P.T. Wenger's Red and White Circus

Roll up, roll up?

P.T. Wenger's Red and White Circus

A more fitting venue for the team?

Step right up! C'mon folks!, right this way! You sir! You sir, this very Saturday will have the pleasure, the honour, nay, the opportunity! to witness, right before your very eyes! for the low, low price of only £60 the freakiest, craziest and weirdest sights you ever did see, All right here at P.T. Wenger’s Circus where the party never ends.

You will see the incredible "Flappyhandski" a goalkeeper that picks up back passes and has no physical presence or positional sense whatsoever! Behold the hilarious sight which is "Big Game" Bendtner! Bizzarely both the world's most confident striker and the world's most delusional one too! Watch closely as his first touch is longer than a Paul Scholes pass! Shudder with amazement as he makes the ball disappear! right into row Z. Don't tell anyone but, I swear to God, I've seen one of his shots go out for a throw in! Cast your gaze over towards "Deckchair" Denilson. A midfielder who does not understand the rules of football and hasn't figured out that passing the ball forwards might just be a good idea! You'll split your sides with laughter as he jogs aimlessly around the pitch, in a world of his own and is overtaken by a linesman! Sorry, I meant "referee’s assistant".

Little Girl! Yes you, Little Girl! did you like the movie Bambi? Then you'll just love Abou Diaby! Gasp as he falls over his own gangly legs like a newborn Bambi on ice. You'll cry tears of joy as he looks like he's playing the first game of football he's ever played in his life, how sweet. He is so innocent, he simply has no decision-making ability whatsoever, just like Bambi’s mum.

Please, please Keep your distance! ladies and gentleman from our Horror attraction Manuel "the vampire" Almunia! although, if any of you have a decent cross on you, it will render him powerless! If it's a bit of laughter you are after, we have our very own jester, Emmanuel "Tinkerbell" Eboue! Some mean folks booed him a little while back so we just kinda keep him around out of guilt, more than anything else. See the freak that is the incredible "Glass Dutchman"! Do not touch him folks! As the slightest touch could see him shatter into a thousand pieces! Isn't he just precious though?

How many here have heard of Belle and Sebastian? No? None of you? Well anyway, More laughs are sure to tickle your ribs as I present to you the French "chuckle brothers" Laurent and Sebastien! you'll p*ss yourself laughing as they run into each other, get in each other’s way and hopefully knock each other out! To me, to you, to me, to you...

You will be hoodwinked, fooled and duped by the incredible impressionists we have of Cesc Fabregas and Andrey Arshavin! It's almost like having the real thing ladies and gents!

The great showman P.T. Barnum once said, "every crowd has a silver lining" and never were there truer words spoken. Arsenal fans are paying premium prices for bargain basement entertainment and some of them are only too happy to keep on paying it because, as P.T. Barnum also said "There's a sucker born every minute." Well, my fellow Gooners, before we all get dragged into and mesmerised again by P.T. Wenger's (and the board’s) hall of smoke and mirrors, before they can trot out the usual tired old excuses once again let us take a look at cold hard reality.

Why have we got so many players in our squad that are so easy to ridicule that they even have ridiculous nicknames? Think about it. Do title winning teams have so very many players in their squads that the fans deem unfit to wear the shirt? No, they do not.

P.T. Wenger's circus is being shown up for what it is and I take no pride in doing it but, if you didn't laugh you'd just break down and cry, wouldn't you? Arsenal fans have been hitting the forums, radio, podcasts, fanzines and blogs hard over the last few days and many Gooners have been doing just that for years now.

The paying public will not be fooled forever and critical mass will be reached at some point, in fact, the tipping point edges ever closer. In this information age ideas, emotions and solutions are being spread faster, more accurately and with more crystal HD clarity than ever. If revolutions around the world are being organised on twitter and Facebook then so can a football supporters’ peaceful protest movement.

"But why would we want to protest?" I hear you cry! Because we are being taken for a bunch of mugs is my answer to you. We are paying what has been described as "the most expensive prices in worldwide sport" and have to watch this bunch of clowns and their pied piper repeat Groundhog Day season after season. For argument’s sake let's say that we do not have a lot of money. Could we have sold some of our rubbish players and got a cheap Mark Schwarzer? And even also picked up a cheap defender with Premiership experience like Roger Johnson or Christopher Samba? Not our top transfer targets I’ll agree, but still, we'd be better off.

Was it that much better of an idea to let Gallas and Campbell leave on free transfers and sign two unknown quantities in Koscielny and Squillaci who have no Premiership experience? A lot of you saw this all coming before a ball was kicked this season but what did any of you do about it? Not enough to force the club to act, that's for sure. Some of you will say that we DO have money and I cannot disprove that.

