Could the E******s finally see a major trophy?

Title could be won at Arsenal on May 1st… by the visitors!

Could the E******s finally see a major trophy?

Wenger: The great dictator?

Sorry to bring the mood down after Tuesday night’s wonderful evening in Madrid but a question for all...

How would you feel about Man Utd coming to the E******s at the beginning of May and securing the title on our patch? At first I thought no way, but the more I ponder the more I am beginning to think; do we need to see this happen now just so those gutless players can watch the Utd team celebrate and also to rub AW's nose in it?

Add to that it could make things turn really sour in the ground and people en masse can voice their anger towards the c**** on the board and towards the high and almighty Arsene Wenger. I don't think I've ever felt so much resentment towards Arsenal as I do now. If we had 11 players sweating blood and tears then whatever the result we'd be perfectly okay with it, I'd like to think. But this is just a joke now, and to all those blaming the players like Denilson and Almunia, it’s not their fault! Who would turn down a bumper contract at Arsenal, why would Rosicky, Denilson, Diaby and co want to do that? There’s only one person to blame and it’s the dictator Wenger. There now seems to be huge divide between supporters, I haven't been around as long as a lot of you (I am approaching my 23rd) but I'd like to think it’s never really been like this as supporters are suppose to be united behind the team.

I’ve been hearing from mates stories about Saturday and pockets of trouble in the lower tier, so United coming to town and winning the title really could cause a scene. As I am sick of sitting in a morgue, so I tend not to go home games and instead go to the away matches. Away games have been the same the last few months - AKBs vs realists getting into handbags and it’s embarrassing that we are in this situation. Why can't everyone see we are being mugged off by the board? Take the money and sit content as a top four finish and the odd semi final is classed as a successful season.

We moved to the E******s to compete in the transfer market - rubbish Wenger rubbish. You are a compulsive liar whether it’s talking about players returning from injuries, or telling us in May/June you will sign big and once season tickets are renewed sign the odd freebie and a Sevilla reserve. We are Arsenal FFS!!! We show less ambition than Villa or Stoke in the transfer market. Arsenal whilst off the pitch are sitting very nicely as a business - ON the pitch we are in decline and have been in for a few years now. Too many players sold too quickly that has left us with a team far too young to cope with the pressure they are under and no established quality being brought in to bring the right balance of youth and experience. We need players in every position and a huge clear out but this will never happen.

Why has Wenger let it come to this? Blinded by his stubborness. A hugely intelligent man that has now managed to divide the fan base, fill the airline bowl with thousands of w4nker$ that would rather sit in a warm club level bar reading the paper eating a £9 carvery bap leaving an empty seat and turn a team of Invincibles into gutless bunch in the space of 5/6 years. And BTW what I just said about club level is fact - I have a part time job in club level and whilst I don't want to tar everyone in there with the same brush (I have friends in there who travel home and away and are hugely passionate gooners) there are plenty that would rather stay in the bar for the whole second half drinking the free beer and betting on the horses in the Ladbrokes. This new breed of fan illustrates everything that is wrong with this Arsenal as there are thousands out there who would love to have their seat. Sadly though from Arsenal PLC's point of view it’s the club level members that are the most valued and the ones the club want to keep on their books. Us little Gold members are not worried about as we can be replaced quite easily (a friend of mine joined the waiting list early 2011 and is just over 40,000 in the waiting list).

Also we think it’s bad the way our season has capitulated - things could really go from bad to worse looking at the next couple of weeks. Blackpool won't be easy (can see us drawing that), the law of averages say the Scousers are due a result against us - if those two games don't go our way we could be going to Sp*rs in a position that them winning would see them go within a point of us with still a month of the season to go. Potentially a scary scenario, so on that note maybe it’s not a good idea to lose that United game after all!

