When the dust settles...

Arsenal must put 4-4 behind them and win on Saturday

When the dust settles...

Rosicky: Worst substitution possible

When the dust settles the resounding and haunting cry of 'We told you so' will be what will rattle round ours and Wenger's head. Let's face it Djourou is out for a while with that dodgy knee. We're stuck with our worst centre back pairing until TV5, with zero game time under his belt, comes back from his op. Economic logic be damned - AW passed up the January window when sod's law said this was exactly what would happen. Once again we are not better off for not spending or borrowing or whatever it took to get CB cover in. Let's hope we're not truly sorry.

Forget the mental scars of p*ssing away a four goal lead and Diaby's utter idiocy, the rubbish ref, forget Rosicky as the worst substitution possible when the height and power and sharpness of Bendtner or even Chamakh would have been better wide options. Manure could drop anywhere between 2 -12 pts before we meet them. They have to suck this one up, build a siege mentality and say crazy things happen - once in a lifetime (we lie to ourselves), and go out and beat Wolves. Forget the Toonacy and think what's possible and AW - the decision not to buy was absolutely daft and we all knew it.

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  1. Hello

    Feb 11, 2011, 2:28 #2265

    Your website bores me with you labouring efforts to hate Rosicky. The bloke is the most liked in the dressing room FACT, dont blame him for a bad ref. It just tells me that you do not observe how bad everyone was in the second half, bar about two of our players. Please stop this and get behind your team, that is what Arsenal are built on - the times we show faith in a player has proven great, stick by them and know that they will shine, especially players like Tomas who we know are quality

  2. Gooner13

    Feb 10, 2011, 15:22 #2253

    I still can't believe somebody wrote an article earlier saying AW was right NOT to sign a CB! And before anyone moans about inflated prices, we were linked with Dortmunds Mertsacker who I don't think would've cost much!

  3. Willo

    Feb 10, 2011, 11:44 #2243

    Talk for yourself, I didn't know Wenger was daft. I think Levy is daft. I think Abramovich is daft. I think Adrian Durham is daft. I think holding a world cup in Qatar is daft. I think negative non serving blogs by so called Arsenal fans are also daft. But Wenger, I know, is anything but daft

  4. Rickthegooner

    Feb 10, 2011, 11:26 #2241

    I agree with above but I feel with other teams getting stronger and us static, this is the year we need to cross the line. The Worthless Cup will do nothing to set the team on winning ways. It is a major trophy in name name only. It will be winning the league that puts this group of players in that mind set. We may not have an chance like this for a while. AW is becoming more stubbon with age. His ego knows no limit. This is about proving that the last five years have not been wasted. I still have a huge respect for AW, but even as a huge AW supporter, I think he should have splashed the cash on a centre back. You have to re-invest in any business. Snooze and Loose.

  5. nick

    Feb 10, 2011, 11:13 #2240

    djourou is fit to play wolves u retard, nobody is panicking but u, dis was a good weekend for arsenal man utd and chelsea lose arsenal gain an away point should have been 3 points if it wasnt for da ref getting bribed. at da end of da day arsenal r 1 point closer to man utd now shut up