Fellow Gooners, all of us can surely agree that we need to spend a bit of money this summer? And if all if us agree that it is in fact our money that is criminally not being spent either by the board or Wenger or both, then why can't we all, AKB, AMG or somewhere in between find a unified voice to chant "Spend some F***ing Money!"

The board and Wenger and a lot of fans don't think that we have the balls. What on earth are they thinking? They must have forgotten that some of us are the ones who booed Eboue! I'd love to hear you all be a bit more creative with your chants this time around and may I humbly suggest "Arsene Wenger's Red and White circus!" and "Show me the money!"

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  1. ppp (root out the spuds - their time is up)

    Apr 11, 2011, 13:58 #4954

    to the tottenham supporter joe fitzpatrick. i didn't engage you in conversation and am not reading your responses as anything other than the desperate squeals of a tottenham fanatic. you are an embarrassment. anyone who cast a glance over your pathetic article will agree with me. all genuine arsenal boys and girls are on my side. not yours. well done and good luck in the future. try not to mess up your gareth bale posters.

  2. Richard Ansell

    Apr 11, 2011, 12:47 #4945

    Nice one Joe - funny and horribly true.

  3. ian

    Apr 11, 2011, 5:03 #4933

    Thanks for making me laugh!!

  4. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Apr 10, 2011, 21:32 #4923

    PPP- so everyone who questions what is happening to our club is a Tottenham fan? really? read all of by previous articles and tell me that I do not bleed Arsenal. Me and my family all pay a lot of money to watch Arsenal and when we see substandard players not even trying it breaks our hearts. Maybe you Sir are the Tottenham fan because you are happy for Arsenal to forever be second best. Please, if you wish to comment on any articles on this site try to think before you start banging away at the keyboard like a deranged primate. I will not engage with you further unless you at least try and bring up some interesting and realistic points to be honest i'm suprised such comments from you got through Moderation. Just shows how the Gooner welcomes all views, thoughts and opinions I guess!!

  5. ppp

    Apr 10, 2011, 17:31 #4906

    theopants response is exactly what a tottenham fan would say. there's no point engaging in a conversation with you because you are a tottenham fan and all genuine gooners know what you're like. go back to white hart lane you have been rumbled along with your friends. you had a plan - it's sort of worked but now you're done. bye bye and good luck in the uefa cup. to all genuine gooners - tough times are when you find out who your brothers are - and who the tottenham scum are.

  6. Petrovic

    Apr 10, 2011, 14:28 #4902

    Dissent is the highest form of patriotism! Agree with your summations. Remember you cannot make a racehorse out of a donkey.

  7. fozzys mate

    Apr 10, 2011, 8:29 #4880

    Joe thanks for engaging in debate and banter with the readers of you obviously humorous and tongue in cheek piece. Any opinion other than how can I get so far up your ass I need to be surgically removed is not welcomed by AW or Old Fart or indeed many of your fellow AKB. I always try to inject humour and hope my recent articles reflect this. At the bowl last week I tried to have a laugh about Almunia and was castigated by the AKB in front who rears up at any comment which is not I love you Arsene! These humourless and brainless lemmings are grudingly having to rethink as AW and OF display breathtaking arrogance and disregard for the fans. By telling the AST to f off they risk alienating the remaining drones who have swallowed the red propaganda. In Libya they welcome opinion more than at the bowl. A few years ago we were all AKBs and I was an avid. Fan of the ATV friday night phone in. After losing the 2 semis in 2009 one caller described the show as a protectionist cult around AW and those televised shareholders meetings sickened me with AW and. OF saying how dare you question us. That was wear the seeds of this bad feeling were sown. You can only lie to 60000 for so long before educated grown men start to ask questions.

  8. Bergy

    Apr 10, 2011, 4:08 #4879

    Just see or replay comments by Wenger and Hill-Wood yesterday is enough to make your blood boil! They really think we are idiots and don't think the fans are worth their time. It's maybe about time we do something about it, then they might realise the club is nothing without its fans

  9. Jimmy

    Apr 09, 2011, 22:54 #4877

    Brilliant stuff Joe. I really enjoy your writing. I remember the early days of The Gooner when it was deemed OK to laugh at your own side and I welcome a return to that stance because its a lot more enjoyable than reading some of the purely negative stuff on this site.

  10. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Apr 09, 2011, 22:38 #4876

    Oh my! Some of us have no sense of humour! "the writer has been listed" etc.. The truth hurts doesn't it? Don't shoot the messenger guys I'm just saying what you're all thinking.

