Giving up my season ticket – Round 2

There was plenty of response to the first offering during the week. The author responds in turn

Giving up my season ticket – Round 2

Bruce Rioch: Was he any worse than what we are getting now?

It seems from my last article on this website that some people simply do not like it when others dare to speak the truth. Dare to suggest that the club are showing a lack of ambition and you get labelled as a plastic fan for doing so. Dare to suggest that the current admission prices being charged at our club are at best a rip off and you get told to ‘p**s off down the Lane and don’t come back’. Well let me tell these people who the real plastic fans are in my opinion. Anybody that started to support our club since 2004 and isn’t under the age of 15 is a plastic fan. I have personally supported The Arsenal since 1987 when as a six year old I first attended a game at Highbury with my father. We watched a young Gazza miss a penalty for Newcastle that day in a pretty dire 1-1 draw. I remember gasping in amazement when my father told me the guy that had just missed a penalty was worth a reported £1m. Since that day I have had many ups and downs as an avid Arsenal fan. Many of the ups have been under the current management regime but to be fair many of them came before I had even heard of the name Arsene Wenger.

For the true plastic fans amongst us I would like to take this opportunity to point out the fact that Arsenal as a club did not suddenly appear in 1996 when AW took over at the helm. We did exist pre-Wenger and we will exist after he has departed too. We won the league title in 1989 and 1991 and we did a domestic cup double in 1993 followed by a ground out win in the Cup Winners Cup the season after. We did reach another European final in 1995, over a season before AW arrived and we did sign possibly the greatest ever player to pull on an Arsenal shirt the season before Wenger turned up so we couldn’t have been doing too badly at that time to attract such a high calibre signing as that of Dennis Bergkamp. In 1995 we didn’t have the best of domestic campaigns under the leadership of Bruce Rioch, he certainly was no George Graham but we did still manage to grasp a European spot on the last day of the season and finished the campaign in 5th spot, only one place below the holy grail of today’s top four.

Let us not pretend that the whole club has been built by one man as it would be a lie to do so. Arsene has done great things for the club we all support and who can forget 1998, 2002 or the invincible campaign of 2004, but it is also a fact that for the past seven years since that wonderful season we have at best been treading water and in my eyes at worst procrastinating. As a club we have now had every opportunity to move on a level and have failed to do so time and time again. For all of you out there that still see AW as never being able to do anything wrong ask yourself this one question and be honest when giving your answer. Who else could have managed Arsenal over the past six seasons with the same results on the field of play and managed to keep their job up until the current day? For me the answer is no other man would still be in the manager’s hot seat with the same level of on field results and therefore that tells me that AW is living off past glories, which for me is wrong.

Does the fact that UEFA have recently decided to make fourth place one that is worthy of a Champions League spot for the next season make finishing fourth each season all that much better than what Bruce Rioch managed in his only season as manager? He did finish 5th, not really that much of a difference if UEFA hadn’t expanded the Champions League to make the very name of the competition a lie in itself.

No-one likes to see a successful man go out in a whimper, it makes for sad viewing. I would liken the current AW situation in that way to that of seeing Mike Tyson sprawling around on the canvas of the ring all those years ago trying in vein to put his gum shield back into his mouth when he had just been knocked out by some unknown who would never be heard of again. We do not want to see our once great leader ruthlessly exposed as a has been but when you face facts in the cold light of day that is the way things are looking to me right now and at what point do you have to make a decision for the better of the club?

