A lack of passion and mental strength... amongst the fans

Could backing the team better yield results?

A lack of passion and mental strength... amongst the fans

Time to get behind the team

I haven’t been pressed into writing a defence of the team for the last three years but I think it is time. The ‘sack Arsene’ brigade seem to have woken up again, having gone quiet a couple of months ago when things were looking good, and are ready to chuck everything out that has been achieved in the vain belief that Arsenal should be winning things year in year out. Our fans are starting to sound like Scousers or Geordies, worrying times and worst of all can’t see their own faults, the accusation most used against Le Boss.

I share a season ticket with my parents but I am currently working in India which makes attending games a little tricky. It means I spend more time following the Arsenal online than in person, which is somewhat frustrating as you have to spend a lot of time listening to Arsenal fans with no mental strength and a lack of quality. It isn’t just Arsene or the boys at fault here it’s all those people that gave up weeks, months or years ago. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

On Saturday I had a note from my parents to say they weren’t going to the Blackburn game because they couldn’t face the seven hour round trip (that they have to make now they have retired to the countryside) and wanted to watch the cricket world cup final. I was disgusted. Was this not a great chance for Arsenal to bounce back? An opportunity to get our title challenge to get back on track? For most clubs this would be a huge game. It was a huge game for Arsenal but I bet it didn’t feel like it when people arrived at the ground. Arsenal fans had given up, were feeling sorry for themselves and moping. Could you imagine the reaction if one of the players came out and said “we’ll never win anything so what is the point in trying?” This is exactly what our fans are doing.

By popular consensus we have the worst atmosphere of pretty much any stadium in the country and the most empty seats by the final whistle. It is an embarrassment. How many people remained to cheer on the boys against Blackburn at the end? 40,000? Maybe even less. Where were they!? How many important late goals have we seen at the Arsenal over the years? I for one like to think that the fans play a big part in driving the team to deliver performances and get goals. If the fans can’t show passion and commitment to the last minute why should the players? Apart from the odd game against United or the Spuds the stadium is still a library. The away fans on the other hand are amazing and our away record reflects that. You will say that the lack of passion comes from the players or the manager but maybe it’s time to take a long look at yourselves and just get behind the team. I like to believe that when Arsenal have won, I played my part with my support. It seems now people just want to be able to say, “I told you so”. You should never do ironic cheers when our own keeper catches a cross, whoever he may be and however much you think he shouldn’t play for Arsenal.

Things aren’t perfect and I’m not pretending that they are. They aren’t perfect at United either, or Chelsea or Liverpool or anywhere! I would love us to have had a world class keeper for the last three years. A fit Thomas Vermaelen at centre back would be good too. It isn’t going to change before the end of the season so let’s just get behind the team. You can be a miserable and pessimistic as you like at the end of the season but just keep your head up for a few weeks and maybe, just maybe you might enjoy yourself!

Let us see whether some unbridled support for the team over the coming weeks can win us the league! Strange things happen in football and with your support (and United in the CL semi finals) we can still win the league! I believe and you should too, for the good of the team.

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  1. Dr T-Real

    Apr 13, 2011, 20:04 #5099

    I agree with Thomas wholeheartedly, and this is one of the best, pro-Arsenal articles I have ever read (albeit from a rather small selection!). It's not over yet.

  2. Rolando

    Apr 09, 2011, 19:15 #4871

    People are saying that the arsenal supporters are quick to moan and give up, we played beautiful football every time we play a game.... except that performance against Blackburn, where the first time as an arsenal fan I saw the team looked totally subdued, lack of zeal, the fans have a reason to be upset these players get paid to perform. Week in week out fans pay the highest price see their team perform. we really as supporters really need to get behind the team during the season no matter what after that we let our feelings know.

  3. johnnyh

    Apr 09, 2011, 0:35 #4832

    very difficult to get behind these bunch of chokers. arsenal fans know that their team has no divine right to win any trophy but we do expect effort and commitment from such highly paid players,and we are not getting it.for the first time in over 30 years of supporting the gunners i am finding it very difficult to get excited about watching them.

