?

  96. Darren

    Feb 05, 2011, 21:36 #1568

    I though Mason was bad enough midweek but Dowd took it to new Levels today. I really am starting to wonder whether there is a conspiracy against Arsenal. Dowd's decisions went beyond bizarre today. Doesn't excuse us but we really were playing against twelve today. Maybe we should just let Sir Alex ref our next game and be done with it.

  97. Rusting in A Wenger Blunderland

    Feb 05, 2011, 21:32 #1567

    Rather than rejoicing in United's loss as if it improves our title chances, gooners would do better to start worrying about whether or not we can hang on to a top four slot - given Djourou's injury, TV's continued absence, and our inability to defend properly when either aren't playing!!

  98. John Nnnanna

    Feb 05, 2011, 21:30 #1566

    Spot on in your assessment.

  99. Frank

    Feb 05, 2011, 21:29 #1565

    Phil Dowd did not sign Squillaci.Phil Dowd didnt bring off Arshavin and Theo and replace them with two players who are not fit to were the shirt.If Djourou hadnt have gone off we would have won the game 10 men or not.The defence fell apart when Squillaci/Stephanovs came on.We lost every ball in the air and Newcastle were camped around our box.The two substitutions were a disaster.We should have taken RVP off and brought Chamakh on we didnt have an out ball.Rosicky is finished simple as that and Eboue was Eboue,Crap.A word of praise for Szczesny though who even though he let in 4 had a great 2nd half and without him we would have lost.When Wigan happened last season we were told by the AKB brigade that it was a fluke result a one off the same was said after the Spuds game now comes today when we became the first premiership team to lose a 4 goal lead a rcord not to be proud of.If Djourou is out for any period of time forget the title.

  100. dats

    Feb 05, 2011, 21:28 #1564

    Dowd would never dare to put in such a display against the Mancs. There would be no red card & no penalties! Cowardly officials - hold your head in shame! Diabolical, Disgraceful, Despicable!!!!

  101. muzzlejuice

    Feb 05, 2011, 21:27 #1563

    when i heard at the start of the second half that djourou was injured and squid was on i thought oh god we are in doop then i thought thank the lord we have four goals to play with ,the rest is sadly history,still on the brighter side wolves have done what no one else has yet managed,yes today is crap but it could have been even worse.

  102. johnny

    Feb 05, 2011, 21:27 #1562

    The usual scapegoating nonsense... For which of the goals was Squillaci responsible, can you tell me that please? What a load of rubbish looking for someone to blame. We already have 4 CBs on long term contracts and you want Wenger to spend money on a 5th? Thank God you are nowhere near the decision making heart at Arsenal,, we have new contract for Nasri to negotiate but hey let splurge the money on a 5th CB. Just repeating a load of tired, tabloid inspired bunkum.... who would you have bought?

  103. MistaKen

    Feb 05, 2011, 21:21 #1560

    I fear your ultimate conclusion is correct.

  104. Vincent

    Feb 05, 2011, 21:18 #1559

    Well written, liked the 'If the first penalty was pretty soft, then I will have to find a new adjective for the second.' line