For my money AW has far too much power within the club he works for. Please do take note of that fact, he is an employee! He does not own the club outright the last time I checked. He seems to have so much influence in the day to day running of the club that I kind of have a vision of him turning up at the canteen at London Colney, running behind the counter to make the bacon rolls for the players and then running off to the till to give the players their change back from their lunch purchases. Why does he need to get involved with the players’ transfer wrangling? Why is it AW that decides what a player is worth in the transfer market? Why does he set players’ contracts and wages? It should not be his job to do so. He should identify along with his scouting network the players that he wants to sign and the rest should be dealt with by someone else. The whole coaching set up at the club needs an overhaul if you ask me as well. Does it look like we could benefit from some real defensive coaching or what? And if we currently have a goalkeeping coach he should be sacked with immediate affect as what the f**k has he been doing to justify his salary since Jens left first time around? By the way if you were on the books of the club as a rookie keeper how bemused would you be right now sitting behind Manuel and then seeing a 41 year old retired ex-Arsenal man get snapped up until the end of the season rather than face the prospect of giving you a run out at some point between now and the end of the season? What a slap in the face that would be.

The simple fact of the matter is that Arsene Wenger is human after all. He has faults and let’s face it he has many. All the people still believing that the guy is perfect have seriously been so badly brainwashed that they need to get checked out at their local GP for any signs of realism remaining in their brain. The year isn’t 2004 and it hasn’t been for seven years people. Wake up and smell the coffee or should that be wake up and smell the vanilla flavoured mocha cappuccino which I am guessing is what most of the ‘everything is wonderful’ brigade currently drink. A cool PC brigade of fans has sprung up on us over the past ten seasons or so, these fans for me are the true plastic brigade that gets mentioned on here a lot these days. They don’t really care about the club that they pretend to support. They might wear an Arsenal scarf into the office on match days but that isn’t because they care about the club’s name that is emblazoned on the scarf, it is simply because it is cool to do so. They pay £1200 out every season not because they care, but because it is cool to do so. Most of them can’t be bothered to leave the office early enough to make kick off on match days but it doesn’t matter to them if they miss the first 20 minutes of the game as they won’t be in their seats for the final 5 minutes of the first half or the first 5 minutes of the second half or the final 7 minutes of the second half anyway. They will spend £30 a game on refreshments because of this behaviour at home games and the club love them for it. They will not moan at games because it is not the done thing to do so. They will also not sing at games either as it wouldn’t be cool to do so either.

In my mind it is these same fans in general that come on to this website during their five minute lunch breaks and read articles like mine, take offence at them and then feel the need to scribble a two line response to it and say ‘you plastic fan, f**k off to spurs as we are better off without you’, blah blah blah. Well let me tell you one thing, I will support this club long after you lot have left and gone on to something else that is then deemed to be the next in thing. It is the true supporters’ opinions that count the most to me and in my eyes a true Arsenal supporter is one that is not afraid to voice his or her own opinions and one that has been supporting the club longer than AW has been in charge for. One that recognises that winning trophies is not the beginning and end of the story but one that recognises the fact that as a club we are respected for what our mentality has stood for down the years. We have had a strong mental side to our game which has been completely eroded in recent seasons. We in many ways have become a laughing stock, the example of how not to do things. More of a Jimmy White than a Steve Davis or Stephen Hendry, we choke every time a winning opportunity presents itself and we go down a notch every time we need to go up one. That is not Arsenal to me. That is not the Arsenal that I got to know and love as a child growing up in the mid eighties. It is a long lost distant relative of the one I got to know as a youngster and it is one that I am pretty happy not to see again as I cannot respect a team that come March/April will choke at the very time they need to stay focused and get over the line. That someone under those circumstances chooses not to attend does not mean that the person in question cares less than someone else that merely attends as a matter of routine, to me the truth is quite the opposite. I know from my own experiences at the ground on matchdays that I care more about the club than 95% of the other people in attendance, some of whom seem to not even care about watching the game in front of them.

