The Good Guys

Why are you an Arsenal fan? Perhaps because the alternatives do not bear thinking about

The Good Guys

Why do I support a team that does this to me? How can I support a team where no lead is truly safe? Why oh why do I have to support the good guys?

Why can't I be dense enough to follow Abramovich's millions and whatever they may bring? Why am I not shallow enough to put my fingers in my ears and sing 'blue is the colour' as the tainted trophies come by the oil barrel load? Why wasn't I dropped on my head as a child so I could worship the adulterer adonis of John Terry why oh why?!

If only I could be as vacant as a Manc, cheering Rooney despite him bending my club over for a wage rise, enjoying getting a penalty in every meaningful match from that lovely ubiquitous Webb and celebrating the career of Gary Neville without even a hint of irony. Why am I tragically capable of understanding the concept of debt but incapable of calling the opposition manager a paedophile?

Why was I tragically not born delusional enough to support Spurs? Why isn't my manager famed for his wheeler-dealer weaver-dodger heroics and laughing in the face of bankruptcy from another club's dugout? That Olympic stadium looks well good and all.

We drew, United lost. One point closer.

Twitter: Cloxdale

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  1. Oliver Chessis

    Feb 07, 2011, 8:20 #1839

    Kenny and others, did United show backbone losing to 19th in the Prem? Doesn't matter how you drop points. Fact is, no one thought we would make a point up on United and Chelsea this weekend. Would you have preferred we had all won?

  2. Shropshire Lad

    Feb 07, 2011, 3:37 #1792

    At last. Wonderful. I have to play Fever Pitch again immediately! I sat staring at the screen in disbelief as the second half unravelled but as an Arsenal fan you knew we could lose a four goal advantage but I would not have it any other way. Gooners are different, we are loyal ( only we can criticise the team and Wenger!) we have standards given to us by our clubs history, oh, and we winge a lot! Keep the faith. P.S I still don't know what Pat Rice does.

  3. Charliegeirge

    Feb 06, 2011, 21:55 #1782

    PS: and when I was playing sunday league football on Hackney marshes if someone tackled me like Barton did to Diaby I would have nutted the cunt and made my red card worthwhile........

  4. charliegeorgeok

    Feb 06, 2011, 20:57 #1776

    I am an arsenal supporter because: # I was born and raised in holloway/caledonian road. I am an arsenal supporter because the alternative was spurs........ no way! I am an arsenal supporter because I take the good with the bad because over 40 years of supporting arsenal I've seen the good times and the bad times. I'm an arsenal supporter because every season I believe they will win something....... even though they don't, and I am an arsenal supporter because the are my team....... no matter what............ that is a ARSENAL supporter........go gunners

  5. RJ

    Feb 06, 2011, 20:47 #1775

    We were robbed by a dodgy referee and some poor team decisions. I am saying bad play primarily, but a bad referee helped. we were bound to have some bad results before the end of the season. February is always a shite month for us - let's hope this time we take notice and resolve nil illegitmi carborundum. Come on you reds - 4 trophies still up for grabs. 13 wins in premiership = title

  6. David

    Feb 06, 2011, 16:49 #1751

    How many times has Wenger mentioned our 'mental strength' in post-match conferences over the past few years? He thinks we're all half-wits - we've been spineless for ages. No wonder Cesc wants out.

  7. David

    Feb 06, 2011, 14:46 #1739

    What the AKB brigade dont realise is if we did buy 3 quality players in the positions we are weak in CB,DM and Striker we would be winning major trophies instead of always being the also rans.Its the lack of ambition by Wenger that is holding the club back.Instead we look for the cheap options Silvestre Campbell Chamakh and Squillaci.

  8. nugs

    Feb 06, 2011, 13:28 #1727

    if you think this team can win anything of note than your a fool. we have not got the bollocks when the going gets tough which has proved to be the case time and time again over the last 3 to 4 seasons, personally i think we could win nothing for the next 20 years and you would still get the wenger bum boys bigging him up i personally feel this team has to take 1 step back to take 2 steps forward because i do not think we will win another major trophy as long as wengers managing this team imo, i hope im wrong.

  9. Thesecret7

    Feb 06, 2011, 13:12 #1723

    Wenger slams Barton is a headline . Don`t blame thugs for your own shortcomings AW .If you had spent money buying class in defence Newcastle would never have come back. Now fine Diaby 2 months wages. And spend that money as a deposit on someone worth having

  10. muzzlejuice

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:21 #1679

    Here here at the start of the weekend we would have snatched closing the gap on manure by a point and so rather than dwell on what happened instead lets just focus on reeling in the rest of the points step by step

  11. GunnerBD

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:46 #1646

    Agreed, totally. We will rise no matter, this season is ours.

  12. Kenny

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:40 #1637

    If the Spuds had lost a 4-0 lead we would be pissing ourselves laughing.We would be doing the same if we were 2-0 down at the Lane at HT and come back to win 3-2.When have Utd and Chelsea thrown away such winning leads?Never they dont.Their teams have a backbone unlike ours.We have a manager who is tactically naive.We bring on lightweights like Comedy Eboue and Rosthicky when Newcastle are swarming all over us.A chocolate teapot springs to mind.We have a manager who is clueless and a team who crack under the slightest pressure.