  4. nugs

    Apr 08, 2011, 20:41 #4828

    big jim of n5 you r spot on the arsenal we knew and loved is long gone as are the local passionate fans who used to attend replaced by a bunch of ex rugby/theatre going middle class twats with money! just the way the club want it

  5. delgooner

    Apr 07, 2011, 21:54 #4796

    Could you imagine the reaction if all of the fans came out and said “we’ll never win anything so what is the point in trying?” This is exactly what this bunch of tosser losers playing at Arsenal are doing. By popular consensus we have the worst squad of players of the last six seasons at the club so you just stay in India with your head stuck up your arse!

  6. nugs

    Apr 07, 2011, 21:31 #4795

    winning things year in year out?????? maybe you forgot that we have not won anything for six years and imo the reason the atmosphere lacks any passion is due to the hoards of tarquins and jcl's who see supporting arsenal as fashionable that fill the bowl every other week.

  7. JJ

    Apr 07, 2011, 19:28 #4790

    Pretty football attracts tourists. When you flying in for a game Tom?

  8. Graham, Tom's Dad

    Apr 07, 2011, 19:20 #4788

    Thats me in my place then! I will make more effort and also not shout at the ref so much.

  9. wenger out

    Apr 07, 2011, 19:14 #4786

    The best thing about reading rubbish like this (written by a man who lives in India who does not attend the games) is being able to see the out pouring of understandble rage from people who actually know what they are talking about and realise that the game is up for Wenger and his average players. As someone else said, if it was all about the noise that the fans made, Stoke would be top of the league. Total nonsence. Kim Jong-il would be proud of the blind loyalty that some people afford to Wenger. Arsenal Football Club, not Arsene Football Club. Get Wenger out!

  10. Charlie

    Apr 07, 2011, 18:59 #4784

    This is a disgrace, every away game a sell out! No passion from the fans, what a joke, may not be the loudest at the emirates but still 60,000 every week there! Disgrace!

  11. SUGA3

    Apr 07, 2011, 18:04 #4783

    the bit about 40K people staying to 'cheer' the boys at the end cracked me up no end - is booing the new cheering?

  12. SUGA3

    Apr 07, 2011, 17:47 #4782

    pathetic AKB drivel! so, it's the fans that are at fault, yes? these players are paid more in a week than most of the people inside the ground in a year, so it is only fair for the fans to expect for them to die for the shirt! it's a two-way street, you know, did you watch the game? no effort, cowardly tactics, ridiculous subs and you want people to cheer? do me a favour, love... and oh, it's not you sharing the season ticket, it's the mummy's and daddy's season ticket!

  13. The walter mitty character

    Apr 07, 2011, 17:43 #4781

    Finally, someone has said it like is. We are 4 f*cking points off the league if we win our game in hand! People on here are talking like we're in the relegation zone. Wait until the end of the season then start moaning! COME ON ARSENAL!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. We should never have let Linegan go

    Apr 07, 2011, 17:22 #4778

    A new low? - somebody (according to a comment elsewhere) pulled out a laptop in the Clock End recently. Staggering. I agree with both camps in that the players are paid more than enough to atleast have the decency to look like they care & bust a gut for the fans. Likewise, some fans don't do their bit. They passively spectate (for the 75 mins they deign to show up for), they don't support. Never underestimate the value of good vocal support. It bares repeating- please put like-minded Arsenal fans in sections together. Let those that want to sing as though they are the away side be together. Expand the REDsection. We have too many fans marooned in silence, frustrated. Wasted voices. Lost support. Let those who'd rather sit in relative peace with families do so without telling people to sit down. Everyone will be happier.

  15. Ed enough....

    Apr 07, 2011, 16:24 #4776

    My God....another twat kidding himself into thinking we can win the premiership....we blew that when we drew with sunderland and WBA mate...stop blaming the fans, blame the well overpaid manager and players.


