Joey Barton: Angel of the North?

Reflections on the past fortnight’s fixtures

Joey Barton: Angel of the North?

Owner of a longer memory than most pundits

The hyperbolics during and after Newcastle’s comeback was almost as frustrating as the game’s outcome and circumstances thereof. Alan Pardew apparently delivered an inspirational half-time speech worthy of Churchill himself! This utter nonsense reminded me of another 4-4 and the so-called “Harry Redknapp effect” being responsible for Spurs’ salvaging of a dramatic draw during his first game in charge. Arsene, not for the first time, nor the last, had a perfect, succinct riposte on that occasion when this hypothesis was put to him: “at 4-2 there was no effect …” And twenty three minutes into the second-half at St. James’ Park there was no Alan Pardew effect. There were several Phil Dowd effects, however: two penalties – one “soft” (goal 1), one ridiculous (goal 3) – various cardings and non-cardings (depending on shirt colour), and the all-important free-kick (goal 4) when man mountain and thoroughly bad egg Tomas Rosicky fouled cynically the gracious and unassuming Joseph “Joey” Barton, who had balletically and legally contested a header.

Robert Exley has already provided an excellent character assassination of this Angel of the North, so I’ll make just two further observations. Interviewed immediately afterwards, Joey had the straight-faced effrontery to criticise Arsenal players’ ill-discipline. If Harold Shipman had criticised Florence Nightingale’s bedside manner one could hardly have been more incredulous. Second, two seasons ago, Barton was an 89th minute substitute in Newcastle’s 3-0 defeat at the E******s. Determined to make his mark, he challenged Clichy, getting the ball but also ensuring his forearm caught Gael’s leg a nasty blow. Intent was written on his face. His so-called legitimate challenge on Diaby should be viewed in this light by pundits with memory spans shorter that a goldfish’s. Still, we gained one point on ManU and Chelski and the Invincibles’ achievement is now safe for another season. Always look on the bright side of life …

It beggars belief that the Premier League’s bottom club have gained half their tally from just one game against each of ManU, Chelsea, Liverpool and Citeh. Only attendees on Saturday saw an amazing early surge which led to Cesc’s neat finish. Wolves’ defenders couldn’t stop our favourite n-n-n-n-nineteen year-old, who wears his age on his back and plays with his heart on his sleeve, by fair means or even foul. No, it took the latest incompetent whistle-blower to take charge of our proceedings to render Jack’s efforts in vain. No goal and no booking, despite the cynicism or dangerous position. A few miles west at Twickenham, another code of football was being played that actively encourages referees to apply advantage and common sense. Always nice to stuff the Italians, by the way.

Local teams are “paired” by the Football League for fixture purposes: Arsenal/ Spuds, Everton/Liverpool, ManU/Citeh. Two Bristols are also paired, naturally. A topological rarity occurs this coming Saturday. Charlton host Exeter and Millwall entertain Boro. With Craig Eastmond on loan at The Den, no prizes for guessing which game I’ll patronise. More immediately, I wonder if there’s a midweek game in London worth attending?

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  1. Teacher

    Feb 17, 2011, 15:54 #2416

    Strange Occurance - No, 'Cally Boy' attributes my comment at 18.10 as being made during the match (which started 19.45), due to his inability to work out a 24 hour clock. Also I would have thought someone at the game during half time would have been busy taking a piss or getting served at the bar. Replying to me via the internet is more likely of someone sitting on a couch with a laptop. Not that I'm calling 'Cally Boy' a sad little fantasist or anything

  2. Strange occurance

    Feb 17, 2011, 15:41 #2412

    TEACHER, I think you may be ranting at fresh air, this Cally Boy seems to have vanished. But I would like to highlight something quite strange, you mention that the post about being 1-0 down at half-time was posted one and a half hours before kick off....... that would be two hours and fifteen minutes before the actual half time? Did we experience a psychic phenomenon on 'Online Gooner'...... de de de, de de de, it's not life as we know it... bizarre!

