I want Arsene Wenger’s immediate resignation

Reaction from the collapse at Newcastle

I want Arsene Wenger’s immediate resignation

Arsene: Not his finest half-time teamtalk

I want Arsene Wenger’s immediate resignation. Enough really is enough now, I’m fed up of the excuses, I’m fed up of the rubbish, I’m fed up of mental strength, I’m fed up of “I believe in this team”.

This manager is not good enough to manage this club any longer. What on earth did he say in the dressing room at half time? What on earth was Abou Diaby thinking? 4-0 up at half time away at Newcastle and we only draw?! And this manager thinks we’re good enough to beat Barcelona?!

He must think we’re all stupid, he must think we’re all a bunch of thick doughnuts, he must think we earn the same as the players.



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  1. Sudanigooner

    Feb 28, 2011, 17:18 #2702

    Hes shit and he can piss off back to france

  2. G1

    Feb 18, 2011, 14:47 #2460

    Erm you made yourself look like a dick, we beat barca.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 09, 2011, 19:27 #2215

    what an idiot when we do start winning cups you will be singing wenger's praise the loudest or are you a spud in disguise.

  4. Feb 09, 2011, 9:01 #2191

    What a moron - probably wants to snap up allardyce while he's available. Above city, Chelsea and spurs with all their spending. Actually closed the gap last weekend on united which we all would of taken pre match

  5. I believe

    Feb 07, 2011, 23:40 #2063

    he must think we earn the same as the players ????????? Why would he think that.

  6. ardsgooner

    Feb 07, 2011, 23:00 #2061

    Elliot you are an Idiot.

  7. Eddie Johnstone

    Feb 07, 2011, 21:33 #2054

    I agree, does anyone else feel that there now is two clubs ?. There is the club supporters follow & the club that the board plus Wenger belong to. I have been a fan for over 45 years & will be first to say Wenger has done much for our club but it's not his to do with as he pleases, he & the board have an agenda I'm sure it's finish in top 4 & if we by chance win a trophy great. I don't belive Wenger or the board give two monkeys about us they think its just there cash cow BRING BACK DAVID DEIN

  8. Goolam Rawat

    Feb 07, 2011, 18:55 #2037

    Is Elliot Segal a moron or a Spuds fan in disguise? Never heard such utter drivel in my life.

  9. Welling

    Feb 07, 2011, 16:50 #2021

    Top post. All you cretins that are happy with winning nothing for 5 years make me want to vomit. Some tosspot on here even thinks we're gonna beat Barca!! Baaaaaaaaa

  10. Whinger_Out_NOW

    Feb 07, 2011, 16:00 #2011

    All the AKB's taht are here like a pack of bees - you are the real prats and cunts. We have been in this position (all the second place, CL last 16, FA cup hogwash) before and ended up with fuck all. Where were you then? That's right, not one of you were to be seen. Keep breathing air from Whinger's ass and stay delusional. This team will win nothing because they'll choke again and again. We lose to relegation fodder one league under us, then we draw to a horse shit team with no recognized strikers AFTER being 4-0 up. Only a Whinger team could have managed that. The league cup is about the only thing Whinger will win and of course the AKB will try to pass it off as a great achievement that we have been fighting hard for 14 years Fucking ridiculous. Third highest wage bill despite have exactly 3 recognizable names, second highest paid manager in England and this is what he turns in. Claims Barton should have been sent off. WHat bullshit. Only Whinger would say something like that FUCK OFF AKB

  11. Block 6 Gooner

    Feb 07, 2011, 15:30 #2005

    You are a mug mate

  12. Doh Nut

    Feb 07, 2011, 9:05 #1871

    Elliot Segal... Rat says it all. Certainly don't agree with your reactionary vision.

  13. ead

    Feb 07, 2011, 9:01 #1869

    Someone confiscate this idiot's keyboard. Wenger doesnt get it right all the time, but he's the best thing thats happened to the club in a very long time and he bleeds Arsenal.

  14. Wombledin

    Feb 07, 2011, 3:57 #1793

    I just want him to open his freakin chequebook once in a goddam while for pity's sake. Wenger, you should have brought another CB in January and now the rots setting in just like it did last season and the season before and.... You're a great manager but you're also a stingy, tight-ass tw*t who always leaves the squad short.

