Is Kroenke news good or bad?

Takeover musings

Is Kroenke news good or bad?

Arsene: Will he feel more pressure?

So the club is to have a new owner? What will this mean for the club? Is Arsene looking over his shoulder? These and many other questions will arise when the dust settles on Stan Kroenke's imminent takeover of the club.

I think that maybe this takeover has come too late for us to close the gap on the big spending clubs and that the board may have missed an opportunity to see major investment in line with Chelsea and Man City's by refusing to let Kroenke take over earlier. At the beginning of the 2012-13 season the new UEFA spending restrictions kick in, which will mean a club cannot spend more than they bring in over a three year period. This will have a huge impact on us should we now try to bring in big name players on inflated wages, especially with the current 50% tax bracket effectively meaning that we have to pay higher wages than any of our counterparts in the other main footballing nations.

We have one of the highest matchday incomes in the world but other money streams are limited due to poorly thought out long term deals being signed. We current lag way behind Man U, Chelsea and Liverpool on this front. We got £100m for a 15 year deal with Emirates while Man U got £80m for just 4 years from Aon, well it probably seemed like a good idea at the time.

We will also be hampered by having a large number of overpaid players in our squad! Diaby, Denilson, Eboue and Bendtner have all signed new long-term contracts recently which will almost certainly mean their deals were improved? This cannot have been done on a performance related basis and can only have been done to avoid them leaving the club on a Bosman. All clubs will find it hard to maintain a 25 man squad which is filled with the top percentage earners, especially if those players are sub-standard. Manchester City are the club most likely to suffer but we will also have problems if we have the expected clearout in the summer and try to plug the gaps by buying the finished articles that we all crave. It will be a balancing act and I fear the club may decide to persevere with the current policy of polishing rough diamonds rather than bring in the experienced quality required to sustain our challenges for trophies beyond March and April.

Arsene must be worried this morning. Will Kroenke be as patient as the current owners have been with regard to winning trophies? Maybe Arsene's prudence will win favour with the American but there's no guarantee of that when Kroenke will want to prove to the supporters that his takeover is good for the club. I'm not sure that any assurances will have been given to Arsene regarding his position and he will have a nervous wait before his fate is confirmed at the end of the season. If by some miracle we win the title and he is retained, I really hope that some pressure is exerted on Arsene to change direction and accept his experiment just hasn't worked (yes even if we do win the title).

Only time will tell if the takeover will be good for us but a break in the gloom that has surrounded the club in recent months would be a start.

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  1. Gman

    Apr 12, 2011, 10:55 #4990

    I would have prefered Alisher Usmanov to have come in with a hostile bid to buy the shares, he's richer than Abrovich and makes kroneke's money look like small change. This move will not give us the buying power to move us to the next level, shame.

  2. Mark

    Apr 12, 2011, 10:28 #4989

    we all need to get our ambition back for our club. Graham straightened this club out when he arrived in 1986 and he left Wenger an extremely solid platform after 10 years of success and Arsenal being known as 1 of the hardest sides to beat in england. AW added flair to GG's backbone and that combination worked for 10 years but then he removed the backbone and showed incredibly poor judgement to think you do not need a backbone to win the EPL which you do. you need backbone and passion as much as flair and this is the Man U model as their manager competed with Graham, learned from him (knew it instinctively already) and has NEVER changed the make up of his teams only the players in it. AW changed the make up of Arsenal teams and is now stuck with a group of lightweight, flair players who cannot take a tackle, get injured regulary, show little passion and cannot come back against adversity plus get over arrogant when winning. No matter who is the owner unless the make up of the team is changed to add backbone and passion alongside the obvious flair, then we will not win competitions and by the way guys it is a competition and nice guys dont win races !