Someone responded to my last article and mentioned the fact that players like Henry were champions before they came to the club and that it was not just an English mentality that made us successful. I agree with that point to some degree. It is not about whether or not a player happens to be English or French or Ivorian, it is about the mentality that the player in question brings to the club. If a player is brought up surrounded by winners then there would be every chance that he will also have a winning mentality. But also if a player grows up with players that are not winners and have never won anything in their whole careers then what message does this pass on to that youngster as they grow up? Do we grow winners through the ranks as a club anymore? Certain players have grown up at our club in recent seasons and have not come through with the same mentality that others have done in past years. Song, Clichy, Denilson, Eboue, Bendtner and Diaby - where are the winners amongst these players? Where is the real drive to be successful at all cost with any of them? It isn’t a question of just raw ability, it is for me one that goes deeper than that. Compare this mental strength to that possessed by Adams, Keown, Parlour etc and the comparison is embarrassing. Who cared more? Who went home p**sed off up to the eyeballs after a defeat? Who even gave what the fans were thinking or feeling like a second thought? That for me is the difference between when AW came to our club and what we have now 15 years later and that change in mental strength during that time is the reason why we are trophyless for six seasons and that won’t be changing anytime soon in my opinion.

If AW took a step back, gave up the reigns to some degree, letting go if you like, then I feel we would benefit from it. We need fresh blood with fresh ideas not just on the field of play but in the boardroom of the club as well. We need some new faces on the coaching staff, some organisation at the back will go along way to curing our current annual woes at this stage of the season and someone with some balls on the field of play to get the boys going again when things start to go wrong wouldn’t do any harm either. Cesc is a very good player, not a great one in my opinion but a very good one, but he is certainly no team captain. Neither was Henry or Gallas in my opinion so in reality for me since Patrick left in 2005 we have not had one true captain. Could it be more than a coincidence that we haven’t won anything in this period of time without a recognised leader on the field of play? This is an error of management that AW seems oblivious to and for me this is about his continental mentality where you do not need a leader. I have news for you AW you ply your trade in the Premier League where no champions to my memory have ever popped up without a proven leader amongst their ranks. Get over yourself and adapt to your current surroundings or let someone else do the job better than you and move aside.

I won’t be renewing any memberships for next season but that fact does not mean that all of a sudden I care less than the thousands of people that will renew their various ticketing options for next season. To the contrary I dare to suggest that I in fact care rather more than most of those people taking up the padded seats at the Grove.

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  1. Luke

    Apr 11, 2011, 23:25 #4984

    First of all, f**k off :) Secondly, let's not forget arsenal is 5th in the deloitte football money league 2011 and has been in the top ten for close to 10yrs now. So to belittle what Wenger has done despite us probably treading water (I admit) in every other aspect would be wrong. Wenger tried to ensure that we'd never be in a position to be forced into a Sugar daddy situation, we can enter into it of our own accord and at our leisure. Usmanov and Kroenke have been circling for two yrs now and there was an agreement in place that neither would trigger the buyout threshold but we were so secure financially that we could tell them to wait while we thinnk about it. Considering we've never paid 20m for a player I think we've done pretty well, all things considered. Can't say the same down the Lane, can ya?

  2. Mick P

    Apr 11, 2011, 21:13 #4980

    Good article mate and I fully agree with you. I hate the E place and all of the other Johnny Come Lately Tarquin and Henriettas that go there. For them there is no other than AW and we were formed in 1996. I would urge you though not to give-up your season ticket because that means the likes of them will have won and they can sit in their sterile environment wearing their pink cowboy hats happily getting anyone that dares to swear thrown out. Arsenal has class history and tradition, albeit a bit dented, but it needs proper fans not these pathetic golf clapping morons. It is argued that in the 70's and 80's we were poor but in those days expectations were lower as we weren't paying top dollar for our seats. Half of the mullets at the E place would love to see us lose 8 - 7 because they would have seen a great game of 'soccer' and they can tell their chums all about it! I just want to see us win and if that means an own goal in the 95th minute of someones arse then I dont care. Keep the faith OO TO BE A GOONER

  3. Tom

    Apr 11, 2011, 16:28 #4973

    I agree with some of your points but you also have some terrible views at the same time. I agree that Cesc isn't a natural leader like Adams or Vieria but more of a player that lets the football do the talking. Its not his fault Denilson is ****. He's carried half the team for 3 years and to say he is good but not world class is ludicrous considering hes a european championship & world cup winner!Frankly I think you're a bit of a whinge bag with not a lot of perspective! Someone commented below that Cesc doesn't show up in big games? Thats the most misguided quote I've ever heard. He set the goal up in the world cup final!