  15. Rat

    Feb 07, 2011, 3:33 #1791

    I want Elliot Segal's immediate resignation from writing any Arsenal-based articles ever again.

  16. Shropshire Lad

    Feb 07, 2011, 3:13 #1789

    Calm down! Yes it was awful but Wenger produced te team that provided the exquisite football to go 4 up. The only thing you got right is that Diaby regardless of his injury history reacted unprofessionally to a tackle by a player even my budgie knows is a thug Compounded by the the train wrecking mistakes of Clichy and Squillachi and a referee who is in that worrying brigade of referees that mustbe the centre of attention you have the recipe for the disaster that unfoulded before our eyes. Hardly Wengers mistake and at the end of the weekend only Shitty made more progress than us on Manure! Keep the faith.

  17. Arsenal Fan

    Feb 07, 2011, 2:42 #1788

    In Arsene we trust.

  18. Ken

    Feb 06, 2011, 23:29 #1786

    What a waste of words in the English language! Absolute rubbish.

  19. Theo Richards

    Feb 06, 2011, 22:20 #1784

    Daft lad settle down, 6 months time you will be singing his praises for delivering the goods mark my words!

  20. Richard Elelman

    Feb 06, 2011, 21:58 #1783

    I want the immediate resignation of Elliot Segal He's a cunt

  21. xgtdec

    Feb 06, 2011, 21:50 #1781

    Cant believe how quick you all Turn on a fellow gooner....As wenger says judge him in May..well if we judge the last 5 may's he's won not a thing and has failed to invest in the squad with the players it deserves...have a look at Wenger at Monaco.....i cant belive people defend a man like wenger who won titles on the back of other peoples signings and defenders with guts......I'll be judging him again in May...Carling cup is the limit...and even then we could toss that away as easily as yesterday....as the stadium poster says "signings or sign out"...pray Wengers last season!!

  22. HerbertChapmansCat

    Feb 06, 2011, 21:04 #1778

    How old are you?

  23. Tara

    Feb 06, 2011, 19:59 #1772

    arsenal are the best you hear me belive in yourself wenger and players you can win for once. From my 9 year old daughter....!

  24. Roger the Pragmatic

    Feb 06, 2011, 19:50 #1770

    Elliott either is stuck in the 70s when the Gooners were truly shyte (post 1971 and pre 1980) or is a wind up merchant on a slow news day while attempting to validate his paycheck. His rant would hold water if Arsenal were where the Hammers or Wolves are in the table. I agree there's massive inconsistencies, no ruthlessness nor lessons learned, but look at the table, mate. You want to change things with Arsenal in 2nd behind Utd? If there's an irrational change at the top now, the Gooners WILL join the Hammers and Wolves. Next time write about a pragmatic issue or write about Wolves or West Ham.

  25. Errol Flynn

    Feb 06, 2011, 19:32 #1768

    Guy voices his opinion and he should support the Yids, what bollocks Arsenal is not dictatorship, mind you hes talking shit yesterday was a freak Diaby twat two dodgy pens a cheating ref and a screamer how much did we miss Mr. Song. All in all had a big fat let off.

  26. gooner4life

    Feb 06, 2011, 19:31 #1767

    fake supporter u will be chanting wengers name when arsenal are winning

  27. wilton hansel

    Feb 06, 2011, 19:31 #1766

    shut up you fool we dont need to hear this crap from fans like YOU.

  28. Gooner4Life

    Feb 06, 2011, 19:26 #1764

    Fuckin' idiot. Why's it all down to the managers half-time team talk? The players do the talking on the pitch, they have 2 take responsibility 4 this, when everything is going right at half-time, there is not a lot a manager can say to the team. Phil Dowd has cost us 4 points this season. Wash your mouth out and look at yourself in the mirror.

  29. GFyans

    Feb 06, 2011, 19:15 #1762


  30. Mature Arsenal (& Football) Fan

    Feb 06, 2011, 18:37 #1761

    My Norway has got it right (guess it had to take a non_uk person). If PL can review videos to issue bans to players after the game then surely it is anly fair that a club be allowed to have PL review Referees' performances. If that had happened this ref would be banned for too many obvious mistakes as would the Newcastle player who pushed down Arsenal goalie after the goal. It's a mockery in any sport where refs' incompetence can affect results. Those two points could wrongly change the season's outcome.

