The Great Arsenal Stadium Mystery 2 (Hang your head in shame Manuel Almunia)

A tale of the rise of a Spanish waiter who became no1 at one of the world’s biggest clubs for no reason whatsoever

The Great Arsenal Stadium Mystery 2 (Hang your head in shame Manuel Almunia)

Manuel: We knew in 2005 he had to go

As Jeff Stelling cried "Hang your head in shame Manuel Almunia!" Following the second WBA goal recently my mind went into overdrive as an endless catalogue of previous howlers flashed before my eyes. Post game my brother texted me to say ‘Is he the worst ever?’ He rang me to explain his thought process; there have been bad players, which is inevitable with our buy ‘em cheap and sell ‘em dear transfer strategy. However the likes of Cygan, Stepanovs, Diawara, Wreh and latterly Bischoff (newspaper headlines in Germany crying Arsenal sign Werder nobody) have made a few fleeting appearances, initially been hailed by Wenger as the next Adams, Vieira or Henry, then played up to their transfer fee (often free) and disappeared back to some Polish non-league side never to be seen again.

The mysterious case of the plate and ball dropping Manuel is very different and extremely baffling. In the summer of 2004 rumours circulated of Arsenal looking for a long-term no1 as Jens Lehman, who did not have age on his side, had taken to attacking any striker that dared enter his penalty area. However the low key signing of the unknown Almunia was reported as being merely to add some cover. As we all know any speculation or signing by Arsenal is rare, so I did some initial research. The results told me this was not the new David Seaman/Bob Wilson/John Lukic. His parent club Celta Vigo rated him so highly he had not featured in their first team for three seasons and had been loaned out to a number of lowly Spanish clubs/restaurants. But more alarmingly this 28-year-old "shot stopper" had played 15 first team games in his whole career.

Anyway he was quietly ushered in by our bulging pockets board buried beneath headlines about Wenger’s amazing Invincibles and how the move to Ashburton Grove would see us dominate for years to come. As the 49 game unbeaten run came to an end and Jens became ever more erratic we saw the first worrying appearances of Manuel. My earliest memory is his Usain Bolt like sprint from his goal and how he then hid - cartoon character like - behind his near post to give a young Christiano Ronaldo a two minute brace and condemn us to a 4-2 defeat to Manure having led both 1-0 and 2-1. That was during a brief but comedic spell as no1 where myself and fellow west stand lower season ticket holders chortled as he juggled and spilt. And if he actually caught the ball ironic cheers would ring out across Highbury. Thankfully that stint as first choice did not last long and we hoped the plate juggling waiter would not be seen again. The 2005/6 season was dominated by Jens’ heroics on our charge to the Champions League final. All of us that were in Paris that night or watching on TV witnessed Manuel point Eto’o to the yawning gap at his near post and then manage to back heel Belleti’s shot from an impossible angle into the net.

Over that summer with the move to the E******s afoot rumours started, which have lasted five years, about us signing an established world class keeper to which Wenger worryingly responded that if Mad Jens did depart Almunia would become no1! Surely he was only jesting? But no, after at the start of the 2007/8 season after Lehman errors v Fulham and Blackburn, the rise from obscurity was complete as Manuel was anointed no1 by AW, much to Jens’ understandable annoyance and frustration and the confusion/dismay of the Highbury faithful. For the next three seasons we were treated to a litany of Manuel disasters of which my personal favourites were the flap into his own net v Manure and then the chocolate wrists push over his head into the net at St Andrews last season. To be fair he has the odd decent game, such as the away leg at OT in the Champs League. This to everyone's amazement led to AW stating that Manuel was the best keeper in the Premiership (he did at the same time say Denilson was the best midfield player). However he soon made up for this by diving under a 40 yard free kick from Ronaldo as yet again we collapsed on the big occasion. From then on we heard various stories of our Manuel being the world’s greatest - in training!

