I am giving up my season ticket this summer

One fan loses faith as ambition is lacking

I am giving up my season ticket this summer

Once again, spring brings disappointment for Gooners

So far this season I have tried to give the team the benefit of the doubt. I have seen improvement earlier on this campaign as every time in the first two thirds of the season we have had a poor result we did seem to come back with a run of stronger performances. I had hoped that we had learnt from our mistakes in previous campaigns and would go onto better things in the final third of the season. I felt quietly confident that we would end our trophyless spell and go on to bigger and better things. This has proved to be a false hope and in my eyes Project Wenger has now been given every chance.

The reality of the situation is we have not moved on at all. The current playing squad has had ample opportunities to show signs of progression and has come up short every single time the opportunity of success has become a possibility. Birmingham in the Carling Cup final showed this point up in flashing neon lights for all to see and the failures against Sunderland, WBA and Blackburn in the recent Premier League games for me have been too much to take. These three teams are very poor and other sides in the Premier League brush them all aside with ease. Look at the City result yesterday for proof of this fact. They beat Sunderland in a stroll 5-0 whereas we failed to break them down once in 90 minutes of play only a couple of weeks prior to this. Blackburn have been shipping goals away from home at an alarming rate all season long, yet under pressure to do so can we manage one goal against them? Of course we can’t and apparently the reason for this latest failure was the international break. What was the reason put forward for the WBA failure? A poor pitch. What was the reason for the Sunderland failure? The referee making mistakes. The truth is we could not have had an easier run of games at such a crucial time of the campaign and we have blown it big time. It is the same season in season out. It is not bad luck and it has nothing at all to do with pitch surfaces or refereeing decisions.

The current playing squad is not one that is capable of lifting the trophies that count and it has indeed proven this season that it is not one that can lift any trophy full stop. I couldn’t give a toss about the Carling Cup but we have dropped so far now that I really wanted to win it this season as soon as we beat Spurs in the first round and a few of the big boys went out early doors. Could we manage it? No we couldn’t. We managed to fall over ourselves to lose when in fairness we didn’t have much to beat. That is a tell tale sign of a playing squad that are a bunch of losers. When victory is almost given to them on a plate they will find a way to lose it. Look at Man United and you see the complete opposite of this. 2-0 down at West Ham on Saturday at half-time and they came roaring back in the final 45 minutes to win the game 4-2. A sign of real winners and a sign of a team that deserves to be crowned as Champions come the end of May. They possess powers that as a club we do not and that is why they regularly win the trophies that we can only dream of winning these days. If we were 2-0 down at West Ham in the same circumstances on Saturday there is no way on earth that we are coming back and winning the game 4-2. It is that simple and that is why we will be trophyless again at the end of this campaign.

I have lost all faith in the current playing squad and the man at the helm of our club in the last month or so. I tried to stay positive and have given them one last chance to prove the doubters wrong but the same things have happened all over again and it goes beyond the point of feeling slightly disappointed. It is depressing stuff to be an Arsenal fan at the moment. I don’t like the way our club is now being run and I don’t like the complete apathy shown towards us the fans these days. ‘If you don’t like it, we have thousands of others wishing to take your seat in the ground so like it or lump it’ is the real message coming out of the club these days. Well my message back is try and get some other mug to part with thousands of pounds per season because I for one have had enough. I resent paying anything towards a club that doesn’t give a toss about my views or opinions. The club has been run like a small time outfit with zero ambition yet they charge us the top admission prices in Europe.

I have come to the conclusion that the best thing that could happen to our club is for them to now go on a disastrous run of results that sees them fail to qualify for the Champions League next season. It may sound strange coming from an avid Arsenal fan but believe me if nothing changes soon we will be seeing more of the same stuff for some time to come yet. The only other way that I can foresee change happening is if the ground suddenly failed to sell out and season ticket holders and club level members chose en masse to not renew their tickets for next season, which judging by the comments on this very website I can’t see happening on the sort of scale that will make any difference to the club we choose to support.

Most season ticket holders seem to feel like if they choose not to renew then they will miss the chance of a season ticket in the future. This may be wide of the mark as for sure we do have a waiting list as things stand but can we really see that remaining to be the case after another two or three seasons of this? I am personally so perplexed with the state of play at our club that I have cancelled my Sky Sports subscription. I can’t be arsed with the same old sh*t all the time, watching games like the Birmingham, WBA, Sunderland and Blackburn ones does nothing to enhance my life. It merely hinders it. I am always in a more negative mood after the game than I was before it so why bother watching?

Until we get a real shift of power at the end of the club that really matters then nothing will change. When AW took over all those years ago the game was a different one to the one we see before our eyes today. If we finished above United come May we won the league, it was that simple, there were no other teams who could compete on our level over the course of a season. Now we have Chelsea, Spurs, City and Liverpool as well as United who are all well capable of finishing the season with more points than us when things kick off at the start of August. Therefore as a club we need to show greater ambition than we were showing ten years ago, not less. When you factor in the backline that AW inherited which included Seaman, Dixon, Winterburn, Keown and Adams then you begin to see how with a sprinkle of players with more technical ability we became successful in the early years of the Wenger reign. He inherited a winning mentality. An English winning mentality, the sort of mentality that hates to lose, a mentality that drives teams on to win things. Look at the United squad of today; you have players like Scholes, Giggs, Rooney and up until recently Neville. Say what you like about them and obviously as Arsenal fans some of those names are almost figures of hate to us, but at the end of the day all of those players are United through and through and are also winners through and through that have been brought up playing under a manager that simply cannot stand losing. Even if it was a kick about in the park, Fergie would spend the rest of the weekend at home sulking if his side got beat.

Players that came to our club in the early years of the Wenger reign learnt from these English players that had been brought up in the culture of our club. The Henry’s of this world have said that exact fact in previous interviews. They trained each day with men that were Arsenal. They trained each day with Arsenal men that hated to lose and would often put their bodies on the line to avoid defeat. They learnt from these men and they improved as players because of this fact. It is a fact that since the last bunch of this type of player left our club we have won nothing. Ashley Cole, as much as we now hate him, had a point when he left for Chelsea. He didn’t like the way our club was going. It had lost its soul of Englishness and that mentality had gone, there was too much of a continental feeling around the club and the win at all cost mentality was replaced by one that was more interested in keeping your shorts clean. Sol Campbell was the last man to show this type of commitment and when he returned last season he stood out a country mile as being a guy that cared more than the players that he was on the same team as. He was a warrior in the defeat at the Lane last season and must have felt let down that he had to leave the field on the losing side as if the other ten players on his team showed the same level of effort and commitment that he had managed to show as a player that was nearing the end of his own career we would not have lost the game. Jack and TV stand out in our current squad of players as having super levels of drive and commitment yet in any other team their efforts would merely be considered the norm and that fact is nothing short of a disgrace.

We currently have a bunch of players that are in a complete and utter comfort zone. They laud it about as though they are the best thing since sliced bread but they are in fact a proven bunch of also ran’s. The sad facts are it will be more of the same next season. Most people will still fork out an average of £1200 or so and renew their season tickets. Most people will still be buying the £6 hotdogs and most people will still be queuing up to buy the new 3rd strip come August which we will wear once in a meaningless cup game in Outer Mongolia. Most if not all of the following players will still be in the Arsenal squad: Almunia, Eboue, Squillaci, Denilson, Diaby, Bendtner, Chamakh. We will probably lose Cesc for around £40m and the same old spill will be branded out by AW that we don’t need to splash the cash on a replacement as we have Ramsey and Nasri that can do a job. We will buy no more than two players over the next 12 months and come next March/April the wheels will come off all over again and AW will spout the same crap about bad luck/injuries to key men/poor referees/sh*t pitches.

I am bored sh*tless of it all and will not be parting with any money that feeds such an ambitionless regime. I will not even be bothering to renew my red level memberships as I would rather keep the £60 for something else more productive. For all those who reply to this article with sentences like why don’t you go and support Spurs etc, don’t bother applying the pressure on your finger tips in typing these words out as a response as the only response you get in turn from me is one that reads go f*** yourself you spineless, blind fools. By the way if one did go off and support Spurs instead at the very least they would be supporting a club that has shown high levels of ambition in recent times. They have come up from nowhere and are now virtually on a par with us as a club and as a squad. That is how far they have come and how far we have been allowed to fall by the wayside and that is because of the massive element within our support that will take endless sh*t from the club and keep on coming back for more season after season. To all those people that say on this very website ‘I need to renew my season ticket as if I don’t I wont get the chance again’ grow some balls, stand up for yourself and do what you believe in and throw the bloody forms in the bin where they currently belong. You get zero ambition in return and treated with utter contempt, so why bother?

We have far too many half hearted fans at the stadium anyway that are far more interested in the half time refreshments (or should that read mid-game refreshments?) than the game itself so what are you really missing out on by not attending? Or if you do after everything still feel the need to attend on a regular basis why not vent some of your frustration at the way the club is being run and actually try and let the manager and the board know your feelings? I cannot remember ever hearing true unrest at an Arsenal game, not once over the past six seasons has their been the smallest hint of the fans not being happy so why would the club then feel the need to sharpen up their act? The money keeps on coming in and the fans seem happy, so why change?

How many people reading this would be disappointed if they woke up in the morning to the news that AW has left the club and Jose Mourinho has been named as his replacement? I sure as hell wouldn’t be as the guy is a proven winner, time and time again whereas AW now for me is the opposite. You can’t live the rest of your life being praised for past glories, you have to prove yourself every season, that is how it is. Everyone could have forgiven the odd season of no success, especially granted the move to the new stadium but six in a row is too much. Especially it is too much when you factor in the chances we have glaringly let slip through our fingertips during that period of time. That for me is the real damning factor when deciding on whether a change is the best for the club we support. It isn’t the fact that we have gone six seasons without a trophy, it is the mentality that has been allowed to grow within the club that is the hardest thing to accept as a true fan. Finish in the top four and start again next season. It isn’t enough for me as fan to accept as I want the best for my club and for the amount of money it costs me to continue offering my support to the club I follow. I want ambition. That is what is currently lacking. It isn’t about the trophies as no-one can guarantee those at any club, it is about the ambition or the lack of it that hurts. We are being asked to cough up for the highest prices in Europe season after season yet we are clearly not seeing a team that harbours any ambition at all to be top dog, even in their own country let alone Europe. These two factors do not tally up to anything resembling value for money so I choose not to attend. For me it really is that simple.

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  1. Michael

    Apr 11, 2011, 9:55 #4939

    Frankly, amazed at this article. And the lack of respect and support for Wenger. Yes, admittedly, we DO need an imposing goalkeeper and centre-back. Had we have had those two players we'd already have won the League Cup this year. 6 Years without a trophy - SO WHAT? What gives us the right to win something every year? Liverpool haven't won the league for over 20 years, West Ham haven't won anything since you know when and Birmingham's win was their first for almost 40 years. Do you want to go back to watching the type of football we saw in the mid-80s? Did you actually see the first leg against Barcelona? Do you have any morals and integrity like Wenger, or are you more suited to watching Chelski? Ironically I may give up my season ticket this year, but not because of Wenger or the lack of trophies - more because the new ground is and has been now for 5 years completely ****ing soulless and ****e - full of twats like you moaning every time a loose ball is played and then deserting the club because they haven't won anything for - oooh! - 6 years. Ah, how I remember those days in the Clock End.

  2. Chippie

    Apr 08, 2011, 12:05 #4811

    It amazes the usual suspects always reads the blogger’s articles slag him off through their comments. Well if they don’t like what they read then simply don’t read it. Anyway I thought I would put my two pence worth. I’m a Gold Member and I too think I am paying way over the odds for a bunch of players whose attitude is “if we lose, I don’t care I’m going home in my Ferrari”. I do blame Wenger because in my humble opinion he has been at the club too long and the module of football (based on the Spanish national side) does not cut it in the EPL. Because small technical players just get slapped aside by other teams. Wenger needs to mix things up if our players are getting roughed up we rough up the opposing team. I don’t know if it’s because of his age but it seems like Wenger does not know how to change things in the middle of a game; all he knows is Plan A (nice little triangles, passing to death, and walking the ball into the net). I don’t know if I will relinquish my season ticket for next season, it all depends if my ticket goes up above inflation and if the club continues with the status quo.

