Just Desserts in East London

Online Ed: Arrogant Arsenal not worth the win at Orient

Just Desserts in East London

All credit to Orient. They worked hard and made the best of infinitely less resources than Arsenal managed in this FA Cup 5th Round tie. The Gunners didn’t really ask them enough questions, but for the most part, the Os dealt with those they did.

Arsene Wenger claims he has a squad good enough to compete on four fronts, and technically, the quadruple is still on. However, once the same bunch of players have accounted for the Os at home on Wednesday week, they will be paraded again at Old Trafford and the hope must be that humiliation is avoided. They can’t get a result away from home and indeed often struggle in London N5. Hell, Orient could even win the replay.

It’s all very well hanging onto the ball and building up possession percentage, but when there is no end product the team become a hostage to fortune as they did at Brisbane Road. The Os had about four decent chances in 90 minutes, but scoring from one of them proved enough. Ignasi Miquel and Kieran Gibbs were made to look like mugs as the 90 minute mark neared and an equalizer followed. Suddenly the second stringers produced the type of urgency that had been totally absent all game. Where did that come from? And why did it require an Orient equalizer to produce it?

I will tell you why. Because this bunch of overpaid and overpampered stars are well aware that it is they who will be having to put right the wrongs of today’s performance in ten days’ time. A game they do not want to go through the bother of playing. So they put in a shift for a whole six minutes to try and avoid the inconvenience of working a chilly February evening when they could be at home in front of the Playstation. Pass me my snood please.

It is the Winston Bogarde effect. Everyone is comfortable financially, but out of the picture when it comes to a first team starting spot. However, it’s only Orient. We can be arrogant and complacent and play below the level we are capable of because we will still be good enough for a League One side. Er… actually, not true. You get out of games what you put in and on that score, this group of players could not have complained if they had lost today. It was all keep ball and you can't get it. The contempt summarized by the shirt swapping at the end of the game. The Arsenal players gave their shirts, but were not fussed about taking their opponents’. Would they have the same attitude v Barcelona I wonder?

The apathy shown by the players will sadly be matched by the home fans for the replay. I predict a true attendance of around 40,000, with empty seats galore. People who have season tickets will not bother to turn up to a match knowing they will be watching players who can’t be bothered to turn up either. The game will go to general sale and still fail to sell out as the club cannot do reduced prices for the FA Cup because it is on the season ticket. It really is time that the competition was treated the same as the Carling Cup in this regard. Cut down the number of home cup ties on the season ticket to three matches (which will generally by Champions League group games) and make the FA Cup games optional and much cheaper. Fans are being served up second rate line-ups and second rate football, as the Leeds and Huddersfield games have proved. So charge them less.

Wenger’s second stringers do not gel and play with little heart. The half decent performers today were Sagna, Miquel (in spite of the the goal), Gibbs (ditto) and Chamakh. Some of the players had positive stinkers – Song and Bendtner the most guilty in my eyes. Wenger spent much of the second half warming up Fabregas, Nasri and Wilshere and the game was crying out for them with the score at 1-0. Granted, Arsenal looked comfortable, but it did not take a soothsayer to realize Orient were going to have a go in the final few minutes.

A word of warning for those who might think about traveling to Old Trafford in the event that Arsenal do progress. Watch this and wince at the memory. A half-baked performance by a half-baked selection in which only Eduardo and Jens Lehmann showed the slightest indication of giving a damn about the result. A result that led to the Premier League challenge going off the rails in tandem with an away Carling Cup semi-final hammering at Spurs. The draw for this season’s FA Cup quarter finals has removed any notion of the quadruple going beyond the end of March, regardless of Barcelona.

Still, there has to be an upside to this. Surely, it will have removed any temptation the manager has to field anything but his strongest line up for the Carling Cup Final next Sunday.

The new issue of The Gooner will be on sale for the matches at home to Stoke, Orient and Sunderland. For those unable to make any of these games, it can be bought online here.