Fast forward to the summer of 2010/11 where AW finally admits neither Manuel or any of the other keepers are good enough or experienced enough. He, as is standard form, offers fifty pence for Schwarzer and allegedly a paltry sum for Pepe Reina. And somehow we start this campaign with - after six seasons - Manuel as no1. Finally (we hope) things reach an all time low with possibly the worst ever goalkeeping perfromance in the dismal 3-2 defeat at home to WBA. After this abyss-like display it appeared our Manuel had finally been relegated to washing the dishes behind the other (according to AW) world class keeper at the club, who also moonlighted in a Polish circus, Lukasz the great Flapianski and the bionic keeper who had recovered from a double arm break, Wojciech Szczesny. According to a recent interview with Bob Wilson we have another class keeper on our books, "Don" Vito Manone, who many fans had suggested had got his Mafia minders to pay AW to give him a game. The keeper curse struck again as Chesney crocked the flapper and then in attempting to balance a ball on his finger got injured himself.

So there we were at the Hawthorns with Almunia, six years on from the first infamous sprint v Manure, watching Manuel fly out of the starting blocks and straight into oblivion (we can only hope). No doubt Mad Jens (while having a wry smile) Jeff Stelling (while crying out in exclamation) and a million Arsenal supporters across the world asked themselves the same question:

How does a little known Spanish waiter become no1 keeper at one of the giants of the world game? Only Mr Wenger can tell us that. In him we may trust but only he can answer this never ending conundrum!

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  1. sanjeev

    Mar 31, 2011, 16:41 #4254

    nice to see our own idiotic supporters supporting our players

  2. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Mar 31, 2011, 15:34 #4251

    Augustus, Pat Rice is well past his sell by date as well. He makes up the coterie of yes men and has been unable to fix the defensive errors in 6 years. He wouldn't be able to fix it in 6 more unless Whinger buys a world class back 5 who know what to do even in their sleep. We need a new Asst Manager like Keown. Question is, will Whinger take advice? And will he allow bringing in someone that might dare to tell him to **** off once in a while? I HIGHLY doubt it. Whinger has the power to bring in a yes man all the way at the CEO level. He's got way too much power at the club and he is the bottleneck to any and all suggestions from others. Fergiescum realized his own shortcomings and brought in strong no. 2's. Whinger thinks he's the donkey's gonads and doesn't listen to anyone. He thinks he doesn't need anyone because he knows it all. You can try and bring in the world's best assistant manager but if the head coach/manager is not going to listen to the assistant/won't allow anyone other than yes-men then what's the point? Whinger is the one and only bottleneck of this club - at least as far as footballing matters are concerned.

  3. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 31, 2011, 8:36 #4233

    Easy tiger. Well we'll definitely have to agree to disagree on Sagna. He's as solid as they come for me. Great in the air, quick, strong in the tackle and positionally sound - way ahead of Clichy in this respect. I don't think he's a great crosser of the ball, I'll give you that one. I rate Koscienly too. Did you not watch either of the Barcelona games? The guy was immense, especially in the home leg. He's already a good defender and I think will become a great defender over the next year or two. As for the future of Wenger I refer you to what i posted on one of the other blogs. I believe with a new, more proactive right hand man who can shake him from his stubbornnes and breathe life in to the tactics plus a few key signings in the right areas we can be successful again under Wenger. And of course, we still have the title this season to play for. I don't though, think, if we were to win the title this season, we should rest on our laurels at all. We can all see we need to make improvements everywhere.

  4. johnnyh

    Mar 30, 2011, 23:29 #4229

    got to agree with whinger_out_now. wengers policy of refusing to give proven experienced players more than 1 year contracts thus ensuring they would leave is the biggest reason why we have not won a trophy since 2005.we are now left with the biggest bunch of chokers outside of the south african cricket lose to a relegation facing birmingham team in the carling cup final says all we need to know about them. mental strength my bollocks. the fact that he hasnt bought an experienced goalkeeper who is first choice for his country is bordering on negligence. supporters of wenger will have to ask themselves if they are happy as the manager clearly is simply finishing in the top 4 each season. personally speaking i am not. i think his time is up.