  3. clockendjim

    Apr 08, 2011, 11:06 #4808

    Somebody had to say it and you have elequently summed up the completely unacceptable situation at our great club. I have been attending Arsenal matches for 54 years now so think I can speak with a bit of history behind me. So this is not knee-jerk reaction from someone looking for instant success. I have seen wonderful times in that period and not such good ones. However I left the Emirates after the Blackburn game feeling I had never seen such a gutless display from an Arsenal eleven. For such an important match with the title dangling in front of them against a really weak team, it was inexplicable and truly exasperating. Walking out down the stairs two other fans said to me 'was it worth it' With my struggling up from Portsmouth to see matches these days, I asked myself the same question which was repeated to me by two other fans on the train home. Something is rotten in the state of Arsenal FC. The comment about Wenger inheriting such a solid foundation to build his team upon is so true and I would add the name of Ray Parlour to the list who embodied the 'never say die' attitude that is so lacking today. They could start putting this right by signing Scott Parker who has kept West Ham afloat almost single-handed and looked a formidale partnership with Jack Wilshere for England I cannot understand the mindless cretins who comment below that you are not a true fan if you do not take all the crap that is being laid upon us now. We are not criticising for the sake of being controversial, but because we care about our club. Can they honestly say they are satisfied with the performances and results of the team since moving from Highbury It could all have been so different if some of the £56m profit made last year had been ploughed back into the team. Any honest fan will agree that the backbone is lacking substance right down the middle ie goalkeeper, commanding centre back, defensive midfielder and a real goal finisher. Surely football clubs exist to win things, not to just gloat over an ever expanding bank balance As a Silver member (not just the colour of my hair) I buy my ticket when a game becomes available. After the torture of the Sunderland game, I held back on the Aston Villa match until I had seen evidence of greater effort from the team against Blackburn - it didn't come did it. There was a time when you had to go onto the website within minutes of tickets going on sale or you missed out. Now a couple of weeks later they are still available for AV, surely that is a message of some sort from the fans. With the mismanagement building up over the past few seasons, I have said that the Emirates Castle could come tumbling down if they are not careful. I am not saying I want that, but something has got to shake them out of their smug satisfaction as they count their shekels.

  4. Mick

    Apr 08, 2011, 1:02 #4800

    Call yourself a supporter? You don't know the meaning of the word and the club is better off without you. 2nd in the league clearly isn't good enough for you. Being the only side with any chance of catching the leader clearly means nothing to you. You say it's not about trophies then what else a 2nd placed side supposed to achieve? To then come up with a load of self-serving drivel about how much it costs makes it worse. Just make sure you stay away permanently and to use your own insulting term to other fans - 'go f*ck yourself' (which you probably do anyway).

  5. wet handbags

    Apr 07, 2011, 20:47 #4792

    It view these blogs with amazement, astonishment, surprise and bewilderment. How can supporters of a football team accuse the manager and the players as being 'gutless' 'wimps' 'no backbone' lack of winning mentality' when they, after not winning a trophy after 6 years, start to cry and blubber and say "giving up my season ticket" not going to renew my "sky subscription" . "I've been thinking about not renewing my ST". And at the same time accuse your team of being bottlers. Your all a load of bottlers and your blog and the comments that support you are a ****ing disgrace to the history of the Arsenal. Wenger has broight more glory to Highbury/emirates than any previous manager in the history of the team....... shame on you, shame on you! You don't deserve to be arsenal supporters so give up your season tickets, give up your support, go to another team that may win trophies and spend money to win. You are part time fans who know **** all about loyalty....... ****ing wet handbags the lot of ya!

  6. HighburyJD

    Apr 07, 2011, 19:17 #4787

    I agree 100% with you. You definitely definitely should not renew either your season ticket or your red membership. Please never come to another Arsenal game.

  7. gooner4life

    Apr 07, 2011, 19:03 #4785

    John Evans, I wish we had more fans like you, but alas, judging by most of the wimps who replied shows that we have a spineless manager, team and even set of fans who only turn up for the 'good day out'. I'm tired of wenger and his clowns...i'm also tired of the old farst that make 60,000 seem like 2,000...best thing to do mate is wait for the french senile to bugger off and the old farts to die away (yes, i know it's cruel but it's for the benefit of this club) and then we'll have our arsenal back. Personally, Wenger has outstayed his welcome and unless pressure is put on him to deliver TROPHIES then nothing will change. I'd given up my season ticket last year but i wont go away...i will write on blogs and whenever i attend i will confront the whimps on and off the pitch...this is OUR arsenal as much as it is THEIRS...so keep up the good work john and i salute you for standing up to the mugs that are arsenal fans these days.

  8. Kirriegooner

    Apr 07, 2011, 15:47 #4770

    As we all know Sky invented football in 1992, but no one thought about keeping a record of trophies won until 2006. In that time although we haven't won anything, we have built a shiny new stadium.This has drained our resources. We were told that we would have to endure some hard times and that Arsene had to keep us competitive in the 5 or six years ahead. 6 top 4 finishes (assuming we finish above sp*rs this season) 3 Cup Finals 4 semi finals and 5 quarter finals in that time seems to be quite competitive. Although I would have liked to have won something I can fully understand why we haven't. My season ticket will be renewed next season.

  9. R.S.P.C.Arsenal

    Apr 07, 2011, 14:43 #4764

    look i'm not a fair weather supporter, i remember the dowdy days of the early eighties, where the club used to advertise in the London evening papers for tickets to Saturday's game at 03:00! mad i know the ad was ticket , hot dog, and a programme for a fiver! now i stuck through them then and was rewarded with glory day later in the decade... but when George got the team motoring you could sense there was a purpose behind the team squad.. however with AW and the current batch of potential he has gathered I'm not so sure there is an end to his means...I'm not going to slate individually we all know the main offenders, Not sure what we can do to get out of this situation? buy a couple of expensive players then the board can increase revenue at what ever rate they like , with no guarantee of success, I'm lost really lost on what the best is for the club...not sure i can take much more of this for longer tho....

  10. Nic

    Apr 07, 2011, 13:23 #4755

    John, I fully understand your frustation with Arsene and the players but: 1- the season is not over yet. You may want to reconsider your opinion on May 22nd 2- this is our best season since 2005. It's been a long built-up but the progression is there so if we don't win this year (I don't think we will if I'm honest), I would definitely count our chance next year as very high 3- replacing AW with Mourhino? I think points 1 and 2 demonstrate that AW is the man for now. Replacing a manager does not guarantee success (Liverpool, Sp**s...) and should be done as a positive gesture (finding the coach that fits within the club culture and play styles), not used as a plaster on some cracks.

  11. Seth

    Apr 07, 2011, 13:19 #4753

    Team isnt good enough an couldn't agree more about messing up the glaring chances which has been extremely painful to see but Jose Mourinih? Fu"@ right off with that one if wenger had 200 million to spend I'm sure we would have one everything under the sun! But there is something wrong with the pricing compared to ambition of the club, I personally feel let down particularly with the Carling cup final and poor league results

  12. Mickey G

    Apr 07, 2011, 13:00 #4750

    I agree with Online Gooner. Can we have a poll to see what the overall majority opinion on this is? As for "what kind of supporter are you?" type questions. We are the supporters who care and have drive. We are the ones who make all the noise at the ground. We are the ones that demand success, or failing that, progress. We have neither now. F*ck off all you spineless, stupid quite G00ners. Your indifference is an impediment to change.

  13. dan

    Apr 07, 2011, 12:46 #4745

    i think that seeing the pro wenger angst wenger arguments just proves the frustration and disapointment that surrounds the club at the moment. i hate it... not winning for 6 years its awfull and no! i dont believe the squad is anywhere near as good as previous squads which apart from a few players wenger bought. but as a fan i cannot give up but iwill vent my anger and disapointment when i feel its time, and i do believe its time! money unfortunately is what makes the world go round, us get out of bed and football teams achieving glory and if mr wenger does not want to spend what is supposedly there then maybe someone else should. i would however prefer him to say 'sod it' new plan of attack and make a few strong signings to creep over the line we find ourselves close to each year (but thats just hope) this young team hasnt realy improved its just other big clubs have dropped slightly. new era! new manager? cut me i bleed red and white..

  14. Level Head

    Apr 07, 2011, 12:32 #4740

    I think it is bordering on xenophobia to insinuate that only English players have a 'winning mentality'. Clearly this hasn't transferred to the national team who haven't won anything for 45 years.

  15. Martin Warne

    Apr 07, 2011, 12:12 #4735

    I understand your frustration, you may be at the far end of the scope of opinion, but we all have an opinion. The season ticket situation is a tricky one. We all know that they'll fill the seat next season, so it could be nevr again for a season ticket or in 2-3 ears they may be freely available. I am not taking that chance. I support the team. The team. AW does not appear to have a "team", the mental strength team does not exist, so it appears to me it is dillusional. Only a few players are of sufficient quality and often they spend 1/2 season in the treatment room. I believe tinkering is not now needed, it is full blown change from top to bottom, management, support staff, players who are not good enough. Treatment staff, why so many injuries. Sell the troublseome injury players and bring in ones who are not and much better. The maths is simple, but the calculator is broken and old fashioned.

  16. R.S.P.C.Arsenal

    Apr 07, 2011, 11:54 #4731

    very good read, i too have been mulling over giving up the tickets for the last few seasons...still not sure on next season!... if i could purchase just 18 tickets for the prem i would be glad and do that, don't want all the other cup games, give them to the alleged long waiting list...share the love Arsenal! will make up my mind around mid may...but at the moment i just content to spilt up with me lover of over 41 years! and be with my other love... my family at weekends!

  17. CHGooner

    Apr 07, 2011, 11:32 #4727

    BANG!! Absolutely on the money. I gave up my season ticket after Cole and Campbell went. I disliked Wenger's arrogance in thinking he could just rip out the English/British Isles core and that it wouldn't matter. The fact that the fans accepted such a policy saddened me then and it is that which is at the root of the problems we have today. He inherited spirit and guts, allied it with flair and technique and then jettisoned the most important part. Go now Wenger, your time is up mate.

  18. Andover

    Apr 07, 2011, 11:15 #4724

    @Ben re ticket waiting list. I have been on the season ticket waiting list for 5 years. I have been offered a ticket twice in that time. If you haven't been offered a ticket in 13 years you have a problem

  19. Gooner89

    Apr 07, 2011, 10:42 #4716

    Great article & so so true - Sad but true.

  20. Dial Square Master

    Apr 07, 2011, 10:41 #4715

    Good - let a real supporter have it instead. Can you stop writing this ****e aswell please.

  21. Nayan Sthanakiya

    Apr 07, 2011, 10:39 #4714

    Ruibbish teams dont get to bitch about just misssing out on the title or going out of knockout competitions at the end of long cup runs. It only hurts so much becasue each year we go so close. If we were mid table dross our expectations would be far lower. Sure the last 2% is missing and Wenger/the board have to answer for that. However football is all about suffering and fans of other clubs support their team through thin an thin. If you can no longer afford your season tiocket then fair enough - Arsenal do charge too much and times are tough. But spare me the violins ok? Nothing Arsenal have gone through in the last 5 years gets close to the the despair people have had at Pomy, Leeds, Toon, Even Liverpool.

  22. Kimeze Dickson

    Apr 07, 2011, 10:14 #4710

    It now appears that David Dein was right and Hillwood & Co. were wrong. They have perfectly turned Arsenal into an ambitionless club. We want David Dein back at Arsenal. Arsenal is a team that starts a season knowing that they have a problem with a goalkeeper and at the end of the season, it costs them for three consecutive seasons. This cannot happen at United, or Chelsea let alone Liverpool or Spurs. Arsene Wenger needs to change, big time. Why would a team like Arsenal give a contract extension a midfielder like ROsicky, who scores once every season having had players like Pires or Ljumberg. Its so absurd. Wenger needs to release about 7 players, Eboue, Chamakh, Bendtner, Rosicky, Denilson, Squillaci, Clichy can also go if he likes. and bring in a minimum of 5 players.

  23. Dan

    Apr 07, 2011, 10:12 #4709

    Excuse me Tushar, what the f##k were you watching when we outplayed barca! I understand the frustrations, but the solution is simple, with AW in charge, we ain't going to win anything. If Bould is brought in as a No.2 who is given a chance to influence (rather than be AW's yes man), then things may improve. Injuries do not help (TV has been a massive loss), but isn't it noticeable that the other big clubs (Valencia & Lampard come to mind) can get their players back quicker than us. I think it's a mind thing (our players think they're injured because AW say's so!).

  24. Dennis

    Apr 07, 2011, 9:58 #4708

    For the last 6 years there has been 2 types of Arsenal fan....disillusioned and delusional. Wenger is stubborn, tactically inept and well past his best.