  4. Munitionsman

    Apr 11, 2011, 0:23 #4931

    Amos. Where is your sense of history? Arsenal from their first days in a munitions factory has accepted the need for strong leadership and a fighting spirit. Wenger, and obviously you don't understand this clubs history. The writer of the article understands it perfectly. It's not about money or stadiums or even trophies. It's about mental strength and passion for the shirt. All absent.

  5. The Hangman

    Apr 10, 2011, 18:16 #4913

    I have seen that terrible look on an arsenals supporters face before, on the faces of those being dragged to the gallows. Some supporters scream and plead, some swear and curse, some go serenely, convinced that the open gates of trophy paradise await them. But the worst, the most chilling, are those who neither fight nor embrace it, but just accept their fate, their faces fixed in a look of sheer hopelessness and despair. The eyes stare back at you as if they are already the eyes of a dead man.... not a dead man in paradise, but one who is already in purgatory or worse... Arsenal supporters who give up without a fight... wankers, go to the gallows wih no hope. Hang yourself before the end of a season.

  6. Petrovic

    Apr 10, 2011, 14:13 #4901

    Arsene could do with a reminder that the height of his success at AFC was with an English keeper and back four. His exotics have mostly been crap and it matters not how grease is going forward if you're weak at the back your silverware aspirations become delusions of grandeur. Barcelona put that to bed for us.

  7. charliegeorge

    Apr 10, 2011, 2:59 #4878

    Again, well said John. The **** which came out of his mouth today must be the final straw for so many diehard fans. At some point in time, a campaign to oust this lunatic needs to go viral. Either that, or face another twenty years of abject humiliation. TWENTY YEARS!! I think I would rather stick pins in my eyes.

  8. Carlos

    Apr 09, 2011, 20:33 #4875

    I agree with everything that you say and would add that the overwhelming feeling is of frustration. Arsenal are a financially powerful club, we have the 5th biggest turnover in world football and to my mind we ought to be doing better, we are not a club that should have so many mediocre players with abject attitudes in its first team squad, and this is down to ths manager. It is a myth that we are frugal - look at the wage bill and the "additional costs" - they amount to close to £170m. Who thinks we are getting value for money? What proportion of the wage bill goes on players who have had and will have no impact on the first team? And more imprortantly, who seriously thinks things will change under the current regime?

  9. ac

    Apr 09, 2011, 20:19 #4874

    maybe if the fans stopped turning their back on the manager, and focused more on making more noise at the matches we'd win something!!! every clubs home support is enormous, apart from ours.. look at liverpool, united, chelsea, spurs! so criticise the 12th man!!! not the manager! and cesc fabregas is the most creative player in europe, he has done alot for the club!! he is a great player

  10. babar

    Apr 09, 2011, 18:52 #4870

    original response from babar i see, if you dont agree to being mugged off by our board and manager you should **** off and support the spuds! what a complete and utter plank

  11. Rover

    Apr 09, 2011, 18:50 #4869

    Good post McGoonie. Personally I find the Emirates a dispiriting experience which makes me feel empty. I don't feel any connection to the team or many of the people around me, which is the exact opposite to what it used to be at Highbury, when I used to love the whole experience - approaching the ground, the crack, the camaraderie and the atmosphere. The bowl feels detached, the players like a bunch of millionaire playboys who have made it into the Wenger promised land, whatever they achieve. I don't think it is about trophies either, it is about the grit, passion and excitement of supporting a team who will die for the cause - and there is nothing to encourage that any more. I wouldn't mind if it was priced appropriately for that kind of corporate day out, but it feels like they just milk the fans for as much as they can get.