  31. Feb 06, 2011, 18:32 #1760

    Absolute f****** moron, no Arsenal fan if you ask me. What could Wenger have done about Diaby getting sent off, an inept referee, and a 20 yard worldy volley from a player who previously has demonstrated zero technical ability.

  32. John

    Feb 06, 2011, 18:13 #1757

    Disgrace of a blog.

  33. Jonnie, Toon fan

    Feb 06, 2011, 18:13 #1758

    And you call us lot disillusioned, what a bunch of myopic fans. Look at the decisions again fools. You cracked as you have no defence and stop blaming Barton, if he had been playing for you you would have won.

  34. Sheriff

    Feb 06, 2011, 17:27 #1756

    I 100% agree...Wenger has to go..Its just excuses after excuses...

  35. WashBelly

    Feb 06, 2011, 17:13 #1754


  36. Martin

    Feb 06, 2011, 17:02 #1753

    Totaly agree ,he 's insulting our intelligence if he expects us to Believe his continual rubbish there are only four maybe five players good enough to wear the famous red & white shirt,I'm also fed up of having to defend his cryptic interviews which never have any real meaning,his time has gone

  37. Mark howar

    Feb 06, 2011, 16:58 #1752

    never commented before because we are all entitled to an opinion. Mr Segal, you are twat,go and support Chelsea.

  38. CJM

    Feb 06, 2011, 16:03 #1750

    The message below from Bammers05 actually made me laugh out loud. It sums up everything about the Wenger apologists. Blind faith no matter what. Did you not notice we threw a 4 goal lead away? We didn't win after being four goals up against a team who were in the championship last year and who have zero talent up front! It's a game of 90 minutes, you don't get points for what the score is at half time. Never mind, as long as we were winning at some stage in the game, that's all that matters. Pitiful post. "It's funny how you blame the manager for us conceding 4 goals in the second half, but you don't give him any credit for the fact that we were 4-0 up in the first place". - Post No. 2010

  39. Tim Leguna

    Feb 06, 2011, 16:02 #1749

    AW is a genius. We have watched a style of play and quality of players that I am immensly grateful for. We have been to the Stade de France, Bernabeau, San Siro (twice) Olympic Stadium Munich, Porto (and that's just me) We have seen us win The Double at Old Trafford and Shite Hart lane, Wembley and The Milennium Stadium. Seen creative players encouraged to play and youth given a chance. We are solvent in a fantstic stadium. As others have said we are having a very good season. I too was livid as the second half progressed after grinning like a cheshire cat after 11 minutes. It's not perfect but we are bloody lucky to be Arsenal fans with this guy at the helm.

  40. nairda

    Feb 06, 2011, 15:54 #1746

    100% in agreement.It is time Wenger is called into question.Its only a matter of time before we hear the annual "we will be better next time" speech.Diaby illustrated excently the immaturity of Arsenal.You should be ashamed Diaby,and you are not even that good anyhow.Only one that rates you is Wenger and obviously Wenger lovers

  41. arsenal71

    Feb 06, 2011, 15:08 #1743

    after 52 years of supporting our team this is the lowest i have ever felt! enough is enough wenger either admits his faith in the present squad is misguided or he can go. all you nick hornbyites can piss off too. the team needs passion and so do our so called fans!

  42. Smitty

    Feb 06, 2011, 15:02 #1742

    Seagull your flying in the skies mate

  43. Hugo

    Feb 06, 2011, 14:56 #1740

    You are a disgrace. I bet a) you don't go to games and b) if you do i bet you complain and don't sing throughout. We need real supporters at the Arsenal. Arsene makes mistakes, who doesn't, but not as grave as the one your mother mdae in having you.