  3. humpj

    Apr 12, 2011, 10:09 #4988

    Reading all the stuff on the online fanzines and announcements, it really does feel like kroenke will not make any changes straight away – which is regrettable as it’ll mean another few seasons without a trophy (amazing how I’ve resigned myself to that already…cue all the AKBs who accuse you of heresy because you don’t share the same myopic faith). Way I see it is that AW’s contract is up end 2014 season, so the next few years might be working to that date, gathering a wish list of managers who they’d approach, a role for AW (if he’s really given a role a la beckenbauer – which I always thought would be good, you know keeping expertise and valuing experience etc, but now I have second thoughts given what an uncompromising, megalomaniac he is…plus he probably wouldn’t want that given he either has to have total control or none, plus he said he wants to carry on in management for another 20 years…), where to put his bust (probably in the space where the trophy cabinet could go) etc etc Plus these UEFA financial regs kick in shortly so don’t expect fireworks. But what really gets me about the whole thing is that we’ve got deadwood in there, utterly, utterly mediocre players who are average. Nothing but average. They lack the winning mentality, the nuts and in some cases the technical ability to be winners. Yet we give them new deals. We pretend they are like for like replacements or upgrades. That is more a crime than Wenger wanting to do the equivalent of winning a marathon in under 2 hours by hopping. Rewarding mediocrity?!! And AW bemoans the state of football, inflated prices and wages…when he's part of the problem!!!

  4. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Apr 12, 2011, 7:55 #4987

    I think the dynamics at Arsenal has certainly changed in this short period of time. It could be (hopefully) that Wenger now is an employee who may actually have to answer to a boss rather than being a free managerial spirit enjoying an easy relationship with a vague collection of disparate owners. What will Mr Kroenke bring to the club? Little to begin with I suspect - he's a businessman with a shrewd eye and Arsenal Football Club look to be a sound investment - he's not here for love of the club as he probably never even heard of us up to several years ago. But, just as the Glazers are at Moanchester Utd, there will hopefully be the realisation that greater financial return is an inevitable outcome of on-field success. We all know how starved of success we've been over the last few years and we've all got our opinions about that - but there was an article in yesterdays Evening Standard that finished "This is not the end of Wenger, but the begining of the end." If on-field success does not come in the next 2 seasons, then I feel that quotation will be proved to be exactly right.

  5. Tim

    Apr 12, 2011, 7:38 #4986

    Im sorry you are right that we wont buy good players but you are wrong about Wenger. Kronk has had 4 years of seeing how Arsenal are run. We dont win a thing but finish in a Champ League spot. We make money which is rare in football so the Kronk will wont to keep Wenger at all costs. Fans will see no change at all and it will be years of no success for Arsenal Football Club. My advice is to stock up on DVDs and remember what a great club we were.

