Fans’ over-reaction worse than Diaby’s!

Positive take on the point at Newcastle

Fans’ over-reaction worse than Diaby’s!

Messi: Might as well be plying his trade in the Scottish Premier

I am starting to come to the sad conclusion that some of our so called supporters are possibly the most fickle in the country. The reaction to the Newcastle result has been nothing short of embarrassing in my eyes with some people claiming that the result was proof enough that AW’s time at the helm of the club should be at an end. How short sighted can anyone get?

We currently sit four points off the summit of the Premier League with thirteen games to go. We have undoubtedly played our toughest games of the season on paper and have the easiest run-in out of all our main rivals. We are in the final of the League Cup and we are also still in the FA Cup with a great opportunity to progress to the Quarter finals stage and have an exciting tie to come against the best team in Europe in the knockout phases of the Champions League. All this has been achieved with major members of our first team squad being injured for long spells and on a fraction of the budget of our main rivals.

What have we really got to moan about as a set of supporters? Sure we didn’t buy anyone in the transfer window, but how many centre backs does any one team need? Why should that number be higher than a four? Why should we need a world class player to warm the bench every week when players we already have will be fit in the near future? Sure we have deadwood in our squad and we all know who they are but so does every other team on the planet. If AW had gone out and bought a further CB as cover and then that player got injured would everybody blame him for not buying cover for the cover? If most of the current players that are either injured or suspended come back within the next couple of weeks as they should then we should have enough to beat the teams we are going to come up against over the next couple of months. Even with missing a couple of names we should still pick up more points than our rivals over that period of time so where would that leave us come April? Pretty bloody close to the top that’s where.

United are no better than us this season, I have seen enough of them to make that assumption and I feel the league table will back that up come May, which is the only time you can make a true comparison as at the moment the games we have played make the league table a bit of a farce in my eyes. We are stronger than Chelsea even taking into account the £75m they splashed out last week and when you look at the tactics City recently employed against us then that gives you some indication of the levels of respect other teams including the top ones have for our side. I wont even mention the other team in North London as I for one cant see them finishing in the top five come May. The way Liverpool seem to be coming into form I can see them overtaking our soon to be East London rivals.

The weekend, regardless of what all the doom merchants would have us believe, was a very successful one with us edging a point closer to the top of the league and getting one of the more tricky games out of the way. Newcastle away or Wolves away? I know what one I would rather play on a regular basis. If we had drawn Saturday’s game 0-0 would people now be calling for the manager’s head? We played some of the best stuff we have produced in years in the first 25 minutes at Newcastle. It brought back great memories of us going away to teams like City and Middlesboro and being four up inside half an hour and I for one enjoyed that a lot. Yes we fell apart when down to 10 men but come on, some of the decisions taken by the referee were verging on criminal. The second award of a penalty was embarrassing, if that is a penalty then there would have to be ten a game as a minimum.

We don’t seem to be getting the rub of the green at the moment in terms of refereeing decisions and that needs to change for us to get the points our play deserves. And we also can’t afford too many first teamers to get injured as our back up isn’t as strong but that is the same at every other club. Earlier on in the season Chelsea were without their two first choice centre backs at home to Sunderland and they went on to lose 3-0. Where was their strength in depth then? Ferdinand gets injured in the warm up against Wolves on Saturday, Evans replaces him in the United starting line up, United lose the game 2-1. Where is the fourth and fifth choice centre back quality there?

We should get a reality check and wake up to the simple fact that our squad players are not as good as the first choice XI and that is why they are warming the bench when everyone is fit instead of being out there playing. No team in the world has top class players in reserve en masse. If Messi gets injured at Barcelona who comes on to replace him? Pedro anyone?

Talking about Barcelona who on here seems to give us a hope in hell against them? It doesn’t seem to be too many judging the comments that are being made. We should remember that the league they ply their trade in makes Scotland look competitive. Messi seems to score hat-tricks every week and sure enough he is top quality but that does seem to suggest that the opposition aren’t up to much. We got well beaten last season in the last 60 minutes of the second leg but we were 3-2 up in the tie after 20 minutes there and that feat was achieved with a largely reserve team side. If we can manage to get Song, Djourou and possibly even Nasri fit for the second leg I wouldn’t mind suggesting we finish much closer this time round after the full 180 minutes.

Just what would all the negative vibes have to say about that if we managed to knock out the best team in Europe, and get some silverware on the sideboard on the 27th?

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  1. Mike

    Feb 10, 2011, 21:01 #2261

    Most of that is utter rubbish, yeah we've played "our toughest games of the season", but i'm more worried that we can't hold onto a lead against a, frankly,average at best Newcastle side, whose owner has turned them into a laughing stock. It's not the number of centre backs that matter, it's the quality, ditto keepers. The only player who showed balls last Saturday was Jack, & he's so young his balls have only just dropped!! Man Ure are far beter than us this season as (Wolves excepted) they've proved that they don't know when they're beaten. What happened at St James's Pk has, sadly, happened on too many occasions over the last few seasons. Barcelona outplayed us for approx. 90% of the two games last season, & will do the same again this time. That's not being negative, it's being realistic. Far too much deadwood in the starting xi on a regular basis to think we can win the Premiership. As has been said numerous times previously, our best xi are a match for anyone, but it ain't gonna appear more than a handful of times through a season. Denilson,Eboue,Bendtner simply not good enough. Diaby nowhere near consistant enough Rosicky way past his best. Nasri has carried the side far too often, Jack will be sensational & hopefully become an Arsenal legend. Walcott will blossom when he's played down the middle, & good as he is, you won't get a full season out of Van Persie. Wenger will go down in history as a true Arsenal great, I hope it doesn't all end in tears.

  2. tpm

    Feb 10, 2011, 13:13 #2249

    support from sammy mooner,the worst writer on here, says it all. haha

  3. Sammy Mooner

    Feb 10, 2011, 10:34 #2232

    Good stuff from John Evans once again. Ignore all the Wenger out twats John they know jack shit about anything other than ranting, bleating and making total arses of themselves.

  4. Pam Devon Gooner

    Feb 09, 2011, 17:33 #2211

    well said!!