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  1. Website Editor

    Feb 22, 2011, 10:01 #2548

    The Happening - 'Kevin, surely you understand that we need to rest players?' Er... exactly at what point did i indicate that the first choicers should have played this game? My truck is with the arrogance and complacency I saw with those that did play and are paid well to do so. They thought the tie was done and dusted at 1-0 and did not show much urgency in regard to scoring a second goal to make the game safe. Too often people read my words and put different meanings to what I am saying. There are those who read this and make out that I want Wenger sacked tomorrow. Read what I write and stop reading between the lines and associating opinions to me that I have no expressed. If Arsenal get through to the QFs of the CL v Barca, season ticket holders will pay between an extra £48 and £90 odd for their season ticket renewals this summer as a result of the attitude shown by the team on Sunday. Fact. If the arrogance of the performance did not hurt, then that, at least, should make the eyes water.

  2. fozzys mate

    Feb 22, 2011, 7:48 #2546

    Kevin as my mate fozzy said in his comment, thank you for writing this piece, as it has saved fozzys two fingered journalists typing fingers from further activity and fatigue. Weng must play a strong side at Old Trafford to show taggart we are a force to be reckoned with. As has been shown many times ten minutes of Dennilson, Bentdne r etc is more than enough. These second rate and string players are too busy counting cash and too stupid to realise games like these and Huddersfield are their chance to shine. Instead they would rather be on a skiing holiday! In a way paeticularly the two aforementioned players are victims of the comfort zone previously created by mr Weng where success was optional. I hope this is a thing of the past as are these two ordinary at best players who have not improved since they were 18 and should be replaced by hungry players who may look like they are bothered when getting a rare start. And to finish is Squillaci, Silvestre in disguise?

  3. Oi

    Feb 22, 2011, 1:46 #2545

    Look Kev, I know what your thinking. But we outplayed them all over the pitch until the end, and although we werent direct enough or more clinical we still have plenty to be happy about. Number one which is the most important ROSICKY SCORED and when that goal went in he played with a lot of confidence, he will take off now and you know it, so I tell your Arsenal journalist mates to stop writing that we should get rid of Rosicky. You do know that Cesc played in that Wilshere Denilson role for a long while, but then Rosicky came along in 2006 and Cescs game changed completely, Cesc learnt a lot from Rosicky (and they are best mates), not only that he is one of the most liked players in the dressing room. So Rosicky is staying and is going to remain an important part of our squad (we are a great, great team at the moment and without certain players we would not be in all four comps). Number two: that young Ignasi is looking like a good player and should be one for the future. Number three: We get another chance to play some players who have not played a lot recently. I think half the reason people are angry at playing another game is because they are scared we will get injured, but that is football, we have to except they could get injured in training and games against Orient are good ways to sharpen certain players, we will progress and play Manure WE KNOW THAT, so lets treat the replay at the Emirates like a serious training game. Number four: We are still in all four competitions. Life as a gooner right now is brilliant wouldnt you say so Kev?

  4. stewie griffin

    Feb 21, 2011, 23:06 #2544

    couldnt agree more with kev about players attitudes and yet wenger never seems to learn.when the draw for the quarters was made and we knew we were heading to old trafford if we won memories of the 4 nil hammering of a second string team came flooding back and i wondered if it might be better to lose to orient rather than have several thousand gooners pay a fortune travelling to manchester for an inevitable beating.with regards to chamakh we will never see the best of him unless we are prepared to put in quality crosses for the guy to do what he does best ie head the bloody ball.also although i dont think bendtner is good enough for the arsenal he is not a right winger. just another example of wenger sticking square pegs in round holes. ps for gods sake get henri lansbury back to the club and buy that clown debilson a one way ticket to brazil!

  5. Gooner49

    Feb 21, 2011, 20:48 #2542

    Agree with James, Chamakh was awful. A complete passenger

  6. Stevesam

    Feb 21, 2011, 20:14 #2541

    Whilst I accept the 3rd choice keeper (and captain ?) needs a game, but at what cost ? Another poor performance and lack of a positive reaction for their goal. My worst nightmare now is that the stubborn AW shall play Eboue, Diaby, Denilson and Alumnia in the CC Final. Have to agree that season ticket holders are being ripped off for pre-paid tickets at top price - should we have an option or is it all about profit for the Board and AW ?

