Taxi For Wenger!

The backlash begins in earnest

Taxi For Wenger!

Wenger: When will he next win a really big game?

When was the last really important definitive match we won? Not including the Barca first leg as it was not definitive, i.e. we didn't knock them out. I would say Villarreal 2006 (the mad Jens penalty save)

Since then...
2006 Champions League Final v Barcelona LOST
2007 League Cup Final v Chelsea LOST
2008 Champions League QF v Liverpool LOST
2009 Champs league SF v Man U LOST
2009 FA Cup SF v Chelsea LOST
2010 Champions League QF v Barcelona LOST
2011 League Cup Final v Birmingham LOST
2011 Champions League v Barcelona LOST

And that's not including the numerous 'big' league games we've lost such as Birmingham 2008. It's to our shame that we have not won a big match for five years !!! Mental strength.... my arse!!

Shame on you Wenger ....

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  1. pooks

    Mar 11, 2011, 18:06 #3218

    Er Andy, in 2008 champions QF we lost. So that goes down as a defeat in a big game, yet in 2009 we lost in the SF, meaning we won the QF beforehand, why is a QF in 08 a big game but in 09 it isnt? What about the big league win against chelsea? Take a look at the bigger picture, we lost to barca by one goal over 2 legs, and we are 2nd in the league.

  2. The Voice of Reason

    Mar 11, 2011, 16:58 #3207

    Ridiculous statement You can write LOST in capitals against all the sides that enter the Champions League, FA Cup, League Cup and don't win the damn thing every year since the dawn of time. So Real Madrid, Barcelona, Man United, Chelsea, Bayern Munich. LOST

  3. bunch

    Mar 11, 2011, 11:00 #3152

    I do think this season will be a watershed. If we end up potless again ater being so close, not to the CL, but the others, the mood is going to turn ugly at the Grove. The bad years will become longer than the good years. The patience that has allowed good (and very well paid) palyers to not perform when the pressure is on will disappear. We can't just stumble into next season with the same basic personnel, approach and set-up expecting it to get better because it won't. But if we get some silverwear, well maybe that can be the catalyst to some real self belief and mental strength (not the kind AW talks up but leads to game after game being thrown away).

  4. Mar 11, 2011, 10:28 #3151

    Arsenal under Wenger are increasingly resembling a cult - delusional leader, check - blind unquestioning followers willing to part with large sums of money, check. You only need to look at the man's latest rant. Arrogance? Dictatorship? Lack of humility? Is he talking about himself? Hell, no, it's UEFA. The much lauded multi-ownership model is exactly why the man is allowed to do what he pleases: power vacuum at the helm, just a bunch of non-sports people busy lining their own pockets. David Dein, you are sorely missed.

  5. om

    Mar 11, 2011, 9:41 #3149

    Surely the fact that Arsenal have made those finals in the first place is evidence for their having won definitive games to get there. You can't cite losing in quarter- and semi-finals as if you don't concede that Arsenal have won multiple knock-out games.

  6. Steven

    Mar 11, 2011, 7:10 #3146

    This team assembled by Wenger has shown they are nothing more than a bunch of bottlers.Even the CC final we bottled it.But the players all know the manager will come out and blame the ref,the pitch,the weather.Everything but the players and himself.AsPep said we didnt put 3 passes together all game.We were shit with 11 men.Wenger will not admit the problem is himself

  7. Gus

    Mar 11, 2011, 6:21 #3145

    interesting thoughts from (some) of you guys. I don't believe Mourinho would ever take the hot seat at Arsenal FC. Hiddink is a nice idea and Graham for Rice would probably be the stuff of dreams. But if we sacked AW would any of those fellas actually take the job? And despite AW's recent mis-signings like Denilson, Diaby and Squallici are AW's previous winning exploits not reason enough to keep him? We've certainly missed out on some cheap big name signings as VICKY says but could one argue that most big teams are made up of stars as well as utter dross? Does OLLYARSENAL not make a valid point? Should these posts be replying to intelligent articles with equally intelligent answers? And why am I such a tosser?

  8. SUGA3

    Mar 11, 2011, 6:21 #3144

    no other manager in the Arsenal history was ever allowed to continue trophyless for more than 4 years - fact! OK, let's say stadium move is a mitigating factor here, but the standards and the expectations have changed massively - there needs to be a serious clear out in the summer, if Wenger can't live without Diaby, D******n and Bendy, he may as well leave with them...