  12. babar

    Apr 09, 2011, 18:29 #4868

    You're still plastic, sorry. Now, p**s off down the Lane and don't come back.

  13. johnnyh

    Apr 09, 2011, 17:45 #4865

    its not the fact that the likes of almunia,clichy,eboue,denilson,rosicky,bendtner and diaby have been given the chance in the first team that annoys fans. its the fact that despite them proving season after season that they are useless particularly in big games, they are still at the club. i totally agree about fabregas. he is a good player but no way a great one as he too often goes missing also in big way would he get get in the barcelona team.

  14. AL5 Gooner

    Apr 09, 2011, 16:22 #4862

    100% mate. If things carry on like this I'm joining you in the 2012/13 season (Had to renew already as CL mug [I do it for the atmosphere, which comes from the away fans below me) Just read DHW and Wenger's comments about any critics being un-knowledgeable idiots (Still not sure it's not a wind up). I have been at Arsenal since early 70's. Been through the good and the bad and have never been so pissed off, with a manager a team and lots of the AKB wank supporters. I think they could learn lessons from the Leeds fans and their team. (who very nearly beat us) Is our football attractive? No, it's embarrassing, ineffective, Iippy tap, GUTLESS ****e that the rest of the premiership can deal with without breaking a sweat. Do most of our players give a ****? - No Are most of them any good - No (at least Willie Young used to try) Is the ground full of people who Roy Keane termed "Prawn Sandwich eaters" Yes. Absolute ****e

  15. Nugs

    Apr 09, 2011, 16:02 #4860

    amos totally disagree, i know a lot of people in their 40's and 50's who would agree with this blog i personally think its the newer fans that are wedged up arsenes arse and the majority of older fans who have had enough!

  16. Theo's Make-Up Pencil

    Apr 09, 2011, 15:32 #4858

    Anyone that still believe the powers that be care about we the fans think needs to read Peter Hill Wood's comments today. If those words don't help you find the testicular fortitude needed to give up your ST then you're either a full fledged sucker or a post-op trans-sexual. Maybe both!!!

  17. Lucy Van Pelt

    Apr 09, 2011, 15:23 #4857

    For any out there still in doubt regarding the utter contempt with which the current board and manager hold the fans (not to mention the astonishing arrogance/stupidity involved in coming out with such statements at season ticket renewal time), look no further than the following: Arsene Wenger, yesterday: 'we should not listen to people that are not involved in the sport for half a day' Peter Hill Wood, yesterday: I simply cannot believe he (Wenger) will react to these stupid comments from these silly people. They are supposed to be supporters, but, in fact, they do quite a lot of damage.' Well, I for one, hope that as many season ticket holders as possible follow Jonh Evans out of the door and cause some serious damage to to the bank balances of this bunch of self serving clowns and sycophants that are destroying the club. I am young enough to know that I will see this lot gone in my lifetime, it's the people who have supported the AFC since before I was born that the current hierarchy are treating like dirt, and that I feel truly sorry for.

