Ashamed to be a Gooner after that

File under: Catharsism

Ashamed to be a Gooner after that

Koscielny: No Tony Adams

(Ed’s note – Submitted Sunday evening. I am still clearing the backlog of offerings, so please bear with me as I get them up at the rate of about three a day)

I write this after just having gotten home after the best part of a four hour journey and yet I’m not sure if I am still in shock or completely numb after the utter disgrace we saw today at Wembley. What the hell was that we had to bear witness today?! How is it that a team that in a dazzling 15 minutes was able to overcome Barcelona yet against newly promoted Geordies, struggling Brummies and a League 1 side with no history we completely bottle it and fall apart? What excuses do our ‘talented’ and ‘mentally strong’ side have for any of that? I sit here feeling for the first time to be utterly ashamed to call myself a supporter. Why should we be allowed to endure any of this bulls**t?

This hurts far more then the finals against Barcelona and Chelsea in 06 and 07. Even if we had a realistic chance to win those games we still lost to teams which had proven to be better than us that year. How is it we create over 20 chances and dominate possession and yet we fail to end that end product we so desperately need? Despite dropping stupid points which would have put us miles clear at the top I was still cautiously optimistic that we would pull it off here. The side could emulate Stroller’s heroes of 87 and kick start a few years of success; even if it had been a scrappy game we had the silverware in spitting distance, yet we go and bottle it due to being overpaid, over confident and with a manager with utterly no clue what he is doing.

It shows how much we rely on Fabregas to create chances, much like we used to rely on Wrighty to score them years ago. I honestly would not blame him if he left this year; he is like the Brady of the current era, a masterful midfield genius with flair, ability and passion stuck in a side of mediocrity. Yet he is not a leader, where are players in the mould of Adams, Vieira and Seaman who would command and rally the team when on the back foot? Where are players with the style of touch of Bergkamp or ones with the killer instinct of Henry? This is of no disrespect to Wilshere, van Persie and Djourou, the only ones out there who turned up with any desire and hunger to see this thing through. Arshavin showed once again how lazy and disinterested he was, Rosicky seemed to have any accuracy desert him. Nasri looked like he had lost his mojo, only showing flashes of what we needed. Bendtner also proved again he is all bark and no bite. As for the moment which handed the cup to Birmingham on a silver platter, take your pick from Sagna, Kos and Szczęsny. Either one of them are just to blame, of which it is something you would expect from a pub team with only nine men.

Fair play to Birmingham, they turned up with the desire, drive and hunger to win this, we just didn’t turn up. Hell I was still optimistic after the first half; a stunning van Persie goal gave us back the momentum we needed to kill the game off by two or three goals. Then Sod’s Law showed up to take him off injured. As for Wenger, who constantly tells us to judge him in May, how about I judge you now? You are a f**king useless arrogant w**ker who has utterly gone insane and lost the plot. You have turned this club into a s**ty business with little respect for the history of the club or its fans, who you quite happily plunder money from without any indication of where it goes. Get the next f**king taxi out of here and take your b*llocks about mental strength with you! You may say how disappointed you are, but nothing will change will it, as long as we get into Europe you won’t ever realize what an utter f**king moron you have become.

I will just end on this, two images stick in my mind from today. One is an upset Wilshere being hugged by a couple of the team, the other is Denilson smirking to himself as he got his loser’s medal. What does that tell us about the state of our club? Some may respect the history and legacy, but most will just take their hefty wage packets and lack of talent and not give a t*ss. The latter is what Wenger’s legacy now is. We as fans need to seriously do something before we endure another six trophyless seasons.

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  1. ppp

    Mar 04, 2011, 17:07 #2882

    we've been a lot cr*pper than we are right now and i have NEVER been ashamed to be arsenal so you should shuddup and sod off back to spurs. typical spud - crying like a baby.

  2. fozzys mate

    Mar 02, 2011, 22:37 #2779

    No doubt the words of an angry man but I felt the same on the journey home. Having seen us lose many big games in the last 30 years I am heartily sick. However shame is a strong emotion. I share your frustration with aw and his miserly dough trousering ways. I do not agree with the aw is god crowd who have never seen a live game of football. However never be ashamed to be a gooner mate. The club will be here long before aw and the current squad and will be here long after. We are the club not the current greedy board who do not dare to challenge aw. He is still a genius but needs as we all do to be challenged once in a while. If you continually espouse opinion unchallenged, right or wrong you will believe you are right. That's why a director of football type like David Dein is needed to drive wenger out of his comfort zone and back to his genius best.