    Apr 07, 2011, 16:15 #4774

    Tom, I sense you are a boy who knows very little about what it means to be an Arsenal fan. Living thousands of miles away, with parents who pay for your sesaon ticket, taking in the odd game here and there is just the sort of "supporter" that is now widespread all over the bowl. If you had been around for many years and done your apprenticeship and spent a small fortune on following this useless bunch of ****s all over the country i think you would feel very differently.

  17. RJ

    Apr 07, 2011, 15:43 #4769

    We were a bunch of whingers at Higbury too - remember the 88/89 season? Too many late season games on the North Bank with people whiging we weren't good enough. We still won the league. And the cheers for Al-verage were not ironic - they were heartfelt - thank **** he has caught something. ON Saturday, everyone was desperate for something to happen - to have a reason to support - hence the huge cheer for an amazing (for him) track back and tackle by Arshavin. We were not repaid. Love and passion are different emotions. Love is an emotion that does not need reciprocation - you can't do anything about it - you send flowers, you write poems, you attend football matches - no matter what happens, you can't stop loving. But passion is difficult to keep 100% when there is little returned - so it is easier to support a passionate team against Barca than to watch ineptitude against Blackburn. This weekend I left 5 minutes before the end. I had already shown some "mental strength" by telling the other love of my life (Wife) I would turn up late to her 40th birthday party. Is that commitment? Well she has only been my wife for 19 years, and Arsenal have been my team for 43. And given that my first love was not puttin out for me, I decided to see if passion would be recrprocated somewhere else.

  18. Juan Alcocer

    Apr 07, 2011, 15:31 #4768

    My response to this thread is, football is a form of entertainment, is it not? Isn't that what wenger has been preaching for the past 6 years? That its about "entertaining" the people paying good money who come to watch? he always ask's, what would you prefer, to see a boring defensive nil nil or an attacking exciting 4-3? Well clearly Mr Wenger believes he's in the Sports Entertainment business, similar to the WWE for our purposes. Now, when Triple H, The Undertaker, or John Cena come out, do they walk at a turtles pace down the ramp, and then just stand in the middle of the ring like fools? NO THEY ENTERTAIN THE CROWD. the response? the crowd responds back fanatically! after 7/8 years of trophyless football, when with a few tweaks we could have won a few cups atleast, i think you can pardon the REAL fans who pay between 1-5k a year in supporting the team, who feel abit let down. ITS UP TO THE PLAYERS, with there OWN performances, to entice the crowd, to get them hooked again.. Sadly, it IS a situation where we have just come to accept that we are going to lose. But why NOT? Clearly the management and board do. The whole club is rotten from boardroom to the turnstiles honestly. The club , and i say the WHOLE CLUB, needs freshining up. WE ridicule the FA for thinking tactics from 50 yrs ago will work in modern football, but we praise wenger for thinking tactics from 15-25 yrs ago will still work today?

  19. AlanAlan Sunderland

    Apr 07, 2011, 14:52 #4766

    We all seem to have differing reasons for being disgruntled & are pointing fingers in all directions. My main beef is not so much with the manager or the lack of trophies (although I share the frustrations & despair at the attitide of some of our players who don't need naming.) What I don't like is going to the Em***** and not recognising the club I fell in love with. You used to be able to feel the history, heritage, values & sheer class of our club. Now we have to endure a patronising PA calling out the players names like we are school children. Attempts at trying to create the atmosphere are counter-productive. It leaves a vacuum. People seem more interested in the half time hot dog. They want everything on a plate for them. We are not encouraged to participate basically. Anyone who is hacked off & wondering where our soul went to I advise you to check out (if you haven't already) 'Where has OUR Arsenal gone?' A far more productive way of venting your frustration. Time for us genuine Gooners to stand up & be heard & the JCLs and discontented can drift off to some other lifestyle choice they've latched on to. Come on Gooners! Let's reclaim our club from the muppets.

