The Arrogance of Arsenal

Not a great 24 hours on the PR front last Friday was it?

The Arrogance of Arsenal

Arsene: The fans know nothing

It’s official. Arsenal FC couldn’t give a toss about its fans. You only have to look at AW’s press conference on Friday and his response to a question from a journalist at the session:
Q: You've had a fantastic career here and no-one is disputing that, but can you understand why some supporters wish there was a bit more experience there, thinking about what you may achieved if there was?
A: "I'm against superficial judgment, that's what I fight against. For example people ask 'why don't you buy central defenders?' We have a better defence than Man United if you look at the numbers, but nobody mentions that. And should we kick Vermaelen, Djourou and Szczesny out? What for?

So the fans’ judgment is ‘superficial’ is it Arsene? Granted we are a passionate bunch, and at the moment we definitely have conflicting opinions regarding the current manager. But to insinuate that the fans’ judgment simply doesn’t matter, or is not worthwile is complete bollocks. We are the most important asset to this great club – without us Arsenal simply couldn’t exist.

I can guarantee you that not one person has asked AW to sign players in place of Szczesny, Vermaelen or Djourou because quite simply, they are some of our only reliable performers at the back. What we need, Arsene, is a world class centre half to compliment some of the talent we already have and to take the place of players like Squillaci who are just not good enough for the level we demand. We may have conceded less goals than ManUre, but don’t try and take us for mugs and tell us we are better at the back. Is there anyone out there who would rather have Squillaci and Koscielny than Ferdinand and Vidic? It’s obvious that we need some more experience and depth at the back, so we don’t have to rely on sub-standard players when TV and JD are injured. That’s not even mentioning our lack of on field leadership.

And then, you get that complete a***hole that is Peter Hill Wood emerging from a haze of cigar smoke claiming:
‘I simply cannot believe he will react to these stupid comments from these silly people. They are supposed to be supporters, but, in fact, they do quite a lot of damage.’

Peter Hill Wood is a complete p***k who for some reason believes that because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, went to the most elitist school in this country (and possibly the world) and was handed our beloved club by Daddy that he is Mr Arsenal. It just goes to show how out of touch and removed from reality the board of this club are. This w***er has no idea what it feels like for us fans, and how much it hurts, when we are swept aside and capitulate at the same stage of the season year after year. As far as I’m concerned, you can p*** off back to the hole you climbed out of you arrogant, posh s***bag. I’d much rather Kroenke, who looks like an extra from an 80’s porno, than a idiot like him in control of The Arsenal.

One last word, before I am brutally burnt at the stake by the AKB brigade – I love Arsene Wenger and what he has done for this club. Our first team is far from the worst in the league and there is not much difference between our current position and an all conquering side. I firmly believe that AW is the man to take us to glory but he just needs to stop being so bloody stubborn and strengthen the depth in the squad. I’m not advocating a massive transfer spree, just to add the extra quality we desperately need and to cut out the deadwood in the current team.

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  1. Mitch

    Apr 15, 2011, 2:12 #5130

    While I share some of your frustration at seeing the likes of Squillaci and Almunia lining up for Arsenal, you are actually being superficial in your analysis. Almunia is our 3rd or even 4th choice keeper, Squillaci is 4th choice, even Koscielny would probably not start if we had a fully fit squad. In that context, they are ok. If we do get a top quality centre back, then don't be surprised if Djourou or Vermaelen get itchy feet and leave. You can't have a team full of 1st-choice players, unless you are Man City. A professional player wants to play, and if he can't, he will leave. That is the quandary Arsene is in. I do agree he should bring in a new CB (I would have loved Samba) and admit Squillaci hasn't worked out. But it is simplistic to compare Squillaci with Vidic.

  2. waltersa3

    Apr 13, 2011, 21:01 #5102

    agree with much of your piece however you totally get it wrong in comparing schillachi and koscielney to vidic and ferdinand they should be compared to smalling ,evans and o,shea who are man u,s cover at centre back and are they better than our cover i,m not u protect their defence much better from midfield where we,re light in players with defensive quality only (one good season)song is that type and he,s been poor this season.i agree we need a centre back to come in the squad though.