  6. The Cult of Arsene

    Apr 11, 2011, 23:47 #4985

    LOL. Some Arsenal fans really are thick as planks. Ok, as a Gooner and ST holder of over 35 years (who will be jacking his ST in this summer, as I am fed up of paying Harrods prices to watch Tesco Value garbage).... Stan Kroenke is a Businessman. He is interested in one thin:g: PROFIT. He will take money OUT of the club. Glazers took money out of Man U, Hicks and Gillet bled Pool dry and, please remember, BOTH initially promised NOT to use leveraged debt to acquire the club! Kroenke is in it for the money. Wenger also WELCOMED his takeover and remember, Hill-Wood and co are very comfy with Stan. Dream on if you feel Kroenke is going to be here as a force for good, or a force for change. Kroenke is investing in this club because he realises it possesses quite possibly the most easily led, unambitious, easily fleeced sheep fanbase in English and European football. Arsenal fans have no spine, no guts and no balls. Wenger will keep fleecing the club, keep his experiment going, keep saving up monies for his pals on the board, the investment will get less and less each year and yet, mugs will happily keep paying increased ticket prices! Kroenke probably cannot believe his luck! In US sports, when you fail the fans turn on you quick. In US sports, any clown of a manager who turned around and said '2nd is a great achievement' would be ridiculed or sacked. Any manager who commanded a £7 mil a year salary and consistently talked about what a great job he was doing finishing 4th, would be turned on big-style by the fans. Yet Kroenke turns up at Arsenal, and sees this sheep, easily fed, brainwashed cult all bending over for one overrated, trophyless Loser of a manager, and probably cannot wait to get his cream! What you think Kroenke is in this because he loves the North Bank? eh? Ha ha ha don't make me laugh! The other thing you need to consider is the TIMING of this statement. Could this not have waited until summer? Aaaaah yes of course. Bring out the news now, and let retarded AKB jokers jizz their undies talking about 'Kroenke will invest and be our saviour'! Yeah! That's right, RENEW THOSE STs everybody! Stan our saviour is aboard, Arsene is gonna ditch Diaby, Denilson, Eboue, Bendtner, Almunia, Rosicky, Flapianski and Chamakh....and he is gonna go out there and use that money to sign Hazard, Subotic, Cahill, Benzema, Dufour, and Buffon! Baaaaaaaah what a bunch of clueless feckless sheep follow what used to be my beloved Arsenal. The club is now a complete and utter joke! 'The Arsenal way'. Would that be our super-classy club where our joke of a manager dismisses the fans, and our clown prince of a chairman threatens shareholders? Would that be those same fans who mocked ManU for their foreign ownership, and now we are a Yank club!!! Ashley Cole was 100% spot on in what he said when he left: Arsenal is a club going nowhere, and with no ambition. I reckon taking a quick look at what Ashley's won since he left, proves him correct! Still...he wasn't quite worth that £60k a week huh? Better to save that for the likes of Eboue, Walcott, Rosicky and Chamakh!!!

  7. clockendpaul

    Apr 11, 2011, 16:40 #4974

    Adrian this second place finish that you and your god talk about is whats wrong with our club, that attitude would never be allowed at a club with ambition. The thing you and all the akb mob don't get is that we're not asking to spend what we hav'nt got, just ****ing spend the money thats there, that we've all put in from our from our season tickets etc. Tell me the point of finishing 2nd, 3rd or forth with 30million in the bank as we have done the past few years!!

  8. JJB10

    Apr 11, 2011, 16:27 #4972

    I love how many of the "fans" are threatning some sort of back lash against the manager! HAHA! If any of you morans who areclaming they would engage in this type of nonsense had ever actually been to a home game you would know that most Arsenal fans can barely be bothered to make any noise for 90mins let alone unite in some sort of benign protest. Most of you will bitch and moan to high heaven but wont turn it into action, I suppose you are lucky to have forums online to vent your ignorant views. As if the board, the manager actually pay any attention, its all hot air at the end of the day.

  9. gabzevo

    Apr 11, 2011, 15:19 #4968

    Come on now Surely you're not that " silly " by saying something like that, a plan has failed even if he does win the title. that my friend is indeed a very "silly" thing to say, in itself a contradiction. there must be some truth to what Wenger and Hill-Wood are saying about US fans then hey , did u really say that his plan has failed even if he wins a trophy

  10. Family Enclosure Man

    Apr 11, 2011, 14:29 #4962

    Like you and practically everyone else, I am trying to figure out what it means. What I certainly hope is that Kroenke wil not load his debt onto the club in why that the Galzers have done at United. I doubt that he will, although I'm not entirely sure whether such a move would run contrary to the new regulations. The most hopeful reports I have read this morning suggest that Kroenke will seek a rapprochement with Usmanov by inviting him onto the Board and bringing Dein. Cooperation has to be preferable to conflict, and they could form a very powerful alliance. I think you may be right about it being too late in the day for a spending spree on players, but there is one very significant injection of funding that I thikn they still migh tbe able to bring without contravening the new rules. If they wanted - and that is a big IF, I know - they could pay off the club's remaining (£147m?) debt. That would remove the burden of servicing the debt and create far greater potential for spending even while continuing to lie within our means. To achieve this would actually be phenomenal - think about it: a new stadium generating a huge increase in income, all paid for within 5 years. It would be unbelievable.