  20. Kevin

    Apr 07, 2011, 14:45 #4765

    What a load of bull**** blame the fans, blame the pitch, blame the style of play of the opposition but dont ever blame that idiot Wenger will you.We won trophies at Highbury and the noise wasnt great there but we had great players.When are the Akb's going to realise its their beloved Wenger who is to blame and to stop making excuses for him

  21. Zaiky

    Apr 07, 2011, 14:41 #4763

    Great piece Tom - the comments prove you are spot on! Get behind the team no matter what - isn't that what 'supporters' do?

  22. Danish Gooner

    Apr 07, 2011, 13:54 #4759

    Dont be a Wenger apologist.When the play is as predictable as watching paint dry,off course people will leave.You clearly have a great leader issue,you would fit in nicely at North Corea.

  23. charliegeorge

    Apr 07, 2011, 13:43 #4757

    Too late for that. It's been tried, it's been tested, it's failed. Time for Gadaffi to go. I wish people would stop making excuses for him - if it's not the pitch, the ref, the linesmen, the fixture, the weather, the international breaks, injuries, global warming, ozone layer, climate change, melting of the ice caps, Sir Alex Ferguson, Manchester United, the media, the Football Association, UEFA, FIFA ..................... and now a lack of "unbridled support." What? No mate. What we have here is a failure to communicate. Lies, deceit, broken promises, overpaid gum chewing hacks, cliches, overpaid gum chewing hacks, insults, negligence, overpaid gum chewing hacks, delusions of grandeur, propaganda, smarminess, stubborness ..... And overpaid gum chewing hacks. No mate. Too little, too late.

  24. James

    Apr 07, 2011, 13:28 #4756

    Look what happened when Arshavin tracked back to win the ball. The crowd went mad. For god sake, they pay £60 to watch a football match and you want THEM to inspire players who are paid £50k-£100k a week? What a joke. These players should be busting a gut for the supporters, and Wenger should be able to motivate them to do that. Instead you stick up for this lunatic who is paid £6,000,000 a year and cannot even get his team up for a possible title winning football match. Don't blame the fans, blame the manager first and the players second.

  25. Hughsey24

    Apr 07, 2011, 13:10 #4752

    Lack of passion from the fans comes from the whole dynamics of arsenals strategy and move to the Emirates !! I went to Highbuty as many times as I could and although it had a nickname the Library i rememeber times when the crowd united and roared the team to victory showing passion. However when I have sat in my season ticket seat i am now indulged with children under the age of 10 sitting around me in a £1285 seat with their nan and granded beside them. Overhearing people talking about their week of work. asking each other questions about arsenal that they really should know !! One spurs game a woman turned up late with a baby on her back and sat in front of me then left 25 minutes early !! Add to this out if the whole squad I cannot think of one player barring Wilshere who shows the willingness to win and passion throughout games to get the crowd going like Ray parlour, Vieira, Winterburn etc once did !! No new exciting players brought in to mix it up and excite the fans ! i watch sky sports news for hours on end when we signed arshavin thats how desparate we have got ! i know of many friends to have now given up their season tickets who have had them for years at highbury as they are now paying astronmical amounts for nothing better than they had. Less atmosphere, worse team ! So you have fans like my friends who no longer go and some more giving them up this season. New fans who can afford to go and take their 5 year old children who dont even watch the game and a passionless team !! What does that give you ?? So please dont include season ticket holders like myself and my friends in your comments as we are Arsenal unlike the new element of fans !!

  26. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Apr 07, 2011, 13:01 #4751

    Agreed that there could be a more vocal home support and that has been covered extensively in previous articles and forums. One solution that the fans have come up with is to let vocal supporters surround themselves with other vocal supporters! The other point is it's a lot harder to cheer almunia, denilson, diaby, eboue, koscielny, fabianski, squillaci and Bendtner than real Arsenal Players like Seaman, Adams, Wright, Dixon, Keown, Bould, Winterburn, Parlour, Rocastle, Thomas, Brady, Stapleton, Henry, George, Bergkamp, Wilshere, Fabregas, Van Persie, Vieira, Jennings, Ljunberg, Pires, Overmars, Petit, Campbell, Toure,

  27. no. 1 is perry groves....