  44. shank

    Feb 06, 2011, 14:42 #1737

    Seeing yesterday match, it seems like refree is hell­ bent to punish Arsenal and in to do this he has taken­ season worth of wrong decesions.. 1)Dangerous Tackle on­ diaby by Joey Barton goes unpunished. 2) Tackle on­ arshavin V goes unpunished. 3) Tackle on Van persie by­ newcastle plsyer leads to free kick to newcastle 4)­ First penalty...too soft. 5) Second penalty...non­ existent. 6) Refree was hell bent to give set piece­ chances to newcastle around arsenal half. Simple tacle­ lead to free kick. Third goal is result of that. 7) No­ Red card for same offence on Szczesny by newcastle­ player..Instead, Szczesny was shown yellow card. 8)­ Van Persie legitimate goal dissallowed in the­ end. Most horrible refreeing ever seen.

  45. John

    Feb 06, 2011, 14:36 #1735

    You're an embaressment. What an absolute knee jerk reaction. Bad result today, inexcusable to throw a 4 goal lead away, but look at the bigger picture and statements like yours are absolutely ludicrous.

  46. muggy bone head

    Feb 06, 2011, 14:01 #1733

    this is why i get the ump....its the fans of arsenal that give me the ump....get a life you roll we drew we was shit in the 2nd half. but as most have said still so much to play for. if we lose against birmingham in the cup it will be bad but not the end of the world.

  47. Ed enough....

    Feb 06, 2011, 13:42 #1731

    Get a grip Pal....we are only 4 points behind now...Mug.

  48. Feb 06, 2011, 13:34 #1729

    I'll now hold my breath til i turn blue. So there

  49. Bammers05

    Feb 06, 2011, 13:27 #1726

    It's funny how you blame the manager for us conceding 4 goals in the second half, but you don't give him any credit for the fact that we were 4-0 up in the first place.

  50. nugs

    Feb 06, 2011, 13:16 #1724

    the usual blind mugs on here i see, facts are facts and the fact is if wenger had done the job he is paid very well to do properly we would be 4 pts clear not 4 pts off the top so dont give me this 4 pts off the top still in 3 cups bollocks, were spineless and wenger is tactically incompetant we should have signed a cb and lack cover for song FACT, and at the end the season when we have won fuck all again bar maybe the beer cup(wow) all you morons will proberbly still be wedging your tongues up wengers arsehole, but there you go anyone dare speak out against wenger even though he makes mistakes time and time again and we are morons or the little favourite fuck off and support spurs, personally i would prefer it if the majority of the mugs who replied to this blog would fuck off back to the theatre or watching rugby like you used to before it was fashionable to be football fan

  51. gooner1886

    Feb 06, 2011, 13:04 #1719

    Thick doughnut, you are a thick doughnut

  52. CJM

    Feb 06, 2011, 12:56 #1717

    Elliot is completely right, not just because of what happened yesterday (which must go down as one of the darkest days in our histroy) but more becuase of the complete failure of the last 6 years. Wenger is finished. He has grown a team full of losers. We have no leadership, as was so evident yesterday on or off the pitch. I am sick of hearing about how we have learned from our past mistakes - what have we learned from Wigan last season, Tottingham this (indeed a few years previously), Liverpool in the Champions League a couple of years ago? Nothing - apart maybe from how to throw away even bigger leads. Even with 9 men we should have held on. Shame on you Wenger, shame on you Diaby, shame on the entire team. Losers from top to bottom and it will never change with that man in charge. The 'In Arsene we trust' brigade will be happy for us to plod on for years like this. They demonstrate the same mentality as the citizens of North Korea, blindly following a man who is clearly deluded about what is happening at the Club. Next they will be calling him the Dear Leader.

  53. dev

    Feb 06, 2011, 12:34 #1711

    for those who keep saying that we are playing Barca in Cl, still in the fa CUp AND 2ND IN THE LEAGUE....its not new we have been in this position before and won f*ck all. With the way its going its just matter of time we meet a strong team in the Fa cup and get knocked out. we will end up 4th in the league as usual and lets not even talk abt Barca. so u AKB clowns stop bleating the same shite year after year.