  25. GILBO

    Apr 07, 2011, 9:55 #4707

    How many Premiership teams would love to be in Arsenal's position, fantastic stadium, second in the league, with an up and coming midfield which will be the best in the league shortly, Wilshire, Ramsay, Fabregas, Nasri. Get a life John Evans

  26. Paulsy

    Apr 07, 2011, 9:51 #4706

    i don't agree with the club lacking ambition, i do however think some of the players don't give their all at times and we have a number of fringe players who aren't good enough to step into the first team which when all fit can beat anyone. the team needs a bit of a tweak like a world class CB and defensive midfielder (cover for Song).

  27. Oliver Chessis

    Apr 07, 2011, 9:46 #4705

    Yeah, United showed a lot more bottle than we did at Upton Park. We just went there and wiped the floor with them winning 3-0. And do you remember that come back they had at Villa Park. Why we bothered just dominating the game and taking three points is beyond me. Then of course there was the great performance for them against West Brom at home. Solid first half performance by them I must say. Its a shame we couldn't show such fighting spirit, say against Everton at home, Barca at home. By all means, get rid of your ticket if it is no longer affordable/value for money. Fans would not leave otherwise.

  28. b

    Apr 07, 2011, 9:20 #4704

    to all those blind fools who say the article is drivel i'd like to point out one simple fact. Our club is now worth in the region of 1 billion yet each and every season we make transfer profits, a fantastic business model i must say and i'm sure the board are delighted to hide behind wengers sadly impossible dream while it continues to fund them. But we are the supporters and therefore the customers and in giving wenger complete autonomy are getting what exactly in return? a social environment? do me a favour, bar the barcelona game the emirates is solely a large money pit to fund the board. Highly paid players who can generally beat less well paid players? well yes if this turns you on and we can't even do that at the moment when it really counts. Im an Arsenal fan but get real its not Wengers fault or the players fault, they are just the employees getting an easy ride, good on them, its there job/livelihood etc The employers are to blame who care about the business model and not the success of the club. Football is a one off business that must combine the two if the opportunity of spare funds allows. This may not be the case at the majority of clubs who do well to survive but Arsenal have that opportunity. It disgusts me how much the board have gained from the club over the last 6 years and yet how little they have given back. Mark my words when the time comes when fan disillusionment is so great that match day profit is not all but guaranteed the club will be sold to the highest bidder as the clubs value will be maximised at that precise point. The fizzmans and lady bracewells of the world can finally swan off into the sunset with millions in there pocket satisfied that they rinsed the club for all that it was worth.

  29. Bridgers

    Apr 07, 2011, 9:20 #4703

    Sadly I have to agree with everything that has been said. I have become disillusioned over the past few years and it's probably as much to do with unfulfilled expectation as much as anything. There was a time (and I've been coming since the mid-60's) that mid-table was OK and the occasional cup final. By now we should be so much better, wasn't the reason given for moving to the Emirates that we had to compete in the transfer market better? Well, we haven't. I think it now seems to have been a huge ego trip for some people, and more money in the coffers for the shareholders. I won't give up my season ticket, so I probably fall into the spineless category, but it's my excuse for gettng out of the house!! Perhaps I need to get realistic and be happy with mediocrity then I won't be disappointed so often. Off now to slit my wrists!!

  30. the crack

    Apr 07, 2011, 9:19 #4702

    I want our club back! - central to all of this is the fact that Arsenal have lost their old community roots and link to their fans and have embraced all the facets of corporate business while still attempting to run the football side of the club as a little risk-free hobby for the board and share-holders. Result? The fans get shafted for ticket prices, merchandise and refreshments and the team lack success due to the risk-averse approach of the arrogant and dogmatic Wenger.

  31. shedzy

    Apr 07, 2011, 9:17 #4701

    either this is a knee jerk reaction, or its good news. If we had fewer moaning idiots and more passion, maybe the crowd would occasionally raise the team (as we seemed to do for the first time ever at home versus Barca) incidentally, were you thinking of giving your season ticket up that night?

  32. Dom

    Apr 07, 2011, 9:03 #4698

    I can understand your disappointment but come on English winning mentality? So other nations don't mind losing do they ? And remind me, when did England last win a major honour ?

  33. West

    Apr 07, 2011, 9:01 #4697

    Other Teams??? Man united won last night, you could go and support them!

  34. Rob SA

    Apr 07, 2011, 8:55 #4696

    I live in south africa and I love Arsenal FC. I have supported them for 15 years. Most the years have been excellent. I dont get the privledge of going to the Emirates each week. I can only afford to go every 5 years or so. So if you cant be a supporter through the bad times then piss off, Arsenal dont need you and your negative BS. I support an Ice hockey team that has not won anything in over 25 years but they still my team and i still support them regardless, that is a supporter. You a muppet!!!! I got bored of your article after the second paragraph.

  35. JollyMike

    Apr 07, 2011, 8:38 #4695

    I agree to some of all this. I hate the fact that we lose every game that really can take us above ManUre. I agree with the part about less ambition shown by the club than before. I don't agree with the way you go about to do something about it. Not renewing is the same as giving up. You can't show your resent for what's happening when you take away your arena to vent the frustration you feel. I would actually like to se Deschampes take over at Arsenal. He has the abillity to move this club the right way. Look at his tiume in Juve and Marseille. I think AW will sit out his contract and I think he will win another trophy for the Arsenal, but the club has been going on a downward spiral since Edu and Lauren left. Edu was a squad player! That is the class we don't have anymore. I hope Wenger will stay as scout after his days as manager is over. Now we need a manager that can bring us the present not only the future. I for one will stay positive till the end. Come on you Gunners! I believe!

  36. Gordon

    Apr 07, 2011, 8:36 #4694

    Couldn't have said it better myself. Ignore the rest of the mugs on here telling to go support Spuds or Chavs. They are the reason why Diaby has the cheek to say there's no pressure at Arsenal to win anything several months back. Let them be the ones to pay Bendtner's full UNDESERVED 50K per week salary and that is the dumbest way to put your money into since Enron. Funny you cancelled your Sky cable. I'm abt to do the same thing once my yearly subscription is over and will hook on to free low quality online streaming because that's what Arsenal matches are worth right now. Don't even want to risk sore eyes watching them in high-def!

  37. Mark H

    Apr 07, 2011, 8:26 #4693

    I would gladly have your ticket I am a gooner win or lose.

  38. Stuart H

    Apr 07, 2011, 8:21 #4692

    I have held a season ticket for 24 years. I have seen great football under George Graham and Wenger. I have also seen poor football as well. But what I see now is a team that can play football only one way, a team that does not have a backbone when things get tough. Over the last six seasons we have been gradually caught by lesser teams. There are players who in the squad who are not fit to wear an Arsenal shirt; we all know who they are. The issue comes from Wenger now, he wants to win with mainly players he has moulded from the youth team. This experiment has failed but no one within the club will say anything. We the fans are starting to say something. But wenger does not care what we think he is blinded by his ambition to win with his players and playing a certain way. No one in his coaching staff will stand up to him. At the end of the season, I firmly believe wenger should move upstairs and someone new come in. I'll continue to shout and encourage the team but at the end of 90 minutes I won't applaud if we have played badly I'll head for the exit. We need to change or we will end up like Liverpool with no major honours domestically for a longtime. We need spirit and Passion at this club and if that means winning 1-0 and playing negative football like under GG then I'm all for it. Voice for disapproval to the club but to it constructively do not be abusive. As to the fans who think wenger is the best thing since sliced bread then I'll say he has been good but even sliced bread goes stale and you need a fresh loaf.

  39. Galwaygooner

    Apr 07, 2011, 8:04 #4691

    I thoroughly agree and have already decided not to renew my club level. It just wasn't worth the cost. And as for the satisfaction that my money was helping the club. Helping it to do what exactly? Overpay the teenagers and leave the first team bereft of any competitive proven players. Any club facing away cup ties at Barca and OT can be forgiven going out, but it is the manner of our collapses on the Carling Cup FInal and in the league that has been the most galling. It is the same old ****e season after season. Wake up Arsenal.

  40. Sim

    Apr 07, 2011, 7:46 #4690

    I love supporters for whom nothing other than winning every season is acceptable. Football is a form of entertainment. It contains highs and lows. There is no divine right to trophies, they are simply the prize you get at the end. Why can't people just enjoy the game and not be so blinkered by their own petty hatreds, jealousies and frustrations?

  41. Ade

    Apr 07, 2011, 7:29 #4689

    I understand where you're coming from. It seems as though Arsene is aiming for one lucky trophy as vindication. I want us to aim for a sustained period of dominance like ManU and Barca. We've delt with the burden of building a fantastic new stadium whilst remaining in the top four. Arsene now needs to push on, change tact and shake off this bare minimum mentality and aim not just for the top but to stay at the top.

  42. Kane

    Apr 07, 2011, 7:25 #4688

    To the author - You seem so sure that if you give up your ticket you will be able to buy another one quite easily - I have been on the season ticket waiting list for 3 years, and a red member for 6 years. I spoke to the box office yesterday - they have assured me that at current numbers, I will have to wait another 2 years to get my silver membership and another 4 years to get a season ticket. And this is after 6 years without a trophy! The problem with fans like you is this. You feel the club owes you something for the support you have given them over the years. Well my friend they owe you nothing. You CHOSE to follow the Arsenal - Arsenal didn't choose you as a supporter. They don't know you exist and will not miss you when you are gone. Get over yourself mate and realise how childish you sound with your "if I don't get my own way I will scream and scream and scream" attitude. I am not a "die hard" fan, I don't have the opportunity to be, but I do love Arsenal, regardless of league placing, current team and how recently we won a trophy. If you have fallen out of love with the club, then move on, but please don't kid yourself into thinking it will make any kind of difference.

  43. ben

    Apr 07, 2011, 7:03 #4687

    It looks as though our fans have become as deluded as the ones down the road. If you honestly think this team is going to win something in the next couple of years, you are living in dream world. THe issue is not talent, its the fact that players are able to let games pass them by and they get away with it. Look at utd they are clearly not a vintage utd but they die for their shirt. Jack apart who really cares in an arsenal shirt, we are going through the motions and change is now desperately needed.

  44. goonermichael

    Apr 07, 2011, 4:07 #4686

    Spurs? High levels of ambition? What does that mean? They are still **** and worse than us.

  45. Gilberta Silver

    Apr 07, 2011, 3:50 #4685

    Didn't even bother to read the article, because it would be a waste of my time. The headline was enough, and to comment would certainly not be a waste of my time. Although we may yet end trophy-less again this season, we have had some achievements and many emotional highs. One achievement is getting rid of a 'fan' like you from a prized seat at the grove! Hallelujah!!

  46. goonerwoody

    Apr 07, 2011, 3:13 #4683

    Pains me to have to admit it, but I agree totally with everything in the article except for one thing. As much as the players and management at the club have let us down, they are not the only ones. In fact, the so-called supporters have been well below par for some time now. Proper support is staying to watch the full 90 minutes and, importantly, to offer vociferous support throughout the game to help lift the players and intimidate the visiting team. It really frustrates me to see how negative the fans are with their moaning and groaning and we only need to look across to Germany to see how it is done with their passionate support that lifts the players. I am all for expressing negative feelings about the club where we see fit but as fans, we have hardly helped the situation and simply perform no better than the likes of Diaby and Denilson do on a weekly basis. Still, Wenger will rightly go down as one of the great Arsenal managers but it is time for a change so as long as we went to the top drawer I, for one, wouldn't compain. Mourinho with his tactical nouse would be just the ticket!

  47. abdul

    Apr 07, 2011, 2:59 #4682

    surely whats said is no less than the truth leave tickets aside the team is ambitionless after seeing them go down against WBA,sunderland and lately blackburn,it feels nothing but betrayal to the fans.3 exits within a month and trophyless at the end of a promising season,surely alot has to be done and my thinking half of those guys have to go coz their spirits arent the spirit of the arsenal invisibles seen before.let the new sloagn be WE AINT PLAYING CATCH UP NO MORE...COZ WE R THE BEST THERE HAS BEEN....gooners for life but change has to come now and the earlier the better.