  5. Jack

    Feb 09, 2011, 13:45 #2204

    Put a sock in it nugs........everyone has heard plastic platitudes like yours before. God I bet the club wish they could have a fans transfer window to get rid of the likes of you. Your really boring fella, Im certainly happy to watch the best football in the EPL, being a fan is like being in a relationship....its full of passion, frustration, anger and elation. Only club in all 4 comps and your still beating your plastic drum! Bitter little men like you are just an annoyance no real fans pay any attention....You will be perfect for a little club down the seven sisters (you should know where that is being "born and bred" haha)

  6. nugs

    Feb 09, 2011, 13:25 #2202

    and just for the record i will support this club no matter what they are in my blood, but i dont like what this club is about at the moment they more for making money and pleasing the shareholders and imo lack ambition on the pitch and wenger is happy to play to their tune, if you are happy giving these people your hard earned cash for little return thats up to you, its the fans that make a fucking club and we are nothing but a cash cow to these wankers

  7. tpm

    Feb 09, 2011, 13:00 #2201

    gooneron most of what you say is tosh. re competing, i dont mean compateing in mickey mouse competitions the big clubs dont take sriously, ie the CC and indeed fa cup..thats not a sign of genuinely competing as the big teams often put out weakeaned signs. the competions that teams go all out to win, ie the PL and CL are the yardstick, and we have not come close in the last 5 years. the cl semi who genuinely thought we would beat man u...not many. as for the signings issue. its all well and good JD being identified long term, buts iin that time hes often been injured, so it really makes sense to build around someones whos never available. on your basis perhaps we should sign woodgate, hes a fine defender, but oh wait hes always injured....SS is awful. stepanovs level and to say kos is any better than decent is a traversty to our past dfenders and shows how starved of quality we are. in time he could be very good, but his performances this season have been extrmely erratic and have been decent at best. once again what other club with serious aspirations has a player still learning his job as 1st choice in such a criucial position... finally if you dont think we need cover for song youa re painfully deluded. the club have significant transfer funds (funds that are ringfenced and wont impact our financial future, before anyone jumops on that wagon)....why not spend them to give yourself the greatest possibly chance of winning rather than making do????????????? thats why AW is responsible as hes not doing all he can to win. if he was i would have no issue with years of failure, as we did our best. for the past few years we havent.

  8. nugs

    Feb 09, 2011, 12:25 #2199

    jj bergkamp just to let you know i was born and bred in nw london have been following the arsenal since the late 70's was a regular h ome and away during the 80's and 90's plastic i am not, i do not attend anymore simply because i am just a poor working class lad who cannot afford it and hey dont apoligise m8 you cant help being a prick

  9. danalovAFCXI

    Feb 09, 2011, 10:15 #2194

    The Newcastle game was a shambles - I think its ridiculous that even 4-0 up us as Arsenal fans can’t ever relax. Yet at the same time it was a great game and that’s why I love Arsenal. Sure I want trophies who doesn’t!!! but all the time we have a cavalier attacking approach to games we are going to get results like these. Diaby should have known better but i think there comes a time when enough is enough and you need to deck some little twat giving you grief. I have to say some of our fans need to rain it in a bit we are getting to be the scousers of the south in our over reactions sometimes.

  10. JJBergkamp

    Feb 09, 2011, 10:02 #2193

    Sorry nugs, I forgot you dont understand, Its called being a fan, you know through thick and thin, not just when were winning. Plastics like you, should remain firmly on the armchair and you can just check every May to see if we have won something so you can crawl back out of the woodwork

  11. Oliver Chessis

    Feb 09, 2011, 9:30 #2192

    People are missing the point about Best's disallowed goal. If that goes in, the rest of the game changes. However at 4-4, if Robin's goal is allowed, we probably win

  12. Feb 09, 2011, 8:27 #2190

    I thought Messi scored a hat trick against us - did I miss the Arsenal move to Scotland! Two centre backs injury prone, two centre backs not up to premiership standard and a midfield holding player who if he moves back into defense cannot be adequately covered. You are right in saying we have done very well - so far but I feel just like last season we will be found wanting. I don't blame Wenger cos there ain't no money -it's all smoke and mirrors to hide the true financial state of the club. The crippling effect of the stadium debt remains a millstone and for another 5 years I suspect. But let's enjoy the roller coaster ride. We play the best football in the premiership and we are dreadfully inconsistent - let's enjoy and let's whinge - a Gooner defined! Arsenal are like a box of chocolates......

  13. Wombledin

    Feb 09, 2011, 4:10 #2184

    How dare you call Arsenal supporters fickle. The truth is we are the most patient, long-suffering fans for such a club of our stature. The fans of other so-called big clubs wouldn't put up with 6 seasons of no trophies and no cup finals the way we have. No other team would have so many fans still loyally supporting their manager of such a long run without real success. The constant theme that "we are so near the top of the table" and "we are in doing ok in the Cups" is a tired mantra. The fans are sick of being bridesmaids at best year after year. It's not "Arsene Knows" but GLORY FOR ARSENAL F.C. OR GO!. That's the new fans mantra. Time to deliver or be gone with ye, no more excuses.

  14. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Feb 09, 2011, 1:02 #2183

    The AKB have exactly 3 points they always make - Whinger saves money, he has brought a lot of "glory" to Arsenal and the always tries and tested point is, Arse won nothing in the 70's so we should be forever grateful to Whinger by living in the past and pulling down our pants and bend over en masse in front of him What utter bollocks. First and foremost, who the fuck cares about the 70's? Sane people always look UP and NEVER down. Just because Arsenal won nothing in the 70's, that should excuse Whinger's misdeeds of the last 6 years? By that daft logic, Pool never need to win anything anymore going by their past record, yet ask them about it and you'll hear the correct answer. In 14 years, Whinger has won 3 titles. How any does Fergusmoan have in 14? But wait, this is where the AKB will pull out the money excuse. But did lack of money cause our collapse of 2002 when we collapsed (surprise, surprise, 9 years later, Whinger's team is STILL at it) with a 11 point lead faster than John Terry dropping his trousers. And NO AKB EVER mentions that when Whinger came in, he had basically 6 players that picked themselves. Graham gave him half the team and Rioch added Bergkamp (despite delusional claims from AKB that Bergkamp was a enger signing before he joined) and the core defensive unit. Funny how Whinger has won just one title and one incredinly lucky FA cup after GG's defensive unit disbanded. When he had to build a team of 11, we have seen the results over the last 6 years. Not only can Whinger not build a team, he has 0 tactical knowledge and absolutely refuses to learn from past mistakes which is why we are still complaining about opposition thuggery and referees - 6 years after Manscum ended the Invincibles run. Whinger cannot coach defense which is why the defenders make the same mistakes again and again and yet this "greatest manager" of all time with his "greatest ever team" should be worshipped purely on the basis of his past achievements. Way to go. Delusional to the core...just like their master