  54. silenstan

    Feb 06, 2011, 12:28 #1709

    partly agree, but he should go at the end of the season. people cite that we are still in 4 comps and 2nd in league. lets see in about 4 weeks shall we, knowing our brittleness we could easily lose the CC final. our displays have hardly been excellent. we will doubtless get hammered by barca, anyone thinking we will win is dangerously deluded. we will have to play skeakyarchie at c/b and might have no d/m the league, well i expect us to slip because when the pressure is on -we do. FAC, all down to the draw. and do you still feel confifent even against orient. we have a manager who has resolutely failed to address issues the fans have seen for 5 years. we concede stupid goals and suffer group psychosis

  55. seasonticket

    Feb 06, 2011, 12:18 #1708

    In what other business would a chief executive authorise spending £2m-£15m on rescources that we can't even use for 2, 3, 4, or even 5 years, all because they can't get work permits? Something is seriously wrong here. If Wenger wants to teach them the 'Arsene'al way, how can he do that if they are playing for Dutch, Flemish, Brazilian, Spanish teams? Or does he fly out every week and spend a day with each of them? Te premier league is so weak this year, and yet people on here are going on about us being 2nd....jesus, we should be 10 points clear by now; IF we didn't have to put up with these second rate defenders. And great, he's now naming his own successor; so all those people who 'cleverly' say who could possibly replace him now have a name to champion. I guess most of them have never heard of Dragan Stojkovic before, but no doubt, he will now be the new name for all these Johnny-come-latelys to shout from the rooftops! They are just as deluded as the manager.

  56. Sean

    Feb 06, 2011, 12:15 #1707

    I'm totally fucked off with the "can't blame the ref" brigade, YES YOU CAN. For years now we've had to play the game to different rules from everyone else. How many times over the past years have we seen 4 or 5 over the top tackles go in on us within the first 10 mins of a game go unpunished and when we put our first physical challenge in it gets a card. I'm affraid the refs also seem to subscibe to the ex pro journey men and 'suck up to them' press that you have to get stuck in as they don't like it 'up 'em attitude, which, as I said, means we have to abide by the rules but all the others when they play us get away with fucking murder.

  57. Tim G

    Feb 06, 2011, 12:15 #1706

    I agree with you. People are blinded that we are 2nd, in a cup final blah blah blah. Fact is we have thrown away 15 points this season, and blew our chances of winning champions league group, due to Wenger not being able organise or motivate the team. If we had gained only 10 of the points we have chucked away, look where we would be. Only Wenger to blame for all this.

  58. HowardL

    Feb 06, 2011, 12:13 #1705

    Some perspective is needed. Arsenal were outstanding in the first half and that is down to Wenger. I've little faith in Diaby but it's understandable that he reacted as he did and Barton should also have received a red (as should Nolan for his push on Szezcesny). No manager can budget for TWO penalty screwed-up decisions as we saw yesterday. So I have sympathy with both our team - warts and all - and Wenger, for whom at present there is no obvious replacement. And bizarrely in some ways, although it should have been better, yesterday's events were a point gained and Manure looked just that.

  59. chris

    Feb 06, 2011, 12:11 #1704

    BRING ON BARCA.....aaaahhhhhhhh

  60. Simon Fry

    Feb 06, 2011, 12:11 #1703

    total nonsense!!!! Rather wenger out i would suggest Elliot out! - 4 points off the top, carling cup final, fa cup, champions league. what would you be saying if we were in a relegation scrap....Go and support someone else and do us all a favour.

  61. Danish Gooner

    Feb 06, 2011, 11:54 #1702

    Yesterday cant be blamed on Wenger it is solely blamed on a shockingly poor,inept borderline corrupt referee and Rosicky.

  62. MIKEholmes

    Feb 06, 2011, 11:45 #1701

    shut up!

  63. GoonerOz

    Feb 06, 2011, 11:30 #1699

    Ludicrous reaction! Yep the Players could have coped better and the Manager could have made better substitutions but pure and simple without the intervention of Dowd we win this 4-1 or at worst 4-2. I've played in matches where the referee acts like this and there is little you can do. After the Italy scandal with referees I am now of the view it could happen here and the evidence of the last two matches indicates it is happening now.

  64. lee

    Feb 06, 2011, 11:29 #1698

    A team off shit bags , managers a wanker whats the problem with tackling arsenal player great tackle by j baron. What the fuck did diarby grab him by the neck fair hard challenge,crunch him back next chance

  65. dan

    Feb 06, 2011, 11:23 #1697

    laughable reaction you are a poor excuse for an Arsenal fan! they aren't robots you know.........