  11. Theopants Bikini-Line

    Apr 09, 2011, 20:01 #4873

    ppp, the only anti-Arsenal movement is you and the likes of aj, who would be quite happy for Arsenal to carry on as it has, giving the pretense of a trophy challenge but not actually winning everything. Guys like you swallow the propaganda coming from the club whole-sale, content to wallow in mediocrity that has enveloped us for the past few years, whilst probably going to bed dreaming of the day uefa's financial fair play rules come in and rescue us by diminishing the competition. Dream on, sucker!!! Peter Hill Wood must love the likes of you. You're probably just 'his sort'!!

  12. 42 years a gooner

    Apr 09, 2011, 19:49 #4872

    I am all for constructive cooment and open disussion, I am open to comment on why we have fallen apart again. But this piece brings shame on us as supporters and on this publication. Shame on you, not for your observations, but for the sarcastic and snide manner of the delivery. I wont be returning to this site for a while, it has become a rag!!!!

  13. Shropshire Lad

    Apr 09, 2011, 18:12 #4867

    Very amusing take on a desperately sad situation. As to 'Gooner50' and 'Adam's comments I point out 2 things:- 1. I don't believe any players, the manager or Board read Gooner online! 2. Gooners are like this, in general. It's who we are! Go back and watch your copy of Fever Pitch and feel the wonderful 'negative waves'! Oh, Adam before you start I am ' Fu....g successful ' but I see absolutely no relevance in your comment! Perhaps you should get a life you sandal wearing PC prick! keep up the good work Joe.

  14. Ando

    Apr 09, 2011, 17:46 #4866

    Above article very funny, sadly. Wenger comments about 2nd place a little premature I think. The veiled threat to do the same all over again for the next 20 years is also puzzeling, to take such a stance with the fans, and shows the clubs lack of ambition.

  15. ppp

    Apr 09, 2011, 17:44 #4864

    the anti-arsenal movement is in full swing again i see. anyone who criticises arsenal in this way is a tottenham sleeper. the writer has been listed.

  16. aj

    Apr 09, 2011, 16:09 #4861

    I find this quite disgusting. It is such a shame that Arsenal supporters have sunk so low and The Gooner, once a great Arsenal fanzine just peddles abusive garbage.

  17. dan

    Apr 09, 2011, 14:44 #4856


  18. fasthare

    Apr 09, 2011, 14:11 #4855

    Thank u for bringing some laughter which i have not been able to since the Blackburn debacle. At least u provided more entertainment than PT Wenger's clowns.

  19. Stevesam

    Apr 09, 2011, 12:27 #4851

    There is also a myth that surrounds AW at the moment and the promise of a legacy, 'The Academy and the Young Team'.I believe that during AW's reign at The Arsenal the perception is that we produce the best young players and have a respected reputation within football. I ask myself where are these great young players ? Apart from possibly Wilshere I cannot think of any young player who has come through the system to be World class during Wenger's time. Many a product of the 'Project' have failed to inspire, Clichy being a good example. Some of the young players we have signed from other clubs have failed or not developed to the required level, Diaby, Denilson, Walcott, Flappy, Gibbs, Vela, etc. I follow the players currently out on loan ( about 17 ) and most weeks the reports indicate that the majority do not play or even make the bench. There are a couple of exceptions like Lansbury and Bartley, but most of the rest are not even a top player at a lower level club ! Do we have a great 'Young Team'? Do we produce great young players ? Can we wait for the Wenger legacy based on the past ten years ? Let's have some truth about the wonderful Academy and the development of young players.