  3. Ogsimon

    Apr 13, 2011, 12:22 #5061

    I am sorry but having 4 top class centre backs is just not feasible, look at the top 3 clubs in this league and you will see that each team has 2-3 top quality centre backs at most with a weaker 4th choice. I do agree that a centre back should have been bought in Janurary when Vermaelen's injury problems became desperate. However there is no way you can justify spending 15-20 Million pound on a centre back (Gary Cahill) to be third/fourth choice. I do think that Squillaci could be replaced by a younger prospect in the squad, or someone with more pace.

  4. G Mesitis

    Apr 13, 2011, 9:59 #5054

    Arsenal should take a good long look at the way they support our beloved team... We have the WORST home support between all top tier teams. Get behind the team more in home games you spoiled brads!!

  5. Edward Drake

    Apr 13, 2011, 9:23 #5050

    What has set us apart from other clubs since our move to Highbury, and more importantly since Herbert Chapamn became our manager, is the class and tradition and The Arsenal Way. So we as fans should make it our duty to demonstrate this. Remember who you are and who you represent. Think before you speak. We dont all have to be fans (fanatical is by its defintion - motivated or characterized by an extreme, uncritical enthusiasm or zeal, as in religion or politics) as this is too much, too over the top and emotive. Why not just concentrate on being supporters and support the club. Enought of the in house bickering and all this AKB nonsense. Read your history, have some pride and remember football is a game we are meant to enjoy. And, although not good enough as sport is all about winning, it is also about taking part. If we were in Wigans position in the table I would agree with your comments. But we are not. We are 2nd. What worrys me is when the powers that be at our club who have kept us where we are start taking comments and opinions like these to heart and leave us. Then we may just see the grass is not always greener. Perspective. We are the 3rd most successful club in English football behind Man Utd and Liverpool. We have had seasons where we have won a trophy on 23 occassions out of 125. So ignore the media as they have always loved knocking us. That is by everyones reckoning 102 years of failure. But we have the longest unbroken run in the top flight of football since 1919. So how can we be consistent and a failure all at once?! Dont let sky sports fool you. Ever since TV coverage of football began with a live screening of Arsenal v Arsenal reserves in the 30's we have been the club everyone loves to hate and knock, because of the success and class. Get a grip. Victoria Concordia Crescit.

  6. Goonerjon

    Apr 13, 2011, 7:21 #5041

    Wisdom after the 20/20 hindsight, you can't beat it. I've no love for Dennis Hill-Wood but there is one Arsenal tradition worth keeping alive and that's class which is sadly absent in your asterisk laden invective even though some of what you say is perfectly sound. We're now owned by an American who doesn't have our depth of feeling for the club and it's up to us, the fans, to show what it is a classy fashion....

  7. colin mason

    Apr 13, 2011, 1:07 #5040

    What all these AW lovers forget when he took over the club he had a team of winners and motivators who taught the foreign players the Arsenal way when they left the likes of Viera Pires Henry Llungberg were Arsenal through and through now they have left the team is leaderless no motivators full of average french players and the sad thing is AW will only bring in more of these overrated players for next season when you can comment that you'd quite happily settle to finish 2nd every year tells us the difference between AW and SAF

  8. X

    Apr 12, 2011, 22:43 #5038

    Your argument is riddled with logical flaws from the get-go. The journalist's question was in regards to "some fans" and Arsene responds to that. You conflate that group of fans with ALL fans, saying "so the fans' judgement is 'superficial' is it Arsene?" and that "We are the most important asset to this great club." Well actually, no, Arsene isn't showing the arrogance you claim by disagreeing with you, and the club will continue to exist without you.