  48. mark

    Apr 07, 2011, 2:53 #4681

    david dein would never have allowed us to get to this point. he would have had a quiet word with aw by now instead no one talks to louis xiv because he is all powerful at the club which was clearly stupid to allow to happen and results speak for themselves. DD has $75M so wont come back to make money but only to see afc win trophies. bring back DD. rein in aw as he is isolated, up his own ars and is believing his own legend status

  49. STEVE

    Apr 07, 2011, 2:25 #4680

    Your aticle is totally logical and very accurate appraisal of AW reign and is proof of a total failure these last six years in all areas. His "project" is doomed and only a massive change in direction/values and guts will make his stewardship tolerable. Fear this will not happen. For the good of the club it better happen. RIP

  50. Jeff

    Apr 07, 2011, 2:03 #4679

    For all you people condeming or telling Mr Evans to clear off, at least he his speaking from the heart, he is a real Arsenal supporter and it is killing him seeing the way OUR team is going, to me all that is written in this article is spot on, and before all you people who do not mind having and average team that is not winning anything, and (at least in the last 6 years)seems not to care, condem me for not being a supporter, I was one of the 4,000 that went to see us play Leeds (at home) in the 1960's. thats a great article. Keep on writting from the heart, and I know you might give up your season ticket, but I do not think you will give up your supprt for Arsenal. Best of luck.

  51. TAG

    Apr 07, 2011, 1:31 #4678

    I'll take the season ticket off your hands. I agree with a lot of what you have to say but at the end of the day I'll still be there come what may and still be yelling them on. So far this season, I have been elated, shocked, bemused, angry, depressed, on Cloud 9, and back to just hopeful. But I'll still be there...

  52. Pato Jeru

    Apr 07, 2011, 1:26 #4677

    Great article, well said. I shall be doing the same, I am sick of the crap. It makes me laugh to hear retards go on about 'lack of funds' on one hand, and then see AW on £7 mil a year, handing out fat gravy deals to his bitches Diaby, Denilson and Eboue! Pure jokes. The football is boring, the ground is soulless, the players are a Disgrace to the shirt with their lack of effort. The manager is a PARODY of a world-class manager, not won a single CL in 14 years plus, no back to back league titles, trophyless for six years coming to seven in 2012, and is a tactical RETARD! No clue on substitutions, overpays dross and continues to sign cast-offs like OAP Sol Campbell, retired Jens Lehmann and Silvestre. He is a laughable, sad man who needs to go manage a club with low expectations in France or perhaps take the Villa job where top 4 is a trophy. The only fans who need to '***** off and go support Spurs' are the Johnny Come Lately AKBs who tolerate mediocrity, excuse a lack of success, excuse a lack of effort from players and think that one overpaid old man is bigger than the club! How about YOU all bugger off, and go support whhichever club Wenger manages next eh? And leave ARSENAL FC to those who love the club alone. Wenger OUT. Guardiola, Hiddink, Mourinho in please.

  53. Lurkers

    Apr 07, 2011, 1:10 #4676

    2nd in the league. CL knockout stages 12 seasons in a row. And this joker is crying about not renewing his season ticket? Does he even realise what a complete and utter tool he would appear to 99.5% of loyal supporters of the other 91 league clubs? Absolutely ridiculous. Total plastic.

  54. vinagunner

    Apr 07, 2011, 0:52 #4675

    I bet my pants you'll be around come the next season ;)

  55. John

    Apr 07, 2011, 0:36 #4674

    We still have the premier league to play for, if we can win all our remaining games. It's a big ask after the month we have had. Arsene needs to change his backroom staff and promote Steve Bould to Assistant and bring back a Parlour, Keown, Bergkamp and Lehmann as coaches. The simple thing is the board has been unambitious without David Dein. The main problem is Peter Hill-wood everybody has to remember it was him who organised the board to sack him. 18 months it took them to replace David Dein whose job was almost as important as Arsene Wenger was Dein role was incharge of signing and of contract negotiations. Wenger is Arsenal's most consistent and successful manager in the clubs history. So let's not forget that and I have been saying for nearly a year the problem is more the board and especially the chairman Peter Hill-Wood.

  56. Eggbert

    Apr 07, 2011, 0:35 #4673

    Ok, shut the door on your way out, and pleae don't post again.

  57. ex akb

    Apr 07, 2011, 0:33 #4672

    spoilt rotten brat

  58. Tom

    Apr 07, 2011, 0:02 #4671

    You can’t abandon the club just because they are not successful. People who do this are not real fans. We have consistently improved over previous seasons and have two of the best young players in the world in Ramsey and Wilshere. They have all the potential (If not more) as Xavi/Iniesta/Fabregas. However, the current team does have a number of players that are losers who need to be replaced by players with drive and determination. We need to get rid of Denilson as he has not improved at all since his first appearances and replace him with an industrious, hard working midfielder like Fellaini or similar who can battle alongside Song in a tough match. We also need to sign a strong centre half (Mertesacker, Subotic, Kjaer) to replace Squillaci and also to be a role model to Ignasi Miquel and Kyle Bartley. Finally, get rid of Rosicky, who in my view has always been **** and non effective and Arshavin, who can’t even be arsed anyway. It’s only a couple of changes that we need that will give us the added quality and mental drive to win trophies. Also, why can’t we put Keown back on the coaching team? Its not just the players who give determination, but the coaches who surround them and drive them on.

  59. D S

    Apr 06, 2011, 23:39 #4670


  60. Andrew Cohen

    Apr 06, 2011, 23:32 #4668

    I have just lost a considerable portion of my life reading the mountain of reaction to this. Interestingly few really dislike Wenger, even if they may want him to go for the good of the club. Do those who support AW come what may think that everything is peachey, or do they accept the need for reform? I'm assuming that virtually all of us think that Arsenal could hugely improve with some basic changes in tactics and personnel. Why don't we agree to say so, on T shirts, on banners, and at the games vocally. ARSENE MUST CHANGE. Why not see if we can get ex-players to come out of the closet and support that? The difference in opinion between all of us on this issue is going to get nastier as it develops. We need to DO something. Will the website campaign ? Will others?

  61. Olumide

    Apr 06, 2011, 23:28 #4667

    I agree with the author of this article. If you continue to pay the highest gate fee in europe with no return of trophies for the fans. And some will still continue to say 'keep the faith'. Those ones are spineless. Failure has become their comfort zone and they don't want to leave their comfort zones. Does any one of you think mourinho will be given six years to assemble a team at madrid? Do you think guardiola will be spared 3 trophyless seasons at barca despite his bright start? Ferguson would have retired long ago if he hasn't won anything since 2005. They say we should not get bitter when we loose. The opposition are happy playing arsenal because they know they'll pick a point. If anyone is still justifying six seasons without trophy, the person should go and support spurs. Wenger himself admitted There's no more excuse, why justify him?

  62. simmer10

    Apr 06, 2011, 23:03 #4666

    Yeah, bring back bruce rioch.LMFAO!

  63. Gooner

    Apr 06, 2011, 22:46 #4665

    Wow there are some really bad fans on this website for you to agree to this rubbish. What a load of crap, would you like a knife with this article? This article almost makes me want to laugh at how depressing it is, and the fact that so many "supporters" agree with you is just hilarious, so if your blog was anything to go by, 90% of supporters agree with this sentence "I have come to the conclusion that the best thing that could happen to our club is for them to now go on a disastrous run of results that sees them fail to qualify for the Champions League next season." sign of a great supporter there, it may sound weird, and I'm probably going to get told of by 90% of the fans here, but I actually WANT arsenal to be successful.

  64. fozzy

    Apr 06, 2011, 22:43 #4664

    i can take arsenal being beaten ina game as long as they show some passion commitment guts, all i see is a bunch of over payed wimps who show no pride in wareing our famous jersey.there needs to be a clearout and players with spirit brought in.last night i was puting some arsenal programes in my attic and started to look through some old ones i could have cried players like rocky adams keown oleary dixon and many others compare that to the **** that is there now.

  65. glenboy

    Apr 06, 2011, 22:38 #4663

    We only need to make one signing.....David Dean. This experiment would of been over long ago if he were still at the club.

  66. Ant

    Apr 06, 2011, 22:34 #4662

    Reading this article felt like I was writing it myself! After the champions league exit I just knew the team would capitulate. I couldn’t even bring myself to watch the utd game, that would have sent me over the edge. Like the last winter transfer window when we knew going to be missing RVP, AW has lead everyone a merry dance with the TV fiasco. As soon as the window passes TV goes under the knife..... out for the season. Instead of buying a forward or defender who could of pushed us on at the business end of the season , AW has found a way to get around not spending until the summer and even then they players are on a free or a nominal fee. For me the transfer policy is obvious, only spend what you make. The same kitty is also used to renew contracts. Anything that comes through the turn styles goes on paying the stadium debt. Once the debt is paid the ownership will change hands, don’t kid yourself we still wont be spending fortunes, however the kitty will be boosted as we will not be paying the stadium debt. For me the immediate future would be to have a player and staff change, To freshen things up I think Pat Rice should step down after fantastic years of service. AW nand the team need change to their routine. In addition I think we would all agree there needs to be player changes Squillaci, Denilson, Rosicky, Bendtner, Almunia I think even Arshavin hasn’t cracked up to all we thought he would be. I don’t think we should be squaring all the blame at AW, he is a great manager, stubborn I know, if allows to indulge himself in better quality I think we great once more.

  67. Sid

    Apr 06, 2011, 22:27 #4660

    Please go, leave the supporting of AFC to the real fans, the fans who support the club thru thick and thin, the real fans who go to away games, and not just sit at the Grove, moaning, or booing their own players. Give up your season tickets and go to th opera they appreciate it when you sit in stoney silnece. And when you do eff off, make sure you dont embarrass the club and its real fans any more by ringing upo football phone ins, whining like babies because we are only 2nd in the league, boo hoo hoo.... You make me sick, scum

  68. Derek

    Apr 06, 2011, 22:19 #4659

    It all started going downhill when francis Jeffers left....

  69. Mandy Dodd

    Apr 06, 2011, 22:11 #4658

    Wenger must change things, but only a plastic, a fool or a Spurs fan would want him out. FACT.

  70. GoonerGaz

    Apr 06, 2011, 22:10 #4657

    When are we going to start playing **** unattractive football winning 1 nil, maybe then the foreigners will **** off.

  71. bede

    Apr 06, 2011, 22:07 #4656

    i salute u man.....u r a real fan to me !!! hats off to you... seriously i took time out to read your article and it meant a lot to me.....i love the line where u said,"glories cant be said about the past but by current achivements season in and season out"....i hope that the club authorities read this and here the voice of a true fan straight from his broken heart :) we love you arsenal !!!

  72. Lucy Van Pelt

    Apr 06, 2011, 21:54 #4655

    Totally 1000% agree with the sentiment, however I don't see why some who have waited for ages for a season ticket should feel that the only option is now to give it up. PROTEST! Make yourself heard loud and clear, and make the media notice. Wenger hates conflict and criticism - hence the 'pre-approved only' questions at AGMs - so any sustained campaign against him would eventually bear fruit. Do not go gently, etc etc.

  73. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Apr 06, 2011, 21:49 #4654

    I see the AKB's have started crawling out of Whinger's ass again. They had bveen hiding up there, but now that it's been 4 days since after the game, these vermin feel it safe to come out and talk **** again, banging on about the future...AGAIN. Just like their master does and WILL do again in May when he'll win **** all again. I thought the AKB wouldn't dare to open their mouth again for this season, but apparently I was wrong. They have almost as much gall and are just as shameless and brazen as their master

  74. Martin

    Apr 06, 2011, 21:48 #4653

    I heared the Gooner podcast this morning, and I think it was Amy Lawrence who said that Arsenal-fans are the whingiest fans on the planet. I don't think she meant it as someting positive, but thank you for proving her point. If you don't think you get your moneys worth then by all means give up your season ticket. But maybe, and I say maybe because I live in Denmark and what I do doesn't chance anything one way or the other, but maybe fans shouldn't be asking what the club can do for them, but what they can do for the club in this time of crisis.

  75. Tim McCarthy

    Apr 06, 2011, 21:47 #4652

    Your the reason me and most of my friends have stopped buying the gooner. Its stuck in the dark ages and written by middle aged tired men who have nothing original to say. You really have to try harder to impress fans these days, join the 21st Digital century.

  76. TeeCee

    Apr 06, 2011, 21:46 #4651

    Totally accurate article. Loads of plastic Gooners on here as usual saying 'I'll have your season ticket'. Blah blah blah. **** off you armchair fans. 10,000 Gooners turned down the chance of a ST last year and most of you mullets are the same, all talk and no support. Wenger is killing Arsenal, the man is a mug of the highest order and should be sacked tomorrow. We need a new manager urgently to move us forward.