    Apr 07, 2011, 12:55 #4749

    the most relevant point in this article is the fact that you have been in india so have not been able to attend games recently. perhaps if you had then you might be a bit more sympathetic to the attitude of the fans

  28. Gazza

    Apr 07, 2011, 12:52 #4748

    twat you should stay in India how can you comment on the atmosphere at a game you wasn't at I turned up expecting the team to look like they wanted to win the league not play in an end of season kickabout as for my 'mental strength' I had a motorcycle accident in the morning found out on Sunday morning I had broken a bone in my foot

  29. Harold

    Apr 07, 2011, 12:49 #4747

    Yes it is all Arsene and the boys fault, if it was about atmosphere at home games stoke would be top of the league. And if you'd been to enough games this season you'd understand

  30. Lewis

    Apr 07, 2011, 12:47 #4746

    well said. it bemuses me how people will spend £50 on a ticket then leave 15 minutes before the end - what difference does that really make? the tube queues may be long but i still can't understand people who won't support their team till the end because they don't like queuing. i think the club needs do attempt something to address this issue as frankly it's an embarassment to our club, and i can't imagine what its like to be a player, competing for the champhionship, to see half the ground walking out when you need their support. this might be a ridiculous suggestion, but how about having a reserve team game after the first team? or post-match entertainments in the bar areas? showing the post match interviews on the TV's in the concourses? i don't know the answer but hopefully one of our directors on several hundred grand a year will be able to think of something that works. but i guess ultimately it lies with the fans.

  31. JayWillion

    Apr 07, 2011, 12:44 #4744

    Nice Post! A lot of enery on certain aspects that do invoke considerations. But ill be direct. In my response. What planet have you been living on for the past, let's say six years? Earth? I pretty much doubt that, because if that were the case, You would confindently without setiment, attest to the Leaway Every Gooner has given your 'Le Professor', His players and his failed experirment. The reason. The Gooners are Heartbroken and choose not to stay behind at the Blackburn game to cheer mediority, is simply because the.Gooners(We The Real Fans) we are in no way A Mediocre bunch. We got kicked out of three competitions in One week. Surely that has to be a record. Is because of fans like you Arsene Wenger continues to have is way with us- Wake up, Smell the bacon. He's failed, the players have failed and the board have also failed us bitterly. I only hope you can travel from India to see the game against Blackpool in the weekend. Maybe then, your proclivities for mediority in regards to this team may see the TRUE LIGHT. Thank you Ps- Great Post

  32. Richard Ansell

    Apr 07, 2011, 12:43 #4743

    In appreciate what you are saying Tom, but the lack of effort the players give rubs of on the fans. If they can't be bothered why should we? Also my support of Arsenal has never been based on we have to win something every year as I know that is not realistic. What I do want to see though is all eleven players actually giving their utmost and a manager that is moving forward and making progress each season. At the moment we have neither and that is what is dragging us all down and making most of us so fed up with Wenger and his 'best squad ever'.

  33. danluvsafc

    Apr 07, 2011, 12:39 #4742

    Another typical response from an AKB blaming fans for our recent demise. I think that seeing as though I contribute over £1200 for my season ticket that I have every right to voice my opinions at games and vent my frustrations towards M Wenger and some of his lackluster playing staff. This way at least if the right people hear there might be a chance things could change (although I very much doubt it knowing our spineless board) People like Tom are getting the club that they deserve at the moment because they cant see what’s going on right in front of their eyes and are quite content with sitting back thinking everything will be ok once a few sections of the crowd start singing and chanting Wengers name. What about the current crop of rejects give us something to cheer about!!