  9. Gooner87

    Apr 12, 2011, 22:28 #5037

    Pretty spot on. Wenger does get very defensive sometimes, i understand as there are idiots out there calling for a complete overhaul but if Wenger listened to the majority he'd realise that there are sensible suggestion amongst some of the comments . We don't need much in fact i beleive we could get rid of a few players. Rosicky- not the same since injury, ok maybe experienced but not really in the Premier league. Give Vela a chance in his place i say. Denilson- Not as bad as everyone makes out i just think with Ramsey, Diaby,Wilshire and Lansbury all competing he doesn't give us anything particuarly different that those players can't, and they do it better in my opinion. Bentdner- Now im not slating him in fact i've spent so many years defending him. I still think Bentdner can be world class, he shows glimpses. However having not featured regularly i think it has hindered his development. Personally Wenger dropped the ball with this one and should have loaned him out to a prem side for a couple of seasons back, then i think you'd see him become the player he thinks he is. Unfortunately it seems too late to do that now and i can't see Bentdner devloping enough to take over the mantle with his current playing time. Almunia- don't really need to state a case.But i'd have Lehmann anyday just due to his exp and you can tell he's like a father figure. With those players gone i think we could promote through some of the outstanding players on loan eg Lansbury, Vela and maybe Coquelin or Frimpong. Then buy an experienced Centre Back whose happy to be bit part player but be good enough when called on. Like Campbell when he came back to us. My shout is Richard Dunne, has had a bad season but problems with staff seems to be the reason, could be very cheap for that reason. I'm sure Wenger could get the best of him though and get him to the form of a season ago. Striker- World class to push RVP and come in for him when he's injured. Would be nice if our new owner bought us a welcome gift ! Lukaku would be brilliant and has the potential to lead the Arsenal line. Cavani has been prolific and it is something Arsenal should break the bank for if they can. But we need another Henry tbh someone who can do it all and is prolific if we find even a player half as good who stays fit for the whole season we'd win the league.

  10. nugs

    Apr 12, 2011, 22:17 #5036

    hypocrite our love is for arsenal the arsenal the football club not wenger or hillwood by comparing this to turning on your family is laughable you plank

  11. Gooner Tom

    Apr 12, 2011, 21:49 #5035

    To the above posts, It doesn't mean that I'm not a proper fan or that I'm a Glory hunter - It shows I care about the club we all love. If all of our fans were as passionate as me and most of the others who have commented below, our top class stadium (and former one) wouldn't be branded 'The library'. Fair point regarding 1st and 2nd choice Centre half pairings, but the fact remains - We need more cover and depth.

  12. Hypocrite

    Apr 12, 2011, 21:04 #5034

    Hypocrite At the essence of it your post you spend 90% of it bagging the man and then you say "Oh, by the way I love the man and he has done great for the club". If Arsenal is truly "in your blood" we could then liken it to your family, would you turn on your own family like this or would you say "Yes, I understand my mother/father... are not perfect BUT they are my family and I love them"!! That's love, not the drivel you are blurting about.

  13. ppp

    Apr 12, 2011, 20:57 #5033

    to the writer of this shameful article... ah diddums! the club you claim to support hasn't won anything for a few years so you cry like a little baby. meanwhile the rest of us get on with supporting the team against the likes of you. go and support man u or chelsea - leave the arsenal to the arsenal boys & girls. we don't won't you anymore - sell your ticket.

  14. bunch

    Apr 12, 2011, 17:19 #5029

    Ed- Don't know what happend to my post can you append the following: Take your point on PHW, but if he was such an irrelevance, why do the press quote him, why is he splurting this stuff at such a sensitive time for the fans and whay has Kroenke welcomed his continued role as chairman? And this "Jam tomorrow" stuff you talk about is only a short step away from "Next year for sure.." and then we've have fully turned into Spurs fans.

  15. chris dee

    Apr 12, 2011, 16:56 #5027

    Justified anger. Arsene's very clever with his answers but he can fool all of the people some of the time,but he can't all the people all of the time. What is success he asks. Arsene,success is adding another date around the stadium after the date 2005.