  3. Teacher

    Feb 17, 2011, 15:08 #2406

    'half time at the Emirates, and you're still going on...... shut the fuck up, we're 1-0 down and you want to discuss semantics' - again more proof of how stupid you are! If you bother to look at the time of the post it was an hour and a half before kick off. Do you really think I'm gonna be arguing with a twat like you while we're playing Barca? Although I suppose a 24 hour clock probably confuses a simpleton like you - it's not that hard, just subtract 12, use a calculator if you must. As for your dog having more Arsenal blood - I suppose he's also the brains of the family too. And Wimpish? You haven't actually seen me with your 'mince pies' little man, so I'd hold your tongue if I were you. As someone said, blood would have been spilt if this was a pub - and most probably it would have been yours! And again, to equate brain power with a lack of brawn is pretty much an endemic part of your poverty of intellect and ambition - which unlike a poverty of wealth really something you should be truly ashamed of.

  4. Teacher

    Feb 17, 2011, 14:43 #2399

    'Passion for the Arsenal' and Social class are two complete non-arguments thrown up by 'Cally Boy'. The article is about what an arsehole Joey Barton is and if you run through the thread 'Cally Boy' starts by ranting about the journalistic quality of the Online Gooner and that the author lacks the ability to articulate any argument in his peice - despite the fact he can barely spell himself and has thrown in irrelevant nonsense, proving that he doesn't even know what he's talking about himself. And on the subject of social class - I'm probably more working class than 'Cally Boy' is (not that I wanna make a Monty Python sketch style issue out of it). It's just my definition of working class seems to differ greatly from his - which basically seems to be acting like you're thick!

  5. Feb 17, 2011, 12:18 #2392

    This has been a very interesting read and I'd like to analyse it. My Dad was born in Islington and lived on the Nash Ct estate for most of his life, he is now 85 years old and lives in Barnet. He's been an Arsenal supporter all his life and, despite the comments about 'mockneys', he still uses slang terms like ' won a monkey' and when I visit, 'lend us a score son'. He loved living 'down the Cally' and has often told me stories about his times on the northbank, he wore a flat cap with razor blades shown into the peak and enjoyed a good fight...... perhaps that now seems wrong, but I would'nt want to deny him his anecdotes. The two antagonists here, shall we call them 'cally boy' and 'teacher' clearly are passionate in their own ways........ my Dad is passionate from the heart, like cally boy....... teacher clearly responds with his brain, but at the end of the day, passion is passion, and a love of Arsenal goes deep. My Dad hates living in Barnet, not the same he says, the pubs too far away, when I lived in Nash court only a short walk to Copenhagen st for a beer. He still calls my Mum 'the trouble' despite having died over 10 years ago. Me, I'm now of a different class to him, but would never put him down because of his lack of education...... that would be a right hander for sure. Interestingly, I now live on the Priory estate, just a stones throw from Copenhagen st........ and like my Dad, I'm a passionate Gunner.......... the protagonists in this thread are basically the same, just coming to it from different angles, like me and my Dad. Be thankful you support a team like the Arsenal.

  6. Feb 17, 2011, 10:27 #2383

    I just love the internet, if this discussion had taken place in a pub, blood would have been spilt by now.

  7. andy

    Feb 17, 2011, 8:07 #2379

    newcastle would havd been beaten 10-0 by barca maybe more

  8. Feb 17, 2011, 2:35 #2378

    'complain about that you fucking intellectual, academic, arsehole' - my knowledge no-one on this thread has complained about Arsenal's performance. Proof positive you don't even know what you're ranting about yourself!

  9. Feb 16, 2011, 22:48 #2376

    POSTE No 2692 "you see, you use the words "working class" "inarticulate" and "non-academic" as if they're interchangable- or one and the same' ........... enough said, we fucking won tonight.......... complain about that you fucking intellectual, academic, arsehole, I don't like to lose, fucking loser.... we are the Arsenal........ it's in my blood, it's in my mentality, it's even in my dog who has more arsenal blood than a wimpish interlectual than you....... we fucking won..... and will win again....... ARSENAL 2-1

  10. Feb 16, 2011, 21:45 #2375

    I don't give a shit about semantics..... working class, inarticulate, stupid arsenal supporters, you should be happy, happy, happy......... we won 2-1 what a fucking game.......... Sami, cesc, koskielni, and even andrey are fucking, fucking happy, happy happt.......... you should have been there intelectual arsehole....... cos I don:t don't know how to spell........ WINNNN bring it ob at the nou camp

  11. Feb 16, 2011, 20:51 #2374

    half time at the Emirates, and you're still going on...... shut the fuck up, we're 1-0 down and you want to discuss semantics......... I want to kno how barca have three players on every ball and the gunners only have one..... if that, they (barca) are showing us how to play football....... but the atmosphere is fucking incredible....... but you, intellectual wanker can't think beyond the difference between 'articulate' and 'working class'........ that fucking sums it up........... you have no idea about what it's like to be an arsenal supporter...