  77. Mandy Dodd

    Apr 06, 2011, 21:22 #4650

    Would you say, that as a fan you are lacking mental strength?

  78. 'Supporter' or spectator at the theatre demanding value for money?

    Apr 06, 2011, 20:40 #4649

    Whilst we all share your deep frustrations & question certain things going on & some of us get aggravated by the 'half-hearted' fans who arrive late/leave early at our ground, I detest the way you are just turning your back on the team basically. That's not an 'avid fan'. Fair enough if you can't justify the expense. That's understandable, but don't write a pompous article about it. True 'support' is unconditional. It's a painful process. Nobody signed a contract guaranteeing success. Ask Leeds fans. They put you to shame. There would be no supporters left if people only turned up if they thought they'd win the title. Some 'fans' turn up expecting success without offering any support, as though they've paid for theatre tickets and demand to be entertained with a guarantee of silverware. Basically, you are a glory hunter. You've decided we won't win anything, so you're off. When people sing 'where were you when you were sh*t?', it's aimed at fairweather fans like you. Will you deign to return if the good times return? Please don't, you will be denying genuine supporters a ticket if you do. You total mug.

  79. Claude

    Apr 06, 2011, 20:13 #4647

    Ashley Cole did not leave because he did not like the way the club was being taken over by players who didn't care as much as they should--- he left because he felt 55K a week did not match his talent. Just get that part right. Passion does not make a better player, or Shawcross would be a shoo in in the Gunners central defence. You look at Arshavin and Wilshere sometimes and you can see that one appears to be busting a gut and one does not. Still, I'd argue that it's tactical. When your big strong centre forward (Chamakh) thinks he's Iniesta and wants to try a dinky little pass in the six yard box instead of imposing his will on defenders, or Rosicky refusing to take a presentable pop just outside the box and instead overhitting what he intended to be a clever pass--- it looks like a problem of inflexible tactics. Bendtner tries hard-- he clearly lacks the tactical nous or technical ability. I blame tactics. We've become one-dimensional and often easy to stop. Diaby used to have a shot on him. He's caught the over-passing disease too. And how many times have we switched on the radio for start of second half, to hear that Arsenal are murdering them on possession, but it's nil- nil? As for giving up your ticket, well, talking to my good mate who's a West Ham supporter who has suffered relegation and a whole lot more, helps me to put things in perspective. I don't hear Yeovil, Charlton or Pompey supporters making their attendance conditional on results. They see it like marriage--- for better, for worse and all that. I say this, although I agree with a lot of what you've said--- a lack of ambition, same old story when the window shuts and no one comes in. Agree too it's very expensive following the Gunners, and fans will vote with their feet if there are more guileless performances like the past few. Agree if that doesn't alert them to a crisis, nothing will. But I (waiting lister who gets lucky when a season ticket hoding mate cannot make it) would have your ticket in a flash.

  80. danalovAFCxi

    Apr 06, 2011, 20:06 #4646

    These Key Board warriors having a pop at this article wouldnt say it to the author in person. oh no they would do what they usually do at Ashburton Grove and remain silent before pissing off for a burgar way before half time or getting out the stadium ten minutes before the ****in end of the match. I respect the decision not to renew the season ticket based on the last six seasons but for me i cant do the same ill keep going and have to put up with these nearly men in the hope something changes.

  81. Thundertinygoner

    Apr 06, 2011, 20:06 #4645

    May the Lord preserve us from "supporters " like you

  82. West

    Apr 06, 2011, 20:00 #4644

    I only started watching Arsenal last weekend. We have not one any trophies in the week that ive been supporting the club. Half the people go home early, to get on the internet and complain perhaps? They took my money (Arsenal) and just didnt bother. Not even a thanks for turning up. No victory parade on sunday, nothing. Its a disgrace. Ill never go again.....ive had enough! What rubbish, honestly mate, that is the one article thats cheared me up this week. We are frustrated, but your letter of resignation is not needed here. I AM GOING TO KEEP GOING, and will still be going long after youve moved from your next club. Early leavers, late arrivers, internet - change everything its not working merchants. The highs and the lows, Thick and thin, thin and thin. Its happened before, it will happen again. best post on here by AFC 1970 - by about a mile. The club IS run to survive this period and beyond, and the reality is gonna hurt for a bit. Be patient! We have been singing "tottenham.........watching eastenders" for TEN years. They could only sing the same song to us for TEN MINUTES. And that my friends, is perspective.

  83. Danny B

    Apr 06, 2011, 19:45 #4642

    After reading this article, as well as a majority of the comments below, it is clear to see that a growing number of arsenal fans are no longer swallowing the **** our club have been feeding us for too many years. I am a fan who has now wanted wenger out for three seasons. At first, many arsenal fans called me stupid. But looking back at the past three seasons, what on earth can we say we have achieved!? Nothing, sweet **** all. No ambition has been shown in this time, and no body can argue otherwise using facts. We have let go key players for good money and brought in ****, proven losers. Me, my dad and brother pay £1300 every year to watch every home game, we go to as many away games as we can and we purchased three bonds at arsenal in order to get our tickets, so please don't bother the finger excercise in questioning our loyalty or support for this club, we love this club and always will, but at current and for the past three seasons have felt the opposite of love for the manager, the board, the stadium and the majority of the players. The board are clearly giving the manager of the club too much power, a once genius who just as clearly has lost the plot in terms of transfers, tactics and common sense! The stadium has done absolutely nothing for us, I'd do anything to be back at highbury. I accept that if we win a league title at the emirates this feeling may change, bit this will NEVER happen with arsene's current philosophy. In recent weeks I have seen the newspapers take the utter piss out of the man referring to him and the man who started this campaign as wengers chosen no. 1 goalie as characters from faulty towers. I have seen a BBC comedy sketch take the piss out of wenger, animating a carrier bag over his head, with him declaring "I did not see it" they take the piss out of him saying "we need the mental strength" and "good spirit". This is an utter joke, no other club's fans are having to listen and read this stuff, it is an embarrassment, I don't know how anybody can disagree. The man is a joke, the club is a joke. Persistently putting up with the **** like almunia, fabianski, eboue,, diaby, denilson, rosicky, bendtner. Just what is going on? signings like silvestre and squillaci, what the ****!!!?? It's a joke also that we can't voice out opinion, me my dad and my brother tried at the last game of last season. You may remember it, we put up a banner declaring 'Sign-ins or Sign-Off'. Which before half time was removed by stewards because it was "offending people" apparently. I just fear wenger will choose our next manager, our future playing staff, our way of play. And how can we have a reason to look forward to this? Looking at the last 6 years. How can we possibly be positive about keeping a manager who has won jack **** in almost the entire second half of his arsenal career. It's pathetic, we cannot stand for this for the sake of loyalty to a man because he was a winner in the past. He clearly hasn't changed along with the way an pace on which the English game has. Some fans protect him but choose to moan about denilson diaby squillaci etc but who chooses the ****ing retards and chooses to pay them such ridiculous wages. Wenger chose to not buy alonso because it would have killed denilson and diaby. Ha.. What bull****. It doesn't matter how good a player you have in a squad, any other player, if they're good enough, will break through!! I was looking at the Madrid midfield and attack last night and come gathered the following thoughts. We were supposedly meant to have had Ronaldo in the bag before he joined utd, but wouldn't fork out the money at last minute. Angel di Maria actually thought he had joined arsenal from His Argentinian side for £3m until at the last minute the money did not show and within 36 hours he had almost unknowingly been signed by benfica. Adebayor, we let our only out and out goal scorer go for £25m, yet who's only replacement seems to be a free agent last season, that money has clearly not been invested into the squad, apart from Improved contracts for nearly all of the losers! Alsonso, had the chance to snap him for £12m, but no, would have hindered the progress of the retards mentioned previously. Ozil, had the chance to snap him Up for £12m after the world cup. No, don't need him, we have Walcott, rosicky and arshavin. None who come close to ozils level of passion to win and general football ability. It pisses me off the maximum and I'll have to leave it here or I'll be going forever. One last thing.. In Arsene we Rust.

  84. RJ

    Apr 06, 2011, 19:27 #4639

    I would rather be in the top 4 every season, win the league once every ten years and have a financial solvent club that plays decent football than do a Leeds. Go support ManU if you want glory. But you would probably want the Glazers out because of some knob reason.

  85. Robert Exley

    Apr 06, 2011, 19:20 #4638

    AFC 1970 - why is it when people mention the perils of speending money they always mention the extremes, like spending £50m on one player? I know someone who bought a 2nd hand Relliant Robin for £2000 and the thing packed up the next day - maybe the moral of this story is I should never ever buy a car?

  86. TH14

    Apr 06, 2011, 19:18 #4637

    Cmon, what´s the problem if you are pissed off? I´ll have to say that I and Arsenal are going to have a break. I promise to be faithful. Im just so tired to be knocked out almost every weekend. I need a break

  87. Chris

    Apr 06, 2011, 19:17 #4636

    "I have come to the conclusion that the best thing that could happen to our club is for them to now go on a disastrous run of results that sees them fail to qualify for the Champions League next season." Strange? It sounds downright disloyal! I wonder where blokes like you come from, banging on about winning trophies as though they're easy to win, as if they're the only pleasure to be had from watching your team. Grow up. You've missed the point of being a fan. You no longer love your club, you love the trophies - and that is a sad state of mind. If all football fans had the same attitude there'd be very few fans around. Don't bother with a season ticket, pal, until you find a team that wins everything every season. That means you'll probably have to emigrate to the planet Zog - and good riddance. Take those other Wenger hating nutters with you...

  88. Ando

    Apr 06, 2011, 19:06 #4633

    don't give up the red membership one day all the clowns will be gone and we will all still be here, as we all were here before they arrived. Relax and just go to the football to unwind with your mates and fellow gooners, drink loads of beer and you never know what will happen next season.

  89. Alex

    Apr 06, 2011, 19:00 #4632

    Well said, 100% behind you Wenger is only living on past glories. There is no future with a manager that only wants to keep the board happy,come on wenger think about the fans think about the future, think about spending some money.

  90. Robert Exley

    Apr 06, 2011, 18:54 #4631

    Akaash Hussain - 4 points behind 'assuming we win!'. What like assuming we'd beat Blackburn and Sunderland at home, assuming we don't concede five goals against WBA home and away. Or maybe assuming we hold a 4 goal lead away or a 2 goal lead against Tottenham? Or assuming we can beat a bunch of relegation candidates. Zman - Almost got past the best team in the world? The only goal was scored was headed into our own net, other than that we never looked like scoring in the Nou Camp - even when Bendtner was through on goal. Contenders for the next ten years - really? Like we've been for the last six?

  91. Brigham

    Apr 06, 2011, 18:35 #4630

    @ Tushar. Outplayed Barcelona? What bloody game were you watching sunshine? Or did you have your Wengerball glasses on for those two games? Muppet.

  92. AFC 1970

    Apr 06, 2011, 18:29 #4629

    I think too many of you should be careful what you wish for. The club is run to survive. It survives because it spends within it's means, on a plan that has moved us from Highbury to the awful but necessary emirates. Spending money is a gamble (Torres anybody?) I'd rather be here moaning about some of our players and within touching distance of the league than taking the place of Leeds or if any of your are old enough Sheffield Wednesday. Wenger is not perfect but way to much criticism is levelled on the no trophy for 5 year front. Keep it in perspective how many of you were alive the last time Tottenham won the league?

  93. hot for cesc

    Apr 06, 2011, 18:20 #4628

    keep the faith.i think its all gone wrong since cesc shaved his beard off,why doesnt Wenger make him grow it back?he looked so hot with it unlike Song with his dyed blonde hair which is so last season!

  94. tom

    Apr 06, 2011, 18:15 #4627

    For me the lack of ambition is at board level and in many ways I think Wenger keeps us in a fairly consistent position in spite of this. His downfall though is an unbending indulgence in pretty football at the expense of solidity that the board don't give a toss about as long as club level sells out. On the Blackburn game the only thing more pathetic than 90 minutes of sideways passing was the lack of support. What kind of scum sit on their miserable arses for 90 minutes and boo at the final whistle when it hasnt gone their way. As gutless as the players have been it is an embarassment to see it matched and exceeded by the supporters at almost every home game.