  3. GoonerRon

    Mar 02, 2011, 22:32 #2778

    Babatunde - you have spent a large amount of time writing a lot of what is largely shit there son. The irony of calling Eboue (in his sixth season with us) and Diaby (in his fifth season with us) mercenaries is probably lost on you. What's all this seven years with no trophy bullshit, it's not even 6 years. Then you have the temerity to bring redknapp into it claiming his trophy haul in the last 6 years, which was delivered by the near extinction of a football club. Is that what you fetishise? The team and the manager and perfect but I support the club no matter what. Wenger isn't bigger than the club and he'd be the first to admit it but in years to come (and I'm talking decades here) we will consistently reap the benefits of his groundwork with the academy, stadium, facilities etc. You say we were successful before Wenger, and we were, but he is the most successful manager ever.

  4. El-Piresidente

    Mar 02, 2011, 22:06 #2777

    Some of you are such simpletons. Are you unable to grasp that the world is not black and white, and that the truth does not lie with either AKBs or with the Wenger out now types? Of course Wenger does some odd things and we can all see his blind spots - the keeper issue, ridiculous substitutions like bringing on Chamakh for Arshavin on Sunday etc. When Rosicky was in the starting line-up at Wembley I recalled the FA Cup semi-final at Old Trafford in the invicibles season when Arsene started the game with Alialialialiadiere as a lone striker - crazy stuff. The flip side is that this guy IS a genius. Gem after gem of young player off the Wenger production line. The excitement of seeing our brand of football. The ability to hold on to players who any club in the world, and I mean any, would have had for as long as we did. Wenger kept Thierry Henry at the club for 9 years, Vieira similar. The fact that Cesc is still with us (and with us in the first place) is entirely down to one man. In an era of catastrophic overspending, oil-rich sugar daddies and giant clubs plunged into debt, the fact that we are watching magnificent football in a superb stadium and competing for honours is an achievement in itself. If some of you would prefer to go back to seeing long balls down the channels, talking rubbish about David Hillier being a future England captain, while lifting the odd secondary trophy good luck to you. Will we win the title or champions league given Wenger's obvious blindspots? Maybe not. But without him, our potential for freefall into real, rather than imagined mediocrity is huge.

  5. Kevin

    Mar 02, 2011, 17:38 #2773

    I will never ever be ashamed to be an Arsenal fan. If we all had that attitude then in theory I would be ashamed everyday to be a West Ham fan

  6. Babatunde

    Mar 02, 2011, 16:49 #2772

    Absolutely superb post, I feel your pain brother. Please ignore the incoherent nonsense bollocks from the AKBs for they are clowns, who have spent the past 6 years telling us 'next season will be different, Arsene is nearly there', only to be made to look gloriously foolish season, after season! I personally am sickened and disgusted by Arsene Wenger. He is a big joke, Alex McLeish has been in six cup finals and won them all. AW has lost more cup finals than he has won! He earns £6.5 mil a season and the best centre-back he can sign for £10 mil is a clown like Koscielny. No trophies in six years, constant rubbish in goalkeeping position for how long? The team are born Losers because the manager is a born Loser. Ever since Dein and Vieira and Adams and Sol aren't there to discipline for him, he has shown himself to be totally clueless and out of his depth. Chucking a 4 goal lead at Newcastle. Failing to win the easiest CL group of all time. Losing a final to Brum!!! What is especially hilarious is how all the AKBs, when it looked like we had the Beer cup wrapped up...tried to convince the world it was a serious trophy! All of a sudden we lose...and errr we never wanted it anyway! Arsene Wenger is an overrated, overpaid fraud with no spine, no courage and no will to win. He is an ample reflection of this team in fact. The team has been made in his image. Arrogant to an extreme, Brum turn up to a cup final in suits, ours turn up in trackie bottoms! Wenger's arrogance in thinking he has a divine right to be better than other teams because of his philosophy (whatever that is) translates to the players. Wenger is the world's biggest bottler, even Alex McLeish and Harry Redknapp have won more trophies than this joke has in SIX YEARS! All he sells us is a future that never comes...and by the time you turn round in 3 years time when this joker's contract is finally up, whaddya know it will have been TEN TROPHYLESS YEARS! That is where we are headed. Barca will stuff these lot, PL is Man United's and Almunia the waiter is in goal for the FA Cup so forget it. The standard of players is shocking, only Wilshere, Cesc (the best), Nasri and Sagna and sicknote RVP deserve/command any props or respect. The rest of them are clowns. Alex Song, the most overrated joke in the PL, with his fat arse, slowness and shit positioning. Marouane Chamakh, an experienced striker who cannot use his feet, crap finisher, not scored in 3 months and was 'tired' after playing 2 months. On £80k a week. Tom Rosicky, the biggest Fraud known to the sport....Our joke of a manager makes this weak as piss tool CAPTAIN for the day at Wembley!!! Rosicky is on an alleged £70k a week. Chesney, another overrated one, what is a 20 year old kid doing in goal for a club like Arsenal in a major cup final? Even Ben Foster proved to be the better keeper...Koskielny well well well what a clown, just needs a tricycle now! Sebastien Shitachi, worse than Silvestre. In fact ALL of AW's summer signings have been first-rate shite. And THIS is the man we want to entrust with our future? Hey ho, the AKBs have been singing the same tired load of bollox for a while and well..would you have a look at that it is now coming up to SEVEN YEARS without a SINGLE trophy for Arsenal!!!! How the AKBs can talk, when the case is so CLEARLY made against Wenger is beyond me. Then again, they are a cult, not to be taken seriously. SEVEN fucking years. This is Arsenal, not Accrington Stanley so here is my advice to the AKB cretins: if YOU are satisfied with Arsenal winning nothing for almost 7 years (assuming we win nowt this season), and if YOU are happy watching Arsenal lose at home to Spuds, show a disgraceful attitude in cup finals, and pay over the odds for some of the biggest mercenary wankers in football like Abou Diaby, Rosicky, Eboue and Chamakh....if you are happy paying dopey pricks like Glichy big wages to defend like a child on a sugar rush....then how about YOU 'piss off and go support Spuds/City/whereever' And leave supporting Arsenal to people intelligent enough and ambitious enough to know that Arsenal were successful long before that tool Wenger arrived, and it will be far more successful long after he pisses off (sooner rather than later hopefully)...