  7. DL

    Feb 21, 2011, 17:41 #2540

    I totally agree with R3DD3R that it could be a blessing in disguise. A lot of the players who played yesterday need playing time and a replay will give them this opportunity. The game may also feature Vermalaen & Diaby who may be fit to play and Ramsey who should be back from loan. I cannot see any of these three being under motivated.

  8. SUGA3

    Feb 21, 2011, 17:33 #2539

    great article, get in there!

  9. AugustusCaesar

    Feb 21, 2011, 16:24 #2538

    Arsenal fans are terrible hypocrits. I wasn't at the game but it sounded like it was a bit of a party atmosphere in the away end. I don't recall any 'oles' this time but there was definitely a chant of: 'same old Arsenal, taking the piss'. Let's be honest, we were as complacent as the players and didn't see that equaliser coming either. It was such a comfortable match that for the first time in a long time I wasn't getting twitchy even though we were 1-0 up. I'm not absolving the players of blame - they should have scored another couple and made the game safe but I find it a bit rich for some of the fans to be applauding the players for taking the piss one minute, condescending little Orient etc and castigating them as overpayed prima donnas who should be up for every game etc, the next. I'll repeat the players should know better.

  10. dan

    Feb 21, 2011, 16:13 #2537

    we are better off out the cup,going to o.t and getting another spanking will not help..

  11. The Happening

    Feb 21, 2011, 14:23 #2535

    Kevin, surely you understand that we need to rest players? Surely you understand that we have an unbalanced squad due to injuries (Vermalen, Ramsey, Fabianski)? Surely, after watching so much Arsenal football you understand that you're not gonna see a team with 10 changes made replicate the performance you saw against Barcelona? But then again mate I can empathize with you, we're on the cusp of actually winning something for 5 years, so some of us are a little more fearful than others!

  12. Feb 21, 2011, 14:19 #2534

    martin keown got it right on the beeb: like spoilt kids, who felt it was beneath them to work for their wages, feeling sorry for themselves as they all realise they are not part of the first team plans, but not prepared to show the boss he's wrong. bunch of wasters, the lot of them. so why give an 18 year old prospect his debut on a dodgy pitch with a bunch of second raters remember Coquelin at Stoke?

  13. Pete Clarke

    Feb 21, 2011, 13:54 #2533

    Well, at least this article spared us from some insightful and enlightened analysis from Fozzy.

  14. bradywasking

    Feb 21, 2011, 13:53 #2532

    Chamack had a nightmare, apart from that would agree with what you said..on the issue of shirt swapping, sometimes players from lower clubs are not allowed give away their shirts because of the cost implications...but they would want the shirts of the Premier "stars" we had on view...We have to play a strong team at Wembley or we will get beaten..

  15. Kipmonster

    Feb 21, 2011, 13:22 #2531

    I was very angry when the transfer window ended & no Centre Back was signed as we lack strength & depth in that position which could yet again derail hopes of a 'major' trophy. Nonetheless this article is a massive overreaction.

  16. Goonerdad

    Feb 21, 2011, 11:58 #2530

    Editor - Why is it that it takes just a below par game for you to switch on the woe is Arsenal text? Granted we should have won but we didnt. We are in the hat for the next round - is that not all that matters? The only amazement for me in your editorial is that you didnt go to town on Almunia..........

  17. Angelo

    Feb 21, 2011, 11:53 #2529

    @ Never Outgunned No mate. You're right. I'm just fired up a bit, because I hate those, who react blindly and aggressively like the person above (if somebody has another opinion). I've got no problem with the optimists. I am myself more like a realist. We will win the replay, but I'm not sure how the extra match will affect us in the other competitions. Let's be realistic. Who would normally think a small team like Orient can play a draw against a big team like? I learnt something with this team though. If you use our worst players is just simply not enough against anybody. After so many failures it seems to be a fact. And I hate the feeling that I don't know which Arsenal turns up on the day. The irresistible or the one that can lose from a 4-0 lead. I love the club, but you have to admit that it is an annoying feeling.

  18. Coolio

    Feb 21, 2011, 11:52 #2528

    Really rubbish post. No sense of perspective. No sense at all.