  9. ollyarsenal

    Mar 10, 2011, 22:17 #3141

    if you can get a better manager to arsenal then i might agree with ya 1953-1970 no trophy 1971-1987(1 fa cup),2005-present day no trophy,but (the best stadium in europe,a exciting team on the verge of a trophy,no debt on the club has to count for something and without arsene wenger i doubt we would have anything!! long live arsene wenger-best ever arsenal manager!

  10. johnnyh

    Mar 10, 2011, 21:22 #3140

    it is the apparent lack of a tactical game plan so evident in the matches mentioned in this article that annoys me. i would love to know just what the hell the players do at training. he must just give all the players a ball each and let them do their own thing. when was the last time we saw a bit of invention at a corner kick or a free kick?. set pieces are a crucial part of the game and it is bordering on negligence not to have some sort of idea of what to do with them. personally i dont think that wenger needs to go but he needs to get rid of that yes man pat rice and get in someone to work on defending and on set pieces and for me the ideal candidate is george graham.

  11. Dave

    Mar 10, 2011, 20:23 #3136

    CL final - player sent off straight away. Team had the spirit to go into the lead against Barcelona but lost through tiredness. Chelsea CC - lost to an offside goal against a team that cost hundreds of millions more than ours Chelsea FA - lost with a depleted side against a team far more expensively assembled than ours. Liverpool CL - lost to a dodgy penalty while leading in re last minute. Barcelona - lost after beating a team that put 5 past the most expensively assembled team in the world coached by mourinho. You whingers are idiots. the stadium mortgage has meant no money for the last 7 years. The great players that left all pretty much failed elsewhere, so the point about keeping them is wrong. The list of middling players cited above just shows how stupid you are. Remember bent at spurs? Samba is big, nothing else. alonso is not better than cesc or wilshire - his position. Mertesacker - he wouldn't be any better than djourou and koscielny were on tuesday. Man city have done what most of you morons want. What do they have - distant third and europa football. We all would like arsenal to win but unfortunately you are completely detached from reality if you think we would be able to do this when the club had no money and chelsea and man u had enough to spend hundreds of millions on players. You are all spoiled brats who should stick to computer games where your team wins every time. You all say you pay your money so have a right to moan. What kind of retard pays £1000 a year to sit and complain?! Give up and stay at home.

  12. rob

    Mar 10, 2011, 20:20 #3135

    every team has ups and downs and changes of players. however i think AW job, just like any other boss in any other football team, company or organisation, is to continually move the team he manages forward, improve them and develop them so they get better. can any fan say that has been the case since we last won the league. apart from cesc i believe no current player would get into the invincibles team. i can understand and excuse being worse in 3-4 postitions, but 10 out of 11?? the team has been getting worse for along time now, so to all you who say AW knows best, how much longer are you willing to give him. do we end up like liverpool not having won the league for 20 years. even if we do win it this year, which i hope as much as anyone, i still think it will be papering over the cracks.

  13. Ando

    Mar 10, 2011, 19:42 #3132

    AW is a laughing stock, as are the team. Coles decision to leave now seems absolutely justified, top player do not leave top clubs. Sadly we are not a top club, whatever the spin doctors (wenger)will have you believe.

  14. Dennis

    Mar 10, 2011, 17:02 #3130

    Some of u guys really are acting like spoilt brats. (that's probably addenda fault too) what he has done getting anywhere close to trophies whilst building a new stadium etc etc has been remarkable with a team who's average age is still only 23. Tell me who could heve done better. Please stop your constant bickering and get behind the team we still can win PL and or FA cup. Have a moan by all means in the summer now is not the time. BEWARE OF WHAT YOU WISH FOR

  15. mark

    Mar 10, 2011, 15:34 #3124

    wenger is a good manager but he does not deserve the gold-like status given to him since david dein left the club. wenger clearly has not one to bounce ideas off of and clearly gets his own way on everything. that is simply not smart and it is starting to show in his stubborness and sulking. you are delusional if you think what we have gone through the last 1 month is a blip. the problem is much deeper than that you will see. some kind of change has to come now

  16. Gooner Dave

    Mar 10, 2011, 14:59 #3122

    Wenger went to the Nou Camp with one intention and one intention only.To park the bus.To play anti football.But we are not Inter with world class defenders and a world class keeper.And Wenger is not Mourinho.We dont do defence.So when it comes to playing Barca he went back to the tactic last used in Cardiff on 2005 incidentley the last trophy we won.It succeded then but against a rampant Barca with the worlds 3 best players it was always going to end in disaster.Although like sailors clinging onto a sinking ship some Gooners still believe we lost because RVP was sent off.The're wrong

  17. alan

    Mar 10, 2011, 14:45 #3121

    milan away 2 nil 2nd leg last 16 they were european champs at the time that definitive enough for ya?