  16. Theo's Underpants Designer

    Apr 12, 2011, 16:40 #5026

    His father Denis did well in the role but what exactly has Peter Hill Wood done for Arsenal in the 30 odd years he's been Chairman, except sell of his (inherited) shares at almost every opportunity, whilst insulting both players and fans of the club? And you want us to show him respect? Sorry matey but this is the 21st Century now and us common working folk are no longer obliged to do such a thing to 'that sort' who only got the position because of an accident of birth.!!!

  17. JJB

    Apr 12, 2011, 16:14 #5024

    bunch you are silly Im afraid. Hill-Wood is a figurehead chairman, he comes out with cringing statements after his lunch time port. Why does anyone pay any attention to it? His views are not really representative of the club, if the manager or the CEO calls the fans "silly" then I would have muhc more issue with that. When will you people learn! Just ignore Hill-wood! Im thankful of everything he has done for the club but his time is drawing to an end, let him have his 2 cent's worth, to be fair he has probably earned it but dont pay any attention. I know alot of you so called fans just want to beat your angry drum but be realistic would you.....hill-wood is hardly a worthwhile target!! BTW please stop quoting the season ticket prices! Arsenal is a LONDON club, it will always have the highest prices, if spurs maintained a champions league presence you would see their prices go up as-well, if you dont want to pay it then give up your ticket!! I understand your concerns but again you are obsessed with the short term, 6 yrs is nothing! We will win trophies and we will do it the Arsenal way, you have been spoiled like most fans with overachievement and that is the managers fault! Look at what we have done with the money spent and the stadium move! Wenger is a frustrating man, and my patience is wearing thin but in 5-10 years time we will look back and recognise what he did for the club, and i dont mean the titles in the early naughties but the fact he has set opur club up for the long term and done it with small resources compared to the teams we are above!

  18. Nick

    Apr 12, 2011, 15:27 #5023

    Ive supported Arsenal for 48years and i cant remember a time when theres been so much division and acrimony between fans, lets get it straight if you pay to watch a team ,if their your at the core of your being and even if you cant afford to go to games very often and watch on tv you have a RIGHT!! to an opinion but keep it civil dont tell someone who has a different view to you to go and support spurs whatever view they have they have it because they care we all want to win things to shut up the cocky swine at manure and the chavs and the twats from ****e fart lane but remember united we stand divided we fall.

  19. bunch

    Apr 12, 2011, 14:31 #5020

    JJB, whatever the Hill-Wood family have done in the past for the club, the latest in the line cannot be defended for calling fans "silly" for voicing undertandable concerns about the mnager's approach after 6 trophyless seasons. We fund the club through our tickets. Perhaps fans are silly, because paying £1000 plus a year to fund numerous gutless capitulations is pretty daft.

  20. Darnnn

    Apr 12, 2011, 13:48 #5019

    How can you compare two 2nd choice Arsenal centre backs with two united first choice. I think its safe to say that Kos and Squill are a worse combination than Kos and Djourou look at the stats and if Vermealen were fit we'd probably be looking at Verm and Djourou 2gether, surely thats a good enough partnership to win the league? There are different problems at Arsenal but its not strictly at Centre Back, cos if it was, we wouldnt be 2nd with a better defence than United

  21. CD

    Apr 12, 2011, 13:41 #5018

    Lies, damn lies, and statistics is what springs to mind when I think of the current Arsenal PR machine. Your article is spot on Tom, bar the bit about comparing 3rd & 4Th choice centre backs at Manure. The reality is that in general Arsenal (and Wenger in particular) think we are all sheep without a single brain cell between us. Wenger is so arrogant with that ultra superior attitude, which has been caused by years of people at the club fawning all over him, that he now actually views anybody who has the cheek to ask a pertinent question of him as an ignorent imbecile as we should only worship his ways and opinions otherwise we are not true Arsenal fans ala Hill-Woods description of us mere plebs. After all they only want our money and not our opinion! As your article says a total PR disaster by the club and Wenger, but not suprising in the least as they do not inhabit the real world as we do!

