Assisted suicide: the Nou Camp nightmare

More reflections on the Barcelona defeat

Assisted suicide: the Nou Camp nightmare

Bendtner: Pub player would have had a crack

Football in a nutshell: despite being gruesomely harpooned in the abs all match by a rampant Barcelona, Arsenal could easily have nicked last night’s Nou Camp nightmare in the 87th minute. Had Nicklas Bendtner translated just a fraction of those vast reserves of self-belief into actual footballing nous, a golden chance for a second away goal might have ended in sweet delirium for the visitors. But this was Nicklas Bendtner, and this was Arsenal – a player and a team equally devoid of competitive common sense.

The most galling aspect of Tuesday night’s comprehensive mauling was the utter lack of adaptability, pragmatism and bloody-mindedness from Wenger’s embattled charges. Despite being down to ten men and facing a painfully superior opposition – and an opposition on fire at that – Arsenal showed themselves entirely incapable of playing the percentage football the circumstances demanded. As well as continually neglecting to hoof the ball clear from danger in the face of all mental reasoning (in favour of literally passing it back to encamped Catalan attackers), Arsenal also blindly rejected the priceless opportunities that are always handed to underdogs at some stage, no matter who the opposition: the chance to punt a free kick long and flood the box on 85 mins; the glimpse of a shot at goal in the dying moments…

Cocooned, like his teammates, in a Barca-lite mental dreamworld (no words can describe Gael Clichy’s contribution), Bendtner failed to do what even a pub-team centre-back would have done: shiver with disbelief and delight at such unwarranted good fortune, and slash a first-time shot with everything you can muster. Successful or not, at least the chance would have been taken: the chance to drill a once-in-a-lifetime, ten-yard strike, on your favoured right foot, in the Nou Camp, in the final seconds of a tie you should have been dead and buried in. Football in a nutshell, right there.

No one, of course, given the circumstances that unfolded, expected a win. But the embarrassment at Arsenal’s lurid immaturity cuts even deeper than the stupidity of millions lost in revenue because of a wholly unnecessary tie. The sight of Barca’s players working even harder than Arsenal’s to chase and restrict space – while their poor relations tried blind passes on the edge of their own box – was a perfect illustration of the difference between a fiercely-observed philosophy and a discipline-free dream.

It takes genuine guts, let alone intelligence, to adapt to circumstances – far more than it takes to ‘stick to your guns’. There is nothing admirable whatsoever in playing suicide passes when you are evidently unable to string more than two together in any area of the pitch. Arsenal were woefully poor, understandably rattled and in need of leadership, yet naïvely continued to play into Barca’s hands. They simply had no conception of anything else – a flaw that must be laid at the door of the manager. This was not ‘being faithful to one’s game’. This was a total inability to use intuition, wit or resolve – the privileges afforded to all underdogs, no matter who they are playing. Pity poor Barca: they cannot play Arsene Wenger’s Arsenal every week.

(Ed’s note - For those interested in the view of Guardian journalist and Arsenal fan Matt Scott, 4 minutes 20 seconds into this clip he gives his damning view on the manager and Tuesday night.)

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  1. Ewen

    Mar 12, 2011, 10:11 #3275

    Gus - fully take your points. This wasn't a pointless spleen-venting because we lost a game. Our players of course gave everything and were very spirited defensively. It's not that we lost, or didn't give it a good go, but that we just don't know how to mix it up and scrap - thus our effort was rendered pointless. Moreover, we made an already tough ask even tougher for ourselves. We played ourselves into trouble countless times - not just Fab's infamous backheel - and also failed to do the obvious up front. My post-game frustration stemmed primarily from our lack of competitive battle-sense during the vanishingly rare opportunities we had to put Barca under pressure. Our lack of percentage-football nous was maddening. A teensy bit more pragmatism and we might have stolen it. This is not criticising effort, it is lamenting our eerie refusal to fight with all the tools available to us. I fully agree with Kev's editorial about his charges being "taught too well". Perhaps we need some new tricks - we're far from old dogs, after all.

  2. Tushar

    Mar 11, 2011, 9:19 #3148

    For all people who blame Wenger, consider: 2 shots on target for Barcelona in the first half, one a 50 yard freekick which injured Szczesny, the second a rare mistake from El Capitan. Countless decisions against us from the ref, and yet we could have Nicked it at the very end. Why? Because we won the first leg. Why do people forget that??

  3. bunch

    Mar 11, 2011, 8:28 #3147

    There is no doubt we didn't do what every underdog who comes to the Emirates to play us does. Clear the ball into the ball in the air, get a free kick, stick the ball in the air preferably into the box. Blackburn, Birmingham, Wolves would all have fared better against Barcelona than we did, because they are used to playing technicaly better teams and making the most of their strengths. Surely against one of the few teams in world football that are actually smaller than ours (esp with no Puyol or Piquet), we should have had it in our game plan to go to the long ball ariel game if we were "unable to string three passes together".

  4. murgatroyd

    Mar 10, 2011, 20:26 #3137

    why is anyone suprised,this is wenger wait until the summer when all the top teams are beefing up their sqauds. as usual wenger will not spend claiming he is happy with this team, oh happy days.