  7. professor moriarty

    Mar 02, 2011, 16:32 #2771

    some harsh truths here maybe, a little bit strong on the criticism of Wenger, but after a performance like that in the season we are currently enduring almost understandable. Yes we are still in with a shout of three trophies but how long before the next capitulation when leading 2-0 or the next defensive cock up that throws away another trophy chance.

  8. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Mar 02, 2011, 16:31 #2770

    Everyone is jumping on a frustrated fan, but none of the jumping monkeys ever says anything about Whinger's 6 years of bollocks player signings, clueless tactics and horseshit defensive coaching - if he coaches defense at all. I can see that a few have had their brains permanently paralysed, having breathed air from Whinger's ass for far too long. These monkeys need to get a life and realize the truth - Whinger is running this club into the ground for his wgo.

  9. El-Piresidente

    Mar 02, 2011, 16:12 #2768

    This article is even worse than Sunday's debacle. A typical "Arsene's lost the plot" piece of drivel looking to bash all the usual targets. How you even manage to crowbar in an attack on Denilson is unfathomable given the guy didn't even play. Clearly a fickle moron. My son has a better understanding of football and he's 1.

  10. truthhurts

    Mar 02, 2011, 14:30 #2766

    the above rantings are just replica of my 8yr old son after the match on sunday. Granted we all hurt deeply about the carling cup misadventure but i suggest we should sit back after the dust has settle down before some of us pick our phone to talksports and start slating the team we love so much and support.I am not ashamed to be a Gunner and will never be, come what may. I boldy say this- you never know the value of what you have untill you lost it.

  11. Grant

    Mar 02, 2011, 14:30 #2765

    It hurts to lose when it seems the team has shown little desire to win.I long for another Adams, Bould Keown to return , but that's highly unlikely.I remember walking home from Wembley after getting beat by Luton.What happened after that year?Oh yeah, we won the league on Merseyside. Keep the faith(Its hard I know)

  12. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 02, 2011, 12:56 #2764

    WAH WAH WAH WE DIDN'T WIN WAH WAH!! Some fans really need to grow up. A lot of these posts are the equivalent of a spoilt child writhing on the ground beating his fists in an uncontrollable rage because it can't get its own way. It really is quite pathetic to read. Yes, we are a big club, yes times have changed, yes we are in a league where only a handful of clubs can realistically win trophies and yes it is disappointing not to have won anything for six seasons. But we have no divine right to win anything. Not even the Carling Cup against Birmingham. The players are trying their best, the manager is trying his best. Yes, nor the players or the manager are perfect but they are trying their best. I do believe that. They are desperate for silverware as much as we are. Our season is very much alive and we could be in worse positions. We could be in Liverpool's position so let's just get a fu*king grip and get behind the team for the remainder of the season.