  19. Graham

    Feb 21, 2011, 11:40 #2527

    Martin Spot on.As from next season only league games should be on the season ticket.The FA cup should be like the CC.Top price tickets £20.In the CL ST holders should get first option to purchase their seats.Charging fans premiership prices to watch the B team against lower league opposition is a sick joke

  20. Peter

    Feb 21, 2011, 11:11 #2526

    Editorial although a little too harsh,once again a very ponerous frustrating performance.No urgency and too many below par performances.Miquel showed great promise for the future even though he was partly at fault for the goal.I thought Denilson for him had a reasonable game.Still not good enough though.Disagree with Chamakh thought he was way off the pace,although he has not played much lately.Song had a real stinker with so many poor passes.He is a necessary component when we are at full strength but struggles when his more talented collegues are not playing. You could see the late goal coming a mile off all the time we only had a goal advantage.Another game we did not need.

  21. Martin

    Feb 21, 2011, 10:36 #2525

    The only winners were Barry Hearn and the Arsenal board.The big losers the Arsenal season tickets holders.Another FA cup tie against lower opposition(the 3rd this season) with the club disgracefully charging premiership prices and the season tickets holders cant opt out of going to it as they have already paid for it in their season tickets.What a fucking rip off.We never play our first eleven in the FA cup.Someone should tell Hill-Wood,Fitzman & Co that there is a reccession going on and the fans are being priced out of football while wankers like Bender and Denilshit are taking home £50k a week.Rip off Arsenal

  22. Never Outgunned

    Feb 21, 2011, 10:22 #2524

    Angelo - would it be terribly rude of me to point out that we didn't actually lose yesterday - it was a draw away from home in quite a unique environment which were on the verge of winning, where we rightly rested a few players between some very big games. Tom - suddenly everythings Almunia's fault again! How predictable!

  23. bunch

    Feb 21, 2011, 10:19 #2523

    In the pre-match ESPN pitch-side chat Savage had a go at Bendtner (tee'd up by sTUBBS). Thinks he's better than his performance show etc. Billy then went on to prove that blonde bumshell right. Very disappointed with Almunia's effort. The shot was straight at him and it went under him. Very poor. Wojech doesn't need to rest, play him. Denislon didn't look to bad, but that was becasue he was put under no pressure, but he wasn't able to create much. Chamakh is so horribly out of form. Only Arshavin of the attacking players looked dangerous. Hacked off that another home cup game on the season ticket is going to be used for a League 1 club and in all likelihood the same set of half-arsed Arsenal players.

  24. AugustusCaesar

    Feb 21, 2011, 10:12 #2522

    I mostly agree with the overall synopsis but think it's perhaps a little over the top (I find the notion that we might as well not bother going to Old Trafford pretty staggering regardless of what happened in our last visit in the cup). But, yes it's true, we only have ourselves to blame for not winning the game. We had COMPLETE control and really should have had more than a goal to show for our domination. I actually thought in terms of cohesion this was the best our second string has played for quite a while, although we weren't under a great deal of pressure. I agree with most people that Chamakh was poor. Toothless. He appears to be really lacking in confidence now Van Persie is fit again and the established centre forward.