  18. Big Mo, Enfield

    Mar 10, 2011, 14:41 #3120

    Go now Wenger, we'll still revere you for what youve done but au revoir. Time to move on. WE ARE THE ARSENAL. No man or no player (Cesc) is bigger than the club.

  19. kjesso

    Mar 10, 2011, 14:41 #3119

    I've also more or less given up on Wenger. Still, the list of games above just makes silly reading. If a Champs Leagus QF against Liverpool can be called a "really important definitive match", why can't you include the CL quarter finals of the following season? If you can include the FA Cup semi final in 2009, why can't you include the League Cup semi final this year?

  20. AWS

    Mar 10, 2011, 14:04 #3115

    The most important question, and what defines Wenger as a manager, "is WHAT HAS HE WON WITHOUT GEORGE GRAHAM'S DEFENCE"?

  21. JamesH

    Mar 10, 2011, 13:18 #3113

    I have to agree with this sentiment and have done for some time (roughly around the time we drew 0-0 with Spuds at WHL last year). It's not just Wenger it's the club's high command that need to change as well. Face it, Wenger had the overwhelming majority of his success when he still had elements of GG's defence at his disposal. Since Keown and Dixon retired you can count the number of truly good defenders and leaders of the team on less than the fingers of one hand. I'm surprised at the optimism being displayed by some about the league - haven't we already proved our ability to blow chances? I was at the Sunderland game and there was no evidence of anyone showing the drive to win a Championship.

  22. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 10, 2011, 13:00 #3110

    What if we win the league, or the double...should Wenger go then? And don't say 'but we won't', suppose we do. I could sort of understand this if were in dire straits, struggling in the league but we're three points behind Man U with a game in hand.

  23. GoonerRon

    Mar 10, 2011, 12:57 #3109

    Every season in the Premier League there are 20 teams (but one fewer than the other 19) who fail in 'big matches.' Every season in the Champions League proper there are 31 clubs who fail in 'big matches.' Every year in the FA Cup proper there are 63 teams who fail in 'big matches.' Every year in the Carling Cup there are 91 teams who fail in 'big matches.' Do you see where I'm going with this? Unless a club won every competition, every season it is inevitable that at some points the club will fail in a big game. I'd say this season alone we've won a good number of really important games. Carling Cup Semi final second leg, Everton, Wolves, Blackburn & Villa away and Chelsea at home were all important at the time in terms of demonstrating improvement on recent seasons and keeping momentum going, plus you can throw in Everton at home in February too when we came from behind late on to stay in touch with the leaders. Don't get me wrong, I hurt as much as any other fan when we lose (a 'big game' or otherwise) but I think it's churlish to criticise too much when other 'big teams' aren't even competing in 'big games'(I can't imagine some of our fan's reactions if we did a Liverpool, who finished ahead of us in the league two seasons ago). We are far from perfect but I try to focus on the positives - these being we have a great chance of winning the double this season.

  24. Tom

    Mar 10, 2011, 12:56 #3108

    Maddo we do see.We see Rosicky and Diaby playing in the biggest game of the season.We see Bender coming on and with a great chance to win the tie his first touch is a back pass.We see average players at our club but the manager cant.We see that 3 signings would have pushed us over the finishing line.Between 97 and 05 Wenger was a great manager but dont anyone tell us he has been doing a good job since 06.

  25. Pete

    Mar 10, 2011, 12:48 #3106

    Some of the comments here mke me laugh. How can we be in a position to lose semis and finals if we didn't win big games to either qualify for or continue in that competition - big games are not just the games we lose, villareal, porto, Roma, have all been dispatched in recent seasons. You mention losing the big game of the carling cup 07 vs Chelsea but we won big games against spurs to get there. Sorry but I dont think 24m for bent is a reasonable price and I'd take djourou over samba and mertesacker all day. Sorry but Also

  26. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 10, 2011, 12:38 #3105

    John - Answer me this: how do you know Arsenal wouldn't have lost by more if they'd attacked Barcelona? I actually don't believe we could have attacked Barcelona anyway. Once they have hold of the ball it's very difficult to get it off them and attack them. The only way we could have feasibly attacked Barcelona is if we'd have played two big strikers and lump the ball up to them every time we got a free kick or goal kick and feed off scraps. That was never going to happen. I believe when Wenger says he wanted to attack Barcelona what he meant was he wanted to attack them on the counter wherever possible. That didn't materialise too often in the first half obviously but may have done later in the game if RvP hadn't have been sent off. His decision to not bring on a striker straight away was obviously as a result of the fact we'd scored and were in front in the tie. He believed the only way we could progress was to try and hold what we had. To bring on a forward and take off a midfield player at that point would have been risky would it not? I can't imagine what the response would have been amongst the supporters if he'd have done that. Let us not forget that when RvP was sent off we were ahead in the tie. Yes we had luck with the goal but you could argue that the tactics were working up to that point.