  22. WALLAS

    Apr 12, 2011, 13:21 #5017

    Suprised by your analysis. Koscienly has been wonderful in his first season. we have 3 good goal keepers. Wojciech, Fabianski, and Vito. Wenger should have signed a short term CB with TV's heel not healing soon that I agree.

  23. JJB

    Apr 12, 2011, 13:18 #5016

    Another poor article written by another angry little man. You obviously have no idea about the history and heritage of this club, the directors you are quick to slag off are the main reason the club has maintainted its values for over 100years! Yes they are old-etonians and are disconnecting from the fans but to be honest its more their club than yours and you might want to be a tiny bit thankful that our club is not anywhere near the same problems as our rivals.........Typical short term fan with no clue of history or the possibilties for the future

  24. Matt

    Apr 12, 2011, 13:12 #5015

    Unfortunately the point you are trying to make is diminished due to the rather bitter and crass manner in which you express it. Those that are encouraging this ridiculous ideological war between AKB/AON are damaging the club's image and are as ignorant as each other. Also, why compare our 3rd/4th choice centre-backs with Man Utd's first choice pairing? We might as well compare 5th choice goalkeepers if we are going down that route.

  25. Peter Wilday

    Apr 12, 2011, 12:49 #5013

    Spot on sir! You hit the nail right on the head. Couldn't agree with you more!

  26. Andy

    Apr 12, 2011, 12:42 #5012

    I think 'Gooner Tom' should go and read the Arsenal history books and look at the long-standing tradition of our fine club before calling Peter Hill-Wood names that can only be written on a family website with asterisks.

  27. Richard Ansell

    Apr 12, 2011, 12:41 #5010

    Well said Tom. Wenger is completely out of touch with the core Arsenal supporters. Don't get me started on Hill-Wood!

  28. Rickthegooner

    Apr 12, 2011, 12:21 #5007

    I am not part of the AKB brigade, but you are still going to get it from me. The Online Gooner should change it's name to the online Moaner !!!! I have not read a positive article from this publication for what seems forever !!!!!! Wenger is stubbon. Yes i'm not disputing that, but what he said in reply to the question is correct !!!! Player that have been linked heavily with us in recent months like Cahill are on top form. But when he was bought by his current club, he was just potential !!! He has improved and developed !!! The two centre backs you are bad mouthing are in their 1st full season in the premier league !! Many players take time to adapt !! Now it seems to me you are attacking Wenger because of his successes !!!! Just because TV arrived last season and settled straight in, that means that every player you buy must do the same. For me, by this logik, Samir should have been f**ked off out of it after one season. We would have missed the development of him into one of the best players in the division !!!!! I am not saying we should not buy players !!! What I am saying is let Wenger get on with it and get off his back. His record of buying players is as good as anyone !! better than most !! If you think you can do better than him, put in your application form pal. A bit of life advise for you mate !! You might be happier if you go through your moaning sad life imagining your glass is half full rather than half empty !!!!! What great supporters do is get behind their teams in difficult times. At Blackpool at the weekend I was talking to a cabbie, he told me that Carlie Adams deserved his move to Liverpool. That he had done wonders for the club. That he wished him well. Can you honestly say YOU would feel like that if one of our players was moving on to pastures new !!!! I don't think so, you would moan and groan about if for years your sour little git !!!!!! Go support Spurs !!!!

  29. Jenkinson

    Apr 12, 2011, 12:14 #5006

    Just because you'love' Arsene Wenger' doesn't mean you are not a class-obsessed paranoid who is clearly ignorant beyond your own comprehension about football. It is certainly best to ignore you , you silly man.

  30. Jekyll

    Apr 12, 2011, 12:08 #5005

    Wenger knows no one wants him to kick Verm, Djourou and Chezzers out. He's using 'straw man' techniques, i.e. deliberately misrepresenting his critic's argument in order to discredit it. He does it all the time, such as with the 'no one thought we would be in the top 5' comment. He is being disingenuous, warping the argument. He's a spin doctor, a politician. He's actually insulting his audience - he thinks we're not intelligent enough to see through what he's doing.