  95. Big Bob

    Apr 06, 2011, 18:13 #4626

    Black Scarf Movement EIE

  96. AvenellRd

    Apr 06, 2011, 18:11 #4625

    Excellent article mate. As you have said, people should grow some balls and stand up for what you really believe. And I believe its time for real proper football fans to abandon this self-indulgent drivel that is Premiership. Enough of sponsoring Bendtners £50 000 a week. Enough. Find a local lower league club, take your kids and your family there, it will cost you less than one bloody ticket for Wenger FC and I guarantee you will have much better time. That's what I'm doing next season. This is the only way forward. We all know this club with Wenger in charge isn't AFC anymore.

  97. NW68

    Apr 06, 2011, 17:59 #4624

    Totally agree. The AKB's will be writing the same thing in 3 years time. It's been the same outcome in recent seasons.

  98. BeeGee

    Apr 06, 2011, 17:56 #4623

    The current Arsenal Squad emphasises the saying: "If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys". The other leading clubs buy costly players such as Van Der Saar, Ferdinand, Vidic, Rooney, Berbatov, etc. They win championships! Arsenal fans don't pay peanuts either, with what have been astronomical costs of getting to games at the Emirates.

  99. Steel

    Apr 06, 2011, 17:08 #4617

    And so say all of us. I got conned into subscribing for the season on ATVO with some pre season offer, that won't happen again. I was outraged last summer that one penny of my money would go to fund the likes of Almunia and Fabianski so to cough up £1200 for a season ticket top cover extra additions to the muppet show, get f*cked Arsenal, you are a disgrace how you treat us.

  100. Goonerboz

    Apr 06, 2011, 16:51 #4612

    Agree completely with you and I am thinking of doing the same, just need those balls to grow bigger by may

  101. Emmet Dalton

    Apr 06, 2011, 16:45 #4611

    My heart says sod off then by my head says how right you are. My belief is that AW needs to be given one more year but MUST bring in new bacroom staff. It has been allowed to get stale with all of them becoming complacent and not introducing anything new to bring the club on. Keown as Defensive Coach, Seaman as goalkeeping coach with his first task to find and bring in a top class keeper (Reina anyone?) Much as I hate the thought of single ownership of the club maybe one of billionaire shareholders should step forward and put their money where there mouth is and tell AW to spend it. Two Central Defenders and a striker are urgently required and the usual suspects removed from our club (on a free transfer if needed) as they have been given enough opportunities and continue to flatter to deceive season after season.

  102. Zman

    Apr 06, 2011, 16:45 #4610

    A bit dramatic arnt we, last I checked were second in the leage and almost got past the best team in the world in the cl. We might not win anything this season but just keeping our manager (the best in the world) we will continue to be contenders for a decade to come. (just be careful what you wish for)

  103. jay

    Apr 06, 2011, 16:44 #4609

    Excellent blog,you have hit the nail on the head,Wenger had the good fortune to inherit the english steel of Adams ,Dixon and co,and brought in quality imports on a shoestring.That is impossible now and the club will have to have a serious rethink about what the plan is for the future .Wenger has run his time at Arsenal,and the club needs fresh ideas and a cash injection if we are not going to drift on for years as also rans.

  104. Danny

    Apr 06, 2011, 16:43 #4608

    100% how I feel. I leased my book 3 seasons ago, now Im not sure if he will buy again. Two of my pals couldn't shift theirs last year. The word is BORED. BORED of the spin, BORED of no investment. Nothing will change.

  105. Gooner 85

    Apr 06, 2011, 16:27 #4606

    To be honest John, I cannot argue with you at all! You are 100% correct in saying that it is the culture of settling for 4th place and almost there instead of creating a winning culture where 2nd is not good enough.. The boys just havent been good enough this year and alot of our first teamers dont serve to be wearing the famous red and white, Denilson, Diaby, Squidy, Almunia. The team needs investment and the current board memebers are not going to do this as they belive it no to be prudent in todays economic climate, and to be honest if i was a shareholder and not a fan id back this current policy as i would be quids in! our real problems started when David Dein was kicked off the board, he was the only one who wanted to spend as oppossed to building the emirates and felt the time was right to do so with the current squad we had, however the board thought differently.. now we dont have enough time to go in to the ins and outs of this now, but there is a direct link between our success and the lack of Dein, let's not forget it was Dein who hired Wenger and Wenger by his own admisions lost a friend and alie when he left! the board in their defence have made the right decisions finacially but that only reflects upon their balances and us the fans who pay stupid prices to watch our team are the ones being ripped off.. further more i didnt mind paying £50-£60 to watch arsenal at home win, lose or draw but that was then, we are not even getting a display of our so called rightous football... I love Wenger and everything he has done for our club but he needs to change his thinking

  106. Nnamdi

    Apr 06, 2011, 16:18 #4605

    Fantastic and succinct piece! Absolutely spot on. I`m a gunner too but my heart bleeds to see how our ambition for footballing success is disregarded by the board who are only interested in lining their pockets. Maybe it's time for Arsene to go because he sticks up for the board by refusing to invest in better quality players.

  107. Andy

    Apr 06, 2011, 16:18 #4604

    BRILLIANT! Rant - totally AGREE and I am not even a current season ticket. I have however supported Arsenal since 1969 and rejoiced in many spectacular moments of which sadly this current team is failing to produce, save the first leg against Barcelona in which they showed fight! Interestingly, Keown has come out and indicated that financial restrictions have been in place since we moved to the Emirates (2006) and were based on a 5 YEAR PLAN – intimating that therefore Wengers’ hands have been tied. So whilst I agree on many counts that that ‘project’ Wenger has run its course, IF, he has been financially restricted (and this is true), then frankly he has worked wonders. Given this, I could also understand all his bull****, because he would not be able to speak the truth as it would be a disaster for all sorts of reasons. So I say we need total clarification and if true - he should then have a least the opportunity to make amends when the money becomes available. I also agree about our luck lustre fans in the stadium (I do go from time to time) the atmosphere on occasions is a disgrace as is the need for people to exit early, or simply stay drinking in the bars at half time. As for disquiet brooding amongst fans at the ground - according to the Mirror - fights broke out at the Blackburn game between pro and anti Wenger supporters - no doubt fuelled by a large dose of being totally pissed off again. Things must change and you have made your call. I don’t think you will be on your own. As you have said, it’s stressful and so UNECCESSAY – that is to say –financial restrictions aside – the squad CAN DO BETTER. Get a top Karate instructor in at Colney Heath, he will implant some grunt in their psyche – I can tell you. So therefore, I have to remain optimistic, and I believe that Wenger will not have much choice other than to make amends for the sand is shifting pretty quickly at the moment under the Emirates. Will it be this summer? Can such radical changes with the squad be made that quick? Is that even the right thing to do so quickly? Not up for debate - Quality in: Defence/Striker. Out: Where do you start? Stressed as well – Andy.

  108. fasthare

    Apr 06, 2011, 16:14 #4602

    Wow what a fantastic article.You just about summed up how i feel though i could never write so well like u being not English. I am a non UK resident fan but nevertheless have been an avid Arsenal fan since i was a starryeyed boy whose first Arsenal heroes were the Compton brothers.For over 50 years i have read listened and watched (with the advent of live TV) a Arsenal.Like every fan i want Arsenal to win trophies. In that respect the 50s and 60s were not exactly successful i never felt let down because players like Tommy Docherty or Ian Ure both big signings during that time tried and fought honestly. Now you have Diaby and Denilson sauntering through games making no attempts to chase back after losing possesion.Yet the stubborn Mr Wenger continues to play them and keep them on obscene wages.its no wonder our wage bill is astronomical.I used to be terrible and hurt whenever Arsenal lost(my family will attest to that). But 5 years of repeated being led up the garden path i have become numbed by events at Arsenal.Finally after the Blackbburn debacle there was no more numbness and pain.Dr Wenger has cured my Arsenal sickness.REcently watched a great Super 15 rugby game between NZ Crusaders and South African Sharks.I think i will watch Rugby for the rest of the season.HOPEFULLT ARSENE WILL BE HISTORY BY THEN

  109. silvermand

    Apr 06, 2011, 16:01 #4601

    The problem is the current structure of the board. Everyone inside this club is just another 'yes' man to wenger. If Dein was still on the board we would never of got into this situation. I am in the 'keep wenger camp'. There is no doubt he is an incredible manager but in my opinion he has got too most of a strong hold on the entire club. Lets be honest the current board are a complete bunch of idiots and Gazidis isnt the complete solution to our problems. Bring Dein back!

  110. Akaash Hussain

    Apr 06, 2011, 15:55 #4600

    For god's sake, pull yourself together! We're 4 only 4 points behind Manchester United (assuming we win our game in hand). This season is by no means over!

  111. Kc

    Apr 06, 2011, 15:53 #4599

    Hope you keep to your word, Give up your season ticket. Stop beating around the bush

  112. Gooner S

    Apr 06, 2011, 15:47 #4598

    Powerful stuff. Out of interest how much did you pay for your last season ticket? I don't agree that Spurs are on a par with us or that they or Liverpool could start a season with a realistic chance of finiishing above us in the league but you certainly make some good points otherwise.

  113. Robert Exley

    Apr 06, 2011, 15:39 #4597

    English winning mentality? Did someone not see the World Cup last year? Aside from that your article brilliantly underlines a point that I aluded to in my 'Dogmatism or Pragmatism' Wenger article. Wenger and the board make the point that Wenger is saving the club money in the transfer market, but this is false economics if it results in a failure to reap income/lose income in another direction. The recession means forking out over £2000 a season. Now not knowing your financial circumstances - and across the board almost everyone's real income is falling - my guess is that should Arsenal have won the title this season you would have renewed regardless - as many others would have done too. The disappointment means you are seriously thinking about not - as others are also thinking of doing to. This will be lost revenue for the club and what the accountants on the board will attribute to Wenger for saving the club, he's failed to reap in another capacity. Regardless of a recession people would have renewed - hype is recession busting, they call it 'Bread and Circuses' you know!

  114. Adam

    Apr 06, 2011, 15:08 #4596

    I think you make some good points but when you pluck individual facts and results out to support your assertions you fall into the trap of being too easily countered by those who would also use the spurious to support a feeling. I can't really be bothered to argue against the points you make as I have sympathy for a few of them. All I will say is goodbye.

  115. Zaiky

    Apr 06, 2011, 15:06 #4595

    Please to see the back of you mate - grow up!

  116. Joolz

    Apr 06, 2011, 15:04 #4594

    You come across as a massive nob, get over yourself.

  117. Kharadonha Mbalu

    Apr 06, 2011, 15:00 #4593

    I can understand your frustrations or your concerns but this is the team you support not the players. so by giving up your season ticket won't help solve the situation. we need each other as Gooners to support this team and put pressure to the board of directors to take another direction as the team is slowly going down. It is true that the only thing Wenger know what to do is to come up with excuses all the time and now all the Gooners are fed up with him and his excuses. My only concern for this team is that, Wenger made a blunder by selecting playmakers only in the midfield. Look at the way our players play to show that we only have playmakers only in this team, they can't defend and they hardly run back to close the space for the opponents which is a great concern to me. Gooners, ask yourselves a question, how many assists did Nasri has this season and if you guys are happy do you still want to see him play in that position? secondly, why Wenger can't see that this team just want to pass the ball all the time even if the opportunity avail itself they can't take shots at goal. Why? because we have playmakers who just want to pass and pass and pass all the time for 90 minutes. for me lets say good bye to glory days for good if this can't be changed. I'm furious with our players but I can't blame them coz they don't pick themselves to be in the starting line up. South African Gooner for Ever even if we don't win a trophy again this season. One day we'll smile coz we always keep the faith.

  118. PTangYangKipperBang

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:51 #4592

    Therapy, perhaps?

  119. John

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:50 #4591

    Good article and from the heart. But giving up your ticket won't make a difference as thousands of AKB muppets are in line to buy it. Keep going but show your contempt by walking out before Wenger and his shower of overpaid underachievers complete their lap of shame at the last home match.

