Ruined Weekends

Where it all went wrong

Ruined Weekends

Arsene: Time for a rethink

Let me start by saying, I, like every other Arsenal fan, hope that we will be parading the Premiership trophy around Islington in May. But I cannot convince myself that this will happen this year or in any other May in the near future if changes are not made at my beloved club. Recently my weekends have been purgatory, the midweeks were not much better before we crashed out of all of the cup competitions, as we staggered from one unconvincing display to another. Even when we do win it has not been with the style or ease to which we have become accustomed under Arsene's leadership.

We find ourselves glorying in beating the world's best side after being outplayed for large spells of the game, having to content ourselves with scraping through in the cups against lower league opposition & in the case of the Champions League, losing to substandard, second rate teams who were summarily dismissed at the E******s. I feel sick to the stomach after watching another insipid performance when AW comes out to tell me "the team showed great character & fight". I have allowed myself several weeks since my last post to digest our recent demise & this is my summary of the problems & shortfalls as I perceive them in the cold light of day.

The current squad is just not good enough regardless of what Arsene says. As soon as we have injuries to any of our main players we find an average player has to take their place. To be fair no one has two players of Cesc's quality in the same position in this country (Barcelona are the only one that springs to mind in world football). Early in the season Nasri did a good job covering but the bottom line is we are not as good when Cesc doesn't play. Jack has had a great season but is at least one season away from being able to fill the void created when Cesc doesn't play. Could someone explain to me how a player is fit enough to sit on the bench but is not fit enough to start? Cesc should have started against Blackburn & no excuse can cover that up. We also have no suitable replacement for Alex Song, the two options AW regularly tries are both woefully short of what is required. Denilson kills the momentum of every move he is involved in, he has no idea how to pass forward, is slow & cannot tackle. Diaby has tons of talent but has a dead battery, like Denilson he is a momentum killer & his lethargy is infuriating.

RVP is world class but you cannot build a team around a player who is out as often as he is. The alternatives when he is unavailable are well short of what is required. Chamakh started the season well but faded badly before Christmas & he hasn't really recovered his confidence or energy since. Definitely not good enough to play in a 4-5-1 system. Bendtner just doesn't have what it takes, he is a legend in his own mind but is nowhere near being good enough to grace our shirt in reality. He can control the ball further than most can kick it & his occasional moments of brilliance are far outweighed by his woeful finishing & poor general all round play. Carlos Vela is never going to make it in this country, he is the new Aliadière, you keep wondering if all of a sudden he will kick on & become a player but it never happens.

Now we're into the more serious areas. The Vermaelen situation has been handled very poorly & it stinks of the same farce that was Tomas Rosicky's mysterious injury. After admitting that he would need a centre back in the January window, Arsene got some brownie points back from me but it was a false promise & the predicted season long lay off for TV followed. This was made worse by the subsequent injury to Djourou which left us with exactly what we dreaded, Cygan & Stepanovs 2, Squillaci & Koscielny. Both have looked ok when partnered with Djourou (yes I remember the debacle at Wembley) but are an accident waiting to happen together. A ball winning man mountain was required in the summer but we got more of the same, players short on stature, confidence & gravitas. The full backs have also been poor in spells this season, with Gibbs I feel we have one side covered but we have no cover for Sagna & Eboue must go.

Lastly we must discuss Arsene's biggest blind spot. In descending order we have an inexperienced kid as number 1, a confidence free zone as number 2, an absolute joke as number 3 & a nowhere man at 4. Mark Schwarzer has his faults but we would be clear in the league by now with him & would probably also have the League Cup in the cabinet. I think Chesney is one for the future but we will never return anywhere near to the 2002-2004 vintage without a proven keeper. If we had swapped our four keepers for Van Der Sar in August we'd be home & hosed by now even with playing Bendtner in goal when Edwin was injured. This cannot continue. The mistakes Almunia is making are like daggers in my heart & I'd rather have a retired Jens than him anytime. At least Jens is vocal enough to get the defence to do what he wants.

I have loved & revered Arsene in his time at our club but someone needs to sit him down for a long talk followed by a good shaking to make him give up on his quest be right, especially when it's to the detriment of Arsenal. He needs to spend the money they say we have to bring in the players we need, experienced winners, not kids or untested nobodies. He also needs new backroom staff with new ideas or he needs to tell us why he isn't doing this. Is it because the money isn't there! Failing that he needs to admit his latest experiment has failed & change the club’s direction or just quit. Whatever he decides to do, I for one am not sure I can take much more of what we're getting at the moment. If we play badly or without passion at least have the good grace to admit it & stop treating us like idiots Arsene.