  13. Dan

    Mar 02, 2011, 12:44 #2763

    Great article and as far as I am concerned well said you are spot on. As for these idiots on here who call you a plastic fan or say your not a fan, I think the fact you have written this shows how much you care about the club. It's been going on for far to long and something has to be done, all over the internet today are remarks from players that the dressing room was silent and the manager didn't even speak! Great management... after witnessing a sorry excuse for a performance (excusing Wilshire) he says nothing to them. I dread tonight and hope that we can cling on to some self respect by beating the O's. The board are happy with top 4 and the money rolling in, there is no pressure on Wenger, so it's our club and therefore up to us to questions things.

  14. Pires' goatee

    Mar 02, 2011, 12:36 #2762

    Erm, it's only the Carling Cup...

  15. Rowland Gee

    Mar 02, 2011, 11:53 #2760

    When we lost to Chelsea in the 2006 Carling Cup Final in Cardiff, Arsenal were proud then that the team's average age was 22. That was 5 years ago and the team's average on Sunday was little different. If David Dein had stayed, the balance between him and AW would have produced silverwear and better anticipated player need.

  16. Brigham

    Mar 02, 2011, 11:30 #2759

    A bit of a rant by the author, but when you take away the hurt he was/is obviously suffering, he does have some valid points. The team has no leaders, that has been evident for quite some time now and looks as though it will not be addressed in the very near future. We the fans have known for sometime now that we need some experience in the defence and goalkeeping areas, yet Arsene continues to ignore those facts. One thing I will say though is that you should not be ashamed to be a GOONER, you should be proud of that fact. Don't hide, wear your colours with pride. COYRRG

  17. Oliver Chessis

    Mar 02, 2011, 10:31 #2758

    "How is it we create over 20 chances and dominate possession and yet we fail to end that end product we so desperately need" contradicts "It shows how much we rely on Fabregas to create chances". I think you should give it time after a defeat before you have a rant

  18. M5 Gooner

    Mar 02, 2011, 10:17 #2756

    Ashamed to be a Gooner!!!!! never mate.......... some of the article ok some shit but never be ashamed to be Arsenal, think you may be some sort of JCL with that statement..........start saving for your Man City top cock.

  19. Fozzy

    Mar 02, 2011, 9:35 #2754

    A savage piece, but one that sums up the strength of feeling with a growing number of Gooners at The Grove. Many of the subsequent above comments are rather unfair, chaps. Chris was there, he saw what went on, and as a result he has expressed his opinion, and we should respect that. This website is an amplified version of going to the pub after the game and giving your mates an earful of what you saw that went on. Let's cherish the opportunity that this website provides us with this platform. Warning - you may be reading a similar Fozzy rant tomorrow. I am having a sofa installed in front of where I will be "standing" in Red Action tonight so I can hide behind it. All the usual suspects will be on display: Spanish Waiter, Ebouseless, Deckchair, that tosser Diaby and Barry. Those of you who feel the need to advise me to go elsewhere will be disappointed. Going to watch The Arse is something that I have been doing for nearly 50 years and it is in my blood.

  20. rvp15

    Mar 02, 2011, 9:17 #2752

    Whilst agreeing that you should not support Arsenal for the trophies only...I will always maintain that you should never accept second best. I feel that pro wenger supporters are not only trying to stick second best down our throats but are also trying to convince us that it tastes like peaches and cream. This arsenal team is not good enough to win anything and the sooner we admit it the better. We need to bring in new players to create and finish goalscoring opps and defend properly. I'm also sick and tired of every televised highlights game being about arsenal throwing away glorius opportunities to win games. Whilst I'm not quite in the throw Wenger out brigade...I do feel that Arsenal have a massive history to uphold and we should never accept second best. Winning trophies is part of our culture and we should carry on doing it forever.

  21. Martyn

    Mar 02, 2011, 9:03 #2750

    We do have to reserve judgement until the end of the season. The league is highly realistic and must be the priority now. I wouldn't say that I am over confident about our prospects especially as our injury levels have once again hit crisis point - but who knows? There can be no 'favourites' in cup finals as past results will testify. It is a one-off game. My one gripe about Arsene is his inability to change tactically during a match. Giving the opposition something different to think about I thought was part of football tactics. It will be very interesting to see how the team lines-up against Barcelona now we are without key attacking options. Will Arsene look to consolidate and hold on to what we have got or will he go for it. I rather think the outcome of this match will be a greater reflection of how Arsenal fans will judge Arsene in the near future than jumping the gun after that performance against Brum. Also, forget the FA Cup, the business end for Arsene is the Premiership and Champions League. He is frankly not interested in anything else.