  120. Gooner-in-Provence

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:43 #4590

    As an Arsenal supporter for a long time I am saddened to read your post. I am also saddened to see all the disputes amongst gunners over whether Wenger should stay or go. I've supported the team through good times and bad times but have never, I repeat never, said I would stop supporting them. If you are truly a arsenal supporter, even if you give up your ST, stop your sky sports etc you will still watch games, even if it is at your local pub. You will still search the results on the internet or in the paper and you will still be just as disappointed with a loss, a bad game and still be over the moon with a win, a cup progression or a van persie goal! I don't live in the UK now and this is what I do, I don't have a TV, I go to a bar to watch games. This means I perhaps spend 50/60 euros during an evening on booze when if a game isn't on I stay at home. The benefit for me is that I get drunk at the same time! But the feeling is the same as you if we lose.... '****, that cost me 50 euros! My point is John, whether you go to games or not, if you are a true Arsenal supporter, as I believe you are, you could be living in the Himalayan mountains and when you here the news of a bad game or result, you would be just as gutted as if you were at the Emirates. Wenger has a plan and I believe it is a good one, the problem with plans is that sometimes the plan is delayed/or needs to be adjusted to bring it to fruition. Wenger now has the basics of an attrractive playing style which now just needs to be tweeked. I saw the team go through a barren period in the 60's with Billy Wright in charge and then Bertie Mee (the physio) but eventually a good team and trophies arrived. True Arsenal supporters never give up, we just need the team to have the same mentality.

  121. Dave

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:38 #4589

    I won't bother telling you to support Spurs as I read what the response would be; however, Spurs haven't won the league in 50 years, and only a handful of Cups since - yet they fill out every week and all my mates that have season tickets there have had them for 10-15 years. That's real support. Take a minute to think about the success we have had in that time. I get what you are saying, I'm also questioning whether or not to renew, but I waited 7 years for my season ticket and finally got one for the last year at Highbury. We've won nothing since, and yes, it frustrates the f*ck out of me - but that's football. Owners, managers, players - these things will change, but the club - Arsenal FC - will always be the club I love no matter what the situation. Stop throwing your toys out the pram and understand that you could have been buying Spurs tickets all these years and really having no joy AT ALL from football. The highlight for them in the last 15 years is a 1/4 final CL game away to Real. You take it for granted that we have been playing these games consecutively for 10 years or so. I do however agree that we will hear the same old sh*t next year, and yes, that'll piss me off as well.. but that's football - and Arsenal is my team.

  122. Tony Jerome

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:30 #4588

    I thought this was a blog post from myself when my friend sent it to me and I read it! You are 100% spot on. I agree with every single thing you say. I could add a load more things that wind me up like the large numbers that now go to the Emirates who know nothing about football and just have money, people saying we don't have money to buy players....but if you sold those crap players you have listed then you would probably bring in the 30 to 40 million that would be enough to buy winners like Parker at West Ham and an experienced Centre Half such as Jagielka or young talent like Luis... oh and finally... if Wenger can't see that RVP leading the line in a 4-3-3 formation with no pace and no heading ability then it is time for a new man at the helm. Perhaps he can play in the so called 'Bergkamp' role but not up top on his own! And don't get me started on the two most overrated footballers in Premiership history - the obvious Bendtner and Theo Walcott! Lovely lad Theo but Jesus, he can't play football to save his life! Keep up the great posts!

  123. Goonerdad

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:29 #4587

    A good article. We all make our own individual choices and have our own reasons for attending/not attending/leaving early etc etc etc. I am also fed up but i will be renewing next year - Arsenal are a part of me.

  124. North for Short

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:26 #4586

    A good article but if I have one comment to make is that I hardly heard the crowd on Saturday,albeit watching it at home cos I work most Saturdays and by the time I get home, I wouldn't be able to make it to the match, even at 5pm. My biggest gripe is when we played Leeds United in the F a Cup, the Emirates was rockin' and when we lost to United at Old trafford, we could be heard. So why is it we can barely afford a whimper against the likes of Blackburn, Sunderland and Stoke etc. The crowd should be our 12th man but the negativity that emantes around the Emirates must filter onto the pitch. We really need to get behind the team rather than vilify them. That is including Almunia, for whom I have little faith in. We need to show the team that come what may, we support them through thick or thin and just remember, there is always next season. For some teams (IE Chester) that isn't the case.

  125. Ron Sampson

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:23 #4585

    This is spot on. No other set of supporters, would have been so loyal, for so many seasons. Everything that was stated, is exactly what my Son ( season ticket holder ) and I, have been saying. You just know that they will blow the Blackpool game. That will be the final insult to the fans.

  126. Mike Knapp

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:23 #4584

    I saw this coming and gave up my season ticket two seasons ago. The club has a world class balance sheet yet on the park it's being run like a small town club. At the end of this season they're going to ask the fans to stump up even more to watch a side that is no more likely to win a trophy than it has been for the last six or seven seasons. Not good enough for Arsenal Football Club. Nothing will change until the board are faced with a half empty stadium. I'm not holding my breath.

  127. delgooner

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:22 #4583

    Excellent! Exactly how I feel. Not being a season ticket holder doesn't mean I'm not Arsenal, have been a gooner for 59 of my 64 years, but Saturday was the first time I didn't want to go down the pub and watch us against Blackburn cos I knew we would be crap. Its a sad time now as we know this lot are a bunch of losers.

  128. L

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:18 #4582

    so....you wont support your team because they're not winning trophies lately? Man Utd are favourites for the league this season, perhaps you should support them? Unless of course Arsenal then win the league and you can come back and support Arsenal. However, as watching football is such a tiresome costly process which is clearly hindering your life, maybe you should knock it on the head altogether and take up Golf instead.

  129. tiny

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:15 #4581

    totally agree with everything you have wrote and i express the same passions and beliefs that things have to change drastically next season. But i think as fans we should maybe stay after a home game and protest to the board. I see we have arsenal fans fighting during the blackburn game about whether wenger sould be sacked or not. The forth coming agm should be lively

  130. Alan

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:15 #4580

    Agree with most of that. Wenger has got more time trophyless than he would have got at any other major club in world football. He patronises the fans with his excuses and in truth thinks he is bigger than the club now and is untouchable. He lives in his own bubble now, believing his own hype. It's time he was told to start winning trophies or resign. No more excuses. Lack of money isn't the reason Almunia is at the club. Poor decisions by the manager is the reason.

  131. gazzap

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:08 #4579

    Spot on. I gave mine up two years ago. Best thing I ever did. I still love the Arsenal but i hate the current regime. Either wenger needs to leave or change his ways. I cant see either happening so your're best of out of it.

  132. Rickthegooner

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:08 #4578

    Sod off mate !!!Good riddance to bad rubbish. Where does your high expectation level come from??? I have followed Arsenal through good times and bad !! You cannot really enjoy the good times until the bad times have come. !!!! We start every season with a bare minimum as far as I an concerned. FINISH BETTER THAN SPURS !!! After that all you can ask for is to be competitive !!!! We are second in the league. We have reached a Cup final !!!! we have had a cup run and got out of the group stages of the CL again !!!! We will qualify for the CL again!!!! People like you make me sick mate. I bet you are one of the SCUM that booed the lads off the pitch on saturday. We do not need people like you . Go and support the spuds

  133. Paul

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:04 #4577

    Amen to that!!!! Wont renew mine next season either and unlike wenger I wont give any excuses, its plain and simple that the club and mostly wenger are taking us for mugs.

  134. Vjs

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:04 #4576

    Well written..!!! time up's up...Im sorry too for parting ways but wonderfully written article..very well written..Wenger am sorry...but the project has failed..

  135. taras boulba

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:03 #4575

    It always comes down to the same old jingoism : if all 11 players were good englishmen, then everything would be great. But England never win anything , so how does that stack up? We also hear all the time that Wenger only won anything because of the 4 defenders he inherited. But none of these guys were part of the Invincibles. And Thierry Henry was a world champion when he arrived at Arsenal. Maybe the great French team of 1998 was as much an influence on him and Viera as the Arsenal defense... I had to laugh at the week end when Wenger was getting slatted for taking Arshavin off, as " he was the best performer". The only reason this comment kept coming up was that he tracked back once one guy . He was actually having a stinker in the second half, and desrved to be replaced.But he showed "commitment and desire".A bit like Crouch yesterday. I'd rather Arshavin was creating and scoring goals . There are obvious short comings in that team, in the blend of experience and youth, and the lack of a good GK and a 25 goal a season striker, but they are still 2 nd in the league, so not that far away. There are too many supporters who take too personnaly football and invest to much of their self worth in their team, which prevent them from appreciating what they are seeing .

  136. Paul

    Apr 06, 2011, 14:01 #4574

    Sorry submitted last comment before had finished writing..... Part 2 ...However as any football fan does I got the feeling it could be our year & booked tickets for my first game of season... Home v West Brom. What a mistake!! Have not been back since, it costs me approx £200 for tickets & travel for me & girlfriend to visit Emirates. I will not waste my time & money again until Wenger / Board have long gone. PS. Been a gooner for all of my 34 years & will always be a gooner!! I support ARSENAL FC not Arsene FC. My idols growing up were Adams, Merse & Rocky... we were a great club before Wenger & we will be again once he has gone... As a life long fan I do not beleive in current manager or current group of players. That does change my love for 'the Arsenal'.... Victoria Concordia Crescit

  137. Des Pondent

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:59 #4573

    Depressing but true...... Almunia, Fabianski, Squillaci, Denilson, Diaby, Rosicknote, Bendtner. All an embarrassment to the Arsenal name

  138. Sam

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:56 #4571

    A very honest and open explaination, I feel that you are not thye only one thinking the same. I am not a season ticket holder as I can't afford one but even if I could I would find it harder than ever to justify the outlay. Something does need to change and I believe in time it will (what that time is I don't know) but I would say don't give up all hope. By all means if you don't want to renew fine but the club is more than the current regime it is the history, the fans and the spirit. It may no exist in the playing staff but it is still everywhere else. Change is a foot I feel it in the air!!!

  139. Nayan Sthanakiya

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:55 #4570

    Good call - stop attending altogether and never again suffer abuse for leaving 10 mins early. Genius

  140. IanM

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:54 #4569

    Wow, somebody with a pair. Agree with you that the only reason people renew season tickets is because they are stuck on a treadmill - don't renew and you are banished to the outer darkness. Also agree that life at the Bowl has become boring: no real atmosphere, and a lot of underlying tension between diehards and newbies. Most of all I have been more and more feeling that we are mugs, and treated as such, paying absurd prices to watch a bunch of millionaires who have been told by AW how he believes in them and their great ' mental strength'. LOL. The old days of Arsenal have gone. This is a corporate commercial PR job, and about as soulful.

  141. Jesus

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:46 #4568

    I agree with everything your saying apart from the getting rid of wenger and bringing I'n jose. Jose would need money and yes he is a proven winner but the board will not give him any dosh. The board needs to **** off or wenger needs to grow some balls and ask wat is going on and not cover for them. Everything else I'm right behind you.

  142. Dub Gunner

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:44 #4567

    Good, There are lots of us "fans" waiting for a season ticket. Cheers

  143. Theopants Superstar

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:43 #4566

    Hear, hear!!! I'm one of those fans who, after implementing a boycott of buying goods or food at the stadium, have been seriously considering whether or not to renew my season tickets - which I make lots of sacrifices in other areas of my life to maintain. Like many others I leave the ground more and more frustrated with each lack-luster performance and think to myself, if the players can't be bothered, why do I? I reiterate the point that most of the disgruntlement is not down to the lack of trophies, but the lack of will to make every effort to properly compete for them by the Board, manager and players. Also like many others, I know that giving up the ST will be a difficult thing to actually go through with. There's the 'drug addict' element, which makes giving up this product more difficult than most others; the 'thing's might pick up either with or without Wenger' one, and the 'will I be able to get another one when they do' aspect to the decision. Of one thing I am certain, if we don't show early and serious intent as soon as the transfer window opens, having failed to pick up the most winnable of titles this season, more than a few Arsenal fans will be following the example of the author.

  144. Ball-Pen McRuler

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:42 #4565

    Agree with everything except Mourinho, dont want that mug anywhere near Arsenal, but everything else is correct especially the akb's going on about supporting sp*rs for daring to critisice their beloved leader. Silly fools.

  145. thru-n-thru

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:42 #4564

    Blimey what a lot of self-piteous moaning. If it makes you that unhappy just just stop coming, i'm sure the fans, the players and the manager will manage without you. Do you think you'll be able to "love" another club? Maybe a more successful or wealthier one? Or maybe you can become a rugby fan. Good luck with that.

  146. 2jars

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:38 #4563

    at last someone with the bollocks to see the truth.weve got a stadium full of johnny come latelys who believe Arsenal have only been around since Wenger got there and cant say a bad word about the bloke or the team,well ive supported the Arsenal for 30+yrs and a season ticket holder for half that & ill call a spade a spade "were **** and either ideas change or Wenger out !"