  15. Rhys

    Feb 09, 2011, 0:46 #2182

    I'm a Geordie and don't doubt that if I was an Arsenal fan I'd be screaming about the Barton tackle - but both players went for a 50-50 ball and he won it first.....but either way the Arsenal players' reaction was unjustified. It's also a little biaised to talk of the second penalty. I agree it wasn't a penalty -far too soft - but at the same time the linesman gave it having just ruled out a perfectly good goal for offside, so it levels out....and we've all seen officials "even the score" - I'm not saying too wrongs make a right, but please give the Geordies a break....we had a eprfectly good goal disallowed by the officials and you're claiming the officials handed us the match on a plate! Quite frankly Tiote's goal was exceptional and without that we'd have lost because of the disallowed goal....would you be complaining about the penalty or the officials then?

  16. GoonerRon

    Feb 08, 2011, 22:25 #2176

    tpm - To answer your final question (I feel I can as I consider myself a 'true supporter'). I don't doubt we have money to spend, the fact is Wenger has done his CB shopping in the past two seasons. He let Toure go 2 seasons ago to allow Djourou to come through. Djourou has been at the club for over 7 years and clearly Wenger saw in him what we have seen for most of this season. Last summer he had to buy more CB's and chose Koscielny and Squillaci. From what I can gather our scouting network are thorough in the their appraisals of potential signings (I remember reading Sagna was watched 30 times before we bought him) so they saw enough in Kos to buy him. To say he is 'decent at best' is ridiculous - he has shown consistent improvement throughout his first season and at 25 has room to become a mainstay of the team for years to come. He has been very impressive in the last few months, particularly. Squillaci has been disappointing in as much as he is experienced in European football but hasn't displayed leadership when I would have liked him to (i.e. in the second half on Saturday). That said, he is no where near as bad as people will make out. As things have panned out he is clearly 4th choice at CB and a good one at that. As for bringing in a 5th CB, Wenger has always said he sees 4 CB's as sufficient when we have Song as cover and he clearly rates Bartley as longer term back up. So of the 4 CB's we have, one has been through the ranks at the club for 7 years, one was purchased 2 years ago and had a tremendous first season and the other 2 are new purchases still acclimatising to the league. For these reasons I was never convinced he would, or would need to, buy another CB unless TV had a significant set back for the season or Squi's hamstring injury was long term. As for the DM position, we have seen a subtle change to the shape of our midfield this season, with the 4-3-3 morphing into more of a 4-2-3-1. This means there is less defensive responsibility on a single DM (i.e. Song) but a more collective responsibility (i.e. Song and Wilshere, Diaby and Wilshere, Denilson and Diaby etc). With Ramsey coming back to fitness Wenger must think we have enough potential partnerships for those positions that we don't need further cover, a bone fide DM, to play back up to Song. I'm not saying we couldn't spend £20m and improve the general quality of our CB's, for example, but what I'm saying is Wenger has addressed lack of numbers at CB in the summer and he will give it a season (which is reasonable for new players coming into the club) before deciding if anything needs changing.

  17. Frankie Boy

    Feb 08, 2011, 22:18 #2175

    Blame it on the ref,Blame it on the opposition kicking us,Blame it on the pitch,Blame it on Global warming and Blame it on the Boogie.But dont ever tell the truth and blame it on the person who is to blame Arsene Fucking Wenger

  18. Rob Bullen

    Feb 08, 2011, 22:12 #2174

    This capitulation is happening too often, we are not fickle, just used to our representatives on the pitch rolling up thier sleeves and digging in! i will always love Arsenal, that is unquestioned, however i dont have to like certain members of staff, who quite frankly dont deserve to be there! Arsenal will always be, staff members will come and go, i personally wouldnt care if we didnt win the PL again, i stood on the North Bank for many a year without it, as long as our reps put in 100% every time they put on that shirt!

  19. GoonerRon

    Feb 08, 2011, 22:00 #2172

    TPM 'anyway its not about winning...its about genuinely competing for the major trophies, which we have not for 6 years.' By genuinely competing I presume you mean getting to the latter stages of competitions with a chance of winning them? I must have imagined the FA Cup win in 2005, Champions League final in 2006, Carling Cup final in 2007, being one win away from the title in 2008 and getting to the FA Cup and Champions League semi finals in 2009. Maybe not too many trophies there as fine margins often decide crucial games, but certainly you can't complain about us 'not genuinely competing.'

  20. Ando

    Feb 08, 2011, 21:28 #2171

    Bollocks if you can't defend a 4-0 lead you dont win fuck all forget the ref Wengers priority is in all the bonus related transfers he gets from selling players he has bigged up while the real talent all gets loaned out bring on barca we will see who has the balls

  21. tpm

    Feb 08, 2011, 20:52 #2169

    also if we signed a CB would a world class CB end up on the bench???????? for starters there are no world class CB's at the club at present anyway....not to mention the facts that ss is shit, tv and jd are injury prone (jd especially which is well known) and kos is decent at best but still learning. shouls a top 4 club have someone whos still learnng his game as 1st choice cb??? finally for all these idiots saying dont overreact etc, can you answer a few simple questions, do you think we have 25-30m ring fenced transfer funds to spend? do we need more than one defensive midfielder? would you like CB cover? if yes can you justify why the manager did not do everything in his ability to address these issues, and why hasnt he for the 4 years they have existed? if no please explain why? is 30 million not enough to buy a 10 million DM and 20 million CB, or vice versa? none of the true supporters will address these questions.

  22. nugs

    Feb 08, 2011, 20:39 #2168

    jj bergkamp haha what an absolute crock of shit your responses never fail to make me laugh! ivan and arsene and all the shareholders would be proud.