  27. Edd

    Mar 10, 2011, 12:37 #3104

    I can cherry pick the results I need to prove a theory as well.

  28. maddo

    Mar 10, 2011, 11:59 #3099

    Oh my giddy heart. What a headline. Arsene see what you did, you spoilt them. You gave them excellence at the start and now the natives are restless. Shame on you all. Football is a sport, and by definition, not everyone can succeed, as success stumbles on only a few. Arsense will go when he is ready... not because a little person decided he must go because they want bragging rights.... tot tot people, Support your team. Arsenal was rubbish for years, now we are a star team without a throphy granted, but it will come... but somehow I think you all will still moan.

  29. Maxi

    Mar 10, 2011, 11:46 #3098

    Wenger need to be sacked his using arsenal football club as his business we need a coach like morinho to coach arsenal

  30. Tony

    Mar 10, 2011, 11:22 #3096

    No game showed up Wenger more than the recent Carliing cup final.We were playing a team who man for man we were better than in every position.But Birmingham won.Why?because they had a game plan,they had attitude,they wanted it more.Just look how we started that game.They were up for it.While our multi-millionaires turned up expecting to get the cup given to them without a fight.And that is all down to the manager.Our players are pampered by Wenger.Some of our B team are on £50k a week FFS and given long term contracts for what?.Wenger should be making these cunts earn their contracts or ship them out.Our best squad ever dont make me laugh

  31. Harold

    Mar 10, 2011, 11:13 #3095

    Wenger did a brilliant job 1996-2008 (training ground, trophies, emirates, champions league etc.) but you can't live on past glories and for the past 2 or 3 years the money has been there, the deficiencies have been obvious and he's done little to rectify them so we're left with sub-standard fringe players on big money like Bendtner, Diaby and Denilson who let us down when called on. The performance the other night was embarrassing, shit ref or no shit ref it was 11 v 11 for an hour and Barcelona aren't gods they're football players but they took the piss out of us just like they did last year. I don't mind losing but when you lose like that or Birmingham there's definitely something wrong with the mindset of our players and the buck stops with the manager.

  32. Gordon

    Mar 10, 2011, 11:10 #3094

    Wenger spent the whole you the second half complaining to to 4th official.Instead of coaching his team.He is now more concerned with blaming the officals than making tactical changes during the game from the kick off till the final whistle Wenger did not make one tactical change to try to change things.And the Wenger philosophy was summed up to a tee when in the last minute we got a free kick on the halfway line and instead of hitting it long into the box we took a short free kick and passed it across the pitch!!! If Hiddink was our manager we would have pissed the league this season and he would have cleared out all the dross

  33. Never Outgunned

    Mar 10, 2011, 11:09 #3093

    Somebody needs to write an article - valid point that it is, it's barely a paragraph. Sure it would be better on the internet forum

  34. slimshady

    Mar 10, 2011, 11:01 #3091

    Wow. Top Top Post mate. Thinking about it, we have been bottling game after game for 5-6 years on the trot! Sad state of affairs. AW = the also-ran nowadays.

  35. John

    Mar 10, 2011, 11:00 #3089

    Wenger bottled it in Barcelona.He was shit scared of them.Before the game he was giving it large saying we wont sit back we will attack Barcelona.What Bollocks.We will attack them.We didnt have one shot!!!!Some of our players never even made it into the Barca half.Does any one know how many touches of the ball Diaby and Rosicky had in the game? Barca had 76% possesion yet Wenger blames the defeat on the ref.No Wenger the blame is all down to you for your suicidal tactics.To not even try to score was madness as was to play 20 mins without a striker after RVP got sent off.We just invited Barca to attack us and if there is any team you dont do that to its them.

  36. Sue

    Mar 10, 2011, 11:00 #3088

    Andy you left out all teh games v Chavs / Utd in the league over the last few years (barring Chavs at home this season) I do think you are being overly pessimistic but we do need to man up in the bigger games. Utd at home could be a title decider will the rednwhite heroes play to their ability or freeze?