  5. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Mar 30, 2011, 20:55 #4223

    Bacary Sagna - one of the "best right backs" in the world? WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU SMOKING AND WHERE DID YOU BUY IT FROM? What UTTER tosh. Can't put a cross in, positionally weak, one of the biggest mouths in the press and he is one of the best? The ONLY thing that he can be commended on is his body strength. Do you even know what defines a world class player? Sagnol, Lee Dixon, Javier Zannetti, Cafu, Thuram, Maicon, Salgado....these were/are class right backs. Not ****ing Sagna who is one step above Eboue which is nothing to be proud of. There is no deal to be made, mate...The results of Whinger's policies in the last 6 years is there for all to see...he got Wright, Bergy, back 5 and won a title. He added in 3 or 4 great players and won 2 more. After that, he got a bee in his bonnet about proving everyone else wrong and added in one after the other failure..a Cesc here and there is about it. RVP is too frequently injured to make a meaningful contribution. In between, we have the likes of Squilacci, Almunia, Rosicky and Chamakh to show us exactly what is wrong with Whinger's so-called vision. I don't care what he did in the past. There's no point in living in the past. He's done good things, but so did GG. He still got booted. Whinger's brought enough ignominy on Arsenal. He's even gotten in Lehmann and now Aliadiere. Where does the madness stop? He could have brought in 3 top players but he brought in Squilacci, Koscielny and Chamakh. It's clear he's lost it.

  6. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 30, 2011, 13:27 #4206

    Whinger_out_now - Sounds like the ramblings of a lunatic. So basically you give no credit to Wenger at all. Even the signings of Vieira and Henry and the way he helped to develop them in to world class stars was 'lucky' was it? What abour Pires, Ljungberg, Lauren, Petit, Anelka, Van Persie, Fabregas - were they lucky signings? Take Bacary Sagna as an example. He paid a few mill for him but no one had ever really heard of him. Is it unreasonable to say he's now one of the best right backs in World football? Was that lucky? As for Bergkamp, yes he inherited Bergkamp but he still got the best out of him, Merson on the other hand - well he sold him pretty much straight away didn't he. A few eyebrows were raised but he didn't see him fitting in to the 4-4-2 of the '98 team. But it was a bold decision and the right one. Going back to the defence - yes, Adams, Dixon et al were already in-situ but how instrumental was Wenger in prolonging the careers of these players? He revolutionised their training regime and diet to get more years out of these great defenders. Tony Adams was already a great defender but I believe became a great player with the ball at his feet in his latter years, and Wenger must take a great deal of credit for this. I think I've bored myself enough now but it's very convenient for you to list all the average players and conveniently miss out all the good ones he's signed and developed from the youth system. I'll do a deal with you. I'll try and be less blinkered about Wenger and admit he has his failings. I'll concede we've been lacking leadership at the back, some real men in midfield and a decent goalkeeper for a few years now if you concede Wenger has done many good things for this club and is not somehow the devil incarnate.

  7. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Mar 30, 2011, 1:31 #4181

    Lehmann had a shocker for the reserves! Nearly done a Paul Robinson ( pitch bobble) Almunia looks like he may get yet another chance to torture us poor souls.

  8. johnnyh

    Mar 29, 2011, 23:24 #4180

    spot on article. i didnt know whether to laugh or cry when reading it. how this guy ever became first choice goalkeeper at our great club is beyond me,but we cant really blame him,its the manager who picks him and the likes of clichy,eboue,denilson,diaby,rosicky and vela who simply are not good enough and wouldnt get near any other top 4 team.

  9. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Mar 29, 2011, 22:15 #4179

    AugustusCaesar, you keep flapping your gums in support of Whinger so please tell me - if GG's defense had no part to play in Whinger's initial success, even post 98, then why is it that ever since Whinger embarked on his build-my-own-team-****-the-doubters, he has had no success and has unleashed one after the other embarassements to the game of football - including such gems as Bischoff and Rosicky? Why has he stumbled from one CB to another without being able to get in a single good one except for Sol, who at 28 and on a free was basically a no-brainer to sign? Kolo was more a product of his athleticism and playing next to a champion like Sol. Why has he had repeated defensive errors committed by his team? And he did not just inherit the back 5. He also got a super star like Bergkamp, the best striker Arsenal ever had pre-Henry and a hugely talented player like Merson. He had dedicated fighters like Parlour handed down to him. He basically got 8 players that selected themselves And who do we have today, post his team building exercise? Rosicky. Koscielny. Squilacci. Denilson. Diaby. No wonder he's won **** all and will win **** all Pull your head out of your arse. Whinger got lucky with a few truly good players like Vieira and Henry but since then we have had one dross after another. Once prick after another. AKB's like you make me sick. You'll still be drinking his piss in 2020 even if he wins nothing till then.

