The disappointment artists

A letter of temporary divorce

The disappointment artists

Bin this season

Today my 10 year old declared he no longer believed in Santa Claus, had evidence in fact from an older boy that it was just a grown up put on. Well the debacle at Wembley last month was a little like that for me. A crushing moment of revelation that dispelled once and for all the romantic notion that the Arsenal side that currently manifest themselves on this planet can actually be trusted to win anything - ever.

Before I get branded a premature defeatist, and this team are nothing if not early adopters of such a mentality as we watch them feeling oh so sorry for themselves post CC, just recall all those other end of season collapses once their heads go.

They’ll win matches, they’ll win matches brilliantly at times but the suggestion that they can win a trophy, win a championship, actually win when they have no right to win, as if their very souls as footballers depend on it, is as likely as the other bloke in red and white dropping down the chimney.

That momentous Wembley ricket was the equivalent of a loved one doing something so foul and terrible in front of an assembled throng of astonished onlookers, that words failed you - shame settled like a damp cloud in NW London, and it ain’t budged as far as I can see.

Add the fickle finger of fate, otherwise known as not buying in January, to leave us with the worst of all possible CB and goalkeeper line-ups and another inglorious route to another empty-handed season is opened up.

Since Wembley the thought of even watching those serial f*** ups again has been almost too painful to bear. I got lucky and had to go abroad and used the time difference to avoid what may become our annual Spanish whupping.

Barca games have come to resemble those Pinata parties beloved by the 4x4 classes nowadays where kids gather round the donkey and smash it until it pours out sweets. That’s us that is, pummelled into delirium until we collapse into a shapeless mess pouring out gifts.

So, I didn’t see that episode or the expected draw against Sunderland but returned home to watch an extreme parody of how to lose to Man Utd: a weakened Utd side at that, but Ferguson did tactics and sat back and waited…..

Ferguson’s Utd are the dullest, most functional unit in living memory and yet he gets maximum bob out of players that would no doubt sink in the mire in our side. All we actually needed was to bring them back to our place but out they went dashing around like milling weaklings before the class bully laid us out with one punch. All that was left was to confirm their spectacular ability to feel sorry for themselves with some kind of dreadful loss or draw to West Brom. Even a dead octopus could have predicted that.

For the first time in 5 seasons we pursued all 4 trophies and did no better than when we didn’t bother with the domestic Cups. We found out that a second string side that included Rosicky, Diaby, Denilson, Chamakh, Bentdner and Gibbs performed with such alacrity so regularly that they stunk out the Champions League, FA Cup and Carling Cup. And Wenger backed them all the way.

On paper that lot actually seemed like strength in depth - on paper. At least he can generate some player sales from that little bunch but can he explain how Chamakh went from hard working, useful striker who led the line for the first half of the season to a goal shy, anonymous, clueless bloke in an Arsenal shirt in the second half?

Was it merely his nose out of joint because RVP finally found two half decent legs to stand on for more than three weeks or something deeper and weirder? Gibbs is so knacked from injuries that he can neither defend or know when to get forward and seems utterly lost.

Diaby whose pea brain finally rattled out of his ear after the Toon sending off, which was the biggest indicator this season that nish was more likely than glory. Rosicky, who has bossed precisely one game away to Leyton Orient, a draw. Big game Bendtner who might have unjustly robbed Barca of the spoils but failed.

The sheer vanity and stubbornness of a manager and board declining to buy a decent but pricy centre back in January was a gift wrapped hostage to fortune given TV5’s mysterious injury remained so. Why is it the only gamble this club takes is over not spending? Winning a trophy, winning the league - priceless and damn the temporary overdraft.

To be honest this team and all variations thereof have been soft in the head and heart since the Invincibles threw their pizza around at Old Trafford.

It’s a testament to Wenger that he’s built a side out of kids and sticky back plastic to achieve top four and CL qualification ever since but that’s it - there ain’t no glory beyond that and for Arsenal it’s not really enough is it - its just a teeny bit hollow. Buy into the shiny world of elite football in an elite stadium, just don’t expect more beyond thrills, spills and tears before the season’s end. It’s a business plan and that’s all it is and there is nothing more to learn about this team - it’s a bust and Santa Claus ain’t ever coming down the chimney either.