  37. Andy

    Mar 10, 2011, 10:52 #3087

    In answer to you Paul .... a 'big definitive game' does not necessarily mean a trophy winning game. Thats why I included Quarter Finals and Semi Finals. I'm talking about big preasure matches. NO GUTS NO BOTTLE NO TACTICS !!

  38. arsenal4ever

    Mar 10, 2011, 10:49 #3086

    Gus I think Hiddink could do a great job. Wenger to long at the club and didnt change anything. We will be fukked by the end of season. Also this Vermaelen thing pisses me off. They said he will be back but we all knew he is out for the season. Just an excuse not to spend. Time to move on in a big way!!!!

  39. Lopez

    Mar 10, 2011, 10:48 #3085

    I whant wenger to be sacked from coaching arsenal for 5 years now he has been going trophiless we don't need a coach like that. we need a coach that will make fans proud of arsenal

  40. Vicky

    Mar 10, 2011, 10:44 #3083

    He has built around him a team of pygmies. Nick, Vela, Rosicky (I liked him when he started but has gone down now for quite some time), Chamakh (not the striker we need), Diaby, Denilson, Eboue, Squilacci, Almunia, Fabianski, Song (for me he is in reverse gear from last year). Silvestre and others too filled the numbers. What we are seeing today is a result of the project he started. Every club likes to develop players from the scratch but not many come out like that. The team has be a mix of home grown youngsters and experienced players. AW has become too thick skinned and a captive of his own image. Too many good players were allowed to go and the jokers allowed to continue. If the Arsenal shareholders are so good, why dont they invest some money back into the club to get good players. He has made some obvious blunders in not going for established quality when available and rather persisting with likes of Diabys, Denilsons of the world. Alonso, Given, Samba, Mertasacker, Bent, Robben, Huntelaar - all were available at decent price in recent past but nothing happened apart from last second useless bids and excuses of hurting player growth. What about our hurt Mr Wenger. Without following none of your players can earn their bread. You and these jokers earns millions because we follow you. Just remove the 11 names I mentioned in first para with 7 mentioned later and see what difference it will make to the squad. Only if AW will understand - will he - I doubt !!

  41. aj

    Mar 10, 2011, 10:42 #3082

    The key criteria is,are the team moving forward? Only at the end of the season will we know whether it's another false dawn or we really are improving.Generally I would say that we are moving forward from last year but I do worry that our lack of character still harms us.I still feel some players are playing for themselves and their future careers,rather than the team.This has still not been addressed.

  42. Rob

    Mar 10, 2011, 10:38 #3079

    This more than any wordy or reasoned piece ten times as long, is the real reason that we need a change of direction. I'd be interested to see Wenger's cult groupie following attempting to deny any of that ! ie "No ! No ! We really won against Man U !" Or - "It was only a CL Semi Final so it wasn't definitive !" But please feel free to try. In the meantime the longer we stick with this loser the worse it will get. As to who comes in - frankly it is the cathartic effect of such a change that would count. The sooner the better.

  43. Mjmaxwell

    Mar 10, 2011, 10:37 #3078

    Wait are we are not 3 points off top with a game in hand? Did you really think we were going to beat Barca away? League is ours this year - don't give up on Arsenal just yet.

  44. Alexander Tovey

    Mar 10, 2011, 10:28 #3077

    Or we could switch that around and say that Wenger took a club used to playing it safe both on the pitch and in the boardroom. He persuaded them that to build a great stadium would grow Arsenal to the next level, he explained that excellent attacking football and Arsenal go together, he did not let financial restrictions leave the club mid-table, and managed to get all the aforementioned finals. He also delivered league titles and FA cups to the club. The only two final loses that are upsetting are Birmingham this year and Liverpool's last minute double by Owen. Other than this, I would say that he has done very very well and far better than we could have expected back in 1997 when he joined. Its time to get a grip really

  45. arsenal4ever

    Mar 10, 2011, 10:27 #3076

    great post. Someone talking sense at least. Hate these AKB idiots cause he clearly lost the plot. Big changes needed in summer regardless if we win something or not.

  46. Paul

    Mar 10, 2011, 10:23 #3074

    how can we have won a big defining game, we havent won a trophy is 6 years, the two things equal the same.

  47. Gus

    Mar 10, 2011, 10:22 #3073

    Someone here needs to write an article about who would and could do a better job than AW. Any posts with ideas for who would take the managers job I would appreciate.