  66. Pabs

    Feb 06, 2011, 11:20 #1695

    you moron, piss off and go back to school

  67. Nobeed

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:58 #1692

    Gotta better idea.. how about you resign from writing utter ***lx Find another team if your are not happy!

  68. ando

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:54 #1690

    calm down as i have said before, it is the managers bullshit patronising rhetoric that must cease with immediate effect

  69. llama

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:47 #1689

    Oh shut up you retard. Four points behind man utd in second, still in all the competitions. 4th bottom in the squad investment tables, but the most financially secure team in the PL pre the 2012 craziness. What on earth do you want? Be realistic you stone aged obese face wank,

  70. Guuner4life

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:43 #1688

    Were you actually watching the game? It had nothing to do with Wenger's teamtalk or decisions, it had everything to do with a bent referee and Diaby's red card. I doubt you can pin those on the manager.

  71. Mike

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:42 #1687

    This article is possibly the most ridiculous I have ever read. You are a waste of space.

  72. Timbuktu

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:42 #1686


  73. Angry Fan

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:34 #1685

    Totally agree with you!!!! Wenger out!!

  74. GoOnEr 889

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:34 #1684

    Mr Elliot Segal you are mad and idiot. we always trust him he is only the man who can help the team to win trophies because "IN ARSENE WE TRUS"!

  75. Tommo

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:31 #1683

    If you can't take it you know what to do...... Go fuck yourself!

  76. Feb 06, 2011, 10:23 #1681

    what a monkey, you are. i thinks arsene is the best manager this league has seen, making the team profitable as well as still competing for the champions league title. you obviously are just a bandwagon fan...

  77. The Happening

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:22 #1680

    @Elliot Steady on son! Titles are not won/lost in February! 22nd May 2011, Judgement Day!

  78. Hemel Gooner

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:19 #1678

    What are you on mate? We performed badly yesterday, added to be the ref being bent. BUT were four point off the top of the table with a third of the season to go.... Manure WILL drop points as they still have to play Chelsea twice and us, mancity, Liverpool etc. Arsene Wenger may be a tight git but there is no other manager in the world right now that could have let this team to be within winning FOUR trophies this year at present!!! We all say stupid things after bad games but your comments beat the all mate. Keep the faith.... my prediction is a double seasons on the cards....

  79. Neil

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:16 #1677

    your a muppet now fuck off and support the spuds

  80. Sam

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:16 #1676

    I agree mate!! U will obviously ha e to contend with arsene wengers hate mob otherwise known as the Akb's. But hey do they hurt like we do. Course not for it they did they would beg for change. If we didnt win another game for two years, i bet they would still defend him

  81. Michael

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:16 #1675

    Go fuck yourself. You do not deserve to have a manager like Wenger in charge bringing great international players. Sign good citizens like Barton, Nolan & co and enjoy your fucking PL. Idiot

  82. Angus

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:15 #1674

    Have a word with yourself

  83. crazyenglishman

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:10 #1673

    here here the fucking should resign

  84. Dan

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:10 #1672


  85. jedi

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:07 #1671

    I agree.... we need to get rid of this plonker called Arsene Winger

  86. james

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:06 #1670

    I totally agree enough is enough.

  87. Richard

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:05 #1669

    What a dick head!

  88. Rascal Crowe

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:05 #1668

    Wenger out!!!???? TW*T!

  89. Nick

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:03 #1666

    You're a moron

  90. artsi

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:03 #1665


  91. tom peters

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:02 #1664

    Lucky Arsenal - Van Persie's disallowed goal was onside!

  92. Joel

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:02 #1663

    You are a mug. We stuffed up. Get over it!!! It ain't over till the fat lady sings. Dowd is an @ss.

  93. GoonerMAC

    Feb 06, 2011, 10:02 #1662

    You speak for yourself, mate. I believe in this team and I think we can win trophies this season. We can beat Barca (I don't think we will) and we can win the leaque. We've got a good draw in the FA Cup too. We're second in the league a point ahead of Man City with a game in hand and only 4 behind Man U. We should be 2 points behind Man U after yesterday but we aren't. It's no need for the garbage you've posted. You need to get some perspective or better still go and support someone else and post this negative shit about them.