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  1. Mark

    Apr 08, 2011, 9:43 #4805

    MORON !!!!!! Read a lot of comments on how much Wenger gets paid, get over it, he was offered more and chose to extend his contract, he gets paid what does because of where he has brought us and the future he will leave us (if god forbid he leaves anytime soon). If he leaves who do you put in his place Big Sam (ha ha, what a joke) or Mourinho (So he can spend £200M we dont have since we don't have a sugar daddy or government to back us), we will still have the restrictions we have now and a sh1te manager that will want the team his way and put us in the dark ages for how long ... Forget second (still with a chance to win), forget CL, forget any cups, mid table scrapping, looking up at Spurs. He believes in his players talent and gives them that self belief as to do anything else will be detrimental. We averaged 23yrs vs Barca 26yrs and we beat them, Barca went 5yrs (1999 - 2004) without a trophy of note themselves lest anyone forget where they came from. Wanting mancs to win, I would rather have club level poles than you. When you have a real think about it then write, you come across as Rooney does, a petulant child that doesn't think, just acts like a c**t. Want to do something productive, get the supporters behind us for the rest of the season. Inspire the club levels to shout some more, go to the stadium that is the home of your team and add your voice (bring a drum if possible). DON'T WRITE DRIVEL LIKE THIS !!!!

  2. xiaomei

    Apr 08, 2011, 8:41 #4804

    coach bagscoach bagscoach bagscoach bagscoach bagscoach bagscoach bagscoach bagscoach bags


    Apr 08, 2011, 1:35 #4801

    Wow i cannot evan begin to tell you how disgusted i am with you! Call yourself a fan? You sure know a band wagon when you see one! Firstly i will start by saying im an arsenal maniac, i live and breath arsenal no matter how we are doing in the league premier league or confrence i will be a die hard arsenal fan without fail!!! Now to adress this utter nonsense i see here.....were would arsenal be without wenger? All i have to say is 1 nil to the arsenal.... Without wenger we would still be walkin up and down the pitch scoring only once. The man is a complete genius! He is arsenal all over, its the below par attitude of the players that is letting us down not the talent or abbility. The arsenal brand of football is so precise and tweeked that not any tom dick and harry can produce it, it takes time to find or breed these kind of players. you put barca in the epl and see if they can fend off the stokes and the blackburns week in week out let alone doing so playin amazing football and also finishing top 4. Arsene wenger is a god he should not be treated like this its not him if anything its evryone else but him! What he has created at arsenal is an absolute marvel i mean the way we play is angelic at times better then barca in my opinion. But recently our players have let us down asin the nearly men e.g bender, den not quite son, and old jelly legs diaby. Wenger is laughing coz he knows how good he is, think about....its fair to say he is only a few little tweeks away from creating a super team that will prosper and dominate for many years to come, a kind of team football has never seen before and you have to give him credit because he has been able to go threw a transitional period and still maintain a healthy buisness module and a healthyish league position. Anyway im babbling as this person has p****d me off lol to put it simply.......arsene knows exactly what he is doing and i trust him 100000% he will come good. I amm preparing my self for arsenals domination of all football, it will be sooner than you think people. Ive just gota say massive love to all the supporters who have not lost faith! IN ARSENE WE TRUST!

  4. paul redarmymanc

    Apr 07, 2011, 22:43 #4798

    im sorry but you are the kind of arsenal fan i despise!!!how can you say such things abt wenger after what he has done for your club he has pulled you frm the dark ages inton the modern world and set your club up for years to come its only a matter of time before you start wining things and im saying that as a manc!!!!!!what wenger has spoilt you as fergi as us so when u dnt win the league every year you get morrons like you moaning!!!They day you sack wenger will be the day you drop out of the top four so get behind him u idiot!19 titles here we come!

  5. Tj Mac

    Apr 07, 2011, 21:26 #4793

    I feel as disgrunted as any one does. But we all no Arsene is so passionate about the club. We will clear all debt and go on to be the greatest trust Arsene I think he knows what he's doing!