  23. tpm

    Feb 08, 2011, 20:33 #2167

    yet more bollox from augustus caesar. arsenal in this day and age are a world away from the team back in the 60s-80s. many teams could win the league then, arsenal were nt a massive club. We are now thanks to AW. we became a european superpower, and were on the verge of english domination...thats why not winning stuff for 6 years is a massive issue now. back then we were a big club but just one of we are way beyond that and expectation has rightly gone up (although we are now declining)...anyway its not about winning...its about genuinely competing for the major trophies, which we have not for 6 firstly the comparison with past times is total BOLLOX as is saying we've never had it so good and don't know how lucky we are. Finally so's the argument about not winning...that completely misses the point...the prblem is we are not realistically competing.

  24. Chris

    Feb 08, 2011, 19:43 #2165

    Not buying defensive reinforcements (even if they weren't from England) was indefensible and bringing on Eboue for Walcott was asking for trouble - but I've heard people ask what Arsene Wenger actually does at half time. Whatever he said at the weekend, it had little to do with the capitulation and final result. Had Djourou got injured and Diaby been sent off before the break, I think we'd have been alright.

  25. Arun

    Feb 08, 2011, 18:50 #2161

    Did you not watch what Messi did to us last time? La Liga is a stronger league than the English media suggests, the last time a team other than Real Madrid and Barcelona won the League title was the last time we won the League as well. Messi is the best player on the planet and showed us last year, saying that he is playing in too weak is a bit silly, maybe he's just too good for that league, I'm glad he's there personally because I'd hate to have our defence go up against him twice a season possibly more.

  26. Brian G

    Feb 08, 2011, 18:24 #2160

    Football fans are fickle by nature, that goes with the territory, and blogs like this give people a chance to air their views instantly. If we can't have a good moan after losing a 4 goal lead to Newcastle, then maybe we don't care enough. Sure, on reflection we are a point better off but that didn't help me sleep any better on Saturday night.

  27. Geoff

    Feb 08, 2011, 18:18 #2159

    Silverware on the 27th? Taking the piss? Even WBA rested their entire 1st team for the 1/4 final against Ipswich. No-one takes this mickey-mouse trophy seriously anymore except the AKBs who seem to think this is the holy grail suddenly. Get a grip. Next you'll be claiming we're Emirate Cup Champions.

  28. Mr CC

    Feb 08, 2011, 17:29 #2157

    Pedro starts u idiot. U obviously don't watch Barca cus u would have realised that Pedro has scored 19 this season which is more than any Arsenal player. And i can't wait to see the look on all of the English people's faces when Barca destroy Arsenal

  29. Liam

    Feb 08, 2011, 16:40 #2155

    messi seems to score 3 every week and that makes the league look bad?he scored 4 against us so what does that make the premiership look like the croatian league?

  30. JJBergkamp

    Feb 08, 2011, 16:29 #2154

    @Whiner_OUT_NOW - It appalls me that you support the same club as me. Fans like you should go back to whichever rock you crawled out of in 1998! If you somehow think that because a few like minded manure and chelski fans booed their team, that somehow justifies your pathetic argument? I speak to fans of lower league teams when I travel away, and they laugh at all the fans like you! You should try supporting a team that spends most of their season fighting relegation and then you might appreciate AW and our boys! The irony that you use the word "clueless" to describe this article, when you are typical of the ignorant, stupid and quite frankly embarrassing "fan" that we want to abolish from the stadium! You can chuck the boring AKB tag around, but if you had supported the club in the 80/90's and see where we have come from and the football now synonymous with our club then you might have a different opinion! When we fall out of the Champs league spot and start losing our best players then maybe it is time for a rethink! AW is not perfect, but I don’t want anyone else at the helm! You may think we are on a par with Manure, Chelski & City, but our spending power is now where near! Quite frankly we over achieve every season and that’s down to one man! IL be glad to be going to the Emirates in another 10 years whilst our competitors try and buy their way out of serious financial trouble! A football club is more than about just winning trophies, it’s about a philosophy, about principles and an identity! Do Chelsea have this? Do City? NO! Only LFC and Manure can compare in terms of a footballing identity! Go and support the scum you filth and take your boo boys with you!

  31. AugustusCaesar

    Feb 08, 2011, 16:27 #2153

    Whiner_OUT_NOW. You sound like a nice fellow. Let me let you in to a little secret. You've never had it so good you snivelling little shitrag. You bemon SIX years as a long time. Did you know Arsenal once went SEVENTEEN years (between 1953 and 1970) without winning a single trophy? And won only ONE further trophy between 1972 and 1987. That's FIFTEEN years. We won precisely SIX trophies in THIRTY FOUR years. It took Wenger NINE years to surpass that haul. Do you understand? While I understand you cannot live on past (well they're hardly past are they) glories for ever I ask politely that you give our greatest ever manager (yes, he is) a bit of respect. If twats like you hound Wenger out of his job before he's had the honour of seeing out of his contract it will be a very sad and sorry day in the history of this football club. We do things properly round here ok, we are the Arsenal, we do not sack managers who've given everything to this club just because you start sulking because we haven't won a trophy for SIX (hahahaha!!) years.

  32. biglunn

    Feb 08, 2011, 16:17 #2151

    No disrespect John, but your article resembles something that the board has released as propaganda. Yes, we are 4 points from the top - but guess what..... this is by virtue of Manure being well below par, and a Chelsea team losing the plot. Compared to these teams, we are doing rather well. BUT.... the problem is that 1) We have glaring problems that dont actually require that many signings to fix. Arsene has done well to get Kos, who is getting better as time goes on, and with a trio of TV, Djourou and Kos I think we look OK in CB. But I have said this for a few seasons - we dont have an adequate number of DMs. Song has improved, but all to often he goes missing, especially against the bigger teams, and there is NOBODY else that can cover Song. Why not get a signing or 2 in this area? They dont have to be world class, but MR WENGER..... DONT PERSIST WITH THE LIKES OF DIABY / DENILSON!!! 2) The squad has too many players who are not good enough for Arsenal. And somehow, we seem to reward them with new contracts? Who is Arsene kidding? Who is he conning?? I want a manager not to hang on to POS (pieces of shit) like Diaby, Denilson, and Eboue, and take a punt on some other players - the may be better, maybe not, but at least TRY to replace these players. Or is Arsene afraid that getting more players in may destroy the development of these POS`s (pieces of shite) ? Conning us.