  18. MCGoonie

    Apr 09, 2011, 13:28 #4854

    Another great post. I pretty much agree with all of your 2 articles. I have been a season ticket holder since I was 9 years old in 1983. And I have wanted to write something along the lines of how I think Wenger has slowly taken awat the club I love with his philosophy and idealism over the last 5 years . We all hear how he has transformed Arsenal and it is said in a way that makes it sound as though we're meant to be grateful to him for doing that. But did we need to be transformed? I loved us how we were and I really miss what I consider to be the real Arsenal. Wenger for 7-8 seasons was fantastic because he fitted around what the club stood for. But since he has been given all this power and influence he has made the club fit around him and what HE stands for. His ego was kept in check for a long time by the strong characters we had in our dressing room but once Wenger had moved on all the players with the true Arsenal mentality (a process I think he did far too quickly) he knew could begin his project without any players challenging him. And the club have hardly helped reign him in a bit by saying he has a job for life and commissioning a bust of him while he is still in the job. The bust thing is frankly ridiculous and its no wonder Wenger’s ego is out of control ego. Sadly though this is where I really start to resent Wenger rather than love him. I loved him for so long but I see him in a different way now. It is beyond arrogant that he felt he needed to create a new culture at Arsenal. Firstly who is he to do this? Secondly we already had one. How dare he try to change that and how dare people allow him to. Wenger has transformed us ... but into what? In my opinion it is not all in a good way. I hate the Emirates stadium and after 5 season it still feels alien to me, But worse is that we now play a slow tedious continental style of football that lacks passion and tempo. There is no winning culture at the club. And this is at all levels by the sound of it. Wenger makes sure all the players at the club are trained to play the same way. It is just a cold obsession with technical ability that he seems to instill. No drive or desire. Instead of trying to be the best team we take the moral high ground believing our brand of football makes us superior. RvP talked of the trophy of how we had won the trophy of respect a couple of years back. People talk of doing things the Arsenal way but this is NOT the Arsenal way. This has always been more the Spurs mentality. So is that what Wenger has transformed us into? Tottenham? And we are meant to worship him for this? I am seriously considering giving up my season ticket. I don’t want to stop going but I don’t enjoy watching this Arsenal team. I don’t consider them a true Arsenal team. Nobody likes a lack of bottle in a team and this supposed good football things is a myth as far as Im concerned. My unhappiness is nothing to do with lack of trophies. It is the lack of Arsenal characteristics in every team we field now. Wenger has allowed us to lose so much of our true identity and I cannot forgive him for this - even if we had won trophies doing it this new way of his. I miss the feeling of being proud of an Arsenal team. And it is not just winning trophies that make me feel proud. It is many things. But sadly those things are not there at the moment. It is so long since I felt passionate about an Arsenal team. I want that feeling back more than I want any trophy.

  19. RockyRIP

    Apr 09, 2011, 13:04 #4853

    I think we need to differentiate the matchday experience at Arsenal now with what's happening on the pitch. I share your frustrations with the former, but we can't let the plastics/corporates/JCLs take over our club. I think the telling point is that you started following Arsenal in 1987 (not a criticism, just how old you are.) 1987 was a massive turning point in our fortunes. Anyone around prior to that has a different perspective as they endured the kind of barren run that most fans now would have found inconceivable. Atleast this trophyless spell has had fantastic moments, such as beating Milan at the San Siro, Real Madrid at the Bernabau, reaching the CL final, etc. '81-'87 was, by comparison, dire, and we also had to endure Sp*rs winning cups during that period. One of the many reasons Rocky is held in such affection is because he helped lift our previously mediocre side towards the glory days of Anfield '89 & beyond. His goal at WHL '87 represents a sea change in Arsenal's history. So anyone around prior to '87 appreciates how good we have it now. We tend to show more loyalty. It's not perfect now, but it's really not that bad. We have plenty to be positive about. So we need to establish why you are throwing your ST up in the air in disgust. Is it a) because you don't see this team winning anything - that's unnacceptable 'support' and the actions of a gloryhunter who should quietly wander off. b) because you can't abide the Emirates matchday experience, the plastics around you, the stupid PA patronising us & can't justify the expense - well, you have a point there.

  20. Adam

    Apr 09, 2011, 11:43 #4850

    Excellent points by Amos I think. When you start by saying that a lot of people don't like it when others dare to speak the truth you really sink before you start. The truth is subjective yet you cast yourself in an almost heroic role as the man who "dares" to speak the truth. I have issues with the team and Wenger's actions over the last few years but I find the feeding frenzy of spite and bile being spewed at him from many sites quite dreadful and not right for a man who has lived and breathed the club for so long. I don't think he deserves it at all and I as disappointed as anyone with his failure to win anything recently.