  22. DeiseGooner

    Mar 02, 2011, 8:58 #2749

    A rant from a hurt fan, while understandable in the heat of the moment, seems like a childish tantrum when read now, just take a step back and get some perspective before submitting next time. Ashamed to be a Gooner - tut tut tut

  23. AvenellRD

    Mar 02, 2011, 8:49 #2748

    Completely understand you man and those idiots who tell you to go and support someone elese are all brainwashed by Wenger. One of them even said THEY WANTED IT MORE THAN US ON THE DAY so why is that? it's because todays Arsenal is full of overpaid undermotivated tossers led by most overrated manager of all time. No trophy for six years - NO TRULY BIG CLUB would ever accept that. Come on Aersene, give us new set of financial result so we can celebrate, and don't forget to celebrate 3rd place this year cause its as good as winning a trophy, innit?

  24. Sule

    Mar 02, 2011, 8:45 #2747

    This is football and in it anything can happen,isee no body to be blamed despite we stil got long way to go just keep faith n we shall make it.

  25. Alun Baxter

    Mar 02, 2011, 8:41 #2746

    First of all you are NOT a fan. I still remember the hurt when Swindon beat us in 1969. I have always supported the Gooners through good times & bad since 1956 ALWAYS HAVE, ALWAYS WILL regardless of the trophy cabinet. You are obviously a MU supporter in hiding.

  26. TA6

    Mar 02, 2011, 8:05 #2744

    Im ashamed you are a gooner. Please dont call yourself a supporter, you merely follow The Arsenal. Supporters support through thick and thin, the drivel ive read from the fair weather fans you would think we are about to be relegated, not pushing for the title.

  27. michael

    Mar 02, 2011, 7:48 #2743

    Chris has done nothing different or wrong by expressing his legitimate views of how he feels and how we generally view the performance of our payers. Excellence is a Universal currency and it is clear to all of us what Cesc, Jack,RVP and Sagna bring to the team. We expect some pride in the Shirt, Passion and Desire from some of the other Players. Simple!

  28. MrGooner86

    Mar 02, 2011, 7:44 #2742

    This is without doubt the most disgraceful post I've ever seen on The Online Gooner. Shame on you, and shame on you Ed for posting such riseable TalkSport nonsense.

  29. emk

    Mar 02, 2011, 7:37 #2741

    If you don't mean it don't say it, at least don't post emotional outbursts like this... they offer no inside or perspective, you've just taken a mental shit!


    Mar 02, 2011, 7:31 #2740

    Dear Chris Britton..i can understand your feeling & i respect self also humiliate by moron mu & chelsea fans in my own town deu to this error..but i never loose faith on a my mighty ARSENAL & PROFESOR ARSEN WENGER..yes was out on tears when the final second gone...but its still long way in our season,we still can win what as fan we can do is get behind the team & manager show we always loves them no matter what..WE ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD..A TEAM THAT PLAYS LOVELY FOOTBALL..can any one denied that..

  31. NBN

    Mar 02, 2011, 7:21 #2739

    The three comments below sum up what a bunch if toothless morons are. 'If you don't like it don't support Arsenal', so we should just blindly carry on pretending this are fine whilst a once great club is turned into a laughing stock? Things need to change on and off the pitch and unfortunately people like LI and Richie, who probably don't realise Arsenal existed before Wenger and have no idea about the traditions of the club, will get in the way of proper voices being heard.

  32. Mutley

    Mar 02, 2011, 7:20 #2738

    You are not a fan, you are a complete imbecile. Grow up, get a life and go support someone else so we don't have to endure any more of your drivel.

  33. gooner 1

    Mar 02, 2011, 7:13 #2737

    Your article is just a rant that doesnt hold much truth apart from what you said about rosicky, bendtner and denilson. We just fell short against a team who wanted it more then us on the day, we just need to move on rather then wanting the whole club to be sacked. I believe the team we have now is better then what we had with henry and berkamp. You talk about wage packets as he there weren't any with any of the cup winning teams.

  34. Dodgeza

    Mar 02, 2011, 7:02 #2736

    Shut up dude, what kind of moron are you? This is sport, not a predictable process driven corporate. We Lost, deal with it by shutting up! If you want to win something keep supporting, do you really think the players aren't as gutted as we are? Just shut up if you have nothing good to say. Fact is you couldn't do any better.

  35. Richie

    Mar 02, 2011, 7:01 #2735

    Shame your journey didn't take a lot longer, once you get to the coastline just keep walking you idiot!

  36. Ll

    Mar 02, 2011, 6:52 #2734

    If you don't like the way things are, then don't support arsenal...