  6. wenger out

    Apr 07, 2011, 19:25 #4789

    gabzevo, your reference to Wenger giving his whole life to Arsenal made me laugh out loud! I would give my whole life to somthing if I was paid £6 million pound a year to do so. But then again, I would have more pride and self respect than to take that amount of money it if I was doing such an appalling job. You see, this is what it comes down to now at Arsenal, people like you that have been sucked in by the cult of personality and those realists who actually care more about the Club than one individual. It is Arsenal FC not Arsene FC. Remember Brian Clough? He did a great job for Forset at one time, then blew it and had to go. The same is true of Wenger. Get your coat Mr W, your time is up. Get Wenger out!

  7. Rich

    Apr 07, 2011, 17:34 #4780

    Poor poor poor. Who would want the manc scum winning at our ground??? Also , who would want joey barton in our team. The guys a bully and someone who should be locked up . Not playing football... We have song and frimpong to come in . Both better quality players...

  8. Tiger Keown

    Apr 07, 2011, 17:26 #4779

    Gooner W you are correct. Smudger you are a fool. You show by your comments that you are a spineless loser like the rest of you AKB imbeciles. You believe losing is fine. A shrug of the shoulders, better luck next time. I prefer snarling winners that demand results. We are stuck with too many idle weaklings like you, on and off the pitch.

  9. tippytappynevershooty

    Apr 07, 2011, 16:15 #4775

    agree - you don't have to support the club for 80 years to get sick of the smell of bull**** being served up as strategy. I've followed Arsenal for 30 years and my refernece point is the George Graham / David Dein era, upon which I believe Wenger made his golden reputation. Busted flush and I agree with everything you write.

  10. TheBoyInRed&White

    Apr 07, 2011, 15:55 #4773

    'The divide between supporters is embarrassing, why can't everyone have the same opinion as me!' Stop being such a child. And a team in decline? An embarrassment? And there I was thinking we were actually second in a league filled with billionaires...sack the manager! He doesn't have a clue! We're not Real Madrid you know. That's not to say I don't agree with a lot of what you say about the Club Level supporters etc, and I hate to see it too, but if you honestly think Arsene Wenger doesn't care about winning and is happy to finish in the top 4 you are either blind or a fool. This article is a perfect demonstration of why idiots stay in the stands and intelligent people run the club- if you want to see what happens when that divide is crossed just look at Newcastle.

  11. Juan Alcocer

    Apr 07, 2011, 15:50 #4772

    Chippie, So the deal is wenger takes the flak and the board wont sack him? Yea, the fact that wenger gets payed 7million a year (Not to mention who know's what his bonus breakdown is) has nothing to do with it. The man has no pressure to win anything, he's basically a scout/youth coach on 7mil a year! Whats not to love! So a few angry fans boo him on saturday, who cares. So the Arsenal is now regularly losing to spurs, who cares. It will be 8 years before our NEXT CHANCE at a trophy arises, who cares. Thats the problem with arsenal, if NO ONE CARES, we are doomed.

  12. Gunner666

    Apr 07, 2011, 15:49 #4771

    AKB or Rust. Its a similar situation to the dreaded question "Do I look fat in this?" AKB's will say you look gorgeous baby. Rust's wouldn't give her a second glance knowing she's a fat b*tch. When you love them its hard to tell the truth and a little white lie creates harmony instead of hostility if the truth were told.And after numerous white lies you end up believing it yourself. However a diet and fitness regime cutting out the useless waste brings a whole new meaning to those dreaded words, and you really do have a gorgeous baby, one even the Rusts covet. Come on AW cut out the waste and give us something to whistle at. Simplistic I know but I know I'm telling fibs when I say Arsenal look good.

  13. Ian McCarthy

    Apr 07, 2011, 15:29 #4767

    I've been told the exact same info as chippie. And because of this what annoys me is our wage bill of 120m. This is far too high as average squad players have been given improved long term contracts that they don't deserve. AW wage has also been increased during a period of hard financial times but this is obviously because he is left to take all the flak. Not a good sign for the immediate future.