  34. Lionheart

    Apr 07, 2011, 12:38 #4741

    Deluded ****wit that by the sound of it dosnt even live/come from anywhere near any of the north post codes ( to me they ARE the real fans), typical fan that appeared with wenger, if **** is good enough for you then fair enough,so if to you that is lacking mental strength and passion go with your mummy and daddy to the cricket !!! and for someone who by the sound of it hasnt even been in the country to see em play you got some front slating fans that are ****ing mug

  35. Tom

    Apr 07, 2011, 12:30 #4738

    Stop having a go at the fans the blame for another season without a trophy is down to the manager and players.Highbury wasnt exactly a coldrum of sound was it.Fans have given up hope because its an every season habit.We always collapse come March and April

  36. Spirit of Rocky, RIP

    Apr 07, 2011, 12:24 #4737

    Well said. Those looking for a clear out over the Summer should question their own value to the club. Too many fans ready to throw in the towel. No mental strength. Quick to moan, slow to applaud. Last in, first out. Arrive late/leave early. JCLs who only know success & can't cope with being 2nd in the table (despite probably predicting we wouldn't make the CL back in August. Remember those claims?) If it's that intolerable please jog on. There are plenty of genuine fans who traipsed the country to proper toilets supporting far worse Arsenal sides than this that now can't go very much. They'd be far better support than some of the deserters on here. People talk like their loyalty is being stretched. Incredible. Leeds fans will be looking on in hysterics at our plastic support that we have attracted, ironically since Wenger took over & took us to a higher level. He's a victim of the high standards he set himself. Remember how potty we went when Dennis scored to take us into the Uefa Cup? People would boo that now. I totally agree about people not staying until the end. They need to realise they have a part to play. They are not mere observers paying to be entertained. I blame the 4-4 against Sp*rs on a collective switch off both on & off the pitch. People were heading for the exits thinking job done at 4-2. This transmits to the pitch. I'd gladly see the back of these half-hearted fans who can't cope that things aren't perfect. When are they ever? We are ALL frustrated & bemused by stuff going on, but for heaven's sake some people need to learn how to support their team. Show some pride, some f'ing loyalty. Or please just go & be fickle elsewhere.

  37. Big Jim of N5

    Apr 07, 2011, 12:06 #4734

    The fans are a disgrace because this is sort of fan the club has wanted to attract. It is a trip to the theatre for most of the plums that go to home games. The real fan ie. the ones that went and loved the club before Arsene Wenger joined have been priced out, thrown to the scrapheap. The board have reaped what they sowed. The home games will never be lively as long as this continues.

  38. The BearMan

    Apr 07, 2011, 12:06 #4733

    I feel many connected to Arsenal, and bloggers sharing their views on recent developments have missed the main points. The balance in the squad is not correct, and no-matter how much tinkling Mr. Wenger does, the end result will be the same. This current crop of players have given all they got, and for certain should there be no changes in personal next season the result will be the same. Arsenal only hope of winning the Premiership, rests on other teams doing the job for us. It does not rest on he strength and debth of the team to perform at the highest level when it really matters. Purchasing average players because they are on the cheap, shows a lack of vision. Arsenal needs to have a minimum of two quality players for each position and a third challenging in the reserves for each post. We have to face teams that are physically stronger than ourselves, then we have to make certain we can match then with either power,speed, agility, quality and not simply passion.

  39. Hendrix

    Apr 07, 2011, 11:53 #4730

    I read 'blablabla'. Sorry, but I don't have this hope anymore, not on this team without a soul.

  40. Richie

    Apr 07, 2011, 11:35 #4728

    You sir are a true gooner best peace I've ever read on here.... C'MON YOU ARSENAL!!!

  41. Merse69

    Apr 07, 2011, 11:22 #4726

    To see swathes of empty seats towards the end of the Blackburn game - with the score at 0-0, with the destiny of the championship in our own hands - was at best embarrassing, at worst a disgrace. Aside from a few big games in Europe and against the usual suspects at home (Man U, Spurs, Chelsea...) the fans rely on the team to get them going... Go to a game and SUPPORT the team. Or keep your money and go to the pub for a good winge and a mope. Or go to an away game and hear what real support is....