So my 10 year old won’t ever believe again, hasn’t seen us win a trophy either yet. Perhaps by the time he has a son of his own a reforged Arsenal will have found the way to win trophies again and make this lot a distant, underwhelming memory.

Hark is that the sound of my even more expensive season ticket renewal form flopping through the door?

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  1. David

    Mar 26, 2011, 16:23 #4105

    Sam, you have confused me. Your position seems to have mellowed, radically. You now claim that you think Arsenal "should not automatically win, or even win at all every season". So how often should we win? I hold some agreement with your comments on Djourou not making the [starting] line-up at other top 4 sides and that he is no Keown or Bould. But to compare him unfavourably to Andy Linighan can only make me presume you are too young to actually remember Linighan who played his last game for Arsenal 15 years ago. However, I do still remind you that the fact remains Arsenal have the 3rd best defensive record this season behind the overtly defensive outfits of Chelsea & City. Once I again I ask you, were Arsenal to win the league this season, would you still want Wenger out?

  2. Sam

    Mar 24, 2011, 18:13 #4072

    I'm actually glad you managed a serious and articulate answer to my question, David. Your answer doesn't seem to incorporate the current side's complete lack of bottle when it comes to getting the job done which it has consistently shown for nearly six seasons, and will continue to do so until wholesale changes are introduced, but that's what I expected from a Wenger boy. Challenging is what we have we should be doing with the money this stadium brings in, but it's winning that counts. I'm not at all saying we should automatically win, or even win at all every season, i'm just saying it would be nice to have a team you felt could win something. Not a team that you just know doesn't have the bottle to win. There is a difference there, which Wenger boys don't understand. Wenger boys are fine getting to the finish line, season after season, while others, like me, feel the club has initially been put in a position to actually cross it on a fairly regular basis, not just consistently fall flat on its face just short of it without any effort being made to correct the situation. As for Djourou, he is the level we have come to accept now. He couldn't sniff Bould, Keown, or even Linighan's socks in defensive ability, but it's what we need to accept now. Djourou would not play regular football for any of the other top four. Nor would any of the other players on my list. We are being served chicken and being told it's rare pheasant.

  3. David

    Mar 24, 2011, 13:50 #4067

    Your question goes to the heart of this debate. Let me give you your serious answer. It does not matter how long Arsene's team go without silverware as long as they are challenging each season. And by challenging, I mean genuinely competeing for honours - not the sort of 'challenge' that Tottenham mount each season. Once the team stops competeing, then they will have failed. And the reason I take this position is because of the simple fact we do not have an automatic right to win trophies - no team does. Replacing Arsene with O'Neill does not guarentee you a trophy, trust me, it won't even guarentee champions league football. How long will you give O'Neill to build a side that can even challenge, let alone win? Arsenal are in an incredible position at the moment. If we do win the league will you still want Wenger out? And finally, Djourou has been one of our best players this season. What is he doing on your list?

  4. Sam

    Mar 24, 2011, 10:25 #4060

    Comparing Allardyce to O'Neill is really very wrong. O'Neill has achieved far more through his managerial career than Allardyce. I would rather have Mourinho, but as I said, there is no way the board would pay his wages. Nor would Wenger step aside to let him in. Wenger might hang on until he decides to go himself, but every season now adds more pressure and at some point the fans will turn and demand more for their extortionate ticket prices. We are currently paying Europe's (probably the world's too) highest ticket prices for Almunia, Denilson, Diaby, Rosicky, Chamakh, Bendtner, Eboue, Clichy, Squillaci, Djourou and Koscielny. There is no other top club in the world that would have a squad as weak in depth as this. And it is all down to Wenger's failed policy. I'll ask the same question I ask all blinkered Wenger fans of which none of them can actually muster a serious answer, and that is: How many seasons without silverware have to pass before you can say Wenger's new team has failed? 6 seasons this season. How many more?