  25. Yanto

    Feb 21, 2011, 10:01 #2521

    Arsenal v Barca - Ecstatic and Overjoyed Orient v Arsenal Disappointing in the extreme....there's a sense of familiarity to all of this of late! Rosicky our sole scorer.. although he tries hard, he is simply not the player he was, not his fault, but plain to see he is redundant, then we have the likes of denilson, almunia and squillaci who are a joke - but no one is laughing - except the opposition. I would suggest we are just about still in 4 competitions - by the skin of our teeth - rather than actually challenging and being possible contenders to do the Quadruple,(not that I'm even considering that! - a CL Cup/a Prem Title would do me fine!) Arsene Wenger must come to terms with the FACTS that not all members of the present squad are up to the job of being able to step into the first team and play as they should be able to at that level - regardless of the usual difficulties of match fitness/sharpness etc. It cannot be easy to orchestrate a rotation system in a team at the highest level under pressure to play at their best when there is so much dependent on each game....but that's the job... a job made all the more difficult when the manager AW has to employ the likes of almunia, denilson,squillaci et al because he failed to bring in some experienced players - who do care and who do have what it takes when the chips are down - but he seems to keep giving extended contracts to soft bellied (eboue), arrogant (bendtner), inept (denilson, squillaci, almunia) players who having just been pegged back by a team from the 1st league and can then be seen laughing and joking as they walk off the pitch!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF we manage to beat Orient at home (and let's be honest with the likes of the jokers in our pack who are likely to play, nothing is a safe(ish) bet)...we have 6 games in 18 days...and I keep getting this sense of Deja Vu - remember how our season was almost destroyed in a matter of days when we were dumped out of the CL by the chavs and a few days later dumped out of FA Cup by manure...... I just pray this sense of Deja Vu is merely an abberration on my part.... Mind you there's always next season where no doubt we will once again see the likes of denilson, eboue, squillaci and almunia in an Arsenal shirt! It's all well and good and makes headlines how Arsene Thinks It Possible For Arsenal to Win All Four Trophies.... At this moment in time, I would be happy to see us challenging on 2 or 3 fronts with a squad that didn't rely on the teams top 4 players (who should be resting) having to come on and bail us out of smelly stuff... Deja Vu!? I Sincerely Hope Not!

  26. Feb 21, 2011, 10:00 #2520

    Well said - I agree with your column but picturing Arshavin who to me seemed to be one of the few not suffering from arrogance/incompetence is perhaps a little harsh. From Burnley away whenever it was in the last few years when Bendtner played abysmally to yesterday, there seems to be a lack of desire to try to win across some sections of the second team. Ultimately, for so long as they continue to get chances and paid not much will change I don't suppose.

  27. HowardL

    Feb 21, 2011, 9:20 #2519

    I agree with R3DD3R that, much as I would have preferred to avoid a replay the opportunity to give this team another competitive game can be seen as an opportunity. I thought they clicked quite well most of the time, though Song was off key and Chamakh's decline seems to parallel the rise and rise of Robin van Persie. I also have a soft spot for Leyton Orient, having lived my early years in Hackney and watched them on many occasions, including against the Arsenal in Cup and League. Brisbane Rd still seems to be an atmospheric ground (despite the bizarre flats all round - one camera shot was from around where I used to stand in the 'Enclosure' - quite nostalgic really.

  28. Angelo

    Feb 21, 2011, 9:15 #2518

    @ Sid You are the cretin not the one, who wrote the article. You talk like an animal and defend the undefendable. You'd better just shut up with your moronic mates. I you think it is acceptable to lose against a team several divisions below you, than you are the rubbish supporter.

  29. Seven Kings Gunner

    Feb 21, 2011, 8:59 #2517

    Come on Kev - You said this season would be a "Rollercoaster" and so it is proving but the carriage is still on the track and we did not lose nor did we play as poorly as the Mancs.

  30. Tom

    Feb 21, 2011, 7:11 #2516

    Both Chamakh and Bendtner were hopeless,both couldnt hit a cows arse with a banjo.Chamakh started the season on fire but is dead on his feet.Is he tough enough for english football?Reyes mark 2. As for Bendtner he was just his usual shit self.The sooner we get rid of him the better.Fans are rightly having a go at that plonker in goal but dont forget Wenger thought this clown should be our number 1 at the start of the season.Just remember we are just an injury to Szczesny and we will have this clown in goal for the run in.Thanks Arsene.Once again this shower of tossers showed when given a chance they are not good enough to step up.Squillaci Denilson Rosicky Chamakh and Billy Bender should be driven to the airport in May and told to fuck off and dont come back

  31. Bee Jee Wee Jee

    Feb 21, 2011, 1:09 #2515

    Kev, why throw stones right now? It's really unbecoming. We just did Barca. We are on our way to Wembley to collect our first trophy. We will win this tie against the O's at home (C'mon mate you know this. You really don't think they will lose at home do you? No.) Finally, the title is in reach. Why don't you sit down and write an "Online Ed" thanking Wenger. That would be a good use of your time.