  33. FOtoStratford

    Feb 08, 2011, 16:11 #2149

    Hear hear. If anyone bothered to think about it, they would realise that Newcastle have shown they are capable of scoring plenty of goals (Chelsea in the Carling Cup, Sunderland and Aston Villa in the league). Give them the assistance of a man down then this could have happened to anyone. Newcastle are a good team and have also held Spurs and Chelsea at home. Look what happened when Man City went down to 10 men - they conceded 3 against us when against 11 of them we could have played for 12 hours and never scored. The only person to blame on Arsenal's side for the Newcastle game is Diaby. Remember he also left us in it when we played Bolton a few seasons ago with a stupid potentially leg breaking lunge, so he can't whinge about his leg break when he tries to do it to others. The naysayers also like to point to Spurs beating us (while probably starting the Ole-ing before half time in that game). In case you didn't notice, Spurs have a reputation for scoring this season (ask Inter Milan, CL winners with one of the most feted defences of last season). I wish people would just support the team while we still have a chance instead of starting the post mortem when there is still everything to play for. Beat Stoke, Wolves and Sunderland at the Emirates, and ManU will have to take at least 3 points from playing Liverpool (A), Chelsea (A) and Man City (H) to still be top by the next time we play in the Premier League. Yes the wheels might come off and we might all be able to have a good whinge down the pub, but maybe by the end of this month we can hold the Carling Cup, have a quarter final of the FA Cup to look forward to.

  34. AugustusCaesar

    Feb 08, 2011, 15:57 #2148

    I see all these comments like: "It's not good enough", "it should not happen", "for a club like Arsenal..". But I don't really see any practical, sensible theories as to how we stop a similar scenario unfolding again. Ok, we're not the manager but isn't anyone curious as to why this happens. While Wenger cites bad luck and questionable refereeing he must know in his heart of hearts this has become habitual and an Achilles heel for us. I'm sure he doesn't just implore his players to "defend better" and it must be something that is pored over in the changing room or on training ground. Or maybe it isn't? It's fair to say the tactical substitutions don't seem to have the desired effect - (a) Because we don't have the right kinds of players and (b) I think it gives the wrong signals to the players on the pitch that we're no longer interested in attacking. And I'm not sure this is ever a good idea. Clearly one of the key aspects is getting the balance right between defence and attack when we're leading. We've been criticised in the past for 'not shutting up shop' (images of Song rampaging up the pitch in the last minute) but the last few times we've tried that we've also come unstuck - invited pressure and then buckled. While I don't think our defence is quite as lamentable as some would have you believe I don't think we quite have the personnel for a 'batten down the hatches' approach and we should always just go for more goals. Attack being the best form of defence and all that. No team ought to be able to go toe to toe with us and outscore us, save perhaps Barcelona. Of course, this is probably easier said than done but as we all know with Arsenal we do have a tendency to take our foot off the gas when we're leading. These examples where we've lost leads should teach them they should always keep it pressed, even at 4-0.

  35. Whiner_OUT_NOW

    Feb 08, 2011, 15:28 #2147

    Fickle? Another clueless ABK wanker totally out of touch with reality. Arsenal fans are supposed to be fickle, despite having waited ptiently for 6, yes SIX, long years for the defense to be sorted out, to get 2 CB's, a world class goalie and a combative DM in, sort out set piece defending and sort out the soft mentality of the team. Yet, in these 6 years, Whinger has bought one after another flop French frog and turned the club into a French cafe where players turn up for a leisurely breakfast while collecting their paycheque for the week. Just ask Denilson and Diaby. For 6 long years, the Arsenal fans have been treated with one after another ignominy after the Invincibles season. We thought drawing 4-4 with Spudz last season was a new low. Then we thought losing 3-2 to Wigan after being up 2-0 was the lowest we could get. Then we thought losing to Spudz after being up was the absolute bottom. No, Leeds, Ipswich, West Brom soon followed suit and then came this game. Yet, thousands of Gooners turn up faithfully game after game but we are all fickle. What would you call the Chavski fans who have been booing their team this season...and they're the current champions. What would you call those ManYoo fans that we booing Fungusmoan in 2003 and asking for his departure, despite them being the champions in 2002. Tossers like you do NOT deserve any column space anywhere in the world because we are sick and tired of reading Whinger ass breathing delusion

  36. bunch

    Feb 08, 2011, 15:24 #2146

    It is nice to see a positive post now and again and the summary of our current position can only be said to be positive. Even the Barca tie could be viewed as positive as its a shot to nothing. However, we have given up leads in games so many times recently that I just can't seriously comprehend that it won't let us down again when the pressure is on. ManU may well not be a better footballing side than us this season but they are way ahead on mental strength, toughing games out and getting a win. Chelsea's old boys as well are adept at being tough. We are just not strong enough physically or mentally. It is just too easy to bully our team. Some refs will protect us, others won't, and if they don't the tactic for any side playing us is easy. The one team that may not use the bully-boy tactics is Barca. But if we were 1-0 up overall with 10 minutes left at the Nou Camp, we are virtually certain to collapse under the pressure.

  37. Feb 08, 2011, 14:26 #2143

    The spanish league as weak as the SPL, are you having a giraffe!? It may have escaped your attention that both Atletico Madrid and Sevilla have won the Europa League in recent years, before that Valencia reached two Champions League Finals. The only reason Messi scores numerous goals is in spain they play football, if he played here he would be kicked and barged into oblivion.

  38. Paul

    Feb 08, 2011, 14:09 #2142

    If it was a one-off then fine - but to call it a knee-jerk reaction, or throwing toys out of the pram. is missing the bigger picture of the problems that the team has. And when youe club is avowed to challenging for the MAJOR trophies, and pays it's players accordingly, I think it's fair to try and see if there are recurring problems - rather than castigate other fans because they don't believe the constant spirit and mentality mantra particularly as, in a game when it's really tested, it fails to materialise. A poor but all too predictable article.

  39. Harpo

    Feb 08, 2011, 13:37 #2141

    We need to keep calm. It was a freak game, yes we lack a bit of backbone, that can be fixed. Games like this are such a rarity we need to put it into context.