  94. Aziz

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:59 #1659

    You are absolutely emotionally driven going overboard into hyper crisis mode - man, sit down relax first. This is one of the worst pamphlets I've seen from someone calling himself a gooner ... bah !

  95. Kiri

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:58 #1658

    Grow up

  96. Bahrain Gooner

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:58 #1657

    Dear Gooner, I understand your frustration. When the barcodes scored their 4th i felt my heart will stop. My body got cold, I could feel cold blood flooding from toes to my boiled head. Now I can understand that things can go wrong in 20 minutes. in fact it take few minutes to lose for as high as 4. Wenger has made a crime for not getting a defender in the winter break. 90% of what happened was due to the ref. He terrorised our players with his shocking decisions. I felt our players feared for their bones, let alone the silly cards thrown at them. If Barton was booked Diaby would not have acted like that. He simply feared for his legs. Then 2 shocking penalties that added salt to insult. I have been watching football day and night from all over the world leagues and cup for the last 30 years but i have never never anything like that. United loss did not get me comfort, cos i still can't understand how the FA let someone like Dowd refereeing a football game!!!!

  97. mm

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:57 #1656

    elliot segal... Sh0uld shut the fuck up.... Go support the mAncz u wAnk..

  98. Paranoid Gooner

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:54 #1655

    And replace him with ....?

  99. bob

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:54 #1654

    well done this site is now **** on my newsnow feed. Go support united u glory-hunting tool, and yes i bet he does think u are stupid

  100. Nazifi

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:53 #1653

    We want wenger 2 sign first class players or he leave

  101. nrod

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:51 #1652

    Its a pity the internet gives a forum to the likes of you. You discredit the name of your own blog

  102. John

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:50 #1651

    Its stupid supporters like you who we dont need supporting ARSENAL. your the biggest looser ever mate just stop posting Nonsense on the net please. wenger out....? you clown its the flipping players on the pitch who need to pull there socks up and fast. anyway delete this site its a waist of space

  103. kiwiobrien

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:49 #1650

    What a complete rant of crap. Are you twelve?

  104. Ron

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:49 #1649

    I would prefer you shut up to bad month the team manager. We all disappointed last night but such wording is discouraging and no good for the team and its supporters. If you support the team, pls use a polite way to present your view. If you simply want a team can pay all those expensive players, pls go to manu city. If you want a team which can win almost all of the matchs and full of stars, pls go to Barca. While pls be reminded even Barca has so many self-developed players, they are still paying very heavy wage bills and transfer fee and do has some low rate players and of course in heavy debt. With the self-financed methods, almost those majors Euro leg, I don't see there is any team which can generate so much players value, club performance and results, and sound financial situation. Even you do not credit it, pls try to be polite and considerated

  105. jj

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:47 #1648

    grow up pal.

  106. gunner fan

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:47 #1647

    stop talking bollocks

  107. Feb 06, 2011, 9:46 #1645

    You are an absolute retard. One of the most ridiculous posts I have ever read

  108. Gooner4life

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:45 #1644

    You obviously got no brains! If you had any sense you retract those words. What would a new manager do? put us in more debt and there no guarantee we win trophies anyway. Yesterday was a messed up situation but main thing is we didnt lose, just a bad day! Now shut up u twit and use your head!

  109. Feb 06, 2011, 9:44 #1643

    Why don't you wait till we play barcelona and then say about the result. When this team will win against them then you should you will have to suck your own cock my friend.

  110. Fanny

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:43 #1642

    Zzzzzzzzzz. Your post got no edge you thick doughnut

  111. Mydeejay

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:40 #1640

    Elliot you sir are a prat, sit back down in your armchair

  112. Behind the away bench

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:40 #1639

    Idiotic post

  113. ClockEndRider

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:40 #1638

    Second in the league. Final of the Carling Cup. Knock out stage si of the Champions league. 5th round of FA Cup. That's right, we'll make things better by getting rid of the manager. Grow the fuck up, you child.