  32. Never Outgunned

    Feb 20, 2011, 23:46 #2514

    I think there's a danger of being a bit knee jerk with results - we beat Barca, suddenly we're the best in the world. We fail to beat Orient, we're a shower of shit, as we were with Ipswich. I remember in the year Newcastle beat us at home, Newcastle were held 1-1 at Orient in the League Cup. The year Arsenal won the cup in 1979, 3rd Division Sheffield Wednesday to them to five games. So it goes with the cup.

  33. Ikechukwu

    Feb 20, 2011, 23:40 #2513

    Chamakh 'had a decent game'?? £80k a week this mug is on, that's more than the whole Orient team combined. The guy is an absolute clown, total garbage. Chamakh's stats this season: managed ZERO shots on target in 90 mins at Old Trafford, 90 mins without a shot on target against West Ham, 45 mins (then subbed off) without a shot on goal against Huddersfield, 75 minutes (subbed off again!) at home to Newcastle without a shot on target, 70 minutes at home to WBA without a shot on target, and then now tonight. They guy is supposed to be a STRIKER, I don't give a monkeys if this mug was free he is pure wank, awful awful signing, but hey he's French and so is Shitachi! Unbelievable how awful he is, I'd take Jermain Beckford or Piquionne (West Ham reserve) before this plonker, I'd even have Kevin Doyle before him. A striker's job is to SHOOT and score goals. This dick serves no purpose I have no clue how any of you can call Wenger 'financially responsible' and then see that he is paying a clown who lives on the bench £80k a week!!! Arrogant performance, quadruple? Ha ha ha this coming from a team who've never even won the CL let alone a treble etc. Great wins win trebles and quadruples. Mediocre overrated teams fail to beat Leeds, Ipswich and Orient at the first time of asking. Look at Man U treble team, Inter treble team: they were Winners. Winners don't show such arrogance, they want to perform all the time, in every competition. This Arsenal team is mediocre and the only thing it'll win is the Carling Cup. - Barca will finish the job in 2 weeks - Man United will not get beat when they come Emirates and will win the league. Arsenal blew the league at Newcastle, any team that blows a 4 goal lead deserves nothing. - Man United will destroy the inevitable second string in the FA Cup. Carling Cup is the level of this team. Champions League? You're having a laugh! Wenger will mismanage Arsenal out of 3 competitions, in the same way his failure to win a piss-easy CL group cost us a tie with Barca

  34. James

    Feb 20, 2011, 23:35 #2512

    Chamakh showed reasonable movement in the first half, but the guy just cannot shoot or finish. At all. Second half he disappeared from the game entirely. Surprised we didn't make a single substitution today - even with 10 minutes to go, just one of the likes of Nasri or Wilshere would have been enough to win that tie.

  35. pistolpete

    Feb 20, 2011, 22:31 #2510

    Jeez some people, so quick to criticise. Lets not forget that our team today are not regular starters and today were up against a bunch of guys trying to prove themselves in the biggest game of their careers, and were always going to fight tooth and nail for every ball especially in front of their own fans. Personally i think that Bendtner and Chamakh should have played up in a flat 442, with rosicky and Gibbs raining crosses in and Arshavin buzzing around behind them - playing to the strengths of the chosen players, but that is Wengers job, anyone really believe they tried not to win? Also thought Almunia may have done better with the goal, but we should overrun them in the replay. Well done Miquel - solid debut i thought.

  36. Speedtiger

    Feb 20, 2011, 22:24 #2509

    I agree with Kevin's article above. Arsenal played like they couldn't be arsed to turn up. Sheer arrogance and many lazy players. I thought we'd struggle as soon as I saw the team sheet but the sad truth is that, once again, Arsenal can't be bothered when it comes to lower league opposition. I struggle and get into debt to watch a team who can't be bothered to turn up when the fans are desperate for trophies!

  37. R3DD3R

    Feb 20, 2011, 22:20 #2508

    O come on .. cheer up a bit .. let's not turn into the arrogant barca now !!! So we drew - big deal. Actually i believe it is a better result. The second string haven't had much games recently and so are not that match sharp. A second game with Orient at Arsenal is just what they need. Chamakh needs to play more too. we may have some injuries and these players will have to come and fit in the first team so getting them match sharp is a bonus. No harm done - it doesn't affect our schedule as the same team that played today will play again - and an extra game's revenue at the Grove. We can't expect to play every game and win just because the oppo is less than us in ranking. The pitch didn't help our passing game and we managed to see what Miquel is all about. Good game and not a bad result.