  40. nugs

    Feb 08, 2011, 13:33 #2139

    you have obviously forgotten the last 5 seasons then mate, no knee jerk reactions just fans pissed with the same old shit again and again

  41. Rob The Goon

    Feb 08, 2011, 13:19 #2138

    Me personally, i'm not asking wenger to break the bank just address the areas of concern such as the defence...Squillaci is basically Silvestre with hair! Having time to dwell on the game, there is no way a team that is 4-0 up after 67 minutes goes on to draw 4-4!? That is criminal!

  42. Pires 02

    Feb 08, 2011, 13:18 #2137

    It was 4-4 and that's all that matters. Fair play to Newcastle. I would say that Arsenal have benefited from soft penalties this season but neither on Saturday were strong shouts. Also, please explain why Nolan didn't see red for his unprovoked attack on Diaby and Szez after the first penalty. Both should have gone for two yellows. And as far as the offside Newcastle goal, Robin Van Persie had a goal disallowed which was clearly on-side. I think it's best if we agree that it was 4-4 and seven league titles since you won the Fairs Cup. And your best players parked his caravan outside Anfield

  43. delgooner

    Feb 08, 2011, 13:17 #2136

    I'm fickle!!!!! 4-0 up at half time! 4-4 at the end! Short-sighted! Basically you've got your head stuck up your arse if you think we are doing ok. Will never accept that this is good enough from Arsenal

  44. danny-boy

    Feb 08, 2011, 12:35 #2132

    a lot of sense in that nice to see a (fairly) unbiased report of a classic football game, there were bad decisions for both sides and the penalty was soft, but by the rules, still a penalty - it only cancels out the ropey off-side anyway end of the day, it was brilliant game that ended all square

  45. The Judge

    Feb 08, 2011, 12:28 #2131

    Probably the biggest load of myopic twaddle I've ever read in a blog. If you can't talk realistically about your own side, don't start spouting seriously misjudged bollocks about other teams. Idiot.

  46. liam

    Feb 08, 2011, 11:39 #2123

    You're right 4 cemtr backs is enough. What we have a gripe about is the quality of them. 2 of them are not of Arsenal standard and the other 2 are very injury prone. Djourou has averaged 6 prem games per season b4 this one and Vermalan has played 3 games since last feb. If I and everyone else can see that this may cause a problem then so should the (mad) professor. It was written in stone that as soon as the transfer window shut JD would get injured. The mad professor has had 12 transfer windows since we last won a trophy to fix this and he hasn't. It is about time we got in someone who will.

  47. mimo

    Feb 08, 2011, 11:37 #2122

    I'm a Newcastle fan living in north london and felt the need to say how surprised i was at the over the top, toy throwing response shown by Arsenal fans to this result!I have watched this fixture since the days of malcom macdonald and have never heard anything like the whinging from gooners in and around kentish town on sat. Truth is most arsenal fans appear quiet 'especially on match day' but on this occasion they went balistic! It was the best laugh I've had for awhile and I'm sure most newcastle fans are of the same mind. Really, reading these online rants and hearing it first hand is a once in a lifetime experience,thanks!

  48. Dax

    Feb 08, 2011, 11:34 #2121

    Arsenal supporters have done themselves no favours in the last few days. At least this piece seeks to redress the balance and offer a more sane perspective. As a Newcastle fan who watched the game, I'd say the main thing you lacked during the latter part of the game was a wise old head, a Patrick Viera or Tony Adams like character to talk to his team mates, calm them down and get them back on track. I don't think Fabregas is captain material in this respect - somone who should've reorgansised, cajoled and bollocked his team mates back into action. Arsenal are still a good team, just not a great one yet. I'm sure they'll go on and finish the season strongly.

  49. David H

    Feb 08, 2011, 11:22 #2120

    A brave and more balanced article than most. Wenger may have his faults but as a judge of a player he is far superior to the rest...Nasri, Henry, Viera, Anelka all bargains - and his ability to balance the books will give you an edge on the Chelski, Mansheikster City's of this world when the new UEFA rules start to bite. Be careful what you wish for...

  50. Thomas

    Feb 08, 2011, 11:21 #2119

    "if messi gets injured at barcelona who comes on to replace him? Pedro anyone?" are you having a laugh? Pedro is barcelona's second top scorer. And yeah we are 4 points off man utd but the way we trough our 4-0 lead away was a joke. No excuses for that

  51. Steve

    Feb 08, 2011, 11:16 #2118

    As i've posted before, the Barcelona game stands to be the biggest embarrasment of Wenger's tenure at Arsenal. Yes, we were 3-2 up after 120 minutes, but truth be told, on any other day we should have been 3-0 down after 30. This team are like rabbits in headlights whenever any team actually attacks us with any Gusto. I fear the worst...........

  52. Douglas Gooner

    Feb 08, 2011, 11:07 #2115

    I am stunned with all the negativety. I am following Arsenal a lot longer than most on here and we had an awful worse times than this and we did not moan about it. Saturday was an absolute shock, no doubt about it a bad shcok at that but everything possibe that could go wrong did. I would agree that we could do with a new centre half but at what price. Gary Cahill is a good centre half but is he worth 10 million. We have the best midfield in the premiership and second to Barcelona in Europe. In the summer everyone wanted to jump ship becasue AW did not sign a keeper, yet Fabianski played some great games and looked very solid before he got injured. Szczesny has been excellent also so we seem to be ok there. What do people want AW to do , go out and spend 50 million on a muppet like Torres or 35 million on a player who has played 6 months in the premiership. Are you having a laugh. Is the price of winning by buying more important than the club. If we goo out and pay this "stupid" money and bankrupt the club is this ok for small minded half wit Arsenal fans. We had major gaps without trophies in the 70's and 80's and then we got spoilt. I will for always be a Gooner like many of you but i will support them through thick and thin. If we end up this year with the Carling Cup i will be happy but with 13 games to go and with a lot of teams due to the Emirates i look forward to more than this. I have a feelihg there may be many more twists and then we will see all our "true" supporters come back with the "i told you so" bullsh!t

  53. GoonerRon

    Feb 08, 2011, 11:00 #2114

    I'm a glass half full type of guy so totally agree with your sentiments, John. That said, I'm not going to tell people on here who don't share my view to pi55 off and support Man City or Chelsea as is sometimes the norm - if we all had the same view it would be relatively boring. Wenger has his faults - arguably we should have bought a loan CB in during the window, perhaps he is tactically naive in some games, sometimes I don't agree with his subsitutions or team selection, his 'I didn't see it can often be embarrassing etc. I'm not an AKB in the sense he can do no wrong in my eyes, but I do think he is better qualified to make these decisions than I am and I also genuinely believe he hurts as much as I do when we don't perform as we should. I would just prefer to concentrate my energy on getting behind the players on the pitch (irrespective of my preconceived views about them) and hope that the talent in the squad, the experience in the management team, combined with our support can drive us on to silverware this season.