  20. CD

    Apr 09, 2011, 10:33 #4846

    Humerous article Joe, and I see you have now taken to your role of not supporting Wenger anymore, after you said you would't if he picked Almunia for the Blackburn game. It's such a shame the board and Wenger could not be as sincere and true to their word as you have been Joe, because remember being told that by moving to the new stadium we would be able to compete with the biggest clubs in the world in the transfer market, well that was a porky pie because yes they are able, but alas not willing. We only have to review Wenger's recent criticism of us fans to realize that a leopard never changes it's spots, because he stated again that he would never spend big money on proven players as he believes 100% in what he is currently doing, and hence those of you who say he should stay but spend big money on 3/4 players in the summer are going to have another Groundhog close season if he stays!!! He also stated again that finishing in the top 4 is as good as winning a trophy. Let me tell you Wenger NO IT'S NOT. The only reason he and the board truly believe that, is simply because of money full stop. If they were to actually spend some of it every season on proven quality players then yes a top 4 place would be worthwhile because chances are we would not be top 4 but number 1, but whilst they wont and hence the big two prizes remain out of our reach I would rather have an actual trophy!! That statement by Wenger sums up perfectly why he will continue to fail, because he is happy with also ran status, and hence so are the players whom earn wages comenserate with actual winning players at other clubs. The whole set up simply stinks, with a blind stubborn manager with no tactical ability other than putting on a sub after 70 mins, an assistant (Pat Rice) who perfoms a role just like Phil Neal did to "Do I not like that" Graham Taylor, a goalkeeping coach who could surely be sued under any other proffesion for gross negligence or trades description act, a puppet MD (Gazidis) chosen by Wenger himself, and a board whose sole interest is money and probably can't believe their good collective fortune that supporters like us can so easily be hoodwinked and simply fleeced year in year out. The article is indeed funny and as you say Joe if we did not use humour we would cry. For me the club has completly lost it's identity, ever since the move to the Grove coupled with a manager who has morphed from a winner into a man happy to be second best. All good things eventually come to an end and I would argue it's not been good for 2/3 years now and that we must collectively let the board, and Wenger in particular know by singing songs as you have suggested or having banners to say enough is enough. Please close the door behind you Arsene when you get into the overdue taxi hopefully by your own decision because if not we will force you into it!!

  21. HowardL

    Apr 09, 2011, 10:26 #4845

    Wenger's comment about 2nd place being acceptable is also in today's Times. What sort of motivation is that? Looking back over the season that may or may not be a reasonable judgement - but in early April 4 points behind Man U (if we win our game in hand)? What is the man thinking of?

  22. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Apr 09, 2011, 10:07 #4844

    Fozzy's Mate- what can I say? Guilty as charged. It's taken me a long long time to say that enough is enough but, Wenger's perseverance with players like Almunia and Denilson has driven me to this. It's about time we had a few decent and well deserved signings! And clearing out some of the less gifted players couldn't hurt us! Abraham Lincoln said it best- "you can fool all of the people some of the time and you can even fool some of the people all of the time but you can not fool all of the people all of the time" I really would love to see Wenger win trophies for us again but if he doesn't realise that some of these players are not fit to wear the shirt then maybe I have to consider the unpalatable possibility that my hero has gone mad?

  23. wenger out

    Apr 09, 2011, 10:05 #4843

    funny piece but with so much truth behind it (which sadly is not funny). Good to see the 'dear leader' on the BBC web site this morning trotting out the usual rubbish about a champions league place is like winning a trophy. Good that the players will know he said "second place is not a disaster". In other words confirmation from their 'leader' yet again that "failure is okay my little over protected boys". What great motivation for them for the end of the season run in. What a loser this man is. Get Wenger out!

  24. Adam

    Apr 09, 2011, 9:59 #4842

    Hindsight is 20/20. Very mean-spirited from someone who I imagine has achieved very little in his life. No? Please let us know the giddy heights you have reached as you seem so keen to put the boot in to Arsenal.

  25. Seven Kings Gunner

    Apr 09, 2011, 9:56 #4841

    I think we are witnessing an "on Line Gooner" first - the "nervous breakdown" of a regular contributor.

  26. fozzys mate

    Apr 09, 2011, 9:37 #4839

    Joe I like your amusing piece but as a self confessed stringent AKB find it somewhat hypocritical. Your fellow AKBs having swallowed the red propaganda peddled by the old fart and AW to the point where up until very recently anyone expressing an opinion that basically did not consist of them disappearing up AWs rear end was subject to verbal and physical assault. This included my 70 year old father in law who dared question the great AW after the fourth insipid nil nil draw in a row 2 seasons ago. I was personally sickened by their thinly veiled v sign to all at the televised AGMs of that period. Only now are the gutless sheep coming round to the view that old fart and board plus AW display an amazing level of arrogance to us the fans who are the club. Yet again in yesterdays AW who thinks the club is his own and decides not to spend our hard earned cash investing in the squad, demonstrated this arrogance. At the bowl they want 60000 sheep in full replica kit with name and number costing the maximum amount eating their 6 quid pies and supping a 5 quid pint eulogising about the wonderful Wenger and his flying circus. How sad that only now SOME grown men are able to express an opinion having spent 1-2000 of their hard earned cash in a period of nationwide recession. Football and Arsenal are for us all and is a game of opinions especially for those paying for the pleasure. If you love or hate AW and co you should be free to say it without fear of abuse or assault!

  27. gooner50

    Apr 09, 2011, 9:32 #4838

    Do you think it is helpful to the players who have to give their best for the last 8 games of this season when you produce such a mindless blog - which seems to be calculated to reduce team confidence further. SAF couldn't do a better job of undermining the team. You are a twit.