  5. David

    Mar 23, 2011, 21:30 #4048

    Sorry Sam but I simply cannot agree with you, espiecally if you are ascribing your own meaning to words. "..having no right.." means exactly what it means! I am Keown's biggest fan but he quite simply didn't have a big impact in the 'invincible' season - he only started 3 games + 7 as a late sub! The assertion that "Campbell chose Arsenal more than Wenger chose him" is ludicrous in the extreme. You are of course entitled to your view of the current defence - however the stats show only Chelsea & Man City have conceeded fewer goals. Given our prospensity to play attacking football and with little midfield protection, I say that's not bad at all. As for the replacement manger, I agree Mourinho is top drawer, but do you really want him at Arsenal? I don't. As for O'Neill, the same argument holds for Sam Allardyce and I'm certain you wouldn't want him. Finally, whatever your thoughts on Arsene - you really cannot lay the blame for ticket prices on him. Hold on, ticket prices, now there is something we may concur on.....

  6. Sam

    Mar 23, 2011, 14:21 #4040

    David: I interpret "having no right" as saying it's okay to not win anything for years on end. I don't agree with that at all. You take the meaning far too literally. Keown was a big part of the invincible season (remember Ruud's penalty miss at Old Trafford?) and his presence meant a lot for Toure and Campbell that season. Campbell chose Arsenal more than Wenger chose him, Wenger was greatful he was free and too fond of London to move away and lucky to have a great team a few miles down the road. Had Campbell commanded a transfer fee he would have never gone to Arsenal. So Wenger's "building" was more luck than anything else, really. As for the current defence, there are so many things wrong with it I would need another 1,000 lines to explain. A few short lines to sum things up though would be a lack of leaership and bottle, a complete lack of positioning ability, Clichy has forgotten to join the offside line and has completely lost his ability to defend, Sagna has a cross completion percentage of about 10% (which isn't very good when Arsenal's tactic is to use full backs in wide positions for crosses - the same goes for Clichy), the only bright spot is Vermaelen who now has to spend many games next season to regain the ability he had reached after a lengthy injury. Koscielny flatters to deceive by stepping up against Barcelona, but then completely fluffing it against Birmingham and West Brom. As far as replacing Wenger goes, I would just like to see a fresh start with some well established players brought into the side. I wouldn't mind it if it took 2-3 seasons to rebuild like Graham did back in the day, but as long as we see the right things happening and not the same old mistakes for 6 seasons. Mourinho wants to come back to the Premier League. I would tear his arm off to have him. He is simply brilliant and his record outshines Wenger's completely. Would praise and accept our current defence? No way! Our board wouldn't have the balls to hire him though, nor would they pay him what he wants and deserves (they keep paying Denilson, Diaby and Rosicky increased wages though for naff all - thanks to Wenger). Martin O'Neill has a very good record with smaller clubs, and it would be interesting to see what he could do with some money in his hands. There is money at Arsenal. The books show it every year. A nice surplus. Wenger won't spend it where it is needed though. He sells the future with 16 year olds and wants everyone to pay more for their season tickets.

  7. David

    Mar 23, 2011, 12:15 #4035

    Sam: You clearly state "you hate the blinkered Arsenal fans who think we have no right to win anything". That implies you believe Arsenal do have the right to win something. Based on logic, all teams must have the same right to win something. Sadly, there simply aren't enough trophies to go round. It is true to say we have the opportunity to win something, but it does not follow that we have a right. We only have the right to compete, and compete is something that we have done every single season under Wenger's stewardship. I agree that Wenger was fortunate to inherit the defence he did and I'd take those defenders anytime over the current crop. However, did Wenger not build the 'invincible' defence - Lehmann, Lauren, Toure, Campbell & Cole? The current 1st choice defence of Sagna, Vermaelen, Djourou/Kosceilny & Clichy are far from being a 'poor' defence surely? Espiecally given the little protection they receive from the midfield. Finally should Wenger "bow out" now, who do you (seriously) suggest would do a comparable or better job?

  8. Wombledin

    Mar 23, 2011, 9:09 #4022

    Wow, that is almost poetic. You should be a journo. But it also filled me with sadness, especially the bits about our shameful CC loss and your 10 year old son not seeing us win a trophy yet. Oh's only a game.