  42. Andya

    Apr 07, 2011, 11:06 #4723

    **** off you ****.....ashamed of ourselves eh... we will win the leauge this season....wake up and smell the coffee....we are not going to win nothing under Wenger. Wenger is the sole reason why we haven't won nothing for 6 years, he is stubborn, can't motivate his team to beat blackburn, Sunderland, Newcastle when 4 -0 up...the player that he has faith in are simply not good enough. He is accountable and responsible and therefore should come out and admit that he ****ed up.

  43. Serhan Akman

    Apr 07, 2011, 10:51 #4722

    Great review...the atmosphere in the blackburn game was ridiculous and the fans did not encourage the players at all as you can here a pin drop in the stadium. This is embarassing and we have to get behind our team if we want to win trophies. Rather than just find pathetic excuses to moan and jeer. The thing that annoys me the most is the **** fans who turn up week in week out at the stadium and make no noise, when there are many fans who would do anything to go to these games and make noise.

  44. walkpass

    Apr 07, 2011, 10:50 #4720

    Very true!!! Disgruntled fans really let down the team as well...

  45. Wally fans watching a mentally weak manager and team.

    Apr 07, 2011, 10:46 #4717

    The trouble is all the real supporters have left long ago. There are a few groups of old school still around but now mainly middle class fans with their Arsene Knows rubbish. Look around the ground now, large groups of students, office workers, women, Japenese tourists…and the ground is the quietest in the Premier League. They all sit there and say “Yeah Arsene knows”…4-0 up to 4-4, 2-0 up v Spurs and lose 2-3, a 42 year old back up goalie that was dropped in place of Spain’s 7th choice goalie over 3 years ago, Nicholas Bendtner who wanders around the pitch chewing his gum looking like a total knob jockey where once the great Thierry Henry once was. Denilson, Diaby, Song, Clichy, Rosicky …5 players who really should just give up football full stop (six if you include B52). Pat Rice (what does he do?) sitting there looking gormless all game saying nothing….. our manager waving his arms around frantically looking like a total fool….a team full of weak individuals with a weak minded manager…yeah Arsene knows. Five years in the ground and with relative small debt and they still won’t buy suitable players in key areas, never mind, £5 for a hotdog anyone? A PA system making you call the players surnames out like all fans are twelve years of age. “Can we have your £1000 by June 1st please?” No not this time, give it to Jeremy or Miles from Surrey, they can sit there reading their programme during the game next season in total silence with the same team yet again falling short.

  46. chris dee

    Apr 07, 2011, 10:38 #4713

    Nice try but no cigar Tom. Yes the our crown is not the most vocal,it was that way at Highbury as well.But I tell you the noise and passion by the supporters when we see the team totally commited,not half arsed,matches any ground in the country.United,Barca and Real Madrid fans have also been accused of sitting on their hands but it doesn't stop their teams winning trophies on a regular basis.My brother who goes to many away games had the misfortune of attending the Newcastle away match where our fans were incredible,as they usually are,but that didn't stop us conceding 4 frigging goals in the last 20 minutes! Fed up and moping at the Blackburn match?Really? Who would have though that eh ,after all the great performances at home against WBA,Newcastle,Sunderland and Spurs. Stop giving the club more excuses for failure,we've had pitches,referees etc constantly blamed by Arsene and now let's blame the fans as well! We either want to become a top tier club ,eg United,Barca,Madrid,A C Milan ,Inter etc or accept our current role of being just a top 4 club who always miss out on the trophies. Our club has a huge fan base world wide,we have the best stadium in England,we have money,but do our board have the same obsession with winning as they have at United or Chelsea? I don't think so.

  47. luke

    Apr 07, 2011, 10:27 #4712

    To even suggest our atmosphere is the worst in England is simply laughable, and tells me you know nothing about football. Every premier league ground has a similar atmosphere to ours. You think Old Trafford, Anfield etc is louder for games against smaller opposition?? Do me a favour and get a clue. It's hard to get behind a team with such obvious flaws that havn't been corrected for years. If you want to criticise something, maybe Wenger, the board and the players deserve your ire, rather than arsenal supporters who pay the higestest prices in England but have not seen a trophy in 6 years.