  31. oldgooner

    Apr 12, 2011, 12:07 #5004

    Your vocabulary tells us everything about the sort of people who spout this nonsense.

  32. Pro Arsenal

    Apr 12, 2011, 12:00 #5003

    I disagree. What Wenger is Simply saying is that he sees these players day in and day out and although many may have an opinion of how to run the Arsenal side, no one will be more qualified or with the required knowhow than Arsene himself. But I agree Wenger is the man to lead us to glory as I (unlike many Arsenal fans) think he is a genius..... Look - to fix a problem in the team isn't always about throwing money at it. We conceded alot of goals last season and have improved that record this season. I actually think when TV returns our defence will be as strong as anybody elses in the prem. With Frimpong back where we are lacking is depth in real quality up front. That special striker. I would say Eto would be perfect for us......

  33. dave

    Apr 12, 2011, 12:00 #5002

    You must however compare first choice to first choice, Squillaci and Koscielny than Ferdinand and Vidic this not fair, JD and TV against Ferdinand and Vidic is much more fair. I agree we need some signings, but am not sure that Schwarzer would have won us the league, or Joe Hart or Given. We are currently on our fifth choice Goalkeeper!!!

  34. Sheriff

    Apr 12, 2011, 12:00 #5001

    I agree 100% with your article...No one has moaned about Djorou, TV and Chesney...what everyone has moaned about are our spanish waiter (Alumina) and our own French Chuckle brothers (Koscielny and Squillaci)..I still believe Squillaci wasnt bought for his defensive qualities but because he was French cause thats the only explanation you can give for spending money on him...

  35. Gooner Zee

    Apr 12, 2011, 11:59 #5000

    Get a grip Tom you're making yourself look like a tool. Firstly, what's with the AKB? Why the need to label EVERYONE who disagrees with you as someone who goes along with everything Wenger says? Your logic is flawed and this is why: If TV and JD are our first CB pairing, that makes Squil and Kos 4th and 3rd. Who're the 3rd and 4th choice at ManU? Surely not Vidic and Rio. Try more like Evans and Smalling. Hardly world class. By the way Kos is harldy sub-standard - when him and JD played together this year, we barely lost a game. Squil is not bad as 4th choice either. I'd have him in my team over Evans any time. Anyways, this is exactly the point Arsene was making - superficial judgement by fans believing everything they read. Clichés like 'world class', 'lack of leadership', etc. are being accepted without using one's own head for a second.

  36. iwasthere

    Apr 12, 2011, 11:55 #4999

    Not an AKB or an AON person - I see things will both perspectives and understand both opposites. There are valid points to be made about AW's press conference(s) and often condescending comments. However you lose a little ground in the argument when you compare ManUtd #1&2 CD with our #3&4 -Compare like for like and then ask the question...

  37. mohamed

    Apr 12, 2011, 11:51 #4998

    fully agree with the comments i cld not write better myself.its look like what AW wants not what the club shd do/perform.

  38. James Hemmingway

    Apr 12, 2011, 11:50 #4997

    Not much wrong with this whatsoever. Good article.

  39. Steve of Chiang Mai

    Apr 12, 2011, 11:49 #4996

    One thing you may have overlooked was there was nothing AW could do about strengthening his team last Friday but there was a few things he could do to support them in the face of a constant barrage of invective from a section of the media and many of the so-called fans. A cursory glance of the blogs reveal a plethora of "Which crap Arsenal player would you ditch this summer" blogs or "How Arsenal's season is a disaster" pieces and the fact that Arsene set the record straight was a welcome sight. Sadly it hurt your feelings and for that, Precious,I hope you feel better soon!

  40. Arsenal Future Manager

    Apr 12, 2011, 11:49 #4995

    Yes i would rather have Vermealen, Koscienly, Djorou n a new defender, than rio vidic smalling evans, u know why? just look at the stats and see what kos n djorou alone have done(conceded less dan manu even wiv all the injury n its just kos 1st season) now imagine vermaelen n sum1 like cahill with kos n djorou as back up. have faith