  9. Sam

    Mar 22, 2011, 23:41 #4012

    Well played on completely misunderstanding the point, David. I never said we have an automatic right to win anything, but to say we don't have the right to win anything is a bit below the standards the club set itself when moving stadium and greatly increasing revenues? How many seasons without a trophy must pass before Wenger's plan can be proven a failure? Wenger needs a defence to win a trophy again. He inherited the best defence in Europe from Graham (I won't mention Rioch's brief stint in the same breath) to win his trophies. He still had Keown last time he won something. He has clearly shown he is fantastic at finding and developing attacking players, but defenders and goalkeepers are his achilles heal. We need someone to come in and address this and start building a new defence and a winning mentality. Wenger's big game record is now pretty poor. Another few years of not winning and people will have to start remembering hard about what Wenger actually achieved. I'm saying he should bow out gracefully now while we still have those great memories. I don't want to remember him as the old stubborn man who coudn't win a trophy since 2005...another few years from now when people will really be wanting his head.

  10. David

    Mar 22, 2011, 13:39 #3982

    Oh, so Sam (post 4361) believes Arsenal do have an automatic right to win everything! I wish the other 91 clubs in the football league would hurry up and learn this universal truth of his. Until that time I guess us blinkered fans will just have to put up with the way things have been since football begun and earn our successes.

  11. James

    Mar 22, 2011, 12:07 #3979

    Gibbs and Clichy are the same player. I swear.

  12. Shropshire Lad

    Mar 22, 2011, 5:39 #3975

    Great article. Let's face it though, just as certain as another Spanish Waiter cock up was assured, we will all be ready to go again next season! I actually got to the point of laughing rather than being angry when the second goal was given to WBA, it's got that farcical. Next up, the mad German pushing players out the way and giving away penalties again. Get ready for a belly laugh or slash your wrists, whatevervtakes your fancy. Cirque du Soleil takes up residence at the Emirates!

  13. Mark

    Mar 21, 2011, 22:02 #3972

    i think Arsene would make a very good politician or CEO of a public company placating or spinning shareholders. Jose Mourinho might have been right about what he said about Arsene back in November. hes the only manager not under job pressure. he continues to talk of the teams potential, their young average age and hes just getting ready to cover himself when they fail. its politics not passion that pours out of Arsenal these days. i realise now it was those great players we had up until 2005/6 that were actually carrying Wenger and not the other way around. In Henry, Berkhamp, Viera, Cole, etc we actually lost a bunch of guys who not only inspired us but were inspiring Arsene as well. Left to his own devises i.e. without David Dein's flare for picking players with great attitudes, Wenger has really picked some absolute dead-beats who have no passion whatsover in their bones or for our club. theres no blood, sweat and tears in this current group of highly paid mercenaries

  14. jammy dodger

    Mar 21, 2011, 20:16 #3967

    cant make up my mind whether it was 3-2 loss to spuds when winning 2-0 or drawing 4-4 with the barcodes when winning 4-0 or maybe even the wigan game when wenger made 9 changes after beating the chavs that started the rot or was it playing a weakened side in champs league after winning first 3 games then struggling to qualify and finish 2nd, please stick with your strongest side mr Wenger, AKB.....

  15. Sammy Nelsons underpants

    Mar 21, 2011, 19:45 #3964

    Great post agree with everything said.For a club of our size and stature it just aint good enough..Too many players on easy street earning fat cat wages when they really havent earned it.I hope I am proved wrong and we win the title but after what I saw on Saturday (1st half in particular) Im not holding my breath.5/6 players need to be shown the door and we need to bring in 3/4 players of quality (Scott Parker and Gary Cahill will do for starters) and get shot of some of the loanees too (Mark Randall anyone ???)..Just dont understand Wengers mentality sometimes..Growing tired of it all

  16. Sheriff

    Mar 21, 2011, 16:49 #3957

    I guess thinking about Arsenal is now beyong crying, so best to just laught at it and you've done a great job..I bet next time we play Blackburn, they would surely erase all hopes of winning anything this year...How do I know?? Because this is how we gooners ROLL and have rolled over the last 6yrs