(Ed’s note – For those of you following the Gooner gambling scheme, check back on Saturday morning when we should have the latest instructions ahead of the Blackpool game)

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  1. Bergy

    Apr 09, 2011, 5:36 #4835

    There goes AW againn pathronising everyone on what is deemed "success". It's sooo infuriating to hear this crap again and again. Harping on the fact that Chelsea are behind us despite spending, hei Arsene...they were Champions last year! I'd rather win the league and then finish 3rd the next least you know with whatev er policies they have, right or wrong, they will be back next year. And they don't tolerate failure, not even for a season (again, rightly or wrongly). We on the other hand, call failure success and go on and on. AW says " we have done well at our age.." WHAT???! Is he still saying we are young??? And " I'll talk to you about these players in 10 years" dear Arsene, most of these players will be well forgotten in 10 years...

  2. SUGA3

    Apr 09, 2011, 4:08 #4834

    great article, I just disagree on a few things: Vela is a quality, but grossly mis-managed player, Ebowie is not all that, but you will struggle to find a better backup right back who will be happy to sit on the bench (the best you will get is like for like and as they say, better the devil you know) and Szczesny is the nuts... wholeheartedly agreed on the rest tho...

  3. Lucy Van Pelt

    Apr 08, 2011, 23:55 #4831

    Wenger, today: "Now it is a crucial moment where we have to trust these players and not listen to some opinions of people who have not worked half a day in football."Do you know how much work, dedication and mental strength is behind a team like that? Beggars belief.

  4. Ando

    Apr 08, 2011, 20:51 #4829

    I understand Mr Wenger said these words today. ''show some strength and not listen to some opinions of people who have not worked half a day in football,” I suppose it beats blaming the pitch, the ref, the grass, the tea lady or the opposition for our failures, lets stick to his plan and have more of the same over and over and over again. There are none so blind as those who cannot see.

  5. clockendpaul

    Apr 08, 2011, 19:51 #4827

    Just read on wengers says "its vital to trust the players now" did'nt we trust them before! Its just another bull**** statement from him treating us like we're stupid. It will probably be the pitch excuse this weekend.

  6. fozzys mate

    Apr 08, 2011, 18:10 #4825

    I am afraid arsenes anti fan rant today says it all. No care about what the fans who are the club desire, silverware every few seasons. From a former AKB now a Wengersceptic still trying to blame our supine dough trousering board. Arsene FC - after all he said today he will sign up for the next 20 years!

  7. Richard Ansell

    Apr 08, 2011, 13:17 #4814

    Could not have said it better myself, apart from the fact that I can not take ANY more of our 'manager' and the never ending cycle of insipid performances that just do not seem to register with him.

  8. EborGooner

    Apr 08, 2011, 13:14 #4813

    Good article and I agree with nearly all of it. Final paragraph is spot on. We don't necessarily need to get rid of Arsene BUT he must start listening to criticism and actually addressing our areas of weakness. I have said before on these pages that it takes a wise and brave man to admit his mistakes. Arsene needs to do this and buy a keeper, CB and CM, who can do the job. Our defending has become a laughing stock of the League. If he can't organise them himself then utilise the skills of others already at the club (Bould, Rice?) or bring in someone who can organise defenders (Keown, Dixon, Adams, Sol?) and LISTEN to them. This years ManUre team are the worst I've seen for years. Chelski had their mid season collapse, Citeh are a team of individuals, and Liverpool are in tatters. In short, the Premiership was there for the taking and we have pretty much made a complete mess of things. Draws in our supposedly easier fixtures mean we HAVE to beat ManUre/Liverpool etc and, frankly, I can't see it happening. I will continue to give my all (support wise) until the season is over but then, even if we have the title, Mr Wenger MUST make changes to the personnel, the training, and the way he undertakes his job.

  9. Gunner90

    Apr 08, 2011, 12:12 #4812

    I think what is left of the AKB's are deluding themselves and are living in the past when we were at Highbury. Take Fabregas ( will definitely go this summer), Nastri,Wilshere and RVP out of the squad and what are we left with now - a very average team. Until Wenger goes - I cannot see that there will be dramatic changes to the squad that is required. The silence from the board is deafening apart from that idiot Hill-Wood who has no power at all.

  10. BenBag1980

    Apr 08, 2011, 11:13 #4809

    Great article, I totally agree with everything,It really is becoming hard to take. We were made umpteen promises by Wenger that have not been kept. What was the point of moving to the Emirates? To kick on and become a major power in europe! Instead we have become a complete laughing stock, and we appear to seriously lack ambition which is even more frustrating. I believe alot of our fanbase are scared of change, and I for one up until our latest collapse was fully behind Wenger, but it pains me to say I think that he needs to go.