  54. Bada

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:59 #2113

    The ability to see the wider picture and not knee-jerk and grab the phone to 6-6 or talksport is an admirable one. It's a point away from home. History will tell of the great comeback but it was also state Aresenal didn't loe and got another precious point. As a Newcastle fan, I have to say it was fantastic of course but as every single person I speak to will testify, even that 4 goal comeback is nowhere near as enjoyable as listening to Gooners on those phone-ins. Tragic. Get a grip lads. You don't know how lucky you are. Regards

  55. chris dee

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:56 #2112

    Confirmation, if it was ever needed that some Arsenal fans live in la la land and are happy at being ' in the mix' but winning sod all. Over reaction? What, on being the first Premiership to lose a four goal lead,of being upset at Wengers comments that we panicked at 4-1?Yeah panicked at 4-1!!! Over reation at being ridiculed in the media? Bloody sure I over reacted and I would hope Wenger will over react with his players. It was a disgrace and no amount of spin about crap referee Dowds descisions will disguise the fact. Wenger and the players owe the fans big time over this,because it's not the first time.Ask how we felt in the home match with Spurs this year.But heh! lets not over react.Shit happens,but mainly it seems, to us.

  56. Mark

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:54 #2111

    So come the end of the season if we finish 1pt behind Man Utd you will be happy will you.

  57. marty

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:53 #2110

    what idiot writes this rubbish everybody including explayers who know more about football than this idiot say we need a decent central defender

  58. simon

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:52 #2108

    Not sure a comparison with Barca does us too many favors as this team will go down as one of the greatest club sides in football history. The raping we took at the hands of Dowd was shocking to behold. For all the talk of us being spineless Newcastle would have got nowhere close had the rules been applied. And for those accusing us of being spineless, take another look. After being shafted by at least 7 game changing decisions from Dowd, we still went up the other end and scored a winner. And guess what, the c*nts even ruled that out. I'd agree the high pitched whining from some Arsenal fans after any game we don't win now is so pitiful. Even if we win the PL this season I bet they take no joy in it.

  59. jcbmont

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:48 #2107

    Well said then done? Yes will be done. Thanks John.

  60. kenneth

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:42 #2106

    i totally agree with you, ok we lost it in the 2half, but i would say the ref cost us the game more than any. we would have won the game easily hadnt it been for the ref, i cant believe some gooners cant see that, looks like many off you is so fed up with arse that they rather see us win nothing yust so they can prove thmeself right. and is lidacris to have 5 quality cb. look at utd last time, off with rio and they bollocks it. come on, get real!! we r still in all 4 comp. and i think we have a good chance oof doing something great this season. just hope djorou, vermaelen and son is ready any time soon...

  61. xgtdec

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:36 #2103

    Ah yes a true gooner and AKB..and the very reason the cabinet is empty year after year...until we revolt against Wenger and his pathetic spending policy we will always be also rans..."if we find someone better then what we have we will sign him"..what a larf......Arsenal FC can not find better than Denilson...enough said....

  62. Dinks

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:35 #2102

    Your comments are good and Arsene has done fabulous stuff with some very mediocre players, but if we are to push on and get back to being a footballing force we need to sell 5, 6 or even 7 of the squad players and buy good quality players to replace them, this especially must happen defensively, our defence and defensive midfield is an absolute joke and that is why when Diaby got himself sent off we had no one to come on and put their foot in. Many fans who I have spoken to don't want Arsene to leave, just take off his blinkers and see what could be done by selling these second rate players and replacing them with better and more experienced players - this could be done by spending £50m or less, surely we have this sort of money to spend!

  63. jim-nufc

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:35 #2101

    John- Newcastle fan here, i totally agree with u-i would gladly swap your current situation for ours lol-its called expecting too much-no one has a right to expect silverware-the prems as tight as hell now and thats all for the good of the game-i would like to see you win it for Wenger-the lanky meercat is a great manager doing a great job

  64. AFC

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:33 #2100

    you are clueless. Another Arsenal who cannot see the forest through the trees. This Arsenal squad is the worst since AW came, infact it could be worse since '96 Stick with Arsene, let's see what else we win under him? Unless of course you count the CC as a 'major trophy'

  65. Chris

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:31 #2098

    Spot on. Only thing I'd say is that there obviously IS something wrong with this team and Wenger's decision to bring in the cut-price Sqillaci instead of a decent premiership performer may well cost us the title. A little bit of pruning of the dead wood you mention would transform the squad ito world beaters IMHO. Can't help feeling Wenger's his own only obstacle to success..

  66. Ian McCarthy

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:31 #2097

    In reality we only have 3 CB's as TV could be out for the season if past Arsenal injuries are anything to go by. Take a team like Blackburn for example(and there are many more) who also have 3 CB's but they are only in 1 competition, The league. We are challenging on 4 fronts so that is why we needed another in January. The games are coming thicker and faster now, we will be lucky to get away with what we have. Kenny Sansom said we should have signed a CB in January so when a legend like him says the same then that's good enough for me. On decisions at Newcastle did anyone other than me notice that the foul by Rosicky on Barton which led to their 4th wasn't a foul, Rosicky's eyes fixed firmly on the ball and Barton throws himself to the ground with minimal contact. Clever from Barton though.

  67. Simon

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:29 #2095

    Re Terry. You say the team was spinless. You need Scotty Parker in your team mate, he can spin around the ball all match for you. Lets face it, if it had ended 4-4 and the lead changed hands 4 times would it be the same reaction. Newcastle took less time to score their 4 goals than Arsenal, and after 2 minutes were Newcastle not in shock from the ease at which the goals were taken. Momentum is a great force to have in your favour, and it was pure chance that these two forces were at opposite ends of the match. Get over it. You have a fine team and a manager the rest of the country would swap with, at a glance. We may have taken 4 points from you this season, but at the beginning, we would be ordnarily be glad of 2.