  17. John

    Mar 21, 2011, 16:48 #3956

    Great Article.No game summed up the Arsenal post 2005 than the game at Newcastle.Brilliant for 45mins come out in the 2nd half and somehow lose a 4 lead.Only an Arsene Wenger team could do that.When Newcastle scored their first goal the players should have thought lets roll our sleeves up and shut up shop.No not this team of bottlers.They dont know how to win ugly.Tell them to watch a DVD of Copenhagen 94.But at the end of the day everything wrong with this team is down to Wenger.He has asssembled a team of lightweights who look great beating Blackpool on a warm August day but come January February and March their bottle goes.Birmingham was a one off as was Barca,as was Man Utd.Thats the problem they are not one off's.They happen the same time every year.And they will continue to happen as long as we have Wenger in charge.As for the goalkeeping situation what a fucking joke.Almunia the clown dropped for 6months and on his way out of the club yet he is now our number one for the vital run in with a 41 year old retired Lehmann as backup.Pathetic management

  18. Derby Gooner

    Mar 21, 2011, 16:40 #3955

    Agreed. Having seen The Arsenal in the flesh 10 times since the turn of the year, I am emotionally lad of 14 even more so...'I'm not sure I care about this particular lot at the moment dad'. Grandad gooner will be turning in his grave at the lack of spine on display. "Told you so" he would be saying..."all that 'life's too short for boring football' you used to spout - no, not at the expense of winning football, you muppet!!" The roller coaster of emotions takes it's toll after the adrenaline rush followed by the weariness waking up the next morning - and that hollow feeling, you know like you have found a sixpence but somehow lost a quid. The thing is, how to at least try and address the frustration and how to let the board, Ivan and AW know how so many of us feel? Staying away from Ashburton Grove? - never going to happen as we all need the drug. Yellow and green scarf palarver....nope, not relevant and has been done before by those beyond redemption. Hang on though, I'm old enough to remember what the Barca fans and Real fans of yesteryear did when they actually had teams that failed to deliver? White hankies...that's it. Everybody take a white hanky to the match and when the same-old, same-old gets served up, start to wave them en-masse. Non-violent, non-abusive, non-confrontational, no investment required, and stewards can hardly complain that you have taken a white handkerchief to a football match, but VERY VISUAL - that's the key. I have a feeling that the message might soon begin to get through...just a thought, but I will feel a bit exposed if I'm the only one doing it.

  19. Merson10

    Mar 21, 2011, 16:21 #3954

    I agree with you with all except your views on Chamakh. He did the job for us at the start of the season and when RVP came back he was forced out. It's a shame that we can't accomodate both of them in our starting line up as Chamakh consistently provides an aeriel threat and thats a great option to have. Bendtner is utterly rubbish though and if Blackburn are foolish enough to want to pay £15 for him then lets bite their hand off ASAP

  20. Danish Goonerg

    Mar 21, 2011, 16:02 #3953

    God no,i dont hope it takes till your young one is a man,then i will be in the retirement hope eating soup through a straw,soiling myself by the mere thought of Arsenes Bottlers.

  21. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Mar 21, 2011, 14:25 #3949

    Excellent piece of writing. I've been one of Wenger's chief defenders over the years but even I in my eternal optimism may have to one day admit that maybe Santa isn't real.

  22. Joe

    Mar 21, 2011, 14:23 #3948

    I agree with what is said here but feel criticism of Gibbs is unjust. He is a better player than Clichy yet this is another example of Wnger backing his pick than doing something for the good of the team. Add to your player list Squillaci, Eboue and Almunia and that the list that should leave us this summer!!

  23. Sam

    Mar 21, 2011, 14:09 #3946

    Good post! I hate the way the blinkered Wenger fans think we have no right to win anything. They actually use that as an argument! We move to a huge stadium, charge the highest prices in the world, and all we get for it is a bunch of mediocre bottlers!? Wilshere, Fabregas, Vermaelen, RvP, Arshavin, Sagna and Szeszny (he is undoubtedly a talent who shouldn't bear the burden of playing a cup final after just a few games in goal) are great footballers. The rest should be thrown out like used bathwater. Bring in a few proper players and let the talents earn their places again.