  5. GoonerRon

    Mar 10, 2011, 19:45 #3133

    I think the chasm in the performance levels between the two teams is more a reflection of how amazingly good they are rather than how poor we are. To say we lacked adaptability is a bit strong - I thought we set up in the first half with a more defensive shape - therefore adpated to our usual set up - and don't remember Ches or Al being extended too often before the goal. Aside from a silly pass from Cesc we get in at half time with the job done. I don't think the effort from the players can be questioned at all - they clearly gave every drop of energy they could but they simply came up against a better team on the night, not just any team, possibly the BEST TEAM EVER. We can still win the double and the silver lining is that being out of the CL this early can help us in that quest.

  6. Jizzlobber

    Mar 10, 2011, 16:42 #3129

    In regards to Bendtner, isnt he just a pub player who got lucky. Come on even that freak crouch looks a better player. The teams whole ethic went out the window, passing was poor and its burns me to say but denilson would have been a better bet than diaby. As for rosicky, Why! he has no pass or pace.

  7. Jason

    Mar 10, 2011, 16:21 #3128

    When we are relying on Billy Bender to score in the last minute of a CL game at the Nou Camp we really are desperate.A chance for the guy with a head as big as Nelsons column and the skill of a baby elephant to ram all the abuse he gets down the throats of everyone.But Billy of course has no first touch and the ball bounced away from him.And that just about sums up his Arsenal career.When are we playing Orient again?

  8. Bergy

    Mar 10, 2011, 15:56 #3127

    Augustus - You say we could not have done much more to win the tie, which means this is the best we can offer against a really top team i.e. 24% possession and zero shots on goal (incidentally the FIRST EVER team not to register a shot in a whole CL match). Are you happy with this? Are you happy that we are in all likelyhood going to end up trophyless for the 6th year running and counting? Are you happy to simply "compete" somewhat every year? I'm not and a lot of fans here are not too, we want better and see no reason why we can't be better. What the clubs need is get our priorities right i.e. focus on whatever it takes to win without being being stupid (we are being stupid to carry on like this for that matter). We are in football to WIN not to simply compete or play nice football.

  9. chris dee

    Mar 10, 2011, 15:56 #3126

    Caesar. Great defence of Arsene. You also previously wrote that important games are won on small margins and small details.100% correct. I also pointed out that we are always the team that lose these important games.So what's your point? That we should be content with our lot?That we should accept things as they are.Shouldn't Arsene and his staff have a good long detailed look at these results and figure a way so that these 'small margins' fall our way? And anyway forget Barca I'm still fuming about the Birmingham result.

  10. Chris

    Mar 10, 2011, 15:08 #3123

    I agree largely with AugustusCaesar. I thought Wenger's gameplan was pragmatic and I thought the players executed pretty well. What was everyone expecting of this very young Arsenal team against this team that many believe to be the best ever!? Get real. And leave off Wenger FFS - getting rid of him won't help AT ALL.

  11. Len

    Mar 10, 2011, 14:18 #3118

    Augustus we were battered.18 shots to nil.76% to 24% possesion.Not one of our players touched the ball in there area!!!!We made no attempt to attack a team without their two regular CB's.You cannot go to the Nou Camp and play one upfront.Only an inspired performance from Almunia stopped a rout

  12. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Mar 10, 2011, 14:07 #3116

    We lost 3-1 to Barca in the Nou Camp, whilst reduced to 10 players for the last half hour or so. Real Madrid, coached by the defensive tactics maestro Jose Mourinho went there, played the match with 11 and got caned 5-0...I'm in no way saying we're better than, or even maybe equal to Real's current squad ( we're carrying too many second - raters for that ) but perspective is a wonderful thing...

  13. kieran feeney

    Mar 10, 2011, 12:23 #3102

    great piece by matt scott, people that care about the club should listen, its the main problem at arsenal at the moment, all the other peripheral arguments pale into insignificance. Well done Matt!! Time we gooners stopped arguing about whether arsene knows best, the problem is Arsene is not being challenged!

  14. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 10, 2011, 12:22 #3101

    I think there's been a massive overreaction to our defeat. "The most galling aspect of Tuesday night’s comprehensive mauling was the utter lack of adaptability, pragmatism and bloody-mindedness from Wenger’s embattled charges." I totally disagree with this statement. Totally. But for a Fabregas mistake we'd have been level at 0-0 at half time. Did they seriously trouble our goalkeeper in the first half? We adapted and were pragmatic by playing a high narrow line to squeeze the space in the midfield and give them room down the flanks if anywhere. I thought this strategy was working by and large. Clearly we struggled more when we had one less player and tiredness set in. Is playing Rosicky over Arshavin pragmatic? I'd say it is. As for bloody-mindedness, I thought we defended like trojans and gave everything. We made numerous last ditch interceptions and tackles. I cannot question the players efforts in the game. The decision to send RvP was also potentially a factor in the outcome of the game but essentially we were beaten by a better team, plain and simple. A bloody good team at that. A team I don't think many people realise just how good. The inability to keep hold of the ball was frustrating but they are the best team at getting the ball back I've ever seen. Every team they play against struggles in that aspect, not just Arsenal. We tried but we couldn't do it. You argue we should have changed tack and hoofed it clear. This gives the ball back to them anyway and reduces the chance of a breakaway goal to basically zero. I was actually proud of the players efforts, but it seems I'm in a minority. I'm sick to the back teeth, frankly, of so called supporters venting their spleen on our team when we lose a football match. I genuinely believe we couldn't have done a great deal more to win the tie.

  15. herbzoverrum

    Mar 10, 2011, 10:39 #3081

    but i thought wenger said we would play attacking football?? i am ashamed of that performance..we are bottlers