  38. Jimmy

    Feb 20, 2011, 22:01 #2507

    I think you're being overly harsh Kevin, which does seem to be your style. As has often been pointed out, when we make wholesale changes (ten today I think), then the second string do struggle, but we're not the only side in that boat. Man United's B team hardly shook the world against Crawley. With the games coming up in the next 7 days, I don't think we can question Wenger for his selection and I fully expect the same sort of line-up for the replay. However, should we get through that (and I think we will) will he play a second string against Man United? And what will Fergie do bearing in mind that their second leg against Marseille will be on the Tuesday after the cup game? By the way, I thought Arshavin had a "half decent" game too. Certainly put in more effort than he does usually.

  39. Ramgun

    Feb 20, 2011, 22:01 #2506

    You don't really think that Chamakh played well do you?

  40. Sixtay

    Feb 20, 2011, 21:59 #2505

    Dumbest post ever...end of!

  41. StuartL

    Feb 20, 2011, 21:57 #2504

    The second string just don't gel together and play with the same cohesion as our first team (which I guess is understandable) Its fine to have 1 or 2 in the team as it doesn't affect the team balance too much but too many are not up to standard or lack the motivation to produce - perhaps because they know they are nothing but squad players ? Lansbury, and Ramsey show much more commitment and passion yet they are deemed to not be necessary to our needs at the moment? With 4 trophies to be fought for, what better time to have enthusiastic, hungry, talented youngsters keen to make their mark and prove their worth ? rather than the buch of underperforming, shirkers who ahve proved time na dtime again that they are not up to it. And why no substitutions at all ? sheer folly. Well done Orient - you didn't kick us and got yourselves a payday.

  42. Fozzy

    Feb 20, 2011, 21:50 #2503

    Kevin, I am so pleased you wrote this piece because I was about to compose a rant in a same vein, whilst at the same time getting ready to put on the tin helmet to cope with the array of hostile comments. We are back to my point that Deckchair (Denilson) and Barry (Bentner) between them are not good enough. In fact, nowhere near good enough. After today's performance they would struggle to get into the Orient team. We just can't perform as a team with these two playing. I echo every word from Sheriff's comments at 2035.

  43. GoonerRon

    Feb 20, 2011, 21:27 #2502

    'The draw for this season’s FA Cup quarter finals has removed any notion of the quadruple going beyond the end of March' - could you be any more defeatist? Obviously the Man U demolition of Crawley has you quaking in your boots. If we get past Orient in the replay we have a good chance of going through. The performance today was lacking spark and some urgency in the final third. I've said it before that when we make 8,9 or 10 changes its very difficult for squad players to come in from the cold and find a cohesive and penetrative game. That said, I don't really blame Wenger for making the changes he did - the first XI put in a huge amount against Barca and in the cold light of day we have two bigger games in the next 7 days where we will definitely need our top players to be on their game. I'd rather get a draw out of the way today than drop points against Stoke on Wednesday. Not a good day at the office by any means but not a catastrophe in the context of our season either.

  44. Sid

    Feb 20, 2011, 21:10 #2501

    I am sick and tired of your constant slating of the team you purport to support. You are a disgrace mate and pathetic whining, whinging petulant child and frankly you make me embarrassed to be associated with you through Arsenal FC. Your childish sniping at Wenger is bad enough, IF we were doing badly, but we are not! You sad cretin. WE played well today, even with all those changes and in Miquel we have a really promising young defender, but no, you would rather moan like an old fish wife. YOU ARE THE EMBARRASSMENT AND YOU ARE THE PROBLEM HERE AND ALL THE OTHER DOOMERS TOO.

  45. Mark Mywords

    Feb 20, 2011, 21:06 #2500

    I thought Miguel had a good game. He reminded me of a left footed O'Leary. Worth persevering with. He and Gibbs got too close together for their goal, and contrived to get in each other's way. To be fair not a bad piece of skill from their bloke. Chamakh is too slow. Not bad with his back to goal, but never gets on the end of anything played in front of him. I just can't see him getting lots of goals. Song and Denilson were both poor. Lets hope Frimpong and Coquelin are about next year to put them under pressure.