  14. Pynooo

    Apr 07, 2011, 14:04 #4762

    I really hope we buy English, in the off-season... Cahill, Barton/Parker, Baines and Young. This Arsenal team lacks that pure, unadulterated English passion. Come on ye Gooners...

  15. Chippie

    Apr 07, 2011, 14:01 #4760

    To a certain extent I do agree with your article, however you are barking up the wrong tree, you should really turn you anger at the board with their lies. On good authority I have been told that the board saying that Wenger has a war chest to bring in new players is a big lie. We as a club are skint because firstly we have to out aside £25million to service the debt of the stadium, secondly the board put money aside to pay dividend to share holders and thirdly pay for miscellaneous commercial interested and fourthly oh yes paying the players. So unfortunately Mr Wenger is the fall guy who takes the flak from us because he is not spending the huge money the board has for him. So the deal is Wenger takes the flak and the board won’t sack him.

  16. Ant Gooner

    Apr 07, 2011, 13:52 #4758

    What a load of rubbish. what sort of gooner would want them mancs winning the league on our patch? dont ever turn up for a game again. Our club doesnt need 'supporters' like you. this season despite being so 'bad', we have reached a cup final and beaten the best side in club football history- barcelona- actually they are on par with another club side- the arsenal unbeatables (yes a team wenger built and managed) dont ever come to support us again. dont need you negativeness in the ground.

  17. JJ

    Apr 07, 2011, 13:21 #4754

    Very good and true post. Some of these AKB's are so blinded by what Wenger has done in the past that they just will not man up and realise its time for a change. I'm an arsenal supporter, not an Arsene supporter.

  18. Richard Ansell

    Apr 07, 2011, 12:32 #4739

    With you all the way on this. I have supported Arsenal for over forty years now and have never felt such anger towards our manager. He has turned from hero to zero and I have had more than enough of his fantasy football world. I am turning my back on the club until Wenger either quits, gets the sack (unlikely) or admits to his mistakes and starts to address them (equally unlikely). I just hope I am not in for a long wait as Arsenal are in my blood, but Wenger (apart from making it boil) is most definitely not.

  19. aurelius

    Apr 07, 2011, 12:14 #4736

    get a gripp support and enjoy been one of the best team in europe whom play's champion league every year! ask the spud how will they feel not to be in it next year! how would you feel been a mid table team trying to survive year after year consistency as been wenger key........take care of what you've got end enjoy..... gooner for life try to see a bigger picture with your eyes open...... its always easy to find a scapegoat.......

  20. dan

    Apr 07, 2011, 11:17 #4725

    what goes around comes around,we have done it at whl,and o.t,they will just be returning the favour..

  21. gabzevo

    Apr 07, 2011, 10:48 #4719

    complete and utter disrespect to a man thats given his life to Arsenal, the day u do anything for Arsenal football club then u can talk ,u have done F all for this club except for be negetive , for now pls stop being a media pupet part of an Arsenal witch hunt and support ur team and its greatest ever manager , so dissapointed by all u supporters and ur disrespect

  22. Smudger

    Apr 07, 2011, 10:48 #4718

    You are an utter cretin. How can you call yourself an Arsenal supporter with tripe like this? "We show less ambition than Villa or Stoke" is possibly the most idiotic sentence in this drivel - Arshavin, Nasri, the refusal to buckle to Barca over Fabregas etc all show ambition. Do you really expect the club to spend hundreds of millions moving to a new stadium and instantly have more money? Given how idiotic this post is, it wouldn't surprise me if that was your thinking. It's a long term investment, you take on debt so that in the long term you compete. I like how you censor "Emirates" - without selling the naming rights, we'd have even less capital. I don't think any Gooner would say they are 100% happy with the state of things, but this is pure idiocy.