  21. CD

    Apr 09, 2011, 11:04 #4849

    From the heart John and I concur with every single word you have written 100%. Like you I also fell in love with a club (1970) that stood for more than the current money is everything. The one I see now with platic jcl fans who simply do not understand the history of the club and players. When I first started supporting Arsenal players like Sammy Nelson, Peter Storey, Alan Ball etc had that will to win spirit. Then into the eighties players like David Rocastle, Tony Adams, Martin Keown, Ian Wright and all the GG backline, then PV4 Petit Parlour Bergkamp Campbell Cole Lauren etc all these players carried the torch onto the next generation of "over my dead body will we lose today" players. Now we have Wenger's tippy tappy dont shoot players who crumble everytime a winning post appears on the horizon, and like you John I am sick of it, and want our club to go back to what it once stood for and all those plastic fans who dare to criticise someone like you who genuinly have Arsenal in their blood to themselves p*** off and support the Spuds or whichever new fasionable team happens to come along. Arsenal FC NOT Arsene FC Wenger out.

  22. fred street

    Apr 09, 2011, 10:42 #4848

    great artical which i totally agree with. mate , dont get to upset by what the retro scarve wearing new comers think because any true old school arsenal supporter can see this team lack the qualities that made us THE ARSENAL,the envy of every other london club and the scourge of northern giants like united, liverpool and leeds who thought they could just turn up and kick the southern nancy's off the pitch. grit, determination, bottle and the willingness to stand shoulder to shoulder with their mate. can you imagine this team turning up at old trafford and beating united and going toe to toe with the likes of ince, bruce, robson like the boys of 9091? Dont bother asking that question to a JCL they would probably think Ince, Bruce and Robson are a firm of solicitors.

  23. danalovAFCxi

    Apr 09, 2011, 10:39 #4847

    How can anyone defend wenger when only recently he has come out in the press and suggested that his objctive is not to win anything! i fully understand why anyone would not want to part with a significant amount of cash for a team which is basically just been told they dont have to try. Keyboard warriors having a personal dig at people that write articles just about sum up some of the fans of this club, oh so vocal on the internet but absent in the stadium. wankers!

  24. Arsenal or Arsene

    Apr 09, 2011, 9:49 #4840

    I've been saying for a number of years now that there are fans that support Arsenal and fans that support Arsene, and they are beginning to diverge. The Arsene fans are obviously the deluded ones because 'think' that they support Arsenal. As you rightly say John, our club has been around long before Wenger showed up (and was successful) and will be around long long after he has gone.

  25. Amos

    Apr 09, 2011, 9:31 #4837

    Many of the fans holding views like yours are the late 20 or early 30 something fans that came to the club at a good point in time to follow the club. The 25 or so years since adopting the club have been the best of times. But the club has existed for 125 years and had you been supporting the club since 1967 instead of 1987 in all probability your view of our current 'troubles' would be different as will your view of them in 2031. Arsenal reckon that the average age of those attending the Emirates is 44 so most (but not all) do have a different perspective on the club and can put the current whinging from relatively younger supporters into proportion. If you plan to support the club for the rest of your life which should be another 40 to 50 years you'll come to realise that these 15 years of the Wenger era so far, the changes that the club has made in its resources and its standing in world football, and not just the trophies, will put this among the best and most consistent time we've ever had. Some fans have immersed themselves in the club and its history beyond their years of simply going to games so some relatively young supporters do have a more balanced perspective but many don't bother and simply follow the results. That you care about the club is clear - that you have little sense of history or perspective is even clearer. In short you've been spoilt but in time you will gain the historical perspective you lack now.

  26. lee armitt

    Apr 09, 2011, 9:11 #4836

    Cesc is a very good player, not a great one in my opinion but a very good one what a idiot