  147. Ben

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:37 #4562

    I predicted 12 years ago when I joined the season ticket waiting list I'd only get one when we were **** and no-body wanted to go, Arsenal confirmed I should have one in two to three years. While we are a stunning team going forward at times I must agree that this dire situation regarding goalkeeping and defenders acquired by wenger is grounds for sacking, If he honestly feels this is the quality Arsenal deserve and in disbeleif I ponder the question, is there worse ion the premier league? even the relegation candidates would argue that their keepers are an improvement! Is that what we're worth? is that £40 a go? is that worth my day traveling to wigan, west brom, etc?

  148. sparksy

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:36 #4561

    Unfortunately, it saddens us all but everything you say is spot on.

  149. Daniel

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:33 #4560

    You won't be missed. Whatever happened to supporting your team through thick and thin? You would have slit your wrists between 71-89.

  150. Melvyn

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:29 #4559

    I agree with your comments and Saturday decided not to renew myself.This is not a knee jerk reaction,but realising how frustrated I have become about my team.How strange that we can all name the 'not fit to wear the jersey 'players...Rosicky,no real fault of his own hasn't played up to his best level for 2 seasons now, yet still is picked to play the important central midfield role for us against B'ham while Nari gets diluted on the wing.That game summed up Wenger and his gang of losers.I've watched many weak Arsenal teams over the years,yet never felt angry over the players commitment or the Manager's stuborness to learn and change when it simly doesn't work.

  151. Gareth

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:28 #4558

    I do agree with you that the team has under-performed in the past few years, and I totally agree that some of the players while having the ability but do not have that mental strength. Please be realistic, Arsenal are hardly a club in crisis, we are second in the league, in Champions League next year, we got to the Carling Cup Final, we got to the latter stages of the Champions League, we got to Quarter finals of FA Cup, most teams would love to be where we are. Our team can play fantastic football, they can also play terrible football. I think with a change of personnel things can be different, we are not that far away. If we had not dropped half the stupid points we have done this year, we would be well ahead of Man U,but we need players who are going to give their all, and some of our players have forgotten how to fight till the end. I waited over 10 years to get a season ticket, and I accept that there are going to be good days and bad, but that is what football is about. If you remember the mid 70's we were midtable, 80's we were mid table, only when GG and AW came to the club did we really taste success again. Just my view for what it is worth...

  152. lance (south africa)

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:27 #4557

    you are right on the button. could not have said it any better.

  153. Ian L

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:23 #4555

    Are you serious?? Ok, yes we haven't had the success we crave, but it's such a tight line between winning & being close to winning, we just happen to fall into the so so close each year & that isn't a bad thing. Look at other clubs & the way they are run - once the budget from the FA/FIFA comes in we will be only 1 of a few clubs out there that actually run to our means & don't overspend, that will only benefit us in the long run. You seriously need your head examined if you are giving up a season ticket just because we haven't won anything, we always contend the cups, always in the top 4 yet way too many so called fans aren't happy with this, yourself included. It's not always so easy to purchase the players you want or need & takes a lot of planning, only for it to go wrong at the last moment. We all know that you never know who we've signed until it actually happens so who knows who we've actually missed out on just because another club has offered more wages & signing on fee, we just don't know. Would you rather us struggle & be battling relegation each year, I think not?!?!

  154. JJ

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:21 #4553

    Instead of giving up your season ticket i suggest an alternative. Leave the seats empty and deploy a rather large sign across a number of seats that reads: "Highest ticket prices in the league + No new signings = Empty seats"

  155. bobbyp

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:16 #4552

    Excellent, well thought out article. I too concur that if have a complete capitulation and fail to qualify for the champions league it may just give the manager and board the kick up the arse they clearly need to sort things out. The sad fact is that we are probably only two or three players short of being a real force, yet again haven't strengthened and we've been found out.

  156. charliegeorge

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:14 #4551

    Bang on, brother. Best article ever written on the current state of play. I feared it would come to this as he sold off our best players one by one. That the stadium would get harder and harder to fill. I was an almost lone shark then, and in a way amazed myself that it would be allowed to come to this. But is has. And now it's time for him to go. Not before time.

  157. neil gooner

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:14 #4550

    yup. i had a 3 hour conversation with fellow gooners and fulham fans at the weekend. and we all came to the conclusion that we can go no further with le prof...what it comes down to is he came..he built...but if he stays he will destroy...

  158. angelicbeady

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:13 #4549

    I agree with what you have written. Every season it's the same story AW doesn't seem to learn from his mistakes. Tactically he is not very astute, subs are used way late to change games and we are way to one dimensional it hurts. I think defensively with Djourou we are not as bad but we really need a top goalie and a strong midfielder and also a quality goal scorer. TBH we pay well over the odds for tickets considering the squad we have i really don't think we have played great football this season either. If i was so inept at my work i would have been sacked long ago i really think it's time that AW should step down.

  159. MJL

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:13 #4548

    What a piece of self indulgent drivel. Strategy needs to be altered we can all see that. However you seriously believe the club are not ambitious? Greedy Gooners need to find some perspective.

  160. James

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:10 #4547

    The problem is not that we are not grateful for what Wenger has done in the past, but there is no future. Arsenal will probably always be top four under Wenger but with such shocking defenders, gullible tactics and lack of ambition in the transfer market, will never amass enough points to win the title. Another problem is that the longer the club goes without winning anything, the less the players believe and trust in the manager, which I think we are seeing now - they simply don't believe they can do it and Wenger cannot instill that belief. That tells me things have gotten stale and stuck in a rut. Either Wenger changes philosophy radically, or we have to take that brave step into the future and dismiss him. The club really needs to show some bollocks now and not fob us off with excuses about what went wrong etc., it needs to spell it out to Wenger. The lack of success is NOT a primary concern, it is the lack of ambition and lack of competitiveness.

  161. Pete

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:09 #4546

    Excellent! One space nearer the front of the queue.

  162. YAWN

    Apr 06, 2011, 13:03 #4545

    my name says it all, boring. PS, cancelling sky sports so you dont have to watch the games, west brom wasn;t on tv, blackburn was espn etc etc. I would question the knowledge of the game if you only ever watched arsenal on there. therefore making your judgments on here should be taken with a little more than a pinch of salt.

  163. An Angry Arsenal Fan

    Apr 06, 2011, 12:58 #4544

    I agree with you mate. Personally AW cannot change his policy and we need a new manager who wil come to win. Ever since David Dein left AW has been more preoccupied with off the field activities and less focused with what is going on footbaling wise. We need a new manager, and i have had it with the gunners.

  164. Daniel

    Apr 06, 2011, 12:57 #4543

    Good read. I feel the same. This club has no winning mentality whatsoever. The players are overpaid and some of them don't even care. About the fans in the stadium - you are completely right. We are becoming Tourist club like BARCELONA. There are more tourists who doesn't know a single chant to sing and all they do is eat and boo if we loose. We need a change right now. The board apparently are money grabbing wh*res or Wenger is stubborn. I hope the fans will start to show their anger about how this club is being run. Without the fans the club is nothing. We are the core!

  165. shantos

    Apr 06, 2011, 12:54 #4542

    agree with everything said here ... i too stood up for AW, but there is only so much b******x you can listen to ... like i said b4, if Aluminia and Denilson in particular are still there in August, then Wenger has to go ...

  166. Jazz

    Apr 06, 2011, 12:54 #4541

    One of the best artices I have read for a very long time. Good on you mate. As an avid life long Arsenal fan, I applaud your honestly and sheer logical thinking of the situation of our club. What most Arsenal fans do not have is a logical brain. They are too easily brain washed by what others think, or what they should be thinking because of what someone else thinks. Break everything up and treat a situation/scenario from an intelligent perspective, and you get an article like this. This is the true situation of our club at the moment, and we really should be doing what Liverpool fans do to their club. They all get together and voice their opinion, and the club ALWAYS listens. The fans are the voice, not the manager, not the chairman, and not the board. We are too busy fighting each other with our AW knows/AW doesn't know theories, that we miss the point. We all want the best for our club, and we should be the real owners and emphasis of the club. We are the people, and Arsenal is a club of the people, always has been. So why should we let it change? It's been six years too many in my opinion. This project started in 2005, and look where it has got us. Absolutely nowhere. Good piece mate

  167. Rob C

    Apr 06, 2011, 12:53 #4540

    This is the longest blog i have ever seen on any site involving Arsenal but sadly it is all true. We are short of possibly 3-4 players that would make this bunch of players into a world class team but Wenger comes out with a variety of reasons why he does not buy them. We need proven winners in the side and if it means paying over the odds for the few english players that would fit into our side then that is what we must do. Arsene is also stubbornly loyal to players that fail to perform, Denilson a classic example but there are obviously several more. Wilshere and Nasri must despair at times when they see how some of their team mates perform. The club has also lost touch with the fans and also it seems with the current financial mess the country is in, how can they justify increasing prices when they are already the highest in the country and everybody is struggling. The apply the same view as the company I currently work for, if you don't like there are many more to take your place. To balance it slightly there are 86 other league clubs that would happily change places with us as although we have not won any trophies we have at least got fairly close but that doesn't ease the pain of losing. lets hope Arsene is as pained as we are and uses the summer to really strengthen the side and spends money on improving our obvious weak areas.

  168. Richard Ansell

    Apr 06, 2011, 12:53 #4539

    Well said John and I am with you 100%. As I have stated before on a previous article, if I was lucky enough to be a season ticket holder I would not be renewing for next season either. Like you I have given Wenger every chance and I just don't believe in him or his tactics any more. I am sad and confused, as Arsenal are in my blood, but I feel it is time to say enough is enough. How I wish other Gooners had your 'mental strength' to distance themselves from Wenger and his team of bottlers, but I fear there will enough who will say give them another chance. I say they are wrong and we need action now to try and stop another wasted summer in the transfer market and another trophyless season next year.

  169. Cos

    Apr 06, 2011, 12:50 #4538

    I'll have it!

  170. Paul

    Apr 06, 2011, 12:49 #4537

    Couldn't have said it better myself mate!!!!

  171. Bob Holness

    Apr 06, 2011, 12:49 #4536

    find it strange that you talk about "half hearted fans" as if your support is superior to theirs',when you advocate ceasing to support your club because things haven't been going as well as you hoped for a while.If every supporter took the same attitude as you,most grounds in the country would be empty.

  172. Jenkinson

    Apr 06, 2011, 12:49 #4535

    Good riddance! You must be one of the most tedious and long-winded misery-guts in the fan-base.

  173. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Apr 06, 2011, 12:48 #4534

    I feel your pain brother! we should use the remaining games to shout our disapproval at the lack of ambition the club is showing for sure.

  174. Jack

    Apr 06, 2011, 12:46 #4533

    Hi - I dont get the "highest prices in Europe" thing. I pay around 1grand for my season ticket, which included the first 7 CL or FA Cup games. Most other clubs charge around 700-800quid (more in london) but they then have to fork out another 45quid per match for CL and FA Cup. 7 times 45 = 315 so add that to the initial 800 and you are already paying more than us! Have your views etc... but no need to resort to lies to further justify your point

  175. DAVE

    Apr 06, 2011, 12:45 #4532


  176. Northern Gooner

    Apr 06, 2011, 12:40 #4531

    Good for you and possibly for Arsenal and other Gooners as well. Do you really just support the club when it is successfull? What kind of support is that?

  177. Tushar

    Apr 06, 2011, 12:39 #4530

    I will not even read the drivel of this article. The headline is enough. The team has come in leaps and bounds since last season, we outplayed Barca and Chelsea, bought 2 defenders, improved our defence, improved our league standing, and brought in the best young player in the league. If you just want trophies, you're nothing but a common glory hunter.F*ck off and support Chelsea if you want Mourinho, a guy who spends millions and leaves clubs in crazy debts just to get results. It really is that simple. If you're a true fan, Support your club. End of story.

  178. John

    Apr 06, 2011, 12:39 #4529

    Drama queen alert. Glad you give up your season ticket, Arsenal is much better off without 'supporters' like you.

  179. Elliot

    Apr 06, 2011, 12:37 #4527

    Superb article and thoroughly agree. There is no ambition in the club except for finishing in the top four so the greedy board can cash in when they want to sell their shares. Wait until the summer when Vermaelen is fit so Wenger can say "i don't need a new centre back because having Vermaelen back is like having a new signing" or we won't sign a goalkeeper in case it "kills szczesny" who good as he is, chose a cup final to drop an Almunia! The board of this club are spineless, gutless and pathetic. Is it a coincidence that ever since David Dein left they have run it like a totalitarian dictatorship?