  46. John Evans

    Feb 20, 2011, 21:01 #2499

    I am not to sure about the comment on Chamakh having a half decent game. I havent seen the guy make any type of run since November and he was in my opinion non-existant today. He is in my opinion no better than Bendtner and has shown so over the past three months. Not enough pace to be a threat upfront on his own. To rule us out against United away is also a little defeatest, I would imagine a stronger line up than today taking part in that possible tie and the bench will be used if need be where as today is was not. United will not put out their best possible XI either which will make the game a winnable one

  47. Website Editor

    Feb 20, 2011, 20:59 #2498

    re: chamakh - i thought he was 'half decent' - in that he at least seemed to put more effort in. wouldn't say he played well, but in comparison with some, i thought he was one of the better ones. however, that is not saying much today. that the team didn't click made it look like he contributed little i will grant you, but at least i felt he was trying. as for 'Oi' if you think this was an acceptable performance from an arsenal XI, i simply can't agree. did i make out anyone had died?

  48. Sheriff

    Feb 20, 2011, 20:52 #2497

    Is it me but does Wenger ever learn?? Shaktar, Braga, Leeds, Huddersfield, Ipswich and today Leyton Orient..For someone who earns 6M a year, its either stupidity, Stubborness or just lain delusional....As much as I hate losing, I hope Leyton Orient win at the Emirates and then maybe the embarrassment would force Wenger to stop fielding a team that has bENDTNER, Denilson, Squillaci and Alumina all in one game....Bendtner is not a winger and would never be...why he keeps getting been played there time and time over and over again I dont know...if we are that desperate, cant we just go buy a f*cking winger?? or plaay Clichy as Lb and move Gibbs to LW and Arshain or Rosicky to RW??

  49. A.K.

    Feb 20, 2011, 20:35 #2496

    I hate to say this as I'm an avid fan who is always optimistic but your article furthered cemented my theory that some of these players believe that playing in a game like this is beneath them or that they should be playing alongside the main first team players and shouldn't be amongst the 'squad' players! I hope I am wrong about them and it is just a theory and nothing else and that it is because the squad players do not play with each other enough to gel but whatever the reason, I hope they do better in the replay as I fully expect that they will be playing as we can't expect the first team players to keep bailing us out as there is tougher games to come! We are still in this and I expect us to win at home and field the first team against United.

  50. Oi

    Feb 20, 2011, 20:08 #2495

    No it werent great, but we were the better team and Rosicky put on a fine display and scored a fantastic header. LIGHTEN UP KEV, Christ you would of thought someone died

  51. Jekyll

    Feb 20, 2011, 20:07 #2494

    Normally agree with every word of the Editorials but surprised you thought Chamakh had a half-decent game. I thought he was appalling - I don't remember him even controlling it. Denilson I forgot was even out there, but then that's the norm apart from when he's making costly errors. Every time Wenger makes wholesale changes we fail yet he does it again and again, and will doubtless continue to do so. I see he had a little dig at the pitch in his post-game interview. He doesn't change. And why indeed were the likes of Fab or Nasri not brought on late on, especially after they equalised. Why did Nasri need a rest at all? He's only just come back.

  52. Tasos

    Feb 20, 2011, 20:03 #2493

    Kevin All is not lost despite your doom and gloom analyses. Learn to control your emotions, otherwise you run the risk of sounding like a buffoon.

  53. Theopants Superstar.

    Feb 20, 2011, 20:00 #2492

    When you struggle to shine against players a whole two divisions below the standard you play at then that should be as good a signal that one needs that the players concerned are just not good enough to be playing for Arsenal. The likes of Denilson, Squillaci and Bendtner (with honourable mentions to Rosicky, Chamack, Gibbs, plus a dishonourable one for Eboue - even though he didn't play this time)have once again shown that they can not be relied upon to do the job against the lower lights, never mind the very best teams. Unless we're extremely lucky with injuries, I fear that it will probably come back to bite us yet again.

  54. James

    Feb 20, 2011, 19:55 #2491

    Chamakh? Decent? What game were you watching???