  68. dffdfd

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:28 #2094

    fuck off u mug throwing away a 4 goal lead is a joke expect it from a west brom , west ham but not a fucking team thats supposedly challenging for honours u twat and all wenger does is go quiet i wonder why becuase he knows he was wrong not to bring a player in on loan at least or bring bartley back regardless of his inexperience im sure hes a lot better than that cunt squillacci whos costing us how much did wenger spend on him again ??? 8 million what the fuck mate if u say wenger doesnt want to pay over the top prices on players then why the fuck did he pay the 8 million for this fucking clown? hopefully we can make up for the last match win the wolves game and hope manc city win or a draw and all will be forgotten , well at least for another week

  69. Sarge

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:23 #2092

    The trigger for the recent outburst is the lack of mental consistency (despite Wenger's protestations to the contrary) and how fragile we are as a team when one or two changes are made in key areas during a game. They upset the balance of the team and it changes the game dramatically. That is a concern if you cannot rely on 14 players to see out a game with a 4 goal advantage - even with 10 players on the pitch. This mental frailty exposed a weakness that can't be cured on the training ground. Determination not to be beat is part of a player's psychological make-up and sadly some of our players don't have it. This has a detrimental effect on the effectiveness of the team as a whole and at this level cannot be compensated for by the other players. You need all of your players to possess this not just 9 or 10. As good as the 1st half was, the second was equally poor. And that is not the first time that has happened this season - what about the Spuds at home? We don't seem to be learning very quickly from previous mistakes. If (and it's a big if) we win the league this year then I'll admit it becomes academic. However, let's pose another equally pertinent question - what if Saturday's capitulation and loss of two points costs us the league? We are dealing with fine margins this season and that could prove costly.

  70. charliegeorge

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:23 #2091

    At last........ John Evans, well done! I was gutted after the result on saturday, giving away a 4-0 lead was devastating, but we need to look at how the gunners played in the first half, CLASS! Psychologically I believe the team will be stronger and this will show over the next few weeks. Man U will drop points and the gunners have 3 home games and a maximum 9 points. I am still positive for a league title. Don't laugh negative gunners but this is my prediction for end of season: Arsenal 78/83 points; Man U 72/76 points, Chelsea 71/74 points, Man City 68/72 points and Spuds and Liverpool fighting it out for 5th spot. That's POSITIVE thinking and I'm sure the team will be thinking like that as well.

  71. Raoul Hirani

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:16 #2088

    4 goals in 28 minutes is fabulous, 2nd half lacked leadership. Is Djouru leading the back line? the guy barely has barely made it to the first team this season, is he the leader?

  72. Slice

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:13 #2087

    Seems to me that some fans are the type that are fallible in relationships but never look close to home. The reason this is always happening to us is down to the manager and the players not luck/ decisions etc. That feeds a self pitiful attitude and hinders any winning mentality. I'm sick of Wenger saying we lost focus, we invited pressure, we started slowly or without determination. WHO'S FAULT IS THAT??!!! It's unbelievable that he can say that week in week out and not receive any sort of comeback for it. Invite pressure? How about not bring Eboue on for Walcott then mate. I backed Wenger for years but this rhetoric is be becoming ancient and laughable and an insult to the majority of Arsenal fans. His refusal to look at cover for song and Johan, well, less than a week after the window closed has cost us 2 points. Why has no one mentioned that?! What more will it cost us. Imagine the priceless boost psychologically that his refusal to look at back up for those positions, even loanees, has already given Stoke, let alone barca, and then those Birmingham mugs

  73. BAZZA

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:04 #2084

    The lino's seen Rosicky raise his arms to williamson. Should have kept them down. Instead of blaming the ref why not look closer to home. NUFC matched you on the day and were unlucky not to win, deal with it

  74. Lyle

    Feb 08, 2011, 10:03 #2083

    Typical blinkered Arsenal fan "the decisions by the Ref were criminal". Newcastle had a perfectly good goal ruled offside when it clearly was not, as shown on TV.How do you think we feel when the Toon were clearly robbed of two points.

  75. RockyRocastle

    Feb 08, 2011, 9:53 #2081

    To say that some of the ref's decisions "verged on criminal" is a bit pathetic. He gave Enrique an undeserved booking, completely missed a naughty tackle from Cesc on the same player and denied a clearly onside goal for Best. Right decision to send off Diaby, first penalty was fair and the second - that was very soft but what was Rosicky doing putting up his hands to Williamson? From the ref/linesmans view I can understand how he's given it. Agree with what you've said, Newcastle is a hard place to go and we should be happy with a point but we can't keep blaming the ref for our inability to hold on to a lead. In 2 league games against us this season Newcastle outclassed us. Hats off to them.

  76. Will

    Feb 08, 2011, 9:53 #2080

    About time someone talked some sense. Great article from a true gooner. I wish all our supporters could see things like this. Emirates would be a much louder place. Nice one mate

  77. mohd sulai

    Feb 08, 2011, 9:52 #2079

    i cant agree with u less.u have observe well

  78. spike

    Feb 08, 2011, 9:49 #2076

    "We don’t seem to be getting the rub of the green at the moment in terms of refereeing decisions". You make your own luck when it comes to refereeing decisions. Temperament is key - and they lost it at the weekend.

  79. jossy

    Feb 08, 2011, 9:49 #2075

    yeah poor penalty decision but also a poor decision to rule out bests perfectly good goal so i reckon thats even!

  80. Terry

    Feb 08, 2011, 9:46 #2073

    You are having a fucking laugh.So you are pleased that we became the first team in premiership history to let a 4 goal lead slip.Lets bring out a DVD to commemorate it.Forget the Man Utd defeat at Wolves Saturday was an absolute disgrace for Arsenal FC and Wenger and all the players bar Szczesny should hold their heads in shame.Spinless is the only way to discribe the capitulation.Wengers fucking blindness in not seeing we needed a CB came back to haunt us.

  81. Geordiedoonsooth

    Feb 08, 2011, 9:46 #2072

    At last a sensible Gooner only one comment I agree the 2nd penalty wasn't a penalty but we did score a perfectly good goal which the same linesman (I'm old fashioned) gave offside.