  12. Feb 16, 2011, 19:31 #2373

    Shouldn't you two 'comments' boys be supporting Fulham? Cottagers! Editorial sanction required for the sake of sanity.

  13. Feb 16, 2011, 18:10 #2370

    You see, you use the words "Working class" "inarticulate" and "non-academic" as if they're interchangable or one and the same. They're not. Although they may well be when describing you.

  14. Feb 16, 2011, 17:51 #2369

    Brilliant! Probably, no definately,the best read on this website I've ever come across. No not original article, which I have to agree was a load of sanctimonious clap-trap. But the interchage of comments between the two of you was hilarious! That's why I love being a fan of the game it appeals to people from all walks of life. The irony is you are both passionate about your views and the club you love. So get behind the team we all love and (in the words of Mick McCarthy) look forward to giving the Catalans a "Good spanking"!!

  15. Feb 16, 2011, 17:12 #2368

    It's Working class, innarticulate, non-academic supporters who have made the arsenal the great team they are today. It's only when intellectual wankers like you that came along that it became a whinging, moaning, groaning bunch of losers. Anyway, I'm off down the pub before I walk over to the Emirates for the game tonight. You've probably got to get a train which will take at least two or three hours before it arrives at St Pancras/Kings Cross. Your a discrace to the proud working class history of the gunners........ NONCE........ Come on Gunners,

  16. Feb 16, 2011, 15:57 #2366

    My word - what a sad little inarticulate ranting moron you really are! Why don't you piss off to White Hart Lane, your kind are held in high esteem round that way!

  17. Feb 16, 2011, 15:21 #2364

    oh handbags..... inner london, where's that then.......... if you lived in London you wanker, Finsbury Park, Cally Road, Holloway or the angel....... you'd know that cockney and rhyming slang still exists. I've supported the arsenal since the 60's and was probably on the northbank when you were sucking your mothers tits, Maths ain't my good point, english language is how I speak it.......... I didn't choose Arsenal, Arsenal chose me...... call me a mockney from essex you cunt....... your a nonce teacher who gets off on watching young boys in the shower. Academic peodaphile......

  18. Feb 16, 2011, 14:51 #2363 I'm not insulting 80% of Arsenal fans, just you. Which goes to show Maths isn't your strong point either. And if you really want to pass yourself off as authentic Cally Road you'd realise that no-one in inner London uses rhyming slang anymore. You're either a refugee from 1921 or a sad wannabe mockney from a shit new town like Harlow or Basildon.

  19. Feb 16, 2011, 14:02 #2362

    whoa....... this Newcastle thing has really hurt. No I'm not from Newcastle, actually from Caledonian Road and you are probably insulting 80% of Arsenal fans by suggesting they should know how to speak the english language. You're a berkshire hunt and you wouldn't know your bottle and glass from your jack and danny............. you wouldn't know how to find a rub a dub or how to walk down the frog and toad, so fuck off you berk and get back to teaching in Cambridge where you can salivate whilst watching the boys have a shower..........

  20. Feb 16, 2011, 13:36 #2360

    You don't have to be an academic - just the ability to utilise the English language in a way that doesn't make you look like an ignorant prick. Though I'm guessing you're from Newcastle, so I suppose that's big thing to ask of you!

  21. Feb 16, 2011, 11:41 #2356

    post 2676 Thanks for the literacy lesson....... since when did gooners have to be academic, you talk a load of Bolloxs as well.......... go back to teaching.

  22. Feb 16, 2011, 10:47 #2354

    BTW Post 2674 - Andy's surname is spelt 'Gray'. Also when you've put an X on the end of the slang term for the gonads you don't need to put an S. No wonder you don't know what Ian Tanner is trying to say, you don't have basic literacy skills to understand!

  23. Feb 16, 2011, 10:16 #2352

    What a load of bolloxs......... what are you trying to say? Because actually you've said nothing. If this is the quality of journalistic writing on 'online gooner' then the editor is scrapping the barrel...... utter rubbish. You'd be better off in inviting Andy Grey to write about female football officials.