  10. Mark

    Mar 29, 2011, 20:58 #4177

    p.s. and dont forget Cesc joined in 2003 and had time with keown, campbell, cole, seaman as well as petit and viera and berkhamp and lets not forget Rioch and David Dein brought in Berkhamp i.e another gift for AW to build around. trust me Augustus we are a great club not just because of AW and we can be a great club again should it prove that AW cannot change. i throw up as candidates for a new manager as follows: Rikjaard with Berkhamp and Adams as assistants Martin O Neil (tough with flair) Capello (a better club manager than an international one)

  11. Mark

    Mar 29, 2011, 20:34 #4176

    Dear AugustusCaesar ref your 14:11pm. bear in mind in 2002, seaman/adams/keown/dixon/bould were all still at the club and been there along time so very influential. campbell and cole and both were indoctrinated by that original GG back 4 and keown anyway was in the invincable team in 2004. Dein was also still there i.e. my point is even in 2003 season the influence of the past Arsenal was 100% still very much there. Petit and Viera learned to position themselves in front of the back 4 partly from the back 4's influence on them. getting screamed out by adams and keown for being out of position isnt fun and these 2 became tough quite quickly but they did not arrive tough. Overall i am afraid to say there really is overwhelming evidence that AW when left to his own devices cannot do back 4 or goalkeeper very well, has changed the clubs tactics and whilst very pretty at times, what we are really left with is a bunch of very lightweight flimsy individuals who capitulate whenever a game gets tough. i really like AW he is a nice man but he is not ruthless enough nor is he a winner. he is an artist with a project and we are all bored with it we want success

  12. tired of watching losers at arsenal

    Mar 29, 2011, 16:08 #4168

    There is one guy who trumps the waiter for the worst ever and that is denilson. Everytime this guy gets the ball, the opposition can have a nice supper and come back and organize themselves. he wont get into a school team forget the championship sides. the worst part is arsenal's public relations have taken a hit because of the crap wenger trots out after each failure. you don't have to look far for a wenger or arsenal joke. he has made enemies with everyone..the referees, prem league managers, now uefa to keep on defending the third rate players. there is a whole bunch of losers at the club and what worries me most is that if we dont win the league, they might be the only ones left at this great club

  13. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 29, 2011, 14:11 #4165

    This isn't the first time I've seen someone banging on about how eternally grateful Wenger should be for inheriting GG's defence. Wenger's full season was the 96-97 season and the legendary defence had pretty much run its course and was being disbanded mid-way through the 99-00 season. It's hardly a big chunk in his tenure. Yes, the superb 97-98 double team was built on the foundations of Seaman, Adams et al but try asking those players the importance of Petit and Vieira (Wenger signings) in augmenting that back four. The invincibles were nothing to do with GG, the 49 game unbeaten team was nothing to do with GG and the ten game without conceding Champions league team was nothing to do with GG. It is actually very, very frustrating because Wenger has proved he can do defence.

  14. CD

    Mar 29, 2011, 13:36 #4163

    The fact we are still pulling our collective hair out six years on, with Almunia sums it all up re Wenger's ridiculous blind and stubborn faith in him. Let alone the many other players, which do not require listing as you all know who I am refering to. Wenger's time is up, and has been for quite a while now, just for this one piece of rank bad management alone, six years for christ sake!!

  15. Thorpy

    Mar 29, 2011, 11:26 #4156

    AugustusCaesar how can you possibly say Almunia was not at fault for the CL Final goals! You are talking total dros, those of us that were there than night will never forget his joke performance!

  16. cursedkeeperclubsupporter

    Mar 29, 2011, 10:18 #4152

    its not racism its good old fashioned British Xenophobia the Spanish arent a race of people. The point of the article still stands Almunia is ****e utter utter ****e and Wenger should take full blame for putting him in a team clearly 50 leagues above his ability. WENGER OUT!

  17. cesc-is-gone

    Mar 29, 2011, 9:34 #4149

    by the way Cesc of course wants to leave and dont you believe for a minute that the board really want him to stay. the board will accept £45M for him, £13m for Clichy and the company will be doing veyr nicely thank you. big bonus alround. Cesc is fef up having no decent goalkeeper, defence. dont forget when he arrived we still had all the tough guys around him and his flair shone out. nowadays the guys has to run his bllody socks off for the team and put up with stupid mistakes all around him. most of the guys he plays with week in week out are not fit to lace his boots and all top players want to play with other top players everyone knows that. i wish the fans would really get on AW and the board about this