  114. Peter King Oloo

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:39 #1636

    Noise my man, I bet my bottom dollar u wd be ol praises if it had ended 4-3 to Arsenal. Did u c the referee's performance? Wd u give the two penalties? Be rational. It ws a piss poor performance a'ight, bt it doesn't call for Wenger's head, unless u got a better coach in mind.

  115. Arsenal Fan Norway

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:37 #1635

    Get real, it was that jail bird that made 2 footed tackle, its all your english mentality , kick and run football, act like men, it was that reff that gave 2 soft penalty, what do u want from wenger to get on the field and kick the reffs balls, like someone should. this game should be replayed, no point to play 38 games a year if some of them have been fucked up by some bad reff, and its happend not just to arsenal, but the others too,, that same reff that gave that everton goal , was on the field against stoke and gave them 2 offside goals, same mother fucker , where is the FA, drinking tea ??? PL is a joke.

  116. Jon

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:35 #1634

    I know, only second in the league, it's disgusting. And still in all majir competitions, but who cares about that. Get us a good British managerlike Pardew or Allardyce who'll send the team out to "get stuck in" and kick the crap out of the opposition. I used to think that the average Arsenal fan was quite bright. Where have all these morons come from?

  117. griffo

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:34 #1633

    i could not belive when the players came off at full time wenger was tapping each one on the back,what message does that send to everybody who supports our great club,the players should have been made examples of not treated as if the result was ok ,......typical our manager needs to grow some balls or seriously get the f... out .

  118. gunnergetcha

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:34 #1632

    after this article youve written, can i say, you are a fckn muppet. umm, YOU FCKN ABSOLUTE MUPPET

  119. tg

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:33 #1631

    Toys. Back in the pram now.

  120. Enkuneh Eyob

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:32 #1630

    i really agree on the idea posted above. it's not written in our forehead that we are fool.he must resign now.

  121. pmar

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:31 #1629

    get real you twat, If you want to quit supporting this club good, wenger is the boss good or bad, wake up and smell the coffee. Dick Head

  122. dave

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:29 #1628

    you absoloute fool, we're having our best season in years and because of a referee having a disasterous second half you want to throw it all away. You sum up everything that is wrong with the modern day fooball fan, i have supported arsenal for 45 years arsene wenger is the best thing that has happened to arsenal in all that time

  123. jamiethegooner

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:28 #1627

    Elliot you truely are a proper fuck wit. Yeah Wenger out, blah blah blah blah. We gained a point on Utd yesterday, Sack Wenger. Fucking knob you support yids they are your mentality

  124. graham lewis

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:28 #1626

    No more 17yr old midfield proteges get 2 good centre halfs thats the REAL priority-Richard Dunne left Man City for peanuts -where were Arsenal then ?

  125. Feb 06, 2011, 9:27 #1625

    i couldnt agree more..

  126. Ian

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:27 #1624

    Fuck off and support Spurs you moron, you deserve each other.

  127. scott

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:25 #1623

    You are a twat. Call your self a fan. Get real.

  128. Feb 06, 2011, 9:25 #1622

    4 points behind top of the league, league cup final, FA Cup, Champions league tie against Barcelona.... One of the most financially stable clubs in the world.... Sure sack Wenger - Can't see anyone else wanting him.... moron

  129. Nuff Said

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:24 #1621

    You just proved you are a thick doughnut..

  130. paul1310

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:23 #1619

    2nd in the league, playing barca in the champions league, in the FA cup still, and in a calling cup final. Stop typing rubbish!

  131. cesc fabregas

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:22 #1618

    I agree m8, all the stuff is right, get WENGER OUT!!

  132. Danny

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:20 #1617

    Do me a favour!!

  133. TonyB

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:18 #1616

    You've mugged yourself off mate.

  134. Online Gooner :hehe:

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:18 #1615

    What a lot of nosense, Mr Elliot Segal you are simply an idiot so go back under the stones where you belong

  135. Feb 06, 2011, 9:18 #1614

    You are obviously incompetent. Idiot!

  136. Goonerdad

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:16 #1613


  137. ArseneWenger

    Feb 06, 2011, 9:14 #1612

    I can cope.