  11. RJR

    Apr 11, 2011, 14:22 #4960

    You assume that Kroenke will bring money into the club but he won't - he will take money out. Aresenal has been blessed by owners (especially the Bracewell-Smiths)who have never sought a return from their owenership but Kroeneke is investing £700m+ in hope of profits - so expect higher prices, higher dividends and lower wages and worse/younger players.

  12. PTangYangKipperBang

    Apr 11, 2011, 14:21 #4959

    'Close the gap on Chelsea and City'! Those 2 small clubs that are below us at the moment? The rhetoric of your article is of someone who is jealous of their hollywood spending. You just want to play trumps with your friends. Torres for 50 mill anyone?

  13. s j little

    Apr 11, 2011, 14:15 #4957

    Why are 50% of the Premier League now owned by foreign mogals? For our benefit? Or is it because they are amazed that Football Clubs (pinched from their fans) can carry on like no other business.. What other business can pich your assets and force you to pay a year ahead and three months before a match even starts! Oh, and don,t you see the further exploitation they can partake of ... Arsenal v Manu in Dubai or Disneyland or Japan.. Think of the lolly from TV .... nevermind the real fan after all he has been taken for a sucker down Footballs history. Well I,d love to join a Football Fans Union that would boycott games and threaten MPs that if they don,t take action to stop foreigners from getting money out of Football Clubs we,ll unseat them next time round. Just think of all these seats with under a few thousand majorities! Write to your MP now, especially if you are in a constituency with a small majority and happens to be Islington,Lpool,Bham,Manchester,Blackburn,or Sunderland! Come on, the MPs have sat back and let the Developers and Foreigners money grubbers take over OUR Clubs just as they sat back and let the Greedy and dishonest bankers rob us. Now take action before the foreign owners exploit the game and then scuttle off with the lute. What else are they in it for? Our stupid FA have also sat back and let the TV mogals like that Australian Newspaper owner take control. Instead of the TV mogals begging and kissing the feet of the FA stooges it the FA stoogies that kissed their feet and surrendered the sport to greedy orofiteers.

  14. Steve

    Apr 11, 2011, 14:14 #4956

    The new UEFA regulations are based on turnover, not "income", and it's the most easy thing in business to be creative with how you calculate "turnover". Chelsea and Citeh will have no problems whatsoever finidng "turnover" sufficient to fit their costs! On Kronke, frankly any change is a good change at the moment with this club! Don't expect anything to change with regards to Caesar's position at the management helm though.

  15. adrian

    Apr 11, 2011, 14:13 #4955

    Any fans hoping for a rich sugar daddy willing to spend oodles of cash without putting the club in debt will be disappointed with 'silent stan'. According to forbes rich list of 2010 he has amassed a fortune of about £2 billion. This needs to be compared to abramovich's £11.2 billion and sheikh mansour's £550 billion. This does not mean instant success with cash being splashed around. Its more of the same with arsene doing his best with what he's got. Holding a place among the elite of the premiership is going to get harder as time goes on. Perhaps being second for the next decade is the best arsenal can achieve?

  16. alexk

    Apr 11, 2011, 13:56 #4953

    Whatever change it will be, we definitely will have one. Everyone understands that the fans needs trophies otherwise a backlash from the fans wil happen!

  17. darryl

    Apr 11, 2011, 13:46 #4952

    i think it will all be prettty pointless to be honest. even if he does offer a tranfer kitty wenger wont spend it. as an arsenal fan theres nothin more disapointing then going through the summer hearing about these big signings that apparently are going to come through but arsenal lose the race for their signature as we cant compete with other clubs, or even when we can compete but wenger refuses to be agressive enough to fight off other clubs

  18. mark

    Apr 11, 2011, 13:42 #4949

    the Hill woods have total disdain for everyday arsenal fans and as long as they remain on the board it will about profits and not trophies. bring back david dein and success will follow.