  18. fedupwithit

    Mar 29, 2011, 9:18 #4147

    we have become 1 of the least effective teams around. AW thinks passing to eachother and going around in pretty circles means you are in control of a game. you are also right once he has a star, beit cesc, rvp, nasri and now JW, he flogs them to death and puts all the onus on them to win every match for him. fergy does the opposite. properly protects his best players and makes sure it is a proper team ethic, no stars. the sign of a very weak manager is when they play up far too much how brilliant 1 of their players is. GG never had any stars and won plenty of trophies

  19. tfi_arsenal

    Mar 29, 2011, 5:02 #4146

    a little harsh about our number 53 i feel. i cant remember a time i had confidence in an Arsenal keeper until Wojcech played against Manure. Perhaps indicative of the awful performances of the waiter, flappy and even Jens towards the end of his first stint BUT he still looks like he could be the real deal.

  20. The Others

    Mar 28, 2011, 23:30 #4144

    "Aluminium" is the not the only reason we aint won a darn thing.Half of the squad is a joke.Backup is laughable.Style of play and movement off the ball is painfully predictable.

  21. northernbof

    Mar 28, 2011, 22:10 #4143

    A brilliant merciless article, and to paraphrase a famous saying,I agree with everything you have written but wish you hadn't.I feel sorry for Almunia! Any mediocre performer stuck in the spotlight is on a hiding... Wenger's the culprit in this saga,trying to prove AKB all the time , when he obviously doesn't and hasn't for a long time.Wenger out!No chance.

  22. tippytappynevershooty

    Mar 28, 2011, 20:26 #4142

    Wenger is the clown not Almunia. Wenger picks him and the rest of the substandard joke players like Rosicky, Denilson, Clichy, Eboue, then refuses to coach them or put a workable shape in front of the defence. Greatest manager ever? On your bike - he's not even the greatest manager I've seen and I'm talking about GG. I'd love to see how many trophies he'd have won without George's defence and team spirit propping up his artistry. The man is a joke and just look at the last few games Blaming the pitch against West Brom and hailing our mental strength, putting Rosicky in midfield against Birmingham after he'd been Barca's 12th man, and persisting with this shocking 4-3-3 formation which has negated our one strength (attacking flair) and turned us into a shapeless tacticless shambles. He's flogged poor Cesc to death, so the poor bloke has got permanently knackered hamstrings, and I'm sure Nasri and Van Persie will be next. Piss right off and let's get Steve Bould in charge!!

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 28, 2011, 18:49 #4140

    agree with everything written.Give Lehman the gloves for the rest of the season how on gods green earth could he be any worse than we already have.

  24. fozzys mate

    Mar 28, 2011, 18:36 #4139

    Dial sq - apols if I offended you. Having been a season ticket holder since the glory days of Don Howe I like to reflect over the longer term as my 2 recent articles display. My humour may be pathetic but at all racist in its intention.

  25. Tom

    Mar 28, 2011, 16:09 #4138

    I've never rated Almunia and have told all and sundry about his general rubbishness for years. If you told me back in 2007 that he would be our No.1 in 2011, I would've laughed. He's a testimony to how far we've fallen and illustrative of Wenger's insistence on doing things on the cheap. It isn't Almunia's fault that he's cr*p, it's Wenger's for continually playing him. No wonder Lehmann was miffed about being dropped for this clown.

  26. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 28, 2011, 15:42 #4136

    P.S. I don't think either goal in the CL final were his fault. Bit harsh that. On the Schwarzer thing. I believe we offered something like £2.5m. We don't know what went on behind the scenes but it sounded like we made a reasonable offer for a 38 year old keeper. Fulham played hard ball and that was that. I also thought it was a crying shame Fabianski got injured when he did. He was showing signs of real improvement. I would personally reinstate him as number 1 at the start of next season.

  27. Shropshire Lad

    Mar 28, 2011, 15:41 #4135

    Dial Square - tosser. Pop your sandals on and f off to a lost cause march somewhere.

  28. Fozzy

    Mar 28, 2011, 15:03 #4134

    Further top work from "Fozzy's Mate" who can write stuff that I can only dream to think of writing about. We can only dream about what a lovely place Ashburton could be next season without The Waiter, Ebouseless, Diabolical, Deckchair and Barry.

  29. ed enough

    Mar 28, 2011, 13:46 #4132

    Our problems run a lot deeper than just a "Dodgy" keeper...and still AW fails to address this plainly obvious problem. It will go on and on and on while AW remains.

  30. Jekyll

    Mar 28, 2011, 13:41 #4131

    Good article, seeing how long he's been at the club, and how he's consistently made mistakes during that time, makes you realise the extremes of Wenger's stubbornness. Almunia is an exemplar of Wenger's obsession with 'proving' he is right about everything. It takes him years and years to give up on individuals, and he'll never stop buying cheap inadequates, so we'll go through this process again and again until he finally leaves.

  31. nugs

    Mar 28, 2011, 13:31 #4130

    the spanish waiter is without doubt the worst keeper ive seen play for arsenal

  32. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 28, 2011, 13:20 #4129've picked a difficult target here Fozzy's Mate. I think what Almunia became so adept at was after making a mistake he'd then having ten or so decent games which restored Arsene's faith in him temporarily. Only for him to make another key fu*k up. He did have one season where he did look the genuine no.1 and, whilst it ultimately came to nothing, he was outstanding in the home leg against Barcelona last season. But it's fair to say he is an erratic goalkeeper to put it mildly. I think his shot saving and handling is generally pretty good but most importantly he appears to be such a meek guy. You can't afford to have passive goalkeepers. You want a Peter Schmeichel type - his big red face an inch away from yours scaring the beejaysus out of you. Almunia looks like he wouldn't say boo to a goose. I think the poor communication and general lack of organisation at the back generally has hindered the club massively in recent seasons.

  33. Sparksy

    Mar 28, 2011, 12:56 #4128

    Spot om mate. Remembering his cock ups does make me laugh just becasue they are so bad. Dial square, racism in this article????. Piss off back to your guardian and human rights mates.

  34. Mike Stefan

    Mar 28, 2011, 12:50 #4127

    I think the article is slightly harsh on Sczezny - I think he has been very good this season and his injury is unfortunate. The one thing he is very good at is inspiring confidence in the players / fans. I actually would be happy with him being our No1 next season. The rest I agree on.

  35. Richard

    Mar 28, 2011, 12:38 #4126

    Excellent article. Couldn't stop laughing!

  36. king gooner

    Mar 28, 2011, 12:27 #4124

    yep,one of lifes great mysteries-sent by god to try our patience!

  37. Christof

    Mar 28, 2011, 12:08 #4123

    If only he could play Barca every week. Bizarrely, he excels against them.

  38. charliegeorge

    Mar 28, 2011, 11:45 #4122

    "Giants of the world game." Not any more. Not since 2004. Not under Manager Fawlty.

  39. Gunner4ever

    Mar 28, 2011, 11:43 #4121

    Then it's no real coincidence we've won nothing in the last five years then! Its a cruel twist of fate that lands 'Coco the clown Munia' back between he sticks, God help us!

  40. Goonerdad

    Mar 28, 2011, 11:39 #4120

    Dial Square - racism? Also known as humour maybe????? Great entertaining article

  41. mark

    Mar 28, 2011, 11:07 #4118

    you have to blame the manager for allowing Almunia to believe he was Pepe Reina when he clearly is not. the manager should carry the blame and not just the keeper. almunia will kop for the flak but his manager keeps sending him out there. bring back Alex Maninger

  42. stevo

    Mar 28, 2011, 10:56 #4116

    love it. almunia is my favourite arsenal player.

  43. Stevesam

    Mar 28, 2011, 10:23 #4115

    The Aw mystery continues. A couple of points, Alumnia and his agent are no mugs, he has possibly been paid £6 million plus over the last 6 years, also he has Captained the team on many occasions, why ? He obviously has no leadership qualities on or off the pitch and his basic tactical / positional awreness is crap . If ever there was an opportunity to assess a GK it was the final in Paris, Alumnia did not expect or want to play and was almost forced onto the pitch,it could be seen then that he did not have the bottle for the big games, he should have been moved on to a low level Spanish club. I would also ask the question, what advice has AW been given over the years by the goalkeeping coach and how much should we blame GP for this situation. I would add, when AW gave William Gallas the prestigious Dennis Bergkamp No.10 shirt, I started to worry about his mental state and drop in standards.

  44. Dial Square

    Mar 28, 2011, 9:53 #4114 much racism in one article...must be a record!

  45. steve

    Mar 28, 2011, 9:48 #4113

    superb article - agreed the bloke is a clown